We have added to our existing posts. Perhaps most importantly, we have added 52 links to digital books that can be downloaded and 47 that can be viewed online.
[1853] Pierre Lacour: The manufacture of liquors, wines and cordials, without the aid of distillation. Also the manufacture of effervescing beverages and syrups, vinegar, and bitters. Prepared and arranged expressly for the trade. New York, 1853.
[1863] John Rack: The French wine and liquor manufacturer. A practical guide and receipt book for the liqueur merchant, being a clear and comprehensive treatise on the manufacture and imitation of brandy, rum, gin and whiskey: with practical observations and rules for the manufacture and management of all kinds of wine, by mixing, boiling, and fermentation, as practiced in Europe: including complete instructions for manufacturing champagne wine, and the most approved methods for making a variety of cordials, liqueurs, punch essences, bitters, and syrups … . New York, 1863
[1866]Pierre Duplais: Traité de la fabrication des liqueurs et de la distillation des alcools, … suivi du traité de la fabrication des eaux et boissons gazeuses et de la description complète des opérations nécessaires pour la distillation des alcools. Tome premier. Paris, 1866.
[1867] Anonymus: The American Barkeeper, containing experimental knowlede and elements of succes, acquired in the management of the most popular bars throughout the United States.San Francisco, 1867
[1874] Anonymus: The American bar-tender; or the art and mystery of mixing drinks, together with observations on the qualities of wines, liquors and cigars. To which is appended several hundred toasts. New York, 1874.
[1879]Anonymus: Drinks and how to make them. Yeatman’s Calisayine cocktail bitters, the prince of pick-me-ups. A delicious liqueur bitters. An appetiser, an exhilarant, and a constitutional renovator. (1879 ?).
[1884] Charlie Paul: American and other drinks. Containing the most approved recipes, for making the principal “drinks” used in the United States and throughout the world. London, 1884.
1885 Anonymus (Lafcadio Hearn): La cuisine creole. A collection of culinary recipes. From leading chefs and noted Creole housewives, who have made New Orleans famous for its cuisine. Second edition, 1885.
[1888] Lebeaud Fontanelle & Julia de Fontenelle: Nouveau manuel complet du distillateur liquoriste contenant l’art de fabriquer les sirops, esprits parfumés, huiles essentielles, eaux distilèes, ratafias et hypocras renfermant toutes les recettes et formules de liqueurs distillées et par infusion le plus généralement en usage, ainsi que la prépáration des fruits a l’eau-de-vie et au sirop; suivi de la fabrication des alcoolats employés en parfumerie et préparés par le liquoriste. Nouvelle edition, entièrement refondue par M. F. Malepeyre. Paris, 1868.
[1891] William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American bartender. The only practical treatise on the art of mixology published. Containing mearly four hundred standard recipes for the mixing of absinthes, cocktails, coolers, cobblers, crustas, fixes, flips, fizzes, hot drinks, lemonades, punches, sangarees, shakes, toddies, etc. San Francisxo, 1891
[1894] Geo. H. Stevens: B. A. Stevens, Catalogue of billiard and bar supplies, saloon fittings furniture and general information, comprising the latest recipes and directions for mixing and serving drinks, preparing and manufacturing beverages, rules for cards, billiards, and popular games, together with other miscellaneous statistics, facts and information, and a complete list of goods used in the billard and saloon business. Iintended as a standard book of reference for the billiard and bar trade. Toledo, Ohio, 1894.
[1910] Anonymus: The liqueur compounder’s handbook of recipes for the manufacture of liqueurs, alcoholic cordials and compounded spirits. Seventh edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1910.
[1921] A. Castoldi: Il Liquorista – Duemila ricette e procedimenti pratici per la composizione e fabbricazione dei liquori. Quarta edizione rimodernata. Milano 1921.
[1921] Olivier Mayor: Le barman. Guide du llimonadier & du restaurateur. Composition des boissons françaises, anglaises et américaines, (cocktails). Paris, (1921).
[1934]A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Ein Lehrbuch für Bartender und Mixer, mit einem Anhang einer Sammlung erprobter und international bekannter Rezepte, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Standard-Rezepte. Dresden, (1934).
[1966] Patrick Gavin Duffy & James A. Beard: The Standard bartender’s Guide by Patrick Gavin Duffy. Revised and enlarged by James A. Beard. 24th printing, 1966.
[1855] P. Duplais:Traité des liqueurs et de la distillation des alcools ou le liquoriste & le distillateur modernes contenant Les precédés les plus nouveaux por la Fabrication des Liqueurs françaises et étrangères; Fruits à l’eau-de-vie et au sucre; Sirops, Conserves, Eaux, Esprits parfumés, Vermouts et Vins de Liqueur; Anisi que la description compléte des operations necessaires pour la distillation de touts les alcools. Tome Premier. Versailles & Paris, 1855.
[1862] Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide, A Complete Cyclopædia of Plain and Fancy Drinks, Containing Clear and Reliable Directions for Mixing All the Beverages Used in the United States, Together with the Most Popular British, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish Recipes, Embracing Punches, Juleps, Cobblers, Etc., Etc., Etc., in Endless Variety. To Which is Appended a Manual For The Manufacture of Cordials, Liquors, Fancy Syrups, Etc., Etc., After the Most Approved Methods Now Used in the Destillation of Liquors and Beverages, Designed For the Special Use of Manufacturers and Dealers in Wines and Spirits, Grocers, Tavern-Keepers, and Private Families, the Same Being Adapted to the Tteade of The United States and Canadas. The Whole Containing Over 600 Valuable Recipes by Christian Schultz. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald, 1862.
[1876] Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide; or, How to Mix All Kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks, Containing Clear and Reliable Directions for Mixing All the Beverages Used in the United States, Together with the Most Popular British, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish Recipes; Embracing Punches, Juleps, Cobblers, Etc., Etc., Etc., in Endless Variety. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald, 1876.
[1884] Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. The Art of Mixing Cocktails, Punches, Egg Noggs, Smashes, Sngarees, Slings, Cobblers, The Fizz, Juleps, Flips, Toddys, Crustas, and All Plain and Fancy Drinks in the Most Approved Style. Together With Other Information Necessary to Bartenders. Philadelphia, Crawford & Co., 1884.
[1900] Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders’ Manual or: How to Mix Drinks of the Present Style, Containing Valuable Instructions and Hints by the Author in Reference to the Management of a Bar, a Hotel and a Restaurant; also a Large List of Mixed Drinks, including American, British, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, etc., with Illustrations and a Comprehensive Description of Bar Utensils, Wines, Liquors, Ales, Mixtures, etc., etc. Revised Edition. New York City, 1900.
[1903] V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide or How To Mix All Kind of Drinks containing Clear and Practical Directions for Mixing all Kinds of Drinks and Beverages Served in First-Class Clubs, Hotels, Buffets, etc. to which is added Complete Directions and Recipes for making all Kinds of Domestic Wines, Liquors, Brandies, Beers, Cordials, Syrups, Extracts, Etc. including Toast Suitable for All Occasions. Chicago, M. A. Donohue & Co., 1903.
[1904] Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks and How to Mix Them. Containing Clear and Practical Directions for Mixing All Kinds of Cocktails, Sours, Egg Nog, Sherry Cobblers, Coolers, Absinthe, Crustas, Fizzes, Flips, Juleps, Fixes, Punches, Lemonades, Pousse Cafes, Invalids’ Drinks, Etc., Etc. New York, Excelsior Publishing House, 1904.
[1919] Albert A. Hopkins: Home Made Beverages. The Manufacture of Non-Alcoholic and Alcoholic Drinks in the Household. New York, The Scientific American Publishing Company, 1919.
[1933] Anonymus: Hollywood’s Favorite Cocktail Book Including the Favorite Cocktail Served at Each of the Smartest Stars’ Rendezvous. 3. Druck. Hollywood, Buzza-Cardozo, 1933.
[1934] Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders’ Manual or: How to Mix Drinks of the Present Style, Containing Valuable Instructions and Hints by the Author in Reference to the Management of a Bar, a Hotel and a Restaurant; also a Large List of Mixed Drinks, including American, British, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, etc., with Illustrations and a Comprehensive Description of Bar Utensils, Wines, Liquors, Ales, Mixtures, etc., etc. Revised Edition. Newark, Charles E. Graham & Co., 1934.
[1966] Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest (From Private Notes). The Barmen’s Bible. New York, The International Cocktail, Wine and Spirits Digest, Inc., 1966.
1961 Pedro Chicote: El bar en el mundo. Seite 169. Marina Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo pi- cado. Unas gotas de Orange bit- ters. 1/4 de copita de jerez. 2/3 de copita de vermouth italiano. Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
Violet syrup was already an ingredient for mixed drinks in those days. William Salomon published a recipe for a kind of punch in 1694: “Diatessaron Potabile, The Julep of four Things. Bate.] ℞ Spirit of French Wine or French Brandy ℥iv. Juice of Limons ℥ij. Syrup of Violets ℥v. fair Water ℥xij. mix and make a Julep, of a grateful Taste: To be drank before the Febrile Paroxysm. Salomon.] §1. This is in truth but a kind of small Punch … .”
He refers to a Latin edition from 1688: “Diatessaron Potabile. ℞ Sp. V. Gallici ℥iiii. Succ. limon. ℥ii. Syr. Viol ℥v. Hydropeg. ℥xii. n. f. Julap. gratum, ante paroxysmos febriles bibendum.”
1900 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 97. Whisky And Ginger Ale.
Verre no 10. Pour servir un whisky ginger ale, prendre Ie verre no 10, y mettre un morceau de glace. Déboucher une demi ou une bouteille de ginger ale, la placer dans un porte-soda, passer au consommateur uvec une bouteille de whisky. Faire même pour brandy et gin ginger ale.
1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #142-24. High Ball or Low Ball.
Whiskey and seltzer served in a long thin glass is known by both of the above appellations. A Scotch High Ball is Scotch whiskey and seltzer, etc., etc.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegbert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 28. High Ball.
Place in a high ball glass. 1 piece of nicely cut ice. 1 fresh piece of lemon peel. Place a glass and bottle on bar for customer to help himself; then pour the liquor in high ball glass and fill up with seltzer, or any water the customer may desire; place spoon in glass, and serve.
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks. Seite 61. Highball.
A long, thin glass of any kind of liquor mixed with an effervescent liquid is called a Highball. A Brandy and Soda is a Brandy Highball; Scotch and Soda is a Scotch Highball, and Gin and Ginger Ale is a Gin and Ginger Ale Highball.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 53. Lionel.
Whisky . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Ginger Ale . . . . . 1/2 jigger Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 20. Bordever.
Whisky . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Ginger Ale . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over and serve.
1933 Anonymus: Cocktails. Their Kicks and Side-Kicks. Seite 26. Highballs.
All Highballs are made as follows: Use 7 oz. tumbler; add 1 lump of ice; 1 measure of any spirit or wine desired; fill glass with charged water. If Ginger Ale is used instead of charged water it should only be with Gin, Rye and Bourbon.
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 77. Highballs.
Les «Highballs» se préparent d’habitude avec du gin, whisky, brandy, bacardi, rhum, etc., et s’appellent alors «Straight gin Highball» selon qu’on emploie le gin ou une liqueur quelconque. On les sert également avec comme base un jus de fruit selon le goût ou la saison des fruits. Ces drinks sont toujours servis dans un grand verre tumbler auquel on ajoute un ou plusieurs morceaux de glace, la liqueur ou le jus de fruits demandés et on remplit le verre avec de l’eau gazeuse bien froide. Certaines personnes y ajoutent encore une pelure de citron pressée.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 371. Highball.
Dies ist ein «long-drink» und wird in einem grossen Tumbler serviert. Er besteht im allgemeinen aus einem Stückchen Roheis, einem Glas Spirituosen, einem Stück Zitronenschale und Ginger-Ale. Die Highballs sind eine Abweichung der «Sodas». (Siehe Grundrezept auf Seite 262.)
Seite 362. Die Highballs.
Grundrezept: In einen grossen Tumbler gibt man 50 gr. der gewünschten Flüssigkeit, 1 eigrosses Stück Roheis und füllt auf mit Ginger-Ale. Umrühren und ein fingerlanges Stück Zitronenschale beifügen. Mit Barlöffel servieren.
1954 Marcel Pace: Nos Meilleures boissons. Highballs.
Dans le tumbler glace In tumbler glace ice 7 cl. spiritueux au choix 1 1/2 oz liquor of choice emplir avec du Perrier, fill up with Perrier, de l’Indian Tonic ou du Ginger Ale Indian Tonic or Ginger Ale
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 129. Highballs.
Place in a 10-ounce glass ice cubes and 1 or 2 jiggers of any of the liquors listed below. Fill up with Soda Water or plain Water and, if desired, garnish with twist of Lemon Peel. Applejack Bourbon Brandy Gin Irish Whiskey Rum Rye Whiskey Scotch Whisky Note: Occasionally such Wines as Dubonnet, etc. are used to make highballs in the same manner.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 112. Highballs.
All literate Americans know that a highball is a jigger of whisky (or other spirit) in a tall glass with ice and soda. Not all Americans know that outside the continental limits of the U.S., at least in the dark regions still unenlightened by our Army, Navy, or Air Force, a whisky-soda auto matically calls for Scotch. And the younger generations of Americans may not even be aware that in the time of Taft I and Roosevelt I, in some regions even later, rye highballs were made with ginger ale.
1960 Anonymus: Recetas para cocteles. Seite 37. Highball.
En un vaso alto de 10 onzas. 2 cubitos de hielo 11/2 onzas de Ron, Coñac o Whiskey Llénese el vaso con agua, agua de soda o gin- ger ale.
1964 Anonymus: Peter Pauper’s Drink Book. Seite 40. The Highball.
The Highball is a standard drink both before and after dinner. It can be made with scotch, rye, bourbon, rum or brandy. It is made with 11/2 ounces of liquor, (or a bit more), 2 big cubes of ice, and club soda, ginger ale or other carbonated water. It is normally served in an 8-ounce glass. Many drinkers prefer the glass only one-half or two-thirds filled with soda-water. Scotch, bourbon and brandy are usually served with soda, but some people prefer plain water. Rye is usually served with ginger ale. Rum is frequently served with cola in- stead of soda. Note that soda, seltzer, charged water and carbonated water are all essentially the same thing and can be used interchangeably in Highballs and other drinks. Drinks made with carbonated waters should never be vigorously stirred.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 192. Highballs.
Use medium size glass. 1 Lump of Ice. 1 Glass of any Spirit, Liqueur or Wine desired. Fill glass with syphon soda water or split of soda. Ginger Ale can be used if preferred. Add twist of Lemon Peel if desired.
Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York, was founded in 1634 as Breukelen by the Dutch, and borders Manhattan.
In the absence of a vermouth, it seems that ‘vermouth flavour’ and ‘vermouth syrup’ were also used, because in a book from 1932, these are used instead of vermouth.
Nevertheless, a brief excursion to these namesakes is permitted. The lawyer Henry Wellington Wack, for example, invented a Brooklyn cocktail at the Nassau Hotel in Long Beach on the evening of 1 September 1910, and he thought it could stand alongside the Manhattan Cocktail and the Bronx Cocktail, and that Brooklyn finally had its own cocktail. He praised it with the words: “The ‘Brooklyn’ is the nearest approach to the ambrosial nectar of the gods that the magical compounder of liquid, ventricular inspiration has s o far produced for the gustatory gratification of man-kind. It fits the throat like a velvet flame and plumps into one’s stomach with a merry laugh. It sharpens the appetite and the wits and dulls the edge of malice. It sends worry scampering down the alleys of the past. When the ‘Brooklyn’ becomes our national drink, riches and poverty will dance on the grave of trouble.” His mixture consisted of 3 parts gin, one part each of French and Italian vermouth and half to a third of raspberry syrup. Others, however, were more critical of this Brooklyn: “The raspberry syrup seemed to be the barrier over which they could not get lightly. “It sounds all right,” said a bartender at the Hoffman House, “but it would take a steward to make it. Why not put vanilla in it instead of raspberry? Why clutter up a perfectly good cocktail with a lot of extraneous matter?” At the Waldorf-Astoria, where “the cocktail, hour” has been an institution ever since the hotel was opened, the syrup was also in disfavor. “All he forgot was the Ice cream,” said one of the bartenders. At an experiment station far removed from the Broadway zone a hard working bartender was asked to give his verdict. “If I lived in Brooklyn,” said he testily, “I’d stick to beer.””
Apparently, however, all Brooklyn Cocktails were not particularly well known or popular, at least in Brooklyn, because in 1924 the Brooklyn Daily Eagle wrote: “IN THE days when cocktails were legally permitted the names given to the drinks became famous. “Martini” and “Manhattan” were premiers among the nomenclature of the concoctions, and later by the addition of orange juice the “Bronx” was added to the list. Many attempts were made to advertise this boro by the use of a Brooklyn cocktail, but while many efforts were made the City of Churches failed to secure a drink that warranted the name of Brooklyn.«
The Butchertown is also a good example of how some drinks are invented several times in ignorance of each other. It is very similar to the Up-to-Date cocktail that Hugo Ensslin used to make:
1917 Hugo R. Ensslin: Recipes for Mixed Drinks. Seite 33. Up To Date Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine 1/2 Rye Whiskey 2 dashes Angostura Bitters 2 dashes Grand Marnier Shake well in a mixing glass with cracked ice, strain and serve.
1926 W. Slagter: Cocktails. Seite 71. Up to date Cocktail.
Vult den Shaker met eenige stukjes ijs Het Sap van een halven Sinaasappel 1/3 Cocktailglas Liqueur de Mandarine Wijnand Fockink 1/3 Cocktailglas Oranjebitter Wijnand Fockink. Behandeling als recept No. 87.
Seite 38. No. 87. Absinth Cocktail.
Behandeling: Bovenstaande goed vermengen en ver- koelen en zonder het ijs in een Cocktail- glas doen. Knijpt de olie uit een stukje Citroenschil, al boven de Cocktail hou- dende en legt deze op den rand van het glas. Zie ook inleiding No. 86.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 165. Up-To-Date Cocktail.
2 Dashes Grand Marnier. 2 Dashes Angostura Bitters. 1/2 Sherry. 1/2 Canadian Club Whisky. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 101. Aurorita-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: 3 ó 4 pedacitos de hie- lo. 1 cucharada pequeña de Gran Marnier. 1/2 cucharada pequeña de Jerez. 1/2 cucharada pequeña de whisky. Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail, con una corteza de naranja.
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks. Seite 188. Up-to-Date Cocktail.
2 dashes Grand Marnier, 2 dashes Angostura, 1/2 Sherry, 1/2 Canadian Club Whisky.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 165. Up-To-Date Cocktail.
2 Dashes Grand Marnier. 2 Dashes Angostura Bitters. 1/2 Sherry. 1/2 Canadian Club Whisky. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual [collectic1806]. Seite 128. Up-to-Date Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine 1/2 Rye Whiskey 2 Dashes Angostura Bitters 2 Dashes Grand Marnier Stir well with cracked ice and strain. Use glass number 1
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 170. Up-To-Date.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 372. Up To Date Cocktail.
Usese la cocktelera. Unos pedacitos de hielo. Tres gotas de Bitter Angostura. Dos cucharaditas de Grand marnier. 1/2 parte de Jeres Seco Perea. 1/2 parte de Whisky Escocés John Haig. Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 100 gramos.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 115. Up-To-Date – No. 2.
2/5 Rye Whisky 2/5 French Vermouth 1/5 Grand Marnier 1 Dash Angostura Bitters Serve with a piece of Lemon Peel.
1937 United Kingdom Bartenders Guild: Approved Cocktails. Up-To-Date.
40% Rye Whisky. 40% French Vermouth. 20% Grand Marnier. 1 dash Angostura Bitters. Serve with a bit of lemon peel.
1937 William J. Tarling: Café Royal Cocktail Book. Up-To-Date.
2/5 Rye Whisky. 2/5 French Vermouth. 1/5 Grand Marnier. 1 dash Angostura Bitters. Serve with a bit of lemon peel.
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 128. Up-to-Date Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine 1/2 Rye Whiskey 2 Dashes Angostura Bitters 2 Dashes Grand Marnier Stir well with cracked ice and strain. Use glass number 1
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 286. Up-To-Date Cocktail.
3/4 oz. rye or bourbon 2 dashes Angostura bitters 3/4 oz. sherry 2 dashes Grand Marnier Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 34. Up to Date.
1⁄2 jigger Sherry 1⁄2 jigger Rye or Bourbon 2 dashes Grand Marnier 2 dashes Angostura Bitters Shake with cracked ice and strain.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 265. Up-To-Date.
. 1 golpe de Bitter Angostura. Refrescado 10 gramos de Grand Marnier. Servido en una copa de 35 gramos de Whisky Rye. 90 gramos. 35 gramos de Vermouth Fran- . cés.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 86. Up-to-Date.
2/5 Rye Whisky. 2/5 Dry Vermouth. 1/5 Grand Marnier. 1 Dash Angostura. Stir and Strain. Squeeze Lemon Peel on top.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 86. Up-to-Date.
2/5 Rye Whisky. 2/5 Dry Vermouth. 1/5 Grand Marnier. 1 Dash Angostura. Stir and Strain. Squeeze Lemon Peel on top.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 105. Up-to-Date.
1/2 Rye Whiskey 1/2 Sherry 2 Dashes Angostura Bitters 2 Dashes Grand Marnier Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 95. Up-to-Date.
Timbale à mélange, glace 1/2 Canadian Club Whisky 1/2 Sherry 2 traits Angostura 2 traits Grand Marnier Bien remuer en timbale et passer dans verre à cocktail. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 26. Up-To-Date Cocktail.
2 parts rye 1 part sherry 2 dashes Grand Marnier 2 dashes Angostura Stir with ice, strain.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 87. Up-to-Date.
2/5 Rye Whisky. 2/5 Dry Vermouth. 1/5 Grand Marnier. 1 Dash Angostura. Stir and Strain. Squeeze Lemon Peel on top.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 261. Up to Date Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di canadian whisky 1/3 di bicchiere di sherry secco 1 cucchiaino di grand marnier 2 gocce di angostura bitter 2 scorzette di limone senza nulla del bianco interno ghiaccio a cubetti Riempire lo shaker fino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac- cio. Versare il canadian e lo sherry; aggiungere il grand marnier e l’angostura. Chiudere lo shaker, agitarlo vigo- rosamente, farlo riposare un secondo, riprendere infine ad agitare ma lentamente. Servire subito in bicchieri guar- niti con una scorzetta di limone.
1964 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 265. Up-To-Date.
. 1 golpe de Bitter Angostura. Refrescado. 10 gramos de Grand Marnier. Servido en una copa 35 gramos de Whisky Rye. de 90 gramos. 35 gramos de Vermouth Fran- . cés.
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 88. Up-to-Date.
2/5 Rye Whisky. 2/5 Dry Vermouth. 1/5 Grand Marnier. 1 Dash Angostura. Squeeze Lemon Peel on top. MIXING GLASS.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 66. Up-to-Date.
A Dalmore Cigar Malt is also said to work in the Cus d’Amato and is offered like this in Mannheim at the Sieferle & Kø bar. According to Mario Kappes, for a whiskey to work, the proportion of oloroso casks in its maturation is crucial.
At BCB 2022, we found an alternative for the 1993 Glenfarclas that makes a delicious Cus D’Amato. It is the Old Perth, a blend of the finest malt whiskies matured in sherry casks. However, the Strega is not perfectly integrated with it if you use 60 ml – with 70 ml, however, it becomes perfect and a delicious substitute for the original Glenfarclas.
1933 Joseph P. Santana & Charles A. Sasena: Fine Beverages. Seite 23. Honey Dew Cocktail.
Use mixing glass with fine ice Two tablespoonfuls of grapefruit juice One tablespoonful Honey 2 oz. Whiskey Shake well, and serve in large cocktail glass Scotch Whiskey, Gin or Bacardi Rum can be used in place of Whiskey.
1935 Anonymus: Cocktails Recommended. Honey Do Cocktail.
1 jigger CALVERT Whiskey 1/2 jigger Grapefruit Juice 1/2 jigger Honey Shake well with cracked ice, and strain into glass. Mellowish bee-cause of the honey.
1936 Anonymus: Cocktails and Appetizers. Seite 15. Honey Do Cocktail.
1 jigger Whiskey 1/2 jigger Grapefruit Juice 1/2 jigger Honey Shake well with cracked ice, and strain into glass.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 162. Honey Cocktail.
3 glasses rye whisky 2 glasses grapefruit juice . 1 glass honey One of the smoothest whisky cocktails. Comparatively dry, but can be made sweeter by increasing the propor- tion of honey.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 225. Beehive.
Cocktail Glass Shake 1-1/2 oz Bourbon 2 oz grapefruit juice 3/4 oz honey
Besides this version, there are rarely other variants, for example with gin instead of Calvados, or even a mixture of lemon, Charteuse, Swedish Punch, Calvados and Cointreau. They are called Diki-Diki, but they are not. Sometimes the Diki-Diki appears under a different name and is called Dick Molnar.
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 178. Dick Molnar Cocktail.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice 1/6 Swedish Punch 2/3 Calvados Stir well in ice and strain into glass. Use glass number 1
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 214. Diki Diki Cocktail.
Usese la cocktelera. Unos pedacitos de hielo. 8 gotas de jugo de limón. 10 gotas de Chartreuse. 1/6 parte de Swedish Punch. 2/6 parte de Calvados. 3/6 parte de Cointrerau. Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 90 gramos.
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 178. Dick Molnar Cocktail.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice 1/6 Swedish Punch 2/3 Calvados Stir well in ice and strain into glass. Use glass number 1
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 235. Diki-Diki.
1 part Grapefruit Juice 1 part Gin 4 parts Applejack Shake with crushed ice. This is a very dry cocktail. Another version of the Diki-Diki, not so calls dry, calls for Swedish Punch in place of the gin. If this is used, the quantity should be reduced to about 1/2 part. Otherwise, the cocktail will be too sweet.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 59. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
1/6 Grape Fruit Juice. 1/6 Swedish Punch. 2/3 Calvados. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
However, it may be assumed that the tequila version is a variation of the recipe for a Diablo published in 1940 by Hyman Gale and Gerald F. Marco in their book ‘The How and When’. This is virtually the same as an El Diablo, except that a white rum is used instead of tequila. It seems that Trader Vic therefore did not call his recipe Diablo, but Mexican Diablo.
1940 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 182. Diablo.
1/2 ounce Lime Juice 1 1/2 ounce Ronrico White Rum 1/2 ounce Creme de Cassis Shake well with 3 ounces of ice and serve in 10 ounce glass 1/4 full of shaver ice and the rest with large lump ice. Add Ginger Ale, round of lime, red and green cherry. Serve with colored straws.
In this context, we must briefly mention the shrub. The term ‘shrub’ is derived from the Arabic word ‘sharaba’, which means ‘to drink’. It was understood in England to mean “A prepared drink made with the juice of orange or lemon (or other acid fruit), sugar, and rum (or other spirit).”
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word was first mentioned in 1747: in an article entitled »A Method for preserving the Health of the SEAMEN in long Cruizes and Voyages«, written in Plymouth in September 1747, lime juice is also mentioned: “In autumnal Cruizes a Quantity of Apples might be also carried, which, when well chosen, and well put up in dry tight Casks, will keep very good for two or three Months. Even Lemons and Oranges wrap’d in Flannel (or something that will imbibe their exhaling Moisture) kept in close dry Vessels, and pretty cool, may be preserved a long while also; they are sometimes vastly cheap, and would make a very useful Part of the Stores. If this is not so feasible, a Mixture of Lemon Juice and Rum (Shrub, as they call it) may be carried in any Quantity, as it will keep a long Time, and would prove infinitely more wholesome than the nasty fiery poisonous Spirits, which are dealt about so largely in the Navy and elsewhere. By the bye, nothing would more effectually correct the pernicious Qualities of these Spirits than Lemon Juice. In the Case of stinking Water, Juice of Lemon, Elixir of Vitriol, or Vinegar, should be always mix’d with it; which will render it much less unwholesome. The Roman Soldiers drank Posca (viz. Water and Vinegar) for their common Drink, and found it very healthy and useful.”
However, the dictionary is wrong. The term shrub can be traced back to an earlier English book: In 1705, ‘The Pastry-Cook’s Vade-Mecum’ states: “To make an excellent Liquor called Shrub. Take two quarts of the best Brandy, five Limons sliced very thin, the Kernels picked clean out, stop it close in any Glass-Jar, or any close thing for 4 or 5 days; then strain out your Limons, and add to your Liquor one quart of White-wine, three half pints of Water, two pounds of Loaf-Sugar finely beaten, stir the Sugar in till it be melted, then strain it through a thick Flannen, then put it in Bottles, but be sure do not fill the Bottle two full, put it in a cool place.”
In 1743 Elizabeth Moxon, in her book ‘English Housewifery’, reports preserving orange juice by adding sugar and brandy. We see from these two examples that the range of shrubbing is wide. It is not always a mixture of citrus juice, sugar and spirits.
Where there is no precise indication, but only of ‘quinine’, we have assumed that it is quinine sulphate. The basis for this decision is an 1882 text dealing with this subject, which states: »I therefore think when any article is sold with a label describing it as containing so much “quinine,” we are justified in considering the word “quinine” to signify sulphate of quinine«.
Against this background it becomes clear why Charles Hawtrey said to Ada Coleman: “By Jove! That is the *real* hanky-panky!“, because before that the hanky-panky only existed as a fantasy cocktail in a play.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 58. Highball.
Use medium size fizz glass. Two or three lumps clear ice. One wine-glass Scotch whiskey. Fill glass with cold vichy. Use the liquor the customer asks for.
Hugo Richard Ensslin was not a special bartender. He was not employed in a famous hotel, but in a second-rate New York hotel. His name never appeared in the newspapers and he was not talked about in New York. So it is that we know very little about him. He was of medium height and build, had brown hair and brown eyes. From immigration documents and the census, we know that he was born somewhere in Württemberg, on 25 January 1880. After apprenticing as a painter and photographer, he left for America unaccompanied by his parents, with only a single suitcase: at 16, in 1896, he booked a berth on the steerage of the Red Star Line’s SS Kensington and crossed from Antwerp to New York. At first he worked as a cashier for a few years, then went to Ohio for a while and back to Germany. In the early 1910s he returned to New York and worked at the bar of the Wallick Hotel in Times Square. He was employed there at least until the start of Prohibition. He enlisted in 1918 to fight on the side of the US in the First World War. We also know that he lived at 2013 Fifth Avenue in Harlem for many years. On 2 July 1907 he married Margaret Quigley, a native New Yorker who died in 1925. In 1925, he followed the manager of the Wallick Hotel to Wilkes Barre, a Pennsilvania town, where he managed the Sterling Hotel restaurant. In 1929 he shot himself, either because of health problems or because of a failed relationship.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 256. Japonesa Cocktail.
Usese la cocktelera. Unos pedacitos de hielo. Una cucharadita de jarabe de Granadina Fortuny. 6 gotas de Bitter Orange. 6 gotas de Calvados. 1/2 parte de Ron Charleston. 1/2 parte de Dry Gin Sumner’s. Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 90 gramos.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 257. Japones Cocktail.
Usese la cocktelera. Unos pedacitos de hielo. Dos cucharaditas de jarabe de Chufa For- tuny. 5 gotas de Bitter Abgostura. 1/2 parte de Ron Bacardi. 1/s parte de Cognac Bisquit V. O. Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 90 gramos.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 258. Japan Cocktail.
Usese la cocktelera. Unos pedacitos de hielo. 6 gotas de Bitter Orange. 2 cucharaditas de jarabe de Cebada. 1/2 parte de Cognac Bisquit V. O. 1/2 parte de Ron Bacardi. Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 90 gramos.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 290. Mikado Cocktail.
Usese la cocktelera. Unos pedacitos de hielo. 4 gotas de Bitter Secrestat Una cucharadita de Crema Noyau. Una cucharadita de jarabe de Grosella Fortuny. 1/3 parte de Curacao Marie Brizard. 2/3 parte de Cognac Bisquit V. O. Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 90 gramos.
1943 J. Roldán: Recetario Moderno del Licorista y del Barman. Seite 217. Japan cocktail.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 142. Japanese Cocktail.
1 oz. dry gin 1/4 oz. orgeat . 1/2 tsp. lemon juice Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 206. Japones.
. 1 golpe de Bitter Angostura. Batido. 60 grammos de Cognac. Servido en una copa de 20 gramos de Horchata de 100 gramos. chufas.
1953 Anonymus: The ABC of Cocktails. Seite 47. Orgeat Cocktail.
6 parts Brandy 1 part Orgeat or Falernum 2 parts Lemon Juice Shake with ice, and strain into cock- tail glass. Gin or Whiskey may be substituted for the Brandy.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 169. Japanese.
1 part Orgea 8 parts Cognac 1 dash Angostura to each drink Stir with cracked ice. As with the various aromatic whisky cocktails, many of the brandy cocktails are simply variations of one or another of the three types of Manhattans, but with cognac substituted for rye or bourbon.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 249. Mikado.
Straight cognac with a dash of Angostura and 2 or 3 dashes each of curaçao, crème de noyaux, and orgeat to each drink. Shake with cracked ice. A twist of lemon over each drink. Decorate with a cherry.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to the Best Mixed Drinks. Seite 80. Mikado Cocktail.
2 oz. Brandy 2 Dashes Bitters 1/2 Teaspoon Creme de Cacao 1/2 Teaspoon Curacao Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1964 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 139. Mikado.
l / copita de Brandy (coñac). 2 golpes de Bitter Angos- tura. 2 golpes de crema de No- yau. 2 golpes de jarabe de Orge. 2 golpes de Curaçao. Cocktelera.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 64. Mikado Cocktail.
2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Five Star Brandy. 2 Dashes Bitters 1/2 Teaspoon Old Mr. Boston Creme de Cacao 1/2 Teaspoon Curacao Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 105. Mikado Cocktail.
2 Dashes Angostura Bitters. 2 Dashes Crème de Noyau. 2 Dashes Orgeat Syrup. 2 Dashes Curaçao. 1/2 Glass Brandy. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
A mixed drink called ‘Knickerbocker’ was first mentioned in 1843 on a drinks menu at the Concert Hall in Boston; Peter Brigham offered it on it. It is advertised in a Baltimore Sun advertisement of 19 October 1852.
In an autobiography published in 1859, the author gives an account of his time in Paris. He refers to December 11, 1848, when Louis Napoleon Bonaparte won the first presidential election in the history of France; he then established a dictatorship with the coup d’état of December 2, 1851, and proclaimed himself Emperor in 1852 and France the Second Empire. So sometime between 1852 and 1859, the author must have been in Paris, and he reports: “To the Pale ale loving English, for it is in every John Bull’s mouth you meet, let me speak of the American shades, 50, Rue Rivoli, kept by Mrs. Prior, who is civility itdels, and keeps some fine Clarets and other wines, and our celebrated Bass, but only in quarts; I have sat in that snug little parlour, with some “bon vivants de Paris,” while 70,000 of the French army have paid “salaam” to the Emperor Napoleon, and memory has brought out in bold relief the “Coup d’Etât,” and 11th December 1848!! I was in Paris at that time. The restaurant Leblond, 1o, Boulevard des Italiens, is a splendid place; here they make all kinds of American drinks, such as Night Cap Cocktail, Pig and Whistle ditto, Egg Nogg, Silver Top, Knickerbocker, Ching-ching, Brandy Smash, Poney Punch, &c., &c., some of which are delightfully effervescing drinks.”
The Knickerbocker spread and by the 1850s was available in the USA, Canada, London and even Paris. However, we do not have a recipe from this period. The first printed recipe appears in Jerry Thomas’ book ‘How to Mix Drinks, or The Bon Vivant’s Companion’. Since various recipes have been in circulation from the beginning, we do not know which is most similar to that of Peter Brigham. In any case, Jerry Thomas’ recipe is now understood to be the established standard:
The name was chosen relatively quickly. A mixed drink called “Helene” already exists, as does “Belle Helene”. Besides, our mixture is not 100% comparable with the pear Helene and would only create the wrong association for the person ordering. But I immediately remembered the pear Helene scene with Loriot, where an apple with chocolate sauce is called pear Helene and a discussion ensues that this is not pear Helene after all. I thought I remembered that it says: “I still decide what is a Helene pear in this house!”, and so we simply call this mixed drink “Le Loriot”, after the French name for the oriole, the heraldic animal of the von Bülow family, as a reminiscence of the Loriotic Helene pear. Because we, too, decide what a Pear Helene is in our house, namely this drink!
But as it is sometimes with memories – the pear Helene is a recurring theme in Loriot’s work, but the sentence “What is a pear Helene in this house is still determined by me!” is not uttered, even though it could have come from Loriot’s pen and he would certainly have liked it. Those who would like to watch the cinematic scenes again can do so here on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCEsk-aRYBU
1948 David Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks.Seite 103. The Manhattan.
I list the Manhattan second among our six basic cock- tails because, of all the hundreds of so-called cock- tails listed in recipe books and the dozens listed on the liquor cards of hotels and restaurants, more Mar- tinis and Manhattans are sold than any other kind. In fact, if we leave out Daiquiris and Old-Fashioneds, there are more Martinis and Manhattans sold than all other kinds put together.
Just as in the case of Martinis, you will find Man- hattan recipes varying all over the lot in their propor- tions. In fact, there are recipes that even suggest two parts of vermouth to one part of whisky. The usual recipe, however, is one part vermouth and two parts whisky.
A further complication enters the Manhattan field that is not found with Martinis. With Martinis it is recognized that, irrespective of the proportions of ver- mouth and gin, a Sweet Martini is made with Italian vermouth, a Dry Martini with French vermouth, and a Medium Martini with a combination of the two types of vermouth. The same distinction is usually made in the case of Manhattans. However, the combination of French vermouth and whisky is not pleasing to most palates and, accordingly, on the as- sumption that a Manhattan is always made with Italian vermouth only, some people now use the terms Dry, Sweet, and Medium to designate the proportions of vermouth and whisky, a Sweet Manhattan being one made with 50 per cent or more of vermouth, a Medium Manhattan with about two parts of whisky to one of vermouth, and a Dry Manhattan with three or four parts of whisky to one of vermouth.
Both the Manhattan and the Old-Fashioned are usually made with rye whisky. I have already pointed out the fact that rye and bourbon can be used more or less interchangeably in most drinks and that they can be used in combination in most drinks. Many people — and I am one of them — prefer the flavor of bourbon to that of rye. If you are ordering one of these drinks at a bar and want it made with bourbon, you should specify “Bourbon Manhattan” or “Bourbon Old- Fashioned.” Also, you should specify a bonded whisky. Otherwise the bartender will probably use a blended whisky — and whatever blend gives the pro- prietor the greatest margin of profit.
In all recipes in this book where either rye or bour- bon can be used according to individual taste, I shall simply use the word “whisky.” Scotch, however, is not inter- changeable with American whiskies. Therefore, in recipes calling for the use of Scotch, the word “Scotch” will be used instead of “whisky.”
Let us now return to our three types of Manhattans as set forth in most recipe books. They are as follows:
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 105. Manhattan (Sweet).
1 part Italian Vermouth 2 parts Whisky 1 dash Angostura to each drink4 As above noted, some recipes call for equal parts of whisky and vermouth and some for other proportions.
4 The Sweet Manhattan made without bitters but with both orange peel and lemon peel in the mixture and shaken in- stead of stirred is called the ARMY. The plain Sweet Martini, made half and half, is sometimes called the NAVY. See also the Virgin, page 261.
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 105. Manhattan (Medium).
1 part Italian Vermouth 1 part French Vermouth 4 parts Whisky 1 dash Angostura to each drink Here again the relative proportions of whisky and the vermouths vary with different authors. Also, some recipes call for orange bitters as well as Angostura.
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 105. Manhattan (Dry).
1 part French Vermouth 2 parts Whisky 1 dash Angostura to each drink The comments respecting proportions as well as those respecting the use of orange bitters set forth above for the Medium Manhattan also apply to the Dry Man- hattan. It is also quite common to add a twist of lemon and drop the peel into the Dry Manhattan.
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 106. Manhattan de Luxe.
As in the case of the usual Martini recipes, the above Manhattan recipes are given for general information only. Once again I recommend that you forget them all and that, in your own home, you serve the follow- ing:
1 part Cinzano Italian Vermouth 3 parts Bonded Whisky 1 dash Angostura to each drink
Stir well in a bar glass or Martini pitcher with large cubes of ice and pour into chilled cocktail glasses. Add a maraschino cherry to each glass. Unless the cherries have stems attached, spear each cherry on a toothpick or use glass fruit spears.
Nevertheless, pocket nutmeg graters existed in England as early as the mid-17th century.
Johann Kaspar Riesbeck enlightens us in 1783 about what a ‘Hock’ is when he writes: “The village of Hochheim, from which the English call all Rhine wine Hock … This wine is therefore among the most expensive in the world.”
– “Der Fleken Hochheim, von welchem die Engländer allen Rheinwein Hock benennen … Dieser Wein gehört also unter die theuersten der Welt.“
Another example can be found in Albert Barnes’ book The Complete Bartender on page 9:
St. Croix Rum Punch. Albert Barnes. 1884.
Use large bar glass. 1 table spoonful of sugar, juice half of a lemon, 1 wine glass of St Croix Rum, 1 tea spoon full of raspberry syrup, 1/2 wine glass of Jamaica Rum, fill with cracked ice, shake well and ornament with fruits in season, serve with straws.
There may be a connection with the Margarita. Some see the Sidecar as the predecessor of the Margarita. All you have to do is replace the sugar rim with a salt rim and the cognac with tequila. Thus, the Margarita is actually nothing other than a Tequila Sidecar.
The Stone Fence comes from a long tradition. Not only Apple Jack was mixed with cider, but also other spirits: In 1759, Israel Acrelius wrote in his “History of New Sweden”, which lay in what are now the states of Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, that a drink called ‘Sampson’ was a warmed cider with rum in it.
For Calvados we had established that it was originally an unaged distillate. Could the same be true for Applejack? There is much to be said for it. A story published in 1909 tells of “colourless applejack”. [17-331] The Encyclopedia Americana writes: “A strongly fermented cider produced by distillation is called cider brandy or applejack, historically a “hard” beverage of pioneer days. This contains a large percentage of alcohol.” [18-673]
There is no mention of barrel ageing here. Also, a dictionary of common words describes ‘Apple Jack‘ only as “Apple brandy, a liquor distilled from cider“.[19-27]
A manual from 1889 is even clearer. It states: “APPLE JACK — New Jersey name for apple brandy; it is plentiful in most of the eastern states, is generally cheaper than any other spirit and serves a good purpose in cooking, for sauces and for making flavoring extracts. CIDRE ROYAL or EAU DE VIE DE CIDRE — French name for apple jack. “It is the favorite spirit drunk in Normandy; it is also called Calvados, and generally known as such by the Parisians, being chiefly made by the apple-growers in the Calvados department.”” [20-239]
These exemplarily selected sources may be proof enough that Apple Jack was also unaged in the past. One would have to investigate when it became customary to age Apple Jack in barrels instead. It would be interesting to do more research on this.
The Story Cockytail seems unusual with its mixture of one part bitters and one part cognac, but people were drinking similar drinks long before it was created. As early as 1850, Mrs Housoun wrote about Americans on a boat trip in her book ‘Hesperos: Or, Travels in the West’: »Their ‘custom of an afternoon,’ was to prepare and drink a favourite compound, which went by the name of ‘brandy-cocktail.’ The avowed object was to stimulate their appetites for dinner, … and as it seemed to have the desired effect, I may as well add, for the benefit of other weak and delicate indiciduals, that brandy-cocktail is composed of equal quantities of ‚Stoughton bitters‘ and Cognac.«
The ‘Swiss Absinthe Highball’ has a long tradition. Prepared with normal water instead of soda water, it is called ‘Mauresque’. It is said to have been invented by French soldiers during the Algerian campaign in the 1830s and 1840s, when they served in the Bataillon d’Afrique. It was also called the ‘Bureau Arabe’ after the military department that dealt with local affairs and was said to act like “an iron fist in a velvet glove”.
Johann Georg Krünitz also describes lemonade powder in his Encyclopaedia with the entry: “Lemonade powder is a powder consisting of dried citric acid, sugar, etc., etc., which, when poured into water, produces a true lemonade. Take 2 ounces of lemon juice, 6 ounces of sugar and 8 ounces of wine. Mix this together and steam it very gently over the fire until dry. Then it is powdered and mixed with another 2 ounces of sugar, which has previously been rubbed over some fresh lemons. Then put the powder into a medicinal jar and keep it away from the air, which would otherwise make it damp in a very short time. Another method is to take 4 ounces of the finest sugar, pound it to powder, then add 2 1/2 drachms of potassium hydrogenoxalate and 60 drops of real cedar oil, which is mixed well together. Or the yellow peel of one or more lemons is rubbed off on hard sugar until the sugar has absorbed sufficient oil from it, and then the potassium hydrogenoxalate is added. Or instead of the latter, the same amount of Cremor Tartari is used, which also produces a lemonade powder. The latter, however, does not dissolve in cold water, but sinks to the bottom, and must therefore be stirred during use“.
– “Limonaden=Pulver, ist ein Pulver, das aus der eingetrockneten Citronen=Säure, Zucker etc. etc. besteht, und das, so wie man es ins Wasser schüttet, eine wahre Limonade hervorbringt. Man nimmt dazu 2 Unzen Citronen=Saft, 6 Unzen Zucker, und 8 Unzen Wein. Man vermischt dieses zusammen und dampft es über dem Feuer bis zum Trocknen sehr gelinde ab. Alsdann pulverisirt man es, und vermischt es mit noch 2 Unzen Zucker, welche vorher über einigen frischen Citronen abgerieben worden. Hierauf thut man das Pulver in ein Arzneyglas, und bewahrt es vor dem Zutritt der Luft, von der es sonst in sehr kurzer Zeit feucht wird. Nach einer andern Methode nimmt man 4 Unzen vom feinsten Zucker, stößt ihn zu Pulver, thut dann 2 1/2 Drachmen Sauer=Kleesalz und 60 Tropfen vom ächten Cedernöhl hinzu, welches wohl mit einander vermischt wird. Oder man reibt von einer oder mehreren Citronen die gelbe Schale auf hartem Zucker so lange ab, bis der Zucker hinlänglich Oehl daraus in sich genommen hat, und mischt hernach das Sauerkleesalz hinzu. Oder man nimmt auch statt des letzteren eben so viel Cremor Tartari, wodurch man auch ein Limonaden=Pulver erhält. Dieses letztere löset sich aber in kaltem Wasser nicht auf, sondern senkt sich zu Boden, und muß daher beym Gebrauche umgerührt werden.“
Richard Boccato speaks of ‘violet syrup’; this was prepared in the Little Branch from gin, violet liqueur (Monin) and sugar syrup in a 2:1:1 ratio. Jim Meehan had later adapted the recipe for his bar ‘PDT’ and replaced the violet syrup with crème de violette.
I write up about the custom of adding toasted bisquits to punch. For this I have the following addition:
What exactly one must imagine by such a biscuit, perhaps enlightens the Dictionaire Oeconomique of Noel Chomel in the translated and expanded version, which was published in London in 1725. In it, first of all, there is a general description of how to prepare ‘ biskets’. It is a pancake-like dough, consisting of eggs, sugar and flour, which one bakes in an oven. However, one also goes into the English way of baking biscuits, which is said to be the best. For this, one prepares a dough from flour, eggs, yeast, cream, water and anise seeds, which is formed into a loaf and baked. After a day or two, it is cut into toast-like slices, sprinkled with powdered sugar, and then dried in a warm oven. You can also do the sugaring and drying two or three times.
– »Bisket, a sort of dainty Preparation well known, and made several ways. To make the Common Biskets, take eight Eggs and break ’em into some Vessel, and beat ’em in the same manner as you would do for Pancakes, put to ’em a Pound of Sugar pulveriz’d, and some Flower soon after; take care to temper the whole until the Paste becomes very white, and that there be nothing like a Lump therein; pour this paste into Moulds made of Tin, and of an oblong Square, with rais’d Edges to contain the Paste, put ’em into the Oven after you have strew’d Sugar upon ’em: they must be put at a distance from the live Coals for fear of burning them. They require no more time than a quarter of an Hour of baking, and assuming a fine Colour; when tehy are taken out of the Oven, they glaze them with some Sugar reduced into Powder, which they strew over them, and so take them out of their Moulds while they are yet hot; the Oven must be left open while they are baking, and the heat should be moderate. Our English way for Common Biskets, and said to be the best, ist to take half a Peck of Flower, four Eggs, half a Pint of Yeast, and an Ounce and a half of Aniseeds, which make into a Loaf with sweet Cream and cold Water; this you are to fashion somewhat long, and when baked and a day or two cold, cut it into thin Slices like Toasts, and strew ’em over with powder’d Sugar; then dry ’em in a warm Stove or Oven, and when dry, sugar ’em again, and doing so two or three times, put ’em up for Use.«
The Oxford Companion writes that similar recipes can be found from the 16th to the 20th century. What they have in common is that the dough is flavored, for example with citrus peel, anise or rose water, and baked twice like a rusk. These types of biscuits exchanged flavors with the punch and finally resulted in a dessert resembling a rum cake.
If you look more closely at the French edition from 1761, you will also find this indication: “Biscuit. It is also a hard, firm and very long-lasting bread, baked in the seafaring places for the crews of the ships. It has the shape of small, round, flat cakes, half a finger or a finger thick. That of Martinique is very white and one of the best.”
– “Biscuit. C’est aussi un Pain dur, ferme, & qui se conserve très-long-tems qu’on fait dans les places Maritimes pour les équipages des vaisseaux. Il est en forme de petits gâteaux ronds, plats, & épais d’un demi-doigt ou d’un doigt. Celui de la Martinique est très-blanc & un des meilleurs.“
So, as can be seen, we will not be entirely wrong in considering punch biscuits as a kind of rusk, whether flavored and sweetened or not.
As a general comment, we added: We have now looked at the first one hundred years of punch. In this time frame, punch became more and more popular and found its way from seafaring into society. This is also evidenced by an article from 1756, which states: “Punch has, of late years, grown so customary a liquor, that there are very few unacquainted with either the composition or the qualities of the several ingredients.”
Even though this book is very clear and writes that tea does not belong in a real British punch, others obviously did not see it so strictly. For in Great Britain, people had been preparing a tea punch with green tea since at least 1728. And a London magazine stated in 1840 that the use of tea instead of water was one of the basic rules in preparing a punch.
Not only the dilution changed, but also the amount of rum served daily. Initially it was half a pint, but in 1824 this was reduced to a quarter of a pint and in 1851 it was halved again.
People drank soda water not only directly at the source, but also in distant places, to which the water was exported. For example, one could also take a cure in Vienna, as we are told from the year 1783: “In a magnificent pavilion one has all the refreshments and billiards. If you want to see this place in its splendor, you have to visit it in the morning during the highest summer months. It has been the custom here in the grand world for some years now to drink a cure of mineral water in the Augarten, no matter how healthy you are. Imagination has really introduced in this place the sociability and confidentiality that usually prevails at the famous fountains of health, and here one really enjoys the open and free society that has made Spaa, Pyrmont and other places of this kind famous, even if the necessary spa water has to be procured from more than 100 miles away. All classes, especially the scholars and the nobility mingle here. The ladies drink the cure to be able to show themselves in negligees, and the gentlemen, because the ladies in negligees are not so proud and brittle as in big finery.”
– “In einem prächtigen Pavillon hat man alle Erfrischungen und Billard. Wenn man diesen Ort in seinem Glanz sehn will, muß man ihn in den höchsten Sommermonathen morgens besuchen. Es ist seit einigen Jahren hier in der grossen Welt Sitte, daß man im Augarten eine Kur von mineralischem Wasser trinkt, wenn man auch noch so gesund ist. Die Einbildung hat wirklich an diesem Ort die Geselligkeit und Vertraulichkeit eingeführt, die sonst an den berühmten Gesundbrunnen zu herschen pflegt, und man geniest hier wirklich das Offene und Freye der Gesellschaft, wodurch sich Spaa, Pyrmont und andre Plätze dieser Art berühmt gemacht haben, ob man schon das nöthige Kurwasser von mehr als 100 Meilen her beschreiben muß. Alle Stände, besonders die Gelehrten und der Adel mischen sich hier durch einander. Die Damen trinken die Kur um sich im Neglische zeigen zu können, und die Herrn, weil die Damen im Negische nicht so stolz und spröde als im grossen Putz sind.“
To make STOUGHTON. Take six drams of cochineal beat fine, a quarter of an ounce of saffron, three drams of rhubarb, one ounce of gentian cut small, and the parings of five or six sevile oranges; to these ingredients put three pints of brandy, let all stand within the air of the fire three days; then pour off the liquor, and fill the bottle again with brandy, putting in the peel of one or two oranges: Let this stand six or eight days, then pour it off thro’ a fine cloth; mix the former and this toge- ther, and it is fit for use.
This judgement is confirmed as early as 1899. At that time, people wrote about the Manhattan Cocktail: “The true Manhattan cocktail is always made with Italian vermouth, but at half the places where they undertake to serve it French vermouth is substituted, and the fine flavor is altogether destroyed. French vermouth is a sort of wine, Italian vermouth is a cordial pure and simple. They are as different as milk and molasses. A cocktail made from the French brand is no more a Manhattan than it is a Spanish omelette.”
1910 Anonymus. 101 Drinks and How to Mix Them. A Few Well-Choosen Words.
… A jigger holds 2 ounces. A pony holds 1 ounce. The cor- rect highball glass holds 6 ounces, and requires a pony of liquor. “Old Fashioned” glasses also hold 6 ounces, whereas medium bar glasses hold 12 ounces and cocktail glasses 2.
New Books
New books 1827-1881
[1853] Pierre Lacour: The manufacture of liquors, wines and cordials, without the aid of distillation. Also the manufacture of effervescing beverages and syrups, vinegar, and bitters. Prepared and arranged expressly for the trade. New York, 1853.
[1863] John Rack: The French wine and liquor manufacturer. A practical guide and receipt book for the liqueur merchant, being a clear and comprehensive treatise on the manufacture and imitation of brandy, rum, gin and whiskey: with practical observations and rules for the manufacture and management of all kinds of wine, by mixing, boiling, and fermentation, as practiced in Europe: including complete instructions for manufacturing champagne wine, and the most approved methods for making a variety of cordials, liqueurs, punch essences, bitters, and syrups … . New York, 1863
[1866] Pierre Duplais: Traité de la fabrication des liqueurs et de la distillation des alcools, … suivi du traité de la fabrication des eaux et boissons gazeuses et de la description complète des opérations nécessaires pour la distillation des alcools. Tome premier. Paris, 1866.
[1867] Anonymus: The American Barkeeper, containing experimental knowlede and elements of succes, acquired in the management of the most popular bars throughout the United States.San Francisco, 1867
https://euvs-vintage-cocktail-books.cld.bz/1867-The-American-Barkeeper-by-a-Practical-Liquor-Manufacturer/ (nur Ansicht)
[1874] Anonymus: The American bar-tender; or the art and mystery of mixing drinks, together with observations on the qualities of wines, liquors and cigars. To which is appended several hundred toasts. New York, 1874.
[1879] Anonymus: Drinks and how to make them. Yeatman’s Calisayine cocktail bitters, the prince of pick-me-ups. A delicious liqueur bitters. An appetiser, an exhilarant, and a constitutional renovator. (1879 ?).
New books 1882-1899
[1882] Edouard Robinet: Manuel pratique du distillateur. Fabrication des liqueurs. Distillation, rectification, filtrage, tranchage, générateurs, matières sucrées, conserces. Paris, [1882 ?].
https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31175007849212 (Nur Anzeige)
[1884] Charlie Paul: American and other drinks. Containing the most approved recipes, for making the principal “drinks” used in the United States and throughout the world. London, 1884.
1885 Anonymus (Lafcadio Hearn): La cuisine creole. A collection of culinary recipes. From leading chefs and noted Creole housewives, who have made New Orleans famous for its cuisine. Second edition, 1885.
[1888] Lebeaud Fontanelle & Julia de Fontenelle: Nouveau manuel complet du distillateur liquoriste contenant l’art de fabriquer les sirops, esprits parfumés, huiles essentielles, eaux distilèes, ratafias et hypocras renfermant toutes les recettes et formules de liqueurs distillées et par infusion le plus généralement en usage, ainsi que la prépáration des fruits a l’eau-de-vie et au sirop; suivi de la fabrication des alcoolats employés en parfumerie et préparés par le liquoriste. Nouvelle edition, entièrement refondue par M. F. Malepeyre. Paris, 1868.
[1888] Theodore Proulx: The Bartender’s Manual (Revised Edition). Chicago, 1888.
[1891] William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American bartender. The only practical treatise on the art of mixology published. Containing mearly four hundred standard recipes for the mixing of absinthes, cocktails, coolers, cobblers, crustas, fixes, flips, fizzes, hot drinks, lemonades, punches, sangarees, shakes, toddies, etc. San Francisxo, 1891
[1894] Geo. H. Stevens: B. A. Stevens, Catalogue of billiard and bar supplies, saloon fittings furniture and general information, comprising the latest recipes and directions for mixing and serving drinks, preparing and manufacturing beverages, rules for cards, billiards, and popular games, together with other miscellaneous statistics, facts and information, and a complete list of goods used in the billard and saloon business. Iintended as a standard book of reference for the billiard and bar trade. Toledo, Ohio, 1894.
New books 1900-1919
[1904] Christine Terhune Herrick: Consolidated library of modern cooking and household recipes. Vol. V. New York, 1907.
[1910] Anonymus: The liqueur compounder’s handbook of recipes for the manufacture of liqueurs, alcoholic cordials and compounded spirits. Seventh edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1910.
https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31175021002574&view=1up&seq=9(nur Ansicht)
[1910] Richard Andeck: Das Buch der American Drinks. Berlin, 1910.
[1916] Samuel E. Davies: Canapes, Salads, Sandwiches, Drinks, etc. New York, 1916.
https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31175035238792 (nur Ansicht)
[1917] G.G.D & E.E.F.P.: Seventy recipes for cocktails, cups and punches. 1917.
[1919] Julian Anderson: Julian’s Recipes. 1919.
New books 1920-1933
[1921] A. Castoldi: Il Liquorista – Duemila ricette e procedimenti pratici per la composizione e fabbricazione dei liquori. Quarta edizione rimodernata. Milano 1921.
[1921] Olivier Mayor: Le barman. Guide du llimonadier & du restaurateur. Composition des boissons françaises, anglaises et américaines, (cocktails). Paris, (1921).
[1925] Nina Toye & A. H. Adair: Drinks long & short. London, 1925.
[1928] E. Milhorat & J. Alimbau: Recettes de cocktails pour 1929. (1928)
[1929] J. Alimbau & E. Milhorat: L’heure du cocktail. recettes pour 1929. Paris (1929).
[1933] Charles C. Mueller: Pioneers of mixing gins. 1933.
New books 1934-1941
[1934] A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Ein Lehrbuch für Bartender und Mixer, mit einem Anhang einer Sammlung erprobter und international bekannter Rezepte, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Standard-Rezepte. Dresden, (1934).
[1934] Anonymus: Old Mr. Boston Bartender’s Guide. 3rd printing, 1934.
[1934] Henry Lyman: Collections and creations. A book of receipts for cocktails, long drinks and punches. (1934?).
[1934] R. de Fleury: 1700 cocktails for the man behind the bar. London & Toronto, 1934.
[1935] Chapin & Gore: Manual. What to use, how to mix, how to serve. Chicago, 1935.
https://euvs-vintage-cocktail-books.cld.bz/1935-Chapin-Gore-Manual-What-To-Use-How-To-Mix-How-To-Serve (nur Anzeige)
[1935] George Pillaert: Le bar américain cocktails. 1935.
[1936] Harman Burney Burke: Burke’s complete cocktail & drinking recipes with recipes for food bits for the cocktail hour. New York, 1936.
[1937] Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Habana, 1937.
[1938] Bud Carroll: Popular drinks of today and how to prepare them. 1938.
[1940] Fritz Waninger: Das kleine Mixbüchlein. 50 Standardgetränke nebst einer Anleitung zum Mixen. Selbstverlag, München, 1940.
New books 1942-1959
[1943] Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Madrid, 1943.
[1948] Anonymus (Eddie Clarke): Shaking with Eddie. (1948)
https://euvs-vintage-cocktail-books.cld.bz/1948-Shaking-with-Eddie-by-Eddie-Clarke (nur Anzeige)
[1949] Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: El bar. Evolución y arte del cocktail. Madrid 1949.
[1950] Martin Helle: Der perfekte Mixer. Chieming am See, 1950.
[1955] Anonymus: Good housekeeping’s cocktails & savouries. 1955.
[1955] Richard L. Williams & David Myers: What, When, Where and How to Drink. 1955.
https://archive.org/details/whatwhenwherehow0000will (nur Anzeige)
New books after 1960
[1960] Anonymus: The Calvert Party Encyclopedia. 1960.
https://archive.org/details/calvertpartyency00calv (nur Anzeige)
[1961] Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston De Luxe Official Bartender’s Guide. 18th printing, June 1961.
https://archive.org/details/oldmrbostondelux00cott (nur Anzeige)
[1965] Anonymus: Esquire party book. 1965.
https://archive.org/details/esquirepartybook00esqu (nur Anzeige)
[1966] Patrick Gavin Duffy & James A. Beard: The Standard bartender’s Guide by Patrick Gavin Duffy. Revised and enlarged by James A. Beard. 24th printing, 1966.
https://archive.org/details/standardbartende00duff (nur Anzeige)
[1967] Anonymus: The art of mixing drinks. based on Esquire Drink Book. 12th printing,1967.
https://archive.org/details/artofmixingdrink00newy (nur Anzeige)
[1971] Thomas Mario: Playboy’s Bar Guide. 1971.
https://archive.org/details/playboysbarguide00mari (nur Anzeige)
[1971] Thomas Mario: Playboy’s Host & Bar Book. 1971.
https://archive.org/details/playboyshostbarb00mari (nur Anzeige)
[1973] John Doxat: The book of drinking. 1973.
https://archive.org/details/bookofdrinking0000doxa (nur Anzeige)
[1977] Charles: The Cocktail Bar. By “Charles”, edited by “Carlos”. ISBN 0-572-00995-X. 1977.
https://archive.org/details/cocktailbar0000char (nur Anzeige)
[1977] Francesca White: Cheers!: A spirited guide to liquors and liquers. ISBN 0-448-23165-4. 1977.
https://archive.org/details/cheersspiritedgu0000whit (nur Anzeige)
[1977] John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. ISBN 0-330-10593-0. 1977.
https://archive.org/details/boothshandbookof0000doxa (nur Anzeige)
New Links
New links 1827-1881
[1855] P. Duplais: Traité des liqueurs et de la distillation des alcools ou le liquoriste & le distillateur modernes contenant Les precédés les plus nouveaux por la Fabrication des Liqueurs françaises et étrangères; Fruits à l’eau-de-vie et au sucre; Sirops, Conserves, Eaux, Esprits parfumés, Vermouts et Vins de Liqueur; Anisi que la description compléte des operations necessaires pour la distillation de touts les alcools. Tome Premier. Versailles & Paris, 1855.
[1862] Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide, A Complete Cyclopædia of Plain and Fancy Drinks, Containing Clear and Reliable Directions for Mixing All the Beverages Used in the United States, Together with the Most Popular British, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish Recipes, Embracing Punches, Juleps, Cobblers, Etc., Etc., Etc., in Endless Variety. To Which is Appended a Manual For The Manufacture of Cordials, Liquors, Fancy Syrups, Etc., Etc., After the Most Approved Methods Now Used in the Destillation of Liquors and Beverages, Designed For the Special Use of Manufacturers and Dealers in Wines and Spirits, Grocers, Tavern-Keepers, and Private Families, the Same Being Adapted to the Tteade of The United States and Canadas. The Whole Containing Over 600 Valuable Recipes by Christian Schultz. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald, 1862.
[1876] Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide; or, How to Mix All Kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks, Containing Clear and Reliable Directions for Mixing All the Beverages Used in the United States, Together with the Most Popular British, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish Recipes; Embracing Punches, Juleps, Cobblers, Etc., Etc., Etc., in Endless Variety. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald, 1876.
New links 1882-1899
[1884] Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. The Art of Mixing Cocktails, Punches, Egg Noggs, Smashes, Sngarees, Slings, Cobblers, The Fizz, Juleps, Flips, Toddys, Crustas, and All Plain and Fancy Drinks in the Most Approved Style. Together With Other Information Necessary to Bartenders. Philadelphia, Crawford & Co., 1884.
[1896] Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Hot and Cold for All Seasons. London, John Hogg, 1896.
New links 1900-1919
[1900] Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders’ Manual or: How to Mix Drinks of the Present Style, Containing Valuable Instructions and Hints by the Author in Reference to the Management of a Bar, a Hotel and a Restaurant; also a Large List of Mixed Drinks, including American, British, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, etc., with Illustrations and a Comprehensive Description of Bar Utensils, Wines, Liquors, Ales, Mixtures, etc., etc. Revised Edition. New York City, 1900.
[1903] V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide or How To Mix All Kind of Drinks containing Clear and Practical Directions for Mixing all Kinds of Drinks and Beverages Served in First-Class Clubs, Hotels, Buffets, etc. to which is added Complete Directions and Recipes for making all Kinds of Domestic Wines, Liquors, Brandies, Beers, Cordials, Syrups, Extracts, Etc. including Toast Suitable for All Occasions. Chicago, M. A. Donohue & Co., 1903.
[1904] Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks and How to Mix Them. Containing Clear and Practical Directions for Mixing All Kinds of Cocktails, Sours, Egg Nog, Sherry Cobblers, Coolers, Absinthe, Crustas, Fizzes, Flips, Juleps, Fixes, Punches, Lemonades, Pousse Cafes, Invalids’ Drinks, Etc., Etc. New York, Excelsior Publishing House, 1904.
[1919] Albert A. Hopkins: Home Made Beverages. The Manufacture of Non-Alcoholic and Alcoholic Drinks in the Household. New York, The Scientific American Publishing Company, 1919.
https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uva.x000662893 (nur Ansicht)
New links 1920-1933
[1930] Edgar Baudoin: Les Meilleurs Cocktails. Nice, ohne Jahr.
[1930] Virginia Elliott & Phil D. Stong: Shake ’em Up! A Practical Handbook of Polite Drinking. Third Printing, Brewer And Warren inc., 1930.
[1933] Anonymus: Hollywood’s Favorite Cocktail Book Including the Favorite Cocktail Served at Each of the Smartest Stars’ Rendezvous. 3. Druck. Hollywood, Buzza-Cardozo, 1933.
New links 1934-1941
[1934] Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders’ Manual or: How to Mix Drinks of the Present Style, Containing Valuable Instructions and Hints by the Author in Reference to the Management of a Bar, a Hotel and a Restaurant; also a Large List of Mixed Drinks, including American, British, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, etc., with Illustrations and a Comprehensive Description of Bar Utensils, Wines, Liquors, Ales, Mixtures, etc., etc. Revised Edition. Newark, Charles E. Graham & Co., 1934.
[1934] William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks and How to Mix Them. San Francisco, The Recorder Printing & Publishing Co., 1934.
[1935] Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. An Anthology of Wines and Spirits. Boston, The Stratford Company, 1935
[1937] United Kingdom Bartenders Guild: Approved Cocktails. London, Pall Mall ltd., ohne Jahr.
New links 1942-1959
[1947] A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Choix de 600 recettes. Paris, Editions M. A. T., 1947.
New links after 1960
[1963] Eddie Clarke: Shaking the 60’s. London, Cocktail Books Ltd, 1963.
https://euvs-vintage-cocktail-books.cld.bz/1936-Shaking-in-the-60-s-by-Eddie-Clarke/2/ (nur Anzeige)
[1965] Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. 4. Auflage. London, United Kingdom Bartenders‘ Guild, 1965.
[1966] Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest (From Private Notes). The Barmen’s Bible. New York, The International Cocktail, Wine and Spirits Digest, Inc., 1966.
[1979] Fred Powell: The Bartender’s Standard Manual. ISBN 0-517-293056. New York, Bonanza Books, 1979.
https://archive.org/details/bartendersstandapow00powe (nur Anzeige)
[1979] Jo Ann Shirley: Wonderful ways to prepare cocktails & mixed drinks. ISBN 0-86908-161-6. 1979.
https://archive.org/details/wonderfulwaystop0000shir (nur Anzeige)
[1979] Silvia Schur: Seagram’s complete party guide. How to succeed at party planning, drink mixing, the art of hospitality. ISBN 0-446-91181-X. 1979.
https://archive.org/details/seagramscomplete00schu (nur Anzeige)
[1979] Thomas Mario: Playboy’s Host & Bar Book. 1979
https://archive.org/details/playboysnewhostb00mari (nur Anzeige)
[1979] Tony Lord: The world guide to spirits, aperitifs and cocktails. ISBN 0-671-06929-2. 1979.
https://archive.org/details/worldguidetospir00lord (nur Anzeige)
[1980] Michael Walker: The cocktail book. The complete guide to home cocktails. ISBN 0-89586-069-4. 1980.
https://archive.org/details/cocktailbookcomp0000walk (nur Anzeige)
[1981] Anonymus: Old Mr. Boston deluxe official bartender’s guide. 61st printing November 1981. ISBN 0-446-37043-6. 1981.
https://archive.org/details/oldmrbostondelux00newy (nur Anzeige)
[1982] Anonymus: How to mix the world’s best cocktails. ISBN 0-86283-013-3. 1982.
https://archive.org/details/howtomixworldsbe00spen (nur Anzeige)
[1982] Helen Chester: Cocktails & Snacks. ISBN 0-7063-6204-7. 1982.
https://archive.org/details/cocktailssnacks0000unse (nur Anzeige)
[1982] Joe Turner: The Sainsbury book of cocktails & party drinks. ISBN 0-86178-182-1. 1982.
https://archive.org/details/sainsburybookofc0000turn (nur Anzeige)
[1983] Harold J. Grossman: Grossman’s Guide to wines, beers, & spirits. Seventh revised edition. ISBN 0-684-17772-2. 1983.
https://archive.org/details/grosssmansguidet0000unse (nur Anzeige)
[1983] Marcia Rosen & Gerry Hunt: The Cheers Bartending Guide. ISBN 0-671-49906-8. 1983.
https://archive.org/details/cheersbartending00rose (nur Anzeige)
[1983] Patrick Gavin Duffy: The official mixer’s manual. Revised and enlarged by Robert Jay Misch. ISBN 0-385-18307-0. 1983.
https://archive.org/details/officialmixersma0000duff (nur Anzeige)
[1984] Anonymus: Mr. Boston official bartender’s guide. 50th anniversary edition. ISBN 0-446-38089-X. 1984.
https://archive.org/details/mrbostonofficial00newy (nur Anzeige)
[1984] Anonymus: The new international bartender’s guide. ISBN 0-394-54038-7. 1984.
https://archive.org/details/newinternational0000unse (nur Anzeige)
[1984] Bev Bennett & Kim Upton: The joy of cocktails & hors d’oeuvre. ISBN 0-8120-5592-6. 1984.
https://archive.org/details/joyofcocktailsho00benn (nur Anzeige)
[1984] Bob Sennett: Complete world bartender guide. 5th printing December 1984.
https://archive.org/details/completeworldbar00senn (nur Anzeige)
https://archive.org/details/completeworldbar00gree (nur Anzeige)
[1984] Carole Edwards: Cocktails. ISBN 0946674-310. 1984.
https://archive.org/details/cocktailsthebook0000edwa (nur Anzeige)
[1984] Felix Brenner: 500 recipes for cocktails and drinks. ISBN 0-600-03421-8. Twenty-first impression, 1984.
https://archive.org/details/500recipesforcoc0000bren (nur Anzeige)
[1984] Michael Jackson: The pocket bartender’s guide. ISBN 0-671-25081-7. 1984.
https://archive.org/details/pocketbartenders00jack (nur Anzeige)
[1985] Anonymus: Harvey Collins’ drink guide. 1985.
https://archive.org/details/harveycollinsdri0000coll (nur Anzeige)
[1985] Eddie Tirado: Cocktails & Mixed Drinks. ISBN 0-7018-1784-4.
https://archive.org/details/coctailsmixeddri0000tira (nur Anzeige)
[1985] Jacques Sallé: The Larousse book of cocktails. ISBN 0-03-005604-7. 1985.
https://archive.org/details/laroussebookofco00sall (nur Anzeige)
[1985] Louise Steele & Wendy James: Cocktails & Drinks. ISBN 0-85613-748-0. 1985.
https://archive.org/details/cocktailsdrinks0000unse_t5z4 (nur Anzeige)
[1989] John J. Poister: The new American bartender’s guide. 1989.
https://archive.org/details/newamericanbarte00pois_0 (nur Anzeige)
[1990] Robyn M. Feller: The Complete Bartender. ISBN 0-425-12687-0. 1990.
https://archive.org/details/completebartend00fell (nur Anzeige)
[1997] Robert Plotkin: The Bartender’s Companion. Third edition. ISBN 0-945562-22-5. 1997.
https://archive.org/details/bartenderscompan00plot (nur Anzeige)
Adonis Cocktail
1961 Pedro Chicote: El bar en el mundo. Seite 169. Marina Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo pi-
Unas gotas de Orange bit-
1/4 de copita de jerez.
2/3 de copita de vermouth
Agítese bien y sírvase en
copa de cocktail.
Aviation Cocktail
Violet syrup was already an ingredient for mixed drinks in those days. William Salomon published a recipe for a kind of punch in 1694: “Diatessaron Potabile, The Julep of four Things. Bate.] ℞ Spirit of French Wine or French Brandy ℥iv. Juice of Limons ℥ij. Syrup of Violets ℥v. fair Water ℥xij. mix and make a Julep, of a grateful Taste: To be drank before the Febrile Paroxysm. Salomon.] §1. This is in truth but a kind of small Punch … .”
He refers to a Latin edition from 1688: “Diatessaron Potabile. ℞ Sp. V. Gallici ℥iiii. Succ. limon. ℥ii. Syr. Viol ℥v. Hydropeg. ℥xii. n. f. Julap. gratum, ante paroxysmos febriles bibendum.”
Bourbon Highball
1900 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 97. Whisky And Ginger Ale.
Verre no 10.
Pour servir un whisky ginger ale, prendre Ie verre no 10,
y mettre un morceau de glace.
Déboucher une demi ou une bouteille de ginger ale, la
placer dans un porte-soda, passer au consommateur uvec
une bouteille de whisky.
Faire même pour brandy et gin ginger ale.
1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #142-24. High Ball or Low Ball.
Whiskey and seltzer served in a long thin glass is known by both of the
above appellations. A Scotch High Ball is Scotch whiskey and seltzer, etc., etc.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegbert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 28. High Ball.
Place in a high ball glass.
1 piece of nicely cut ice.
1 fresh piece of lemon peel.
Place a glass and bottle on bar for customer
to help himself; then pour the liquor in high
ball glass and fill up with seltzer, or any
water the customer may desire; place spoon
in glass, and serve.
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks. Seite 61. Highball.
A long, thin glass of any kind of liquor mixed with an effervescent
liquid is called a Highball. A Brandy and Soda is a Brandy Highball;
Scotch and Soda is a Scotch Highball, and Gin and Ginger Ale is a Gin and
Ginger Ale Highball.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 53. Lionel.
Whisky . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Ginger Ale . . . . . 1/2 jigger
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 20. Bordever.
Whisky . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Ginger Ale . . . . . . 1/2 jigger
Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over
and serve.
1933 Anonymus: Cocktails. Their Kicks and Side-Kicks. Seite 26. Highballs.
All Highballs are made as follows:
Use 7 oz. tumbler; add 1 lump of ice; 1 measure of
any spirit or wine desired; fill glass with charged water.
If Ginger Ale is used instead of charged water it should
only be with Gin, Rye and Bourbon.
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 77. Highballs.
Les «Highballs» se préparent d’habitude
avec du gin, whisky, brandy, bacardi,
rhum, etc., et s’appellent alors «Straight gin
Highball» selon qu’on emploie le gin ou une
liqueur quelconque.
On les sert également avec comme base
un jus de fruit selon le goût ou la saison des
Ces drinks sont toujours servis dans un
grand verre tumbler auquel on ajoute un ou
plusieurs morceaux de glace, la liqueur ou le
jus de fruits demandés et on remplit le verre
avec de l’eau gazeuse bien froide. Certaines
personnes y ajoutent encore une pelure de
citron pressée.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 371. Highball.
Dies ist ein «long-drink» und wird in einem grossen
Tumbler serviert. Er besteht im allgemeinen aus einem
Stückchen Roheis, einem Glas Spirituosen, einem Stück
Zitronenschale und Ginger-Ale. Die Highballs sind eine
Abweichung der «Sodas». (Siehe Grundrezept auf
Seite 262.)
Seite 362. Die Highballs.
Grundrezept: In einen grossen Tumbler gibt man 50 gr.
der gewünschten Flüssigkeit, 1 eigrosses Stück Roheis und
füllt auf mit Ginger-Ale. Umrühren und ein fingerlanges
Stück Zitronenschale beifügen. Mit Barlöffel servieren.
1954 Marcel Pace: Nos Meilleures boissons. Highballs.
Dans le tumbler glace In tumbler
glace ice
7 cl. spiritueux au choix 1 1/2 oz liquor of choice
emplir avec du Perrier, fill up with Perrier,
de l’Indian Tonic ou du Ginger Ale Indian Tonic or Ginger Ale
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 129. Highballs.
Place in a 10-ounce glass ice
cubes and 1 or 2 jiggers of any
of the liquors listed below. Fill
up with Soda Water or plain
Water and, if desired, garnish
with twist of Lemon Peel.
Irish Whiskey
Rye Whiskey
Scotch Whisky
Note: Occasionally such Wines
as Dubonnet, etc. are used to
make highballs in the same
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 112. Highballs.
All literate Americans know that a highball is a jigger
of whisky (or other spirit) in a tall glass with ice and soda.
Not all Americans know that outside the continental limits
of the U.S., at least in the dark regions still unenlightened
by our Army, Navy, or Air Force, a whisky-soda auto
matically calls for Scotch. And the younger generations of
Americans may not even be aware that in the time of Taft
I and Roosevelt I, in some regions even later, rye highballs
were made with ginger ale.
1960 Anonymus: Recetas para cocteles. Seite 37. Highball.
En un vaso alto de 10 onzas.
2 cubitos de hielo
11/2 onzas de Ron, Coñac o Whiskey
Llénese el vaso con agua, agua de soda o gin-
ger ale.
1964 Anonymus: Peter Pauper’s Drink Book. Seite 40. The Highball.
The Highball is a standard drink both before
and after dinner. It can be made with scotch,
rye, bourbon, rum or brandy. It is made with
11/2 ounces of liquor, (or a bit more), 2 big
cubes of ice, and club soda, ginger ale or
other carbonated water. It is normally served
in an 8-ounce glass. Many drinkers prefer
the glass only one-half or two-thirds filled
with soda-water.
Scotch, bourbon and brandy are usually
served with soda, but some people prefer
plain water. Rye is usually served with ginger
ale. Rum is frequently served with cola in-
stead of soda.
Note that soda, seltzer, charged water and
carbonated water are all essentially the same
thing and can be used interchangeably in
Highballs and other drinks. Drinks made with
carbonated waters should never be vigorously
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 192. Highballs.
Use medium size glass.
1 Lump of Ice.
1 Glass of any Spirit,
Liqueur or Wine
Fill glass with syphon soda water
or split of soda. Ginger Ale can
be used if preferred. Add twist
of Lemon Peel if desired.
Brooklyn Cocktail
Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York, was founded in 1634 as Breukelen by the Dutch, and borders Manhattan.
In the absence of a vermouth, it seems that ‘vermouth flavour’ and ‘vermouth syrup’ were also used, because in a book from 1932, these are used instead of vermouth.
Nevertheless, a brief excursion to these namesakes is permitted. The lawyer Henry Wellington Wack, for example, invented a Brooklyn cocktail at the Nassau Hotel in Long Beach on the evening of 1 September 1910, and he thought it could stand alongside the Manhattan Cocktail and the Bronx Cocktail, and that Brooklyn finally had its own cocktail. He praised it with the words: “The ‘Brooklyn’ is the nearest approach to the ambrosial nectar of the gods that the magical compounder of liquid, ventricular inspiration has s o far produced for the gustatory gratification of man-kind. It fits the throat like a velvet flame and plumps into one’s stomach with a merry laugh. It sharpens the appetite and the wits and dulls the edge of malice. It sends worry scampering down the alleys of the past. When the ‘Brooklyn’ becomes our national drink, riches and poverty will dance on the grave of trouble.” His mixture consisted of 3 parts gin, one part each of French and Italian vermouth and half to a third of raspberry syrup. Others, however, were more critical of this Brooklyn: “The raspberry syrup seemed to be the barrier over which they could not get lightly. “It sounds all right,” said a bartender at the Hoffman House, “but it would take a steward to make it. Why not put vanilla in it instead of raspberry? Why clutter up a perfectly good cocktail with a lot of extraneous matter?” At the Waldorf-Astoria, where “the cocktail, hour” has been an institution ever since the hotel was opened, the syrup was also in disfavor. “All he forgot was the Ice cream,” said one of the bartenders. At an experiment station far removed from the Broadway zone a hard working bartender was asked to give his verdict. “If I lived in Brooklyn,” said he testily, “I’d stick to beer.””
Apparently, however, all Brooklyn Cocktails were not particularly well known or popular, at least in Brooklyn, because in 1924 the Brooklyn Daily Eagle wrote: “IN THE days when cocktails were legally permitted the names given to the drinks became famous. “Martini” and “Manhattan” were premiers among the nomenclature of the concoctions, and later by the addition of orange juice the “Bronx” was added to the list. Many attempts were made to advertise this boro by the use of a Brooklyn cocktail, but while many efforts were made the City of Churches failed to secure a drink that warranted the name of Brooklyn.«
Butchertown Cocktail
The Butchertown is also a good example of how some drinks are invented several times in ignorance of each other. It is very similar to the Up-to-Date cocktail that Hugo Ensslin used to make:
1917 Hugo R. Ensslin: Recipes for Mixed Drinks. Seite 33. Up To Date Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine
1/2 Rye Whiskey
2 dashes Angostura Bitters
2 dashes Grand Marnier
Shake well in a mixing glass with cracked ice, strain and serve.
1926 W. Slagter: Cocktails. Seite 71. Up to date Cocktail.
Vult den Shaker met eenige stukjes ijs
Het Sap van een halven Sinaasappel
1/3 Cocktailglas Liqueur de Mandarine
Wijnand Fockink
1/3 Cocktailglas Oranjebitter
Wijnand Fockink.
Behandeling als recept No. 87.
Seite 38. No. 87. Absinth Cocktail.
Bovenstaande goed vermengen en ver-
koelen en zonder het ijs in een Cocktail-
glas doen. Knijpt de olie uit een stukje
Citroenschil, al boven de Cocktail hou-
dende en legt deze op den rand van het
glas. Zie ook inleiding No. 86.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 165. Up-To-Date Cocktail.
2 Dashes Grand Marnier.
2 Dashes Angostura Bitters.
1/2 Sherry.
1/2 Canadian Club Whisky.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 101. Aurorita-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
3 ó 4 pedacitos de hie-
1 cucharada pequeña
de Gran Marnier.
1/2 cucharada pequeña
de Jerez.
1/2 cucharada pequeña
de whisky.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail, con una
corteza de naranja.
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks. Seite 188. Up-to-Date Cocktail.
2 dashes Grand Marnier,
2 dashes Angostura, 1/2 Sherry,
1/2 Canadian Club Whisky.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 165. Up-To-Date Cocktail.
2 Dashes Grand Marnier.
2 Dashes Angostura Bitters.
1/2 Sherry.
1/2 Canadian Club Whisky.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual [collectic1806]. Seite 128. Up-to-Date Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine
1/2 Rye Whiskey
2 Dashes Angostura Bitters
2 Dashes Grand Marnier
Stir well with cracked ice and strain.
Use glass number 1
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 170. Up-To-Date.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Sherry . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger
Grand Marnier . . . 2 dashes Bitters . . . . . . . . . . 2 drops
Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon
peel over and serve.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 132. Up-To-Date Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine
1/2 Old Mr. Boston Whiskey
2 Dashes Bitters
2 Dashes Grand Marnier
Stir well with cracked ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 144. Up to date.
1/2 Rye Whisky
1/2 Sherry
2 ds. Angostura
2 ds. Grand Marnier
1936 Elvezio Grassi: 1000 Misture. Seite 113. Up-to date Cocktail.
Agitare nel shaker con ghiaccio:
2 spruzzi Grand Mamier
2 spruzzi Angostura
50 % Shcerry vino
50 % Whisky Canadian Club.
Servite con buccia limone.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 165. Up-To-Date Cocktail.
3 glasses rye whisky 1 teaspoon angostura
3 glasses Sherry bitters
2 teaspoons Grand Marnier
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 372. Up To Date Cocktail.
Usese la cocktelera.
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
Tres gotas de Bitter Angostura.
Dos cucharaditas de Grand marnier.
1/2 parte de Jeres Seco Perea.
1/2 parte de Whisky Escocés John Haig.
Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 100
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 115. Up-To-Date – No. 2.
2/5 Rye Whisky
2/5 French Vermouth
1/5 Grand Marnier
1 Dash Angostura
Serve with a piece of
Lemon Peel.
1937 United Kingdom Bartenders Guild: Approved Cocktails. Up-To-Date.
40% Rye Whisky.
40% French Vermouth.
20% Grand Marnier.
1 dash Angostura Bitters.
Serve with a bit of lemon peel.
1937 William J. Tarling: Café Royal Cocktail Book. Up-To-Date.
2/5 Rye Whisky.
2/5 French Vermouth.
1/5 Grand Marnier.
1 dash Angostura Bitters.
Serve with a bit of lemon peel.
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 128. Up-to-Date Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine
1/2 Rye Whiskey
2 Dashes Angostura Bitters
2 Dashes Grand Marnier
Stir well with cracked ice and strain.
Use glass number 1
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 286. Up-To-Date Cocktail.
3/4 oz. rye or bourbon 2 dashes Angostura bitters
3/4 oz. sherry 2 dashes Grand Marnier
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 34. Up to Date.
1⁄2 jigger Sherry 1⁄2 jigger Rye or Bourbon
2 dashes Grand Marnier 2 dashes Angostura Bitters
Shake with cracked ice and strain.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 265. Up-To-Date.
. 1 golpe de Bitter Angostura.
Refrescado 10 gramos de Grand Marnier.
Servido en una copa de 35 gramos de Whisky Rye.
90 gramos. 35 gramos de Vermouth Fran-
. cés.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 86. Up-to-Date.
2/5 Rye Whisky.
2/5 Dry Vermouth.
1/5 Grand Marnier.
1 Dash Angostura.
Stir and Strain.
Squeeze Lemon Peel on top.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 86. Up-to-Date.
2/5 Rye Whisky.
2/5 Dry Vermouth.
1/5 Grand Marnier.
1 Dash Angostura.
Stir and Strain.
Squeeze Lemon Peel on top.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 105. Up-to-Date.
1/2 Rye Whiskey
1/2 Sherry
2 Dashes Angostura Bitters
2 Dashes Grand Marnier
Stir well with ice and strain into
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 95. Up-to-Date.
Timbale à mélange, glace
1/2 Canadian Club Whisky
1/2 Sherry
2 traits Angostura
2 traits Grand Marnier
Bien remuer en timbale et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 26. Up-To-Date Cocktail.
2 parts rye 1 part sherry
2 dashes Grand Marnier 2 dashes Angostura
Stir with ice, strain.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 87. Up-to-Date.
2/5 Rye Whisky.
2/5 Dry Vermouth.
1/5 Grand Marnier.
1 Dash Angostura.
Stir and Strain.
Squeeze Lemon Peel on top.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 261. Up to Date Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di canadian whisky
1/3 di bicchiere di sherry secco
1 cucchiaino di grand marnier
2 gocce di angostura bitter
2 scorzette di limone senza nulla del bianco interno
ghiaccio a cubetti
Riempire lo shaker fino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac-
cio. Versare il canadian e lo sherry; aggiungere il grand
marnier e l’angostura. Chiudere lo shaker, agitarlo vigo-
rosamente, farlo riposare un secondo, riprendere infine
ad agitare ma lentamente. Servire subito in bicchieri guar-
niti con una scorzetta di limone.
1964 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 265. Up-To-Date.
. 1 golpe de Bitter Angostura.
Refrescado. 10 gramos de Grand Marnier.
Servido en una copa 35 gramos de Whisky Rye.
de 90 gramos. 35 gramos de Vermouth Fran-
. cés.
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 88. Up-to-Date.
2/5 Rye Whisky.
2/5 Dry Vermouth.
1/5 Grand Marnier.
1 Dash Angostura.
Squeeze Lemon Peel on top.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 66. Up-to-Date.
2/5 rye
2/5 dry vermouth
1/5 Grand Marnier
Dash Angostura bitters
Twist lemon peel
Mixing glass
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 165. Up-To-Date Cocktail.
2 Dashes Grand Marnier.
2 Dashes Angostura Bitters.
1/2 Sherry.
1/2 Canadian Whisky.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 422. Up To Date.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/4 oz rye or Bourbon
1 oz sherry
1/4 oz Grand Marnier
2 dashes Angostura bitters
However, cider has been around for much longer. It was already consumed in ancient Greece, and also enjoyed by the Romans.
Cus d’Amato
A Dalmore Cigar Malt is also said to work in the Cus d’Amato and is offered like this in Mannheim at the Sieferle & Kø bar. According to Mario Kappes, for a whiskey to work, the proportion of oloroso casks in its maturation is crucial.
At BCB 2022, we found an alternative for the 1993 Glenfarclas that makes a delicious Cus D’Amato. It is the Old Perth, a blend of the finest malt whiskies matured in sherry casks. However, the Strega is not perfectly integrated with it if you use 60 ml – with 70 ml, however, it becomes perfect and a delicious substitute for the original Glenfarclas.
De Rigueur Cocktail
1933 Joseph P. Santana & Charles A. Sasena: Fine Beverages. Seite 23. Honey Dew Cocktail.
Use mixing glass with fine ice
Two tablespoonfuls of grapefruit juice
One tablespoonful Honey
2 oz. Whiskey
Shake well, and serve in large cocktail glass
Scotch Whiskey, Gin or Bacardi Rum can be used in place
of Whiskey.
1935 Anonymus: Cocktails Recommended. Honey Do Cocktail.
1 jigger CALVERT Whiskey
1/2 jigger Grapefruit Juice
1/2 jigger Honey
Shake well with cracked ice, and strain into
glass. Mellowish bee-cause of the honey.
1936 Anonymus: Cocktails and Appetizers. Seite 15. Honey Do Cocktail.
1 jigger Whiskey
1/2 jigger Grapefruit Juice
1/2 jigger Honey
Shake well with cracked ice, and strain into glass.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 162. Honey Cocktail.
3 glasses rye whisky 2 glasses grapefruit juice
. 1 glass honey
One of the smoothest whisky cocktails. Comparatively
dry, but can be made sweeter by increasing the propor-
tion of honey.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 225. Beehive.
Cocktail Glass Shake
1-1/2 oz Bourbon
2 oz grapefruit juice
3/4 oz honey
Besides this version, there are rarely other variants, for example with gin instead of Calvados, or even a mixture of lemon, Charteuse, Swedish Punch, Calvados and Cointreau. They are called Diki-Diki, but they are not. Sometimes the Diki-Diki appears under a different name and is called Dick Molnar.
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 178. Dick Molnar Cocktail.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice
1/6 Swedish Punch
2/3 Calvados
Stir well in ice and strain into glass.
Use glass number 1
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 214. Diki Diki Cocktail.
Usese la cocktelera.
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
8 gotas de jugo de limón.
10 gotas de Chartreuse.
1/6 parte de Swedish Punch.
2/6 parte de Calvados.
3/6 parte de Cointrerau.
Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 90
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 178. Dick Molnar Cocktail.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice
1/6 Swedish Punch
2/3 Calvados
Stir well in ice and strain into glass.
Use glass number 1
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 235. Diki-Diki.
1 part Grapefruit Juice
1 part Gin
4 parts Applejack
Shake with crushed ice.
This is a very dry cocktail. Another version of the Diki-Diki, not so calls dry, calls for Swedish Punch in place of the gin. If this is used, the quantity should be reduced to about 1/2 part. Otherwise, the cocktail will be too sweet.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 59. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
1/6 Grape Fruit Juice.
1/6 Swedish Punch.
2/3 Calvados.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
El Diablo
However, it may be assumed that the tequila version is a variation of the recipe for a Diablo published in 1940 by Hyman Gale and Gerald F. Marco in their book ‘The How and When’. This is virtually the same as an El Diablo, except that a white rum is used instead of tequila. It seems that Trader Vic therefore did not call his recipe Diablo, but Mexican Diablo.
1940 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 182. Diablo.
1/2 ounce Lime Juice
1 1/2 ounce Ronrico White Rum
1/2 ounce Creme de Cassis
Shake well with 3 ounces of ice and
serve in 10 ounce glass 1/4 full of
shaver ice and the rest with large
lump ice. Add Ginger Ale, round of
lime, red and green cherry. Serve
with colored straws.
El Presidente
2016 Martin Cate: Smuggler’s Cove. Seite 43. El Presidente. /2 teaspoon SC Grenadine; 3/4 ounce dry vermouth; 1/2 ounce Pierre Ferrand Dry Curaçao; 1 1/2 ounces blended lightly aged rum.
Gimlet – Part 1: Preserving lime juice
In this context, we must briefly mention the shrub. The term ‘shrub’ is derived from the Arabic word ‘sharaba’, which means ‘to drink’. It was understood in England to mean “A prepared drink made with the juice of orange or lemon (or other acid fruit), sugar, and rum (or other spirit).”
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word was first mentioned in 1747: in an article entitled »A Method for preserving the Health of the SEAMEN in long Cruizes and Voyages«, written in Plymouth in September 1747, lime juice is also mentioned: “In autumnal Cruizes a Quantity of Apples might be also carried, which, when well chosen, and well put up in dry tight Casks, will keep very good for two or three Months. Even Lemons and Oranges wrap’d in Flannel (or something that will imbibe their exhaling Moisture) kept in close dry Vessels, and pretty cool, may be preserved a long while also; they are sometimes vastly cheap, and would make a very useful Part of the Stores. If this is not so feasible, a Mixture of Lemon Juice and Rum (Shrub, as they call it) may be carried in any Quantity, as it will keep a long Time, and would prove infinitely more wholesome than the nasty fiery poisonous Spirits, which are dealt about so largely in the Navy and elsewhere. By the bye, nothing would more effectually correct the pernicious Qualities of these Spirits than Lemon Juice. In the Case of stinking Water, Juice of Lemon, Elixir of Vitriol, or Vinegar, should be always mix’d with it; which will render it much less unwholesome. The Roman Soldiers drank Posca (viz. Water and Vinegar) for their common Drink, and found it very healthy and useful.”
However, the dictionary is wrong. The term shrub can be traced back to an earlier English book: In 1705, ‘The Pastry-Cook’s Vade-Mecum’ states: “To make an excellent Liquor called Shrub. Take two quarts of the best Brandy, five Limons sliced very thin, the Kernels picked clean out, stop it close in any Glass-Jar, or any close thing for 4 or 5 days; then strain out your Limons, and add to your Liquor one quart of White-wine, three half pints of Water, two pounds of Loaf-Sugar finely beaten, stir the Sugar in till it be melted, then strain it through a thick Flannen, then put it in Bottles, but be sure do not fill the Bottle two full, put it in a cool place.”
In 1743 Elizabeth Moxon, in her book ‘English Housewifery’, reports preserving orange juice by adding sugar and brandy. We see from these two examples that the range of shrubbing is wide. It is not always a mixture of citrus juice, sugar and spirits.
Gin & Tonic – Part 3 – Quinine wine once and now
Where there is no precise indication, but only of ‘quinine’, we have assumed that it is quinine sulphate. The basis for this decision is an 1882 text dealing with this subject, which states: »I therefore think when any article is sold with a label describing it as containing so much “quinine,” we are justified in considering the word “quinine” to signify sulphate of quinine«.
Hanky Panky
Against this background it becomes clear why Charles Hawtrey said to Ada Coleman: “By Jove! That is the *real* hanky-panky!“, because before that the hanky-panky only existed as a fantasy cocktail in a play.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 58. Highball.
Use medium size fizz glass.
Two or three lumps clear ice.
One wine-glass Scotch whiskey.
Fill glass with cold vichy. Use the liquor the
customer asks for.
Hugo Richard Ensslin
This paragraph has been expanded:
Hugo Richard Ensslin was not a special bartender. He was not employed in a famous hotel, but in a second-rate New York hotel. His name never appeared in the newspapers and he was not talked about in New York. So it is that we know very little about him. He was of medium height and build, had brown hair and brown eyes. From immigration documents and the census, we know that he was born somewhere in Württemberg, on 25 January 1880. After apprenticing as a painter and photographer, he left for America unaccompanied by his parents, with only a single suitcase: at 16, in 1896, he booked a berth on the steerage of the Red Star Line’s SS Kensington and crossed from Antwerp to New York. At first he worked as a cashier for a few years, then went to Ohio for a while and back to Germany. In the early 1910s he returned to New York and worked at the bar of the Wallick Hotel in Times Square. He was employed there at least until the start of Prohibition. He enlisted in 1918 to fight on the side of the US in the First World War. We also know that he lived at 2013 Fifth Avenue in Harlem for many years. On 2 July 1907 he married Margaret Quigley, a native New Yorker who died in 1925. In 1925, he followed the manager of the Wallick Hotel to Wilkes Barre, a Pennsilvania town, where he managed the Sterling Hotel restaurant. In 1929 he shot himself, either because of health problems or because of a failed relationship.
Japanese Cocktail
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 256. Japonesa Cocktail.
Usese la cocktelera.
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
Una cucharadita de jarabe de Granadina
6 gotas de Bitter Orange.
6 gotas de Calvados.
1/2 parte de Ron Charleston.
1/2 parte de Dry Gin Sumner’s.
Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 90
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 257. Japones Cocktail.
Usese la cocktelera.
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
Dos cucharaditas de jarabe de Chufa For-
5 gotas de Bitter Abgostura.
1/2 parte de Ron Bacardi.
1/s parte de Cognac Bisquit V. O.
Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 90
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 258. Japan Cocktail.
Usese la cocktelera.
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
6 gotas de Bitter Orange.
2 cucharaditas de jarabe de Cebada.
1/2 parte de Cognac Bisquit V. O.
1/2 parte de Ron Bacardi.
Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 90
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 290. Mikado Cocktail.
Usese la cocktelera.
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
4 gotas de Bitter Secrestat
Una cucharadita de Crema Noyau.
Una cucharadita de jarabe de Grosella
1/3 parte de Curacao Marie Brizard.
2/3 parte de Cognac Bisquit V. O.
Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 90
1943 J. Roldán: Recetario Moderno del Licorista y del Barman. Seite 217. Japan cocktail.
Amargo angostura . . . 2 chorritos
Coñac . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 vasito
Jarabe de cebada . . . . 1 cucharada
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 142. Japanese Cocktail.
1 oz. dry gin 1/4 oz. orgeat
. 1/2 tsp. lemon juice
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 206. Japones.
. 1 golpe de Bitter Angostura.
Batido. 60 grammos de Cognac.
Servido en una copa de 20 gramos de Horchata de
100 gramos. chufas.
1953 Anonymus: The ABC of Cocktails. Seite 47. Orgeat Cocktail.
6 parts Brandy
1 part Orgeat or Falernum
2 parts Lemon Juice
Shake with ice, and strain into cock-
tail glass. Gin or Whiskey may be
substituted for the Brandy.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 169. Japanese.
1 part Orgea
8 parts Cognac
1 dash Angostura to each drink
Stir with cracked ice.
As with the various aromatic whisky cocktails, many of the brandy
cocktails are simply variations of one or another of the three types of
Manhattans, but with cognac substituted for rye or bourbon.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 249. Mikado.
Straight cognac with a dash of Angostura and 2 or 3 dashes
each of curaçao, crème de noyaux, and orgeat to each drink. Shake with
cracked ice. A twist of lemon over each drink. Decorate with a cherry.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to the Best Mixed Drinks. Seite 80. Mikado Cocktail.
2 oz. Brandy
2 Dashes Bitters
1/2 Teaspoon Creme de Cacao
1/2 Teaspoon Curacao
Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz.
Cocktail glass.
1964 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 139. Mikado.
l / copita de Brandy (coñac).
2 golpes de Bitter Angos-
2 golpes de crema de No-
2 golpes de jarabe de Orge.
2 golpes de Curaçao.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 64. Mikado Cocktail.
2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Five Star
2 Dashes Bitters
1/2 Teaspoon Old Mr. Boston
Creme de Cacao
1/2 Teaspoon Curacao
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 105. Mikado Cocktail.
2 Dashes Angostura Bitters.
2 Dashes Crème de Noyau.
2 Dashes Orgeat Syrup.
2 Dashes Curaçao.
1/2 Glass Brandy.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
Kina Cocktail
1934 Anonymus: Angostura Recipes. Seite 6. Abbey Cocktail.
as mixed at LONGCHAMPS
1/2 Plymouth Gin
1/4 Kina Lillet
1/4 Italian Vermouth
1 Dash Angostura Bitters
Stir well in ice, strain. Twist lemon peel.
A mixed drink called ‘Knickerbocker’ was first mentioned in 1843 on a drinks menu at the Concert Hall in Boston; Peter Brigham offered it on it. It is advertised in a Baltimore Sun advertisement of 19 October 1852.
In an autobiography published in 1859, the author gives an account of his time in Paris. He refers to December 11, 1848, when Louis Napoleon Bonaparte won the first presidential election in the history of France; he then established a dictatorship with the coup d’état of December 2, 1851, and proclaimed himself Emperor in 1852 and France the Second Empire. So sometime between 1852 and 1859, the author must have been in Paris, and he reports: “To the Pale ale loving English, for it is in every John Bull’s mouth you meet, let me speak of the American shades, 50, Rue Rivoli, kept by Mrs. Prior, who is civility itdels, and keeps some fine Clarets and other wines, and our celebrated Bass, but only in quarts; I have sat in that snug little parlour, with some “bon vivants de Paris,” while 70,000 of the French army have paid “salaam” to the Emperor Napoleon, and memory has brought out in bold relief the “Coup d’Etât,” and 11th December 1848!! I was in Paris at that time. The restaurant Leblond, 1o, Boulevard des Italiens, is a splendid place; here they make all kinds of American drinks, such as Night Cap Cocktail, Pig and Whistle ditto, Egg Nogg, Silver Top, Knickerbocker, Ching-ching, Brandy Smash, Poney Punch, &c., &c., some of which are delightfully effervescing drinks.”
The Knickerbocker spread and by the 1850s was available in the USA, Canada, London and even Paris. However, we do not have a recipe from this period. The first printed recipe appears in Jerry Thomas’ book ‘How to Mix Drinks, or The Bon Vivant’s Companion’. Since various recipes have been in circulation from the beginning, we do not know which is most similar to that of Peter Brigham. In any case, Jerry Thomas’ recipe is now understood to be the established standard:
Le Loriot
The name was chosen relatively quickly. A mixed drink called “Helene” already exists, as does “Belle Helene”. Besides, our mixture is not 100% comparable with the pear Helene and would only create the wrong association for the person ordering. But I immediately remembered the pear Helene scene with Loriot, where an apple with chocolate sauce is called pear Helene and a discussion ensues that this is not pear Helene after all. I thought I remembered that it says: “I still decide what is a Helene pear in this house!”, and so we simply call this mixed drink “Le Loriot”, after the French name for the oriole, the heraldic animal of the von Bülow family, as a reminiscence of the Loriotic Helene pear. Because we, too, decide what a Pear Helene is in our house, namely this drink!
But as it is sometimes with memories – the pear Helene is a recurring theme in Loriot’s work, but the sentence “What is a pear Helene in this house is still determined by me!” is not uttered, even though it could have come from Loriot’s pen and he would certainly have liked it. Those who would like to watch the cinematic scenes again can do so here on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCEsk-aRYBU
Manhattan Cocktail
1948 David Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks.Seite 103. The Manhattan.
I list the Manhattan second among our six basic cock-
tails because, of all the hundreds of so-called cock-
tails listed in recipe books and the dozens listed on
the liquor cards of hotels and restaurants, more Mar-
tinis and Manhattans are sold than any other kind.
In fact, if we leave out Daiquiris and Old-Fashioneds,
there are more Martinis and Manhattans sold than all
other kinds put together.
Just as in the case of Martinis, you will find Man-
hattan recipes varying all over the lot in their propor-
tions. In fact, there are recipes that even suggest two
parts of vermouth to one part of whisky. The usual
recipe, however, is one part vermouth and two parts
A further complication enters the Manhattan field
that is not found with Martinis. With Martinis it is
recognized that, irrespective of the proportions of ver-
mouth and gin, a Sweet Martini is made with Italian
vermouth, a Dry Martini with French vermouth,
and a Medium Martini with a combination of the two
types of vermouth. The same distinction is usually
made in the case of Manhattans. However, the
combination of French vermouth and whisky is not
pleasing to most palates and, accordingly, on the as-
sumption that a Manhattan is always made with
Italian vermouth only, some people now use the terms
Dry, Sweet, and Medium to designate the proportions
of vermouth and whisky, a Sweet Manhattan being
one made with 50 per cent or more of vermouth, a
Medium Manhattan with about two parts of whisky
to one of vermouth, and a Dry Manhattan with three
or four parts of whisky to one of vermouth.
Both the Manhattan and the Old-Fashioned are
usually made with rye whisky. I have already pointed
out the fact that rye and bourbon can be used more or
less interchangeably in most drinks and that they can
be used in combination in most drinks. Many people —
and I am one of them — prefer the flavor of bourbon
to that of rye. If you are ordering one of these drinks
at a bar and want it made with bourbon, you should
specify “Bourbon Manhattan” or “Bourbon Old-
Fashioned.” Also, you should specify a bonded
whisky. Otherwise the bartender will probably use a
blended whisky — and whatever blend gives the pro-
prietor the greatest margin of profit.
In all recipes in this book where either rye or bour-
bon can be used according to individual taste, I shall simply
use the word “whisky.” Scotch, however, is not inter-
changeable with American whiskies. Therefore,
in recipes calling for the use of Scotch, the word
“Scotch” will be used instead of “whisky.”
Let us now return to our three types of Manhattans
as set forth in most recipe books. They are as follows:
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 105. Manhattan (Sweet).
1 part Italian Vermouth
2 parts Whisky
1 dash Angostura to each drink4
As above noted, some recipes call for equal parts of
whisky and vermouth and some for other proportions.
4 The Sweet Manhattan made without bitters but with both
orange peel and lemon peel in the mixture and shaken in-
stead of stirred is called the ARMY.
The plain Sweet Martini, made half and half, is sometimes
called the NAVY.
See also the Virgin, page 261.
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 105. Manhattan (Medium).
1 part Italian Vermouth
1 part French Vermouth
4 parts Whisky
1 dash Angostura to each drink
Here again the relative proportions of whisky and the
vermouths vary with different authors. Also, some
recipes call for orange bitters as well as Angostura.
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 105. Manhattan (Dry).
1 part French Vermouth
2 parts Whisky
1 dash Angostura to each drink
The comments respecting proportions as well as those
respecting the use of orange bitters set forth above for
the Medium Manhattan also apply to the Dry Man-
hattan. It is also quite common to add a twist of lemon
and drop the peel into the Dry Manhattan.
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 106. Manhattan de Luxe.
As in the case of the usual Martini recipes, the above
Manhattan recipes are given for general information
only. Once again I recommend that you forget them
all and that, in your own home, you serve the follow-
1 part Cinzano Italian Vermouth
3 parts Bonded Whisky
1 dash Angostura to each drink
Stir well in a bar glass or Martini pitcher with large
cubes of ice and pour into chilled cocktail glasses. Add
a maraschino cherry to each glass. Unless the cherries
have stems attached, spear each cherry on a toothpick
or use glass fruit spears.
1937 William J. Tarling: Café Royal Cocktail Book. Metaxa.
Invented by
J. E. Mouncer
1/4 Tequila.
1/4 Swedish Punch.
1/2 Lillet.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 56. Dolzano Cocktail.
1/4 Bitter Campari
1/4 Gin
1/2 Dolzano
Un zeste d’orange
Un zeste de citron.
(Création des auteurs.)
Nevertheless, pocket nutmeg graters existed in England as early as the mid-17th century.
Johann Kaspar Riesbeck enlightens us in 1783 about what a ‘Hock’ is when he writes: “The village of Hochheim, from which the English call all Rhine wine Hock … This wine is therefore among the most expensive in the world.”
– “Der Fleken Hochheim, von welchem die Engländer allen Rheinwein Hock benennen … Dieser Wein gehört also unter die theuersten der Welt.“
Pendennis Cocktail
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 17. Apricot, No. 2.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/3 jigger Apricot Cordial . . . 1/3 jigger
. Lime . . . . . . . . . . 5 drops
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
Quaker’s Cocktail
Another example can be found in Albert Barnes’ book The Complete Bartender on page 9:
St. Croix Rum Punch. Albert Barnes. 1884.
Use large bar glass. 1 table spoonful of sugar, juice half
of a lemon, 1 wine glass of St Croix Rum, 1 tea spoon
full of raspberry syrup, 1/2 wine glass of Jamaica Rum, fill with
cracked ice, shake well and ornament with fruits in season,
serve with straws.
There may be a connection with the Margarita. Some see the Sidecar as the predecessor of the Margarita. All you have to do is replace the sugar rim with a salt rim and the cognac with tequila. Thus, the Margarita is actually nothing other than a Tequila Sidecar.
Stone Fence
The Stone Fence comes from a long tradition. Not only Apple Jack was mixed with cider, but also other spirits: In 1759, Israel Acrelius wrote in his “History of New Sweden”, which lay in what are now the states of Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, that a drink called ‘Sampson’ was a warmed cider with rum in it.
For Calvados we had established that it was originally an unaged distillate. Could the same be true for Applejack? There is much to be said for it. A story published in 1909 tells of “colourless applejack”. [17-331] The Encyclopedia Americana writes: “A strongly fermented cider produced by distillation is called cider brandy or applejack, historically a “hard” beverage of pioneer days. This contains a large percentage of alcohol.” [18-673]
There is no mention of barrel ageing here. Also, a dictionary of common words describes ‘Apple Jack‘ only as “Apple brandy, a liquor distilled from cider“.[19-27]
A manual from 1889 is even clearer. It states: “APPLE JACK — New Jersey name for apple brandy; it is plentiful in most of the eastern states, is generally cheaper than any other spirit and serves a good purpose in cooking, for sauces and for making flavoring extracts. CIDRE ROYAL or EAU DE VIE DE CIDRE — French name for apple jack. “It is the favorite spirit drunk in Normandy; it is also called Calvados, and generally known as such by the Parisians, being chiefly made by the apple-growers in the Calvados department.”” [20-239]
These exemplarily selected sources may be proof enough that Apple Jack was also unaged in the past. One would have to investigate when it became customary to age Apple Jack in barrels instead. It would be interesting to do more research on this.
Story Cocktail
The Story Cockytail seems unusual with its mixture of one part bitters and one part cognac, but people were drinking similar drinks long before it was created. As early as 1850, Mrs Housoun wrote about Americans on a boat trip in her book ‘Hesperos: Or, Travels in the West’: »Their ‘custom of an afternoon,’ was to prepare and drink a favourite compound, which went by the name of ‘brandy-cocktail.’ The avowed object was to stimulate their appetites for dinner, … and as it seemed to have the desired effect, I may as well add, for the benefit of other weak and delicate indiciduals, that brandy-cocktail is composed of equal quantities of ‚Stoughton bitters‘ and Cognac.«
Swiss Absinthe Highball
The ‘Swiss Absinthe Highball’ has a long tradition. Prepared with normal water instead of soda water, it is called ‘Mauresque’. It is said to have been invented by French soldiers during the Algerian campaign in the 1830s and 1840s, when they served in the Bataillon d’Afrique. It was also called the ‘Bureau Arabe’ after the military department that dealt with local affairs and was said to act like “an iron fist in a velvet glove”.
From Gin Punch to Collins – Part 3: Sparkling Lemonade and Lemonade Powder
Johann Georg Krünitz also describes lemonade powder in his Encyclopaedia with the entry: “Lemonade powder is a powder consisting of dried citric acid, sugar, etc., etc., which, when poured into water, produces a true lemonade. Take 2 ounces of lemon juice, 6 ounces of sugar and 8 ounces of wine. Mix this together and steam it very gently over the fire until dry. Then it is powdered and mixed with another 2 ounces of sugar, which has previously been rubbed over some fresh lemons. Then put the powder into a medicinal jar and keep it away from the air, which would otherwise make it damp in a very short time. Another method is to take 4 ounces of the finest sugar, pound it to powder, then add 2 1/2 drachms of potassium hydrogenoxalate and 60 drops of real cedar oil, which is mixed well together. Or the yellow peel of one or more lemons is rubbed off on hard sugar until the sugar has absorbed sufficient oil from it, and then the potassium hydrogenoxalate is added. Or instead of the latter, the same amount of Cremor Tartari is used, which also produces a lemonade powder. The latter, however, does not dissolve in cold water, but sinks to the bottom, and must therefore be stirred during use“.
– “Limonaden=Pulver, ist ein Pulver, das aus der eingetrockneten Citronen=Säure, Zucker etc. etc. besteht, und das, so wie man es ins Wasser schüttet, eine wahre Limonade hervorbringt. Man nimmt dazu 2 Unzen Citronen=Saft, 6 Unzen Zucker, und 8 Unzen Wein. Man vermischt dieses zusammen und dampft es über dem Feuer bis zum Trocknen sehr gelinde ab. Alsdann pulverisirt man es, und vermischt es mit noch 2 Unzen Zucker, welche vorher über einigen frischen Citronen abgerieben worden. Hierauf thut man das Pulver in ein Arzneyglas, und bewahrt es vor dem Zutritt der Luft, von der es sonst in sehr kurzer Zeit feucht wird. Nach einer andern Methode nimmt man 4 Unzen vom feinsten Zucker, stößt ihn zu Pulver, thut dann 2 1/2 Drachmen Sauer=Kleesalz und 60 Tropfen vom ächten Cedernöhl hinzu, welches wohl mit einander vermischt wird. Oder man reibt von einer oder mehreren Citronen die gelbe Schale auf hartem Zucker so lange ab, bis der Zucker hinlänglich Oehl daraus in sich genommen hat, und mischt hernach das Sauerkleesalz hinzu. Oder man nimmt auch statt des letzteren eben so viel Cremor Tartari, wodurch man auch ein Limonaden=Pulver erhält. Dieses letztere löset sich aber in kaltem Wasser nicht auf, sondern senkt sich zu Boden, und muß daher beym Gebrauche umgerührt werden.“
Water Lily
Richard Boccato speaks of ‘violet syrup’; this was prepared in the Little Branch from gin, violet liqueur (Monin) and sugar syrup in a 2:1:1 ratio. Jim Meehan had later adapted the recipe for his bar ‘PDT’ and replaced the violet syrup with crème de violette.
Punch, Toddy, Grog & Co. – Part 2: Punch – A Drink of the English Seamen
However, a puncheon could also contain up to 120 gallons.
There are also authors who interpret Palepuntz as “pale punch.”
Punch, Toddy, Grog & Co. – Part 5: Punch – The First One Hundred Years
I write up about the custom of adding toasted bisquits to punch. For this I have the following addition:
What exactly one must imagine by such a biscuit, perhaps enlightens the Dictionaire Oeconomique of Noel Chomel in the translated and expanded version, which was published in London in 1725. In it, first of all, there is a general description of how to prepare ‘ biskets’. It is a pancake-like dough, consisting of eggs, sugar and flour, which one bakes in an oven. However, one also goes into the English way of baking biscuits, which is said to be the best. For this, one prepares a dough from flour, eggs, yeast, cream, water and anise seeds, which is formed into a loaf and baked. After a day or two, it is cut into toast-like slices, sprinkled with powdered sugar, and then dried in a warm oven. You can also do the sugaring and drying two or three times.
– »Bisket, a sort of dainty Preparation well known, and made several ways. To make the Common Biskets, take eight Eggs and break ’em into some Vessel, and beat ’em in the same manner as you would do for Pancakes, put to ’em a Pound of Sugar pulveriz’d, and some Flower soon after; take care to temper the whole until the Paste becomes very white, and that there be nothing like a Lump therein; pour this paste into Moulds made of Tin, and of an oblong Square, with rais’d Edges to contain the Paste, put ’em into the Oven after you have strew’d Sugar upon ’em: they must be put at a distance from the live Coals for fear of burning them. They require no more time than a quarter of an Hour of baking, and assuming a fine Colour; when tehy are taken out of the Oven, they glaze them with some Sugar reduced into Powder, which they strew over them, and so take them out of their Moulds while they are yet hot; the Oven must be left open while they are baking, and the heat should be moderate. Our English way for Common Biskets, and said to be the best, ist to take half a Peck of Flower, four Eggs, half a Pint of Yeast, and an Ounce and a half of Aniseeds, which make into a Loaf with sweet Cream and cold Water; this you are to fashion somewhat long, and when baked and a day or two cold, cut it into thin Slices like Toasts, and strew ’em over with powder’d Sugar; then dry ’em in a warm Stove or Oven, and when dry, sugar ’em again, and doing so two or three times, put ’em up for Use.«
The Oxford Companion writes that similar recipes can be found from the 16th to the 20th century. What they have in common is that the dough is flavored, for example with citrus peel, anise or rose water, and baked twice like a rusk. These types of biscuits exchanged flavors with the punch and finally resulted in a dessert resembling a rum cake.
If you look more closely at the French edition from 1761, you will also find this indication: “Biscuit. It is also a hard, firm and very long-lasting bread, baked in the seafaring places for the crews of the ships. It has the shape of small, round, flat cakes, half a finger or a finger thick. That of Martinique is very white and one of the best.”
– “Biscuit. C’est aussi un Pain dur, ferme, & qui se conserve très-long-tems qu’on fait dans les places Maritimes pour les équipages des vaisseaux. Il est en forme de petits gâteaux ronds, plats, & épais d’un demi-doigt ou d’un doigt. Celui de la Martinique est très-blanc & un des meilleurs.“
So, as can be seen, we will not be entirely wrong in considering punch biscuits as a kind of rusk, whether flavored and sweetened or not.
As a general comment, we added: We have now looked at the first one hundred years of punch. In this time frame, punch became more and more popular and found its way from seafaring into society. This is also evidenced by an article from 1756, which states: “Punch has, of late years, grown so customary a liquor, that there are very few unacquainted with either the composition or the qualities of the several ingredients.”
Punch, Toddy, Grog & Co. – Part 6: What is a Punch?
The following note was added:
Even though this book is very clear and writes that tea does not belong in a real British punch, others obviously did not see it so strictly. For in Great Britain, people had been preparing a tea punch with green tea since at least 1728. And a London magazine stated in 1840 that the use of tea instead of water was one of the basic rules in preparing a punch.
Punch, Toddy, Grog & Co. – Part 8: Grog
Not only the dilution changed, but also the amount of rum served daily. Initially it was half a pint, but in 1824 this was reduced to a quarter of a pint and in 1851 it was halved again.
From Gin-Punch to Collins – Part 2: Soda
This text was added:
People drank soda water not only directly at the source, but also in distant places, to which the water was exported. For example, one could also take a cure in Vienna, as we are told from the year 1783: “In a magnificent pavilion one has all the refreshments and billiards. If you want to see this place in its splendor, you have to visit it in the morning during the highest summer months. It has been the custom here in the grand world for some years now to drink a cure of mineral water in the Augarten, no matter how healthy you are. Imagination has really introduced in this place the sociability and confidentiality that usually prevails at the famous fountains of health, and here one really enjoys the open and free society that has made Spaa, Pyrmont and other places of this kind famous, even if the necessary spa water has to be procured from more than 100 miles away. All classes, especially the scholars and the nobility mingle here. The ladies drink the cure to be able to show themselves in negligees, and the gentlemen, because the ladies in negligees are not so proud and brittle as in big finery.”
– “In einem prächtigen Pavillon hat man alle Erfrischungen und Billard. Wenn man diesen Ort in seinem Glanz sehn will, muß man ihn in den höchsten Sommermonathen morgens besuchen. Es ist seit einigen Jahren hier in der grossen Welt Sitte, daß man im Augarten eine Kur von mineralischem Wasser trinkt, wenn man auch noch so gesund ist. Die Einbildung hat wirklich an diesem Ort die Geselligkeit und Vertraulichkeit eingeführt, die sonst an den berühmten Gesundbrunnen zu herschen pflegt, und man geniest hier wirklich das Offene und Freye der Gesellschaft, wodurch sich Spaa, Pyrmont und andre Plätze dieser Art berühmt gemacht haben, ob man schon das nöthige Kurwasser von mehr als 100 Meilen her beschreiben muß. Alle Stände, besonders die Gelehrten und der Adel mischen sich hier durch einander. Die Damen trinken die Kur um sich im Neglische zeigen zu können, und die Herrn, weil die Damen im Negische nicht so stolz und spröde als im grossen Putz sind.“
The origin of the cocktail. Part 1: Purl and Stoughton’s Bitters.
1775 Elizabeth Moxon: English Housewifery. Esemplified in above four hundred and fifty receipts, giving directions in most parts of cookery. … Eleventh edition, Leeds, 1775. Therein the appendix: A Suplement to Moxon’s Cookery. Page 27. https://archive.org/details/englishhousewife00moxo/page/26/mode/2up?q=%22orange+bitter%22
Take six drams of cochineal beat fine, a
quarter of an ounce of saffron, three drams
of rhubarb, one ounce of gentian cut small,
and the parings of five or six sevile oranges;
to these ingredients put three pints of brandy,
let all stand within the air of the fire three
days; then pour off the liquor, and
fill the bottle again with brandy, putting in
the peel of one or two oranges: Let this
stand six or eight days, then pour it off thro’
a fine cloth; mix the former and this toge-
ther, and it is fit for use.
Which French vermouth belongs in old recipes?
This judgement is confirmed as early as 1899. At that time, people wrote about the Manhattan Cocktail: “The true Manhattan cocktail is always made with Italian vermouth, but at half the places where they undertake to serve it French vermouth is substituted, and the fine flavor is altogether destroyed. French vermouth is a sort of wine, Italian vermouth is a cordial pure and simple. They are as different as milk and molasses. A cocktail made from the French brand is no more a Manhattan than it is a Spanish omelette.”
Volumetric quantities
1910 Anonymus. 101 Drinks and How to Mix Them. A Few Well-Choosen Words.
… A jigger
holds 2 ounces. A pony holds 1 ounce. The cor-
rect highball glass holds 6 ounces, and requires
a pony of liquor. “Old Fashioned” glasses also
hold 6 ounces, whereas medium bar glasses
hold 12 ounces and cocktail glasses 2.
explicit capitulum