
Kicking Cow

Kicking Cow.

Today we present a drink for the dessert lovers’ faction. If you want to enjoy something other than a Brandy Alexander, try the “kicking cow”. Bourbon, cream, maple syrup and nutmeg make a harmonious combination.

45 ml James E. Pepper 1776 Bourbon
15 ml maple syrup
15 ml cream
Grated nutmeg as garnish

Preparation: Shaken. Garnish with grated nutmeg.

This delicious dessert was introduced to us by Swetlana Holz at Le Lion on 28 April 20017. She had found it in the “Stork Club Bar Book” published in 1946. It was probably created by Arthur Berry, because right before the recipe there is a note saying that he contributed the recipe. We were immediately taken with it, because it is a successful variation on a cream drink. We did a little research and have not found the recipe in any other book so far. So the drink is a real rarity, which is strange, because it would have deserved to have been published more often. Be that as it may, in any case it deserves to be served more often.

Kicking Cow.
Kicking Cow.

Historical recipes

1946 Lucius Beebe: The Stork Club Bar Book. Seite 111. Kicking Cow.

1/3 oz. maple syrup
1/3 cream
2/3 oz. bourbon or rye
Shake well and use cracked ice. Serve in a
cocktail glass.

explicit capitulum


Hi, I'm Armin and in my spare time I want to promote bar culture as a blogger, freelance journalist and Bildungstrinker (you want to know what the latter is? Then check out "About us"). My focus is on researching the history of mixed drinks. If I have ever left out a source you know of, and you think it should be considered, I look forward to hearing about it from you to learn something new. English is not my first language, but I hope that the translated texts are easy to understand. If there is any incomprehensibility, please let me know so that I can improve it.