
Punch, Toddy, Grog & Co. – Part 14: Hot Rum and Hot Whiskey

Hot Buttered Rum - Titelbild.

Having looked at Hot Buttered Rum and Hot Spiced Rum, we now turn to Hot Rum and Hot Whiskey. Are they different from each other?

Credits: Title picture by Dennis Wilkinson, https://www.flickr.com/photos/djwtwo/8245393647

Hot Rum

Let us first look at the recipes for Hot Rum. The statistics are not meaningful enough because of the small number of recipes. For example, there are only three recipes from 1960 onwards. Nevertheless, the statistics clearly show that a hot rum is not a category of its own. Rather, recipes with this denomination are either a Hot Buttered Rum, which is a Toddy with butter, or less often a Toddy without butter, a Grog or something else, as the following chart shows:

Hot Rum.
Hot Rum.

Hot Whiskey

The situation is similar for Hot Whiskey. A big difference to Hot Rum is that Hot Whiskey was predominantly a Punch, whereas Hot Rum was predominantly a Toddy:

Hot Whiskey.
Hot Whiskey.


The designation Hot Rum or Hot Whiskey does not denote a category of its own, because under these designations a wide variety of things were grouped together, either a Hot Buttered Rum (or Hot Buttered Whiskey), a Skin, a Toddy, a Punch or something else.

So, as we have seen, the names Hot Rum, Hot Whiskey, Hot Spiced Rum and Hot Spiced Whiskey do not make sense, as they do not clearly specify the mixed drink being prepared. It is much more meaningful to use the more correct terms such as Hot Rum Toddy or Hot Rum Punch instead. Only Hot Buttered Rum can be considered a classification of its own; this is understood to mean a Rum Toddy with additional butter.

We have now almost reached the end of our series. Two important mixed drinks remain to be discussed. One is one that is either called a Bumbo or Rumbo, and the Sling, which is said to be the ancestor of the cocktail. This much is promised to you: These two types show surprising things.

Historical Recipes

1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 80. Hot Rum.

(Use small bar glass.)
This drink is made the same as the hot spiced rum, omit­-
ting the spices, and grating a little nutmeg on top.

Seite 80: Hot Spiced Rum.

(Use small bar glass.)
1 teaspoonful of sugar.
1 wine-glass of Jamaica rum.
1 teaspoonful of mixed spices, (allspice and cloves.)
1 piece of butter as large as half of a chestnut.
Fill tumbler with hot water.

1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 80. Hot Rum.

(Use small bar glass.)
This drink is made the same as the hot spiced rum, omit­-
ting the spices, and grating a little nutmeg on top.

Seite 80: Hot Spiced Rum.

(Use small bar glass.)
1 teaspoonful of sugar.
1 wine-glass of Jamaica rum.
1 teaspoonful of mixed spices, (allspice and cloves.)
1 piece of butter as large as half of a chestnut.
Fill tumbler with hot water.

1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 80. Hot Rum.

(Use small bar glass.)
This drink is made the same as the hot spiced rum, omit­-
ting the spices, and grating a little nutmeg on top.

Seite 80. Hot Spiced Rum.

(Use small bar glass.)
1 teaspoonful of sugar.
1 wine-glass of Jamaica rum.
1 teaspoonful of mixed spices, (allspice and cloves.)
1 piece of butter as large as half of a chestnut.
Fill tumbler with hot water.

1869 Anonymus: Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 33. Hot Rum.

This is made without the spice and butter.

Seite 33. Hot Spiced Rum.

One tablespoonful of sugar; one and a half wineglasses of
Jamaica rum; one teaspoonful of allspice and cloves; one
piece of butter. Fill tumbler three quarters full of hot water.

1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 80. Hot Rum.

(Use small bar glass.)
This drink is made the same as the hot spiced rum, omit­-
ting the spices, and grating a little nutmeg on top.

Seite 80. Hot Spiced Rum.

(Use small bar glass.)
1 teaspoonful of sugar.
1 wine-glass of Jamaica rum.
1 teaspoonful of mixed spices, (allspice and cloves.)
1 piece of butter as large as half of a chestnut.
Fill tumbler with hot water.

1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 80. Hot Rum.

(Use small bar glass.)
This drink is made the same as the hot spiced rum, omit­-
ting the spices, and grating a little nutmeg on top.

Seite 80: Hot Spiced Rum.

(Use small bar glass.)
1 teaspoonful of sugar.
1 wine-glass of Jamaica rum.
1 teaspoonful of mixed spices, (allspice and cloves.)
1 piece of butter as large as half of a chestnut.
Fill tumbler with hot water.

1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 31. Hot Whiskey.

(Use a hot whiskey glass.)
The author of this work calls attention to this rule,
that is always proper to leave the spoon in hot drinks
remain in the glass, and at all times have a separate
glass rilled with fine ice, which must be placed in a
convenient position, so that if the customer finds his
drink too hot for him, he can help himself to the above
ice; and the bartender should at all times handle the
sugar with a pair of tongues. 1 or 2 lumps of loaf-
sugar with a little hot water to dissolve the sugar well;
1 wine glass full of Scotch whiskey; fill the glass full
with hot water; then mix well; squeeze and throw the
lemon peel on top; grate a little nutmeg on top, and
It is always customary to use the Scotch whiskey in
preparing the above drink, unless the customer desires
any other.

1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 44. Hot Rum.

(Use a hot water glass.)
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar, dissolved with a little hot
1 wine glass full of Jamaica rum;
fill the balance up with hot water, stir up well with a
spoon, graite a little nutmeg on top, and serve.

1882 Harry Johnson: Practisches, Neues und Verbessertes Handbuch für Barkeeper. Seite 109. Hot Whiskey.

(Gebrauche ein heisses Whiskeyglas.)
Der Herausgeber bemerkt hierbei die Regel, dass
der Barlöffel imrner im Getränke servirt wird. Ferner
muss dem Gast stets ein Glas mit fein zerschlagenem
Eis vorgesetzt werden, damit er sich desselben zur
Abkühiung des Getränkes bedienen kann; mische wie
1 oder 2 Stücke Würfelzucker;
löse diese auf mit etwas heissem Wasser;
1 Weinglas Scotch Whiskey;
fülle das Glas mit heissem Wasser und mische es gut
auf mit einem Barlöffel und füge ein kleines Stück
Citronenschale hinzu, streue ein wenig Muscatnuss
darauf und servire.
Es ist durchweg eine Regel, dass man zu diesem
Getränke Scotch Whiskey verwendet, ausser der Gast
verlangt ausdrückich eine andere Sorte.

1882 Harry Johnson: Practisches, Neues und Verbessertes Handbuch für Barkeeper. Seite 112. Hot Rum.

(Gebrauche ein heisses Wasserglas.)
1 oder 2 Stücke Würfelzucker;
Einhalb Theelöffel voll gemischte Gewürze;
vermische dieses gut in wenigem heissem Wasser;
1 Weinglas Jamaica Rum;
fülle das Glas auf mit heissem Wasser, mische es gut
auf mit einem Barlöffel, streue ein wenig Muscatnuss
darüber und servire es. Sollte der Gast ein klein
wenig Butter zu diesem Getränk verlangen, dann ist
besonders zu beachten, dass nur die beste Qualitat und
vollständig frische Butter verwendet wird. Dieses Ge-
tränk ist für Halsleidende besonders zu empfehlen.

1882 Harry Johnson: Practisches, Neues und Verbessertes Handbuch für Barkeeper. Seite 124. Hot Rum.

(Gebrauche ein Heisswasserglas.)
1 oder 2 Stücke Würfelzucker;
löse dieses auf mit etwas heissem Wasser;
1 Weinglas Jamaica Rum;
fülle das Glas mit heissem Wasssr, mische dieses gut
auf mit einem Barlöffel und streue ein wenig Muscat-
nuss darüber, und servire es. Zu diesem Getränk ver-
wendet man immer Jamaica Rum, ausser bei ausdrück-
lichem Verlangen einer anderen Sorte Rum.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 32. Hot Rum.

The same as No. 164, omitting the spice and butter.

Seite 31. No. 164. Hot Spiced Rum.

One lump of cut loaf sugar, one wine-glass of boiling water, one
pony-wine-glass of Jamaica Rum, one small piece of butter, spice well
with allspice, cloves and nutmeg; use hot whiskey glass.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 32. Hot Irish Whiskey.

One lump of loaf sugar, one wine-glass of boiling water, one pony
brandy-glass of Sir John Power’s Irish Whiskey.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 32. Hot Scotch Whiskey.

Follow the same directions as in No. 166, substituting Ramsey’s
Scotch Whiskey for Irish.

Seite 32. No. 166. Hot Irish Whiskey.

One lump of loaf sugar, one wine-glass of boiling water, one pony
brandy-glass of Sir John Power’s Irish Whiskey.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 32. Hot Rye Whiskey.

One lump of loaf sugar, one wine-glass of boiling water, one pony-
wine-glass of Rye Whiskey.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 32. Hot Bourbon Whiskey.

The same as No. 172, substituting Bourbon Whiskey for Rye.

Seite 32. No. 172. Hot Rye Whiskey.

1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 6. Hot Scotch.

Use small bar glass. 1/2 wine glass of good Scotch
Whiskey fill balance of glass with boilling water, drop in 1
lump of sugar and some thin yellow shavings of lemon peel,
stir well and serve.

1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 22. Hot Rum.

Use small bar glass. 1 teaspoonful of sugar, 1 wine glass
of Jamaica Rum, small piece of butter, fill the tumbler with
hot water, stir with spoon and serve.

1884 George Winter: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 35. Hot Rum.

(Use hot water glass.)
Two lumps of loaf sugar dissolved with a little hot
One wine glass of Jamaica rum;
Fill balance with hot water;
Mix well with a spoon, grate a little nutmeg, then serve.

1884 Joseph W. Gibson: Scientific Bar-Keeping. Seite 30. Hot Scotch.

1 wine glass of Scotch whisky; 1 piece
of lemon peel; fill the tumbler one-half full with boiling water.

1884 Joseph W. Gibson: Scientific Bar-Keeping. Seite 30. Hot Rum.

Is made the same as the hot spiced rum,
omitting the spices, and grating a little nutmeg on top. (Use
small bar glass.)

Seite 30. Hot Spiced Rum.

1 teaspoonful of sugar; 1 wine
glass of Jamaica rum; 1 teaspoonful of allspice and cloves,
mixed; 1 piece of butter as large as half of a chestnut. Fill
tumbler with hot water. (Use small bar glass.)

1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 56. Hot Rum.

(A hot water glass.)
1 tea-spoon sugar.
A small lump of butter.
1 wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Fill glass with hot water. Stir well and serve. Omit

1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartender’s Guide. Seite 73. Hot Scotch Whisky.

(A hint.)
May be improved by adding one or two drops of sherry

1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 50. Hot Rum.

(Use medium bar-glass, hot.)
Take 1 small tea-spoonful of powdered sugar.
1 wine-glass Jamaica rum.
1 piece of sweet butter, as large as half a chest-
Dissolve the sugar in a little boiling water, add the
rum and butter, fill the glass two-thirds full of boiling
water, stir, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.

1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 76. Hot Whiskey.

(Use a hot Whiskey glass.)
Place a bar-spoon into the glass before pouring in
hot water, to avoid cracking the glass, and have a
separate glass filled with fine ice, which must be
placed in a convenient position, so that if the cus-
tomer finds his drink too hot, be can help himself to
a little ice; the bartender should at all tunes handle
the sugar with a pair of tongues. Mix as follows:
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar, with a little hot water
to dissolve the sugar well;
1 wine glass of Scotch whiskey;
fill the glass with hot water; then mix well; squeeze
and throw in the lemon peel, grate a little nutmeg
on top and serve.
It is customary to use Scotch whiskey in prepar-
ing this drink, unless otherwise desired by the

1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 78. Hot Rum.

(Use a hot water glass.)
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar, dissolve with a little
hot water;
1 wine glass of Jamaica rum;
fill the balance with hot water, stir up well with a
spoon, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.
The genuine Jamaica rum only should be used, in
order to make this drink palatable.

1888 Harry Johnson: Neues und Verbessertes Illustriertes Handbuch für Bartender. Seite 182. Hot Whiskey.

(Gebrauche ein heisses Whiskeyglas.)
Hierbei ist die Regel zu beachten, dass der Bar-
löffel immer im Getränk servirt wird. Ferner muss
dem Gast stets ein Glas mit fein zerschlagenes Eis
vorgesetzt werden, damit er sich desselben zur Ab-
kühlung des Getränkes bedienen kann. Mische wie
1 oder 2 Stücke Würfelzucker, löse diese auf mit
etwas heissem Wasser;
1 Weinglas Scotch Whiskey;
fülle das Glas mit heissem Wasser und mische es
gut auf mit einem Barlöffel, füge ein kleines Stück
Citronenschale hinzu, streue ein wenig Muscatnuss
darauf und servire. Es ist durchweg Regel, dass man
zu diesem Getränk Scotch Whiskey verwendet, ausser
der Gast verlangt ausdrücklich eine andere Sorte.

1888 Harry Johnson: Neues und Verbessertes Illustriertes Handbuch für Bartender. Seite 184. Hot Rum.

(Gebrauche ein Heisswasser-Glas.)
1 oder 2 Stücke Würfelzucker;
löse dieses auf mit etwas heissem Wasser;
1 Weinglas Jamaica Rum;
fülle das Glas mit heissem Wasser;
mische dieses gut auf mit einem Barlöffel und streue
ein wenig Muscatnuss darüber, und servire es. Zu
diesem Getränk verwendet man immer Jamaica
Rum, ausser wenn ausdrücklich eine anderen Sorte
Rum verlangt wird.

1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender (The Police Gazette Bartender’s Guide). Seite 25. Hot Rum.

Use medium bar glass, hot.
Take one small teaspoonful of powdered sugar.
One wine-glass Jamaica rum.
One piece or sweet butter as large as half a chestnut.
Dissolve the sugar in a little boiling water, add the
rum and butter, fill the glass two-thirds full of boiling
water, stir, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.

1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 41. Hot Rum.

(Use medium bar-glass, hot.)
Take 1 small tea-spoonful of powdered sugar.
1 wine-glass Jamaica rum.
1 piece of sweet butter, as large as half a chest-
Dissolve the sugar in a little boiling water, add the
rum and butter, fill the glass two-thirds full of boiling
water, stir, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.

1889 Émile Lefeuvre: Méthode pour composer soi-même les boissons. Seite 57. Hot Rhum.

Cette boisson est faite comme le Rhum
chaud épicé ci-dessus, hors les épices.
Grattez un peu de muscade dessus et

Seite 57. Hot Spied Rum ou Rum chaud épicé.

1 petite cuillerée de sucre en poudre.
1 verre à madère de rhum de Jamaïque.
1 cuillerée à thé d’épices mêlées.
1 morceau de beurre gros comme demi-
Remplir la timbale avec de l’eau chaude;
agiter et servir.

1889 Émile Lefeuvre: Méthode pour composer soi-même les boissons. Seite 58. Hot Whisky.

Cette boisson se fait avec un verre à
madère de whisky que vous faites dis-
soudre avec un morceau de sucre, ensuite
vous remplissez le verre d’eau bouillante;
ajoutez une tranche de citron et servez.
Demander quelle sorte de whisky.

1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 27. Hot Scotch.

(Use a small bar glass.)
1/2 wine glass of good Scotch Whiskey, fill balance of glass
with boiling water, drop in 1 lump of sugar and some thin
yellow shavings of lemon peel; stir well and serve.

1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 37. Hot Rum.

(Use a hot water glass.)
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar, dissolve with a little hot water.
1 Wine glass of Jamaica Rum.
Fill the balance with hot water, stir up well with a spoon, grate
a little nutmeg on top and serve.
The genuine Jamaica Rum only should be used, in order to
make this drink palatable.

1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 42. Hot Whiskey.

Place a bar-spoon into the glass before pouring in hot water,
to avoid cracking the glass, and have a separate glass filled
with fine ice, which must be placed in a convenient position, so
that if the customer finds his drink too hot, he can help himself
to a little ice; the bartender should at all times handle the
sugar with a pair of tongues. Mix as follows:
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar, with a little hot water to
dissolve the sugar well.
1 wine glass of Scotch Whiskey.
Fill the glass with hot water; then mix well; squeeze and
throw in the lemon peel, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.
It is customary to use Scotch Whiskey in preparing this
drink, unless otherwise desired by tie customer.

1892 William Schmidt: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 133. Hot Scotch.

A hot glass half full of boiling water,
a lump or two of sugar; dissolve well;
a drink of Scotch whiskey; mix this.
If desired, a little lemon-peel, and a little nutmeg.

1893 Anonymus (Mrs. Alexander Orr Bradley): Beverages and Sandwiches For Your Husband’s Friends. Seite 23. Hot Scotch.

Rub well four lumps of sugar over the outside
of a fresh lemon to absorb the oil. Throw these
into a pitcher and pour over them four sherry glasses
of best Scotch whiskey. Light this and stir constantly
until it burns out. Add six sherry glasses of freshly
boiling water and serve at once in four tumblers.
This is genuine hot scotch.

1895 Bartenders’ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 29. Hot Rum.

(Use small bar glass.)
2 lumps of sugar.
Hot water enough to dissolve the sugar.
1 lump of butter.
1 wine glass of Jamaica rum.
Fill with hot water. Mix fine, nutmeg over.

1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 32. Hot Rum.

(Use medium barglass, hot.)
Take 1 lump of cut sugar.
1 wineglass of Jamaica rum.
1 piece of sweet butter as large as half a
Dissolve the sugar in a little boiling water, add
the rum and butter, fill the glass two thirds full of
boiling water, stir, grate a little nutmeg on top, and

1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 72. Hot Scotch.

Dissolve one lump of cut-loaf sugar with a little
hot water in a hot-drink glass, add one jigger
Scotch whiskey and a small piece lemon-peel, fill
with boiling water; mix, grate a little nutmeg on

1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 30. Hot Scotch.

One large lump of loaf sugar dissolved in a
little hot water, one piece of twisted lemon peel,
one jigger Scotch whisky, pour boiling water into
the glass until it is two-thirds full; nutmeg if

1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 51. Hot Rum.

Put one or two lumps, cut-loaf sugar in hot
whisky-glass, enough hot water to dissolve, one
jigger rum, fill with hot water. Stir well, add one
piece twisted lemon peel and nutmeg on top; serve
with small glass of ice on the side.

1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 70. Hot Rum.

(Use small bar glass.)
This drink is made the same as the hot spiced rum,
omitting the spices, and grating a little nutmeg on top.

Seite 70. Hot Spiced Rum.

(Use small bar glass.)
2 teaspoonfuls of sugar.
1 wine-glass of Jamaica rum.
1 teaspoonful of mixed spices, (allspice and cloves.)
1 piece of butter as large as half of a chestnut.
Fill tumbler with hot water.

1896 William Schmidt: Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverage. Seite 31. Hot Scotch.

A hot glass half full of boiling water,
a lump or two of sugar; dissolve well;
a drink of Scotch whiskey; mix this.
If desired, a little lemon-peel, and a little nutmeg.

1898 Anonymus: Anleitung zur Bereitung Amerikanischer Eis-Getränke. Seite 12. Hot Whiskey

Hierbei ist die Regel zu beachten, dass der Löffel
immer im Getränke serviert wird. Ferner muss zer-
schlagenes Eis mit serviert werden, damit sich Jedes
nach Belieben bedienen kann. Mische wie folgt: 1 oder
2 Stück Würfelzucker, löse diese auf mit etwas heissem
Wasser und mische es gut auf mit einem Löffel, füge
ein kleines Stück Citronenschale hinzu, streu ein wenig
Muskatnuss darauf und serviere. Es ist durchweg
Regel, dass man zu diesem Getränke Scotch Whisky
(siehe Seite 38) verwendet.

1898 Anonymus: Anleitung zur Bereitung Amerikanischer Eis-Getränke. Seite 16. Hot Rum.

1 oder 2 Stück Würfelzucker löse man mit etwas
heissem Wasser gut auf, 1 Weinglas Jamaica-Rum (siehe
Seite 38), fülle das Glas mit heissem Wasser, mische
dies gut und streue ein wenig Muskatnuss darüber
und serviere es. Zu diesem Getränke verwendet man
immer Jamaica-Rum, ausser wenn ausdrücklich eine
andere Sorte verlangt wird.

1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 11. Hot Scotch – Fancy.

Two lumps of sugar dissolved with hot water, one drink
Scotch whiskey, a little claret; mix well; squeeze lemon peel
on top; small spoon in glass.

1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 43. Rum (Hot).

Use small bar glass. Dissolve in hot water
two lumps of sugar, add one lump of butter, one wine glass of
jamaica rum; fill with hot water, mix thoroughly, grate a little
nutmeg over the top and serve.

1899 Anonymus: Hegenbarth’s Getränkebuch. Seite 36. Hot Brandy, hot Whiskey etc.

ist das eigene Mischen von 1—2 Glas des Brandy
mit wenig Zucker und wenig heissem Wasser. Viele
geben 1/2 Scheibchen Citrone oder etwas geriebene
Muskatnuss hinein.

1899 Anonymus: Hegenbarth’s Getränkebuch. Seite 61. Hot Whiskey (heisser Whiskey.).

1—2 Stückchen Zucker, eine Scheibe Citrone,
eventuell auch etwas Citronensaft, viel Whiskey,
wenig heisses Wasser, etwas Muskatnuss hineinreiben.

1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 32. Hot Rum.

(Use medium barglass, hot.)
Take 1 lump of cut sugar.
1 wineglass of Jamaica rum.
1 piece of sweet butter as large as half a
Dissolve the sugar in a little boiling water, add
the rum and butter, fill the glass two thirds full of
boiling water, stir, grate a little nutmeg on top, and

1899 Anonymus: Hegenbarth’s Getränkebuch. Seite 36. Hot Brandy, Hot Whiskey etc.

ist das eigene Mischen von 1—2 Glas des Brandy
mit wenig Zucker und wenig heissem Wasser. Viele
geben 1/2 Scheibchen Citrone oder etwas geriebene
Muskatnuss hinein.

1899 Anonymus: Hegenbarth’s Getränkebuch. Seite 61. Hot Whiskey (heisser Wiskey).

1—2 Stückchen Zucker, eine Scheibe Citrone,
eventuell auch etwas Citronensaft, viel Whiskey,
wenig heisses Wasser, etwas Muskatnuss hineinreiben.

1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 72. Hot Scotch.

Dissolve one lump of cut-loaf sugar with a little
hot water in a hot-drink glass, add one jigger
Scotch whiskey and a small piece lemon-peel, fill
with boiling water; mix, grate a little nutmeg on

1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders’ Manual. Seite 227. Hot Whiskey.

(Use a hot whiskey glass.)
Place a bar spoon into the glass before pouring in
hot water, to avoid cracking the glass, and have a
separate glass filled with fine ice, which must be
placed in a convenient position, so that if the cus-
tomer finds his drink too hot, he can help himself to a
little ice. The bartender should at all times handle
the sugar with a pair of tongues. Mix as follows:
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar, with a little hot water
to dissolve the sugar well;
1 wine glass of Scotch whiskey;
Fill the glass with hot water, then mix well; squeeze
and throw in the lemon peel, grate a little nutmeg on
top, and serve.
It is customary to use Scotch whiskey in preparing
this drink, unless otherwise desired by the customer.

1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders’ Manual. Seite 231. Hot Rum.

(Use a hot water glass.)
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar, dissolve with a little hot
1 wine glass of Jamaica rum;
Fill the balance with hot water, stir up well with
a spoon, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.
The genuine Jamaica rum only should be used, in
order to make this drink palatable.

1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #90. Irish Whiskey, Hot.

Place a cube of sugar in a small hot-water glass, fill the glass three-quarters
full of boiling water, stir until sugar is dissolved, fill the glass with good Irish
whiskey, add a small slice of lemon, spice to taste and serve.

1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #104. Scotch, Hot.

Dissolve a cube of sugar in a hot-water glass two-thirds full of boiling
water, add enough Scotch whiskey to nearly fill the glass, throw in a piece of
lemon peel and a clove, and grate nutmeg over the top.

1901 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 38. Hot Irish.

TWO lumps sugar. Fill glass two-thirds
with boiling water; dissolve sugar.
One wine glass full Irish whiskey; one
slice lemon peel. Serve with spoon.

1901 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 39. Hot Scotch.

Use Hot Water Glass.
TWO lumps sugar. Fill glass two-thirds
full boiling water, and dissolve sugar.
One wine glass Scotch whiskey; one slice
lemon peel. Serve with spoon.

1901 J. E. Sheridan: The Complete Buffet Manual. Seite 57. Hot Rum.

(Use whisky glass.)
1 teaspoonful powdered sugar.
A small lump of butter.
1 wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Fill glass with hot water. Stir well and serve.
Omit spices.

1901 J. E. Sheridan: The Complete Buffet Manual. Seite 71. Hot Scotch Whisky.

May be improved by adding one or two drops of
sherry or some other good wine or brandy.

1902 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 40. Hot Scotch.

HOT SCOTCH CUP. — One wineglass Scotch
whiskey, one lump sugar, one piece lemon peel, 3/4
glass hot water. Grate nutmeg on top and serve.

1902 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 40. Hot Scotch.

HOT SCOTCH CUP. — One wineglass Scotch
whiskey, one lump sugar, one piece lemon peel, 3/4
glass hot water. Grate nutmeg on top and serve.

1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 55. Hot Rum.

Use medium bar glass, hot.
One or two lumps loaf sugar, dissolved in a little
hot water.
One wine-glass Jamaica rum.
One piece sweet butter as large as half a chestnut.
Dissolve the sugar in a little boiling water, add
the rum and butter, fill the glass two-thirds full of
boiling water, stir, grate a little nutmeg on top and

1902 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 36. Hot Irish.

TWO lumps sugar. Fill glass two-thirds
with boiling water; dissolve sugar.
One wine-glassful Irish whiskey; one slice
lemon peel. Serve with spoon.

1902 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 36. Hot Scotch.

Use Hot- Water Glass.
TWO lumps sugar. Fill glass two-thirds
full boiling water, and dissolve sugar.
One wine-glass Scotch whiskey; one slice
lemon peel. Serve with spoon.

1903 Anonymus: Hegenbarth’s Bowlen-, Punsch-, und Kaffee-Haus-Getränkebuch. Seite 45. Hot Brandy, Hot Whisky etc.

ist das eigene Mischen von 1-2 Glas des Brandy
mit wenig Zucker und wenig heissem Wasser. Viele
geben 1/2 Scheibchen Zitrone oder etwas geriebene
Muskatnuss hinein.

1903 Anonymus: Hegenbarth’s Bowlen-, Punsch-, und Kaffee-Haus-Getränkebuch. Seite 73. Hot Whisky.

1-2 Stückchen Zucker, eine Scheibe Zitrone,
eventuell auch etwas Zitronensaft, viel Whisky, wenig
heisses Wasser, etwas Muskatnuss hineinreiben.

1903 Anonymus: Manuel du cocktail. Seite 38. Hot Irish.

DEUX morceaux de sucre. Remplir le
verre d’eau chaude aux deux tiers;
faire fondre le sucre. Un verre à vin de
whiskey irlandais, une tranche d’écorce de
citron, et servir avec une cuiller.

1903 Anonymus: Manuel du cocktail. Seite 38. Hot Scotch.

Se servir d’un verre à eau chaude.
DEUX morceaux de sucre. Remplir
le verre de deux bons tiers d’eau
chaude et faire fondre le sucre. Un verre
à vin de whiskey écossais, un tranche
d’écorce de citron et servir avec une

1903 Tim Daly: Daly’s Bartender’s Encyclopedia. Seite 74. Hot Rum.

Use hot whiskey glass.
1 or 2 lumps of sugar.
Half fill the glass with hot water and
dissolve the sugar.
Fill the glass with rum, grate a little
nutmeg on top, and serve.

1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 56. Hot Rum.

(Use whisky glass.)
1 teaspoonful powdered sugar.
A small lump of butter.
1 wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Fill glass with hot water. Stir well and serve.
Omit spices.

1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 69. Hot Scotch Whisky.

May be improved by adding one or two drops of
sherry or some other good wine or brandy.

1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 63. Hot Rum.

Use hot water glass.
Sugar, 1 lump dissolved in little hot
Jamaica rum, 1 wineglass.
Hot water; fill up glass.
Twist a piece of lemon peel and
drop it in and serve with little nut-
meg on top.

1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 80. Hot Irish Whiskey.

Use hot water glass.
Sugar, 1 lump dissolved in little hot
Whiskey, Irish, 1 wineglass.
Hot water; fill up glass.
Lemon peel, 1 slice.
Stir; sprinkle with nutmeg and serve.

1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 80. Hot Scotch Whiskey.

Prepare the same as Hot Irish
Whiskey, substituting Scotch for Irish

1904 Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks. Seite 56. Hot Rum.

(A hot water glass.)
1 tea-spoon sugar.
A small lump of butter.
1 wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Fill glass with hot water. Stir well and serve. Omit

1904 Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks. Seite 73. Hot Scotch Whisky.

(A hint.)
May be improved by adding one or two drops of sherry

1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 201. Hot Rum.

Use medium bar glass, hot.
One or two lumps loaf sugar, dissolved in a
little hot water.
One wine-glass Jamaica rum.
One piece sweet butter as large as half a chest-
Dissolve the sugar in a little boiling water, add
the rum and butter, fill the glass two-thirds full of
boiling water, stir, grate a little nutmeg on top and

1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 29. Hot Rum.

Use hot water glass.
1 lump of sugar.
Hot water enough to dissolve sugar.
1 wine glass Jamaica rum.
Fill with hot water; put in fresh lemon
peel; stir, and grate nutmeg on top.

1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 29. Hot Scotch Whiskey.

Prepare the same as above [Anm.: Hot Whiskey Sling], substituting
Scotch whiskey.

Seite 29. Hot Whiskey Sling.

Use hot water glass.
1 lump of sugar and enough hot water to
dissolve it.
1 wine glass whiskey.
1 piece lemon peel.
Fill up glass with hot water; stir with
spoon; grate nutmeg on top.

1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Irish Whiskey.

Prepare the same as above [Anm.: Hot Whiskey Sling], substituting
Irish whiskey.

Seite 29. Hot Whiskey Sling.

Use hot water glass.
1 lump of sugar and enough hot water to
dissolve it.
1 wine glass whiskey.
1 piece lemon peel.
Fill up glass with hot water; stir with
spoon; grate nutmeg on top.

1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 72. Hot Scotch.

Dissolve one lump of cut-loaf sugar with a little
hot water in a hot-drink glass, add one jigger
Scotch whiskey and a small piece lemon-peel, fill
with boiling water; mix, grate a little nutmeg on

1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 32. Hot Scotch.

Use small glass.
Sugar, one teaspoonful, dissolved in
Scotch whiskey, one wine glass.
Fill with boiling water and stir with a

1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 32. Hot Whiskey.

Make same as whiskey toddy, substitut-
ing hot water for ice.

Seite 33. Whiskey Toddy.

Make same as gin toddy, substituting
whiskey for gin.

Seite 33. Gin Toddy.

Use small glass.
Sugar, half a teaspoonful dissolved in a
little water.
Ice, two lumps.
Holland gin, one wine glass.
Stir well with spoon before serving.

1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 39. Hot Scotch Whiskey.

Use medium-sized glass. Rinse in warm
water before using.
Boiling water, two wine glasses full.
Loaf sugar, two lumps.
Scotch whiskey, one wine glassful.
Dissolve the sugar with one wine glass
full of water, then pour in the whis-
key; add the balance of the water,
then a thin slice of lemon.

1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 49. Hot Rum.

Rinse medium glass in hot water.
Loaf sugar, two lumps, dissolve them in
hot water.
Jamaica rum, one wine glass.
Butter, one piece, size of half a chest­-
Fill glass with boiling water stir well,
grate a little nutmeg on top.

1906 Louis Muckensturm: Louis’ Mixed Drinks. Seite 102. Hot Whiskey.

Take a hot whiskey-glass; dilute sugar to taste in hot
water; add half a bar-glass of whiskey, and serve with a
slice of lemon and spice on top.

1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 63. Hot Rum.

Use a hot water glass.
1 tea-spoon sugar.
A small lump of butter.
1 wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Fill glass with hot water. Stir
well and serve. Omit spices. Nut-
meg if asked for.

1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 64. Hot Scotch Whisky.

A hint.
May be improved by adding one or
two drops of sherry wine.

1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 201. Hot Rum.

Use medium bar glass, hot.
One or two lumps loaf sugar, dissolved in a
little hot water.
One wine-glass Jamaica rum.
One piece sweet butter as large as half a chest-
Dissolve the sugar in a little boiling water, add
the rum and butter, fill the glass two-thirds full of
boiling water, stir, grate a little nutmeg on top and

1908 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 35. Hot Rum.

1 lump of sugar, dissolved in a
little hot water
100% Jamaica rum
Fill with hot water.
Stir well, grate a little nut-
meg and serve.

1908 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 36. Hot Scotch.

1 lump of sugar
1 dash of Angostura bitters
3/4 glass boiling water
100% Scotch whisky.
Place piece of lemon peel in
glass, a few cloves and serve.

1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 42. Irish Whiskey, Hot.

Place a cube of sugar in a small hot-water glass, fill the glass three-
quarters full of boiling water, stir until sugar is dissolved, fill the glass with
good Irish whiskey, add a small slice of lemon, spice to taste and serve.

1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 44. Scotch, Hot.

Dissolve a cube of sugar in a hot-water glass three-quarters full of boiling
water, add enough Scotch whiskey to nearly fill the glass, throw in a piece of
lemon peel and a clove, and grate nutmeg over the top.

1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 50. Hot-Scotch.

In ein angewärmtes Grogglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfelzucker
und fülle es 3/4 mit kochendem Wasser. Dann auffüllen mit Scotch-
Whisky, eine Scheibe Zitrone hineingeben und servieren.

1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 71. Hot Scotch.

Dissolve one lump of cut-loaf sugar with a little
hot water in a hot-drink glass, add one jigger
Scotch whiskey and a small piece lemon-peel, fill
with boiling water; mix, grate a little nutmeg on

1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 85. Hot Scotch.

Place a bar spoon in a hot whiskey
1 lump of loaf sugar.
1/2 glass of boiling water, dis-
solve sugar.
1 slice of lemon or peel.
Fill up the glass with Scotch
Stir, grate nutmeg on top, and

1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 86. Hot Irish Whiskey.

Made similar to Hot Scotch, using
Irish whiskey in place of Scotch.

1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 86. Hot Rum.

Made similar to Hot Scotch, using
rum in place of Scotch.

1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 86. Hot Whiskey.

Made similar to Hot Scotch, using
whiskey in place of Scotch.

1909 Jorge Casparò: Guia practica del cantinero. Seite 65. Hot Whiskey.

(Whiskey caliente).
Usese vaso apropiado, póngase siempre pa-
ra las bebidas calientes, una cuchara en el
vaso antes de servir el líquido, un terrón de
azúcar y chorro de agua caliente, para disol-
verlo agréguesele un vasito de whiskey ameri-
cano, dos chorros de Rhum, una rebanada de
limón y un chorro de zumo de lo mismo; llé-
nese el vaso con agua también caliente, á la
cual habrá de agregársele un trozo de canela
y una cáscara de naranja, adórnese con nuez
moscada molida, y sírvase con la misma cu-

1909 Jorge Casparò: Guia practica del cantinero. Seite 65. Hot-Scotch.

Igual al anterior, poniendo whiskey esco-
cés en lugar de americano.

Hinweis: Anterior = Hot Whiskey.

1910 Anonymus: 101 Drinks and How to Mix Them. Hot Scotch.

A variant of Hot Toddy. It’s a fine cure for
colds; even if you haven’t got a cold, you feel
better after drinking this.
Two lumps of sugar in a Add hot water to fill glass
little hot water Squeeze and drop in
Several cloves lemon peel
One wine glass of Scotch

1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 201. Hot Rum.

Use medium bar glass, hot.
One or two lumps loaf sugar, dissolved in a
little hot water.
One wine-glass Jamaica rum.
One piece sweet butter as large as half a chest-
Dissolve the sugar in a little boiling water, add
the rum and butter, fill the glass two-thirds full of
boiling water, stir, grate a little nutmeg on top and

1910 E. Moreno: Manual del cantinero. Seite 89. Ron Jamaica caliente.

En un vaso mediano caliente échese cuanto sigue:
Una cucharadita de azúcar disuelto en poca
agua caliente
Ron Jamaica . . . . 1 copa
Mantequilla dulce . . 1 cucharadita
Llénese las dos terceras partes del vaso de agua
hirviendo; muévase bien el contenido y, después de
haberlo rociado con un dedito de nuez moscada, o
frézcase la bebida.

1910 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 56. Hot Rum.

1 lump of suger, dissolved in a little hot water
100% Jamaica rum
Fill glass with hot water.
Stir well, grate a little nutmeg and serve.

1910 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 56. Hot Scotch.

1 lump of sugar
1 dash of bitters
3/4 glass boiling water
100% Scotch whiskey.
Place piece of lemon peel in glass, a few cloves and serve.

1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 19. Hot Scotch.

Use small earthen mug.
One lump sugar,
One piece of lemon peel,
Three or four cloves,
One jigger Scotch Whiskey.
Fill with boiling water. Stir with spoon and
serve in small stem glass.

1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 19. Hot Irish.

The same as Hot Scotch, substituting Irish
Whi skey instead of Scotch.

1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 19. Hot Rye Whiskey.

Make same way, using Rye Whiskey instead
of Scotch.

1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 29. Hot Rum.

Use hot water glass.
1 lump of sugar.
Hot water enough to dissolve sugar.
1 wine glass Jamaica rum.
Fill with hot water; put in fresh lemon
peel; stir, and grate nutmeg on top.

1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 29. Hot Scotch Whiskey.

Prepare the same as above, substituting
Scotch whiskey.

Anmerkung: „above“ = Hot Whiskey Sling?

1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Irish Whiskey.

Prepare the same as above, substituting
Irish whiskey.

1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.’ Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 60. Hot Rum.

(Use a hot-water glass.)
One or two lumps of loaf sugar, dissolved in a little
hot water;
One wine-glass of Jamaica rum
A small piece of butter.
Fill the balance with hot water, stir up well with a spoon.
grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.

1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.’ Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 70. Hot Whiskey.

(Use a hot-water glass.)
One or two Jumps of loaf sugar, with a little hot wa-
ter to dissolve the sugar well;
One wine-glass of Scotch whiskey.
Fill the glass with hot water; then mix well; squeeze and
throw in the lemon peel, grate a little nutmeg on top and
serve. It is customary to use Scotch whiskey in preparing
this drink, unless otherwise desired by the customer.

1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 201. Hot Rum.

Use medium bar glass, hot.
One or two lumps loaf sugar, dissolved in a
little hot water.
One wine-glass Jamaica rum.
One piece sweet butter as large as half a chest-
Dissolve the sugar in a little boiling water, add
the rum and butter, fill the glass two-thirds full of
boiling water, stir, grate a little nutmeg on top and

1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #104. Hot Rum.

Use hot water glass. 1 lump sugar, hot
water enough to dissolve sugar, 1 wine glass
Jamaica rum. Fill with hot water, put in
fresh lemon peel, stir, and grate nutmeg
on top.

1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #107. Hot Scotch Whiskey.

Prepare the same as above, substituting
Scotch whiskey instead.

1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #108. Hot Irish Whiskey.

Prepare the same as above, substituting
Irish whiskey instead.

1912 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 42. Irish Whiskey, Hot.

Place a cube of sugar in a small hot-water glass, fill the glass three-
quarters full of boiling water, stir until sugar is dissolved, fill the glass with
good Irish whiskey, add a small slice of lemon, spice to taste and serve.

1912 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 44. Scotch, Hot.

Dissolve a cube of sugar in a hot-water glass three-quarters full of boiling
water, add enough Scotch whiskey to nearly fill the glass, throw in a piece of
lemon peel and a clove, and grate nutmeg over the top.

1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartender’s Manual. Seite 31. Hot Rum.

(A hot-water glass.) 1 teaspoon of
sugar; a small lump of butter; 1 wineglass of Jama
ica rum. Fill the glass with hot water; stir well;
omit spices.

1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 50. Hot-Scotch.

In ein angewärmtes Grogglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfelzucker und
fülle es 3/4 mit kochendem Wasser. Dann auffüllen mit Scotch-Whisky,
eine Scheibe Zitrone hineingeben und servieren.

1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 103. Hot-Scotch.

in ein angewärmtes Grogglas gebe man: 2 Stck.
Würfelzucker, fülle auf mit 2/3 kochendem Wasser, 1/3
Scotch-Whisky, füge hinzu 1 Schale Citrone.

1913 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartender’s Guide. Seite 30. Hot Rum.

1 teaspoonful bar sugar in hot whiskey glass.
1 small lump butter.
1 jigger Jamaica rum.
Fill up with hot water; stir and serve.

1913 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartender’s Guide. Seite 40. Hot Irish Whiskey.

1 lump sugar dissolved in hot whiskey glass.
1 jigger Irish whiskey.
Fill up with hot water.
1 slice lemon peel.
Stir and serve with nutmeg sprinkled on top.

1913 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartender’s Guide. Seite 40. Hot Scotch Whiskey.

Substitute Scotch for Irish Whiskey and pro-
ceed as for Hot Irish Whiskey.

1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 31. Hot Irish Whiskey.

Use a hot water-glass.
One lump of sugar dissolved in a little hot
One wine-glass of Irish whiskey.
One slice of lemon peel.
Fill up with boiling water; stir; grate nutmeg
on top and serve.

1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 32. Hot Rum.

Use a hot water-glass.
One lump of sugar dissolved in a little hot
One wine-glass of Jamaica rum.
Fill up with hot water; drop in a piece of
twisted lemon peel; grate a little nutmeg on top
and serve.

1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 32. Hot Scotch Whiskey.

Use a hot water-glass.
One lump of sugar dissolved in a little hot
One wine-glass of Scotch whiskey.
Fill up with boiling water.
One slice lemon peel.
Stir; grate nutmeg on top and serve.

1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 39. Hot Rum.

(A hot water glass.) 1 teaspoon of sugar; a
small lump of butter; 1 wineglass of Jamaica
rum. Fill the glass with hot water; stir well;
omit spices.

1914 Ernest P. Rawling: Rawling’s Book of Mixed Drinks. Seite 72. Hot Scotch.

Put into a long-stemmed glass
one teaspoonful sugar
enough hot water to dissolve;
after stirring add
one measure Scotch whiskey.
Fill with hot water. Twist a piece of
lemon peel on top and drop it in. Spice
if desired.

1914 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 30. Hot Rum.

1 teaspoonful bar sugar in hot whiskey glass.
1 small lump butter.
1 jigger Jamaica rum.
Fill up with hot water; stir and serve.

1914 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 40. Hot Irish Whiskey.

1 lump sugar dissolved in hot whiskey glass.
1 Jigger Irish whiskey.
Fill up with hot water.
1 slice lemon peel.
Stir and serve with nutmeg sprinkled on top.

1914 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 40. Hot Scotch Whiskey.

Substitute Scotch for Irish Whiskey and pro-
ceed as for Hot Irish Whiskey.

1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 112. Hot Rum.

1 lump of sugar, dissolved in a little water
100% Jamaica Rum
Fill glasses with hot water.
Stir well, grate a little nutmeg and serve.

1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 112. Hot Scotch.

1 lump of sugar
1 dash of bitters
3/4 glass of boiling water
100% Scotch Whiskey
Place piece of lemon peel in glass, a few cloves and serve.

1917 Hugo R. Ensslin: Recipes for Mixed Drinks. Seite 45. Hot Rum.

Use hot water glass.
1 piece Domino Sugar dissolved in a little hot water
1 drink Jamaica Rum
Fill up with hot water and serve with a twise of Lemon Peel

1917 Hugo R. Ensslin: Recipes for Mixed Drinks. Seite 45. Hot Whiskey.

Use hot water glass.
Dissolve 1 piece Domino Sugar in a little hot water, add 1 piece cinnamon
and 1 piece of lemon peel and cloves, 1 drink of whiskey desired. Serve
hot water separate in a silver pitcher. Add small piece of butter if de-

1917 Hugo R. Ensslin: Recipes for Mixed Drinks. Seite 45. Hot Scotch.

Made same as Hot Whiskey, using Scotch Whiskey instead of Rye.

1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 85. Hot Scotch.

Place a bar spoon in a hot whiskey
1 lump of loaf sugar.
1/2 glass of boiling water, dis-
solve sugar.
1 slice of lemon or peel.
Fill up the glass with Scotch
Stir, grate nutmeg on top, and

1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 86. Hot Irish Whiskey.

Made similar to Hot Scotch, using
Irish whiskey in place of Scotch.

1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 86. Hot Rum.

Made similar to Hot Scotch, using
rum in place of Scotch.

1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 86. Hot Whiskey.

Made similar to Hot Scotch, using
whiskey in place of Scotch.

1917 Tom Bullock: The Ideal Bartender. 50. Whiskey Scotch Hot.

1 lump Sugar dissolved in Hot Whiskey glass.
1 jigger Scotch Whiskey.
Fill up with Hot Water.
1 slice Lemon Peel.
Stir and serve with Nutmeg sprinkled on top.

1917 Tom Bullock: The Ideal Bartender. 50. Whiskey Irish Hot.

Substitute Irish for Scotch Whiskey and proceed as for
Hot Scotch Whiskey.

1918 Anonymus: „Home Brewed“ Wines and Beers and Bartender’s Guide. Seite 28. Hot Rum.

(Use whiskey glass.)
One teaspoonful powdered sugar; a
small lump of butter; 1 wine-glass
Jamaica rum.
Fill glass with hot water. Stir well
and serve. Omit spices.

1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 50. Hot-Scotch.

In ein angewärmtes Grogglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfelzucker
und fülle es 3/4 mit kochendem Wasser. Dann auffüllen mit Scotch-
Whisky, eine Scheibe Zitrone hineingeben und servieren.

1923 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 101. Hot Rum.

Verre n° 7. réchauffe, ou n° 4:
1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre.
Demi-verre à madère de rhum.
Emplir d’eau bouillante.
Gros comme une noisette de beurre frais, dessus.
Muscader. Servir.

1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 43. Rum, heiß.

Man tue 1—2 Stück in etwas heißem
Wasser aufgelösten Zucker sowie 1 Weinglas voll
Jamaika-Rum in ein Becherglas und fülle es mit heißem

1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 44. Scotch, Hot.

Man löse in einem mit siedenden Wasser
halb gefüllten Glase 1—2 Stück Zucker auf, gieße 1 klei-
nes Glas Scotch Whiskey zu, rühre gut um und richte an.
Nach Belieben kann man auch eine kleine Zitronen-
schale zugeben.

1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 45. Whiskey, heiß.

Man tue 1—2 Stück in etwas heißem
Wasser aufgelösten Zucker sowie 1 Weinglas voll
Whiskey in ein größeres Glas, fülle es mit siedendem
Wasser und gebe 1 Stück Zitronenschale zu.

1925 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Illustriertes internationales Getränkebuch. Seite 50. Hot Scotch.

In ein angewärmtes Grogglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfelzucker
und fülle es 3/4 mit kochendem Wasser. Dann auffüllen mit Scotch-
Whisky, eine Scheibe Zitrone hineingeben und servieren.

1926 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 47. Hot Irish.

TWO lumps sugar. Fill glass two-thirds
with boiling water; dissolve sugar.
One wine glass full Irish whiskey; one
slice lemon peel. Serve with spoon.

1926 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 47. Hot Scotch.

Use Hot Water Glass.
TWO lumps sugar. Fill glass two-thirds
full boiling water, and dissolve sugar.
One wine glass Scotch whiskey; one slice
lemon peel. Serve with spoon.

1927 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 47. Hot Irish.

TWO lumps sugar. Fill glass two-thirds
with boiling water; dissolve sugar.
One wine glass full Irish whiskey; one
slice lemon peel. Serve with spoon.

1927 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 47. Hot Scotch.

Use Hot Water Glass.
TWO lumps sugar. Fill glass two-thirds
full boiling water, and dissolve sugar.
One wine glass Scotch whiskey; one slice
lemon peel. Serve with spoon.

1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 58. Hot Irish Whiskey.

In a hot water glass drop 1 lump of
cut-loaf sugar and dissolve it in a little
hot water, and add:
1 jigger Irish whiskey.
1 slice lemon peel.
Fill up with boiling water.
Stir; grate little nutmeg on top and

1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 58. Hot Rum.

In a hot water glass dissolve 1 lump
of sugar in a little hot water, and add:
1 jigger Jamaica rum.
Fill up with hot water; drop in a
piece of twisted lemon peel; grate a
little nutmeg on top and serve.

1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 59. Hot Scotch Whiskey.

Substitute Scotch for Irish whiskey
and proceed as for Hot Irish Whiskey.

1928 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: „Cheerio!“. Seite 16. Hot Irish.

Fill a tumbler two-thirds full of boiling water, putting
a spoon in glass first to prevent cracking. In this dis-
solve a spoonful of sugar and add a portion of Irish
whiskey. Squirt in the juice of a quarter lemon, and
omament with a slice of lemon. Serve with a spoon.

1928 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: „Cheerio!“. Seite 38. Hot Rum.

In a heated bar glass pour one wine-glass of Jamaica
rum. Add a teaspoonful of powdered sugar and a small
piece of butter, big as the end of your fingernail. Fill
with boiling water, stirring as you pour. Grate a little
nutmeg on top and serve.

1928 Charles S. Warnock: Giggle Water. Seite 66. Hot Rum.

(Use medium bar-glass)
Take 1 small teaspoonful of powdered sugar
1 wine-glass Jamaica rum
1 piece of sweet butter, as large as half a chestnut.
Dissolve the sugar in a little boiling water, add the rum
and butter, fill the glass two-thirds full of boiling water,
stir, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.

1928 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 90. Hot Rum.

Use small bar glass
THIS drink is made the same as the hot spiced rum, omitting
the spices, and grating a little nutmeg on top.

Seite 90. Hot Spiced Rum.

Use small bar glass One teaspoonful of mixed
One teaspoonful of sugar. spices (allspice and
One wineglass of Jamaica cloves).
. One piece of butter as large
. as half a chestnut.
FILL the tumbler with hot water.

1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 53. Hot Scotch.

In a hot whiskey-glass were placed one or two lumps of
loaf sugar with a little hot water to dissolve it. Several whole cloves
dropped in. One wine-glass of Scotch whiskey and enough hot water to
fill the glass were well mixed. Lemon peel was squeezed and left in and
a little nutmeg grated on top.

1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 54. Hot Rum.

In a hot-water glass one or two lumps of loaf sugar were
dissolved in a little hot water and one wine-glass of Jamaica rum added,
the glass then filled with hot water, all well stirred and a little nutmeg
grated on top.

1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 90. Hot Rum.

Use small bar glass
This drink is made the same as the hot spiced rum, omitting
the spices, and grating a little nutmeg on top.

Seite 90. Hot Spiced Rum.

Use small bar glass One teaspoonful of mixed
One teaspoonjul of sugar. spices (allspice and
One wineglass of Jamaica cloves).
rum. One piece of butter as large
. as half a chestnut.
Fill the tumbler with hot water.

1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 103. Hot Rum.

Verre n° 7, réchauffé, ou n° 4:
1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre.
Demi-verre à madère de rhum.
Emplir d’eau bouillante.
Gros comme une, noisette de beurre frais, dessus.
Muscader. Servir.

1929 Schürger Rezsö: A Mixer. Seite 24. Whisky Hot (meleg).

1 magas edényben 1/2 liter vizet 400 gr. cukor-
ral felforraini, 1/2 liter Whiskyt jól belekeverni,
fórron felszolgálni (lehet kicsiben is késziteni).

1930 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: „Cheerio!“. Seite 9. Hot Irish.

Fill a tumbler two thirds full of boiling water, putting
a spoon in glass first to prevent cracking. In this dissolve
a spoonful of sugar and add a portion of Irish whiskey.
Squirt in the juice of a quarter lemon, and ornament with
a slice of lemon. Serve with a spoon.

1930 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: „Cheerio!“. Seite 28. Hot Rum.

In a heated bar glass pour one wine-glass of Jamaica
rum. Add a teaspoonful of powdered sugar and a small
piece of butter, big as the end of your fingernail. Fill with
boiling water, stirring as you pour. Grate a little nutmeg
on top and serve.

1930 Charlie Roe & Jim Schwenck: The Home-Bartender’s Guide and Song Book. Seite 91. Smashes – Hot Scotch.

Another variation of hot toddy. Used everywhere
before prohibition as a remedy for colds. It
works like a charm — even without a cold you feel

Two lumps of sugar in a little hot water
Several Cloves
One wine-glass of Scotch
Add hot water to fill glass
Squeeze and drop in lemon peel

1930 F. Koki: Cocktails. Scotch – heiß.

In ein angewärmtes Grogglas gebe man
2 Stück Würfelzucker u. fülle es 3/4 voll mit kochendem
Wasser. Dann auffüllen mit Scotch-Whisky, eine Scheibe
Zitrone hineingeben und servieren.

1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: Old Waldorf Bar Days. Seite 197. Hot Scotch.

One lump Sugar, dissolved in hot
One jigger Scotch
Fill two-thirds with hot Water
One piece Lemon Peel, twisted

1931 Virginia Elliott & Phil D. Stong: Shake ’em Up. Seite 66. Hot Rum.

Dissolve one loaf of sugar in a little hot
water, in a thick table glass. Add one wine
glass of rum (any kind) and fill the glass with
boiling water.

1933 Anonymus: 300 Drinks and How to Mix ’em. Seite 36. Hot Rum.

(A hot water glass)
1 tea-spoon sugar.
A small lump of butter.
1 wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Fill glass with hot water. Stir well and serve. Omit

1933 Anonymus: 300 Drinks and How to Mix ’em. Seite 47. Hot Scotch Whisky.

(A hint)
May be Improved by adding one or two drops of
sherry wine.

1933 Anonymus: Lest We Forget. Seite 56. Hot Rum.

Use medium bar glass, hot.
One or two lumps of loaf sugar, dissolved
in a little hot water.
One wine-glass Jamaica rum.
One piece sweet butter as large as half
a chestnut.
Disolve the sugar in ai little boiling water,
add the rum and butter, fill the glass two-
thirds full of boiling water, stir, grate a little
nutmeg on top and serve.

1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 87. Hot Rum.

Rum In a bar glass dissolve a cube of sugar
Sugar with a tablespoonful of warm water,
Water add a drink of rum, and fill with boil-
Nutmeg ing water. Sprinkle with nutmeg.

1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 87. Hot Scotch.

This is a Hot Whiskey Sling in which
Scotch whiskey is the base.

Seite 89. Hot Whiskey Sling.

Follow recipe for Brandy Sling (which
see), using whiskey in place of brandy,
and using hot water to fill in place of
water and ice.

Seite 51. Brandy Sling.

Brandy In a small tumbler dissolve a teaspoon-
Sugar ful of confectioner’s sugar with a jig-
Ice ger of water; add a jigger of brandy
Lemon Peel and a lump of ice. Stir well. Add a
Nutmeg twist of lemon peel and powdered nut-
Water meg.

1933 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 47. Hot Irish.

TWO lumps sugar. Fill glass two-thirds
with boiling water; dissolve sugar.
One wine glass full Irish whiskey; one
slice lemon peel. Serve with spoon.

1933 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 47. Hot Scotch.

Use Hot Water Glass.
TWO lumps sugar. Fill glass two-thirds
full boiling water, and dissolve sugar.
One wine glass Scotch whiskey; one slice
lemon peel. Serve with spoon.

1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 59. Hot Rum.

(use hot water glass)
1 or 2 lumps sugar, dissolved in a lit-
tle hot water.
1 wineglass Jamaica Rum.
1 small piece butter.
Fill up glass with hot water. Stir well
with a spoon. Top with a little grated nut-
meg, and serve.

1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 67. Hot Whiskey.

(use hot-water glass)
1 or 2 lumps sugar, dissolved in a little
hot water.
1 wineglass Scotch Whiskey.
1 slice lemon.
Fill glass with hot water. Mix well. Squeeze
lemon and put in peel. Top with grated
nutmeg, and serve.

1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 101. Hot Irish Whisky.

Use a hot water glass.
One lump of sugar dissolved in a little hot water.
One wine glass of Irish whisky.
One slice of lemon peel.
Fill up with boiling water: stir; grate nutmeg on top and serve.

1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 101. Hot Rum.

Use a hot water glass.
One lump of sugar dissolved in a little hot water.
One wine glass of rum.
Fill up with hot water; drop in a piece of twisted lemon peel; grate
a little nutmeg on top and serve.

1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 101. Hot Scotch Whisky.

Use a hot water glass.
One lump of sugar dissolved in a little hot water.
One wine glass of Scotch whisky.
Fill up with boiling water.
One slice lemon peel.
Stir; grate nutmeg on top and serve.

1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 167. Hot Rum.

1 lump of sugar, dissolved in a little water
100% Jamaica rum
Fill glasses with hot water. Stir well, grate a little nutmeg on
top, and serve.

1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 167. Hot Scotch.

1 lump of sugar
1 dash of bitters
3/4 glass of boiling water
100% Scotch whisky
Place piece of lemon peel and a few cloves in the glass and

1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 167. Hot Rum.

1 lump of sugar
1/2 teaspoonful of mixed allspice
Dissolve with a little hot water.
100% Jamaica rum
Fill glass with hot water. Stir, grate a little nutmeg on top,
and serve.

1933 Joseph P. Santana & Charles A. Sasena: Fine Beverages. Seite 38. Hot Whiskey.

Take a soda glass with one tablespoon of sugar, a piece of
lemon peel, a dash of nutmeg, few cloves
Add a little hot water to dissolve sugar, 2 oz. Whiskey
Fill glass with boiling water. Stir and serve with a spoon.

1933 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 103. Hot Rum.

Verre n° 7, réchauffé, ou n° 4:
1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre.
Demi-verre à madère de rhum.
Emplir d’eau bouillante.
Gros comme une noisette de beurre frais, dessus.
Muscader. Servir.

1933 R. C. Miller: The American Bar Guide. Seite 62. Hot Rum.

(Use small bar glass)
This drink is made the same as the hot spiced rum
omitting the spices, and grating a little nutmeg on top.

Seite 62. Hot Spiced Rum.

(Use small bar glass)
2 teaspoonfuls of sugar.
1 wine-glass of Jamaica rum.
1 teaspoon of mixed spices, (allspice and cloves).
1 piece of butter as large as half of a chestnut.
Fill tumbler with hot water.

1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 56. Hot Rum.

(Use whisky glass.)
1 teaspoonful powdered sugar.
A small lump of butter.
1 wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Fill glass with hot water. Stir well and serve.
Omit spices.

1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 69. Hot Scotch Whisky.

May be improved by adding one or two drops of
sherry or some other good wine or brandy.

1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 9. Hot Irish.

Fill a tumbler two thirds full of boiling water, putting
a spoon in glass first to prevent cracking. In this dissolve
a spoonful of sugar and add a portion of Irish whiskey.
Squirt in the juice of a quarter lemon, and ornament with
a slice of lemon. Serve with a spoon.

1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 28. Hot Rum.

In a heated bar glass pour one wine-glass of Jamaica
rum. Add a teaspoonful of powdered sugar and a small
piece of butter, big as the end of your fingernail. Fill with
boiling water, stirring as you pour. Grate a little nutmeg
on top and serve.

1934 Harry Jerrold Gordon: Gordon’s Cocktail and Food Recipes. Seite 109. Hot Rum.

Rum, 1 Glass
Sugar, 1 Lump
Juice 1 Lemon
Add Hot Water to suit and serve.

1934 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 227. Hot Whiskey.

(Use a hot whiskey glass.)
Place a bar spoon into the glass before pouring in
hot water, to avoid cracking the glass, and have a
separate glass filled with fine ice, which must be
placed in a convenient position, so that if the cus-
tomer finds his drink too hot, he can help himself to a
little ice.
The bartender should at all times handle
the sugar with a pair of tongues. Mix as follows:
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar, with a little hot water
to dissolve the sugar well;
1 wine glass of Scotch whiskev;
Fill the glass with hot water, then mix well; squeeze
and throw in the lemon peel, grate a little nutmeg on
top, and serve.
It is customary to use Scotch whiskey in preparing
this drink, unless otherwise desired by the customer.

1934 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 231. Hot Rum.

(Use a hot water glass.)
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar, dissolve with a little hot
1 wine glass of Jamaica rum;
Fill the balance with hot water, stir up well with
a spoon, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.
The genuine Jamaica rum only should be used, in
order to make this drink palatable.

1934 Ira A. Altschul: Drinks as They Were Made Before Prohibition. Seite 32. Hot Whiskey.

Use a Hot water glass.
One lump of sugar.
One jigger of Whiskey, Rye, Bourbon or Scotch.
Fill glass with hot water.

1934 Jean Robert Meyer: Bottoms Up. Seite 29. Rum Hot.

1 Portion Jamaica rum
1 Teaspoon sugar
1 Twist lemon peel
Fill glass with hot water.

1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 112. Hot Rum.

Use a thick goblet to resist heat and pour into it a table
spoon of “gum,” two ounces of Rum (any kind you like), a bit
of butter to cover a dime, stir well and fill glass with hot
water, stirring while doing so. A top coating of cinnamon or
nutmeg (just a pinch of either or both) helps to improve the

1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 118. Hot Whisky.

Into heavy small tumbler pour two ounces (any) Whisky,
one tablespoon of “gum,” a small sliver of yellow lemon peel
tweaked over ingredients, and half fill tumbler with hot
water, topping off with a pinch of cinnamon or grated nutmeg.

1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 281. Hot Rye Whiskey.

Dissolve 1 piece Domino Sugar in a little hot
water, add 1 Piece Cinnamon and 1 Piece
of Lemon Peel and Cloves, 1 Drink of
Rye Whiskey. Serve hot water separate in
a silver pitcher. Add small piece of Butter
if desired.
Use glass number 14

1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 281. Hot Scotch.

Made same as Hot Whiskey, using Scotch
Whiskey instead of Rye.
Use glass number 14

1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 88. Hot Scotch.

Lump Sugar, dissolved in hot Water
One jigger Scotch
Fill two-thirds with hot Water
One piece Lemon Peel, twisted

1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 88. Hot Whiskey.

One lump Sugar, dissolved in hot
One jigger Whiskey
Fill two-thirds with hot Water

1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 142. Hot Rum.

One pint Jamaica Rum
Half pint Brandy
Half wine-glass Kümmel
Half wine-glass Benedictine
Peel of one Lemon
Peel of one Orange
One sliced Orange
One sliced Lemon or Lime
Sweeten to taste
Add three pints boiling Water
Stir up well

1935 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 19. Hot Rum.

1 teaspoon Sugar
A small lump of Butter
1 wine-glass Jamaica Rum
Fill glass with hot water. Stir well and serve.

1935 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 19. Hot Scotch Whiskey.

May be improved by adding one of two drops of Sherry

1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 87. Hot Rum.

1 Teaspoonful powdered sugar
1 Small lump of butter
1 Jigger Jamaica rum
Fill glass with hot water, stir well and serve;
omit spices.

1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 88. Hot Scotch Whisky.

1 Jigger of water
1 Jigger o f Scotch whisky
2 Dashes of good wine or brandy
Heat the ingredients in a pan, pour into a
glass and serve.

1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 177. Hot Whisky.

1 glass Scotch whisky 1 lump of sugar
. Hot water
Pour the whisky into a highball glass, drop in the sugar,
fill the glass with hot water, add a twist of lemon peel,
stir, add a little grated nutmeg and serve hot.

1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 222. Irish Whisky (Hot).

Use Hot Water glass
1 Lump of Sugar dis­
solved in a little Hot
1 Wineglass Irish
Fill glass with Hot
1 Slice of Lemon Peel
Stir; sprinkle with
Nutmeg and serve.

1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 227. Rum (Hot).

Use Hot Water Glass
1 Lump of Sugar dis­-
solved in a little Hot
1 Wineglass Jamaica
Fill glass with Hot
Water. Twist a piece
of Lemon Peel and
drop it in and serve
with little Nutmeg on

1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 229. Scotch (Hot).

Use Hot Water Glass
2 Lumps of Sugar
Fill glass 2/3 full Boiling
Water and dissolve
1 Wineglass Scotch
1 Slice Lemon Peel
Serve with a spoon.

1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 148. Hot Scotch.

Prepare as for Hot Gin, using Scotch whisky instead of
dry gin.

Seite 147. Hot Gin.

The juice of one lemon,
2 lumps of sugar,
1/2 gill of dry gin.
Prepared as for Hot Buttered Rum.

1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 281. Hot Rye Whiskey.

Dissolve 1 piece Domino Sugar in a little hot
water, add 1 Piece Cinnamon and 1 Piece
of Lemon Peel and Cloves, 1 Drink of
Rye Whiskey. Serve hot water separate in
a silver pitcher. Add small piece of Butter
if desired.
Use glass number 14

1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 281. Hot Scotch.

Made same as Hot Whiskey, using Scotch
Whiskey instead of Rye.
Use glass number 14

1944 Harmann Burney Burke (Barney Burke): Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 109. Hot Rum.

Rum, 1 Glass
Sugar, 1 Lump
Juice 1 Lemon
Add Hot Water to suit and serve.

1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 63. Hot Rum.

Use hot water glass.
Sugar, 1 lump dissolved in little hot
Jamaica rum, 1 wineglass.
Hot water; fill up glass.
Twist a piece of lemon peel and
drop it in and serve with little nut­-
meg on top.

1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 80. Hot Irish Whiskey.

Use hot water glass.
Sugar, 1 lump dissolved in little hot
Whiskey, Irish, 1 wineglass.
Hot water; fill up glass.
Lemon peel, 1 slice.
Stir; sprinkle with nutmeg and serve.

1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 80. Hot Scotch Whiskey.

Prepare the same as Hot Irish
Whiskey, substituting Scotch for Irish

1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 370. Hot Rum.

En vaso alto échese:
1 va sito de ron cubano.
1 terrón de azúcar.
El jugo de un limón.
Agregúesele agua calien-
te hasta casi llenar el vaso.

1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 105. Hot Rum.

Verre n° 7, réchauffé, ou n° 4:
1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre.
Demi-verre à madère de rhum.
Emplir d’eau bouillante.
Gros comme une noisette de beurre frais, dessus.
Muscader. Servir.

1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 105. Hot Rum.

Verre n° 7, réchauffé, ou n° 4:
1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre.
Demi-verre à madère de rhum.
Emplir d’eau bouillante.
Gros comme une noisette de beurre frais, dessus.
Muscader. Servir.

1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 319. Hot Rye Whisky.

Dissolve 1 cube, sugar in hot water in coffee glass; add 1
piece of stick cinnamon, 1 piece of lemon peel, several whole
cloves, and 1 1/2 oz. rye whisky. Serve pitcher of hot water
separate. Note: Scotch, rum, or bourbon may be substituted
for the rye.

1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 375. Hot-Scotch.

Man löse in einem Tumbler 1 Esslöffel Zucker mit
etwas heissem Wasser auf, gebe ein Glas Whisky und
1 dünne Scheibe Zitrone hinzu und fülle langsam auf
mit kochendem Wasser. Mit Barlöffel servieren.

1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 375. Hot-Whisky.

Ist dasselbe wie «Hot-Scotch».

1949 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 105. Hot Rum.

Verre n° 7, réchauffé, ou n° 4:
1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre.
Demi-verre à madère de rhum.
Emplir d’eau bouillante.
Gros comme une noisette de beurre frais, dessus.
Muscader. Servir.

1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 136. Heisser Rum. Hot Rum.

1 Teelöffel Staubzucker,
1 kleines Stück Butter,
1 Gläschen Jamaika Rum.
Fülle mit heißem Wasser auf, rühre
gut um und serviere. (Verwende
keine Gewürze.)

1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 137. Heisser Scotch Whisky. Hot Scotch Whisky.

1/3 Wasser,
2/3 Scotch Whisky,
2 Schuß guten Wein.
Erhitze diese Zutaten in einer
Pfanne und serviere heiß.

1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 116. Gin, Rum et Whisky Hot.

Comme le Brandy hot, en remplaçant le
cognac par du gin, du rhum, ou du

Seite 116. Brandy Hot.

Dans une petite casserole:
Une cuiller à soupr d’eau,
Deux morceaux de sucre,
Une pincée d’épices,
Un zeste d’orange et un verre de cognac
Chauffer jusqu’à ébullition, laisser brûler
quelques secondes et passer dans un
verre à Bordeaux chauffé.

1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 148. Hot Scotch.

Prepare as for Hot Gin, using Scotch whisky instead of
dry gin.

Seite 147. Hot Gin.

The juice of one lemon,
2 lumps of sugar,
1/2 gill of dry gin.
Prepared as for Hot Buttered Rum.

1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 173. Hot Rum.

Dissolve 2 lumps sugar in hot
whisky glass with a small
amount of hot water
1 wineglass dark rum
1/2 lemon (juice)
Fill glass with hot water and sprinkle
cinnamon on top

1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 173. Hot Scotch.

1 or 2 lumps of sugar
Dissolve in hot whisky glass with
a little hot water
1 wineglass of Scotch whisky
Lemon peel
Fill glass with hot water, stir and add

1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 124. Hot Rye.

In a small tumbler dissolve 1
lump Sugar in a very little Hot
Water. Add 1 small piece
Cinnamon, 1 twist Lemon Peel
and 2 jiggers Rye Whiskey.
Serve Hot Water in a pitcher on
the side, to be added as desired.

1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 124. Hot Scotch.

Prepare same as HOT RYE.

1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 417. Hot Scotch.

Faire fondre dans un tumbler 1 cuillère à bouche de sucre avec un
peu d’eau très chaude, ajouter un verre de whisky et 1 fine tranche
de citron et finir lentement de remplir avec de l’eau bouillante. Servir
avec cuillère.

1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 418. Hot Whisky.

C’est le même que Hot Scotch.

1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 105. Hot Scotch.

Tumbler. 1 cb de sucre, 1 whisky, 1 fine
tranche de citron. Finir de remplir avec
de l’eau bouillante. Servir avec cuillère.

1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Hot Demerrera Rum.

Old Fashioned Glass
1 Jigger Demerrera Rum
5 Pieces Cloves, mashed
1 Teaspoon bar sugar
Lemon and Orange peel, twisted
Hot water. Sliced fresh Ginger.

1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Hot Three Dagger Rum.

Old Fashioned Glass
1 Jigger 3 Dagger Jamaica Rum
5 Pieces Cloves, mashed
1 Teaspoon bar sugar
Lemon and Orange peel twisted
Hot Water
Sliced fresh Ginger.

1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 308. Hot Rum.

Old Fashioned Glass Build
1 tsp sugar
1 oz lemon juice
1-1/2 oz dark rum
Fill with hot water
Sprinkle nutmeg and/or

1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 308. Hot Rye.

Old Fashioned Glass Build
1 tsp sugar dissolved in
a little hot water
1 piece cinnamon
2 oz rye
Fill with hot water
(1/2 oz lemon juice optional)

1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 308. Hot Scotch.

Old Fashioned Glass Build
1 tsp sugar
1/2 oz lemon juice
1-1/2 oz Scotch
Fill with hot water

1/2 tsp sugar
1 oz lemon juice
1/2 oz Drambuie
1-1/2 oz Scotch
Fill with hot water

2017 Jim Meehan: Meehan’s Bartender Manual. Seite 319. Hot Whiskey. 4 oz. hot water; 1,5 oz. Powers Irish whiskey; 1 oz. honey syrup; garnish: 1 lemon wedge studded with 3 cloves.

explicit capitulum


Hi, I'm Armin and in my spare time I want to promote bar culture as a blogger, freelance journalist and Bildungstrinker (you want to know what the latter is? Then check out "About us"). My focus is on researching the history of mixed drinks. If I have ever left out a source you know of, and you think it should be considered, I look forward to hearing about it from you to learn something new. English is not my first language, but I hope that the translated texts are easy to understand. If there is any incomprehensibility, please let me know so that I can improve it.