
Simon’s Cat

Simon's Cat. Beitragsbild.© Le Lion - Swetlana Holz

Marian Gadzewski from Le Lion in Hamburg created this delicious cocktail with Dubonnet and Jenever. We recommend it with pleasure.

60 ml Dubonnet
40 ml Rutte Old Simon jenever
1 Dash Peychaud’s Bitters
1 lemon zest

Preparation: Shaken (with the lemon zest), single strained.

The name does not refer to the comic Simon’s Cat. Rather, it derives from Simon Rutte, after whom Old Simon Jenever is named, and the cat depicted on the Dubonnet bottle.  [1] [2]

For us, it is a successful and independent variation of the Dubonnet or Zaza cocktail, which we will cover in a separate post. The variation consists in the use of jenever instead of gin, the addition of Peychaud’s Bitters, and the shaking of a lemon zest. But it could also be considered a variant of a Martinez cocktail. [1] [2]

This cocktail was created in August or September 2017, when Marian developed a cocktail that would bring the taste of the Dubonnet to the fore. [2]


2017 Jörg Meyer, http://trinken.jrgmyr.net/2017/12/18/011-empfehlungen-eines-trinkers-genever-old-simon-und-simons-cat/: Shaker, viel kaltes Eis; 6 cl Dubonnet
4 cl Genever Rutte Old Simon; 1 Dash Peychaud’s Bitter; 1 Zitronenzeste (mit in den Shaker geben); Shake, Strain in Cocktailglas.

2017 Marian Gadzewski: 6 cl Dubonnet, 4 cl Rutte Old Simon, 2 Dash Peychaud’s Bitters, 1 Zitronenzeste (mit in den Shaker geben), 1 Barlöffel Agavensirup.

  1. http://trinken.jrgmyr.net/2017/12/18/011-empfehlungen-eines-trinkers-genever-old-simon-und-simons-cat/: Empfehlungen eines Trinkers: Genever, Old Simon und Simon’s Cat.
  2. Shared by Marian Gadzewski.

explicit capitulum


Hi, I'm Armin and in my spare time I want to promote bar culture as a blogger, freelance journalist and Bildungstrinker (you want to know what the latter is? Then check out "About us"). My focus is on researching the history of mixed drinks. If I have ever left out a source you know of, and you think it should be considered, I look forward to hearing about it from you to learn something new. English is not my first language, but I hope that the translated texts are easy to understand. If there is any incomprehensibility, please let me know so that I can improve it.