The Bijou Cocktail, a classic drink from the end of the 19th century, comes in numerous variations. How do they differ from each other and what distinguishes them?
30 ml Eversbusch Doppelwachholder 30 ml Antica Formula vermouth 30 ml Chartreuse green
Preparation: Stirred. Sprinkle with a lemon zest.
Alternatively and currently preferred by us:
30 ml Finsbury 47 Gin 30 ml Antica Torino vermouth rosso 30 ml Chartreuse green 1 Dash (1,25 ml) Orange bitter (lemon zest)
Preparation: 3 ice cubes, stirred for 35 seconds (105 times). Sprinkle with a lemon zest.
The Bijou Cocktail as we know it today was first published in 1900 by Harry Johnson. However, there were already mixed drinks bearing this name before that. In 1895, a recipe made from Grand Marnier and cognac was so named in St. Louis, according to David Wondrich. We have not found his source, but we have found a newspaper article published in Albany, New York State, which reports the same thing, and the content of which may be the same as his. [1-81][3]
In Cincinnati, however, also in 1895 and published in the book “The Mixicologist” by Chris F. Lawlor, the Bijou Cocktail was a mixture of equal parts Grand Marnier, Plymouth gin and Italian vermouth. [1-81][2-57]
It seems that Harry Johnson unceremoniously replaced the Grand Marnier in Cris Lawlor’s variant with green Chartreuse, thus giving the mixed drink a completely different aroma profile. [1-81] This recipe was published in 1900 and is practically what we mean by a Bijou Cocktail today.
The recipe
One would think that the recipe for a Bijou Cocktail is simple and straightforward: equal parts gin, vermouth and Chartreuse, maybe a little bit of orange bitters – that’s it. But it’s not that clear-cut. We had already seen that the older recipe by Chris F. Lawlor called for Grand Marnier, and that a recipe published in the same year called for the mixture of Grand Marnier and cognac. So how does it look now? What did the different authors from different times understand by it?
Bijou Cocktail – Variants.
If we first look at the different variations, it is noticeable that although the “classic” recipe of gin, vermouth and Chartreuse plus optional other ingredients makes up the largest part of the recipes, all other variations do not make up a small proportion. However, these other variants do not present a uniform picture and there are numerous variations:
Bijou Cocktail – Comparison of variants.
Let us now focus on the recipe variant that is commonly understood today as a Bijou Cocktail. As you can see, this has usually always been a mixture of gin, vermouth, Chartreuse, optionally also with cocktail bitters. Rarely, other ingredients such as curaçao, grenadine and Amer Picon were added:
Bijou Cocktails – Other ingredients.
Due to their rarity, we can safely disregard these variations, because they do not correspond to the standard.
Next, let’s look at the question of whether a Bijou Cocktail, i.e. a mixture of gin, vermouth and Chartreuse, was additionally prepared with a cocktail bitters. Here we can say as a general rule that before Prohibition only about 15% of the recipes called for such a bitter to be added, during Prohibition it was only about 60%, and afterwards always more than 70%. When such a bitters was added, it was practically exclusively an orange bitters:
Bijou Cocktail – Bitters.
What about Chartreuse? Some recipes call for yellow Chartreuse, but their number is negligible. It must be said that the standard is green Chartreuse:
Bijou Cocktail – Chartreuse.
Much more interesting is the range that emerges if we look at the ratio of gin to Chartreuse. For Harry Johnson it is 1:1; but we can also find recipes in later times that call for 30:1 or even 1:5. However, if we look at the average value, before Prohibition it is 0.97. During Prohibition it is 1.9 and then drops again slightly to 1.5, then reaching 2.
Bijou Cocktail – Ratio of gin to Chartreuse.
What can be said about vermouth? Italian vermouth is the standard and should be used. The use of French vermouth is a modern invention that has never really taken hold.
Bijou Cocktail – Vermouth.Bijou Cocktail – Ratio of gin to vermouth.
With the Bijou Cocktail, what we have already analysed and justified in detail with the Brooklyn Cocktail becomes apparent again. The proportion of vermouth increased over time. Here, with the Bijou Cocktail, the maximum ratio of gin to vermouth was initially 2, then rising to 12 after the Second World War. The minimum was 0.25 and 1. The average was initially 1, rose to 1.1 during Prohibition, was 1.9 after the Second World War and then 3 later.
We can see from these values that a classic Bijou Cocktail according to Harry Johnson does indeed consist of equal parts of gin, vermouth and Chartreuse. However, one can increase the proportion of gin and, if one does not overdo it, still be within the bounds of what has been defined as acceptable over time. It is basically a matter of taste.
Finally, let’s take a look at the garnish. Should you choose one? If so, which one?
Bijou Cocktail – Garnish.Bijou Cocktail – Garnish in detail.
You can see that there was usually a garnish. There were no clear favourites, so depending on the taste, you can certainly use cherry, olive and lemon zest with good reason.
We have not only listed the recipes for a Bijou Cocktail in the appendix, but also those that combine gin, vermouth and chartreuse. What conclusions can be drawn from this, what are the names? The reader may take a closer look at these mixed drinks in the appendix. This appendix does not claim to be exhaustive, so it is possible that one may have understood something quite different from the numerous names we list. A brief overview will suffice at this point. The year in which we first found it in the sources available to us is given in brackets.
Two of these variations are highlighted as examples. The Montauk Cocktail, published in 1895, is basically a Martini Cocktail with orange bitters, a dash of Chartreuse, and optionally sugar syrup. The Montauk Cocktail thus shows how a Bijou Cocktail can be transformed into a Martini Cocktail by changing the proportions and how closely related the two are. In more recent times, equal amounts of gin, vermouth and Chartreuse were also used.
Published in 1901, the Puritan Cocktail is a Bijou variation using gin, yellow Chartreuse, French vermouth and cocktail bitters.
In addition, the following names for bijou-like recipes are in circulation:: Amber Dream (1933), Balsac Cocktail (1913), B and BC Cocktail (1963), Bonheur Cocktail (1936), Club Cocktail (also called American Club Cocktail) (1903), Dos Amores (1961), Emerald Cocktail (1948), Divorcee Cocktail (1935), Golden Glow (1930), Grave (1930), Green Devil (1927), Green-eyed Monster (1927), Jewel (1930), Mitre Cocktail (1930), Old Monterey (1933), Paree Cocktail (1937), Raymond Cocktail (1910), San Martino Cocktail (also called San Martin, Sand-Martin, Sandmartin) (1924), San Remo (1948), Shamrock Cocktail (1933), Tailspin (1935), Yellow Diamond (1930).
David Wondrich & Noah Rothbaum (editors): The Oxford Companion to Sprits & Cocktails. ISBN 9780199311132. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist or How to Mix All Kinds of Fancy Drinks Containing Clear and Reliable Directions for Mixing All the Different Beverages Used in the United States, Embracing Juleps, Cobblers, Cocktails, Punches, Durkees, „Trilbys,“ Etc., Etc., in Endless Variety, with Some Recipes on Cooking, and Other General Information. An Up-to-Date Recipe Book. Cincinnati, Lawlor & Co., 1895.
What’ll You Have? The Bijou Closely allied to the Trilby is the Bijou cocktail, which has become very fashion- able during the past month or six weeks. It contains but two liquors – Grand Mar- nier cordial, an orange extract, and cognac. It is served in copitas and while it has the heating effect of brandy, is not of suffi- cient size to cause any great inconven- ience if taken in reasonable quantities.
1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 17. Montauk Cocktail.
Orange bitters, dash of chartreuse, dash of gum, gin and vermouth.
1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 57. Bijou Cocktail.
Take 1/3 Grand Marnier. 1/3 Vermouth. 1/3 Plymouth Gin. Mix and strain; a delicious drink. Grand Marnier can also be served in pony-glass like any liquor.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 57. Bijou Cocktail.
Take 1/3 Grand Marnier. 1/3 Vermouth. 1/3 Plymouth Gin. Mix and strain; a delicious drink. Grand Marnier can also be served in pony-glass like any liquor.
1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders’ Manual. Seite 257. Bijou Cocktail.
(Use a large bar glass.) 3/4 glass filled with fine shaved ice; 1/3 wine glass chartreuse (green); 1/3 wine glass vermouth (Italian); 1/3 wine glass of Plymouth gin; 1 dash of orange bitters. Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass; add a cherry or medium-size olive, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top and serve.
1901 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 21. Puritan Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass. THREE dashes orange bitters; one spoonful yellow chartreuse; two-thirds Plymouth gin; one-third French vermouth. Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail glass.
1902 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 46. Montauk Cocktail.
MIXING GLASS. — One dash gum, one dash orange bitters, one dash Chartreuse, 1/2 glass fine ice, one pony gin, one pony Vermouth. Mix and strain into cocktail glass.
1902 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 46. Montauk Cocktail.
MIXING GLASS. — One dash gum, one dash orange bitters, one dash Chartreuse, 1/2 glass fine ice, one pony gin, one pony Vermouth. Mix and strain into cocktail glass.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 14. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large bar glass. Three-quarter glass filled with shaved ice. One-third wine-glass green Chartreuse. One-third wine-glass Italian Vermouth. One-third wine-glass Plymouth gin. Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass, add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1902 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 20. Puritan Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass. THREE dashes Angostura bitters; one spoonful yellow chartreuse; two-thirds Plymouth gin; one-third French vermouth. Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail glass.
1903 Anonymus: Manuel du cocktail. Seite 20. Puritan Cocktail.
Se servir du verre à mixtion. TROIS gouttes de bitter angostura, une cuillerée de chartreuse jaune, deux tiers de gin Plymouth et un tiers de vermouth français. Remplir de glace, mélanger et passer dans un verre à cock- tail.
1903 Don. Wilkes: The Bachelor Book. Seite 16. Club Cocktail.
Half-a-glassful of ice, two dashes of gum, two-thirds of gin, one-third of vino vermouth, two dashes of orange bitters, and one dash of green chartreuse. Stir well, strain, and serve.
1904 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 3. Bijou Cocktail.
Verre no 5 Prendre le verre à mélange no 1, mettre quelques mor- ceaux de glace: 3 traits d’orange bitter, 4 traits curaçao, 4 traits chartreuse verte, 2 gouttes grenadine, 1 verre à liqueur de Sloegin, 1 verre à liqueur de vermouth Turin. Remuer et passer dans le verre no 5, servir avec une fraise.
1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 145. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large bar glass. Three-quarter glass filled with shaved ice. One-third wine-glass green Chartreuse. One-third wine-glass Italian Vermouth. One-third wine-glass Plymouth gin. Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass, add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 12. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large glass. 3/4 glass filled with shaved ice. 1/3 wine glass green chartreuse. 1/3 wine glass Italian vermouth. 1/3 wine glass Plymouth gin. Stir well with spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon juice on top.
1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 11. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large glass. Shaved ice fill three quarters. Green Chartreuse, one third wine glass. Italian Vermouth, one third wine glass. Gin (Plymouth or Old Tom), one third wine glass. Stir with spoon and strain in cocktail glass, squeeze small lemon skin on top, add cherry or olive.
1907 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 3. Bijou Cocktail.
Verre no 5 Prendre le verre à mélange no 1, mettre quelques mor- ceaux de glace: 3 traits d’orange bitter, 4 traits curaçao, 4 traits chartreuse verte, 2 gouttes grenadine, 1 verre à liqueur de Sloegin, 1 verre à liqueur de vermouth Turin. Remuer et passer dans le verre no 5, servir avec une frais
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 145. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large bar glass. Three-quarter glass filled with shaved ice. One-third wine-glass green Chartreuse. One-third wine-glass Italian Vermouth. One-third wine-glass Plymouth gin. Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass, add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 158. Club Cocktail.
ill mixing goblet half full of fine ice, two dashes gum, two dashes orange bitters, one dash chartreuse, one-third drink Italian Vermouth, two-thirds drink Old Tom gin; stir well and serve with cherry.
1908 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 17. Bijou Cocktail.
(Use large glass.) 3/4 glass filled with shaved ice 1/3 wine glass green Chartreuse 1/3 wine glass Italian Vermouth 1/3 wine glass Plymouth gin. Stir well with spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon juice on top.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 43. Bijou-Cocktail.
3—4 Stückchen Kristalleis, 2 Dashes Orange-Bitters, 1/3 Cocktailglas Chartreuse, grün, 1/3 „ italienischen Vermouth, 1/3 „ englischen Gin. Mische mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas mit einer Olive, drücke das Öl aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und serviere.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 4. Bijou Cocktail.
A mixing glass half full of cracked ice. 1/2 pony of Grand Marnier. 1 pony of Italian vermouth. 1/2 drink of Plymouth gin. Stir, strain into a cocktail glass and serve.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 7. Club Cocktail.
Use mixing glass. 2 dashes of syrup. 2 dashes of orange bitters. 1 dash of Chartreuse. 2/3 drink of Old Tom gin. 1/3 drink of Italian Yermouth. Stir, strain, and serve.
1910 Anonymus: 101 Drinks and How to Mix Them. Bijou.
That’s the French word for jewel, Hortense. You’ll think it’s a sharp-cut diamond. Boy, how it scratches! Two parts dry Gin One part Chartreuse One part Italian Shake vigorously with Vermouth fine ice
1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 145. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large bar glass. Three-quarter glass filled with shaved ice. One-third wine-glass green Chartreuse. One-third wine-glass Italian Vermouth. One-third wine-glass Plymouth gin. Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass, add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1910 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 31. Bijou Cocktail.
(Use large glass.) 3/4 glass filled with shaved ice 50% green Chartreuse 40% Italian Vermouth 10% dry gin. Stir well with spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon juice on top.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 66. Raymond Cocktail.
Two dashess Chartreuse 40% Gordon Dry Gin 30% French Vermouth 30% M. & R. Italian Vermouth Twist of lemon peel. Serve in champagne glass.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.’ Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 13. Bijou Cocktail.
(Use a larg e bar glass.) Three-quarter glass filled with shaved ice, One-third wine-glass of green chartreuse, One-third wine-glass of Italian vermouth, One-third wine-glass of Plymouth gin. Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass, add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.’ Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 15. Club Cocktail.
(Use large bar glass.) Fill glass half full-of fine ice, Two dashes of gum, Two dashes of orange bitters, One dash of chartreuse, One-third drink of Italian vermouth, Two-t hird drink old Tom gin. Stir well and serve with a cherry.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 145. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large bar glass. Three-quarter glass filled with shaved ice. One-third wine-glass green Chartreuse. One-third wine-glass Italian Vermouth. One-third wine-glass Plymouth gin. Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass, add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 158. Club Cocktail.
Fill mixing goblet half full of fine ice, two dashes gum, two dashes orange bitters, one dash chartreuse, one-third drink Italian Vermouth, two-thirds drink Old Tom gin; stir well and serve with cherry.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #20. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large glass. 3/4 glass filled with shaved ice, 1-3 wine glass green chartreuse, 1-3 wine glass Italian vermouth, 1-3 wine glass Plymouth gin. Stir well with spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon juice on top.
1912 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Anhang. Bijou Cocktail.
Frappe two-thirds Coates Plymouth gin and one-third Grand Marnier. Serve in stem glasses.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders’ Manual. Seite 22. Bijou Cocktail.
(Use large bar glass.) 3/4 glass filled with shaved ice; 1/3 wineglass green chartreuse; 1/3 wineglass Italian vermouth; 1/3 wineglass Plym- outh gin. Stir well with the spoon, and after strain- ing in cocktail glass add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders’ Manual. Seite 22. Club Cocktail.
Fill mixing goblet 1/2 full of fine ice; 2 dashes gum; 3 dashes orange bitters; 1 dash chartreuse; 1/3 drink Italian vermouth; 2/3 drink Old Tom gin; stir well and serve with cherry.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 43. Bijou-Cocktail.
3—4 Stückchen Kristalleis, 2 Dashes Orange-Bitters, 1/3 Cocktailglas Chartreuse, grün, 1/3 „ italienischen Vermouth, 1/3 „ englischen Gin. Mische mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas mit einer Olive, drücke den Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und serviere.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 21. Balsac-Cocktail.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 47. Club-Cocktail.
Mischglas mit 3—4 Stck. Eis, 2 Spritzer Zuckersirup, 1/4 Cocktailglas ital. Vermouth, 1/2 Cocktail glas Old-Tom-Gin, 2 Spritzer Orangebitter, 1 Spritzer Chartreuse, rühren, in Cocktailglas seihen, Kirsche, Ci- tronenschale.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks. Seite 11. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Jigger Green Chartreuse. 1/3 Jigger Dry Gin. 1/3 Jigger Italian Vermouth. Shake.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 22. Bijou Cocktail.
(Use large bar glass.) 3/4 glass filled with shaved ice; 1/3 wineglass green chartreuse; 1/3 wineglass Italian vermouth; 1/3 wineglass Ply- mouth gin. Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 18. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 jigger green chartreuse. 1/3 jigger dry gin. 1/3 jigger Italian vermouth. Shake.
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 7. American Club Cocktail.
(American clob cockteil) USE UN VASO DE LOS DE REFRESCO Echese la necesaria cantidad de hielo en pedacitos para mediar el vaso y agréguese: Sirope de goma . . . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas. Bitters de naranja . . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas. Chartreuse verde . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 cucharadita. Vermouth Italiano y ginebra (Old Tom), por partes iguales.
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 10. Bijou Cocktail.
(Biyou cockteil) USE UN VASO DE LOS DE REFRESCO Echese la necesaria cantidad de hielo en pedacitos para mediar el vaso, y agregúese: Angosturas de naranja . . . . . . . . Unas gotas. Marrasquino . . . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas. Chartreuse encarnado . . . Ginebra Holandesa . . . . } Por partes iguales. Vermouth Italiano . . . . . Mézclese todo con una cuchara, cuélese en una copa de las de cockt.ail, y sírvase con una corteza de limón retor- cida.
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 12. Club Cocktail.
(Clob cockteil) USE UN VASO DE LOS DE REFRESCO Echese la necesaria cantidad de hielo en pedacitos para mediar el vaso, y agréguese: Sirope de goma . . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas. Bitters de naranja Unas gotas . . . . . Unas gotas. Chartreuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas. Ginebra (Old Tom) . . . . . . . . . . 2 partes. Vermouth Italiano . . . . . . . . . . 1 parte. Mézclese todo con una cuchara, cuélese en una copa de las cocktail, y sírvase con una cereza.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 36. Bijou Cocktail.
3/4 glass filled with cracked ice 50% Green Chartreuse 40% M & R Italian Vermouth 10% Gordon Dry Gin Stir well with spoon and after straining in Cocktail glass add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon juice on top.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 65. Raymond Cocktail.
Two dashes Chartreuse 40% Gordon Dry Gin 30% French Vermouth 30% M. & R. Italian Vermouth Twist of lemon peel. Serve in champagne glass.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 2. Bijou Cocktail.
A mixing glass half full of cracked ice. 1/2 pony of Grand Marnier. 1 pony of Italian vermouth. 1/2 drink of Plymouth gin. Stir, strain into a cocktail glass and serve.
1919 Anonymus: The Gorham Cocktail Book. Seite 55. Golden Glow.
One large persimmon, four tablespoonfuls Grapefruitola, one tablespoonful lemon syrup, three sprigs fresh mint, one teaspoonful pow- dered sugar, Seltzer.
WITH a spoon, mash the pulp of a large, ripe persimmon and press through a fine wire strainer into a tall lemonade-glass. In a tumbler, bruise three sprigs of mint with one teaspoonful powdered sugar and one tablespoonful water. Add four tablespoonfuls Grape- fruitola and one tablespoonful lemon syrup. Mix thoroughly and strain into glass containing the strained persimmon pulp. Add three or four pieces of ice and fill the glass with Seltzer. Stir, and serve, with straws.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite 9. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 shot green chartreuse. 1/3 shot dry gin. 1/3 shot Italian vermouth. Shake.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 43. Bijou-Cocktail.
3—4 Stückchen Kristalleis, 2 Dashes Orange-Bitters, 1/3 Cocktailglas Chartreuse, grün, 1/3 „ italienischen Vermouth, 1/3 „ englischen Gin. Mische mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas mit einer Olive, drücke den Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und serviere.
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman mixer. Seite 26. Bijon Cocktail.
In un bicchierone con metà di ghiaccio sminuzzato: 1 bicchiere a liquori di Gin 1 bicchiere a liquori di Chartreuse verde. 1 bicchiere a liquori Vermouth di Torino 5 goccie d’Angostura. Finitelo come i precedenti.
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman mixer. Seite 33. Club Cocktail.
Nel bicchierone pieno di ghiaccio ag- giungete: 2 cucchiaini di Sciroppo 2 Dashes Bitter Arancio 2 cucchiaini di Chartreuse 1/2 bicchiere di Vermouth 1/2 bicchiere di Old Tom Gin. Rimescolate e servite nel bicchiere a cocktail con ciliegia.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 26. Bijou Cocktail.
Shaker avec glace pilée, deux traits orange bitter, trois traits Cointreau, trois traits Chartreuse vérte, un trait grenadine, un verre à liqueur Slœgin, un verre a liqueur ver- mouth Martini et Rossi, frapper et passer dans un verre à bordeaux contenant une fraise.
1922 Robert Vermeire: Cocktails. Seite 19. Bijou Cocktail.
Fill the bar glass half full of broken ice and add: 1 dash of Orange Bitters. 1/6 gill of Plymouth Gin. 1/6 gill of Italian Vermouth. 1/6 gill of Green Chartreuse. Stir up with a spoon, strain into a cocktail- glass, add olive or cherry according to taste, and squeeze lemon-peel on top.
1922 W. Slagter: Hoe maakt men american plainen fancy drinks. Seite 9. Jewel.
Doet in een Pousse café glas: 1/3 Marasquin 2/3 Gekristalliseerde Kummel Hierop een volle drup Angostora.
1922 W. Slagter: Hoe maakt men american plainen fancy drinks. Seite 67. Club Cocktail.
Doet in den Shaker: Eenige stukjes ijs 3 Druppen Gomsiroop 2 Druppen Oranjebitter 2 Druppen Chartreuse 2/3 Cocktailglas Vermouth-ltal. 1/3 Cocktailglas Old Tom Gin. Behandeling als recept No. 228. Als vrucht een paar druiven of kersen.
Seite 64. 228. Absinth Cocktail.
Goed schudden en in Cocktailglas doen, naar wensch nog eenige stukjes ijs en knijp de olie uit een stukje citroenschil boven de Cocktail, en legt de schil op den rand.
1923 Harry McElhone: „Harry“ of Ciro’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 18. Bijou Cocktail.
Use a large bar glass. 1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Green Chartreuse, 1/3 Italian Vermouth, 1/3 Plymouth Gin, Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, add a cherry or olive, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve, (Recipe from Harry Johnson of New Orleans.)
1923 Harry McElhone: „Harry“ of Ciro’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 24. Club Cocktail.
1924 Antonio (Tony) Fernández: Manual del barman. Seite 35. Club Cocktail.
En un caso grande con hielo, échese un chorro de Chartreuse verde, media co- pa de vermouth Torino y media id de Dry Gin (ginebra inglesa); revuélvase y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1924 Antonio (Tony) Fernández: Manual del barman. Seite 41. Bijou Cocktail.
En un vaso grande con algu- nos trozos de hielo, échese un chorro de Chartreu- se verde, media copa de Dry Gin (ginebra ingle- sa), y media copa de vermouth Torino; revuélvase y sírvase colado en copa de cocktail con una fruta.
1924 Carlo Beltramo: Les cocktails et les boissons américaines. Seite 20. Bijou cocktail.
Se prépare dans le grand gobelet a moitié rempli de glace en morceaux: Quelques gout- tes d’orange bitter: 2/6 dl. de gin, 1/6 dl. de vermouth italien, 1/6 dl. dé Chartreuse verte. — Bien brasser et verser dans un verre a cocktail avec une cerise et vm zeste de citron.
1924 Carlo Beltramo: Les cocktails et les boissons américaines. Seite 39. San Martino cocktail.
Se prépare dans le tumbler à moitié rempli de glace: Parts égales de Gordon Gin et de vermoutL italien, 1 cuillerée à thé de Char- treuse jaune. — Bien remuer et servir dans un verre a cocktail avec un zeste de citron. Ayez soin de ne jamais mettre de bitter.
1924 León Pujol & Oscar Muñez: Manual del Cantinero. Seite 9. Club Cocktail.
2|3 Gin. 1|3 Vermoth Francés. Batido en vaso, sirvase copa cocktail.
1925 Anonymus: About Town Cocktail Book. Seite 5. Bijou.
FILL a bar glass half full of broken ice and add: 1 dash of Orange Bitters 1/6 gill of Plymouth Gin 1/6 gill of Italian Vermouth 1/6 Gill of Green Chartreuse Stir with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, add olive or cherry according to taste, and squeeze lemon-peel on top.
1925 Anonymus: About Town Cocktail Book. Seite 19. Puritan.
3 dashes Orange Bitters 1 tablespoonful Yellow Chartreuse 2-8 Plymouth Gin 1-3 French Vermouth Fill with ice, mix and strain into a cocktail glass.
1925 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Illustriertes internationales Getränkebuch. Seite 43. Bijou-Cocktail.
3-4 Stückchen Kristalleis, 2 Dashes Orange-Bitters, 1/3 Cocktailglas Chartreuse, grün, 1/3 „ italienischen Vermouth, 1/3 „ englischen Gin. Mische mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas mit einer Olive, drücke den Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und serviere.
1926 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 24. Puritan Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass. THREE dashes orange bitters; one spoonful yellow chartreuse; two-thirds Plymouth gin; one-third French vermouth. Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail glass.
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 23. Bijou Cocktail.
Use a large bar glass. 1 dash Orange bitters, 1/3 Green Chartreuse, 1/3 Gancia Italian Vermouth, 1/3 Plymouth Gin. Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, add a cherry or olive, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. (Recipe from Harry Johnson of New Orleans.)
1926 W. Slagter: Cocktails. Seite 43. Byou Cocktail.
Vult den Shaker met eenige stukjes ijs 1/3 Cocktailglas Groene Chartreuse 1/3 Cocktailglas Ital. Vermouth 1/3 Cocktailglas Gordon Dry Gin 4 Druppen Oranjebitter Wijnand Fockink. Behandeling als bij recept No. 87. Doet er een Reine Claude in (tinned).
Seite 38. No. 87. Absinth Cocktail.
Behandeling: Bovenstaande goed vermengen en ver- koelen en zonder het ijs in een Cocktail- glas doen. Knijpt de olie uit een stukje Citroenschil, al boven de Cocktail hou- dende en legt deze op den rand van het glas. Zie ook inleiding No. 86.
1926 W. Slagter: Cocktails. Seite 46. Club Cocktail.
Doet in den Shaker: Eenige stukjes ijs 3 Druppen Gomsiroop 2 Druppen Oranjebitter 2 Druppen Chartreuse 2/3 Cocktailglas Vermouth-ltal. 1/3 Cocktailglas Gordon’s Old Tom Gin. Behandeling als bij recept No. 87. Als vrucht een paar Druiven of Kersen.
Seite 38. No. 87. Absinth Cocktail.
Behandeling: Bovenstaande goed vermengen en ver- koelen en zonder het ijs in een Cocktail- glas doen. Knijpt de olie uit een stukje Citroenschil, al boven de Cocktail hou- dende en legt deze op den rand van het glas. Zie ook inleiding No. 86.
1927 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 24. Puritan Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass. THREE dashes orange bitters; one spoonful yellow chartreuse; two-thirds Plymouth gin; one-third French vermouth. Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail glass.
1927 Harry McElhone: Barflies and Cocktails. Seite 11. Bijou Cocktail.
Use a large bar glass. 1 dash Orange Bitters. 1/3 Green Chartreuse, 1/3 ltalian Vermouth, 1/3 Plymouth Gin. Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, add a cherry or olive, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. (Recipe from Harry Johnson of New Orleans.)
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 11. Bijou.
1/3 Chartreuse verde. 1/3 ginebra inglesa. 1/3 vermouth italiano y bátase.
1927 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 24. Puritan Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass. THREE dashes orange bitters; one spoonful yellow chartreuse; two-thirds Plymouth gin; one-third French vermouth. Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail glass.
1927 Harry McElhone: Barflies and Cocktails. Seite 11. Bijou Cocktail.
Use a large bar glass. 1 dash Orange Bitters. 1/3 Green Chartreuse, 1/3 ltalian Vermouth, 1/3 Plymouth Gin. Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, add a cherry or olive, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve. (Recipe from Harry Johnson of New Orleans.)
1927 Jean Lupoiu: 370 recettes de cocktails. Seite 15. Bijou Cocktail.
1927 Marcel Requien & Lucien Farnoux Reynaud: L’Heure du Cocktail. Seite 57. Bijou.
1 trait Orange-Bitter, 1/3 Chartreuse verte, 1/3 Vermouth Italien, 1/3 Gin, Frapper à la timbale. Ajouter une olive et exprimer un zeste de citron. Communiqué par Harry Jonhson (Nouvelle-Orléans)
1927 Nina Toye & A. H. Adair: Petits & grands verres. Seite 18. Le Diable Vert. Green Devil.
Le cocktail, très sec est assez monté; il fera naître une aimable animation, et cette animation une fois dissipée, contrairement à l’effet de beaucoup d’autres cocktails, n’entraînera à sa suite aucun sentiment de dépression. Il est possible de le préparer à l’avance et de le garder en bouteille jusqu’à usage. Prendre quatre verres de gin, trois quarts de verre de vermouth français, un quart de verre de vermouth italien et un demi-verre d’élixir de chartreuse (élixir non sucré). Glace pilée. Frapper soigneusement. Doit être servi assez froid pour que la buée glace les verres.
1927 Nina Toye & A. H. Adair: Petits & grands verres. Seite 26. Le Bijou. Bijou Cocktail.
Dans le gobelet à frapper, mettre deux verres de char- treuse verte, deux verres de vermouth italien et deux verres de gin. Ajouter une demi-cuillerée de bitter à l’orange. Frapper soigneusement et servir avec une cerise en pressant au-dessus des verres un zeste de citron.
1927 Pedro Chicote: El bar americano en España. Seite 52. Bijou-Cocktail.
Prepárese en un gran vaso de cristal. 3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo. 6 gotas de Orange bitters. 1/3 copita de gin Vanghan-Jones. 1/3 – de vermut italiano. 1/3 – de chartreaúse amarillo. Sírvase en copa de cocktaiI y agréguese una guinda.
1927 Pedro Chicote: El bar americano en España. Seite 70. San Martin-Cocktail.
Prepárese en un gran vaso de cristal: 3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo. 10 gotas de granadina. 8 – de chartreause. 1/2 copita de gin. 1/2 – de vermut italiano. Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1927 Piero Grandi: Cocktails. Seite 27. Bijou Cocktail.
Employer un grand verre de Bar. Une gout- te de Bitter d’Orange, 1/3 Chartreuse verte, 1/3 Vermouth Italien, 1/3 Plymouth Gin. Mé- langer bien, verser dans un verre à Cocktail, ajouter un peu de Sherry, ou, Olive; ainsi qu’une giglée de jus de pelure de Citron.
1927 Piero Grandi: Cocktails. Seite 31. Club Cocktail.
1/3 de Vermouth Italien, 1/3 de Gin, 2 gout- tes d’Orange Bitter, une cuillerée à the sirop de gomme, 1/6 de Chartreuse jaune.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 112. Bijou-Cocktail.
Prepárese en un gran vaso de cristal. 3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo. 6 gotas de Orange bitters. 1/3 de copita de gin Vaughan=Jonnes. 1/3 – de vermut italiano. 1/3 – de chartreuse amarillo. Sírvase en copa de cocktail y agréguese una guinda.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 218. San Martin-Cocktail.
Prepárese en un gran vaso de cristal: 3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo. 10 gotas de granadina. 8 – de chartreuse. 1/2 copita de gin. 1/2 – de vermut italiano. Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 26. Biyon Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée, deux traits d’orange-bitter, trois traits de Cointreau, trois traits de Chartreuse verte, un trait de Grenadine, un demi-verre de Slœ-Gin, un demi-verre de Vermouth Turin. Agiter, passer dans un verre à cocktail, garnir d’un zeste de citron, d’une fraise et de chalumeaux.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 35. Bijou.
To two parts dry gin were added one part Italian Vermouth and one part Chartreuse, vigorously shaken.
1929 Juan A. Laser: Libro de cocktail. Seite 20. Cocktail Puritano.
Use la copa fria Tres gotas de naranja amarga. Una cucharada de Chartreuse Amarillo. Dos terceras partes de Plymouth Gin. Una tercera parte de Vrmouth Frances. Batalo en la Cotelera con hielo picado, cuelese y sirvase en una copa de cocktail, fria.
1929 Juan A. Laser: Libro de cocktail. Seite 46. Puritan Cocktail.
Use a chilled glass Three deshes orange bitter. One spoonful yellow chartruse. Two third Plymouth Gin. One third French Vermouth. Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail glass.
1929 Judge Jr.: Here’s How Again. Seite 44. The Green-eyed Monster.
1/3 Gordon water 1/3 Italian Vermouth 1/3 Green Chartreuse
1930 Anonymus: Cocktails by „Jimmy“ Late of Ciro’s London. Seite 22. Bijou.
1 part Green Chartreuse 1 part Old Tom Gin 1 part Italian Vermouth Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top and serve with a cherry.
1930 Anonymus: Cocktails by „Jimmy“ Late of Ciro’s London. Seite 65. Puritan.
4 parts Plymouth Gin 2 parts French Vermouth 1 part Yellow Chartreuse 2 dashes Orange Bitters per cocktail.
1930 Anonymus: Cocktails by „Jimmy“ Late of Ciro’s London. Seite 70. San Martin.
3 parts Dry Gin 3 parts Italian Vermouth 1 part Yellow Chartreuse Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top.
1930 Charlie Roe & Jim Schwenck: The Home-Bartender’s Guide and Song Book. Seite 14. Bijou.
Shake yourself well after taking this to be sure that no portion of the drink is left in one spot and burns through. The French call it BIJOU, mean- ing jewel. Personally, we think it’s a sharp-cut diamond. Boy, and how it scratched us!
Two parts dry gin One part Italian Vermouth One part Chartreuse Shake vigorously with fine ice before serving
1930 Dexter Mason: The Art of Drinking. Seite 28. The Yellow Diamond.
1 part gin 1 part yellow chartreuse 1 part Italian Vermouth Stuffed olive in each glass.
Toast some crusted bread on one side. Butter the untoasted side, dust the butter with pul- verized almonds or peanuts. Cut into finger strips. Lay a sliver of anchovy filet on each, garnish with one or two capers and lemon juice.
1930 Edgar Baudoin: Les Meilleurs Cocktails. Seite 32. Bijou Cocktail.
Mischglas mit 3-4 Stück Eis. 2 Dashes Orange Bitters, 1/3 Cocktailglas Chartreuse grün, 1/3 ” ital. Vermuth, 1/3 ” engl. Gin. Mische mit einem Barlöffel, seihe in ein Cocktailglas mit einer Olive, drücke den Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und serviere.
1930 Gedelp: Los „cock-tails“ mas sabrosos. Seite 25. Grave.
Hielo en pedacitos. Un tercio de copa de gin. Un tercio de copa de vermouth francés. Un tercio de copa de vermouth italiano. Un tercio de copa de chartreuse verde.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros de la Republica de Cuba. Manual Oficial. Seite 25. Bijou Cocktail.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 28. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Plymouth Gin. 1 Dash Orange Bitters. 1/3 Green Chartreuse. 1/3 Gancia Italian Vermouth. Mix well with a spoon in a large bar glass; strain into a cock tail glass, add a cherry or an olive, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top and serve.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 89. Jewel Cocktail.
(6 people) 2 Glasses Green Chartreuse. 2 Glasses Italian Vermouth. 2 Glasses Gin. 1/2 Dessertspoonful Orange Bitters. Shake thoroughly and serve with a cherry, squeezing lemon peel on top. A medium-dry, fast-working cocktail.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 141. Sand-Martin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoonful Green Chartreuse. 1/2 Italian Vermouth. 1/2 Dry Gin. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1930 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 23. Bijou Cocktail.
Use a large bar glass. 1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Green Chartreuse , 1/3 Italian Vermouth, 1/3 Plymouth Gin. Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, add a cherry or olive, squeeze a piece of lemon peeI on top, and serve. (Recipe from Harry Johnson of New Orleans.)
1930 Jere Sullivan: The Drinks of Yesteryear. Seite 15. Bijou.
From. Paris by 1/3 Dry Gin a French Artist. 1/3 French Vermouth . 1/3 Greene Chartreuse . Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1930 Knut W. Sundin: Two Hundred Selected Drinks. Seite 15. Bijou Cocktail.
Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add: 1 dash of Orange bitter 4 dashes of White Curacao 4 dashes of Green Chartreuse 1/2 glass of Dry Gin 1/2 glass of Italian Vermouth. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass and add an olive or cherry according to taste.
1930 Miguel R. Reguera: Cocktails. Seite 46. Mitre Cocktail.
En una cocktelera, con hielo machacado: Unas gotas de bitter de naranja 1/4 parte de vermouth italiano 1/4 » de chartreuse 1/2 » de ginebra. Agítese y sírvase.
1930 Pedro Chicote: La ley mojada. Seite 107. Bijou-Cocktail.
Prepárese en un gran vaso de cristal: 3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo. 6 gotas de Orange bitters. 1/3 de copita de gin Vaughan-Jonnes. 1/3 — de vermut italiano. 1/3 — de chartreuse amarillo. Sírvase en copa de cocktail y agréguese una guinda.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 18. Bijou.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . 2/3 jigger Grand Marnier . . . 1/3 jigger Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 18. Bijou, No. 2.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Chartreuse . . . . . 1/4 jigger It. Vermouth . . . 1/4 jigger Orange Bitters . . . . 1 dash Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 45. Golden Glow.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Yellow Chartreuse 1/3 jigger . It. Vermouth . . . 1/3 jigger Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, add stuffed olive and serve.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 70. Puritan.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 75. San Martin.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Chartreuse It. Vermouth . . . . . 1/3 jigger (yellow) . . . . . 1 spoon Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over and serve.
1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: Old Waldorf Bar Days. Seite 120. Bijou.
From the theatre of that name, in Broadway, a few blocks away, though certain connoisseurs were strong for the French term that was synonymous with jewel. They said it tasted like a jewel looked. The nativity of its two principal components lent authority to the drink, if not to their contention.
Two dashes Orange Bitters One-half French Vermuth One-half Grand Marnier Stir
1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: Old Waldorf Bar Days. Seite 150. Montauk.
Named about the time that men of vision began to talk of Montauk Point as the Western terminus of transatlantic steamship lines. One-third French Vermuth One-third Italian Vermuth One-third Gin Two dashes Peychaud Bitters Served in old-fashioned glass
1931 Dominique Migliorero: L’Art du Shaker. Seite 11. Bijou Cocktail.
2 traits d’orange Bitters, 2 traits Grenadine, 1/3 Char- treuse verte, 1/3 Sloe Gin; 1/3 Vermouth Turin. Bien glacer dans le verre à mélanger et servir dans un verre à cocktail avec une cerise.
1931 Virginia Elliott & Phil D. Stong: Shake ’em Up. Seite 19. Bijou Cocktail.
Two parts gin One part Italian Vermouth and one part Chartreuse Shake with plenty of ice until the ice is com- pletely melted.
With this serve: CAVIAR AND ONION CANAPE Mix one part pearl onions with two parts pink caviar, add a dash of lemon juice and serve on rounds or diamonds of white toast. or POTATO CHIPS FILLED WITH CHUTNEY Crisp a box of potato chips in the oven for a few minutes. Fill each one with chutney and serve at once. The chips go limp if allowed to stand. or MILWAUKEE SANDWICH Trim the crusts from a loaf of white bread. Slice very thin and spread each slice with creamed butter. Put a thin slice of chicken on a piece of bread, sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese, cover with another buttered slice of bread. Toast on both sides, cut in triangles and serve hot.
1932 James A. Wiley: The Art of Mixing. Seite 3. Bijou Cocktail.
Put 1 dash orange bitters into 1/3 Green Char- treuse with 1/3 Italian Vermouth and 1/3 Gin. Stir many times with fore finger, add a cherry or green olive, squeeze a curl of lemon peel into the mess and enjoy.
1932 Jimmy: The Green Cocktail Book. Seite 22. Bijou.
1 part Green Chartreuse 1 part Old Tom Gin 1 part Italian Vermouth Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top and serve with a cherry.
1932 Jimmy: The Green Cocktail Book. Seite 65. Puritan.
4 parts Plymouth Gin 2 parts French Vermouth 1 part Yellow Chartreuse 2 dashes Orange Bitters per cocktail
1932 Jimmy: The Green Cocktail Book. Seite 70. San Martin.
3 parts Dry Gin 3 parts Italian Vermouth 1 part Yellow Chartreuse Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top.
1933 A. E. P. Bird & William C. Turner: Cocktails. Seite 9. Old Monterey.
Gin, 2 parts Italian Vermouth, 2 parts . Chartreuse, 2 parts Shake well with ice, strain into glasses, garnish with maraschino; serve. The above serves 6. As a savory, roll cream cheese into small balls and roll them in caviar placing them individually on toast squares or crackers.
1933 Anonymus: Cocktails. Their Kicks and Side-Kicks. Seite 9. Old Monterey.
Gin, 2 parts Italian Vermouth, 2 parts . Chartreuse, 2 parts Shake well with ice, strain into glasses, garnish with maraschino; serve. The above serves 6. As a savory, roll cream cheese into small balls and roll them in caviar placing them individually on toast squares or crackers.
1933 Anonymus: Lest We Forget. Seite 12. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large bar glass. Three-quarter glass filled with shaved ice. One-third wine-glass green Chartreuse. One-third wine-glass Italian Vermouth, One-third wine-glass gin. Stir well with the spoon, and after strain- ing in the cocktail glass, add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks. Seite 39. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Green Chartreuse, 1/3 Italian Vermouth, 1/3 Dry Gin, Dash of Orange Bitters.
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks. Seite 112. Shamrock Cocktail.
1/3 Dry Gin, 1/3 Italian Vermouth, 1/3 Green Chartreuse.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 41. Bijou Cocktail.
Dry Gin Shake equal parts of Chartreuse, Ver- Italian Vermouth mouth, and gin with shaved ice. Strain Green Chartreuse into cocktail glass. Add an olive. Olive Ice
1933 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 24. Puritan Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass. THREE dashes orange bitters; one spoonful yellow chartreuse; two-thirds Plymouth gin; one-third French vermouth. Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail glass.
1933 Antonio Josa: Cocktelera Universal. Seite 15. Bijou Cocktail.
Prepárese en un vaso grande de cristal unos pedacitos de hielo. 1/3 de Chartreuse verde. 1/3 de Gin. 1/3 de vermouth Cinzano. Remuévase bien con una cucharilla larga de las de refresco y sírvase en copa de cocktail, añadiéndole una guinda y una corteza de limón.
1933 Antonio Josa: Cocktelera Universal. Seite 21. Club Cocktail.
Una cucharadita de Jarabe de Goma. Dos gotas de Orange Bitters. 1/6 de Chartreuse amarillo. 1/3 de vermouth Italiano. 1/3 de Gin.
1933 Antonio Josa: Cocktelera Universal. Seite 42. San Martin Cocktail.
Una cucharadita de Chartreuse verde. 1/2 vermouth Italiano. 1/2 Dry Gin.
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 17. Bijou Cocktail.
(use large bar glass) 3/4 glass shaved ice. 1/3 wineglass Chartreuse (green) 1/3 wineglass Italian Vermouth. 1/3 wineglass Plymouth Gin. Stir well with spoon. After straining into cocktail glass, add a cherry or olive. Twist a small piece of lemon peel on top. Serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 3. Amber Dream.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . 2/3 jigger It. Vermouth . . . . . 1/3 jigger Chartreuse . . . . .1 spoon Orange Bitters . . . 1 dash Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 10. Bijou.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . 2/3 jigger Grand Marnier . . . 1/3 jigger Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 10. Bijou No. 2.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pony Chartreuse . . . . . . 1/4 jigger It. Vermouth . . . 1/4 jigger Orange Bitters . . . 1 dash Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 40. Golden Glow.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 72. San Martin.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Chartreuse It. Vermouth . . . . 1/3 jigger (yellow) . . . . . . . 1 spoon Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over and serve.
1933 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 3. Bijou Cocktail.
Use targe glass. Very popular in Frisco. Place in a small glass a piece of ice 4 dashes of Angostura bitters 1/2 jigger of Plymouth gin 1/2 jigger of Italian vermouth 1 piece of twisted lemon peel 5 drops of creme de menthe Stir well, strain into a small bar glass, and serve with ice water.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 28. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Plymouth Gin. 1 Dash Orange Bitters. 1/3 Green Chartreuse. 1/3 Gancia Italian Vermouth. Mix well with a spoon in a large bar glass; strain into a cock- tail glass, add a cherry or an olive, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top and serve.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 89. Jewel Cocktail.
(6 people) 2 Glasses Green Chartreuse. 2 Glasses Italian Vermouth. 2 Glasses Gin. 1/2 Dessertspoonful Orange Bitters. Shake thoroughly and serve with a cherry, squeezing lemon peel on top. A medium-dry, fast-working cocktail.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 141. Sand-Martin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoonful Green Chartreuse. 1/2 Italian Vermouth. 1/2 Dry Gin. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 11. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large bar glass. — 3/4 glass filled with shaved ice; 1/3 wine glass green chartreuse; 1/3 wine glass Italian vermouth; 1/3 wine glass gin. Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 37. Montauk Cocktail.
Mixing glass. — One dash gum, one dash orange bitters, one dash Chartreuse, 1/2 glass fine ice, one pony gin, one pony Vermouth. Mix and strain into cocktail glass.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 45. Bijou Cocktail.
3/4 glass filled with cracked ice 50% green chartreuse 40% regular vermouth 10% dry gin Stir well with spoon and, after straining into cocktail glass, add cherry or small olive and 2 dashes of lemon juice on top, and serve.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 92. Raymond Cocktail.
Two dashes chartreuse 40% dry gin 30% dry vermouth 30% regular vermouth Twist of lemon peel Serve in champagne glass.
1934 Anonymus: 100 Famous Cocktails. Seite 24. Bijou.
Two dashes Abbott’s Bitters One-half French Vermuth One-half Grand Marnier Ice, stir, strain
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 15. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 jigger Green Chartreuse 1/3 jigger Italian Ver- 1/3 jigger Dry Gin mouth. Shake
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 97. Bijou Cocktail.
1 jigger gin. 1 pony vermouth. 1 pony green Chartreuse. Frappe till icy cold. Serve in tall thin glass. Add cherry or olive.
1934 Anonymus: The Masterly Touch. Seite 7. Bijou.
1 pony Cinzano Vermouth 1 dash Orange Bitters 1 pony green Chartreuse 1 pony Conodo Dry’s Gin a little ice • stir and serve
1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 5. Amber Dream.
Two thirds dry gin, one third French or Italian Ver- mouth, add a small portion of Chartreuse and a dash of orange bitters. Place in a shaker with ice, stir and serve.
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 28. Bijou.
1/3 Green Chartreuse 1/3 Dry Gin 1/3 Italian Vermouth
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 55. Green-Eyed Monster.
1/3 Dry Gin 1/3 Italian Vermouth 1/3 Green Chartreuse
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 92. Puritan.
1934 Harry Jerrold Gordon: Gordon’s Cocktail and Food Recipes. Seite 80. Bijou Cocktail.
1 Plymouth Gin 1 Italian Vermouth 1 Green Chartreuse Orange Bitters, 1 Dash Ice. – Stir from bottom. 1 Olive 1 Dash Lemon Juice. Strain into Cocktail Glass.
1934 Harry Jerrold Gordon: Gordon’s Cocktail and Food Recipes. Seite 82. Club Cocktail.
2 Dry Gin 1 Italian Vermouth Yellow Chartreuse, 1 Dash Ice. – Stir well from bottom. Strain into Cocktail Glass. Add 1 Cherry.
1934 Harry Jerrold Gordon: Gordon’s Cocktail and Food Recipes. Seite 90. Jewel Cocktail.
1 Gin 1 Italian Vermouth 1 Green Chartreuse Orange Bitters, 2 Dashes Ice. – 25 Shakes. Strain into Cocktail Glass. Add 1 Dash Lemon Juice and 1 Cherry or 1 Olive.
1934 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 257. Bijou Cocktail.
(Use a large bar glass.) 3/4 glass filled with fine shaved ice; 1/3 wine glass chartreuse (green); 1/3 wine glass vermouth (Italian); 1/3 wine glass of Plymouth gin; 1 dash of orange bitters. Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass; add a cherry or medium-size olive, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top and serve.
1934 Ira A. Altschul: Drinks as They Were Made Before Prohibition. Seite 6. Bijou.
Use a large mixing glass. Three-quarters full shaved ice. One-third jigger green Chartreuse. One-third jigger Italian Vermuth. One-third jigger Plymouth gin. Stir well, strain into cocktail glass, add a cherry or olive, squeeze the oil from a piece of lemon peel and serve.
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 30. Bijou Cocktail.
Bon vivants always like the Bijou Cocktail — at least, they did when I was — well, thirteen years younger. Just to see if memory of its delectability is faulty, let’s mix two as follows: Ice the shaker and pour in two ounces of sweet gin, two ounces of sweet Vermouth, two ounces of green Chartreuse and shake until very cold. Now pour into our cocktail glasses, add a cherry or olive to each glass, tweak and drop on top a small bit of yellow lemon rind. That’s it! Now, here’s to you and you to me — a goodly drink, we both agree!
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 31. Club Cocktail.
The Club Cocktail, as its name implies, was a genuine favorite in the “good old days” and was relished in the most exclusive clubs. But, as it tastes just as good outside of a club, let’s mix one for us two: Ice in the shaker first, please, and then pour in one and a scant third cocktail glassfuls of old gin and two-thirds glass of sweet Vermouth, which stir a bit before adding a tablespoon of Chartreuse. Shake well, pour into our two cocktail glasses, and add a Maraschino cherry to each drink. Prosit!
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 9. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Plymouth Gin 1 Dash Orange Bitters 1/3 Green Chartreuse 1/3 Italian Vermouth Mix well and strain, add a Cherry or an Olive, squeeze a piece of Lemon Peel on top and serve. Use glass number 1
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 43. Jewel Cocktail.
(6 people) 2 Glasses Green Chartreuse 2 Glasses Italian Vermouth 2 Glasses Gin 1/2 Dessertspoonful Orange Bitters Shake thoroughly in ice and serve with a Cherry, squeezing Lemon Peel on top. Use glass number 2
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 79. Sandmartin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoonful Green Chartreuse 1/2 Italian Vermouth 1/2 Dry Gin Stir well in ice and strain into glass. Use glass number 2
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 14. Amber Dream.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . 2/3 jigger It. Vermouth . . . . 1/3 jigger Chartreuse . . . . 1 spoon Orange Bitters . . . 1 dash Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 25. Bijou.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . 2/3 jigger Grand Marnier . . . . . 1/3 jigger Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 25. Bijou, No. 2.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Chartreuse . . . . . . 1/4 jigger It. Vermouth . . . 1/4 jigger Orange Bitters . . . 1 dash Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 48. Club, No. 3.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 jigger It. Vermouth . . . . . . . . . 1/4 jigger . Chartreuse . . . . . . 1 dash Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 80. Golden Glow.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Yellow Chartreuse . . . 1/3 jigger . It. Vermouth . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, add stuffed olive and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 94. Jewel.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 149. San Martin.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Chartreuse It. Vermouth . . . . . 1/3 jigger (yellow) . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over and serve.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 45. Divorcee Cocktail.
1/3 shot green chartreuse. 1/3 shot dry gin. 1/3 shot Italian vermouth. Shake.
1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 38. Bijou.
Two dashes Orange Bitters One-half French Vermouth One-half Grand Marnier (Stir)
1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 61. Montauk.
One-third French Vermouth One-third Italian Vermouth One-third Gin Two dashes Peychaud Bitters (Stir) Serve in ” old-fashioned” glass Named about the time that men of vision began to talk of Montauk Point as the Western terminus of trans- atlantic steamship lines.
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 185. Bijou Cocktail.
One part Italian Vermouth One part Dry Gin One part green Chartreuse One dash orange bitters
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 14. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin 1 Dash Orange Bitters 1/3 Green Chartreuse 1/3 Italian Vermouth Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Add Cherry on top.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 70. Jewel Cocktail.
1/3 Green Chartreuse 1/3 Italian Vermouth 1/3 Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin 1 Dash Orange Bitters Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Serve with a Cherry
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 112. Sand-Martin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoonful Green Chartreuse 1/2 Italian Vermouth 1/2 Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 127. Tailspin Cocktail.
1/3 Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin 1/3 Italian Vermouth 1/3 Green Chartreuse Dash Orange Bitters Stir well in ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Squeeze Lemon Peel on top and serve with Cherry or Olive.
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 81. Bijou.
1/3 Chartreuse Green or Jaune 1/3 Gin 1/3 Italian Vermouth 1 ds. Orange Bitter
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 90. Club.
2/3 Gin 1/3 Italian Vermouth 4 ds. Yellow Chartreuse
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 108. Jewel.
1/3 Chartreuse green 1/3 Italian Vermouth 1/3 Gin 4 ds. Orange Bitter squeeze Orange peel
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 133. Sand Martin.
1/5 Green Chartreuse 2/5 Italian Vermouth 2/5 Gin
1936 Anonymus: Cocktails, Drinks and Snacks. Seite 4. Bijou Cocktail.
1 1-2 oz. gin 1 oz. Italian Veimouth 1 oz. green Qhartreuse 1 dash orange bitters Ice, stir, from bottom strain into cocktail glass, add 1 olive, dash of lemon juice
1936 Anonymus: Cocktails, Drinks and Snacks. Seite 5. Club Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Gin 1 oz. Italian Vermouth 1 dash Yellow Chartreuse Ice, stiir well from bottom, strain into cocktail glass, add one cherry.
Anmerkung: Seite 15. Club Cocktail wird alternativ mit Rye, grünem Chartreuse und italienischem Wermut zubereitet.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 25. Bijou.
1 part Old Tom Gin 1 part Green Chartreuse 1 part Italian Vermouth Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top and serve with a cherry.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 58. Puritan.
4 parts Plymouth Gin 2 parts French Vermouth 1 part Yellow Chartreuse 2 dashes Orange Bitters per cocktail.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 61. San Martin.
3 parts Dry Gin 3 parts Italian Vermouth 1 part Yellow Chartreuse Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top.
1936 Elvezio Grassi: 1000 Misture. Seite 27. Bonheur Cocktail.
(Serie Pe- reda). Agitare nel shaker con ghiac- cio: 50% Vermouth Torino 30% gin 20% Chartreuse gialla Servite con buccia limone.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 152. Bijou Cocktail.
2 glasses dry gin 2 glasses green Chartreuse 1/2 teaspoon orange bitters 2 glasses Italian vermouth Stir well with spoon in a large bar glass, strain into glasses, and serve with a cherry or an olive, if desired, in each and a piece of lemon peel on top. This is about the soundest and best of the gin-Chartreuse combinations.
1936 Frank Meier: The Artistry of Mixing Drinks. Seite 25. Bijou.
In mixing-glass: a dash of Or- ange Bitters, one-third each of French Vermouth, Curacao and Gin; stir well and serve with Maraschino Cherry.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 160. Bijou Cocktail.
Usese una cocktelera. Unos pedacitos de hielo. 4 hotas de Bitter Orange. 1/3 parte de vermouth Francés Noilly Prat. 1/3 parte de Chartreuse amarillo. 1/3 parte de Vermouth Torino Cinzano. Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 120 gramos.
1937 Anonymus: Here’s how. Seite 20. Bijou.
1 Dash Seville Orange Bitters 1/3 Plymouth Gin 1/3 Green Chartreuse 1/3 Italian Vermouth Mix well with a spoon in a large glass; strain into a cocktail glass, add a cherry or an olive, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top and serve
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 12. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 dry gin. 1/3 green chartreuse. 1/3 CORA vermouth. Shake and serve.
1937 John R. Iverson: Liquid Gems. Seite 63. Paree Cocktail.
Shaker — ice 1 oz. Gin 1/2 oz. French Vermouth Dash green Chartreuse A drop of Orange Bitters Shake, strain and serve in cocktail glass. No decoration. Observations A very satisfying cocktail in every respect. It has the necessary strength as well as taste. Still, it is comparatively unknown. Green Chartreuse is the strongest of all sweet liqueurs except Ab- sinthe, having an alcoholic strength of 110 proof. Its origin as well as process of manufacture are known only to its makers, Les Peres Chartreuse.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 26. Amber Dream.
2 Oz. Dry Gin 1 Oz. Dry Martini 1/2 Oz. Chartreuse 1 Dash Orange Bitters 1 Teaspoon Gum Syrup
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 51. Divorcee.
1/3 Green Chartreuse 1/3 Dry Gin 1/3 Italian Vermouth Shake well and strain.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 59. Golden Glow.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 83. Bijou Cock-Tail.
Tercera parte ginebra BOOTH’S. Tercera parte chartreuse verde. Tercera parte vermouth FERRERO. Bátase.
1937 United Kingdom Bartenders Guild: Approved Cocktails. Bijou.
33 1/3% Plymouth Gin. 1 dash Orange Bitters. 33 1/3% Green Chartreuse. 33 1/3% Italian Vermouth. Mix; add a cherry or an olive; squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top.
1937 United Kingdom Bartenders Guild: Approved Cocktails. Golden Glow.
1937 United Kingdom Bartenders Guild: Approved Cocktails. San Martin.
50% Gin. 50% Italian Vermouth. 1 teaspoonful Yellow Chartreuse. Must be very well shaken. A little lemon peel squeezed on top.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 90. Amber Dream Cocktail.
2/3 jigger Dry Gin 1 tablespoon Chartreuse 1/3 jigger Italian Vermouth 1 dash Orange Bitters Shake well Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 95. Bijou Cocktail – No. 1.
2/3 jigger Dry Gin 1/3 Grand Marnier Shake well Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 95. Bijou Cocktail – No. 2.
1 dash Amer Picon 1/3 Plymouth Gin 1 dash Orange Bitters 1/3 Green Chartreuse 1/3 Italian Vermouth Shake well Serve in Cocktail Glass Add Cherry or Olive Twist of Lemon Peel
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 137. Puritan Cocktail.
1 pony Dry Gin 2 spoons Chartreuse 1/4 jigger French Vermouth 2 dashes Orange Bitters Shake well Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 148. Yellow Glow Cocktail.
1/3 Dry Gin 1/3 Yellow Chartreuse 1/3 Italian Vermouth Shake well Strain into Cocktail Glass Add Stuffed Olive
1938 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 34. Bijou Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange: 1 jet de Bitter Campari, 1/3 Curaçao rouge Bardinet, 1/3 Vermouth Martini dry. 1/3 Gin Booth’s Yellow. Mélanger et servir avec un bigarreau.
1938 Krönlein-Beutel: Das Getränkebuch. Seite 60. Bijou.
(65er Cocktailglas) In ein Mischglas 4—6 Eisstückchen (Walnußgröße) Spritzer Orange Bitter 1 ccm Schuß Karthäuser grün 10 ccm Old Tom Gin 30 ccm Italian Vermouth 25 ccm Kirsche (bestäuben)
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 18. Bijou.
Verre à mélange: 1 trait d’orange bitter. 1/3 Plymouth gin. 1/3 vermouth italien. 1/3 chartreuse verte. Remuer à la cuiller. Passer dans le verre. Ajouter olive ou cerise et presser pelure de citron dessus.
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 44. San Martin.
Cocktail de l’Amérique du Sud, qui se prépare au shaker: 1 cuillerée à café de chartreuse jaune. 1/2 gin. 1/2 vermouth italien. Cinzano de pré- férence. Presser pelure de citron dessus.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 21. Bijou Cocktail.
3/4 oz Dry Gin, 3/4 oz Green Char- treuse, 3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth, dash of Orange Bitters. Stir well in cracked ice and strain into cocktail glass. Twist Lemon Peel over drink, for oil, and serve with a Cherry.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 38. Bijou Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters, 1/6 gill of Plymouth gin, 1/6 gill of green Chartreuse, 1/6 gill of Italian vermouth. Use the mixing glass. Serve with a cherry and a little lemon-peel juice squeezed on top.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 83. Sandmartin Cocktail.
1 teaspoonful of green Chartreuse, 1/4 gill of Italian vermouth, 1/4 gill of dry gin. Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel juice squeezed on top.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide and Ladies’ Companion. Seite 93. Bijou Cocktail.
1/2 jigger Dry Gin 1/2 jigger Green Chartreuse 1/2 jigger Sweet Vermouth Dash of Orange Bitters Stir well in cracked ice and strain into cocktail glass. Serve with a cherry, (here’s that cherry again), and garnish with a twist of lemon peel.
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 9. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Plymouth Gin 1 Dash Orange Bitters 1/3 Green Chartreuse 1/3 Italian Vermouth Mix well and strain, add a Cherry or an Olive, squeeze a piece of Lemon Peel on top and serve. Use glass number 1
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 43. Jewel Cocktail.
(6 people) 2 Glasses Green Chartreuse 2 Glasses Italian Vermouth 2 Glasses Gin 1/2 Dessertspoonful Orange Bitters Shake thoroughly in ice and serve with a Cherry, squeezing Lemon Peel on top. Use glass number 2
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 79. Sandmartin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoonful Green Chartreuse 1/2 Italian Vermouth 1/2 Dry Gin Stir well in ice and strain into glass. Use glass number 2
1940 Pedro Talavera: Los secretos del cocktail. Seite 29. Bijou cocktail.
En un gran vaso de cristal, unos pedacitos de hielo. 4 gotas de Orange Bitter. 4 ídem de Curaçao La Campana. 6 ídem de Chartreuse Verde. 2 ídem de Granadina. 1/2 copa de Captain’s Gin. 1/3 copa de Vermouth Martini Rossi. Agítese bien y se pasa a la copa núm. 5, con una fresa.
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 23. Bijou-Cocktail.
Póngase en vaso mezclador unos pedaci- tos de hielo y añadir: 1/3 Chartreuse Verde 1/3 Vermut Italiano 1/3 Dry Gin 1 golpe Orange bitters Agítese bien y pasarlo a copa de cocktail añadiendo una guinda. — Fórmula de H. Johnson, Nueva Orleáns —.
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 58. San Martin-Cocktail.
Póngase en un vaso mezclador unos pe- dacitos de hielo y añadir; 1/2 Ginebra 1/2 Vermut Italiano 1 cucharadita de Chartreuse A. Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cock- tail añadiendo una guinda. — El «San Martín» procede de la Argentina. Es muy popular en toda la América del Sur. —
1943 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 25. Bijou Cocktail.
1 1/4 oz. Gin 3/4 oz. Chartreuse 3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth Decorate with cherry Twist of lemon peel over drink Stir.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 31. Bijou Cocktail.
3/4 ounce Dry Gin 3/4 ounce Chartreuse 3/4 ounce Sweet Vermouth 1 dash Orange Bitters Stir with cracked ice. Decorate with Cherry and a twist of Lemon Peel over drink.
1 Gin 1 Italian Vermouth 1 Green Chartreuse Orange Bitters, 2 Dashes Ice. — 25 Shakes. Strain into Cocktail Glass. Add 1 Dash Lemon Juice and 1 Cherry or 1 Olive.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 32. Bijou Cocktail.
1⁄2 oz. Chartreuse 4 dashes Sweet Vermouth 2 oz. Gin Stir Decorate with cherry Twist of lemon peel over drink.
1946 Bill Kelly: The Roving Bartender. Seite 26. Bijou Cocktail.
1 dash orange bitters 1/2 oz. green chartreuse 1/2 oz. dry gin 1/2 oz. Italian Vermouth Shake.
1946 Bill Kelly: The Roving Bartender. Seite 30. Club Cocktail.
1 dash orange bitters 1/4 oz. yellow chartreuse 1 oz. dry gin 1/2 oz. Italian Vermouth Shake. Twist lemon peel.
1946 Lucius Beebe: The Stork Club Bar Book. Seite 77. Bijou.
1 1/4 oz. gin 3/4 oz. Chartreuse 3/4 oz. Italian vermouth Decorate with cherry. Twist of lemon peel over drink. Stir and serve in 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 37. Bijou Cocktail.
1/2 oz. Chartreuse 4 dashes Sweet Vermouth 2 oz. Gin Stir Decorate with cherry Twist of lemon peel over drink.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 19. Bijou Cocktail.
(Tumbler) 1 trait de Bitter Campari; 1/3 Curaçao rouge; 1/3 Cinzano Dry; 1/3 Gin. Servir avec bi- garreau. Autre recette: 1 trait Bitter orange; 1/3 Chartreuse verte; 1/3 Cinzano; 1/3 Gin. Servir avec cerise.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 235. San Martin-Cocktail.
Prepárese en un gran vaso de cristal: 3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo. 10 gotas de granadina. 8 gotas de chartreuse. 1/2 copita de ginebra española. 1/2 copita de vermouth italiano. Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 146. San Remo Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée, un demi-verre à liqueur de Chartreuse verte, autant de Gin, et un demi-verre à madère de Vermouth, remuer, passer dans un verre à cocktail. Garnir d’un zeste de citron.
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 155. Amber Dream / Bijou / Golden Glow.
Sweet Martini with 1 dash orange bitters and 3 or 4 dashes Chartreuse to each drink. Shake. Also called the BIJOU and the GOLDEN GLOW.
1948 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion or How to Mix Drinks. Seite 5. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large glass. Very popular in Frisco Place in a smallglass a piece of ice 4 dashes of Angostura bitters 1/2 jigger of Plymouth gin 1/2 jigger of Italian vermouth 1 piece of twisted lemon peel 5 drops of creme de menthe Stir well, strain into a small bar glass, and serve with ice water.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 338. Bijou No. 1.
1 Ginebra de Plymouth. 1 Chartreuse verde. 1 Vermouth italiano. Un chorlito de Orange Bitters, y hielo. Revolverlo. Poner en la copa del coctel una aceituna y unas gotas de limón, y echar en ella, cola- da, la mezcla hecha y batida.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 339. Bijou No. 2.
1/3 Ginebra seca. 1/3 Chartreuse verde. 1/3 Vermouth italiano. Hielo, batido, colado y servido en su copa.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 346. Jewel.
1 Parte Ginebra. 1 Parte vermouth italiano. 1 Parte Chartreuse verde. 2 chorritos de Orange Bi- tters. Hielo. Batirlo 25 veces, colarlo y servirlo, agregándo- le una aceituna o cereza y un chorro de jugo de limón francés.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 349. Montauk.
1/3 de vermouth italiano. 1/3 de vermouth francés. 1/3 de ginebra seca. Dos chorros de amargo Pey- chaud. En la coctelera, con hielo, batido, colado y servido en vaso Old Fashioned.
1948 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 25. Bijou Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange: 1 jet de Bitter Campari, 1/3 Curaçao rouge Bardinet, 1/3 Vermouth Martini dry, 1/3 Gin SEAGERS. Mélanger et servir avec un bigarreau.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 97. Amber Dream.
1 oz. gin 1/2 tsp. chartreuse 1/2 oz. Italian vermouth 1 dash orange bitters Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass. Variation: Increase chartreuse to 1 tbs.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 104. Bijou Cocktail.
1/2 oz. gin 1/2 oz. curaçao 1/2 oz. French vermouth 1 dash orange bitters Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass. Serve with maraschino cherry. Variation: Use green chartreuse in stead of curaçao; increase gin to 1 1/4 oz.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 125. Emerald Cocktail.
1/2 oz. dry gin 1/2 oz. Italian vermouth 1/2 oz. green chartreuse 1 dash orange bitters Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 142. Jewel Cocktail.
1/2 oz. dry gin 1/2 oz. Italian vermouth 1/2 oz. green chartreuse 2 dashes orange bitters Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 171. Puritan Cocktail.
1 oz. dry gin 1 tsp. chartreuse 1/2 oz. French vermouth 2 dashes orange bitters Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. San Martin Cocktail.
Same as Sandmartin Cocktail.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Sandmartin Cocktail.
3/4 oz. dry gin 3/4 oz. Italian vermouth . 1 tsp. green chartreuse Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 195. Yellow Glow Cocktail.
1/2 oz. dry gin 1/2 oz. yellow chartreuse . 1/2 oz Italian vermouth Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1949 Emile Bauwens: Livre de Cocktails. Seite 24. Bijou cocktail.
1 Trait Orange Bitter – 1/3 Plymouth Gin – 1/3 Chartreuse Verte – 1/3 Vermouth Italien – Remuer au verre à mélange et passer dans un verre à cocktail; avant de servir, ajouter une cerise et un zeste de citron.
1949 Emile Bauwens: Livre de Cocktails. Seite 79. Saint Martin cocktail.
1 Cuiller Chartreuse Verte – 1 / 2 Gordon’s Gin – 1/2 Vermouth Italien – Frapper au shaker et passer dans un verre à cocktail.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 306. Bijou-Cocktail.
1 d. Orangebitter, 1/3 grüne Chartreuse, 1/3 Gin, 1/3 franz. Vermouth. Gut rühren. Olive ins Glas.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 421. Puritan-Cocktail.
1951 Anonymus: L’abc per miscelare i cocktails. Seite 14. Bijou.
Uno spruzzo di Bitter d’arancio, 1/3 Char- treuse verde, 1/3 Vermouth italiano , 1/3 Old Rider’s Gin. Mescolare bene col frullino, passare per il co- lino in un bicchiere da cocktail, aggiungere una ciliegia o una oliva, spremervi sopra un pezzetto di buccia di limone e servire.
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 41. Bijou.
2 dashes Angostura bitters 1/2 jigger French vermouth 1/2 jigger Grand Marnier Ice Stir. Strain into cocktail glass.
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 114. Golden Glow.
Courtesy, New Hotel Jefferson, St. Louis 1/2 jigger lemon juice 1 jigger orange juice 1 teaspoon sugar 1 jigger bourbon whisky Dash Jamaica rum Put in electric mixer with shaved ice. Strain into hollow-stemmed champagne glass, which has stem piled with grenadine sirup.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 66. Bijou.
Dans le verre à mélange: Un trait d’orange bitters, 1/3 de vermouth français, 1/3 de curaçao, 1/3 de gin, Bien remuer et servir avec une cerise.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 38. Bijou Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters, 1/6 gill of Plymouth gin, 1/6 gill of green Chartreuse, 1/6 gill of Italian vermouth. Use the mixing glass. Serve with a cherry and a little lemon-peel juice squeezed on top.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 83. Sandmartin Cocktail.
1 teaspoonful of green Chartreuse, 1/4 gill of Italian vermouth, 1/4 gill of dry gin. Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel juice squeezed on top.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 160. Bijou.
. 5 gramos de Marrasquino. Refrescado. 30 gramos de Cognac. Servido en una copa de 45 gramos de Vermouth To- 90 gramos. rino.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 26. Bijou Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin 3/4 oz. Green Chartreuse 3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth 1 Dash Orange Bitters Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Add Cherry on top.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 84. Jewel Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Green Chartreuse 3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth 3/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Serve with a Cherry.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 128. Sand-Martin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoon Green Chartreuse 1 1/4 oz. Italian Vermouth 1 1/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin Stir well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 141. Tailspin Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin 3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth 3/4 oz. Green Chartreuse 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Twist of Lemon Peel on top and serve with Cherry or Olive.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 42. Bijou Cocktail.
Un trait Amer Picon Trois traits Liqueur d’Or 1/2 Gin 1/2 Vermouth Italien Un zeste d’orange.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 67. Jewel Cocktail.
Un trait Bitter Campari 1/3 Verveine du Velay verte 1/3 Vermouth Italien 1/3 Gin.
1954 Robert H. Loeb, Jr.: Nip Ahoy. Seite 75. Bijou Cocktail.
Robert H. Loeb, Jr.: Nip Ahoy. Page 75.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 29. Bijou Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange: 1 jet de Bitter Campari, 1/3 Cointreau, 1/3 Martini dry, 1/3 Gin SEAGERS. Mélanger et servir avec un bigarreau.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 36. Bijou.
1/3 Dry Gin 1/3 Green Chartreuse 1/3 Sweet Vermouth 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with ice and strain into glass. Serve with a twist of Lemon Peel.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 43. Emerald.
(for 6) 3 Jiggers Dry Gin 3 Jiggers Green Chartreuse 3 Jiggers Sweet Vermouth 1 Teaspoon Orange Bitters Shake well with ice and strain into glass. Serve with a Cherry and a twist of Lemon Peel.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 49. Jewel.
1/3 Dry Gin 1/3 Green Chartreuse 1/3 Sweet Vermouth 1 Dash Orange Bitters Shake well with ice and strain into glass. Serve with twist of Lemon Peel and, if you want, a Cherry.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 61. Sandmartin.
1/2 Dry Gin 1/2 Sweet Vermouth 1 Teaspoon Green Chartreuse Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 25. Bijou.
Timbale à mélange, glace 1/3 Dry Gin 1/3 Chartreuse verte 1/3 Vermouth italien 1 trait Orangebitter Bien remuer en timbale et passer dans verre à cocktail. Servir avec cerise. Essence de citron. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 53. Jewel.
Shaker, glace 1/3 Dry Gin 1/3 Chartreuse verte 1/3 Vermouth italien 1 trait Orangebitter Bien frapper au shaker et passer dans verre à cocktail. Servir avec cerise. Essence de citron. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 81. Sandmartin.
Timbale à mélange, glace 1/2 Dry Gin 1/2 Vermouth italien 1 cuill. à thé Chartreuse verte Bien remuer en timbale et passer dans verre à cocktail, Essence de citron. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1959 Fernando Gaviria: EI Coctel y Sus Derivados. Seite 61. San Martin.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedácitos de hielo. Unas gotas de Granadina. Unas golas de Chartreuse amarillo. Una parte de Vermout italiano. Una parte de buena Ginebra. Agítese, sírvase en copa de cocktail, con una guinda.
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissantes. Seite 23. Bijou d’argent.
1961 Pedro Chicote: El bar en el mundo. Seite 151. Dos Amores Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo. Un golpe de jugo de limón. Un golpe de jugo de na- ranja. 1/6 de chartreuse amarillo. 1/6 de vermouth francés. 2/3 de ginebra española. Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1961 Pedro Chicote: El bar en el mundo. Seite 193. San Martin Cocktail.
Prepárese en un gran vaso de cristal: 3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo. 10 gotas de granadina. 8 gotas de Chartreuse. 1/2 copita de ginebra espa- ñola. 1/2 copita de vermouth ita- liano. Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 80. B and BC Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di dry gin 1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth classico 1 cucchiaino da caffè di chartreuse gialla ghiaccio a cubetti Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare il dry gin ed il vermouth classico e mescolarli usando l’apposito cucchiaio; aggiungere la chartreuse gialla. Me- scolare piuttosto forte, lasciar riposare uno o due secon- di, riprendere infine a mescolare ma lentamente. Servire subito.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 86. Bijou Cocktail.
1 bicchiere di dry gin 1/2 bicchiere di vermouth classico 1/2 bicchiere di vermouth dry 1 cucchiaino di chartreuse gialla 2 gocce di orange bitter ghiaccio a cubetti Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare il dry gin, il vermouth classico ed il vermouth dry e me- scolarli usando l’apposito cucchiaio; aggiungere la char- treuse e l’orange bitter. Mescolare piuttosto forte, lasciar riposare uno o due secondi, riprendere infine a mescolare ma lentamente. Servire subito.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 345. Amber Dream Cocktail.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and snacks. Seite 33. Bijou Cocktail.
3/4 ounce dry gin 3/4 ounce green Chartreuse 3/4 ounce, sweet vermouth Dash of orange bitters Stir well with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass. Serve with twist of lemon peel and a cherry.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 21. Amber Dream Cocktail.
Shaker. 1 d orangebitter, 3 d chartreuse jaune, 1/2 gin, 1/2 vermouth rouge.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 34. Bijou Cocktail.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 154. San Martino Cocktail.
Shaker. 1/6 chartreuse jaune, 1/6 vermouth rouge, 2/3 gin. Z C .
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 36. Bijou Cocktail.
1/2 oz. Chartreuse, 4 dashes Sweet Vermouth 2 oz. Gin. Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with cherry. Twist of lemon peel over drink.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 8. Bijou Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin 3/4 oz. Green Chartreuse 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Add cherry on top.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 52. Jewel Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Green Chartreuse 3/4 Sweet Vermouth 3/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glas. Serve with a cherry.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 86. Sand-Martin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoon Green Chartreuse 1 1/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth 1 1/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin Stir well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 96. Tailspin Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth 3/4 oz. Green Chartreuse 1 Dash orange Bitters Stir well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Twist of lemon peel and serve with cherry or olive.
1 ounce gin 1/2 ounce Italian vermouth 1/2 teaspoon Chartreuse 1 dash orange bitters Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Variation: Increase Chartreuse to 1/22 ounce.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 127. Sand Martin Cocktail.
1 teaspoon green Chartreuse 1 1/4 ounces Italian vermouth 1 ounces gin Stir with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 36. Bijou Cocktail.
1/2 oz. Chartreuse, 4 dashes Sweet Vermouth 2 oz. Gin. Stir with Ice and Strain. Decorate with Cherry. Twist of Lemon peel over drink.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 28. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Gin. 1 Dash Orange Bitters. 1/3 Green Chartreuse. 1/3 Italian Vermouth. Mix well with a spoon in a large bar glass; strain into a cock- tail glass, add a cherry or an olive, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top and serve.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 89. Jewel Cocktail.
2 Glasses Green Chartreuse. 2 Glasses Italian Vermouth. 2 Glasses Gin. 1/2 Dessertspoonful Orange Bitters. Shake thoroughly and serve with a cherry, squeezing lemon peel on top.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 141. Sand-Martin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoonful Green Chartreuse. 1/2 Italian Vermouth. 1/2 Dry Gin. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 212. Amber Dream.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/2 oz gin 3/4 oz sweet vermouth 1/4 oz Yellow Chartreuse 1 dash bitters
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 227. Bijou Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/2 oz gin 1/2 oz Green Chartreuse 1/2 oz sweet vermouth 1 dash orange bitters Cherry
Variation 1-1/2 oz gin 1/2 oz dry vermouth 1/2 oz orange curacao 1 dash orange bitters Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 275. Emerald.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1 oz gin 3/4 oz Green Chartreuse 3/4 oz sweet vermouth 1 dash orange bitters Cherry, Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 295. Golden Glow.
Cocktail Glass Shake 1 oz Galliano 1 oz Drambuie 1 oz gin
1/4 oz grenadine in bottom of glass 1/2 tsp sugar 1-1/2 oz Bourbon 1/2 oz rum 1 oz orange juice 1/2 oz lemon juice
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 318. Jewel.
Cocktail Glass Stir 3/4 oz Green Chartreuse 3/4 oz sweet vermouth 3/4 oz gin 1 dash orange bitters Lemon twist and/or Cherry
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 374. Puritan.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-3/4 oz gin 1/2 oz dry vermouth 1/4 oz Yellow Charteuse 1 dash orange bitters
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 392. Sand Martin.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/4 oz gin 1 oz sweet vermouth 1/4 oz Green Chartreuse
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 392. Yellow Glow.
Cocktail Glass Shake 1 oz gin 3/4 oz Yellow Chartreuse 3/4 oz sweet vermouth
1979 Fred Powell: The Bartender’s Standard Manual. Seite 11. Bijou.
1 jigger Gin 1 jigger Green Chartreuse 1 jigger Sweet Vermouth 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir with ice. Strain. Serve with a twist of lemon peel.
2011 Brad Thomas Parsons: Bitters. Seite 120. Bijou Cocktail. 1 oz. gin; 1 oz. sweet vermouth; 1 oz. green Chartreuse; 1 dash orange bitters; garnish: cherry.
2011 Jim Meehan: Das Geheime Cocktail-Buch.Seite 66. Bijou. 3 cl Tanqueray Gin; 3 cl Dolin Vermouth Sweet; 3 cl Chartreuse Verte; 1 Spritzer Orangenbitter; Garnierung: Kirsche und Zitronenschale.
2014 Dave Arnold: Liquid Intelligence. Seite 130. Bijou. 30 ml gin; 30 ml sweet vermouth; 30 ml Chartreuse; 1 dash orange bitters; garnish: cherry and lemon twist.
2015 Oliver Bon, Pierre-Charles Cros, Romée de Goriainoff, Xavier Padovani: Experimental Cocktail Club. Seite 202. Bijou. 45 ml Gordon’s gin; 20 ml Cinzano Antica Formula; 5 ml Green Chartreuse; 2 dashes Angostura Bitters; garnish: lemon rind.
2015 Sean Muldoon, Jack McGarry, Ben Schaffer: The Dead Rabbit Drinks Manual.Seite 250. Bijou. 1 1/2 ounces Tanqueray gin; 1 1/2 ounces sweet vermouth; 1/2 ounce Green Chartreuse; 2 dashes orange bitter; 2 dashes Orinoco Bitters or Angostura Aromatic Bitteras; 2 dashes Pernod Absinthe; garnish: orange peel.
2016 André Darlington & Tenaya Darlington: The New Cocktail Hour.Seite 51. Bijou. 45 ml gin (Plymouth); 22 ml green Chartreuse; 30 ml sweet vermouth (Dolin Blanc); 2 dashes orange bittters (Regans’).
30 ml Eversbusch Doppelwachholder
30 ml Antica Formula vermouth
30 ml Chartreuse green
Preparation: Stirred. Sprinkle with a lemon zest.
Alternatively and currently preferred by us:
30 ml Finsbury 47 Gin
30 ml Antica Torino vermouth rosso
30 ml Chartreuse green
1 Dash (1,25 ml) Orange bitter
(lemon zest)
Preparation: 3 ice cubes, stirred for 35 seconds (105 times). Sprinkle with a lemon zest.
The Bijou Cocktail as we know it today was first published in 1900 by Harry Johnson. However, there were already mixed drinks bearing this name before that. In 1895, a recipe made from Grand Marnier and cognac was so named in St. Louis, according to David Wondrich. We have not found his source, but we have found a newspaper article published in Albany, New York State, which reports the same thing, and the content of which may be the same as his. [1-81] [3]
In Cincinnati, however, also in 1895 and published in the book “The Mixicologist” by Chris F. Lawlor, the Bijou Cocktail was a mixture of equal parts Grand Marnier, Plymouth gin and Italian vermouth. [1-81] [2-57]
It seems that Harry Johnson unceremoniously replaced the Grand Marnier in Cris Lawlor’s variant with green Chartreuse, thus giving the mixed drink a completely different aroma profile. [1-81] This recipe was published in 1900 and is practically what we mean by a Bijou Cocktail today.
The recipe
One would think that the recipe for a Bijou Cocktail is simple and straightforward: equal parts gin, vermouth and Chartreuse, maybe a little bit of orange bitters – that’s it. But it’s not that clear-cut. We had already seen that the older recipe by Chris F. Lawlor called for Grand Marnier, and that a recipe published in the same year called for the mixture of Grand Marnier and cognac. So how does it look now? What did the different authors from different times understand by it?
If we first look at the different variations, it is noticeable that although the “classic” recipe of gin, vermouth and Chartreuse plus optional other ingredients makes up the largest part of the recipes, all other variations do not make up a small proportion. However, these other variants do not present a uniform picture and there are numerous variations:
Let us now focus on the recipe variant that is commonly understood today as a Bijou Cocktail. As you can see, this has usually always been a mixture of gin, vermouth, Chartreuse, optionally also with cocktail bitters. Rarely, other ingredients such as curaçao, grenadine and Amer Picon were added:
Due to their rarity, we can safely disregard these variations, because they do not correspond to the standard.
Next, let’s look at the question of whether a Bijou Cocktail, i.e. a mixture of gin, vermouth and Chartreuse, was additionally prepared with a cocktail bitters. Here we can say as a general rule that before Prohibition only about 15% of the recipes called for such a bitter to be added, during Prohibition it was only about 60%, and afterwards always more than 70%. When such a bitters was added, it was practically exclusively an orange bitters:
What about Chartreuse? Some recipes call for yellow Chartreuse, but their number is negligible. It must be said that the standard is green Chartreuse:
Much more interesting is the range that emerges if we look at the ratio of gin to Chartreuse. For Harry Johnson it is 1:1; but we can also find recipes in later times that call for 30:1 or even 1:5. However, if we look at the average value, before Prohibition it is 0.97. During Prohibition it is 1.9 and then drops again slightly to 1.5, then reaching 2.
What can be said about vermouth? Italian vermouth is the standard and should be used. The use of French vermouth is a modern invention that has never really taken hold.
With the Bijou Cocktail, what we have already analysed and justified in detail with the Brooklyn Cocktail becomes apparent again. The proportion of vermouth increased over time. Here, with the Bijou Cocktail, the maximum ratio of gin to vermouth was initially 2, then rising to 12 after the Second World War. The minimum was 0.25 and 1. The average was initially 1, rose to 1.1 during Prohibition, was 1.9 after the Second World War and then 3 later.
We can see from these values that a classic Bijou Cocktail according to Harry Johnson does indeed consist of equal parts of gin, vermouth and Chartreuse. However, one can increase the proportion of gin and, if one does not overdo it, still be within the bounds of what has been defined as acceptable over time. It is basically a matter of taste.
Finally, let’s take a look at the garnish. Should you choose one? If so, which one?
You can see that there was usually a garnish. There were no clear favourites, so depending on the taste, you can certainly use cherry, olive and lemon zest with good reason.
We have not only listed the recipes for a Bijou Cocktail in the appendix, but also those that combine gin, vermouth and chartreuse. What conclusions can be drawn from this, what are the names? The reader may take a closer look at these mixed drinks in the appendix. This appendix does not claim to be exhaustive, so it is possible that one may have understood something quite different from the numerous names we list. A brief overview will suffice at this point. The year in which we first found it in the sources available to us is given in brackets.
Two of these variations are highlighted as examples. The Montauk Cocktail, published in 1895, is basically a Martini Cocktail with orange bitters, a dash of Chartreuse, and optionally sugar syrup. The Montauk Cocktail thus shows how a Bijou Cocktail can be transformed into a Martini Cocktail by changing the proportions and how closely related the two are. In more recent times, equal amounts of gin, vermouth and Chartreuse were also used.
Published in 1901, the Puritan Cocktail is a Bijou variation using gin, yellow Chartreuse, French vermouth and cocktail bitters.
In addition, the following names for bijou-like recipes are in circulation:: Amber Dream (1933), Balsac Cocktail (1913), B and BC Cocktail (1963), Bonheur Cocktail (1936), Club Cocktail (also called American Club Cocktail) (1903), Dos Amores (1961), Emerald Cocktail (1948), Divorcee Cocktail (1935), Golden Glow (1930), Grave (1930), Green Devil (1927), Green-eyed Monster (1927), Jewel (1930), Mitre Cocktail (1930), Old Monterey (1933), Paree Cocktail (1937), Raymond Cocktail (1910), San Martino Cocktail (also called San Martin, Sand-Martin, Sandmartin) (1924), San Remo (1948), Shamrock Cocktail (1933), Tailspin (1935), Yellow Diamond (1930).
Historical recipes
1895 Albany NY Argus, 26. Mai 1895. Bijou.
What’ll You Have?
The Bijou
Closely allied to the Trilby is the Bijou
cocktail, which has become very fashion-
able during the past month or six weeks.
It contains but two liquors – Grand Mar-
nier cordial, an orange extract, and cognac.
It is served in copitas and while it has the
heating effect of brandy, is not of suffi-
cient size to cause any great inconven-
ience if taken in reasonable quantities.
1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 17. Montauk Cocktail.
Orange bitters, dash of chartreuse, dash of gum, gin and
1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 57. Bijou Cocktail.
Take 1/3 Grand Marnier.
1/3 Vermouth.
1/3 Plymouth Gin.
Mix and strain; a delicious drink. Grand Marnier
can also be served in pony-glass like any liquor.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 57. Bijou Cocktail.
Take 1/3 Grand Marnier.
1/3 Vermouth.
1/3 Plymouth Gin.
Mix and strain; a delicious drink. Grand Marnier
can also be served in pony-glass like any liquor.
1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders’ Manual. Seite 257. Bijou Cocktail.
(Use a large bar glass.)
3/4 glass filled with fine shaved ice;
1/3 wine glass chartreuse (green);
1/3 wine glass vermouth (Italian);
1/3 wine glass of Plymouth gin;
1 dash of orange bitters.
Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass;
add a cherry or medium-size olive, squeeze a piece of
lemon peel on top and serve.
1901 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 21. Puritan Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass.
THREE dashes orange bitters; one
spoonful yellow chartreuse; two-thirds
Plymouth gin; one-third French vermouth.
Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail
1902 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 46. Montauk Cocktail.
MIXING GLASS. — One dash gum, one dash
orange bitters, one dash Chartreuse, 1/2 glass fine
ice, one pony gin, one pony Vermouth. Mix and
strain into cocktail glass.
1902 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 46. Montauk Cocktail.
MIXING GLASS. — One dash gum, one dash
orange bitters, one dash Chartreuse, 1/2 glass fine
ice, one pony gin, one pony Vermouth. Mix and
strain into cocktail glass.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 14. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large bar glass.
Three-quarter glass filled with shaved ice.
One-third wine-glass green Chartreuse.
One-third wine-glass Italian Vermouth.
One-third wine-glass Plymouth gin.
Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in
cocktail glass, add cherry or small olive, and serve
after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1902 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 20. Puritan Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass.
THREE dashes Angostura bitters; one
spoonful yellow chartreuse; two-thirds
Plymouth gin; one-third French vermouth.
Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail
1903 Anonymus: Manuel du cocktail. Seite 20. Puritan Cocktail.
Se servir du verre à mixtion.
TROIS gouttes de bitter angostura, une
cuillerée de chartreuse jaune, deux
tiers de gin Plymouth et un tiers de
vermouth français. Remplir de glace,
mélanger et passer dans un verre à cock-
1903 Don. Wilkes: The Bachelor Book. Seite 16. Club Cocktail.
Half-a-glassful of ice, two
dashes of gum, two-thirds of gin, one-third of vino
vermouth, two dashes of orange bitters, and one dash
of green chartreuse. Stir well, strain, and serve.
1904 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 3. Bijou Cocktail.
Verre no 5
Prendre le verre à mélange no 1, mettre quelques mor-
ceaux de glace:
3 traits d’orange bitter,
4 traits curaçao,
4 traits chartreuse verte,
2 gouttes grenadine,
1 verre à liqueur de Sloegin,
1 verre à liqueur de vermouth Turin.
Remuer et passer dans le verre no 5, servir avec une
1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 145. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large bar glass.
Three-quarter glass filled with shaved ice.
One-third wine-glass green Chartreuse.
One-third wine-glass Italian Vermouth.
One-third wine-glass Plymouth gin.
Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in
cocktail glass, add cherry or small olive, and serve
after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 12. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large glass.
3/4 glass filled with shaved ice.
1/3 wine glass green chartreuse.
1/3 wine glass Italian vermouth.
1/3 wine glass Plymouth gin.
Stir well with spoon, and after straining in
cocktail glass add cherry or small olive, and
serve after squeezing lemon juice on top.
1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 11. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large glass.
Shaved ice fill three quarters.
Green Chartreuse, one third wine glass.
Italian Vermouth, one third wine glass.
Gin (Plymouth or Old Tom), one third
wine glass.
Stir with spoon and strain in cocktail
glass, squeeze small lemon skin on
top, add cherry or olive.
1907 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 3. Bijou Cocktail.
Verre no 5
Prendre le verre à mélange no 1, mettre quelques mor-
ceaux de glace:
3 traits d’orange bitter,
4 traits curaçao,
4 traits chartreuse verte,
2 gouttes grenadine,
1 verre à liqueur de Sloegin,
1 verre à liqueur de vermouth Turin.
Remuer et passer dans le verre no 5, servir avec une
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 145. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large bar glass.
Three-quarter glass filled with shaved ice.
One-third wine-glass green Chartreuse.
One-third wine-glass Italian Vermouth.
One-third wine-glass Plymouth gin.
Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in
cocktail glass, add cherry or small olive, and serve
after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 158. Club Cocktail.
ill mixing goblet half full of fine ice, two dashes
gum, two dashes orange bitters, one dash chartreuse,
one-third drink Italian Vermouth, two-thirds drink
Old Tom gin; stir well and serve with cherry.
1908 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 17. Bijou Cocktail.
(Use large glass.)
3/4 glass filled with shaved ice
1/3 wine glass green Chartreuse
1/3 wine glass Italian Vermouth
1/3 wine glass Plymouth gin.
Stir well with spoon, and
after straining in cocktail glass
add cherry or small olive, and
serve after squeezing lemon
juice on top.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 43. Bijou-Cocktail.
3—4 Stückchen Kristalleis,
2 Dashes Orange-Bitters,
1/3 Cocktailglas Chartreuse, grün,
1/3 „ italienischen Vermouth,
1/3 „ englischen Gin.
Mische mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas mit einer
Olive, drücke das Öl aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 4. Bijou Cocktail.
A mixing glass half full of cracked
1/2 pony of Grand Marnier.
1 pony of Italian vermouth.
1/2 drink of Plymouth gin.
Stir, strain into a cocktail glass
and serve.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 7. Club Cocktail.
Use mixing glass.
2 dashes of syrup.
2 dashes of orange bitters.
1 dash of Chartreuse.
2/3 drink of Old Tom gin.
1/3 drink of Italian Yermouth.
Stir, strain, and serve.
1910 Anonymus: 101 Drinks and How to Mix Them. Bijou.
That’s the French word for jewel, Hortense.
You’ll think it’s a sharp-cut diamond. Boy,
how it scratches!
Two parts dry Gin One part Chartreuse
One part Italian Shake vigorously with
Vermouth fine ice
1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 145. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large bar glass.
Three-quarter glass filled with shaved ice.
One-third wine-glass green Chartreuse.
One-third wine-glass Italian Vermouth.
One-third wine-glass Plymouth gin.
Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in
cocktail glass, add cherry or small olive, and serve
after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1910 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 31. Bijou Cocktail.
(Use large glass.)
3/4 glass filled with shaved ice
50% green Chartreuse
40% Italian Vermouth
10% dry gin.
Stir well with spoon, and after straining in cocktail glass
add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon
juice on top.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 66. Raymond Cocktail.
Two dashess Chartreuse
40% Gordon Dry Gin
30% French Vermouth
30% M. & R. Italian Vermouth
Twist of lemon peel.
Serve in champagne glass.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.’ Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 13. Bijou Cocktail.
(Use a larg e bar glass.)
Three-quarter glass filled with shaved ice,
One-third wine-glass of green chartreuse,
One-third wine-glass of Italian vermouth,
One-third wine-glass of Plymouth gin.
Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in cocktail
glass, add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing
lemon peel on top.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.’ Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 15. Club Cocktail.
(Use large bar glass.)
Fill glass half full-of fine ice,
Two dashes of gum,
Two dashes of orange bitters,
One dash of chartreuse,
One-third drink of Italian vermouth,
Two-t hird drink old Tom gin.
Stir well and serve with a cherry.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 145. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large bar glass.
Three-quarter glass filled with shaved ice.
One-third wine-glass green Chartreuse.
One-third wine-glass Italian Vermouth.
One-third wine-glass Plymouth gin.
Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in
cocktail glass, add cherry or small olive, and serve
after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 158. Club Cocktail.
Fill mixing goblet half full of fine ice, two dashes
gum, two dashes orange bitters, one dash chartreuse,
one-third drink Italian Vermouth, two-thirds drink
Old Tom gin; stir well and serve with cherry.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #20. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large glass. 3/4 glass filled with
shaved ice, 1-3 wine glass green chartreuse,
1-3 wine glass Italian vermouth, 1-3 wine
glass Plymouth gin. Stir well with spoon,
and after straining in cocktail glass add
cherry or small olive, and serve after
squeezing lemon juice on top.
1912 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Anhang. Bijou Cocktail.
Frappe two-thirds Coates Plymouth gin and one-third Grand Marnier.
Serve in stem glasses.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders’ Manual. Seite 22. Bijou Cocktail.
(Use large bar glass.) 3/4 glass
filled with shaved ice; 1/3 wineglass green chartreuse;
1/3 wineglass Italian vermouth; 1/3 wineglass Plym-
outh gin. Stir well with the spoon, and after strain-
ing in cocktail glass add cherry or small olive,
and serve after squeezing lemon peel on top.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders’ Manual. Seite 22. Club Cocktail.
Fill mixing goblet 1/2 full of fine
ice; 2 dashes gum; 3 dashes orange bitters; 1 dash
chartreuse; 1/3 drink Italian vermouth; 2/3 drink Old
Tom gin; stir well and serve with cherry.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 43. Bijou-Cocktail.
3—4 Stückchen Kristalleis,
2 Dashes Orange-Bitters,
1/3 Cocktailglas Chartreuse, grün,
1/3 „ italienischen Vermouth,
1/3 „ englischen Gin.
Mische mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas mit einer Olive,
drücke den Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und serviere.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 21. Balsac-Cocktail.
Mischglas mit 3—4 Stck. Eis, 2 Spritzer
Orange-Bitter, 4 Spritzer Chartreuse, 1/3 Cocktailglas
ital. Vermouth, 4 Spritzer old Tom-Gin, rühren, Cock-
tailglas seihen, Olive, Citronenschale.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 24. Bijou-Cocktail.
Mischglas mit 2—3 Stücke Eis, 3 Spritzer
Orange-Bitter, 4 Spritzer Curacao weiß, 4 Spritzer Char-
treuse grün, 2 Spritzer Grenadine, 1 Likörglas Sloe-Gin,
1 Likörglas ital. Vermouth, rühren, in Cocktailglas seihen,
Kirsche, Citronenschale.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 47. Club-Cocktail.
mit 3—4 Stck. Eis, 2 Spritzer
Zuckersirup, 1/4 Cocktailglas ital. Vermouth, 1/2 Cocktail
glas Old-Tom-Gin, 2 Spritzer Orangebitter, 1 Spritzer
Chartreuse, rühren, in Cocktailglas seihen, Kirsche, Ci-
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks. Seite 11. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Jigger Green Chartreuse.
1/3 Jigger Dry Gin.
1/3 Jigger Italian Vermouth.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 22. Bijou Cocktail.
(Use large bar glass.) 3/4 glass filled with
shaved ice; 1/3 wineglass green chartreuse; 1/3
wineglass Italian vermouth; 1/3 wineglass Ply-
mouth gin. Stir well with the spoon, and after
straining in cocktail glass add cherry or small
olive, and serve after squeezing lemon peel on
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 18. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 jigger green chartreuse.
1/3 jigger dry gin.
1/3 jigger Italian vermouth. Shake.
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 7. American Club Cocktail.
(American clob cockteil)
Echese la necesaria cantidad de hielo en pedacitos para
mediar el vaso y agréguese:
Sirope de goma . . . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas.
Bitters de naranja . . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas.
Chartreuse verde . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 cucharadita.
Vermouth Italiano y ginebra (Old Tom), por partes
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 10. Bijou Cocktail.
(Biyou cockteil)
Echese la necesaria cantidad de hielo en pedacitos para
mediar el vaso, y agregúese:
Angosturas de naranja . . . . . . . . Unas gotas.
Marrasquino . . . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas.
Chartreuse encarnado . . .
Ginebra Holandesa . . . . } Por partes iguales.
Vermouth Italiano . . . . .
Mézclese todo con una cuchara, cuélese en una copa de
las de cockt.ail, y sírvase con una corteza de limón retor-
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 12. Club Cocktail.
(Clob cockteil)
Echese la necesaria cantidad de hielo en pedacitos para
mediar el vaso, y agréguese:
Sirope de goma . . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas.
Bitters de naranja Unas gotas . . . . . Unas gotas.
Chartreuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas.
Ginebra (Old Tom) . . . . . . . . . . 2 partes.
Vermouth Italiano . . . . . . . . . . 1 parte.
Mézclese todo con una cuchara, cuélese en una copa de
las cocktail, y sírvase con una cereza.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 36. Bijou Cocktail.
3/4 glass filled with cracked ice
50% Green Chartreuse
40% M & R Italian Vermouth
10% Gordon Dry Gin
Stir well with spoon and after straining in Cocktail glass
add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon
juice on top.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 65. Raymond Cocktail.
Two dashes Chartreuse
40% Gordon Dry Gin
30% French Vermouth
30% M. & R. Italian Vermouth
Twist of lemon peel.
Serve in champagne glass.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 2. Bijou Cocktail.
A mixing glass half full of cracked
1/2 pony of Grand Marnier.
1 pony of Italian vermouth.
1/2 drink of Plymouth gin.
Stir, strain into a cocktail glass
and serve.
1919 Anonymus: The Gorham Cocktail Book. Seite 55. Golden Glow.
One large persimmon, four tablespoonfuls
Grapefruitola, one tablespoonful lemon syrup,
three sprigs fresh mint, one teaspoonful pow-
dered sugar, Seltzer.
WITH a spoon, mash the pulp
of a large, ripe persimmon
and press through a fine wire
strainer into a tall lemonade-glass.
In a tumbler, bruise three sprigs of
mint with one teaspoonful powdered
sugar and one tablespoonful water.
Add four tablespoonfuls Grape-
fruitola and one tablespoonful lemon
syrup. Mix thoroughly and strain
into glass containing the strained
persimmon pulp. Add three or four
pieces of ice and fill the glass with
Seltzer. Stir, and serve, with straws.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite 9. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 shot green chartreuse.
1/3 shot dry gin.
1/3 shot Italian vermouth. Shake.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 43. Bijou-Cocktail.
3—4 Stückchen Kristalleis,
2 Dashes Orange-Bitters,
1/3 Cocktailglas Chartreuse, grün,
1/3 „ italienischen Vermouth,
1/3 „ englischen Gin.
Mische mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas mit einer
Olive, drücke den Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman mixer. Seite 26. Bijon Cocktail.
In un bicchierone con metà di ghiaccio
1 bicchiere a liquori di Gin
1 bicchiere a liquori di Chartreuse
1 bicchiere a liquori Vermouth di
5 goccie d’Angostura.
Finitelo come i precedenti.
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman mixer. Seite 33. Club Cocktail.
Nel bicchierone pieno di ghiaccio ag-
2 cucchiaini di Sciroppo
2 Dashes Bitter Arancio
2 cucchiaini di Chartreuse
1/2 bicchiere di Vermouth
1/2 bicchiere di Old Tom Gin.
Rimescolate e servite nel bicchiere a
cocktail con ciliegia.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 26. Bijou Cocktail.
Shaker avec glace pilée, deux
traits orange bitter, trois traits Cointreau, trois
traits Chartreuse vérte, un trait grenadine, un
verre à liqueur Slœgin, un verre a liqueur ver-
mouth Martini et Rossi, frapper et passer dans
un verre à bordeaux contenant une fraise.
1922 Robert Vermeire: Cocktails. Seite 19. Bijou Cocktail.
Fill the bar glass half full of broken ice
and add:
1 dash of Orange Bitters.
1/6 gill of Plymouth Gin.
1/6 gill of Italian Vermouth.
1/6 gill of Green Chartreuse.
Stir up with a spoon, strain into a cocktail-
glass, add olive or cherry according to taste,
and squeeze lemon-peel on top.
1922 W. Slagter: Hoe maakt men american plainen fancy drinks. Seite 9. Jewel.
Doet in een Pousse café glas:
1/3 Marasquin
2/3 Gekristalliseerde Kummel
Hierop een volle drup Angostora.
1922 W. Slagter: Hoe maakt men american plainen fancy drinks. Seite 67. Club Cocktail.
Doet in den Shaker:
Eenige stukjes ijs
3 Druppen Gomsiroop
2 Druppen Oranjebitter
2 Druppen Chartreuse
2/3 Cocktailglas Vermouth-ltal.
1/3 Cocktailglas Old Tom Gin.
Behandeling als recept No. 228. Als
vrucht een paar druiven of kersen.
Seite 64. 228. Absinth Cocktail.
Goed schudden en in Cocktailglas doen,
naar wensch nog eenige stukjes ijs en
knijp de olie uit een stukje citroenschil
boven de Cocktail, en legt de schil op
den rand.
1923 Harry McElhone: „Harry“ of Ciro’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 18. Bijou Cocktail.
Use a large bar glass.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Green Chartreuse, 1/3
Italian Vermouth, 1/3 Plymouth Gin,
Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail
glass, add a cherry or olive, squeeze a piece of
lemon peel on top, and serve,
(Recipe from Harry Johnson of New Orleans.)
1923 Harry McElhone: „Harry“ of Ciro’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 24. Club Cocktail.
1/3 Vermouth Italian, 1/3 Gin, 2 dashes Orange
Bitters, 1 teaspoonful Gomme Syrup, 1/6 Yellow
(C. Mahoney’s Recipe.)
1924 Antonio (Tony) Fernández: Manual del barman. Seite 35. Club Cocktail.
En un caso grande con hielo,
échese un chorro de Chartreuse verde, media co-
pa de vermouth Torino y media id de Dry Gin
(ginebra inglesa); revuélvase y sírvase en copa de
1924 Antonio (Tony) Fernández: Manual del barman. Seite 41. Bijou Cocktail.
En un vaso grande con algu-
nos trozos de hielo, échese un chorro de Chartreu-
se verde, media copa de Dry Gin (ginebra ingle-
sa), y media copa de vermouth Torino; revuélvase
y sírvase colado en copa de cocktail con una fruta.
1924 Carlo Beltramo: Les cocktails et les boissons américaines. Seite 20. Bijou cocktail.
Se prépare dans le grand gobelet a moitié
rempli de glace en morceaux: Quelques gout-
tes d’orange bitter: 2/6 dl. de gin, 1/6 dl. de
vermouth italien, 1/6 dl. dé Chartreuse verte.
— Bien brasser et verser dans un verre a
cocktail avec une cerise et vm zeste de citron.
1924 Carlo Beltramo: Les cocktails et les boissons américaines. Seite 39. San Martino cocktail.
Se prépare dans le tumbler à moitié rempli
de glace: Parts égales de Gordon Gin et de
vermoutL italien, 1 cuillerée à thé de Char-
treuse jaune. — Bien remuer et servir dans un
verre a cocktail avec un zeste de citron.
Ayez soin de ne jamais mettre de bitter.
1924 León Pujol & Oscar Muñez: Manual del Cantinero. Seite 9. Club Cocktail.
2|3 Gin.
1|3 Vermoth Francés.
Batido en vaso, sirvase copa cocktail.
1925 Anonymus: About Town Cocktail Book. Seite 5. Bijou.
FILL a bar glass half full of broken ice and add:
1 dash of Orange Bitters
1/6 gill of Plymouth Gin
1/6 gill of Italian Vermouth
1/6 Gill of Green Chartreuse
Stir with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, add olive or
cherry according to taste, and squeeze lemon-peel on top.
1925 Anonymus: About Town Cocktail Book. Seite 19. Puritan.
3 dashes Orange Bitters
1 tablespoonful Yellow Chartreuse
2-8 Plymouth Gin
1-3 French Vermouth
Fill with ice, mix and strain into a cocktail glass.
1925 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Illustriertes internationales Getränkebuch. Seite 43. Bijou-Cocktail.
3-4 Stückchen Kristalleis,
2 Dashes Orange-Bitters,
1/3 Cocktailglas Chartreuse, grün,
1/3 „ italienischen Vermouth,
1/3 „ englischen Gin.
Mische mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas mit einer
Olive, drücke den Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und
1926 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 24. Puritan Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass.
THREE dashes orange bitters; one
spoonful yellow chartreuse; two-thirds
Plymouth gin; one-third French vermouth.
Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 23. Bijou Cocktail.
Use a large bar glass.
1 dash Orange bitters, 1/3 Green Chartreuse, 1/3
Gancia Italian Vermouth, 1/3 Plymouth Gin.
Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail
glass, add a cherry or olive, squeeze a piece of
lemon peel on top, and serve.
(Recipe from Harry Johnson of New Orleans.)
1926 W. Slagter: Cocktails. Seite 43. Byou Cocktail.
Vult den Shaker met eenige stukjes ijs
1/3 Cocktailglas Groene Chartreuse
1/3 Cocktailglas Ital. Vermouth
1/3 Cocktailglas Gordon Dry Gin
4 Druppen Oranjebitter
Wijnand Fockink.
Behandeling als bij recept No. 87.
Doet er een Reine Claude in (tinned).
Seite 38. No. 87. Absinth Cocktail.
Bovenstaande goed vermengen en ver-
koelen en zonder het ijs in een Cocktail-
glas doen. Knijpt de olie uit een stukje
Citroenschil, al boven de Cocktail hou-
dende en legt deze op den rand van het
glas. Zie ook inleiding No. 86.
1926 W. Slagter: Cocktails. Seite 46. Club Cocktail.
Doet in den Shaker:
Eenige stukjes ijs
3 Druppen Gomsiroop
2 Druppen Oranjebitter
2 Druppen Chartreuse
2/3 Cocktailglas Vermouth-ltal.
1/3 Cocktailglas Gordon’s Old Tom Gin.
Behandeling als bij recept No. 87.
Als vrucht een paar Druiven of Kersen.
Seite 38. No. 87. Absinth Cocktail.
Bovenstaande goed vermengen en ver-
koelen en zonder het ijs in een Cocktail-
glas doen. Knijpt de olie uit een stukje
Citroenschil, al boven de Cocktail hou-
dende en legt deze op den rand van het
glas. Zie ook inleiding No. 86.
1927 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 24. Puritan Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass.
THREE dashes orange bitters; one
spoonful yellow chartreuse; two-thirds
Plymouth gin; one-third French vermouth.
Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail
1927 Harry McElhone: Barflies and Cocktails. Seite 11. Bijou Cocktail.
Use a large bar glass.
1 dash Orange Bitters. 1/3 Green Chartreuse, 1/3 ltalian
Vermouth, 1/3 Plymouth Gin.
Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, add a
cherry or olive, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top, and
(Recipe from Harry Johnson of New Orleans.)
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 11. Bijou.
1/3 Chartreuse verde.
1/3 ginebra inglesa.
1/3 vermouth italiano y bátase.
1927 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 24. Puritan Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass.
THREE dashes orange bitters; one
spoonful yellow chartreuse; two-thirds
Plymouth gin; one-third French vermouth.
Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail
1927 Harry McElhone: Barflies and Cocktails. Seite 11. Bijou Cocktail.
Use a large bar glass.
1 dash Orange Bitters. 1/3 Green Chartreuse, 1/3 ltalian
Vermouth, 1/3 Plymouth Gin.
Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, add a
cherry or olive, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top, and
(Recipe from Harry Johnson of New Orleans.)
1927 Jean Lupoiu: 370 recettes de cocktails. Seite 15. Bijou Cocktail.
1 jet Bitter Orange, 1/3 Werder, 1/3
Vermouth Cinzano, 1/3 Gin.
1927 Jean Lupoiu: 370 recettes de cocktails. Seite 26. Club Cocktail.
2 jets Bols Bitter, 3 jets Chartreuse
Jaune, 1/3 Cinzano, 2/3 Gin.
1927 Marcel Requien & Lucien Farnoux Reynaud: L’Heure du Cocktail. Seite 57. Bijou.
1 trait Orange-Bitter, 1/3 Chartreuse
verte, 1/3 Vermouth Italien, 1/3 Gin, Frapper à la
timbale. Ajouter une olive et exprimer un zeste de citron.
Communiqué par Harry Jonhson (Nouvelle-Orléans)
1927 Nina Toye & A. H. Adair: Petits & grands verres. Seite 18. Le Diable Vert. Green Devil.
Le cocktail, très sec est assez monté; il fera naître une
aimable animation, et cette animation une fois dissipée,
contrairement à l’effet de beaucoup d’autres cocktails,
n’entraînera à sa suite aucun sentiment de dépression. Il
est possible de le préparer à l’avance et de le garder
en bouteille jusqu’à usage. Prendre quatre verres de
gin, trois quarts de verre de vermouth français, un
quart de verre de vermouth italien et un demi-verre
d’élixir de chartreuse (élixir non sucré). Glace pilée.
Frapper soigneusement. Doit être servi assez froid
pour que la buée glace les verres.
1927 Nina Toye & A. H. Adair: Petits & grands verres. Seite 26. Le Bijou. Bijou Cocktail.
Dans le gobelet à frapper, mettre deux verres de char-
treuse verte, deux verres de vermouth italien et deux
verres de gin. Ajouter une demi-cuillerée de bitter à
l’orange. Frapper soigneusement et servir avec une
cerise en pressant au-dessus des verres un zeste de
1927 Pedro Chicote: El bar americano en España. Seite 52. Bijou-Cocktail.
Prepárese en un gran vaso de cristal.
3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo.
6 gotas de Orange bitters.
1/3 copita de gin Vanghan-Jones.
1/3 – de vermut italiano.
1/3 – de chartreaúse amarillo.
Sírvase en copa de cocktaiI y agréguese una
1927 Pedro Chicote: El bar americano en España. Seite 70. San Martin-Cocktail.
Prepárese en un gran vaso de cristal:
3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo.
10 gotas de granadina.
8 – de chartreause.
1/2 copita de gin.
1/2 – de vermut italiano.
Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1927 Piero Grandi: Cocktails. Seite 27. Bijou Cocktail.
Employer un grand verre de Bar. Une gout-
te de Bitter d’Orange, 1/3 Chartreuse verte,
1/3 Vermouth Italien, 1/3 Plymouth Gin. Mé-
langer bien, verser dans un verre à Cocktail,
ajouter un peu de Sherry, ou, Olive; ainsi qu’une
giglée de jus de pelure de Citron.
1927 Piero Grandi: Cocktails. Seite 31. Club Cocktail.
1/3 de Vermouth Italien, 1/3 de Gin, 2 gout-
tes d’Orange Bitter, une cuillerée à the sirop
de gomme, 1/6 de Chartreuse jaune.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 112. Bijou-Cocktail.
Prepárese en un gran vaso de cristal.
3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo.
6 gotas de Orange bitters.
1/3 de copita de gin Vaughan=Jonnes.
1/3 – de vermut italiano.
1/3 – de chartreuse amarillo.
Sírvase en copa de cocktail y agréguese una
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 218. San Martin-Cocktail.
Prepárese en un gran vaso de cristal:
3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo.
10 gotas de granadina.
8 – de chartreuse.
1/2 copita de gin.
1/2 – de vermut italiano.
Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 26. Biyon Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec de
la glace pilée, deux traits d’orange-bitter, trois
traits de Cointreau, trois traits de Chartreuse verte,
un trait de Grenadine, un demi-verre de Slœ-Gin,
un demi-verre de Vermouth Turin. Agiter, passer
dans un verre à cocktail, garnir d’un zeste de
citron, d’une fraise et de chalumeaux.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 35. Bijou.
To two parts dry gin were added one part Italian Vermouth and one
part Chartreuse, vigorously shaken.
1929 Juan A. Laser: Libro de cocktail. Seite 20. Cocktail Puritano.
Use la copa fria
Tres gotas de naranja amarga.
Una cucharada de Chartreuse Amarillo.
Dos terceras partes de Plymouth Gin.
Una tercera parte de Vrmouth Frances.
Batalo en la Cotelera con hielo picado, cuelese
y sirvase en una copa de cocktail, fria.
1929 Juan A. Laser: Libro de cocktail. Seite 46. Puritan Cocktail.
Use a chilled glass
Three deshes orange bitter.
One spoonful yellow chartruse.
Two third Plymouth Gin.
One third French Vermouth.
Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail glass.
1929 Judge Jr.: Here’s How Again. Seite 44. The Green-eyed Monster.
1/3 Gordon water
1/3 Italian Vermouth
1/3 Green Chartreuse
1930 Anonymus: Cocktails by „Jimmy“ Late of Ciro’s London. Seite 22. Bijou.
1 part Green Chartreuse
1 part Old Tom Gin
1 part Italian Vermouth
Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top and
serve with a cherry.
1930 Anonymus: Cocktails by „Jimmy“ Late of Ciro’s London. Seite 65. Puritan.
4 parts Plymouth Gin
2 parts French Vermouth
1 part Yellow Chartreuse
2 dashes Orange Bitters per cocktail.
1930 Anonymus: Cocktails by „Jimmy“ Late of Ciro’s London. Seite 70. San Martin.
3 parts Dry Gin
3 parts Italian Vermouth
1 part Yellow Chartreuse
Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top.
1930 Charlie Roe & Jim Schwenck: The Home-Bartender’s Guide and Song Book. Seite 14. Bijou.
Shake yourself well after taking this to be sure
that no portion of the drink is left in one spot and
burns through. The French call it BIJOU, mean-
ing jewel. Personally, we think it’s a sharp-cut
diamond. Boy, and how it scratched us!
Two parts dry gin
One part Italian Vermouth
One part Chartreuse
Shake vigorously with fine ice before serving
1930 Dexter Mason: The Art of Drinking. Seite 28. The Yellow Diamond.
1 part gin
1 part yellow chartreuse
1 part Italian Vermouth
Stuffed olive in each glass.
Toast some crusted bread
on one side. Butter the untoasted
side, dust the butter with pul-
verized almonds or peanuts. Cut
into finger strips. Lay a sliver
of anchovy filet on each, garnish
with one or two capers and
lemon juice.
1930 Edgar Baudoin: Les Meilleurs Cocktails. Seite 32. Bijou Cocktail.
1 jet Bitter orange, 1/3 Werder, 1/3 vermouth Cin-
zano, 1/3 Gin.
1930 F. Koki: Cocktails. Bijou-Cocktail.
Mischglas mit 3-4 Stück Eis.
2 Dashes Orange Bitters,
1/3 Cocktailglas Chartreuse grün,
1/3 ” ital. Vermuth,
1/3 ” engl. Gin.
Mische mit einem Barlöffel, seihe in ein Cocktailglas mit einer Olive,
drücke den Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und serviere.
1930 Gedelp: Los „cock-tails“ mas sabrosos. Seite 25. Grave.
Hielo en pedacitos.
Un tercio de copa de gin.
Un tercio de copa de vermouth francés.
Un tercio de copa de vermouth italiano.
Un tercio de copa de chartreuse verde.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros de la Republica de Cuba. Manual Oficial. Seite 25. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 ginebra seca.
1/3 chartreuse verde.
1/3 vermouth Italiano.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 28. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Plymouth Gin.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
1/3 Green Chartreuse.
1/3 Gancia Italian Vermouth.
Mix well with a spoon in a large
bar glass; strain into a cock
tail glass, add a cherry or an
olive, squeeze a piece of lemon
peel on top and serve.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 89. Jewel Cocktail.
(6 people)
2 Glasses Green Chartreuse.
2 Glasses Italian Vermouth.
2 Glasses Gin.
1/2 Dessertspoonful Orange
Shake thoroughly and serve with
a cherry, squeezing lemon peel on
A medium-dry, fast-working cocktail.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 141. Sand-Martin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoonful Green
1/2 Italian Vermouth.
1/2 Dry Gin.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1930 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 23. Bijou Cocktail.
Use a large bar glass.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Green Chartreuse , 1/3
Italian Vermouth, 1/3 Plymouth Gin.
Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail
glass, add a cherry or olive, squeeze a piece of
lemon peeI on top, and serve.
(Recipe from Harry Johnson of New Orleans.)
1930 Jere Sullivan: The Drinks of Yesteryear. Seite 15. Bijou.
From. Paris by 1/3 Dry Gin
a French Artist. 1/3 French Vermouth
. 1/3 Greene Chartreuse
. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1930 Knut W. Sundin: Two Hundred Selected Drinks. Seite 15. Bijou Cocktail.
Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add:
1 dash of Orange bitter
4 dashes of White Curacao
4 dashes of Green Chartreuse
1/2 glass of Dry Gin
1/2 glass of Italian Vermouth.
Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass and
add an olive or cherry according to taste.
1930 Miguel R. Reguera: Cocktails. Seite 46. Mitre Cocktail.
En una cocktelera, con hielo machacado:
Unas gotas de bitter de naranja
1/4 parte de vermouth italiano
1/4 » de chartreuse
1/2 » de ginebra.
Agítese y sírvase.
1930 Pedro Chicote: La ley mojada. Seite 107. Bijou-Cocktail.
Prepárese en un gran vaso de cristal:
3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo.
6 gotas de Orange bitters.
1/3 de copita de gin Vaughan-Jonnes.
1/3 — de vermut italiano.
1/3 — de chartreuse amarillo.
Sírvase en copa de cocktail y agréguese una
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 18. Bijou.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . 2/3 jigger Grand Marnier . . . 1/3 jigger
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 18. Bijou, No. 2.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Chartreuse . . . . . 1/4 jigger
It. Vermouth . . . 1/4 jigger Orange Bitters . . . . 1 dash
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 45. Golden Glow.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Yellow Chartreuse 1/3 jigger
. It. Vermouth . . . 1/3 jigger
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, add stuffed olive
and serve.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 70. Puritan.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Fr. Vermouth . . . . . . 1/4 jigger
Chartreuse . . . . . . 2 spoons Orange Bitters . . . . . 2 dashes
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 75. San Martin.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Chartreuse
It. Vermouth . . . . . 1/3 jigger (yellow) . . . . . 1 spoon
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over
and serve.
1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: Old Waldorf Bar Days. Seite 120. Bijou.
From the theatre of that name, in Broadway, a few
blocks away, though certain connoisseurs were strong for
the French term that was synonymous with jewel. They
said it tasted like a jewel looked. The nativity of its two
principal components lent authority to the drink, if not to
their contention.
Two dashes Orange Bitters
One-half French Vermuth
One-half Grand Marnier
1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: Old Waldorf Bar Days. Seite 150. Montauk.
Named about the time that men of vision began to talk
of Montauk Point as the Western terminus of transatlantic
steamship lines.
One-third French Vermuth
One-third Italian Vermuth
One-third Gin
Two dashes Peychaud Bitters
Served in old-fashioned glass
1931 Dominique Migliorero: L’Art du Shaker. Seite 11. Bijou Cocktail.
2 traits d’orange Bitters, 2 traits Grenadine, 1/3 Char-
treuse verte, 1/3 Sloe Gin; 1/3 Vermouth Turin.
Bien glacer dans le verre à mélanger et servir dans un
verre à cocktail avec une cerise.
1931 Virginia Elliott & Phil D. Stong: Shake ’em Up. Seite 19. Bijou Cocktail.
Two parts gin
One part Italian Vermouth
and one part Chartreuse
Shake with plenty of ice until the ice is com-
pletely melted.
With this serve:
Mix one part pearl onions with two parts
pink caviar, add a dash of lemon juice and serve
on rounds or diamonds of white toast.
Crisp a box of potato chips in the oven for
a few minutes. Fill each one with chutney and
serve at once. The chips go limp if allowed to
Trim the crusts from a loaf of white bread.
Slice very thin and spread each slice with
creamed butter. Put a thin slice of chicken on
a piece of bread, sprinkle with grated Parmesan
cheese, cover with another buttered slice of
bread. Toast on both sides, cut in triangles and
serve hot.
1932 James A. Wiley: The Art of Mixing. Seite 3. Bijou Cocktail.
Put 1 dash orange bitters into 1/3 Green Char-
treuse with 1/3 Italian Vermouth and 1/3 Gin.
Stir many times with fore finger, add a cherry
or green olive, squeeze a curl of lemon peel
into the mess and enjoy.
1932 Jimmy: The Green Cocktail Book. Seite 22. Bijou.
1 part Green Chartreuse
1 part Old Tom Gin
1 part Italian Vermouth
Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top and
serve with a cherry.
1932 Jimmy: The Green Cocktail Book. Seite 65. Puritan.
4 parts Plymouth Gin
2 parts French Vermouth
1 part Yellow Chartreuse
2 dashes Orange Bitters per cocktail
1932 Jimmy: The Green Cocktail Book. Seite 70. San Martin.
3 parts Dry Gin
3 parts Italian Vermouth
1 part Yellow Chartreuse
Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top.
1933 A. E. P. Bird & William C. Turner: Cocktails. Seite 9. Old Monterey.
Gin, 2 parts Italian Vermouth, 2 parts
. Chartreuse, 2 parts
Shake well with ice, strain into glasses, garnish with
maraschino; serve. The above serves 6.
As a savory, roll cream cheese into small balls and roll
them in caviar placing them individually on toast squares
or crackers.
1933 Anonymus: Cocktails. Their Kicks and Side-Kicks. Seite 9. Old Monterey.
Gin, 2 parts Italian Vermouth, 2 parts
. Chartreuse, 2 parts
Shake well with ice, strain into glasses, garnish with
maraschino; serve. The above serves 6.
As a savory, roll cream cheese into small balls and roll
them in caviar placing them individually on toast squares
or crackers.
1933 Anonymus: Lest We Forget. Seite 12. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large bar glass.
Three-quarter glass filled with shaved ice.
One-third wine-glass green Chartreuse.
One-third wine-glass Italian Vermouth,
One-third wine-glass gin.
Stir well with the spoon, and after strain-
ing in the cocktail glass, add cherry or small
olive, and serve after squeezing lemon peel
on top.
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks. Seite 39. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Green Chartreuse, 1/3 Italian Vermouth,
1/3 Dry Gin, Dash of Orange Bitters.
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks. Seite 112. Shamrock Cocktail.
1/3 Dry Gin, 1/3 Italian Vermouth,
1/3 Green Chartreuse.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 41. Bijou Cocktail.
Dry Gin Shake equal parts of Chartreuse, Ver-
Italian Vermouth mouth, and gin with shaved ice. Strain
Green Chartreuse into cocktail glass. Add an olive.
1933 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 24. Puritan Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass.
THREE dashes orange bitters; one
spoonful yellow chartreuse; two-thirds
Plymouth gin; one-third French vermouth.
Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail
1933 Antonio Josa: Cocktelera Universal. Seite 15. Bijou Cocktail.
Prepárese en un vaso grande de cristal
unos pedacitos de hielo.
1/3 de Chartreuse verde.
1/3 de Gin.
1/3 de vermouth Cinzano.
Remuévase bien con una cucharilla larga
de las de refresco y sírvase en copa de
cocktail, añadiéndole una guinda y una
corteza de limón.
1933 Antonio Josa: Cocktelera Universal. Seite 21. Club Cocktail.
Una cucharadita de Jarabe de Goma.
Dos gotas de Orange Bitters.
1/6 de Chartreuse amarillo.
1/3 de vermouth Italiano.
1/3 de Gin.
1933 Antonio Josa: Cocktelera Universal. Seite 42. San Martin Cocktail.
Una cucharadita de Chartreuse verde.
1/2 vermouth Italiano.
1/2 Dry Gin.
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 17. Bijou Cocktail.
(use large bar glass)
3/4 glass shaved ice.
1/3 wineglass Chartreuse (green)
1/3 wineglass Italian Vermouth.
1/3 wineglass Plymouth Gin.
Stir well with spoon. After straining into
cocktail glass, add a cherry or olive. Twist
a small piece of lemon peel on top. Serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 3. Amber Dream.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . 2/3 jigger It. Vermouth . . . . . 1/3 jigger
Chartreuse . . . . .1 spoon Orange Bitters . . . 1 dash
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 10. Bijou.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . 2/3 jigger Grand Marnier . . . 1/3 jigger
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 10. Bijou No. 2.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pony Chartreuse . . . . . . 1/4 jigger
It. Vermouth . . . 1/4 jigger Orange Bitters . . . 1 dash
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 40. Golden Glow.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Gin . . . . . . . . . . 1 pony
. It. Vermouth . . . . . . 1/3 jigger
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, add
stuffed olive and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 67. Puritan.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pony Fr. vermouth . . . . . . 1/4 jigger
Chartreuse . . . . 2 spoons Orange Bitters . . . . . 2 dashes
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 72. San Martin.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Chartreuse
It. Vermouth . . . . 1/3 jigger (yellow) . . . . . . . 1 spoon
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist
lemon peel over and serve.
1933 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 3. Bijou Cocktail.
Use targe glass. Very popular in Frisco.
Place in a small glass a piece of ice
4 dashes of Angostura bitters
1/2 jigger of Plymouth gin
1/2 jigger of Italian vermouth
1 piece of twisted lemon peel
5 drops of creme de menthe
Stir well, strain into a small bar glass, and serve with
ice water.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 28. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Plymouth Gin.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
1/3 Green Chartreuse.
1/3 Gancia Italian Vermouth.
Mix well with a spoon in a large
bar glass; strain into a cock-
tail glass, add a cherry or an
olive, squeeze a piece of lemon
peel on top and serve.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 89. Jewel Cocktail.
(6 people)
2 Glasses Green Chartreuse.
2 Glasses Italian Vermouth.
2 Glasses Gin.
1/2 Dessertspoonful Orange
Shake thoroughly and serve with
a cherry, squeezing lemon peel on
A medium-dry, fast-working cocktail.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 141. Sand-Martin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoonful Green
1/2 Italian Vermouth.
1/2 Dry Gin.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 11. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large bar glass. — 3/4 glass filled with shaved ice; 1/3 wine
glass green chartreuse; 1/3 wine glass Italian vermouth; 1/3 wine
glass gin. Stir well with the spoon, and after straining in cocktail
glass add cherry or small olive, and serve after squeezing lemon peel
on top.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 37. Montauk Cocktail.
Mixing glass. — One dash gum, one dash orange bitters, one dash
Chartreuse, 1/2 glass fine ice, one pony gin, one pony Vermouth.
Mix and strain into cocktail glass.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 45. Bijou Cocktail.
3/4 glass filled with cracked ice
50% green chartreuse
40% regular vermouth
10% dry gin
Stir well with spoon and, after straining into cocktail glass,
add cherry or small olive and 2 dashes of lemon juice on top,
and serve.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 92. Raymond Cocktail.
Two dashes chartreuse
40% dry gin
30% dry vermouth
30% regular vermouth
Twist of lemon peel
Serve in champagne glass.
1934 Anonymus: 100 Famous Cocktails. Seite 24. Bijou.
Two dashes Abbott’s Bitters
One-half French Vermuth
One-half Grand Marnier
Ice, stir, strain
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 15. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 jigger Green Chartreuse 1/3 jigger Italian Ver-
1/3 jigger Dry Gin mouth. Shake
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 97. Bijou Cocktail.
1 jigger gin.
1 pony vermouth.
1 pony green Chartreuse.
Frappe till icy cold. Serve in tall thin glass. Add cherry or
1934 Anonymus: The Masterly Touch. Seite 7. Bijou.
1 pony Cinzano Vermouth
1 dash Orange Bitters
1 pony green Chartreuse
1 pony Conodo Dry’s Gin
a little ice • stir and serve
1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 5. Amber Dream.
Two thirds dry gin, one third French or Italian Ver-
mouth, add a small portion of Chartreuse and a dash
of orange bitters. Place in a shaker with ice, stir and
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 28. Bijou.
1/3 Green Chartreuse
1/3 Dry Gin
1/3 Italian Vermouth
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 55. Green-Eyed Monster.
1/3 Dry Gin
1/3 Italian Vermouth
1/3 Green Chartreuse
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 92. Puritan.
2/3 Plymouth Gin
1/3 French Vermouth
3 dashes Orange bitters
1 spoonful Yellow
1934 Harry Jerrold Gordon: Gordon’s Cocktail and Food Recipes. Seite 80. Bijou Cocktail.
1 Plymouth Gin
1 Italian Vermouth
1 Green Chartreuse
Orange Bitters, 1 Dash
Ice. – Stir from bottom.
1 Olive
1 Dash Lemon Juice.
Strain into Cocktail Glass.
1934 Harry Jerrold Gordon: Gordon’s Cocktail and Food Recipes. Seite 82. Club Cocktail.
2 Dry Gin
1 Italian Vermouth
Yellow Chartreuse, 1 Dash
Ice. – Stir well from bottom. Strain into
Cocktail Glass.
Add 1 Cherry.
1934 Harry Jerrold Gordon: Gordon’s Cocktail and Food Recipes. Seite 90. Jewel Cocktail.
1 Gin
1 Italian Vermouth
1 Green Chartreuse
Orange Bitters, 2 Dashes
Ice. – 25 Shakes. Strain into Cocktail Glass.
Add 1 Dash Lemon Juice and 1 Cherry or
1 Olive.
1934 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 257. Bijou Cocktail.
(Use a large bar glass.)
3/4 glass filled with fine shaved ice;
1/3 wine glass chartreuse (green);
1/3 wine glass vermouth (Italian);
1/3 wine glass of Plymouth gin;
1 dash of orange bitters.
Mix well with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass;
add a cherry or medium-size olive, squeeze a piece of
lemon peel on top and serve.
1934 Ira A. Altschul: Drinks as They Were Made Before Prohibition. Seite 6. Bijou.
Use a large mixing glass.
Three-quarters full shaved ice.
One-third jigger green Chartreuse.
One-third jigger Italian Vermuth.
One-third jigger Plymouth gin.
Stir well, strain into cocktail glass, add a cherry or olive,
squeeze the oil from a piece of lemon peel and serve.
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 30. Bijou Cocktail.
Bon vivants always like the Bijou Cocktail — at least, they
did when I was — well, thirteen years younger. Just to see if
memory of its delectability is faulty, let’s mix two as follows:
Ice the shaker and pour in two ounces of sweet gin, two
ounces of sweet Vermouth, two ounces of green Chartreuse
and shake until very cold. Now pour into our cocktail glasses,
add a cherry or olive to each glass, tweak and drop on top a
small bit of yellow lemon rind. That’s it! Now, here’s to you
and you to me — a goodly drink, we both agree!
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 31. Club Cocktail.
The Club Cocktail, as its name implies, was a genuine
favorite in the “good old days” and was relished in the most
exclusive clubs. But, as it tastes just as good outside of a
club, let’s mix one for us two:
Ice in the shaker first, please, and then pour in one and a
scant third cocktail glassfuls of old gin and two-thirds glass of
sweet Vermouth, which stir a bit before adding a tablespoon
of Chartreuse. Shake well, pour into our two cocktail glasses,
and add a Maraschino cherry to each drink. Prosit!
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 9. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Plymouth Gin
1 Dash Orange Bitters
1/3 Green Chartreuse
1/3 Italian Vermouth
Mix well and strain, add a Cherry or an
Olive, squeeze a piece of Lemon Peel on
top and serve.
Use glass number 1
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 43. Jewel Cocktail.
(6 people)
2 Glasses Green Chartreuse
2 Glasses Italian Vermouth
2 Glasses Gin
1/2 Dessertspoonful Orange Bitters
Shake thoroughly in ice and serve with a
Cherry, squeezing Lemon Peel on top.
Use glass number 2
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 79. Sandmartin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoonful Green Chartreuse
1/2 Italian Vermouth
1/2 Dry Gin
Stir well in ice and strain into glass.
Use glass number 2
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 14. Amber Dream.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . 2/3 jigger It. Vermouth . . . . 1/3 jigger
Chartreuse . . . . 1 spoon Orange Bitters . . . 1 dash
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 25. Bijou.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . 2/3 jigger Grand Marnier . . . . . 1/3 jigger
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 25. Bijou, No. 2.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Chartreuse . . . . . . 1/4 jigger
It. Vermouth . . . 1/4 jigger Orange Bitters . . . 1 dash
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 48. Club, No. 3.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 jigger It. Vermouth . . . . . . . . . 1/4 jigger
. Chartreuse . . . . . . 1 dash
Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon peel
over and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 80. Golden Glow.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Yellow Chartreuse . . . 1/3 jigger
. It. Vermouth . . . . . . 1/3 jigger
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, add stuffed olive
and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 94. Jewel.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger It. Vermouth . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger
Chartreuse . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Orange Bitters . . . . . . . 2 dashes
Shake well with ice,, strain into chilled cocktail glass, add Maraschino
cherry, twist lemon peel over and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 140. Puritan.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Fr. Vermouth . . . . 1/4 jigger
Chartreuse . . . . . . 2 spoons Orange Bitters . . . 2 dashes
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 149. San Martin.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Chartreuse
It. Vermouth . . . . . 1/3 jigger (yellow) . . . . . . . . 1 spoon
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over
and serve.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 45. Divorcee Cocktail.
1/3 shot green chartreuse.
1/3 shot dry gin.
1/3 shot Italian vermouth. Shake.
1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 38. Bijou.
Two dashes Orange Bitters
One-half French Vermouth
One-half Grand Marnier (Stir)
1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 61. Montauk.
One-third French Vermouth
One-third Italian Vermouth
One-third Gin
Two dashes Peychaud Bitters
Serve in ” old-fashioned” glass
Named about the time that men of vision began to
talk of Montauk Point as the Western terminus of trans-
atlantic steamship lines.
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 185. Bijou Cocktail.
One part Italian Vermouth One part Dry Gin
One part green Chartreuse One dash orange bitters
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 14. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin
1 Dash Orange Bitters
1/3 Green Chartreuse
1/3 Italian Vermouth
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
Add Cherry on top.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 70. Jewel Cocktail.
1/3 Green Chartreuse
1/3 Italian Vermouth
1/3 Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
Serve with a Cherry
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 112. Sand-Martin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoonful Green Chartreuse
1/2 Italian Vermouth
1/2 Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 127. Tailspin Cocktail.
1/3 Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin
1/3 Italian Vermouth
1/3 Green Chartreuse
Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well in ice and strain into 3 oz.
Cocktail glass. Squeeze Lemon
Peel on top and serve with Cherry
or Olive.
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 81. Bijou.
1/3 Chartreuse Green or Jaune
1/3 Gin
1/3 Italian Vermouth
1 ds. Orange Bitter
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 90. Club.
2/3 Gin
1/3 Italian Vermouth
4 ds. Yellow Chartreuse
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 108. Jewel.
1/3 Chartreuse green
1/3 Italian Vermouth
1/3 Gin
4 ds. Orange Bitter
squeeze Orange peel
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 133. Sand Martin.
1/5 Green Chartreuse
2/5 Italian Vermouth
2/5 Gin
1936 Anonymus: Cocktails, Drinks and Snacks. Seite 4. Bijou Cocktail.
1 1-2 oz. gin
1 oz. Italian Veimouth
1 oz. green Qhartreuse
1 dash orange bitters
Ice, stir, from bottom strain into cocktail glass, add
1 olive, dash of lemon juice
1936 Anonymus: Cocktails, Drinks and Snacks. Seite 5. Club Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Gin
1 oz. Italian Vermouth
1 dash Yellow Chartreuse
Ice, stiir well from bottom, strain into cocktail glass,
add one cherry.
Anmerkung: Seite 15. Club Cocktail wird alternativ mit Rye, grünem Chartreuse und italienischem Wermut zubereitet.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 25. Bijou.
1 part Old Tom Gin
1 part Green Chartreuse
1 part Italian Vermouth
Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top and serve
with a cherry.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 58. Puritan.
4 parts Plymouth Gin
2 parts French Vermouth
1 part Yellow Chartreuse
2 dashes Orange Bitters per cocktail.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 61. San Martin.
3 parts Dry Gin
3 parts Italian Vermouth
1 part Yellow Chartreuse
Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top.
1936 Elvezio Grassi: 1000 Misture. Seite 27. Bonheur Cocktail.
(Serie Pe-
Agitare nel shaker con ghiac-
50% Vermouth Torino
30% gin
20% Chartreuse gialla
Servite con buccia limone.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 152. Bijou Cocktail.
2 glasses dry gin 2 glasses green Chartreuse
1/2 teaspoon orange bitters 2 glasses Italian vermouth
Stir well with spoon in a large bar glass, strain into
glasses, and serve with a cherry or an olive, if desired, in
each and a piece of lemon peel on top. This is about the
soundest and best of the gin-Chartreuse combinations.
1936 Frank Meier: The Artistry of Mixing Drinks. Seite 25. Bijou.
In mixing-glass: a dash of Or-
ange Bitters, one-third each
of French Vermouth, Curacao
and Gin; stir well and serve
with Maraschino Cherry.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 160. Bijou Cocktail.
Usese una cocktelera.
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
4 hotas de Bitter Orange.
1/3 parte de vermouth Francés Noilly
1/3 parte de Chartreuse amarillo.
1/3 parte de Vermouth Torino Cinzano.
Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 120
1937 Anonymus: Here’s how. Seite 20. Bijou.
1 Dash Seville Orange Bitters
1/3 Plymouth Gin
1/3 Green Chartreuse
1/3 Italian Vermouth
Mix well with a spoon in a
large glass; strain into a
cocktail glass, add a
cherry or an olive,
squeeze a piece of lemon
peel on top and serve
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 12. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 dry gin.
1/3 green chartreuse.
1/3 CORA vermouth.
Shake and serve.
1937 John R. Iverson: Liquid Gems. Seite 63. Paree Cocktail.
Shaker — ice
1 oz. Gin
1/2 oz. French Vermouth
Dash green Chartreuse
A drop of Orange Bitters
Shake, strain and serve in cocktail
No decoration.
A very satisfying cocktail in every respect. It
has the necessary strength as well as taste. Still,
it is comparatively unknown. Green Chartreuse is
the strongest of all sweet liqueurs except Ab-
sinthe, having an alcoholic strength of 110 proof.
Its origin as well as process of manufacture are
known only to its makers, Les Peres Chartreuse.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 26. Amber Dream.
2 Oz. Dry Gin
1 Oz. Dry Martini
1/2 Oz. Chartreuse
1 Dash Orange Bitters
1 Teaspoon Gum Syrup
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 51. Divorcee.
1/3 Green Chartreuse
1/3 Dry Gin
1/3 Italian Vermouth
Shake well and strain.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 59. Golden Glow.
2 Dashes Yellow Char-
1/4 Rye Whisky
Add 3/4 Moussec.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 83. Bijou Cock-Tail.
Tercera parte ginebra BOOTH’S.
Tercera parte chartreuse verde.
Tercera parte vermouth FERRERO.
1937 United Kingdom Bartenders Guild: Approved Cocktails. Bijou.
33 1/3% Plymouth Gin.
1 dash Orange Bitters.
33 1/3% Green Chartreuse.
33 1/3% Italian Vermouth.
Mix; add a cherry or an olive; squeeze a piece of
lemon peel on top.
1937 United Kingdom Bartenders Guild: Approved Cocktails. Golden Glow.
2 dashes Yellow Chartreuse.
25% Rye Whisky.
Add 75% Moussec.
1937 United Kingdom Bartenders Guild: Approved Cocktails. Puritan.
57 1/7 % Gin.
28 4/7 % French Vermouth.
14 2/7 % Yellow Chartreuse.
2 dashes Orange Bitters.
1937 United Kingdom Bartenders Guild: Approved Cocktails. San Martin.
50% Gin.
50% Italian Vermouth.
1 teaspoonful Yellow Chartreuse.
Must be very well shaken. A little lemon peel
squeezed on top.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 90. Amber Dream Cocktail.
2/3 jigger Dry Gin
1 tablespoon Chartreuse
1/3 jigger Italian Vermouth
1 dash Orange Bitters
Shake well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 95. Bijou Cocktail – No. 1.
2/3 jigger Dry Gin
1/3 Grand Marnier
Shake well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 95. Bijou Cocktail – No. 2.
1 dash Amer Picon
1/3 Plymouth Gin
1 dash Orange Bitters
1/3 Green Chartreuse
1/3 Italian Vermouth
Shake well
Serve in Cocktail Glass
Add Cherry or Olive
Twist of Lemon Peel
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 137. Puritan Cocktail.
1 pony Dry Gin
2 spoons Chartreuse
1/4 jigger French Vermouth
2 dashes Orange Bitters
Shake well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 148. Yellow Glow Cocktail.
1/3 Dry Gin
1/3 Yellow Chartreuse
1/3 Italian Vermouth
Shake well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
Add Stuffed Olive
1938 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 34. Bijou Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange:
1 jet de Bitter Campari, 1/3 Curaçao
rouge Bardinet, 1/3 Vermouth Martini dry.
1/3 Gin Booth’s Yellow.
Mélanger et servir avec un bigarreau.
1938 Krönlein-Beutel: Das Getränkebuch. Seite 60. Bijou.
(65er Cocktailglas)
In ein Mischglas
4—6 Eisstückchen (Walnußgröße)
Spritzer Orange Bitter 1 ccm
Schuß Karthäuser grün 10 ccm
Old Tom Gin 30 ccm
Italian Vermouth 25 ccm
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 18. Bijou.
Verre à mélange:
1 trait d’orange bitter.
1/3 Plymouth gin.
1/3 vermouth italien.
1/3 chartreuse verte.
Remuer à la cuiller. Passer dans le verre.
Ajouter olive ou cerise et presser pelure de
citron dessus.
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 44. San Martin.
Cocktail de l’Amérique du Sud, qui se
prépare au shaker:
1 cuillerée à café de chartreuse jaune.
1/2 gin.
1/2 vermouth italien. Cinzano de pré-
Presser pelure de citron dessus.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 21. Bijou Cocktail.
3/4 oz Dry Gin, 3/4 oz Green Char-
treuse, 3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth, dash
of Orange Bitters. Stir well in
cracked ice and strain into cocktail
glass. Twist Lemon Peel over drink,
for oil, and serve with a Cherry.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 38. Bijou Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters,
1/6 gill of Plymouth gin,
1/6 gill of green Chartreuse,
1/6 gill of Italian vermouth.
Use the mixing glass. Serve with a cherry and a little
lemon-peel juice squeezed on top.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 83. Sandmartin Cocktail.
1 teaspoonful of green Chartreuse,
1/4 gill of Italian vermouth,
1/4 gill of dry gin.
Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel juice
squeezed on top.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide and Ladies’ Companion. Seite 93. Bijou Cocktail.
1/2 jigger Dry Gin
1/2 jigger Green Chartreuse
1/2 jigger Sweet Vermouth
Dash of Orange Bitters
Stir well in cracked ice and strain into
cocktail glass. Serve with a cherry, (here’s that cherry
again), and garnish with a twist of lemon peel.
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 9. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Plymouth Gin
1 Dash Orange Bitters
1/3 Green Chartreuse
1/3 Italian Vermouth
Mix well and strain, add a Cherry or an
Olive, squeeze a piece of Lemon Peel on
top and serve.
Use glass number 1
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 43. Jewel Cocktail.
(6 people)
2 Glasses Green Chartreuse
2 Glasses Italian Vermouth
2 Glasses Gin
1/2 Dessertspoonful Orange Bitters
Shake thoroughly in ice and serve with a
Cherry, squeezing Lemon Peel on top.
Use glass number 2
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 79. Sandmartin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoonful Green Chartreuse
1/2 Italian Vermouth
1/2 Dry Gin
Stir well in ice and strain into glass.
Use glass number 2
1940 Pedro Talavera: Los secretos del cocktail. Seite 29. Bijou cocktail.
En un gran vaso de cristal, unos pedacitos de hielo.
4 gotas de Orange Bitter.
4 ídem de Curaçao La Campana.
6 ídem de Chartreuse Verde.
2 ídem de Granadina.
1/2 copa de Captain’s Gin.
1/3 copa de Vermouth Martini Rossi.
Agítese bien y se pasa a la copa núm. 5, con una
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 23. Bijou-Cocktail.
Póngase en vaso mezclador unos pedaci-
tos de hielo y añadir:
1/3 Chartreuse Verde
1/3 Vermut Italiano
1/3 Dry Gin
1 golpe Orange bitters
Agítese bien y pasarlo a copa de cocktail
añadiendo una guinda.
— Fórmula de H. Johnson, Nueva Orleáns —.
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 58. San Martin-Cocktail.
Póngase en un vaso mezclador unos pe-
dacitos de hielo y añadir;
1/2 Ginebra
1/2 Vermut Italiano
1 cucharadita de Chartreuse A.
Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cock-
tail añadiendo una guinda.
— El «San Martín» procede de la Argentina. Es muy
popular en toda la América del Sur. —
1943 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 25. Bijou Cocktail.
1 1/4 oz. Gin
3/4 oz. Chartreuse
3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth
Decorate with cherry
Twist of lemon peel over drink
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 31. Bijou Cocktail.
3/4 ounce Dry Gin
3/4 ounce Chartreuse
3/4 ounce Sweet Vermouth
1 dash Orange Bitters
Stir with cracked ice. Decorate with Cherry
and a twist of Lemon Peel over drink.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke (Barney Burke): Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 80. Bijou Cocktail.
1 Plymouth Gin
1 Italian Vermouth
1 Green Chartreuse
Orange Bitters, 1 Dash
Ice. — Stir from bottom.
1 Olive
1 Dash Lemon Juice.
Strain into Cocktail Glass.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke (Barney Burke): Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 82. Club Cocktail.
2 Dry Gin
1 Italian Vermouth
Yellow Chartreuse, 1 Dash
Ice. — Stir well from bottom. Strain into
Cocktail Glass.
Add 1 Cherry.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke (Barney Burke): Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 90. Jewel Cocktail.
1 Gin
1 Italian Vermouth
1 Green Chartreuse
Orange Bitters, 2 Dashes
Ice. — 25 Shakes. Strain into Cocktail Glass.
Add 1 Dash Lemon Juice and 1 Cherry or
1 Olive.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 32. Bijou Cocktail.
1⁄2 oz. Chartreuse
4 dashes Sweet Vermouth
2 oz. Gin
Decorate with cherry
Twist of lemon peel over drink.
1946 Bill Kelly: The Roving Bartender. Seite 26. Bijou Cocktail.
1 dash orange bitters
1/2 oz. green chartreuse
1/2 oz. dry gin
1/2 oz. Italian Vermouth
1946 Bill Kelly: The Roving Bartender. Seite 30. Club Cocktail.
1 dash orange bitters
1/4 oz. yellow chartreuse
1 oz. dry gin
1/2 oz. Italian Vermouth
Shake. Twist lemon peel.
1946 Lucius Beebe: The Stork Club Bar Book. Seite 77. Bijou.
1 1/4 oz. gin
3/4 oz. Chartreuse
3/4 oz. Italian vermouth
Decorate with cherry. Twist of lemon peel
over drink. Stir and serve in 3 oz. cocktail
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 37. Bijou Cocktail.
1/2 oz. Chartreuse
4 dashes Sweet Vermouth
2 oz. Gin
Decorate with cherry
Twist of lemon peel over drink.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 19. Bijou Cocktail.
1 trait de Bitter Campari; 1/3 Curaçao rouge;
1/3 Cinzano Dry; 1/3 Gin. Servir avec bi-
Autre recette:
1 trait Bitter orange; 1/3 Chartreuse verte;
1/3 Cinzano; 1/3 Gin. Servir avec cerise.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 235. San Martin-Cocktail.
Prepárese en un gran vaso de cristal:
3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo.
10 gotas de granadina.
8 gotas de chartreuse.
1/2 copita de ginebra española.
1/2 copita de vermouth italiano.
Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 146. San Remo Cocktail.
Dans un shaker
avec de la glace pilée, un demi-verre à liqueur de
Chartreuse verte, autant de Gin, et un demi-verre
à madère de Vermouth, remuer, passer dans un
verre à cocktail. Garnir d’un zeste de citron.
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 155. Amber Dream / Bijou / Golden Glow.
Sweet Martini with 1 dash orange
bitters and 3 or 4 dashes Chartreuse to each drink.
Also called the BIJOU and the GOLDEN GLOW.
1948 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion or How to Mix Drinks. Seite 5. Bijou Cocktail.
Use large glass. Very popular in Frisco
Place in a smallglass a piece of ice
4 dashes of Angostura bitters
1/2 jigger of Plymouth gin
1/2 jigger of Italian vermouth
1 piece of twisted lemon peel
5 drops of creme de menthe
Stir well, strain into a small bar glass, and serve with
ice water.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 338. Bijou No. 1.
1 Ginebra de Plymouth.
1 Chartreuse verde.
1 Vermouth italiano.
Un chorlito de Orange
Bitters, y hielo. Revolverlo.
Poner en la copa del coctel
una aceituna y unas gotas de
limón, y echar en ella, cola-
da, la mezcla hecha y batida.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 339. Bijou No. 2.
1/3 Ginebra seca.
1/3 Chartreuse verde.
1/3 Vermouth italiano.
Hielo, batido, colado y
servido en su copa.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 346. Jewel.
1 Parte Ginebra.
1 Parte vermouth italiano.
1 Parte Chartreuse verde.
2 chorritos de Orange Bi-
Hielo. Batirlo 25 veces,
colarlo y servirlo, agregándo-
le una aceituna o cereza y
un chorro de jugo de limón
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 349. Montauk.
1/3 de vermouth italiano.
1/3 de vermouth francés.
1/3 de ginebra seca.
Dos chorros de amargo Pey-
En la coctelera, con hielo,
batido, colado y servido en
vaso Old Fashioned.
1948 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 25. Bijou Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange:
1 jet de Bitter Campari, 1/3 Curaçao
rouge Bardinet, 1/3 Vermouth Martini dry,
1/3 Gin SEAGERS.
Mélanger et servir avec un bigarreau.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 97. Amber Dream.
1 oz. gin 1/2 tsp. chartreuse
1/2 oz. Italian vermouth 1 dash orange bitters
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
Variation: Increase chartreuse to 1 tbs.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 104. Bijou Cocktail.
1/2 oz. gin 1/2 oz. curaçao
1/2 oz. French vermouth 1 dash orange bitters
Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass. Serve
with maraschino cherry. Variation: Use green chartreuse in
stead of curaçao; increase gin to 1 1/4 oz.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 125. Emerald Cocktail.
1/2 oz. dry gin 1/2 oz. Italian vermouth
1/2 oz. green chartreuse 1 dash orange bitters
Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 142. Jewel Cocktail.
1/2 oz. dry gin 1/2 oz. Italian vermouth
1/2 oz. green chartreuse 2 dashes orange bitters
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 171. Puritan Cocktail.
1 oz. dry gin 1 tsp. chartreuse
1/2 oz. French vermouth 2 dashes orange bitters
Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. San Martin Cocktail.
Same as Sandmartin Cocktail.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Sandmartin Cocktail.
3/4 oz. dry gin 3/4 oz. Italian vermouth
. 1 tsp. green chartreuse
Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 195. Yellow Glow Cocktail.
1/2 oz. dry gin 1/2 oz. yellow chartreuse
. 1/2 oz Italian vermouth
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1949 Emile Bauwens: Livre de Cocktails. Seite 24. Bijou cocktail.
1 Trait Orange Bitter –
1/3 Plymouth Gin –
1/3 Chartreuse Verte –
1/3 Vermouth Italien –
Remuer au verre à mélange et passer
dans un verre à cocktail; avant de
servir, ajouter une cerise et un zeste
de citron.
1949 Emile Bauwens: Livre de Cocktails. Seite 79. Saint Martin cocktail.
1 Cuiller Chartreuse Verte –
1 / 2 Gordon’s Gin –
1/2 Vermouth Italien –
Frapper au shaker et passer dans un
verre à cocktail.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 306. Bijou-Cocktail.
1 d. Orangebitter, 1/3 grüne Chartreuse, 1/3 Gin,
1/3 franz. Vermouth. Gut rühren. Olive ins Glas.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 421. Puritan-Cocktail.
3 d. Orangebitter, 1 Barlöffel gelbe Chartreuse, 1/3 franz.
Vermouth, 2/3 Gin. Schütteln.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 433. San-Martino-Cocktail.
1/6 gelbe Chartreuse, 1/6 ital. Vermouth, 2/3 Gin. Schüt-
teln. Man presse das Aroma aus einem Stückchen Zi-
tronenschale darauf.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 472. Bijou-Cocktail (Bottled Cocktail).
1/4 Glas Orangebitter, 4 1/3 Glas grüne Chartreuse, 4 1/3
Glas Gin, 4 1/3 Glas franz. Vermouth, 1 3/4 Glas Wasser.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 47. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Gin,
1/3 Italienischer Vermouth
1 Schuß Chartreuse (grün),
1 Spritzer Orangenbitter.
Serviere mit Stückeis.
1951 Anonymus: L’abc per miscelare i cocktails. Seite 14. Bijou.
Uno spruzzo di Bitter d’arancio, 1/3 Char-
treuse verde, 1/3 Vermouth italiano , 1/3 Old
Rider’s Gin.
Mescolare bene col frullino, passare per il co-
lino in un bicchiere da cocktail, aggiungere
una ciliegia o una oliva, spremervi sopra un
pezzetto di buccia di limone e servire.
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 41. Bijou.
2 dashes Angostura bitters
1/2 jigger French vermouth
1/2 jigger Grand Marnier
Stir. Strain into cocktail glass.
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 114. Golden Glow.
Courtesy, New Hotel Jefferson, St. Louis
1/2 jigger lemon juice
1 jigger orange juice
1 teaspoon sugar
1 jigger bourbon whisky
Dash Jamaica rum
Put in electric mixer with shaved ice. Strain into
hollow-stemmed champagne glass, which has stem
piled with grenadine sirup.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 66. Bijou.
Dans le verre à mélange:
Un trait d’orange bitters,
1/3 de vermouth français,
1/3 de curaçao,
1/3 de gin,
Bien remuer et servir avec une cerise.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 38. Bijou Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters,
1/6 gill of Plymouth gin,
1/6 gill of green Chartreuse,
1/6 gill of Italian vermouth.
Use the mixing glass. Serve with a cherry and a little
lemon-peel juice squeezed on top.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 83. Sandmartin Cocktail.
1 teaspoonful of green Chartreuse,
1/4 gill of Italian vermouth,
1/4 gill of dry gin.
Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel juice
squeezed on top.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 160. Bijou.
. 5 gramos de Marrasquino.
Refrescado. 30 gramos de Cognac.
Servido en una copa de 45 gramos de Vermouth To-
90 gramos. rino.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 26. Bijou Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin
3/4 oz. Green Chartreuse
3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Shake well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Add Cherry
on top.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 84. Jewel Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Green Chartreuse
3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth
3/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Serve with
a Cherry.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 128. Sand-Martin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoon Green Chartreuse
1 1/4 oz. Italian Vermouth
1 1/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 141. Tailspin Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin
3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth
3/4 oz. Green Chartreuse
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Twist of
Lemon Peel on top and serve with
Cherry or Olive.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 42. Bijou Cocktail.
Un trait Amer Picon
Trois traits Liqueur d’Or
1/2 Gin
1/2 Vermouth Italien
Un zeste d’orange.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 67. Jewel Cocktail.
Un trait Bitter Campari
1/3 Verveine du Velay verte
1/3 Vermouth Italien
1/3 Gin.
1954 Robert H. Loeb, Jr.: Nip Ahoy. Seite 75. Bijou Cocktail.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 29. Bijou Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange:
1 jet de Bitter Campari, 1/3 Cointreau,
1/3 Martini dry, 1/3 Gin SEAGERS.
Mélanger et servir avec un bigarreau.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 36. Bijou.
1/3 Dry Gin
1/3 Green Chartreuse
1/3 Sweet Vermouth
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with ice and strain into
glass. Serve with a twist of
Lemon Peel.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 43. Emerald.
(for 6)
3 Jiggers Dry Gin
3 Jiggers Green Chartreuse
3 Jiggers Sweet Vermouth
1 Teaspoon Orange Bitters
Shake well with ice and strain
into glass. Serve with a Cherry
and a twist of Lemon Peel.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 49. Jewel.
1/3 Dry Gin
1/3 Green Chartreuse
1/3 Sweet Vermouth
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Shake well with ice and strain
into glass. Serve with twist of
Lemon Peel and, if you want,
a Cherry.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 61. Sandmartin.
1/2 Dry Gin
1/2 Sweet Vermouth
1 Teaspoon Green Chartreuse
Stir well with ice and strain into
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 25. Bijou.
Timbale à mélange, glace
1/3 Dry Gin
1/3 Chartreuse verte
1/3 Vermouth italien
1 trait Orangebitter
Bien remuer en timbale et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Servir avec cerise.
Essence de citron.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 53. Jewel.
Shaker, glace
1/3 Dry Gin
1/3 Chartreuse verte
1/3 Vermouth italien
1 trait Orangebitter
Bien frapper au shaker et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Servir avec cerise.
Essence de citron.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 81. Sandmartin.
Timbale à mélange, glace
1/2 Dry Gin
1/2 Vermouth italien
1 cuill. à thé Chartreuse verte
Bien remuer en timbale et
passer dans verre à cocktail,
Essence de citron.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1959 Fernando Gaviria: EI Coctel y Sus Derivados. Seite 61. San Martin.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedácitos de hielo.
Unas gotas de Granadina.
Unas golas de Chartreuse amarillo.
Una parte de Vermout italiano.
Una parte de buena Ginebra.
Agítese, sírvase en copa de cocktail, con
una guinda.
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissantes. Seite 23. Bijou d’argent.
2/6 Chartreuse Verte
2/6 Gin
2/6 Vermouth italien
1 trait Curaçao
1 zeste de citron
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissantes. Seite 101. San Remo.
1/5 Chartreuse verte
1/5 Gin
3/5 Vermouth italien
1 zeste de citron
1961 Pedro Chicote: El bar en el mundo. Seite 151. Dos Amores Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
Un golpe de jugo de limón.
Un golpe de jugo de na-
1/6 de chartreuse amarillo.
1/6 de vermouth francés.
2/3 de ginebra española.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de
1961 Pedro Chicote: El bar en el mundo. Seite 193. San Martin Cocktail.
Prepárese en un gran vaso
de cristal:
3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo.
10 gotas de granadina.
8 gotas de Chartreuse.
1/2 copita de ginebra espa-
1/2 copita de vermouth ita-
Agítese muy bien y sírvase
en copa de cocktail.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 80. B and BC Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di dry gin
1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth classico
1 cucchiaino da caffè di chartreuse gialla
ghiaccio a cubetti
Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare
il dry gin ed il vermouth classico e mescolarli usando
l’apposito cucchiaio; aggiungere la chartreuse gialla. Me-
scolare piuttosto forte, lasciar riposare uno o due secon-
di, riprendere infine a mescolare ma lentamente. Servire
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 86. Bijou Cocktail.
1 bicchiere di dry gin
1/2 bicchiere di vermouth classico
1/2 bicchiere di vermouth dry
1 cucchiaino di chartreuse gialla
2 gocce di orange bitter
ghiaccio a cubetti
Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare
il dry gin, il vermouth classico ed il vermouth dry e me-
scolarli usando l’apposito cucchiaio; aggiungere la char-
treuse e l’orange bitter. Mescolare piuttosto forte, lasciar
riposare uno o due secondi, riprendere infine a mescolare
ma lentamente. Servire subito.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 345. Amber Dream Cocktail.
1 dash orangebitter, 3 dashes chartreuse verte, 1/2 gin, 1/2 vermouth
rouge. Agiter brièvement.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 354. Bijou Cocktail.
1 dash bitter à l’orange, 1/3 chartreuse verte, 1/3 gin, 1/3 vermouth
blanc. Bien remuer. Olive dans le verre.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Nach Seite 384. Bijou Cocktail.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 396. Emerald Cocktail.
1/6 chartreuse jaune, 1/6 chartreuse verte, 2/3 gin. Agiter. Olive dans le
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 462. San Martino Cocktail.
1/6 chartreuse jaune, 1/6 vermouth rouge, 2/3 gin. Agiter. Presser
l’arome d’un zeste de citron dessus.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 489. Cocktails en bouteilles – Bijou Cocktail.
2 1/2 verres sirop de grenadine, 3 1/2 jus de citron, 7 1/2 verres rhum Ba-
cardi, 1 1/2verre eau fraîche.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and snacks. Seite 33. Bijou Cocktail.
3/4 ounce dry gin 3/4 ounce green Chartreuse
3/4 ounce, sweet vermouth Dash of orange bitters
Stir well with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass. Serve with twist
of lemon peel and a cherry.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 21. Amber Dream Cocktail.
Shaker. 1 d orangebitter, 3 d chartreuse
jaune, 1/2 gin, 1/2 vermouth rouge.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 34. Bijou Cocktail.
(Harry Johnson)
Mixingglass. 1 d orange bitter, 1/3 chartreuse
verte, 1/3 vermouth sec, 1/3 gin. Olive.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 154. San Martino Cocktail.
Shaker. 1/6 chartreuse jaune, 1/6 vermouth
rouge, 2/3 gin. Z C .
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 36. Bijou Cocktail.
1/2 oz. Chartreuse, 4 dashes Sweet Vermouth
2 oz. Gin. Stir with Ice & Strain.
Decorate with cherry. Twist of lemon peel over drink.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 8. Bijou Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin
3/4 oz. Green Chartreuse
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with cracked ice and strain
into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Add cherry
on top.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 52. Jewel Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Green Chartreuse
3/4 Sweet Vermouth
3/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with cracked ice and strain
into 3 oz. cocktail glas. Serve with a
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 86. Sand-Martin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoon Green Chartreuse
1 1/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
1 1/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin
Stir well with cracked ice and strain
into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 96. Tailspin Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
3/4 oz. Green Chartreuse
1 Dash orange Bitters
Stir well with cracked ice and strain
into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Twist of
lemon peel and serve with cherry or
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 79. Amber Dream.
1 ounce gin
1/2 ounce Italian vermouth
1/2 teaspoon Chartreuse
1 dash orange bitters
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
Variation: Increase Chartreuse to 1/22 ounce.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 127. Sand Martin Cocktail.
1 teaspoon green Chartreuse
1 1/4 ounces Italian vermouth
1 ounces gin
Stir with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 36. Bijou Cocktail.
1/2 oz. Chartreuse, 4 dashes Sweet Vermouth
2 oz. Gin. Stir with Ice and Strain.
Decorate with Cherry. Twist of Lemon peel over
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 28. Bijou Cocktail.
1/3 Gin.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
1/3 Green Chartreuse.
1/3 Italian Vermouth.
Mix well with a spoon in a large
bar glass; strain into a cock-
tail glass, add a cherry or an
olive, squeeze a piece of lemon
peel on top and serve.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 89. Jewel Cocktail.
2 Glasses Green Chartreuse.
2 Glasses Italian Vermouth.
2 Glasses Gin.
1/2 Dessertspoonful Orange
Shake thoroughly and serve with
a cherry, squeezing lemon peel on
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 141. Sand-Martin Cocktail.
1 Teaspoonful Green
1/2 Italian Vermouth.
1/2 Dry Gin.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 212. Amber Dream.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/2 oz gin
3/4 oz sweet vermouth
1/4 oz Yellow Chartreuse
1 dash bitters
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 227. Bijou Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/2 oz gin
1/2 oz Green Chartreuse
1/2 oz sweet vermouth
1 dash orange bitters
1-1/2 oz gin
1/2 oz dry vermouth
1/2 oz orange curacao
1 dash orange bitters
Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 275. Emerald.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1 oz gin
3/4 oz Green Chartreuse
3/4 oz sweet vermouth
1 dash orange bitters
Cherry, Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 295. Golden Glow.
Cocktail Glass Shake
1 oz Galliano
1 oz Drambuie
1 oz gin
1/4 oz grenadine in bottom
of glass
1/2 tsp sugar
1-1/2 oz Bourbon
1/2 oz rum
1 oz orange juice
1/2 oz lemon juice
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 318. Jewel.
Cocktail Glass Stir
3/4 oz Green Chartreuse
3/4 oz sweet vermouth
3/4 oz gin
1 dash orange bitters
Lemon twist and/or Cherry
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 374. Puritan.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-3/4 oz gin
1/2 oz dry vermouth
1/4 oz Yellow Charteuse
1 dash orange bitters
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 392. Sand Martin.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/4 oz gin
1 oz sweet vermouth
1/4 oz Green Chartreuse
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 392. Yellow Glow.
Cocktail Glass Shake
1 oz gin
3/4 oz Yellow Chartreuse
3/4 oz sweet vermouth
1979 Fred Powell: The Bartender’s Standard Manual. Seite 11. Bijou.
1 jigger Gin
1 jigger Green Chartreuse
1 jigger Sweet Vermouth
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir with ice. Strain. Serve
with a twist of lemon peel.
2011 Brad Thomas Parsons: Bitters. Seite 120. Bijou Cocktail. 1 oz. gin; 1 oz. sweet vermouth; 1 oz. green Chartreuse; 1 dash orange bitters; garnish: cherry.
2011 Helmut Adam, Jens Hasenbein, Bastian Heuser: Cocktailian 1. Seite 476. Bijou. 2 cl Gin; 2 cl roter Wermut; 2 cl Chartreuse Verte; 2 Dashes Orange Bitters; Garnitur: Zitronenzeste.
2011 Jim Meehan: Das Geheime Cocktail-Buch. Seite 66. Bijou. 3 cl Tanqueray Gin; 3 cl Dolin Vermouth Sweet; 3 cl Chartreuse Verte; 1 Spritzer Orangenbitter; Garnierung: Kirsche und Zitronenschale.
2014 Dave Arnold: Liquid Intelligence. Seite 130. Bijou. 30 ml gin; 30 ml sweet vermouth; 30 ml Chartreuse; 1 dash orange bitters; garnish: cherry and lemon twist.
2015 Oliver Bon, Pierre-Charles Cros, Romée de Goriainoff, Xavier Padovani: Experimental Cocktail Club. Seite 202. Bijou. 45 ml Gordon’s gin; 20 ml Cinzano Antica Formula; 5 ml Green Chartreuse; 2 dashes Angostura Bitters; garnish: lemon rind.
2015 Sean Muldoon, Jack McGarry, Ben Schaffer: The Dead Rabbit Drinks Manual. Seite 250. Bijou. 1 1/2 ounces Tanqueray gin; 1 1/2 ounces sweet vermouth; 1/2 ounce Green Chartreuse; 2 dashes orange bitter; 2 dashes Orinoco Bitters or Angostura Aromatic Bitteras; 2 dashes Pernod Absinthe; garnish: orange peel.
2016 André Darlington & Tenaya Darlington: The New Cocktail Hour. Seite 51. Bijou. 45 ml gin (Plymouth); 22 ml green Chartreuse; 30 ml sweet vermouth (Dolin Blanc); 2 dashes orange bittters (Regans’).
explicit capitulum