
The foundation of bartending – historical books in times of the internet. Part 4: Literature in the 20th Century up to the Beginning of Prohibition (1900 – 1919)


With the Manhattan Cocktail, a development began that led to a golden age of bar culture. We separate this ongoing development into an early and a late period in 1900. On the one hand, Harry Johnson’s 2nd edition of the “New and Improved Bartender’s Manual” appeared in this year (we had let the “early period” begin with this in 1882). On the other hand, the early and late periods each cover 18 years, because the last important bar books before Prohibition were published until 1917. This golden age of bartending came to an abrupt end with the beginning of American Prohibition in 1920.

[1900] Frank Newman: American-Bar. Recettes des Boissins Anglaises & Américaines. Paris, Société francaise d’imprimerie et de librairie, 1900.

[1900] George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. How to Mix and Serve All Kinds of Cups and Drinks. Akron, New York & Chicago, Saalfield Publishing Co., 1900. (view only)


[1900] Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders’ Manual or: How to Mix Drinks of the Present Style, Containing Valuable Instructions and Hints by the Author in Reference to the Management of a Bar, a Hotel and a Restaurant; also a Large List of Mixed Drinks, including American, British, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, etc., with Illustrations and a Comprehensive Description of Bar Utensils, Wines, Liquors, Ales, Mixtures, etc., etc. Revised Edition. New York City, 1900.

[1900] James C. Maloney: The 20th Century Guide For Mixing Fancy Drinks. Chicago, Selbstverlag, 1900.

[1900] William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender: A twentieth century encyclopedia for all students of mixology (2nd ed., rev. & enl.). San Francisco: The San Francisco News Co.

[1901] Anonymus: Mamma’s Recipes For Keeping Papa Home. New York: Oct. C. Blache & Co.

The existence of the book is proven by an entry in the „Library of Congress’ Catalog of Copyright Entries“. Marcovalso Dionysos gives Albert Seifert as the author, but it is unclear how he arrives at this statement. Other versions with this title were published by other liquor dealers, as confirmed by a copyright entry from 1907 . [1]

[1901] Anonymus: The Cocktail Book: A Sideboard Manual for Gentlemen. Boston, L. C. Page & Company, 1901. Laut Copyright abweichend von der Titelseite 1900.

This book is attributed to Frederic Lawrence Knowles, whose pseudonym was R. L. Paget. [1]

[1901] J. E. Sheridan: The Complete Buffet Manual Or How to Mix Fancy Drinks. Containing Clear and Practical Directions for Mixing All Kinds of Drinks and Beverages, Served In First Class Hotels, Buffets, Etc., To Which is Added Complete Directions and Recipes For Making All Kinds of Domestic Wines, Liquors, Brandies, beers, Cordials, Extracts, Syprups, Etc. Chicago and New York, The Henneberry Company, 1901.

[1902] Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. How They Are Mixed. Cleveland, Chicago, St.Paul, New York, Bishop & Babcock Company, 1902.

[1902] Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. A Complete Manual on the Art of Mixing all kind of Fancy Drinks, as well as hints on the care of Wines, Liquors, etc. A new and Revised Edition. New York, Richard K. Fox, Publisher, 1902.

[1902] Anonymus: Liqueurs et tabacs. Montreal, Organe officiel de l’Association des Commercants de Vins et de Liqueurs Licenciés de la Cité de Montréal, 1902.

[1902] Anonymus: “Red Top Rye Guide” or How to Make Fine, Fancy, or Mixed Drinks. Cincinnati & St. Joseph, Ferdinand Westheimer & Sons, 1902.

[1902] Anonymus: The Cocktail Book: A Sideboard Manual for Gentlemen. Boston, John Macqueen, 1902.

This book is attributed to Frederic Lawrence Knowles, whose pseudonym was R. L. Paget. [1]


[1902] Charlie Paul: American and other Iced Drinks. London, McCorquodale & Co, 1902.

[1902] Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de Boissons Américaines. Simples et faciles a préparer chez soi. Paris, Libraire Nilsson, ohne Jahr.

[1903] Anonymus: Hegenbarth’s Bowlen-, Punsch-, und Kaffee-Haus-Getränkebuch. Eine Sammlung zeitgemäßer Vorschriften zu Herstellung von kalten, warmen und sonstigen Mischgetränken. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der in- und ausländischen Kaffeehaus-Getränke, der „american drinks“, sowie Äpfel- und sonstiger Frucht-Bowlen und Punsche. 3. Auflage. Dresden-Plauen, Max Hegebarth’s Verlag, 1903.

[1903] Anonymus: Manuel du Cocktail. Un “Vade Mecum” pour Gentlemen. London, John Macqueen, 1903.

[1903] Don. Wilkes: The Bachelor Book. London, A. J. White, ohne Jahr.

[1903] Edward Spencer: The Flowing Bowl. A Treatise on Drinks of All Kinds and of All Periods, Interspersed with Sundry Anecdotes and Reminiscences. London, Grant Richards, 1903.

[1903] Mrs. Charles Roundell & Harry Roberts: The Still-Room. London & New York, John Lane, 1903.

Mrs. Charles Roundell is a pseudonym probably used by Julia Anne Elizabeth Tollemache. [1]

[1903] Tim Daly: Daly’s Bartender’s Encyclopedia. A Complete Catalogue Of the Latest and Most Popular Drinks, with a number of original ones by the Author, and the proper method of serving them. Worchester, Tim Daly, 1903.


[1903] V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide or How To Mix All Kind of Drinks containing Clear and Practical Directions for Mixing all Kinds of Drinks and Beverages Served in First-Class Clubs, Hotels, Buffets, etc. to which is added Complete Directions and Recipes for making all Kinds of Domestic Wines, Liquors, Brandies, Beers, Cordials, Syrups, Extracts, Etc. including Toast Suitable for All Occasions. Chicago, M. A. Donohue & Co., 1903.

[1904] Anonymus: A Book of Beverages. Being Recipes secured from those Housewifes most Notable for their Skill in the Preparation of Choice & Delectable Beverages for Winter Nights and Summer Noons. Worcester, Colonel Timothy Bigelow Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, 1904 (nur Ansicht)

[1904] Christine Terhune Herrick: Consolidated library of modern cooking and household recipes. Vol. V. New York, 1907.

[1904] Frank Newman: American-Bar. Boissins Anglaises & Américaines telles qu’on les prépare. 2. erweiterte Auflage. Paris, Société francaise d’imprimerie et de librairie, 1904.

[1904] John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide or How to Mix Drinks. 2. überarbeitete Auflage. Chicago, The Hotel Monthly, 1904.

The first edition was published in 1899.

[1904] May E. Southworth: One Hundred and One Beverages. San Francisco, Paul Elder & Company, 1904

[1904] Paul E. Lowe: Drinks As They Are Mixed. A Manual of Quick Reference Containing Upwards of 300 Recipes for Mixing and Serwing Drinks. An Invaluable Companion to All Who Are Engaged in the Liquor Business. Including Toasts and Sentiments for all Occasions. Chicago, Frederick J. Drake and Company, 1904.

[1904] Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks and How to Mix Them. Containing Clear and Practical Directions for Mixing All Kinds of Cocktails, Sours, Egg Nog, Sherry Cobblers, Coolers, Absinthe, Crustas, Fizzes, Flips, Juleps, Fixes, Punches, Lemonades, Pousse Cafes, Invalids’ Drinks, Etc., Etc. New York, Excelsior Publishing House, 1904.

The year of publication is often given as 1896. The reference on the title page of the book to the year 1896 (“Entered at Post Office, New York, N. Y., as Second-Class Matter, March 3, 1896”) does not refer to the publication date of the book. This entry is identical to other books by the publisher from other years of publication. [1]

[1905] Anonymus: Bebidas americanas, refrescos y licores. Barcelona, Coleciòn de libros modernos, ohne Jahr.

[1905] Anonymus: The Gorham Cocktail Book: New York, Gorham MFG. Company, New York, 1905. (nur Anzeige)

[1905] Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. How to Open a Saloon and Make It Pay. New York City, Richard K. Fox, New York, laut Copyright: 1905.

The year 1905 is verifiable by a mention in Publisher’s Weekly, stating that it was an expanded edition of the book “The new bartender’s guide” by the same author. [1]

[1906] A. Lyman Phillips: A Bachelors Cupboard Containing Crumbs Culled from the Cupboards of the Great Unwedded. Boston & London, John W. Luce & Company, 1906.


[1906] Anonymus: Dr. Siegbert’s Angostura Bitters. Ohne Ort, Ohne Jahr.

[1906] George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. How to Mix and Serve All Kinds of Cups and Drinks. Akron, New York & Chicago, Saalfield Publishing Co., 1906.

[1906] George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Ohne Ort, Ohne Jahr.

[1906] H. W. Wiley: Foreign trade practises in the manufacture and exportation of alcoholic beverages and canned goods. Summary of an investigation made in Great Britain and Ireland, Germany and France. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Division of chemistry, Bulletin No. 102. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1906.

[1906] Louis Muckensturm: Louis’ Mixed Drinks With Hints for the Care & Serving of Wines. Boston & New York, H. M. Caldwell Co., 1906 (view only)

[1907] Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Or: How to Mix Fancy Drinks and Beverages. 10. Auflage. New York, Miner Publishing Co., 1907.

[1907] Frank Newman: American-Bar. Boissins Anglaises & Américaines telles qu’on les prépare. 3. erweiterte Auflage. Paris, Société francaise d’imprimerie et de librairie, 1907.

[1908] Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. How to Open a Saloon and Make It Pay. New York City, Richard K. Fox, New York, laut Copyright: 1905.

[1908] Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. A Treatise On the Care and Handling of Wines and Liquors, Storing, Binning and Serving. Recipes for Mixed Drinks and When and How to Serve Them. New York City, 1908.

[1908] M. E. Steedman: Home-made Beverages and American Drinks. London, The Food & Cookery Publishing Agency, ohne Jahr.

At, this book is given as 1922, presumably because this year was pencilled into the book. In August 1908, however, there is an advertisementfor this “newly published” book in “The Epicure”, so that one may assume 1908 as the year of publication. [1]

[1908] William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. 1. Auflage. San Francisco, H. S. Crocker Company, Sacramento, 1908.

[1909] Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Illustriertes internationales Getränke-Buch.1. Auflage. Leipzig, P.M. Blühers Verlag, 1909

[1909] Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks. London, McCorquodale & Co, 1909.

[1909] George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. How to Mix and Serve All Kinds of Cups and Drinks. Akron, New York & Chicago, Saalfield Publishing Co., 1909.

[1909] Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. An Up-to-Date, Bartenders’ Vest Pocket. How to Mix Drinks of the Present Time. Containing Clear and Practical Directions for Mixing the Most Popular Plain and Fancy Drinks, Such as Cocktails, Daisies, Fixes, Fizzes, Flips, Sours, Cobblers, Punches, Rickeys, High Balls, Frappes, Juleps, Hot Drinks, Etc. Etc. 3. Auflage. New York, The Outing Press, 1909.

[1909] John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book or How to Mix Drinks. 3. überarbeitete Auflage. Chicago, The Hotel Monthly, 1909.

[1909] Jorge Casparò: Guia practica del cantinero (Bar-Tender). Monterrey, 1909.

[190x] Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. An Up-to-Date, Bartenders‘ Vest Pocket. How to Mix Drinks of the Present Time. Containing Clear and Practical Directions for Mixing the Most Popular Plain and Fancy Drinks, Such as Cocktails, Daisies, Fixes, Fizzes, Flips, Sours, Cobblers, Punches, Rickeys, High Balls, Frappes, Juleps, Hot Drinks, Etc. Etc. 5. Auflage. Ohne Ort, ohne Jahr. Note: Collectif1806 gives 1914 as the year, but in other editions published before and after 1914 there is always a year and the number of the edition. So is this possibly the first edition? If so, it would not have been published after 1909 (the third edition appeared in 1909).

[1910] Anonymus: 101 Drinks and How to Mix Them. Oshkosh, Direct Mail Associates, ohne Jahr.

[1910] Anonymus: The liqueur compounder’s handbook of recipes for the manufacture of liqueurs, alcoholic cordials and compounded spirits. Seventh edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1910. Ansicht)


[1910] Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. How to Open a Saloon and Make It Pay. New York City, Richard K. Fox, New York, laut Copyright: 1905.

[1910] E. Moreno: Manual del Cantinero o Cocktelero Perfecto. Manual utilisimo e indispensable para todos aquellos que se dediquen o deseen dedicarse a la preparación de toda clase de bebidas compuestas, refrescos, helados, aperitivos, refrigerantes, etc., etc. José Lòpez Rodriguez, Habana, ohne Jahr.

[1910] Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual on the Vintage and Production, Care and Handling of Wines, Liquors, Etc. A Handbook of Information for Home, Club, or Hotel. Recipes for Fancy Mixed Drinks and When and How to Serve. New York, McClunn & Co., 1910.

The book has a copyright of 1910, but some date it to 1912, saying it appears in the Library of Congress’ Catalog of Copyright Entries for that year. [1]

[1910?] J. Rey: Guide du Maître d’Hôtel et du Restaurateur. Ohne Ort, ohne Jahr. Collectiv1806 nennt als Jahr um 1910.

[1910] Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. The Art of Mixing Cocktails, Punches, Coolers, Cobblers, Juleps, Smashes, Flips, Toddies, Sangarees, Egg-Nog and The Fizz. Improved Recipes for Plain and Fancy Cocktails. 2. Auflage. Ohne Ort, Selbstverlag, 1910.

[1910] Richard Andeck: Das Buch der American Drinks. Berlin, 1910.

[1910] Rodolph Rose: Toasts Wines and how to serve them. Ohne Ort, 1910.

[1911] Carlos Golfrin: Manual del Cantinero. Bebidas económicas. De los vinos naturales, vinos generosos, vinos de pasas, vinos de frutas, sidras, cervezas, limonadas, licores de mesa y jarabes, aperitivos, helados, seobetes y granizados, bebidas americanas, frutas en aguardiente. Barcelona, F. Granady y. c., ohne Jahr.

1911 as The year of publication of the book is confirmed by an entry in the Bibliografía Española Índices. [1] lists it in 1909.

[1911] George R. Washburne & Stanley Bronner: Beverages De Luxe. Louisville, The Wine And Spirit Bulletin, 1911.

[1911] Ignacio Doménech: El Arte del Cocktelero Europeo. Manera de preparar los Cocktails, Ponches y demás bibedas exóticas. Contiene más de trescientas recetas, fiourando todos los clarets-cups y veintidós secciones de refrescos americanos é ingleses. 2. Auflage. Madrid, Imprenta Helénica, ohne Jahr.

The year of publication of the book is confirmed by an entry in the Bibliografía Española Índices. [1] lists the book in 1912.

[1912] Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Complete Mixing Guide Containing a Full List of Formulas for Making All Standard Fancy Drinks, Alphabetically Arranged, Carefully Compiled and Edited; Also Recipes for Attractive Desserts. New York, J. W. Wuppermann, ohne Jahr.

[1912] Anonymus: Wehman Bros.’ Bartenders’ Guide. How to Mix Drinks. New York, Wehman Bros., 1912.

[1912] Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. How to Open a Saloon and Make It Pay. New York City, Richard K. Fox, New York, laut Copyright: 1905.

The copyright from 1905 given in the book refers to the previous edition. However, there are photos from 1909 in the book. The year 1912 can be indicated by the entry in the „Library of Congress’ Catalog of Copyright Entries“. [1]

[1912] Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks. Neuauflage. London, McCorquodale & Co, 1912.


[1912] E.J.M.: The Great American cocktail. New York, Holtz & Freystedt, ohne Jahr. (nur Ansicht)

[1912] John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. A ready reference and guide containing plain and reliable directions for mixing all kinds of beverages used in first class bars throughout the world. A thorough variety, Formulas, etc. Chicago, Stromberg, Allen & Co., 1912. (view only)

[1912] Kendall Banning: The Squire’s Recipes. In Which are Described the Methods by Which Calvin Banning, Esquire, Compounded the Twelve most Famous Toddies that Distinguished his Hospitality. Chicago, Brothers of the Book, 1912. (view only)

[1912] Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de Boissons Américaines. Simples et faciles a préparer chez soi. Paris, Èditions Nilsson, ohne Jahr.

[1912] William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. 2. Auflage. San Francisco, H. S. Crocker Company, Sacramento, 1908.

The publication year 1908 given in the book is the date of the first edition. The second edition was published around 1912, also has 1908 as the printed publication date, and contains additional recipes at the end. [1]

[1913] Bartender’s Association of America: Bartender’s Manual. Ohne Ort, 1913.

[1913] Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Illustriertes internationales Getränke-Buch. 2. Auflage. Leipzig, P.M. Blühers Verlag, 1909

[1913] Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke (circa 3000 Erklärungen von Getränken verschiedener Nationen.). 1. Auflage. Köln, Leybold & Schönfeld, 1913.

[1913] Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders’ Guide. A valuable ready reference guide to the art of mixing drinks. Containing all the standard and popular drinks, with a choice selection of appropriate toasts. Baltimore, I. & M. Ottenheimer, 1913.

[1913] Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks For All Occasions. This book contains over 675 clear and accurate directions for mixing all kinds of popular and fancy drinks, served in the best hotels, clubs, buffets, bars and homes. Added to this there is a splendid introduction on wines, their medicinal value, when and how to serve them, kinds and styles of glasses to use and other valuable information and facts of great importance to every user of wines and liquors. Chicago, R. Francis Welsh Publishing Co., 1913.

[1914] Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Chicago, Felix Mendelsohn, ohne Jahr.

[1914] Anonymus (Charles S. Mahoney): New Bartender’s Guide. Telling How to Mix all the Standard and Popular Drinks Called for Everyday. Baltimore & Maryland, L. & M. Ottenheimer, (Copyright) 1914. (view only)

[1914] Ernest P. Rawling: Rawling’s Book of Mixed Drinks. An Up-To-Date Guide for Mixing and Serving All Kind of Beverages, and Written Expressly for the Man Who Entertains at Home. San Francisco, Guild Press Publishers, 1914.

[1914] George R. Washburne & Stanley Bronner: Beverages De Luxe. 2. Auflage, Louisville, 1914. (view only)


[1914] Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders’ Guide. A Valuable Ready Reference Guide to the Art of Mixing Drinks.Containing All the Standard and Popular Drinks, With a Choice Selection of Appropriate Toasts. Ohne Ort, L. & M. Ottenheimer, (Copyright) 1913.

The title and also the copyright are identical to the 1913 edition, but they are not identical in content. The reprint here has been expanded to include recipes, so it is safe to assume that the year of publication was also 1914. (nur Ansicht)

[1914] Jacques Straub: Drinks. This book contains about seven hundred accurate directions for mixing various kinds of popular and fancy drinks served in the best hotels, clubs, buffets, bars and homes of the civilized world. The introductory chapter on Wines tells of their medicinal value; when and how to serve them; the kinds and styles of glasses to use, and other information of importance to users of wines and liquors. Chicago, The Hotel Monthly Press, 1914. (This is a reprint from 1920 or later). (view only) (This is a reprint from 1920 or later).


[1915] Anonymus: Manual del licorista con dos mil recetas y procedimientos para la fabricación de licores. 2. Auflage. Madrid, Castoldi, 1915.

[1915] John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Habana, 1915.

[191x] Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual On the Vintage & Production, Care & Handling of Wines. Liquors, Etc. A Handbook of Information for Home, Club or Hotel. Recipes for Fancy Mixed Drinks and When and How to Serve. 3. Auflage, New York, ohne Jahr (aber vor 1916, nach 1910)

[1916] Charley Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide: How to Open a Saloon and Make It Pay. New York: Richard K. Fox Publishing Company.

The book is documented by an entry in the „Library of Congress’ Catalog of Copyright Entries“. [1]

[1916] Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks. Neuauflage. London, McCorquodale & Co, ohne Jahr.

[1916] Count Benvenito Martini: Cocktail-ology. Being a Compendium of the Best Drinks Judiciously Sampled and Set Down. Ohne Ort, Litho-Craft Press Corp., Ohne Ort, ohne Jahr.

[1916] Hugo R. Ensslin: Recipes for Mixed Drinks. New York: Fox Printing House.

The book is documented by an entry in the „Library of Congress’ Catalog of Copyright Entries“. [1]

[1916] Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual On the Vintage & Production, Care & Handling of Wines, Liquors, Etc. A Handbook of Information for Home, Club or Hotel. Recipes for Fancy Mixed Drinks and When and How to Serve. 4. Auflage. New York City, 1916. (view only)

[1916] Samuel E. Davies: Canapes, Salads, Sandwiches, Drinks, etc. New York, 1916. (view only)

[1917] G.G.D & E.E.F.P.: Seventy recipes for cocktails, cups and punches. 1917.

[1917] Hugo R. Ensslin: Recipes for Mixed Drinks, 2. Auflage, New York 1917.

[1917] Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. An Up-to-Date, Bartenders’ Vest Pocket. How to Mix Drinks of the Present Time. Containing Clear and Practical Directions for Mixing the Most Popular Plain and Fancy Drinks, Such as Cocktails, Daisies, Fixes, Fizzes, Flips, Sours, Cobblers, Punches, Rickeys, High Balls, Frappes, Juleps, Hot Drinks, Etc. Etc. 5. Auflage. Ohne Ort, 1917.

[1917] Tom Bullock: The Ideal Bartender. St. Louis, Eigenverlag (?), 1917. (no PDF) (view only)


[1918] Anonymus: „Home Brewed“ Wines and Beers and Bartender’s Guide. Secrets of Liquor Trade. Complete Directions and Recipes for Making all Kinds of Wines, Beers, Liquors, Brandies, Cordials, Syrups, Extracts, etc. Detroit & Windson, John Smith & Company, ohne Jahr.

[1919] Albert A. Hopkins: Home Made Beverages. The Manufacture of Non-Alcoholic and Alcoholic Drinks in the Household. New York, The Scientific American Publishing Company, 1919.

The copyright mentions the years 1891, 1892, 1900 to 1910, so the first edition was published in 1891. (view only)

[1919] Anonymus: The Gorham Cocktail Book of Beverages. Providence, new York & London, Gorham Company, 1919.

[1919] Harvey Washington Wiley: Beverages and Their Adulteration. Origin, Composition, Manufacture, Natural, Artificial, Fermented, Distilled, Alkaloidal and Fruit Juices. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston’s Son & Co., 1919.


[1919] Julian Anderson: Julian’s Recipes. 1919.

  1. The Bibulous Bibliography. 1895–1919 (Old School of Bartending).

explicit capitulum


Hi, I'm Armin and in my spare time I want to promote bar culture as a blogger, freelance journalist and Bildungstrinker (you want to know what the latter is? Then check out "About us"). My focus is on researching the history of mixed drinks. If I have ever left out a source you know of, and you think it should be considered, I look forward to hearing about it from you to learn something new. English is not my first language, but I hope that the translated texts are easy to understand. If there is any incomprehensibility, please let me know so that I can improve it.

2 comments on “The foundation of bartending – historical books in times of the internet. Part 4: Literature in the 20th Century up to the Beginning of Prohibition (1900 – 1919)

  1. Daniel Estremadoyro

    Hi Armin & Frank!
    I cannot find the words to express how important your work has become for us seeking knowledge in our field, neither to thank you for that.
    Having said that, let me ask you a question that I guess has no answer yet but… Did you finally got a clue about the identity of that “Harry Montague”, co-author and author of “New Bartender’s Guide” (1913) and “The Up-To-Date Bartenders’ Guide” (1914) respectively?
    I couldn’t find any information about this person, I guess must be a nom de plume, but find very strange to see his name associated with that of the very well known Charles Mahoney.
    Thanks in advance for your kind reply
    Un abrazo from Argentina!

    • Hi Daniel,
      Thank you very much for your kind words. It’s always a pleasure to help you all to learn more about mixed drinks. It’s great to know that there are inquisitive bar friends all over the world.
      You’re right, I don’t have an answer to your question either. I couldn’t find anything about “Harry Montague”. Maybe it really is a pseudonym. But maybe one of our readers knows more and can help us learn more about it?
      Un abrazo from both of us back to Argentina!

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