The sweet version of the Bamboo Cocktail is no less worthy of attention. The Adonis Cocktail can be traced back to 1887 and is also known under other names such as Armour Cocktail or Duke of Marlborough Cocktail. Let’s take a look at its origins.
40 ml Lustau East India Solera sherry 40 ml Moot vermouth 2 dash Scrappy’s orange bitters
Preparation: stirred.
Alternatively and currently preferred by us:
50 ml Lustau Amontillado Escuadrilla sherry 25 ml Antica Torino vermouth di Torino rosso 2 dash orange bitters
Preparation: 3 ice cubes, thrown back and forth 10 times each.
With this cocktail, as with its dry relative, the Bamboo Cocktail, there is some confusion about the name. So in the following we have to try to untangle this almost Gordian knot. With regard to the recipes, however, there is agreement. The cocktail consists of sherry, (Italian) vermouth and orange bitters. There are some variations in which mainly curaçao is added, but the resulting recipes actually no longer have anything to do with the original and have usually also been given a different name. We also picked them out and did not want to discard them again; they are therefore included in the appendix.
The naming
The first naming of an Adonis cocktail
The Sun, 27. März 1887, Page 9. Pearls from Billy, the Bartender. [1]
According to our research, an Adonis cocktail was first mentioned in the New York “The Sun” on 27 March 1887. There we read: “Billy, the dandy Nassau street bartender, rosy checked and neat as a pin in his snowwhite aprons and scintillating diamond stud, was standing in statuesque repose behind the the polished mahogany bar one day last week, when three young bloods, with bell-crowned beavers of matchless sheen and silver-headed canes of ultra fashionable immensity, walked in. “Three Adonis cocktails, please,” exclaimed the leader of the procession, leaning languidly against the mahogany rail. “Three which?” said Billy, straightening out with a look of searching inquiry at the faces of his new customers. “Adonis cocktails, I said,” replied the first dude, knitting his eyebrows. “Certainly, sir,” briskly retorted Billy as he reached out for the silver drink slinger. “I didn’t catch the first name. I beg pardon.” He slung some white of egg into a goblet from a glass bottle deftly, dumped some sugar on top of that, poured in an installment of lemon juice, then a liberal flood of Old Tom gin, and topped the mixture off with a dose of vermouth and stomach bitters. Then he packed the glass full to the brim with cracked ice, clapped the sliver mixer over the top tightly, and shook it with both hands for a couple of minutes. “A very fine bracer and appetizer that, gentlemen,” he said, as he pored the cool mixture into three cocktail glasses with an easy swing of his hand. There was enough of the drink to just fill the glasses and no more. The dudes smacked their lips, planked down fifteen cents each, and wafted themselves quietly out. “What on earth is an Adonis cocktail?” asked the reporter who had watched the incident. “Blessed if I know,” said Billy, with an air of perfect frankness; “but I wouldn’t be much of a bartender if I let any customer bluff me off with any new-fangled name. I gave them what I always have known as a turf club cocktail, and it suited. The first principle of good bartending is to know how to make everything on earth in the drink line, no matter whether you have ever heard of it before or not.”” [1]
Unfortunately, we don’t know what the customers understood by an Adonis Cocktail. Certainly not a Turf Cocktail or a variation thereof.
This story reminds us of another newspaper article which, although it has nothing to do with the Adonis cocktail, presents a comparable situation and is not devoid of comedy. The story is about a guest in a small Connecticut town in 1889 who orders a Manhattan in the local bar and we read: “the bartender seemed dazed for a moment. … But the bartender soon rallied and began making the drink. In a large heavy “schooner” glass, he proceeded to place three or four lumps of white sugar, and saturated them with a liberal supply of bitters, enough for a dozen cocktails. Over this he poured some whiskey, added a gill or so of rum, put in a dash of brandy, and poured over all a wineglass of gin. Then he squeezed half a lemon into the mixture, shook it well together, and poured the whole foaming liquid into a beer glass. The prematurely tender young man had seen the operation, and had misgivings as to how the “cocktail” would act upon him, but, with the interest of the town centered upon him, he could not back down. He had called for a Manhattan cocktail; there was a Manhattan cocktail on the bar, and he closed his eyes and drank it. Then he went out into the front room, sat down by the stove, and meditated upon the wickedness of the world.” And the bartender boasted afterwards: “”Did you see that feller from York come in here and ask for a Manhattan cocktail?” he asked the other patrons. “Tryin’ to guy me. Thought I was green. But I was on to him like a fly. I fixed him. Gave him everything in the place. Gin, whiskey, rum, everything. Mixed it all up, and gave it to him. Set it on the bar, and he drank it. See him? Didn’t know the difference. These fly fellers can’t beat me. Manhattan cocktail! Huh! ain’t no such thing.”” [2]
This story was also about a guest in a bar who ordered a cocktail unknown to the bartender, a Manhattan cocktail. Instead, he received a mixture of sugar, bitters, whiskey, rum, brandy, gin and lemon juice. Afterwards, the bartender boasted that he had given this guest a run for his money. The latter came along, ordered a drink that didn’t even exist because he wanted to show him off, but not with him! The guest had received his drink, had drunk it, and had not even recognised the difference, because there was no such thing as a Manhattan cocktail!
So we can assume that there must have been a “new-fangled” Adonis Cocktail already in 1887, but unfortunately we don’t know how it should have been prepared correctly. But more about that later.
The naming in historical recipes
Let’s return to the original question of what the drink we are discussing in this article should actually be called. To be clear, we need to get an overview. There are numerous recipe variations, but for this consideration we have limited ourselves to those recipes that are prepared from sherry, vermouth, optionally bitters, without added sugar. The use of the names is as shown in the diagram below. Under “Other” we include those recipes whose name has been published no more than 3 times. There are 26 different names.
Adonis Cocktail – Naming.
Bamboo Cocktail and Boston Bamboo Cocktail
Western Kansas World, 11. September 1886, Page 2. [14]
What can we deduce from this? First of all, unfortunately, it was not always specified exactly which vermouth and which sherry were to be used. We can only guess and assume that “vermouth” meant an Italian, sweet vermouth. Presumably, then, it will have been the same for the Bamboo Cocktail and the Boston Bamboo Cocktail that we read about in the newspapers before 1900. [14][15]
St. Paul Daily Globe, 19. September 1886 Page 16. [15]
However, we are not allowed to call the drink Bamboo Cocktail, because this refers to a dry cocktail. We have already described this confusion in detail in our article on the Bamboo Cocktail. So this naming is out of the question for our drink.
An alternative name would be the “Marine Cocktail”. In the Pittsburg Dispatch of 28 July 1889, a York bartender is quoted as saying: “Lots of men come in here and call for a ‘marine cocktail,’ an odd fancy of mine, composed of sherry, vermouth and orange bitters, with a spoonful of ice.” [3] EIf we disregard the Bamboo Cocktail, this is the oldest name for a drink made of sherry, Italian vermouth and orange bitters that we can find. However, it has not been able to establish itself. Whether the unnamed bartender really invented the drink, and whether he was inspired by the Bamboo Cocktail, we cannot trace. However, his drink does not seem to have become really famous, because we have not found any other reference for a marine cocktail.
In 1895, the recipe appears as Arwood, which is similar to an Adonis. For an Arkwood, a little sugar syrup is added. It is published two more times, in 1902 and 1933. This is neither the oldest nor the most frequently used name, and therefore it is not considered further.
Armour Cocktail
In 1898, another name appeared. In the anonymously published book “Cocktails” we find the name Armour Cocktail for the first time. It is used regularly in the following years and therefore seems to us to be a name that has caught on, and is obviously the first independent name for a cocktail made from Italian vermouth and sherry. As we see in the statistics, although the name “Bamboo Cocktail” is the most frequently used, this is not really correct, because it should be understood to mean a dry drink, and therefore it should not be used for the sweet variant. We have already addressed this confusion in our post on the Bamboo Cocktail. There we also explain that the Reform Cocktail is nothing other than a Bamboo Cocktail. So this name for a sweet variant cannot be used either.
Adonis Cocktail
Also more commonly used than Armour Cocktail is the name Adonis Cocktail. However, since the Armour Cocktail is the older name in the recipe books, we tend to give preference to the latter. But as we will see later, the matter is not that simple.
Other names
We must also exclude Harvard Cocktail or Harward Cocktail as a naming convention, because numerous, fundamentally different drinks are grouped together under this name. It seems to be a hodgepodge for all kinds of drinks, and everyone seems to have understood something different by it. We do not want to go into detail here, but only mention a few recipes as examples. In 1904 at John Applegreen’s it is a drink made of sherry, Italian vermouth, orange bitters, so exactly what we are looking for. In 1902, in “Fancy Drinks”, Curaçao is also added. In 1912, in “Wehman Bros.’ Bartenders’ Guide”, it is a mixture of bitters, sugar syrup, vermouth and brandy. In 1924, León Pujol and Oscar Muñez mean something with Apple Jack and lemon. In Crockett’s 1931 it is again prepared with bitters, vermouth and brandy and topped up with the siphon. In 1933 in The Home Bartender, it’s a drink made with French vermouth with rye whiskey and grenadine. So we would do well not to take a closer look at this catch-all, as it seems to have little constructive or enlightening to contribute.
From 1900 onwards, other names gradually appeared, but only sporadically, such as Alaska, Border Cocktail, Cherie, Duc, East India Cocktail, Galathie Cocktail, General Brock, Golden Bell Cocktail, La Pirouette, Larchmont Cocktail, Lobo Del Mar Cocktail, Marina Cocktail, Merry Widdow, Rocio Coctail, Sandeman Cocktail, Sherrio Cocktail, Sherry Cocktail, Sherry No. 2, Spanish Cocktail, The Wop, Topaz Cocktail and Vermouth Sherry Cocktail. There is also – listen and be amazed – a Martini Cocktail No. 2 on offer as a naming. However, all these names appear no more than three times, some of them are obviously mislabelled, and so we best ignore them. The designation Duke of Marlborough Cocktail occurs somewhat more frequently, but this is also nothing other than an Armour Cocktail.
Where does the name come from?
While we argue that the cocktail should correctly be called the Armour Cocktail based on what we have found in bar books, it is also known by many as the Adonis Cocktail. Therefore, for both names, we want to go into where the name comes from. Perhaps this will help us to weigh the two names against each other.
Armour Cocktail
Cattle waiting to be slaughtered at the Union Stock Yards in 1909. [6]
The Armour Cocktail seems to have its origins in Chicago, or at least to refer to that city. In the 1930 book “The Home-Bartender’s Guide” by Charlie Roe and Jim Schwenck we read: “You need armor to withstand this one. Back of the stockyards out in Chicago, they used to drink one of these before breakfast, and go out and look for a policeman to beat up. P.S. – They still do it.“. Let’s put his statement in historical context: around 1900, the city became the main hub for Midwestern products, especially livestock. Within a few decades, the Union Stock Yards had developed into the world’s most important slaughterhouses, and by 1900 up to 12 million animals were slaughtered annually and over 80% of American meat was processed industrially in assembly line production. [5]
This derivation of the name “Armour Cocktail” in connection with the stockyards does not explain itself quite conclusively and will not quite hit the truth. But a year later, in 1931, Albert Stevens Crockett in his “The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book” gives us the crucial clue on page 102: “For example, take the Armour; called after a well known Chicago patron of the establishment.” So the cocktail is named after a well known patron of the Waldorf-Astoria. Despite the year of publication, 1931, we refer to the time before Prohibition, i.e. 1919 and before.
Unfortunately, he does not tell us the exact name of the guest. However, we find the decisive clue in the photo of the Union Stock Yards that we have reproduced: in the background there is a large lettering on a factory, we read “Armour” there. The search quickly leads to a connection with the meat processing industry, as Jim Schwenck brought into play.
Jonathan Ogden Armour, born in 1863, was a magnate in meat processing and became president of Armour & Company in 1901, succeeding his father who died that year. During his tenure, his company grew from a medium-sized meat processor to the largest food company in the US. His family moved to Chicago in 1865, and the company headquarters were moved from Milwaukee to Chicago in 1867.
In the post-war period, between 1919 and 1921, Jonathan Ogden Armour lost most of his fortune. Previously, he had been the second richest man in the world. He lost his position as president of the company in 1923 and died in London on 16 August 1927. [9]
So we have two independent sources that directly or indirectly prove that the Armour Cocktail was named after Jonathan Ogden Armour and his company respectively. This derivation can therefore be regarded as secure and reliable.
Adonis Cocktail
However, Albert Stevens Crockett lists not only the Armour Cocktail but also the Adonis Cocktail in his “The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book” in 1931. We have put forward the thesis that both are identical in principle, and that Armour Cocktail is the preferred name because it is the older one. But how does Albert Stevens Crocket see the differences? For him, the Armour Cocktail is prepared from one part sherry, one part Italian vermouth and two Dash Orange Bitters. For him, the Adonis Cocktail is prepared – hear, hear – in exactly the same way. So there are no differences for him either, and he allows both names to be synonymous with each other. He also kindly gives us an explanation for the origin of the name of the Adonis Cocktail from page 115:
„Named in honor of a theatrical offering which made at least two persons famous. One was Henry E. Dixey, a handsome and talented actor, long on Broadway; the other was Fanny Ward. Yes, Fanny Ward! One doesn’t see as much of Fanny these days as one did when she played Cupid-speaking literally, that is, for Fanny in the play was Cupid. Fanny discovered England late in the last century, married a South African millionaire and had a bijou house in Berkeley Square. Her daughter married a peer. She herself is now teaching Paris, London and New York-and even Hollywood-that sixty years means nothing, if you know what to do.“
So, according to him, the cocktail was named “Adonis Cocktail” in honour of a play. At least two people achieved fame with this play, namely Henry E. Dixey and Fanny Ward. The reference to Fanny Ward is certainly not entirely wrong at this point. Born in 1872, she made her debut in 1890 and subsequently appeared with Henry E. Dixey in the Broadway production of Adonis. [16][17]
So if the Adonis Cocktail is in any way connected to Fanny Ward, it can only have been created after 1890. But is this really the case? We think not. Let’s turn to Henry E. Dixey’s biography, because that will clear things up.
Henry E. Dixey was born in Boston in 1859, and also made his debut there in 1868. He acted in many musicals, was on stage until 1926, and also acted in a few films, but his most famous role was that of Adonis in the musical of the same name. He played Adonis from 1884 to 1885, and occasionally after that. The musical ran at the Bijou Theatre on Broadway for 19 months from 4 September 1884 until April 1886, giving a total of 603 performances, making it the first Broadway show to play over 500 times. [11][13][18][19][20]
What does this tell us? For one thing, that Henry E. Dixey began playing his parade role, Adonis, in 1884. A cocktail named in his honour and in honour of the role will therefore in all likelihood have been created around the year 1884 to 1885, at the height of the Adonis craze. Usually, a cocktail is named after what is current and in the air, the spirit of the times.
How does this fit in with our sources? In the books, the Adonis Cocktail first appears with a recipe in 1913 by Jacques Straub. Rather late for a hit from the 1880s. But let’s remember the 1887 newspaper clipping in the New York Sun! For one thing, this article appeared in New York, which is where Broadway was and where the musical Adonis was playing. Why would the author of the article have written the story about the bartender and the Adonis cocktail, where was the entertainment value for the reader? Let’s imagine that every reader would have immediately understood what was meant by an Adonis Cocktail and that it was named after the musical. Only the bartender did not. And suddenly the newspaper article takes on an interesting direction and becomes entertaining! Even the headline suddenly appears in a completely different light: “Pearls from Billy, the Bartender. A Man of Power, Full of Beautifull Sentiments Concerning Mixed Drinks.” The story about the Adonis Cocktail becomes very funny all at once. And so does the rest of the story, because Billy lets us know that there is no school for bartenders, one simply learns by imitation and trial and error, and within only six months one has completely mastered all the mysteries: „In six months he will have mastered all the niche mysteries of the science of the agreeable combination of liquids, and he has risen from the dull level of the commonplace where the apprentice always begins, to the high plane of the complete bartender.“ And the story continues as the bartender prepares another concoction of his for the reporter, consisting of some sugar, lemon juice, bitters, egg white, Old Tom gin and chunks of ice. Asked what it was, the bartender replies that it is called “Nassau fizz in an iceberg” and that he would actually like to patent the drink.
We do not know what the visitors understood by an Adonis, but if we take Albert Stevens Crockett’s information into account, it is very likely that it is exactly the cocktail we are examining in this paper. Thus, Adonis Cocktail would indeed be the older name for the drink, although unfortunately no recipe has come down to us.
So which name is correct?
After all this confusion, let’s return to the question of the correct name for the cocktail. It is true that the Armour Cocktail first appeared in bar books in 1898, long before the Adonis Cocktail, whose recipe was first published in 1913. But taking into account the previous thoughts, it stands to reason that the Adonis Cocktail has been around since at least 1887, and thus deserves the honour. The Adonis Cocktail apparently has the older rights.
But taking a step back and looking at everything, it is not necessarily the case that the Adonis Cocktail was simply renamed to Armour Cocktail. It is probably much more likely that the combination of sherry and Italian vermouth simply originated in several places. In New York as an Adonis Cocktail, and why not also as a Marine Cocktail, and in Chicago as an Armour Cocktail. We’ll never know. In any case, the designation as an Adonis Cocktail has prevailed, and so let’s go with that.
What is the relationship with the Bamboo Cocktail?
A question may now be on the horizon, especially if you have read our post about the Bamboo Cocktail: Which of the two is now the older? The Bamboo Cocktail was first mentioned in the Western Kansas World on 11 September 1886. [14] We find the Adonis Cocktail for the first time on 27 March 1887 in the New York “The Sun”. [1] It is now difficult to judge which drink is the older one, and we do not wish to pass judgement. Did Louis Eppinger invent the Bamboo Cocktail, and the Adonis Cocktail is the sweet variation of it? Did Louis Eppinger take inspiration from the Adonis Cocktail and develop his dry version from it? Did the two come into being independently of each other? This is a riddle of cocktail history, and the answer will probably remain hidden forever.
What one has to note, however, is: A Bamboo Cocktail is made with French vermouth, the Adonis Cocktail with Italian vermouth. They differ not because of their sweetness, but because of the vermouth aroma.
In the following list, we have only included recipes that correspond to an Adonis Cocktail, i.e. those made with (Italian) vermouth and sherry, optionally with orange bitters or sugar. All other variations are at the end of this article in a separate list or are assigned to the Bamboo Cocktail. We recommend looking there as well, since the recipes in the historical books are not clearly separated and there are many overlaps.
1886 St. Paul daily globe, 19. September 1886. Seite 16. Bamboo. [15]
One- of the latest and most insidious drinks, was recently introduced into swell saloons in this city by an Englishman. It consists of three parts sherry and one part vermouth. It is called „Bamboo.“ proba- bly because after imbibing the drinker feels like „raising Cain.“
1886 Western Kansas World, erschienen in WaKeeney, Kansas, 11. September 1886, Seite 2. Bamboo. [14]
A new and insidious drink has been introduced by some Englishman, and is becoming popular in New York bar- rooms. It consists of three parts sherry and one part vermouth, and is called „bamboo“.
1889 Pittsburg Dispatch, 28. Juli 1889, Seite 15: Marine Cocktail. [3]
Lots of men come in here and call for a „marine cocktail,“ an odd fancy of mine, composed of sherry, vermouth and orange bitter, with a spoonful of shaved ice.
1895 Anonymus: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 6. Arkwood Cocktail.
1895 The Daily Morning Journal And Courier, 1. Februar 1895, Seite 7. Boston Bamboo. [22]
The Boston bamboo is an equal mixture of sherry and Italian vermouth
1895 Omaha Daily Bee, 3. Februar 1895, Seite 14. Boston Bamboo.[23]
The Boston bamboo is an equal mixture of sherry and Italian vermouth.
1898 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 15. Armour Cocktail.
FINE ice in mixing-glass, three dashes orange Bitters bitters, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian Sherry vermouth. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add a Italian Vermouth piece of orange peel. Orange peel
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 29. Armour Cocktail.
Fine ice in mixing-glass, three dashes orange bitters, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian vermouth. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add a piece of orange-peel or a maraschino cherry.
1900 The evening world., May 29, 1900, Evening Edition, Page 4. Bamboo Cocktail. [4]
Three dashes of orange bitters and one-half each of Italian Vermouth and sherry; add the acid of a piece of lemon peel; put into a glass with cracked ice; shake up and strain. Serve with cherry if desired. The Caterer.
1901 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 8. Armour Cocktail.
THREE dashes orange bitters; one- half sherry and one-half vermouth. Fill with ice, mix well, and strain into a cocktail glass. Add a piece of orange peel.
1902 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 12. Arkwood Cocktail.
LARGE BAR GLASS.— Put in some cracked ice, two dashes bitters, two dashes gum, 1/2 wine- glass Sherry, 1/2 wineglass Vermouth. Stir and strain into cocktail glass.
1902 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 10. Armour Cocktail.
THREE dashes Angostura bitters; one- half sherry and one-half vermouth. Fill with ice, mix well, and strain into a cocktail glass. Add a piece of orange peel.
1903 Anonymus: Manuel du Cocktail. Seite 10. Armour Cocktail.
Se servir du verre à mixtion. TROIS gouttes d’angostura; moitié Xérès; moitié vermouth. Remplir de glace, bien mélanger et filtrer dans un verre à cocktail. Ajouter un morceau de pelure d’orange.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 8. Harward Cocktail.
Use mixing glass into which put 2 dashes orange bitters; 1/3 jigger sherry; 2/3 jigger Italian vermouth; ice: Strain into cocktail glass. Put piece of twisted lemon peel on top.
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 20. Golden Bell Cocktail.
Use mixing glass. Ice, fill glass. Orange bitters, 3 dashes. Sherry, fill glass 1/2 full. Vermouth, fill balance of glass. Orange peel, 1 piece. Mix and strain into cocktail glass.
1904 Thomas Steward: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks. Seite 131. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters. 2/3 sherry. 1/3 Italian vermouth.
1905 Anonymus: The Gorham Cocktail Book. Seite 15. Armour Cocktail.
Three dashes orange bitters, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian ver- mouth, one piece orange peel. FINE ice in mixing-glass, three dashes orange bitters, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian vermouth. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add a piece of orange peel.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 29. Armour Cocktail.
Fine ice in mixing-glass, three dashes orange bitters, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian vermouth. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add a piece of orange-peel or a maraschino cherry.
1908 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 16. Bambo Cocktail.
50% Sherry wine 50% Bailor Vermouth [Anmerkung: Das ist ein italienischer] Dash of orange bitters 1/2 glass of ice. Stir, strain and serve.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 29. Armour Cocktail.
Fine ice in mixing-glass, three dashes orange bitters, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian vermouth. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add a pièce of orange-peel or a maraschino cherry.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 3. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half a goblet of cracked ice. 1 dash of bitters (orange). 1/2 drink of Italian Vermouth. 1/2 drink of Sherry wine. Stir, strain into a cocktail glass and serve.
1910 Jacob Abraham Grohusco: Jack’s Manual. Seite 27. Bambo Cocktail.
50% Sherry wine 50% Italian Vermouth Dash of orange bitters 1/2 glass of ice. Stir, strain and serve.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 7. Harvard Cocktail.
Use mixing glass, into which put 2 dashes orange bitters 1/3 jigger sherry 2/3 jigger Italian vermouth lce Strain into cocktail glass Put piece of twisted lemon peel on top.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixing Drinks. Seite 9. Adonis Cocktail.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 28. Harvard Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters. 2/3 jigger sherry or brandy. 1/3 jigger Italian vermouth. 1 piece of lemon peel on top. Stir well and serve.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 33. Adonis Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters 40% Sherry 60% M. & R. Italian vermouth. Stir.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 34. Armour Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters 50% M. & R. Italian Vermouth 50 Sherry. Stir.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 35. Bamboo Cocktail.
50% Sherry Wine 50% M. & R. Italian Vermouth Dash Orange Bitters Half glass ice. strain, and serve.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 56. Larchmont Cocktail.
50% Sherry 50% M. & R. Italian Vermouth Fill glass with cracked ice, stir and serve.
1917 Hugo Ensslin: Recipes for Mixed Drinks. Seite 8. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry 1/2 Italian Vermouth 1 dash Angostura Bitters Shake well with cracked ice, strain and serve.
1917 Hugo Ensslin: Recipes for Mixed Drinks. Seite 15. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine 1/2 Italian Vermouth 3 dashes Orange Bitters Stir well in a mixing glass with cracked ice, strain and serve with a twist of orange peel on top.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 3. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half a goblet of cracked ice. 1 dash of bitters (orange). 1/2 drink of Italian vermouth; 1/2 drink of Sherry wine. Stir, strain into a cocktail glass and serve.
1917 Tom Bullock: The Ideal Bartender. Seite 11. Bamboo Cocktail.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Fine Ice. 3/4 jigger Sherry Wine. 3/4 jigger Italian Vermouth. Stir; strain into Cocktail glass. Serve.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite 8. Adonis Cocktail.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite14. Harvard Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters. 2/3 shot sherry or brandy. 1/3 shot Italian vermouth. 1 piece of lemon peel on top. Stir well and serve.
1923 Harry McElhone: „Harry“ of Ciro’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 15. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Italian Vermouth.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 23. Amour Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace. 2 traits peach bitter. 1/2 verre à liqueur marasquin. 3/4 verre à madère Marsala. Adapter la timbale. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° S. Pailles. Servir avec zeste citron et une cerise.
1924 León Pujol & Oscar Muñez: Manual del Cantinero. Seite 6. Bamboo.
1/2 Jeréz 1/2 Vermoth Italiano. 2 Gotas angostura. Bátase en vaso, sírvase en copa cocktail.
1924 León Pujol & Oscar Muñez: Manual del Cantinero. Seite 12. Duke of Marlborough.
1/2 Jeréz. 1/2 Vermouth Ytaliano. 3 Gotas Orange Bietter. Bien frape, en copa cocktail con cáscara naranja.
1925 „Robert“ Buckby & George Stone: The Buckstone Book of Cocktails. Seite 7. Adonis Cocktail.
2/3 Sherry, 1/3 French Vermouth, dash of Orange Bitters. Shake and strain.
1925 „Robert“ Buckby & George Stone: The Buckstone Book of Cocktails. Seite 12. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry, 1/4 French Vermouth, 1/4 Italian Vermouth. Shake and strain. Squeeze piece of lemon peel on top.
1925 „Robert“ Buckby & George Stone: The Buckstone Book of Cocktails. Seite 23. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry, 1/2 Italian Vermouth, 3 dashes of Orange Bitters. Shake and strain.
1925 „Robert“ Buckby & George Stone: The Buckstone Book of Cocktails. Seite 50. Reform Cocktail.
2/3 Sherry, 1/3 Italian Vermouth, 1 dash of Orange Bitters. Shake and strain.
1926 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 8. Bamboo Cocktail.
TWO dashes orange bitters; one-half sherry and one-half Italian vermouth. Fill with ice, mix well, and strain into a cocktail glass.
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 21. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Gancia Italian Vermouth.
1927 Anonymus: El Arte de Hacer Un Cocktail. Seite 5. Adonis.
Gotas de Orange Bitters. 1/3 Jerez Domecq La Ina. 2/3 vermouth italiano. Bátase.
1927 Anonymus: El Arte de Hacer Un Cocktail. Seite 9. Armour.
Gotas Orange Bitters. 1/2 vermouth italiano. 1/2 Jerez Domecq La Ina y bátase.
1927 Anonymus: El Arte de Hacer Un Cocktail. Seite 10. Bamboo.
Fill large bar glass 1-3 full fine ice. 3/4 jigger sherry wine. 3/4 jigger Italian Vermouth. Stir; strain into cocktail glass. Serve.
1927 Piero Grandi: Cocktails. Seite 23. Adonis Cocktail.
Un filet orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Ver- mouth Italien.
1928 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 8. Bamboo Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass. sherry and one-half Italian vermouth. Fill with ice, mix well, and strain into a cocktail glass.
1928 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Cheerio. Seite 33. Sherrio Cocktail.
To one part of Sherry wine add an equal amount of Vermouth, two dashes of orange bitters, place in a shaker with ice, and stir thoroughly and serve.
1928 Judge Jr.: Here’s How! Seite 42. The Wop.
2/3 Italian vermouth; 1/3 sherry; dash of orange bitters.
AFTER a few of these you go “wop! ” – hence the title.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 98. Adonis Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo picado. Unas gotas de Orange bitters. 1/3 de copita de Jerez. 2/3 — de vermut italiano. Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 19. Amour Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée, trois traits de Peach Bitter, un demi-verre à liqueur de Marasquin, un demi-verre à madère de Marsala, agiter, passer dans un verre à cocktail, garnir d’un zeste d’orange pressé et de courtes pailles.
1929 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 3. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half fill shaker or mixing glass with Ice. 1/2 wineglass Sherry, 1/2 wineglass Italian Ver- mouth, 3 dashes Angostura Bitters. Shake, strain, and serve.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 23. Amour Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace. 2 traits peach bitter. 1/2 verre à liqueur marasquin. 3/4 verre à madère Marsala. Adapter la timbale. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° 8. Pailles. Servir avec zeste citron et une cerise.
1930 Anonymus – Cocktails by „Jimmy“ Late of Ciro’s London. Seite 19. Adonis.
1 part Sherry 2 parts Italian Vermouth.
1930 Anonymus: Here’s How. Seite 10. Adonis Cocktail.
1930 Anonymus: Here’s How. Seite 12. Harvard Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters. 2/3 shot sherry or brandy. 1/3 shot Italian vermouth. 1 piece of lemon peel on top. Stir well and serve.
1930 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Cheerio. Seite 21. Sherrio Cocktail.
To one part of Sherry wine add an equal amount of Vermouth, two dashes of orange bitters, place in a shaker with ice, and stir thoroughly and serve.
1930 Charlie Roe & Jim Schwenck: The Home-Bartender’s Guide. Seite 10. Armour Cocktail.
You need armor to withstand this one. Back of the stockyards out in Chicago, they used to drink one of these before breakfast, and go out and look for a policeman to beat up. P. S. – They still do it.
Fine ice in mixing glass Three dashes of orange bitters Half a jigger of sherry Half a jigger of Italian Vermouth Mix, strain into cocktail glass Add a piece of orange peel
1930 Charlie Roe & Jim Schwenck: The Home-Bartender’s Guide. Seite 47. Martini Cocktail No. 2
A Martini without Gin. It is little known, but exceptionally good. The Sherry gives it an unusual flavor.
Fill mixing-gIass half-full fine ice Add two dashes Boker’s Bitters One-half jigger Italian Vermouth One-half jigger Sherry Piece of Lemon Peel Mix and strain into cocktail glass
1930 Edgar Baudoin: Les Meilleurs Cocktails. Seite 31. Galathie Cocktail.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros. Seite 24. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/3 vermouth Italiano. 2/3 Jerez seco. Gotas ele orange bitters.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros. Seite 43. Harvard Cocktail.
Gotas de orange bitters. 2/3 Jerez seco. 1/3 vermouth Italiano. Revuélvase bien. Cáscara de limón en copa al servir.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters. 1/3 Italian Vermouth. 2/3 Dry Sherry. Stir well and strain into cocktail glass.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 63. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry. 1/2 Italian Vermouth. 3 Dashes Orange Bitters. Stir well and twist orange peel on top.
1930 Harry McElhone – Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 21. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Italian Vermouth.
1930 Jere Sullivan: The Drinks of Yesteryear. Seite 15. Bamboo.
The Request of Dash of orange bitters one of our Greatest 1/2 Italian Vermouth Military Leaders. 1/2 Sherry Wine Spoon well and strain into cocktail glass.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 88. Adonis-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo pi- cado. Unas gotas de Orange bitters. 1/3 de copita de Jerez. 2/3 — de vermut italiano. Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
Adonis Cocktail. Pedro Chicote, La ley mojada, 1930. Page 88.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 111. Bomboo-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de biela picado. 1 cucharada de las de calé de curaçao. Unas gotas de mandarina bitters. 1 copita de vermut italiano. 1 — de jerez. Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail, con una rodaja de limón.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 14. Armour.
It. Vermouth . . . . . 1/2 jigger Sherry . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger . Orange Bitters . . . . . 2 dashes Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist orange peel over and serve.
1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 115. Adonis.
Two dashes Orange Bitters One-half Sherry One-half Italian Vermouth (Stir) Named in honor of a theatrical offering which made at least two persons famous. One was Henry E. Dixey, a handsome and talented actor, long on Broadway; the other was Fanny Ward. Yes, Fanny Ward! One doesn’t see as much of Fanny these days as one did when she played Cupid-speaking literally, that is, for Fanny in the play was Cupid. Fanny discovered England late in the last cen- tury, , married a South African millionaire and had a bijou house in Berkeley Square. Her daughter married a peer. She herself is now teaching Paris, London and New York-and even Hollywood-that sixty years means noth- ing, if you know what to do.
1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: Old Waldorf Bar Days. Seite 118. Armour.
Two dashes Orange Bitters One-half jigger Sherry One-half jigger Italian Vermuth Stir; strain
Seite 102: „For example, take the Armour; called after a well known Chicago patron of the establishment.“
1931 Dominique Migliorero: L’Art du Shaker. Seite 9. Adonis Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry, 1/2 Vermout Turin.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 31. Bamboo Cocktail.
50 per cent Sherry Wine 50 per cent M & R Italian Vermouth Dash Orange Bitters Half glass of ice. Stir, strain and serve.
1931 Louis Leospo: Traité d’industrie hotelière. Seite 629. Amour-cocktail.
1/4 verre à liqueur d’orange-bitter. 1/4 verre à liqueur de marasquin. 3/4 verre à Madère de Marsala.
1932 James A. Wiley: The Art of Mixing. Seite 1. Adonis Cocktail.
Introduce 1 dash orange bitters to 1/3 Sherry, accompanied by 2/3 – Italian Vermouth. They will mix well with a little urging, and taste better with a little ice.
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks. Seite 34. Adonis Cocktail.
Dash of Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Italian Vermouth.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 40. Bamboo Cocktail.
Sherry Wine Take equal parts of sherry and Ver- Italian Vermouth mouth, two dashes of bitters, and some Orange Bitters cracked ice. Shake, strain, and serve Ice in cocktail glass.
1933 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 8. Bamboo Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass. TWO dashes orange bitters; one-half sherry and one-half Italian vermouth. Fill with ice, mix well, and strain into a cocktail glass.
1933 Antonio Josa: Cocktelera Universal. Seite 11. Adonis Cocktail.
Una gota de Orange Bitters. 1/2 de Vermouth Italiano. 2/3 de Dry Sherry.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 3. Amour.
Sherry . . . . . . . . 1 pony Fr. Vermouth . . . . . 1 pony . Orange Bitters . . . 2 dashes Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist orange peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 5. Armour.
It. Vermouth . . . . . . 1 pony Sherry . . . . . . . . . 1 pony . Orange Bitters . . . 2 dashes Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist orange peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 74. Sherry, No. 2.
Sherry . . . . . . . . . . 1 pony It. Vermouth . . . . . . 1 pony . Angostura . . . . . . . 2 drops Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over and serve.
1933 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 2. Bambo Cocktail.
1/2 jigger sherry wine 1/2 jigger Ballor vermouth 1 dash of orange bitters 1/2 glass of ice Stir, strain, and serve.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters. 1/3 Italian Vermouth. 2/3 Dry Sherry. Stir well and strain into cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 63. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry. 1/2 Italian Vermouth. 3 Dashes Orange Bitters. Stir well and twist orange peel on top.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 8. Arkwood Cocktail.
Large bar glass. — Put in some cracked ice, two dashes bitters, two dashes gum, 1/2 wine glass Sherry, 1/2 wine glass Vermouth. Stir and strain into cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 10. Bamboo Cocktail.
One pony Sherry Wine. One pony Italian Vermouth. Dash orange bitters. Half glass of ice. Stir, strain and serve.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 115. Harvard Cocktail.
Use large bar glass. Two dashes bitters. Two dashes orange Curacoa. One-half pony Vermouth. One-half pony sherry. Add ice, strain into cocktail glass, and serve with twisted lemon peel.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 39. Adonis Cocktail.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 76. Larchmont Cocktail.
50% sherry 50% regular vermouth Fill glass with cracked ice, stir, and serve.
1933 Joseph P. Santana & Charles A. Sasena:Fine Beverages. Seite 17. Bamboo Cocktail.
Fill mixing glass with fine ice 1 oz. Victoria Sherry 1 oz. Italian Vermouth Stir, and strain into cocktail glass
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 23. Amour Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace. 2 traits peach bitter. 1/2 verre à liqueur marasquin. 3/4 verre à madère Marsala. Adapter la timbale. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° 8. Pailles. Servir avec zeste citron et une cerise.
1933 William Guyer: The Merry Mixer. Seite 52. Amour.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Adonis.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Bamboo.
Jigger 2/3 sherry 1/3 Italian Vermouth Dash orange bitters Red cherry in glas Glass No. 2. Stir.
1934 Anonymus: 100 Famous Cocktails. Seite 23. Adonis.
Two dashes Orange Bitters One-half Sherry One-half Italian Vermuth Ice, stir, strain
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 13. Armour Cocktail.
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 28. Harvard Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters. 1 piece of lemon peel on 2/3 jigger sherry or brandy. top. 1/3 jigger Italian vermouth. Stir well and serve.
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. Seite 96. The Armour.
Mixing glass half full ice, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian Vermouth, three dashes orange bitters, mix well, strain into cocktail glass, add a piece of orange peel.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 151. Adonis-Cocktail.
1 D. [Dash] Orangebitter 1/3 Ital. Verrnouth 2/3 Sherry M-Gl. [Mischglas] K. [Kirsche] Z. [Zitronenspirale]
1934 Bernard: 100 Cocktails. Seite 13. Bamboo Cocktail 2.
1/3 gill of Dry Sherry. 1/6 gill of Italian Vermouth. 1/2 teaspoonful of Orange Bitters. 1 dash of Lemon Peel Juice. 1/2 tumblerful of broken Ice. This cocktail is made up in exactly the same way as the previous one; but Italian Vermouth is used instead of French Vermouth. This makes the flavour much sweeter and, in our experience, it is preferred by women-folk.
1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 21. Sherrio Cocktail.
To one part of Sherry wine add an equal amount of Vermouth, two dashes of orange bitters, place in a shaker with ice, and stir thoroughly and serve.
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 21. Adonis.
1/3 Sherry 2/3 Italian Vermouth 2 dashes Orange bitters
1934 Harry Jerrold Gordon: Gordon’s Cocktail and Food Recipes. Seite 106. Vermouth Sherry Cocktail.
1 Italian Vermouth 1 Sherry Orange Bitters, 2 Dashes Ice. – Stir. Strain and serve with an Orange Twist.
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 21. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Italian Vermouth.
1934 Jean Robert Meyer: Bottoms Up. Seite 19. Amour.
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 211. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters 1/3 Italian Vermouth 2/3 Dry Sherry Stir well in ice and strain into glass. Use glass number 1
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 211. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry 1/2 Italian Vermouth 1 Dash Angostura Bitters Stir well with cracked ice and strain. Use glass number 1
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 212. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine 1/2 Italian Vermouth 3 Dashes Raspberry Syrup Juice of 1 Lime Shake well with cracked ice and strain. Use glass number 4
1934 Tom & Jerry: How to Mix Drinks [collectiv1801]. Seite 96. The Armour.
Mixing glass half full ice, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian Vermouth, three dashes orange bitters, mix well, strain into cocktail glass, add a piece of orange peel.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 11. Adonis.
Sherry . . . . . . 2/3 jigger It. Vermouth . . . . 1/3 jigger . Orange Bitters . . . . . 1 dash Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 17. Armour.
It. Vermouth . . . . . 1/2 jigger Sherry . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger . Orange Bitters . . . . . 2 dashes Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist orange peel over and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 109. Marlborough.
Sherry . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger It. Vermouth . . . . . . 1/2 jigger . Orange Bitters . . . . 2 dashes Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass twist orange peel over and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 153. Sherry, No. 2.
Sherry . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger It. Vermouth . . . . . 1/2 jigger . Bitters . . . . . . . . . 2 drops Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over and serve.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 63. Spanish Cocktail.
1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 35. Adonis.
Two dashes Orange Bitters One-half Sherry One-half Italian Vermouth (Stir) Named in honor of a theatrical offering which first made Henry E. Dixey and Fanny Ward famous.
1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 37. Armour.
Two dashes Orange Bitters One-half jigger Sherry One-half jigger Italian Vermouth (Stir)
Seite 21: „For example, take the Armour; called after a well known Chicago patron of the establishment.“
1935 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 9. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half fill shaker or mixing glass with fine ice. 1/2 wineglass Sherry. 1/2 wineglass Italian Vermouth. 3 dashes Angostura Bitters. Shake or stir; strain into cock- tail glass. Serve.
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 215. Bamboo.
Two-thirds Sherry One-third Italian Vermouth Dash of orange bitters
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 215. Border Cocktail.
One part Sherry One part Italian Vermouth Two dashes of orange bitters
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 215. Cherie.
Two parts Sherry Wine One part French Vermouth One part Italian Vermouth Twist of orange peel
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 3. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters 1/3 Italian Vermouth 2/3 Dry Sherry Stir well in ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 11. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry 1/2 Italian Vermouth 1 Dash Bitters Stir well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 74. Adonis Cocktail.
1/3 Italian Vermouth 2/3 Dry Sherry 1 ds. Orange Bitter squeeze Lemon peel
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 98. Duke of Marlborough.
1/2 Sherry 1/2 Italian Vermouth 3 ds. Orange Bitter
1936 Anonymus: Cocktails, Drinks and Snacks. Sherry Cocktail.
2 oz. Sherry 2 oz. Italian Vermouth 2 dashes Orange Bitters Ice, stir, strain into cocktail glass, add peel orange twist.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 22. Adonis.
1 part Sherry 2 parts Italian Vermouth.
1936 Elvezio Grassi: 1000 Misture. Seite 27. Bomboo Cocktail.
(Serie Clas- sica). Agitare nel shaker con ghiac- cio: 20% Curaçao rosso 40% Vermouth Torino 40% Scherry vino 1 Spruzzo mandarine bitter Orlare il bicchiere con sciroppo bianco e zucchero poi servite con buccia di limone.
1936 Frank Meier: The Artistry of Mixing Drinks. Seite 23. Adonis.
In mixing-glass: a dash of Or- ange Bitters, half dry Sherry, half Italian Vermouth; stir slightly and serve.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran Manual de Cocktails. Seite 152. Bambu (demisec) Cocktail.
Usese el vaso de composición. Unos pedacitos de hielo. 1/3 parte de Jerez Seco Perea. 1/3 parte de Vermouth Torino Cinzano. 1/2 parte de Vermouth Francés Noilly Prat. Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 130 gramos.
1937 Anonymus: Here’s How. Seite 19. Adonis.
1 Dash Orange Bitters 1/3 Italian Vermouth 2/3 Dry Sherry
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 5. Adonis Cocktail.
Drops of orange bitters. 1/3 dry sherry. 2/3 CORA vermouth. Stir and serve.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 8. Armour Cocktail.
Drops of orange bitters. 1/2 CORA vermouth. 1/2 dry sherry. Stir and serve.
1937 John R. Iverson: Liquid Gems. Seite 29. Bamboo Cocktail.
Bar glass—ice 1 oz. Italian Vermouth 3/4 oz. Sherry Wine Dash Orange Bitters Stir, strain and serve in cocktail glass. No decoration.
Observations As the principal ingredients in this drink are sweet wines, it will have the character of despon- dency if nothing is added to liven it up. Orange Bitters give it that needed vivacity and gayness. However, Orange Bitters, a very strong and pen- etrating aromatic, should be handled with great care. Very little is needed, and an overdose will spoil any drink. The similarity of color in the component parts of this drink gives it a rather dusky, yellowish tint, resembling that of the bam- boo tree. Hence the name.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 120. Wop.
2/3 Italian Vermouth 1/3 Sherry 1 Dash Orange Bitters
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 80. Armour Cock-Tail.
Gotas de orange bitters. Media parto vermouth FERRERO. Media parte Jerez TIO PEPE. Revuélvase.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 81. Bamboo Cock-Tail.
Un tercera parte vermouth FERRERO. Dos terceras partes Jerez TIO PEPE. Gotas de orange bitters. Bátase.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 100. Harvard Cock-Tail.
Gotas de orauge bitters. Dos terceras partes Jerez sec TIO PEPE. Tercera parte vermouth FERRERO. Revuélvase bien. Cáscara de limón en copa al servir.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 106. Lobo De Mar Cock-Tail.
Media parte vermouth FERRERO. Media parte Jerez seco TIO PEPE. Gotas curacao. Revuélvase.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 89. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters 1/3 Italian Vermouth 2/3 Dry Sherry Stir well Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 90. Amour Cocktail.
2 dashes Orange Bitters 1/2 jigger Sherry 1/2 jigger Italian Vermouth Stir — serve in Cocktail Glass
1938 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 21. Adonis Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange: 1 jet de Bitter Campari, 1/2 Xérès, 1/2 Vermouth Martini doux. Mélanger et servir.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 14. Adonis Cocktail.
2 dashes Orange Bitters, 3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth, 1 1/2 oz Dry Sherry. Stir well in cracked ice and strain into cocktail glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 29. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters, 1/2 gill of dry sherry, 1/6 gill of Italian vermouth. Use the mixing glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 37. Bamboo or Reform Cocktail (1).
1 dash of Angostura bitters, 1/4 gill of dry sherry, 1/4 gill of Italian vermouth. Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel juice squeezed on top.
1/3 part Cinzano Vermouth (Sweet) 2/3 part Dry Sherry Dash of Orange Bitters Stir in cracked ice and strain into cocktail glass. Dry Vermouth, Sherry, and Angostura Bitters make a BAMBOO COCKTAIL. Orange Bitters may be used with Sweet Vermouth and Angostura with the Dry.
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 211. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters 1/3 Italian Vermouth 2/3 Dry Sherry Stir well in ice and strain into glass. Use glass number 1
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 211. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry 1/2 Italian Vermouth 1 Dash Angostura Bitters Stir well with cracked ice and strain. Use glass number 1
1940 Pedro Talavera: Los secretos del cocktail. Seite 27. Adonis Cocktail.
Póngase en un gran vaso de cristal un poco de hielo picado. 1/6 copa de Orange Bitter. 1/2 ídem de Jerez. 1/4 ídem de Vermouth Martini Rossi. Agítese bien y se pasa a la copa núm. 5 con una corteza de limón.
1940 Pedro Talavera: Los secretos del cocktail. Seite 199. Sandeman Cocktail.
En un gran vaso de cristal, unos pedacitos de hielo. 5 gotas de Angostura. 1/3 copa de Vermout Martini Rossi. 1/2 ídem de Jerez Seco Sandeman. Agítese bien y se pasa al vaso núm. 3, con una corteza de limón.
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 47. Marlborough-Cocktail.
Póngase en el vaso mezclador unos pe- dacitos de hielo y añadir: 1/2 Jerez seco 1/2 Vermut Italiano 3 golpes Orange bitters Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1943 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 23. Armour Cocktail.
1 3/4 Dry Sherry 1 oz. Sweet Vermouth Twist of lemon peel Stir.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 73. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Italian Vermouth 1 Sherry Orange Bitters, 2 Dashes Ice. — Stir. Strain and serve with an Orange Twist.
1944 Nick Thomas: Bartender’s Friend. Adonis Cocktail.
1 oz. Dry Sherry Stir well with Ice. 1 oz. Sweet Vermouth Strain into Cocktail Glass. 1 Dash Orange Bitters
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 28. Amour Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Sherry 1⁄2 oz. Sweet Vermouth Dash Angostura Bitters Stir Twist of lemon peel
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 20. Golden Bell Cocktail.
Use mixing glass. Ice, fill glass. Orange bitters, 3 dashes. Sherry, fill glass 1/2 full. Vermouth, fill balance of glass. Orange peel, 1 piece. Mix and strain into cocktail glass.
1946 Bill Kelly: The Roving Bartender. Seite 24. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth 1 oz. Sherry Stir well.
1946 Lucius Beebe: The Stork Club Bar. Seite 63. Bamboo Cocktail.
2 oz. dry sherry 3/4 oz. Italian vermouth Stir and serve in 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1946 Lucius Beebe: The Stork Club Bar. Seite 90. Armour Cocktail.
1 3/4 oz. dry sherry 1 oz. sweet vermouth twist of lemon peel Stir and serve in 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 33. Amour Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Sherry 1⁄2 oz. Sweet Vermouth Dash Angostura Bitters Twist of lemon peel Stir
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 13. Adonis Cocktail.
1 trait de Bitter ou Angustura; 1/2 Xérès; 1/2 Cinzano.
1947 Karl Büskens: Mixbuch für Jedermann. Seite 53. Sherry.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 95. Adonis-Cocktail.
Rrepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo. Unas gotas de Orange bitters. 1/4 copita de Jerez. 2/3 copita de vermouth italiano. Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 228. Rocio-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo. Unas gotas de Orange bitters. 1/2 copita de vermouth italiano. 1/2 copita de jerez seco. Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1948 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 4. Bambo Cocktail.
1/2 jigger sherry wine 1/2 jigger Ballor vermouth 1 dash of orange bitters 1/2 glass of ice Stir, strain, and serve.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 369. Vermouth Sherry.
1 parte de vermouth italia- no. 1 parte de Sherry. 2 chorros de Orange Bitters. Hielo. Revuélvase, cuéle- se y sírvase con una cáscara naranja retorcida.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 375. Adonis.
1/3 Jerez. 2/3 vermouth italiano. Gotas de Orange Bitters. Hielo. Revuélvase y sír- vase.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 375. Armour.
1/2 vermouth italiano. 1/2 Jerez seco. Gotas de Orange Bitters. Hielo. Revuélvase, cuéle- se y sírvase.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 376. Bamboo.
1/3 vermouth italiano. 2/3 Jerez seco. Gotas de Orange Bitters. Hielo. Revuélvase, cuéle- se y sírvase.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 385. Harvard.
2/3 Jerez seco. 1/3 vermouth italiano. Gotas de Orange Bitters. Hielo. Revuélvase, cuéle- se y sírvase con cáscara de limón.
1948 Jean Lupoi: Adonis Cocktail. Seite 13. Adonis Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange: 1 jet de Bitter Augustura, 1/2 Xérès, 1/2 Vermouth Martini doux. Mélanger et servir.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 248. Adonis Cocktail.
1 oz. sherry 1/2 oz. Italian vermouth . 1 dash orange bitters Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 252. Marlborough Cocktail.
3/4 oz. sherry 3/4 oz. Italian vermouth . 2 dashes orange bitters Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 337. La Pirouette.
2 oz. sherry 1 dash orange bitters 2 oz. French vermouth 2 drops Angostura bitters Stir well with ice and strain into short highball glass. Twist lemon peel over drink and serve.
1949 Anonymus: Bottoms Up. Seite 22. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters 3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth 1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry Stir well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1949 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 16. Adonis Cocktail.
2 dashes Orange bitters, 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth, 1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry. Stirr well in cracked ice and strain into cocktail glass.
1949 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 41. Duc Cocktail.
2 Traits Orange Bitter – 1/2 Sherry – 1/2 Vermouth Italien – Remuer au verre à mélange et passer dans un verre à cocktail; avant de servir, ajouter un zeste d’orange.
1949 Emile Bauwens: Livre de Cocktails. Seite 23. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry – 1/4 Vermouth Français – 1/4 Vermouth Italien – Remuer au verre à mélange et passer dans un verre à cocktail.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 290. Adonis-Cocktail.
Mixglas. 1 d. Orangenbitter, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 ital. Ver- mouth. Gut rühren.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 120. Adonis.
1 dash Orange Bitters 1/2 oz. Italian Vermouth . 1 oz. Sherry Shake with cracked ice and strain.
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 107. General Brock.
Courtesy, The General Brock, Niagara Falls, Ontario 1 oz. dry sherry 1 oz. Italian vermouth 1 oz. French vermouth Dash Angostura bitters Ice Serve cold with maraschino cherry in cocktail glass.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 63. Adonis.
Dans le verre à mélange: Un trait d’orange bitters, 1/2 de dry Sherry, 1/2 de vermouth italien, Remuer vivement et servir.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 29. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters, 1/2 gill of dry sherry, 1/6 gill of Italian vermouth. Use the mixing glass.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 146. Adonis.
. 1 golpe de Bitter Oranje. Refrescado. 30 gramos de Vermouth Fran- Servido en copa de 100 cés. gramos. 30 gramos de Jerez . 30 ” ” Dry Gin.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 155. Bambu.
. 40 gramos de Jerez. Refrescado. 30 gramos de Vermouth To- Servido en copa de 90 rino. gramos.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 174. Adonis.
1 part Italian Vermouth 2 parts Dry Sherry 1 or 2 dashes Bitters8 to each drink. Stir quickly with large cubes of ice.
8 “Wherever the word “bitters” is used without specifying the brand, use your favorite bitters, whatever that may be.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 1. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth 1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry Stir well with cracked Ice and strain in 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 53. Adonis.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange 1 jet de Bitter Angustura, 1/2 Xérès Chaplins, 1/2 Martini. Mélanger et servir.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 20. Amour Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange: 1 jet d’Angustura Bitter, 2 jets de Maras- chino, 1 verre de Sherry Chaplins. Mélanger et servir.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. Adonis.
2/3 Dry Sherry 1/3 Sweet Vermouth 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. Bamboo.
1/2 Sherry 1/2 Sweet Vermouth 1 Dash Angostura Bitters Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. Duke of Marlborough.
1/2 Sherry 1/2 Sweet Vermouth 3 Dashes Raspberry Syrup Juice of 1 Lime Shake well with ice and strain into glass.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 17. Adonis.
Timbale à mélange, glace 2/3 Dry Sherry 1/3 Vermouth italien 1 trait Angostura Bien remuer en timbale à mélange et passer dans un verre à cocktail. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 39. Duke of Marlborough.
Shaker, glace 1/2 Sherry 1/2 Vermouth italien 3 traits sirop de framboises jus frais d’un citron Bien frapper au shaker et passer dans verre à cocktail. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 81. Adonis.
2 parts sherry 1 part Italian-type vermouth . 1 dash orange bitters Stir with ice, strain.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 51. Adonis.
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 14. Adonis.
1/2 Xérès 1/2 Cinzano blanc 1 jet Bitter
1961 Pedro Chicote: El bar en el mundo. Seite 169. Marina Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo pi- cado. Unas gotas de Orange bit- ters. 1/4 de copita de jerez. 2/3 de copita de vermouth italiano. Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 30. Adonis Wine Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di sherry secco 1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth classico 2 gocce di orange bitter ghiaccio a cubetti Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare lo sherry ed il vermouth e mescolarli usando l’apposito cucchiaio; aggiungere l’orange bitter. Mescolare piutto- sto forte, lasciar riposare uno o due secondi, riprendere infine a mescolare ma lentamente. Servire subito. L’orange bitter può essere sostituito con altro bitter secondo il proprio gusto.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 57. Adonis Wine Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di sherry secco 1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth classico 2 gocce di orange bitter ghiaccio a cubetti Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare 10 sherry ed il vermouth e mescolarli usando l’apposito cucchiaio; aggiungere l’orange bitter. Mescolare piutto- sto forte, lasciar riposare uno o due secondi, riprendere infine a mescolare ma lentamente. Servire subito. L’oran- ge bitter può essere sostituito con altro bitter, secondo il proprio gusto.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 66. Amour Wine Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/2 di marsala secco 1 bicchierino da liquore di maraschino 4 gocce di peach bitter ghiaccio a cubetti Riempire lo shaker fino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac- cio. Aggiungere il marsala, il maraschino ed il peach bitter. Chiudere, lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo riposare un secondo, riprendere infine ad agitarlo ma lentamente. Servire subito.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 134. Adonis.
2 oz. Dry Sherry 1 oz. Sweet Vermouth Dash of Angostura Stir, strain into cocktail-glass. (Do not over-ice).
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 33. Amour Cocktail.
2 oz. Sweet Sherry, 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth Twist of lemon peel on top. Stir with Ice and Strain.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 100. Topaz Cocktail.
2 oz. Sweet Sherry 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth. Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with Twist of Lemon Peel.
1972 Anonymus: Recipes – Wines and Spirits. Seite 46. Merry Widow.
To make 1 apéritif 1 1/2 ounces sherry 1 1/2 ounces sweet vermouth 1 strip lemon peel 3 to 4 ice cubes A 4-ounce cocktail or old-fashioned glass, chilled Combine the sherry and vermouth in a mixing glass. Twist the lemon peel over the glass to release the oil, and drop the peel in. Add the ice cubes, stir gently with a bar spoon, and strain into a glass. To make a variation known as the Duplex, substitute 1 1/2 ounces dry vermouth for the sherry.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 1. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth 1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry Wine Stir well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 74. East India Cocktail – 4.
1 1/4 ounces French vermouth 1 1/4 ounces sweet sherry 1 dash orange bitters Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters. 1/3 Italian Vermouth. 2/3 Dry Sherry. Stir well and strain into cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 62. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry. 1/2 Italian Vermouth. 3 Dashes Orange Bitters. Stir well and twist orange peel on top.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 210. Adonis.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1 dash orange bitters 3/4 oz sweet vermouth 1-1/2 oz dry sherry
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 213. Amour.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/2 oz sherry 1-1/2 oz dry vermouth 1 dash Angostura bitters Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 218. Armour.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/2 oz sherry 1-1/2 oz dry vermouth 1 dash orange bitters
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 272. Duke of Marlborough.
Cocktail Glass Shake 1 oz lime juice 1 oz sherry 1 oz sweet vermouth 1/4 oz grenadine
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 335. Marlborough.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/4 oz sherry 1-1/4 oz sweet vermouth 1 dash orange bitters
2017 Dr. Adam Elmegirab: Book of Bitters. Seite 144. Adonis Cocktail. 45 ml Oloroso sherry; 45 ml Cocchi vermouth di Torino; 2 dashes Regan’s orange bitters no. 6.
2018 Alex Day, Nick Fauchald, David Kaplan: Cocktail Codex. Seite 91. Bamboo. 1 1/2 ounces Lustau Los Arcos Amontillado Sherry; 3/4 ounce Dolin blanc vermouth; 3/4 ounce Dolin dry vermouth; 2 dashes House Orange Bitters; garnish: 1 lemon twist.
Similar recipes
In the course of our research, we extracted numerous recipes that are very similar to the Adonis Cocktail or the Armour Cocktail, but modified with additional ingredients. The most common ingredient is curaçao. We did not want to discard these recipes, and therefore reproduce them in this appendix. Perhaps there is something here for those who are interested.
1896 William Schmidt: Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages. Seite 61. The Invitation.
(FOR TWO.) A glass with 2 dashes of gum, some fine ice, 1 small drink of sherry wine, 1 small drink of vino vermouth, 2 dashes of absinthe. Freeze this to the coldest poínt; strain into 2 fancy glasses, and serve.
1902 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 38. Harvard Cocktail.
LARGE BAR GLASS.—Two dashes bitters, two dashes orange Curacoa, 1/2 pony Vermouth, 1/2 pony sherry. Add ice, strain into cocktail glass and serve with twisted lemon peel.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Sherry Cocktail.
Large bar glass half full with cracked ice. One dash Angostura, three dashes syrup, three dashes Curacoa, one-quarter jigger Vermouth, one jigger sherry wine; stir well with spoon, strain in cocktail glass and serve with cherries.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartender’s Manual. Seite 23. Sherry Cocktail.
(Large bar glass half full cracked ice.) 1 dash Angostura; 3 dashes syrup; 3 dashes Curacoa; 1/4 jigger vermouth; 1 jigger sherry wine; stir well with spoon; strain in cocktail glass and serve with cherries.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 29. Sherry Cocktail.
(Large bar glass half full cracked ice.) 1 dash Angostura; 3 dashes syrup; 3 dashes Cura- coa; 1/4 jigger vermouth; 1 jigger sherry wine; stir well with spoon; strain in cocktail glass and serve with cherries.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 52. Harvard Cocktail.
(use large bar glass) 2 dashes Bitters 2 dashes Orange Curacao 50% Vermouth 50% Sherry. Add ice, strain into cocktail glass and serve with twisted lemon peel.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 27. Bombaoo Cocktail.
Shaker avec glace pilée, une cuillerée à café de curaçao, 1/3 de verre à madère de vermouth italien et 2/3 de sherry- wine; agiter et passer dans un verre a cocktail, border au sucre.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks. Seite 28. Bomboo Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée, une cuillère à café de Curaçao sec, un trait de Mandarine-Bitter, un verre à liqueur de Vermouth Italien, un verre à liqueur de Sherry- Wine, agiter, passer dans un verre à cocktail aux bords sucrés. Garnir d’un zeste de citron. Courtes pailles.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks. Seite 37. Brazil Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée, quatre traits d’ Angustura, quatre traits d’Absinthe, und emi-verre de Vermouth- Cinzano, un demi-verre de Sherry-Wine, agiter, passer dans un verre à cocktail, garnir d’un zeste de citron et d’une cerise macérée au kirsch.
1927 Anonymus: El Arte de Hacer Un Cocktail. Seite 82. Zorrilla.
1/2 vermouth italiano. 1/2 jerez Oloroso de Domecq. Gotas de ron elixir. Gota de Curacao. Bátase y sírvase.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 111. Bomboo-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo picado. 1 cucharada de las de café de curaçao. Unas gotas de mandarina bitters. 1 copita de vermut italiano. 1 — de Jerez. Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail, con una rodaja de limón.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 152. Gamboita-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: 2 ó 3 pedacitos de hielo. 8 ó 10 gotas de curaçao rojo. 1/ 2 copita de vermut Carpano. 1/ 2 — de Jerez seco. Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail con una guinda.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 164. Jerez-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: 2 ó 3 pedacitos de hielo. 1/4 de copita de vermut italiano. 3/ 4 de Jerez seco. 10 gotas de curaçao. Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail, añadiendo una guinda.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 197. Palace-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo picado. Unas gotas de curaçao. Unas gotas de ron. 1/2 copita de Jerez. 1/2 — de vermut italiano. Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 218. Sotavento-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo. 1/2 copita de Jerez seco. 1/2 — de vermut italiano. Unas gotas de Orange bitters. Unas — de curaçao rojo. Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail, añadiendo una corteia de limón.
1929 Antonio (Tony) Fernández: Manual del barman. Seite 29. Bamboo Cocktail.
En un vaso grande échese hielo, un chorro de Bitter Naranja, un id de Maraschino, media copa de vermouth Torino y me- dia id de vino Jérez seco; revuélvase y sírvase co- lado con una fruta en copa tipo Operto. Si se desea seco empleesé vermouth Francés en vez de Torino.
1930 F. Koki: Cocktails. Bamboo-Cocktail.
Barglas mit Eis. 3 Dashes Angostura-Bitters, 1 ” Orange- ” 1/2 Cocktailglas red-Port-Sandeman, 1/2 ” Sherry. Im übrigen wie vorhergehendes Rezept.
[Mische gut mit einem Barlöffel, lege eine Kirsche in ein Cocktailglas, presse den Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und serviere.]
1930 Miguel R. Reguera: Cocktails. Seite 23. Cocktail del Brasil.
En una cocktelera, con hielo picado: Unas gotas de Angostura » de ajenjo 1/2 copa de vermouth italiano 1/2 » Sherry-Wine. Agítese y sírvase.
1930 Miguel R. Reguera: Cocktails. Seite 29. Cocktail de Jerez.
En una cocktelera, con hielo machacado: 10 gotas de curazao 1/2 de vermouth italiano 1/2 de vino de Jerez seco. Agítese y sírvase.
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks. Seite 42. Brazil Cocktail.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 28. Harvard Cocktail.
Use large glass. Two dashes bitters. Two dashes Orange Curacao. One pony Vermouth. One pony Sherry. Add ice, strain into cocktail glass and serve with twisted lemon peel.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Ardsley.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Chauncey Depew.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Guggenheim.
Jigger 2/3 sherry 1/3 Italian Vermouth Dash benedictine Cointreau
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Meditation.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. New Idea.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Nora Bayes.
2/3 jigger sherry 1/4 Italian vermouth Dash yellow chartreuse Dash Cordial Medoc Red cherry in glass Glass No. 2. Stir.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Octogenarian.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Philosophy.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Roosevelt.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Sherman Square.
2/3 jigger sherry 1/3 Italian vermouth 2 dashes crème de cacao Dash apricot brandy Glass No. 2. Shake.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Spaudling.
2/3 jigger sherry 1/3 Italian vermouth Dash cointreau Dash lemon juice Dash Crème de Violette, Picon bit- ters Glass No. 2. Shake.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran Manual de Cocktails. Seite 152. Bambu (dulce) Cocktail.
Usese el vaso de composición. Unos pedacitos de hielo. 4 gotas de Orange Bitters. 6 gotas de Curacao Marie Brizard. 1/2 parte de Jerez Seco Perea. 1/2 parte de Vermouth Torino Cinzano. Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 130 gramos con una guinda abrillantada.
1945 R. M. Barrows & Betty Stone: 300 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 11. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine 1/2 Italian Vermouth 1 Teaspoon Raspberry Liqueur 1 Juice of a Lime Shake well with ice and strain.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 160. Fonseca-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo. Tres golpes de ácido fosfato. Tres golpes de Orange bitters. 1/2 de Jerez seco. 3/4 de vermouth francés. 1/4 de vermouth italiano. Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 175. Ideal-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo. Unas gotas de marrasquino. Unas gotas de jugo de naranja. 1/3 copita de vermouth italiano. 1/3 copita de vermouth francés. 1/3 copita de jerez seco. Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 178. Jerez-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: 2 ó 3 pedacitos de hielb. 1/4 copita de vermouth italiano. 3/4 copita de jerez seco. 10 gotas de curaçao. Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail, añadiendo una guinda.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 245. Taurino-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo. Unas gotas de Orange bitters. Unas gotas de curaçao rojo. 1/2 copita de jerez seco. 1/2 copita de vermouth italiano. Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail, agregándole una corteza de ‘ limón. (Dedicado cariñosamente al Club Taurino de Bilbao.)
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 249. Tropical-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo. Unas rodajas de plátanos. Unas rodajas de piña amencana. 1/3 de copita de vermouth italiano. 1/3 de copita de Noilly. 1/3 de copita de jerez seco. Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail, con una guinda.
1959 Fernando Gaviria: El coctel y sus derivados. Seite 34. Coronation.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo. Unas gotas de Marrasquino. Unas gotas de Orange Bitters. Una parte de Jerez seco. Una parle de Vermout francés. Agítese, sirviéndolo en copa de cocktail, agregando una guinda.
40 ml Lustau East India Solera sherry
40 ml Moot vermouth
2 dash Scrappy’s orange bitters
Preparation: stirred.
Alternatively and currently preferred by us:
50 ml Lustau Amontillado Escuadrilla sherry
25 ml Antica Torino vermouth di Torino rosso
2 dash orange bitters
Preparation: 3 ice cubes, thrown back and forth 10 times each.
With this cocktail, as with its dry relative, the Bamboo Cocktail, there is some confusion about the name. So in the following we have to try to untangle this almost Gordian knot. With regard to the recipes, however, there is agreement. The cocktail consists of sherry, (Italian) vermouth and orange bitters. There are some variations in which mainly curaçao is added, but the resulting recipes actually no longer have anything to do with the original and have usually also been given a different name. We also picked them out and did not want to discard them again; they are therefore included in the appendix.
The naming
The first naming of an Adonis cocktail
According to our research, an Adonis cocktail was first mentioned in the New York “The Sun” on 27 March 1887. There we read: “Billy, the dandy Nassau street bartender, rosy checked and neat as a pin in his snowwhite aprons and scintillating diamond stud, was standing in statuesque repose behind the the polished mahogany bar one day last week, when three young bloods, with bell-crowned beavers of matchless sheen and silver-headed canes of ultra fashionable immensity, walked in. “Three Adonis cocktails, please,” exclaimed the leader of the procession, leaning languidly against the mahogany rail. “Three which?” said Billy, straightening out with a look of searching inquiry at the faces of his new customers. “Adonis cocktails, I said,” replied the first dude, knitting his eyebrows. “Certainly, sir,” briskly retorted Billy as he reached out for the silver drink slinger. “I didn’t catch the first name. I beg pardon.” He slung some white of egg into a goblet from a glass bottle deftly, dumped some sugar on top of that, poured in an installment of lemon juice, then a liberal flood of Old Tom gin, and topped the mixture off with a dose of vermouth and stomach bitters. Then he packed the glass full to the brim with cracked ice, clapped the sliver mixer over the top tightly, and shook it with both hands for a couple of minutes. “A very fine bracer and appetizer that, gentlemen,” he said, as he pored the cool mixture into three cocktail glasses with an easy swing of his hand. There was enough of the drink to just fill the glasses and no more. The dudes smacked their lips, planked down fifteen cents each, and wafted themselves quietly out. “What on earth is an Adonis cocktail?” asked the reporter who had watched the incident. “Blessed if I know,” said Billy, with an air of perfect frankness; “but I wouldn’t be much of a bartender if I let any customer bluff me off with any new-fangled name. I gave them what I always have known as a turf club cocktail, and it suited. The first principle of good bartending is to know how to make everything on earth in the drink line, no matter whether you have ever heard of it before or not.”” [1]
Unfortunately, we don’t know what the customers understood by an Adonis Cocktail. Certainly not a Turf Cocktail or a variation thereof.
This story reminds us of another newspaper article which, although it has nothing to do with the Adonis cocktail, presents a comparable situation and is not devoid of comedy. The story is about a guest in a small Connecticut town in 1889 who orders a Manhattan in the local bar and we read: “the bartender seemed dazed for a moment. … But the bartender soon rallied and began making the drink. In a large heavy “schooner” glass, he proceeded to place three or four lumps of white sugar, and saturated them with a liberal supply of bitters, enough for a dozen cocktails. Over this he poured some whiskey, added a gill or so of rum, put in a dash of brandy, and poured over all a wineglass of gin. Then he squeezed half a lemon into the mixture, shook it well together, and poured the whole foaming liquid into a beer glass. The prematurely tender young man had seen the operation, and had misgivings as to how the “cocktail” would act upon him, but, with the interest of the town centered upon him, he could not back down. He had called for a Manhattan cocktail; there was a Manhattan cocktail on the bar, and he closed his eyes and drank it. Then he went out into the front room, sat down by the stove, and meditated upon the wickedness of the world.” And the bartender boasted afterwards: “”Did you see that feller from York come in here and ask for a Manhattan cocktail?” he asked the other patrons. “Tryin’ to guy me. Thought I was green. But I was on to him like a fly. I fixed him. Gave him everything in the place. Gin, whiskey, rum, everything. Mixed it all up, and gave it to him. Set it on the bar, and he drank it. See him? Didn’t know the difference. These fly fellers can’t beat me. Manhattan cocktail! Huh! ain’t no such thing.”” [2]
This story was also about a guest in a bar who ordered a cocktail unknown to the bartender, a Manhattan cocktail. Instead, he received a mixture of sugar, bitters, whiskey, rum, brandy, gin and lemon juice. Afterwards, the bartender boasted that he had given this guest a run for his money. The latter came along, ordered a drink that didn’t even exist because he wanted to show him off, but not with him! The guest had received his drink, had drunk it, and had not even recognised the difference, because there was no such thing as a Manhattan cocktail!
So we can assume that there must have been a “new-fangled” Adonis Cocktail already in 1887, but unfortunately we don’t know how it should have been prepared correctly. But more about that later.
The naming in historical recipes
Let’s return to the original question of what the drink we are discussing in this article should actually be called. To be clear, we need to get an overview. There are numerous recipe variations, but for this consideration we have limited ourselves to those recipes that are prepared from sherry, vermouth, optionally bitters, without added sugar. The use of the names is as shown in the diagram below. Under “Other” we include those recipes whose name has been published no more than 3 times. There are 26 different names.
Bamboo Cocktail and Boston Bamboo Cocktail
What can we deduce from this? First of all, unfortunately, it was not always specified exactly which vermouth and which sherry were to be used. We can only guess and assume that “vermouth” meant an Italian, sweet vermouth. Presumably, then, it will have been the same for the Bamboo Cocktail and the Boston Bamboo Cocktail that we read about in the newspapers before 1900. [14] [15]
However, we are not allowed to call the drink Bamboo Cocktail, because this refers to a dry cocktail. We have already described this confusion in detail in our article on the Bamboo Cocktail. So this naming is out of the question for our drink.
Marine Cocktail
An alternative name would be the “Marine Cocktail”. In the Pittsburg Dispatch of 28 July 1889, a York bartender is quoted as saying: “Lots of men come in here and call for a ‘marine cocktail,’ an odd fancy of mine, composed of sherry, vermouth and orange bitters, with a spoonful of ice.” [3] EIf we disregard the Bamboo Cocktail, this is the oldest name for a drink made of sherry, Italian vermouth and orange bitters that we can find. However, it has not been able to establish itself. Whether the unnamed bartender really invented the drink, and whether he was inspired by the Bamboo Cocktail, we cannot trace. However, his drink does not seem to have become really famous, because we have not found any other reference for a marine cocktail.
In 1895, the recipe appears as Arwood, which is similar to an Adonis. For an Arkwood, a little sugar syrup is added. It is published two more times, in 1902 and 1933. This is neither the oldest nor the most frequently used name, and therefore it is not considered further.
Armour Cocktail
In 1898, another name appeared. In the anonymously published book “Cocktails” we find the name Armour Cocktail for the first time. It is used regularly in the following years and therefore seems to us to be a name that has caught on, and is obviously the first independent name for a cocktail made from Italian vermouth and sherry. As we see in the statistics, although the name “Bamboo Cocktail” is the most frequently used, this is not really correct, because it should be understood to mean a dry drink, and therefore it should not be used for the sweet variant. We have already addressed this confusion in our post on the Bamboo Cocktail. There we also explain that the Reform Cocktail is nothing other than a Bamboo Cocktail. So this name for a sweet variant cannot be used either.
Adonis Cocktail
Also more commonly used than Armour Cocktail is the name Adonis Cocktail. However, since the Armour Cocktail is the older name in the recipe books, we tend to give preference to the latter. But as we will see later, the matter is not that simple.
Other names
We must also exclude Harvard Cocktail or Harward Cocktail as a naming convention, because numerous, fundamentally different drinks are grouped together under this name. It seems to be a hodgepodge for all kinds of drinks, and everyone seems to have understood something different by it. We do not want to go into detail here, but only mention a few recipes as examples. In 1904 at John Applegreen’s it is a drink made of sherry, Italian vermouth, orange bitters, so exactly what we are looking for. In 1902, in “Fancy Drinks”, Curaçao is also added. In 1912, in “Wehman Bros.’ Bartenders’ Guide”, it is a mixture of bitters, sugar syrup, vermouth and brandy. In 1924, León Pujol and Oscar Muñez mean something with Apple Jack and lemon. In Crockett’s 1931 it is again prepared with bitters, vermouth and brandy and topped up with the siphon. In 1933 in The Home Bartender, it’s a drink made with French vermouth with rye whiskey and grenadine. So we would do well not to take a closer look at this catch-all, as it seems to have little constructive or enlightening to contribute.
From 1900 onwards, other names gradually appeared, but only sporadically, such as Alaska, Border Cocktail, Cherie, Duc, East India Cocktail, Galathie Cocktail, General Brock, Golden Bell Cocktail, La Pirouette, Larchmont Cocktail, Lobo Del Mar Cocktail, Marina Cocktail, Merry Widdow, Rocio Coctail, Sandeman Cocktail, Sherrio Cocktail, Sherry Cocktail, Sherry No. 2, Spanish Cocktail, The Wop, Topaz Cocktail and Vermouth Sherry Cocktail. There is also – listen and be amazed – a Martini Cocktail No. 2 on offer as a naming. However, all these names appear no more than three times, some of them are obviously mislabelled, and so we best ignore them. The designation Duke of Marlborough Cocktail occurs somewhat more frequently, but this is also nothing other than an Armour Cocktail.
Where does the name come from?
While we argue that the cocktail should correctly be called the Armour Cocktail based on what we have found in bar books, it is also known by many as the Adonis Cocktail. Therefore, for both names, we want to go into where the name comes from. Perhaps this will help us to weigh the two names against each other.
Armour Cocktail
The Armour Cocktail seems to have its origins in Chicago, or at least to refer to that city. In the 1930 book “The Home-Bartender’s Guide” by Charlie Roe and Jim Schwenck we read: “You need armor to withstand this one. Back of the stockyards out in Chicago, they used to drink one of these before breakfast, and go out and look for a policeman to beat up. P.S. – They still do it.“. Let’s put his statement in historical context: around 1900, the city became the main hub for Midwestern products, especially livestock. Within a few decades, the Union Stock Yards had developed into the world’s most important slaughterhouses, and by 1900 up to 12 million animals were slaughtered annually and over 80% of American meat was processed industrially in assembly line production. [5]
This derivation of the name “Armour Cocktail” in connection with the stockyards does not explain itself quite conclusively and will not quite hit the truth. But a year later, in 1931, Albert Stevens Crockett in his “The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book” gives us the crucial clue on page 102: “For example, take the Armour; called after a well known Chicago patron of the establishment.” So the cocktail is named after a well known patron of the Waldorf-Astoria. Despite the year of publication, 1931, we refer to the time before Prohibition, i.e. 1919 and before.
Unfortunately, he does not tell us the exact name of the guest. However, we find the decisive clue in the photo of the Union Stock Yards that we have reproduced: in the background there is a large lettering on a factory, we read “Armour” there. The search quickly leads to a connection with the meat processing industry, as Jim Schwenck brought into play.
Jonathan Ogden Armour, born in 1863, was a magnate in meat processing and became president of Armour & Company in 1901, succeeding his father who died that year. During his tenure, his company grew from a medium-sized meat processor to the largest food company in the US. His family moved to Chicago in 1865, and the company headquarters were moved from Milwaukee to Chicago in 1867.
In the post-war period, between 1919 and 1921, Jonathan Ogden Armour lost most of his fortune. Previously, he had been the second richest man in the world. He lost his position as president of the company in 1923 and died in London on 16 August 1927. [9]
So we have two independent sources that directly or indirectly prove that the Armour Cocktail was named after Jonathan Ogden Armour and his company respectively. This derivation can therefore be regarded as secure and reliable.
Adonis Cocktail
However, Albert Stevens Crockett lists not only the Armour Cocktail but also the Adonis Cocktail in his “The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book” in 1931. We have put forward the thesis that both are identical in principle, and that Armour Cocktail is the preferred name because it is the older one. But how does Albert Stevens Crocket see the differences? For him, the Armour Cocktail is prepared from one part sherry, one part Italian vermouth and two Dash Orange Bitters. For him, the Adonis Cocktail is prepared – hear, hear – in exactly the same way. So there are no differences for him either, and he allows both names to be synonymous with each other. He also kindly gives us an explanation for the origin of the name of the Adonis Cocktail from page 115:
„Named in honor of a theatrical offering which made at least two persons famous. One was Henry E. Dixey, a handsome and talented actor, long on Broadway; the other was Fanny Ward. Yes, Fanny Ward! One doesn’t see as much of Fanny these days as one did when she played Cupid-speaking literally, that is, for Fanny in the play was Cupid. Fanny discovered England late in the last century, married a South African millionaire and had a bijou house in Berkeley Square. Her daughter married a peer. She herself is now teaching Paris, London and New York-and even Hollywood-that sixty years means nothing, if you know what to do.“
So, according to him, the cocktail was named “Adonis Cocktail” in honour of a play. At least two people achieved fame with this play, namely Henry E. Dixey and Fanny Ward. The reference to Fanny Ward is certainly not entirely wrong at this point. Born in 1872, she made her debut in 1890 and subsequently appeared with Henry E. Dixey in the Broadway production of Adonis. [16] [17]
So if the Adonis Cocktail is in any way connected to Fanny Ward, it can only have been created after 1890. But is this really the case? We think not. Let’s turn to Henry E. Dixey’s biography, because that will clear things up.
Henry E. Dixey was born in Boston in 1859, and also made his debut there in 1868. He acted in many musicals, was on stage until 1926, and also acted in a few films, but his most famous role was that of Adonis in the musical of the same name. He played Adonis from 1884 to 1885, and occasionally after that. The musical ran at the Bijou Theatre on Broadway for 19 months from 4 September 1884 until April 1886, giving a total of 603 performances, making it the first Broadway show to play over 500 times. [11] [13] [18] [19] [20]
What does this tell us? For one thing, that Henry E. Dixey began playing his parade role, Adonis, in 1884. A cocktail named in his honour and in honour of the role will therefore in all likelihood have been created around the year 1884 to 1885, at the height of the Adonis craze. Usually, a cocktail is named after what is current and in the air, the spirit of the times.
How does this fit in with our sources? In the books, the Adonis Cocktail first appears with a recipe in 1913 by Jacques Straub. Rather late for a hit from the 1880s. But let’s remember the 1887 newspaper clipping in the New York Sun! For one thing, this article appeared in New York, which is where Broadway was and where the musical Adonis was playing. Why would the author of the article have written the story about the bartender and the Adonis cocktail, where was the entertainment value for the reader? Let’s imagine that every reader would have immediately understood what was meant by an Adonis Cocktail and that it was named after the musical. Only the bartender did not. And suddenly the newspaper article takes on an interesting direction and becomes entertaining! Even the headline suddenly appears in a completely different light: “Pearls from Billy, the Bartender. A Man of Power, Full of Beautifull Sentiments Concerning Mixed Drinks.” The story about the Adonis Cocktail becomes very funny all at once. And so does the rest of the story, because Billy lets us know that there is no school for bartenders, one simply learns by imitation and trial and error, and within only six months one has completely mastered all the mysteries: „In six months he will have mastered all the niche mysteries of the science of the agreeable combination of liquids, and he has risen from the dull level of the commonplace where the apprentice always begins, to the high plane of the complete bartender.“ And the story continues as the bartender prepares another concoction of his for the reporter, consisting of some sugar, lemon juice, bitters, egg white, Old Tom gin and chunks of ice. Asked what it was, the bartender replies that it is called “Nassau fizz in an iceberg” and that he would actually like to patent the drink.
We do not know what the visitors understood by an Adonis, but if we take Albert Stevens Crockett’s information into account, it is very likely that it is exactly the cocktail we are examining in this paper. Thus, Adonis Cocktail would indeed be the older name for the drink, although unfortunately no recipe has come down to us.
So which name is correct?
After all this confusion, let’s return to the question of the correct name for the cocktail. It is true that the Armour Cocktail first appeared in bar books in 1898, long before the Adonis Cocktail, whose recipe was first published in 1913. But taking into account the previous thoughts, it stands to reason that the Adonis Cocktail has been around since at least 1887, and thus deserves the honour. The Adonis Cocktail apparently has the older rights.
But taking a step back and looking at everything, it is not necessarily the case that the Adonis Cocktail was simply renamed to Armour Cocktail. It is probably much more likely that the combination of sherry and Italian vermouth simply originated in several places. In New York as an Adonis Cocktail, and why not also as a Marine Cocktail, and in Chicago as an Armour Cocktail. We’ll never know. In any case, the designation as an Adonis Cocktail has prevailed, and so let’s go with that.
What is the relationship with the Bamboo Cocktail?
A question may now be on the horizon, especially if you have read our post about the Bamboo Cocktail: Which of the two is now the older? The Bamboo Cocktail was first mentioned in the Western Kansas World on 11 September 1886. [14] We find the Adonis Cocktail for the first time on 27 March 1887 in the New York “The Sun”. [1] It is now difficult to judge which drink is the older one, and we do not wish to pass judgement. Did Louis Eppinger invent the Bamboo Cocktail, and the Adonis Cocktail is the sweet variation of it? Did Louis Eppinger take inspiration from the Adonis Cocktail and develop his dry version from it? Did the two come into being independently of each other? This is a riddle of cocktail history, and the answer will probably remain hidden forever.
What one has to note, however, is: A Bamboo Cocktail is made with French vermouth, the Adonis Cocktail with Italian vermouth. They differ not because of their sweetness, but because of the vermouth aroma.
Historical recipes
In the following list, we have only included recipes that correspond to an Adonis Cocktail, i.e. those made with (Italian) vermouth and sherry, optionally with orange bitters or sugar. All other variations are at the end of this article in a separate list or are assigned to the Bamboo Cocktail. We recommend looking there as well, since the recipes in the historical books are not clearly separated and there are many overlaps.
1886 St. Paul daily globe, 19. September 1886. Seite 16. Bamboo. [15]
One- of the latest and most insidious
drinks, was recently introduced into swell
saloons in this city by an Englishman. It
consists of three parts sherry and one part
vermouth. It is called „Bamboo.“ proba-
bly because after imbibing the drinker feels
like „raising Cain.“
1886 Western Kansas World, erschienen in WaKeeney, Kansas, 11. September 1886, Seite 2. Bamboo. [14]
A new and insidious drink has been
introduced by some Englishman, and is
becoming popular in New York bar-
rooms. It consists of three parts sherry
and one part vermouth, and is called
1889 Pittsburg Dispatch, 28. Juli 1889, Seite 15: Marine Cocktail. [3]
Lots of men come in here and call for a
„marine cocktail,“ an odd fancy of mine,
composed of sherry, vermouth and orange
bitter, with a spoonful of shaved ice.
1895 Anonymus: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 6. Arkwood Cocktail.
Angustora bitters 2 dashes, gum 2 dashes, 1/2 sherry 1/2 vermouth.
1895 The Daily Morning Journal And Courier, 1. Februar 1895, Seite 7. Boston Bamboo. [22]
The Boston bamboo is an equal mixture of sherry and Italian vermouth
1895 Omaha Daily Bee, 3. Februar 1895, Seite 14. Boston Bamboo. [23]
The Boston bamboo is an equal mixture of sherry and Italian vermouth.
1898 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 15. Armour Cocktail.
FINE ice in mixing-glass, three dashes orange Bitters
bitters, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian Sherry
vermouth. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add a Italian Vermouth
piece of orange peel. Orange peel
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 29. Armour Cocktail.
Fine ice in mixing-glass, three dashes orange
bitters, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian
vermouth. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add
a piece of orange-peel or a maraschino cherry.
1900 The evening world., May 29, 1900, Evening Edition, Page 4. Bamboo Cocktail. [4]
Three dashes of orange bitters and one-half each
of Italian Vermouth and sherry; add the acid of a
piece of lemon peel; put into a glass with cracked ice;
shake up and strain. Serve with cherry if desired.
The Caterer.
1901 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 8. Armour Cocktail.
THREE dashes orange bitters; one-
half sherry and one-half vermouth.
Fill with ice, mix well, and strain into a
cocktail glass. Add a piece of orange
1902 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 12. Arkwood Cocktail.
LARGE BAR GLASS.— Put in some cracked
ice, two dashes bitters, two dashes gum, 1/2 wine-
glass Sherry, 1/2 wineglass Vermouth. Stir and
strain into cocktail glass.
1902 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 10. Armour Cocktail.
THREE dashes Angostura bitters; one-
half sherry and one-half vermouth. Fill
with ice, mix well, and strain into a cocktail
glass. Add a piece of orange peel.
1903 Anonymus: Manuel du Cocktail. Seite 10. Armour Cocktail.
Se servir du verre à mixtion.
TROIS gouttes d’angostura; moitié
Xérès; moitié vermouth. Remplir
de glace, bien mélanger et filtrer dans un
verre à cocktail. Ajouter un morceau de
pelure d’orange.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 8. Harward Cocktail.
Use mixing glass into which put
2 dashes orange bitters; 1/3 jigger sherry; 2/3
jigger Italian vermouth; ice: Strain into cocktail
glass. Put piece of twisted lemon peel on top.
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 20. Golden Bell Cocktail.
Use mixing glass.
Ice, fill glass.
Orange bitters, 3 dashes.
Sherry, fill glass 1/2 full.
Vermouth, fill balance of glass.
Orange peel, 1 piece.
Mix and strain into cocktail glass.
1904 Thomas Steward: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks. Seite 131. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters.
2/3 sherry.
1/3 Italian vermouth.
1905 Anonymus: The Gorham Cocktail Book. Seite 15. Armour Cocktail.
Three dashes orange bitters, half a
jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian ver-
mouth, one piece orange peel.
FINE ice in mixing-glass, three
dashes orange bitters, half a jigger
sherry, half a jigger Italian vermouth.
Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add a
piece of orange peel.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 29. Armour Cocktail.
Fine ice in mixing-glass, three dashes orange
bitters, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian
vermouth. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add
a piece of orange-peel or a maraschino cherry.
1908 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 16. Bambo Cocktail.
50% Sherry wine
50% Bailor Vermouth [Anmerkung: Das ist ein italienischer]
Dash of orange bitters
1/2 glass of ice.
Stir, strain and serve.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 29. Armour Cocktail.
Fine ice in mixing-glass, three dashes orange
bitters, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian
vermouth. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add
a pièce of orange-peel or a maraschino cherry.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 3. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half a goblet of cracked ice.
1 dash of bitters (orange).
1/2 drink of Italian Vermouth.
1/2 drink of Sherry wine.
Stir, strain into a cocktail glass
and serve.
1910 Jacob Abraham Grohusco: Jack’s Manual. Seite 27. Bambo Cocktail.
50% Sherry wine
50% Italian Vermouth
Dash of orange bitters
1/2 glass of ice.
Stir, strain and serve.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 7. Harvard Cocktail.
Use mixing glass, into which put
2 dashes orange bitters
1/3 jigger sherry
2/3 jigger Italian vermouth
Strain into cocktail glass
Put piece of twisted lemon peel on top.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixing Drinks. Seite 9. Adonis Cocktail.
2 Dashes Orange Bitters.
1/3 Jigger Sherry.
2/3 Jigger Italian Vermouth.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixing Drinks. Seite 10. Armour Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
1/2 Jigger Italian Vermouth.
1/2 Jigger Sherry.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixing Drinks. Seite 10. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/3 Jigger Italian Vermouth.
2/3 Jigger Dry Sherry.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixing Drinks. Seite 26. Harvard Cocktail.
2 Dashes Orange Bitters.
2/3 Jigger Sherry or Brandy.
1/3 Jigger Italian Vermouth.
1 Рiесе of Lemon Peel on top.
Stir well and serve.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 22. Bamboo Cocktail.
Fill large bar glass 1/3 full fine ice; 3/4 jigger
sherry wine; 3/4 jigger Italian vermouth. Stir;
strain into cocktail glass. Serve.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters.
1/3 jigger sherry.
2/3 jigger Italian vermouth. Stir.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 17. Armour Cocktail.
1 Dash orange bitters.
1/2 jigger Italian vermouth.
1/2 jigger sherry. Stir.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 18. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/3 jigger italian vermouth.
2/3 jigger dry sherry.
1 dash orange bitters.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 28. Harvard Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters.
2/3 jigger sherry or brandy.
1/3 jigger Italian vermouth.
1 piece of lemon peel on top.
Stir well and serve.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 33. Adonis Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters
40% Sherry
60% M. & R. Italian vermouth.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 34. Armour Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters
50% M. & R. Italian Vermouth
50 Sherry.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 35. Bamboo Cocktail.
50% Sherry Wine
50% M. & R. Italian Vermouth
Dash Orange Bitters
Half glass ice.
strain, and serve.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 56. Larchmont Cocktail.
50% Sherry
50% M. & R. Italian Vermouth
Fill glass with cracked ice, stir and serve.
1917 Hugo Ensslin: Recipes for Mixed Drinks. Seite 8. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Italian Vermouth
1 dash Angostura Bitters
Shake well with cracked ice, strain and serve.
1917 Hugo Ensslin: Recipes for Mixed Drinks. Seite 15. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine
1/2 Italian Vermouth
3 dashes Orange Bitters
Stir well in a mixing glass with cracked ice, strain and serve with a twist
of orange peel on top.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 3. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half a goblet of cracked ice.
1 dash of bitters (orange).
1/2 drink of Italian vermouth;
1/2 drink of Sherry wine.
Stir, strain into a cocktail glass
and serve.
1917 Tom Bullock: The Ideal Bartender. Seite 11. Bamboo Cocktail.
Fill large Bar glass 1/2 full Fine Ice.
3/4 jigger Sherry Wine.
3/4 jigger Italian Vermouth.
Stir; strain into Cocktail glass. Serve.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite 8. Adonis Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters.
1/3 shot sherry.
2/3 shot Italian vermouth. Stir.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite14. Harvard Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters.
2/3 shot sherry or brandy.
1/3 shot Italian vermouth.
1 piece of lemon peel on top.
Stir well and serve.
1923 Harry McElhone: „Harry“ of Ciro’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 15. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Italian
1923 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 23. Amour Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace.
2 traits peach bitter.
1/2 verre à liqueur marasquin.
3/4 verre à madère Marsala.
Adapter la timbale. Frapper.
Passer dans le verre n° S. Pailles. Servir avec zeste
citron et une cerise.
1924 León Pujol & Oscar Muñez: Manual del Cantinero. Seite 6. Bamboo.
1/2 Jeréz
1/2 Vermoth Italiano.
2 Gotas angostura.
Bátase en vaso, sírvase en copa cocktail.
1924 León Pujol & Oscar Muñez: Manual del Cantinero. Seite 12. Duke of Marlborough.
1/2 Jeréz.
1/2 Vermouth Ytaliano.
3 Gotas Orange Bietter.
Bien frape, en copa cocktail con cáscara naranja.
1925 „Robert“ Buckby & George Stone: The Buckstone Book of Cocktails. Seite 7. Adonis Cocktail.
2/3 Sherry, 1/3 French Vermouth, dash of
Orange Bitters.
Shake and strain.
1925 „Robert“ Buckby & George Stone: The Buckstone Book of Cocktails. Seite 12. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry, 1/4 French Vermouth, 1/4 Italian
Shake and strain. Squeeze piece of lemon
peel on top.
1925 „Robert“ Buckby & George Stone: The Buckstone Book of Cocktails. Seite 23. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry, 1/2 Italian Vermouth, 3 dashes of
Orange Bitters.
Shake and strain.
1925 „Robert“ Buckby & George Stone: The Buckstone Book of Cocktails. Seite 50. Reform Cocktail.
2/3 Sherry, 1/3 Italian Vermouth, 1 dash of
Orange Bitters.
Shake and strain.
1926 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 8. Bamboo Cocktail.
TWO dashes orange bitters; one-half
sherry and one-half Italian vermouth.
Fill with ice, mix well, and strain into a
cocktail glass.
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 21. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Gancia Italian
1927 Anonymus: El Arte de Hacer Un Cocktail. Seite 5. Adonis.
Gotas de Orange Bitters.
1/3 Jerez Domecq La Ina.
2/3 vermouth italiano.
1927 Anonymus: El Arte de Hacer Un Cocktail. Seite 9. Armour.
Gotas Orange Bitters.
1/2 vermouth italiano.
1/2 Jerez Domecq La Ina y bátase.
1927 Anonymus: El Arte de Hacer Un Cocktail. Seite 10. Bamboo.
1/3 vermouth italiano.
2/3 Jerez seco Domeeq.
Gotas de Orange Bitters.
1927 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 8. Bamboo Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass.
TWO dashes orange bitters; one-half
sherry and one-half Italian vermouth.
Fill with ice, mix well, and strain into a
cocktail glass.
1927 Harry McElhone: Barflies and Cocktails. Seite 7. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Italian Vermouth.
1927 Jean Lupoiu: 370 recettes de cocktails. Seite 11. Adonis Cocktail.
1 jet Bitter Orange, 1/3 Sherry San-
deman, 2/3 Vermouth Cinzano.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 23. Bamboo.
Fill large bar glass 1-3 full fine ice.
3/4 jigger sherry wine.
3/4 jigger Italian Vermouth.
Stir; strain into cocktail glass. Serve.
1927 Piero Grandi: Cocktails. Seite 23. Adonis Cocktail.
Un filet orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Ver-
mouth Italien.
1928 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 8. Bamboo Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass.
sherry and one-half Italian vermouth.
Fill with ice, mix well, and strain into a
cocktail glass.
1928 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Cheerio. Seite 33. Sherrio Cocktail.
To one part of Sherry wine add an equal amount of
Vermouth, two dashes of orange bitters, place in a shaker
with ice, and stir thoroughly and serve.
1928 Judge Jr.: Here’s How! Seite 42. The Wop.
2/3 Italian vermouth;
1/3 sherry;
dash of orange bitters.
AFTER a few of these you go
“wop! ” – hence the title.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 98. Adonis Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo picado.
Unas gotas de Orange bitters.
1/3 de copita de Jerez.
2/3 — de vermut italiano.
Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 19. Amour Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec
de la glace pilée, trois traits de Peach Bitter, un
demi-verre à liqueur de Marasquin, un demi-verre
à madère de Marsala, agiter, passer dans un verre
à cocktail, garnir d’un zeste d’orange pressé et de
courtes pailles.
1929 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 3. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half fill shaker or mixing glass with Ice.
1/2 wineglass Sherry, 1/2 wineglass Italian Ver-
mouth, 3 dashes Angostura Bitters.
Shake, strain, and serve.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 23. Amour Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace.
2 traits peach bitter.
1/2 verre à liqueur marasquin.
3/4 verre à madère Marsala.
Adapter la timbale. Frapper.
Passer dans le verre n° 8. Pailles. Servir avec zeste
citron et une cerise.
1930 Anonymus – Cocktails by „Jimmy“ Late of Ciro’s London. Seite 19. Adonis.
1 part Sherry
2 parts Italian Vermouth.
1930 Anonymus: Here’s How. Seite 10. Adonis Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters.
1/3 shot sherry.
2/3 shot Italien vermouth. Stir.
1930 Anonymus: Here’s How. Seite 12. Harvard Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters.
2/3 shot sherry or brandy.
1/3 shot Italian vermouth.
1 piece of lemon peel on top.
Stir well and serve.
1930 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Cheerio. Seite 21. Sherrio Cocktail.
To one part of Sherry wine add an equal amount of
Vermouth, two dashes of orange bitters, place in a shaker
with ice, and stir thoroughly and serve.
1930 Charlie Roe & Jim Schwenck: The Home-Bartender’s Guide. Seite 10. Armour Cocktail.
You need armor to withstand this one. Back of
the stockyards out in Chicago, they used to drink
one of these before breakfast, and go out and look
for a policeman to beat up.
P. S. – They still do it.
Fine ice in mixing glass
Three dashes of orange bitters
Half a jigger of sherry
Half a jigger of Italian Vermouth
Mix, strain into cocktail glass
Add a piece of orange peel
1930 Charlie Roe & Jim Schwenck: The Home-Bartender’s Guide. Seite 47. Martini Cocktail No. 2
A Martini without Gin. It is little known, but
exceptionally good. The Sherry gives it an unusual
Fill mixing-gIass half-full fine ice
Add two dashes Boker’s Bitters
One-half jigger Italian Vermouth
One-half jigger Sherry
Piece of Lemon Peel
Mix and strain into cocktail glass
1930 Edgar Baudoin: Les Meilleurs Cocktails. Seite 31. Galathie Cocktail.
1 jet Bitter orange, 1/3 Sherry Sandeman, 2/3 ver-
mouth Cinzano.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros. Seite 23. Adonis Cocktail.
Gotas de orange bitters.
1/3 Jerez seco.
2/3 Vermouth Italiano. Revuélvase.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros. Seite 24. Armour Cocktail.
Gotas de orange bitters.
1/2 vennouth Italiano.
1/2 Jerez seco. Revuélvase.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros. Seite 24. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/3 vermouth Italiano.
2/3 Jerez seco.
Gotas ele orange bitters.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros. Seite 43. Harvard Cocktail.
Gotas de orange bitters.
2/3 Jerez seco.
1/3 vermouth Italiano.
Revuélvase bien.
Cáscara de limón en copa al servir.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
1/3 Italian Vermouth.
2/3 Dry Sherry.
Stir well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 63. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry.
1/2 Italian Vermouth.
3 Dashes Orange Bitters.
Stir well and twist orange peel
on top.
1930 Harry McElhone – Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 21. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Italian
1930 Jere Sullivan: The Drinks of Yesteryear. Seite 15. Bamboo.
The Request of Dash of orange bitters
one of our Greatest 1/2 Italian Vermouth
Military Leaders. 1/2 Sherry Wine
Spoon well and strain into cocktail glass.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 88. Adonis-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo pi-
Unas gotas de Orange bitters.
1/3 de copita de Jerez.
2/3 — de vermut italiano.
Agítese bien y sírvase en copa
de cocktail.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 111. Bomboo-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de biela picado.
1 cucharada de las de calé de curaçao.
Unas gotas de mandarina bitters.
1 copita de vermut italiano.
1 — de jerez.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail, con una
rodaja de limón.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 14. Armour.
It. Vermouth . . . . . 1/2 jigger Sherry . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger
. Orange Bitters . . . . . 2 dashes
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist orange peel
over and serve.
1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 115. Adonis.
Two dashes Orange Bitters
One-half Sherry
One-half Italian Vermouth
Named in honor of a theatrical offering which made at
least two persons famous. One was Henry E. Dixey, a
handsome and talented actor, long on Broadway; the other
was Fanny Ward. Yes, Fanny Ward! One doesn’t see as
much of Fanny these days as one did when she played
Cupid-speaking literally, that is, for Fanny in the play
was Cupid. Fanny discovered England late in the last cen-
tury, , married a South African millionaire and had a
bijou house in Berkeley Square. Her daughter married a
peer. She herself is now teaching Paris, London and New
York-and even Hollywood-that sixty years means noth-
ing, if you know what to do.
1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: Old Waldorf Bar Days. Seite 118. Armour.
Two dashes Orange Bitters
One-half jigger Sherry
One-half jigger Italian Vermuth
Stir; strain
Seite 102: „For example, take the Armour; called after a well
known Chicago patron of the establishment.“
1931 Dominique Migliorero: L’Art du Shaker. Seite 9. Adonis Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry, 1/2 Vermout Turin.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 31. Bamboo Cocktail.
50 per cent Sherry Wine
50 per cent M & R Italian Vermouth
Dash Orange Bitters
Half glass of ice.
Stir, strain and serve.
1931 Louis Leospo: Traité d’industrie hotelière. Seite 629. Amour-cocktail.
1/4 verre à liqueur d’orange-bitter.
1/4 verre à liqueur de marasquin.
3/4 verre à Madère de Marsala.
1932 James A. Wiley: The Art of Mixing. Seite 1. Adonis Cocktail.
Introduce 1 dash orange bitters to 1/3 Sherry,
accompanied by 2/3 – Italian Vermouth. They
will mix well with a little urging, and taste better
with a little ice.
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks. Seite 34. Adonis Cocktail.
Dash of Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry,
2/3 Italian Vermouth.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 40. Bamboo Cocktail.
Sherry Wine Take equal parts of sherry and Ver-
Italian Vermouth mouth, two dashes of bitters, and some
Orange Bitters cracked ice. Shake, strain, and serve
Ice in cocktail glass.
1933 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 8. Bamboo Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass.
TWO dashes orange bitters; one-half
sherry and one-half Italian vermouth.
Fill with ice, mix well, and strain into a
cocktail glass.
1933 Antonio Josa: Cocktelera Universal. Seite 11. Adonis Cocktail.
Una gota de Orange Bitters.
1/2 de Vermouth Italiano.
2/3 de Dry Sherry.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 3. Amour.
Sherry . . . . . . . . 1 pony Fr. Vermouth . . . . . 1 pony
. Orange Bitters . . . 2 dashes
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist
orange peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 5. Armour.
It. Vermouth . . . . . . 1 pony Sherry . . . . . . . . . 1 pony
. Orange Bitters . . . 2 dashes
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist
orange peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 74. Sherry, No. 2.
Sherry . . . . . . . . . . 1 pony It. Vermouth . . . . . . 1 pony
. Angostura . . . . . . . 2 drops
Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist
lemon peel over and serve.
1933 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 2. Bambo Cocktail.
1/2 jigger sherry wine
1/2 jigger Ballor vermouth
1 dash of orange bitters
1/2 glass of ice
Stir, strain, and serve.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
1/3 Italian Vermouth.
2/3 Dry Sherry.
Stir well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 63. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry.
1/2 Italian Vermouth.
3 Dashes Orange Bitters.
Stir well and twist orange peel
on top.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 8. Arkwood Cocktail.
Large bar glass. — Put in some cracked ice, two dashes bitters, two
dashes gum, 1/2 wine glass Sherry, 1/2 wine glass Vermouth. Stir and
strain into cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 10. Bamboo Cocktail.
One pony Sherry Wine.
One pony Italian Vermouth.
Dash orange bitters.
Half glass of ice.
Stir, strain and serve.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 115. Harvard Cocktail.
Use large bar glass.
Two dashes bitters.
Two dashes orange Curacoa.
One-half pony Vermouth.
One-half pony sherry. Add ice, strain into cocktail glass, and serve
with twisted lemon peel.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 39. Adonis Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters
40% sherry
60% regular vermouth
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 41. Armour Cocktail.
1 dash orange bitters
50% regular vermouth
50% sherry
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 42. Bamboo Cocktail.
50% sherry wine
50% vermouth
1 dash orange bitters
Half glass ice
Stir, strain, and serve.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 76. Larchmont Cocktail.
50% sherry
50% regular vermouth
Fill glass with cracked ice, stir, and serve.
1933 Joseph P. Santana & Charles A. Sasena:Fine Beverages. Seite 17. Bamboo Cocktail.
Fill mixing glass with fine ice
1 oz. Victoria Sherry
1 oz. Italian Vermouth
Stir, and strain into cocktail glass
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 23. Amour Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace.
2 traits peach bitter.
1/2 verre à liqueur marasquin.
3/4 verre à madère Marsala.
Adapter la timbale. Frapper.
Passer dans le verre n° 8. Pailles. Servir avec zeste
citron et une cerise.
1933 William Guyer: The Merry Mixer. Seite 52. Amour.
2 dashes Orange Bitters
1/2 jigger Gonzalez Byass Sherry
1/2 jigger Italian Vermouth
Stir; strain
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Adonis.
Jigger 2/3 sherry
1/3 Italian Vermouth
Dash picon bitters
Dash apricot brandy
Dash Cherry Brandy
Glass No. 2. Shake.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Bamboo.
Jigger 2/3 sherry
1/3 Italian Vermouth
Dash orange bitters
Red cherry in glas
Glass No. 2. Stir.
1934 Anonymus: 100 Famous Cocktails. Seite 23. Adonis.
Two dashes Orange Bitters
One-half Sherry
One-half Italian Vermuth
Ice, stir, strain
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 13. Armour Cocktail.
1 Dash orange bitters. 1/2 jigger sherry. Stir.
1/2 jigger Italian vermouth.
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 14. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/3 jigger Italian Vermouth. 1 dash Orange Bitters.
2/3 jigger Dry Sherry.
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 28. Harvard Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters. 1 piece of lemon peel on
2/3 jigger sherry or brandy. top.
1/3 jigger Italian vermouth. Stir well and serve.
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. Seite 96. The Armour.
Mixing glass half full ice, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger
Italian Vermouth, three dashes orange bitters, mix well, strain
into cocktail glass, add a piece of orange peel.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 151. Adonis-Cocktail.
1 D. [Dash] Orangebitter
1/3 Ital. Verrnouth
2/3 Sherry
M-Gl. [Mischglas] K. [Kirsche] Z. [Zitronenspirale]
1934 Bernard: 100 Cocktails. Seite 13. Bamboo Cocktail 2.
1/3 gill of Dry Sherry.
1/6 gill of Italian Vermouth.
1/2 teaspoonful of Orange Bitters.
1 dash of Lemon Peel Juice.
1/2 tumblerful of broken Ice.
This cocktail is made up in exactly the same
way as the previous one; but Italian Vermouth
is used instead of French Vermouth. This
makes the flavour much sweeter and, in our
experience, it is preferred by women-folk.
1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 21. Sherrio Cocktail.
To one part of Sherry wine add an equal amount of
Vermouth, two dashes of orange bitters, place in a shaker
with ice, and stir thoroughly and serve.
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 21. Adonis.
1/3 Sherry
2/3 Italian Vermouth
2 dashes Orange bitters
1934 Harry Jerrold Gordon: Gordon’s Cocktail and Food Recipes. Seite 106. Vermouth Sherry Cocktail.
1 Italian Vermouth
1 Sherry
Orange Bitters, 2 Dashes
Ice. – Stir. Strain and serve with an
Orange Twist.
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 21. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Italian
1934 Jean Robert Meyer: Bottoms Up. Seite 19. Amour.
2 dashes Orange Bitter
1/2 jigger Sherry
1/22 jigger Italian Vermouth
Stir; strain.
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 211. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters
1/3 Italian Vermouth
2/3 Dry Sherry
Stir well in ice and strain into glass.
Use glass number 1
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 211. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Italian Vermouth
1 Dash Angostura Bitters
Stir well with cracked ice and strain.
Use glass number 1
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 212. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine
1/2 Italian Vermouth
3 Dashes Raspberry Syrup
Juice of 1 Lime
Shake well with cracked ice and strain.
Use glass number 4
1934 Tom & Jerry: How to Mix Drinks [collectiv1801]. Seite 96. The Armour.
Mixing glass half full ice, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger
Italian Vermouth, three dashes orange bitters, mix well, strain
into cocktail glass, add a piece of orange peel.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 11. Adonis.
Sherry . . . . . . 2/3 jigger It. Vermouth . . . . 1/3 jigger
. Orange Bitters . . . . . 1 dash
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 17. Armour.
It. Vermouth . . . . . 1/2 jigger Sherry . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger
. Orange Bitters . . . . . 2 dashes
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist orange peel
over and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 109. Marlborough.
Sherry . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger It. Vermouth . . . . . . 1/2 jigger
. Orange Bitters . . . . 2 dashes
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass twist orange peel over and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 153. Sherry, No. 2.
Sherry . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger It. Vermouth . . . . . 1/2 jigger
. Bitters . . . . . . . . . 2 drops
Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over
and serve.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 63. Spanish Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters.
1/3 shot imported sherry.
2/3 shot Italian vermouth. Stir.
1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 35. Adonis.
Two dashes Orange Bitters
One-half Sherry
One-half Italian Vermouth (Stir)
Named in honor of a theatrical offering which first
made Henry E. Dixey and Fanny Ward famous.
1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 37. Armour.
Two dashes Orange Bitters
One-half jigger Sherry
One-half jigger Italian Vermouth (Stir)
Seite 21: „For example, take the Armour; called after a well
known Chicago patron of the establishment.“
1935 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 9. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half fill shaker or mixing glass with
fine ice.
1/2 wineglass Sherry.
1/2 wineglass Italian Vermouth.
3 dashes Angostura Bitters.
Shake or stir; strain into cock-
tail glass. Serve.
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 215. Bamboo.
Two-thirds Sherry
One-third Italian Vermouth
Dash of orange bitters
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 215. Border Cocktail.
One part Sherry
One part Italian Vermouth
Two dashes of orange bitters
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 215. Cherie.
Two parts Sherry Wine One part French Vermouth
One part Italian Vermouth Twist of orange peel
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 3. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters
1/3 Italian Vermouth
2/3 Dry Sherry
Stir well in ice and strain into 3 oz.
cocktail glass.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 11. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Italian Vermouth
1 Dash Bitters
Stir well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 74. Adonis Cocktail.
1/3 Italian Vermouth
2/3 Dry Sherry
1 ds. Orange Bitter
squeeze Lemon peel
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 98. Duke of Marlborough.
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Italian Vermouth
3 ds. Orange Bitter
1936 Anonymus: Cocktails, Drinks and Snacks. Sherry Cocktail.
2 oz. Sherry
2 oz. Italian Vermouth
2 dashes Orange Bitters
Ice, stir, strain into cocktail glass, add peel orange
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 22. Adonis.
1 part Sherry
2 parts Italian Vermouth.
1936 Elvezio Grassi: 1000 Misture. Seite 27. Bomboo Cocktail.
(Serie Clas-
Agitare nel shaker con ghiac-
20% Curaçao rosso
40% Vermouth Torino
40% Scherry vino
1 Spruzzo mandarine bitter
Orlare il bicchiere con sciroppo
bianco e zucchero poi servite
con buccia di limone.
1936 Frank Meier: The Artistry of Mixing Drinks. Seite 23. Adonis.
In mixing-glass: a dash of Or-
ange Bitters, half dry Sherry,
half Italian Vermouth; stir
slightly and serve.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran Manual de Cocktails. Seite 152. Bambu (demisec) Cocktail.
Usese el vaso de composición.
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
1/3 parte de Jerez Seco Perea.
1/3 parte de Vermouth Torino Cinzano.
1/2 parte de Vermouth Francés Noilly
Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 130
1937 Anonymus: Here’s How. Seite 19. Adonis.
1 Dash Orange Bitters
1/3 Italian Vermouth
2/3 Dry Sherry
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 5. Adonis Cocktail.
Drops of orange bitters.
1/3 dry sherry.
2/3 CORA vermouth.
Stir and serve.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 8. Armour Cocktail.
Drops of orange bitters.
1/2 CORA vermouth.
1/2 dry sherry.
Stir and serve.
1937 John R. Iverson: Liquid Gems. Seite 29. Bamboo Cocktail.
Bar glass—ice
1 oz. Italian Vermouth
3/4 oz. Sherry Wine
Dash Orange Bitters
Stir, strain and serve in cocktail
No decoration.
As the principal ingredients in this drink are
sweet wines, it will have the character of despon-
dency if nothing is added to liven it up. Orange
Bitters give it that needed vivacity and gayness.
However, Orange Bitters, a very strong and pen-
etrating aromatic, should be handled with great
care. Very little is needed, and an overdose will
spoil any drink. The similarity of color in the
component parts of this drink gives it a rather
dusky, yellowish tint, resembling that of the bam-
boo tree. Hence the name.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 120. Wop.
2/3 Italian Vermouth
1/3 Sherry
1 Dash Orange Bitters
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 80. Armour Cock-Tail.
Gotas de orange bitters.
Media parto vermouth FERRERO.
Media parte Jerez TIO PEPE. Revuélvase.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 81. Bamboo Cock-Tail.
Un tercera parte vermouth FERRERO.
Dos terceras partes Jerez TIO PEPE.
Gotas de orange bitters. Bátase.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 100. Harvard Cock-Tail.
Gotas de orauge bitters.
Dos terceras partes Jerez sec TIO PEPE.
Tercera parte vermouth FERRERO.
Revuélvase bien.
Cáscara de limón en copa al servir.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 106. Lobo De Mar Cock-Tail.
Media parte vermouth FERRERO.
Media parte Jerez seco TIO PEPE.
Gotas curacao. Revuélvase.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 89. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters
1/3 Italian Vermouth
2/3 Dry Sherry
Stir well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 90. Amour Cocktail.
2 dashes Orange Bitters
1/2 jigger Sherry
1/2 jigger Italian Vermouth
Stir — serve in Cocktail Glass
1938 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 21. Adonis Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange:
1 jet de Bitter Campari, 1/2 Xérès,
1/2 Vermouth Martini doux.
Mélanger et servir.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 14. Adonis Cocktail.
2 dashes Orange Bitters, 3/4 oz Sweet
Vermouth, 1 1/2 oz Dry Sherry. Stir
well in cracked ice and strain into
cocktail glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 29. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters,
1/2 gill of dry sherry,
1/6 gill of Italian vermouth.
Use the mixing glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 37. Bamboo or Reform Cocktail (1).
1 dash of Angostura bitters,
1/4 gill of dry sherry,
1/4 gill of Italian vermouth.
Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel
juice squeezed on top.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide. Seite 168. Adonis Cocktail.
1/3 part Cinzano Vermouth (Sweet)
2/3 part Dry Sherry
Dash of Orange Bitters
Stir in cracked ice and strain into cocktail
glass. Dry Vermouth, Sherry, and Angostura Bitters
make a BAMBOO COCKTAIL. Orange Bitters may be
used with Sweet Vermouth and Angostura with the
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 211. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters
1/3 Italian Vermouth
2/3 Dry Sherry
Stir well in ice and strain into glass.
Use glass number 1
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 211. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Italian Vermouth
1 Dash Angostura Bitters
Stir well with cracked ice and strain.
Use glass number 1
1940 Pedro Talavera: Los secretos del cocktail. Seite 27. Adonis Cocktail.
Póngase en un gran vaso de cristal un poco de
hielo picado.
1/6 copa de Orange Bitter.
1/2 ídem de Jerez.
1/4 ídem de Vermouth Martini Rossi.
Agítese bien y se pasa a la copa núm. 5 con una
corteza de limón.
1940 Pedro Talavera: Los secretos del cocktail. Seite 199. Sandeman Cocktail.
En un gran vaso de cristal, unos pedacitos de hielo.
5 gotas de Angostura.
1/3 copa de Vermout Martini Rossi.
1/2 ídem de Jerez Seco Sandeman.
Agítese bien y se pasa al vaso núm. 3, con una
corteza de limón.
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 47. Marlborough-Cocktail.
Póngase en el vaso mezclador unos pe-
dacitos de hielo y añadir:
1/2 Jerez seco
1/2 Vermut Italiano
3 golpes Orange bitters
Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1943 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 23. Armour Cocktail.
1 3/4 Dry Sherry
1 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Twist of lemon peel
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 73. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters
3/4 ounce Sweet Vermouth
2 ounces Dry Sherry
Stir with cracked ice.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 106. Vermouth Sherry Cocktail.
1 Italian Vermouth
1 Sherry
Orange Bitters, 2 Dashes
Ice. — Stir.
Strain and serve with an
Orange Twist.
1944 Nick Thomas: Bartender’s Friend. Adonis Cocktail.
1 oz. Dry Sherry Stir well with Ice.
1 oz. Sweet Vermouth Strain into Cocktail Glass.
1 Dash Orange Bitters
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 28. Amour Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Sherry
1⁄2 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Dash Angostura Bitters
Twist of lemon peel
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 20. Golden Bell Cocktail.
Use mixing glass.
Ice, fill glass.
Orange bitters, 3 dashes.
Sherry, fill glass 1/2 full.
Vermouth, fill balance of glass.
Orange peel, 1 piece.
Mix and strain into cocktail glass.
1946 Bill Kelly: The Roving Bartender. Seite 24. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
1 oz. Sherry
Stir well.
1946 Lucius Beebe: The Stork Club Bar. Seite 63. Bamboo Cocktail.
2 oz. dry sherry
3/4 oz. Italian vermouth
Stir and serve in 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1946 Lucius Beebe: The Stork Club Bar. Seite 90. Armour Cocktail.
1 3/4 oz. dry sherry
1 oz. sweet vermouth
twist of lemon peel
Stir and serve in 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 33. Amour Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Sherry
1⁄2 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Dash Angostura Bitters
Twist of lemon peel
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 13. Adonis Cocktail.
1 trait de Bitter ou Angustura; 1/2 Xérès;
1/2 Cinzano.
1947 Karl Büskens: Mixbuch für Jedermann. Seite 53. Sherry.
4 Spritzer Orange Bitter
4 Spritzer Franz. Vermouth
1 Glas Sherry
4 dashes Orange Bitters
4 dashes French Vermouth
1 glass Sherry
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 95. Adonis-Cocktail.
Rrepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
Unas gotas de Orange bitters.
1/4 copita de Jerez.
2/3 copita de vermouth italiano.
Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 228. Rocio-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
Unas gotas de Orange bitters.
1/2 copita de vermouth italiano.
1/2 copita de jerez seco.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1948 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 4. Bambo Cocktail.
1/2 jigger sherry wine
1/2 jigger Ballor vermouth
1 dash of orange bitters
1/2 glass of ice
Stir, strain, and serve.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 369. Vermouth Sherry.
1 parte de vermouth italia-
1 parte de Sherry.
2 chorros de Orange Bitters.
Hielo. Revuélvase, cuéle-
se y sírvase con una cáscara
naranja retorcida.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 375. Adonis.
1/3 Jerez.
2/3 vermouth italiano.
Gotas de Orange Bitters.
Hielo. Revuélvase y sír-
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 375. Armour.
1/2 vermouth italiano.
1/2 Jerez seco.
Gotas de Orange Bitters.
Hielo. Revuélvase, cuéle-
se y sírvase.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 376. Bamboo.
1/3 vermouth italiano.
2/3 Jerez seco.
Gotas de Orange Bitters.
Hielo. Revuélvase, cuéle-
se y sírvase.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 385. Harvard.
2/3 Jerez seco.
1/3 vermouth italiano.
Gotas de Orange Bitters.
Hielo. Revuélvase, cuéle-
se y sírvase con cáscara de
1948 Jean Lupoi: Adonis Cocktail. Seite 13. Adonis Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange:
1 jet de Bitter Augustura, 1/2 Xérès,
1/2 Vermouth Martini doux.
Mélanger et servir.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 248. Adonis Cocktail.
1 oz. sherry 1/2 oz. Italian vermouth
. 1 dash orange bitters
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 252. Marlborough Cocktail.
3/4 oz. sherry 3/4 oz. Italian vermouth
. 2 dashes orange bitters
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 337. La Pirouette.
2 oz. sherry 1 dash orange bitters
2 oz. French vermouth 2 drops Angostura bitters
Stir well with ice and strain into short highball glass. Twist
lemon peel over drink and serve.
1949 Anonymus: Bottoms Up. Seite 22. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters
3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth
1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1949 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 16. Adonis Cocktail.
2 dashes Orange bitters, 3/4 oz.
Sweet Vermouth, 1 1/2 oz. Dry
Sherry. Stirr well in cracked ice
and strain into cocktail glass.
1949 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 41. Duc Cocktail.
2 Traits Orange Bitter –
1/2 Sherry –
1/2 Vermouth Italien –
Remuer au verre à mélange et passer
dans un verre à cocktail; avant de
servir, ajouter un zeste d’orange.
1949 Emile Bauwens: Livre de Cocktails. Seite 23. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry –
1/4 Vermouth Français –
1/4 Vermouth Italien –
Remuer au verre à mélange et passer
dans un verre à cocktail.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 290. Adonis-Cocktail.
Mixglas. 1 d. Orangenbitter, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 ital. Ver-
mouth. Gut rühren.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 120. Adonis.
1 dash Orange Bitters 1/2 oz. Italian Vermouth
. 1 oz. Sherry
Shake with cracked ice and strain.
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 107. General Brock.
Courtesy, The General Brock, Niagara Falls, Ontario
1 oz. dry sherry
1 oz. Italian vermouth
1 oz. French vermouth
Dash Angostura bitters
Serve cold with maraschino cherry in cocktail
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 63. Adonis.
Dans le verre à mélange:
Un trait d’orange bitters,
1/2 de dry Sherry,
1/2 de vermouth italien,
Remuer vivement et servir.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 29. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters,
1/2 gill of dry sherry,
1/6 gill of Italian vermouth.
Use the mixing glass.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 146. Adonis.
. 1 golpe de Bitter Oranje.
Refrescado. 30 gramos de Vermouth Fran-
Servido en copa de 100 cés.
gramos. 30 gramos de Jerez
. 30 ” ” Dry Gin.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 155. Bambu.
. 40 gramos de Jerez.
Refrescado. 30 gramos de Vermouth To-
Servido en copa de 90 rino.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 174. Adonis.
1 part Italian Vermouth
2 parts Dry Sherry
1 or 2 dashes Bitters8 to each drink.
Stir quickly with large cubes of ice.
8 “Wherever the word “bitters” is used without specifying the
brand, use your favorite bitters, whatever that may be.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 1. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain in 3 oz.
Cocktail glass.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 53. Adonis.
1/3 Sweet Vermouth.
2/3 Dry Sherry.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Stir and Strain.
Squeeze Orange Peel.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 16. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters
3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth
1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 41. Adonis Cocktail.
Un trait Orange Bitter
1/4 Xérès
3/4 Vermouth Italien
Un zeste d citron.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 43. Amour Cocktail.
Deux traits Orange Bitter
1/3 Maraschino Luxardo
2/3 Frontignan
Un zeste d’orange
Deux bigarreaux.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 53. Adonis.
1/3 Sweet Vermouth.
2/3 Dry Sherry.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Stir and Strain.
Squeeze Orange Peel.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange
1 jet de Bitter Angustura, 1/2 Xérès
Chaplins, 1/2 Martini.
Mélanger et servir.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 20. Amour Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange:
1 jet d’Angustura Bitter, 2 jets de Maras-
chino, 1 verre de Sherry Chaplins.
Mélanger et servir.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. Adonis.
2/3 Dry Sherry
1/3 Sweet Vermouth
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with ice and strain into
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. Bamboo.
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Sweet Vermouth
1 Dash Angostura Bitters
Stir well with ice and strain into
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. Duke of Marlborough.
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Sweet Vermouth
3 Dashes Raspberry Syrup
Juice of 1 Lime
Shake well with ice and strain
into glass.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 17. Adonis.
Timbale à mélange, glace
2/3 Dry Sherry
1/3 Vermouth italien
1 trait Angostura
Bien remuer en timbale à
mélange et passer dans un
verre à cocktail.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 39. Duke of Marlborough.
Shaker, glace
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Vermouth italien
3 traits sirop de framboises
jus frais d’un citron
Bien frapper au shaker et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 81. Adonis.
2 parts sherry 1 part Italian-type vermouth
. 1 dash orange bitters
Stir with ice, strain.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 51. Adonis.
1/3 Sweet Vermouth.
2/3 Dry Sherry.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Stir and Strain.
Squeeze Orange Peel.
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 14. Adonis.
1/2 Xérès
1/2 Cinzano blanc
1 jet Bitter
1961 Pedro Chicote: El bar en el mundo. Seite 169. Marina Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo pi-
Unas gotas de Orange bit-
1/4 de copita de jerez.
2/3 de copita de vermouth
Agítese bien y sírvase en
copa de cocktail.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 30. Adonis Wine Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di sherry secco
1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth classico
2 gocce di orange bitter
ghiaccio a cubetti
Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare
lo sherry ed il vermouth e mescolarli usando l’apposito
cucchiaio; aggiungere l’orange bitter. Mescolare piutto-
sto forte, lasciar riposare uno o due secondi, riprendere
infine a mescolare ma lentamente. Servire subito. L’orange
bitter può essere sostituito con altro bitter secondo il
proprio gusto.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 57. Adonis Wine Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di sherry secco
1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth classico
2 gocce di orange bitter
ghiaccio a cubetti
Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare
10 sherry ed il vermouth e mescolarli usando l’apposito
cucchiaio; aggiungere l’orange bitter. Mescolare piutto-
sto forte, lasciar riposare uno o due secondi, riprendere
infine a mescolare ma lentamente. Servire subito. L’oran-
ge bitter può essere sostituito con altro bitter, secondo
il proprio gusto.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 66. Amour Wine Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/2 di marsala secco
1 bicchierino da liquore di maraschino
4 gocce di peach bitter
ghiaccio a cubetti
Riempire lo shaker fino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac-
cio. Aggiungere il marsala, il maraschino ed il peach bitter.
Chiudere, lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo riposare
un secondo, riprendere infine ad agitarlo ma lentamente.
Servire subito.
1964 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 135. Adonis.
2/3 Jerez seco.
1/3 Vermouth dulce.
1 golpe de Orange Bitter.
Vaso mezclador.
1964 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 146. Alaska.
. 2/3 Jerez seco.
Vaso mezclador. 1/3 Vermouth dulce.
Servido en copa de 90 1 golpe Orange Bitter.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 42. Adonis.
2/3 Bobadillo Sherry
1/3 Cinzano Vermouth rot
1 dash Angosturabitter
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 52. Adonis.
1 /3 Sweet Vermouth.
2 /3 Dry Sherry.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Squeeze Orange Peel.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 343. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash orange bitter, 1/3 sherry, 2/3 vermouth rouge. Bien remuer.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 63. Adonis Cocktail.
3/4 ounce sweet vermouth 2 dashes orange bitters
1 1/2 ounces dry sherry
Stir well in cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 115. Bamboo.
1/4 Dry Vermouth
1/4 Sweet Vermouth
1/2 Dry Sherry
Stir well, strain into cocktail-glass.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 134. Adonis.
2 oz. Dry Sherry
1 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Dash of Angostura
Stir, strain into cocktail-glass. (Do not over-ice).
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 33. Amour Cocktail.
2 oz. Sweet Sherry, 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Twist of lemon peel on top. Stir with Ice and
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 100. Topaz Cocktail.
2 oz. Sweet Sherry
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth. Stir with Ice & Strain.
Decorate with Twist of Lemon Peel.
1972 Anonymus: Recipes – Wines and Spirits. Seite 46. Merry Widow.
To make 1 apéritif
1 1/2 ounces sherry
1 1/2 ounces sweet vermouth
1 strip lemon peel
3 to 4 ice cubes
A 4-ounce cocktail or old-fashioned
glass, chilled
Combine the sherry and vermouth in a mixing glass. Twist the lemon
peel over the glass to release the oil, and drop the peel in. Add the ice
cubes, stir gently with a bar spoon, and strain into a glass.
To make a variation known as the Duplex, substitute 1 1/2 ounces
dry vermouth for the sherry.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 1. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry Wine
Stir well with cracked ice and strain
into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 74. East India Cocktail – 4.
1 1/4 ounces French vermouth
1 1/4 ounces sweet sherry
1 dash orange bitters
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 219. Adonis Cocktail.
1 ounce sweet sherry
1/2 ounce Italian vermouth
1 dash orange bitters
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 219. Amour Cocktail.
3/4 ounce sweet sherry
3/4 ounce French vermouth
2 dashes Angostura bitters
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Add
a twist ot orange peel.
Variation: Substitute orange bitters for Angostura bitters.
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 37. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 sherry
1/2 Italian vermouth
1 teaspoon raspberry liqueur
1 juice of a lime
Shake well with ice and strain
into cocktail glass.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 33. Amour Cocktail.
2 oz. Sweet Sherry
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Twist of Lemon Peel on top. Stir with Ice and Strain.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 100. Topaz Cocktail.
2 oz. Sweet Sherry
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth. Stir with Ice & Strain.
Decorate with Twist of Lemon Peel.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 43. Adonis.
1/3 sweet vermouth
2/3 dry sherry
Dash orange bitters
Twist orange peel
Mixing glass
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
1/3 Italian Vermouth.
2/3 Dry Sherry.
Stir well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 62. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry.
1/2 Italian Vermouth.
3 Dashes Orange Bitters.
Stir well and twist orange peel
on top.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 210. Adonis.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1 dash orange bitters
3/4 oz sweet vermouth
1-1/2 oz dry sherry
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 213. Amour.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/2 oz sherry
1-1/2 oz dry vermouth
1 dash Angostura bitters
Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 218. Armour.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/2 oz sherry
1-1/2 oz dry vermouth
1 dash orange bitters
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 272. Duke of Marlborough.
Cocktail Glass Shake
1 oz lime juice
1 oz sherry
1 oz sweet vermouth
1/4 oz grenadine
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 335. Marlborough.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/4 oz sherry
1-1/4 oz sweet vermouth
1 dash orange bitters
2017 Dr. Adam Elmegirab: Book of Bitters. Seite 144. Adonis Cocktail. 45 ml Oloroso sherry; 45 ml Cocchi vermouth di Torino; 2 dashes Regan’s orange bitters no. 6.
2018 Alex Day, Nick Fauchald, David Kaplan: Cocktail Codex. Seite 91. Bamboo. 1 1/2 ounces Lustau Los Arcos Amontillado Sherry; 3/4 ounce Dolin blanc vermouth; 3/4 ounce Dolin dry vermouth; 2 dashes House Orange Bitters; garnish: 1 lemon twist.
Similar recipes
In the course of our research, we extracted numerous recipes that are very similar to the Adonis Cocktail or the Armour Cocktail, but modified with additional ingredients. The most common ingredient is curaçao. We did not want to discard these recipes, and therefore reproduce them in this appendix. Perhaps there is something here for those who are interested.
1896 William Schmidt: Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages. Seite 61. The Invitation.
A glass with 2 dashes of gum,
some fine ice,
1 small drink of sherry wine,
1 small drink of vino vermouth,
2 dashes of absinthe.
Freeze this to the coldest poínt; strain into 2 fancy glasses,
and serve.
1902 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 38. Harvard Cocktail.
LARGE BAR GLASS.—Two dashes bitters, two
dashes orange Curacoa, 1/2 pony Vermouth, 1/2 pony
sherry. Add ice, strain into cocktail glass and
serve with twisted lemon peel.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Sherry Cocktail.
Large bar glass half full with cracked ice.
One dash Angostura, three dashes syrup, three
dashes Curacoa, one-quarter jigger Vermouth, one
jigger sherry wine; stir well with spoon, strain in
cocktail glass and serve with cherries.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartender’s Manual. Seite 23. Sherry Cocktail.
(Large bar glass half full
cracked ice.) 1 dash Angostura; 3 dashes syrup; 3
dashes Curacoa; 1/4 jigger vermouth; 1 jigger sherry
wine; stir well with spoon; strain in cocktail glass
and serve with cherries.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 29. Sherry Cocktail.
(Large bar glass half full cracked ice.) 1
dash Angostura; 3 dashes syrup; 3 dashes Cura-
coa; 1/4 jigger vermouth; 1 jigger sherry wine;
stir well with spoon; strain in cocktail glass and
serve with cherries.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 52. Harvard Cocktail.
(use large bar glass)
2 dashes Bitters
2 dashes Orange Curacao
50% Vermouth
50% Sherry.
Add ice, strain into cocktail glass and serve with twisted
lemon peel.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 27. Bombaoo Cocktail.
Shaker avec glace pilée,
une cuillerée à café de curaçao, 1/3 de verre à
madère de vermouth italien et 2/3 de sherry-
wine; agiter et passer dans un verre a cocktail,
border au sucre.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks. Seite 28. Bomboo Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec de
la glace pilée, une cuillère à café de Curaçao sec,
un trait de Mandarine-Bitter, un verre à liqueur de
Vermouth Italien, un verre à liqueur de Sherry-
Wine, agiter, passer dans un verre à cocktail aux
bords sucrés. Garnir d’un zeste de citron. Courtes
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks. Seite 37. Brazil Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec
de la glace pilée, quatre traits d’ Angustura, quatre
traits d’Absinthe, und emi-verre de Vermouth-
Cinzano, un demi-verre de Sherry-Wine, agiter,
passer dans un verre à cocktail, garnir d’un zeste
de citron et d’une cerise macérée au kirsch.
1927 Anonymus: El Arte de Hacer Un Cocktail. Seite 82. Zorrilla.
1/2 vermouth italiano.
1/2 jerez Oloroso de Domecq.
Gotas de ron elixir.
Gota de Curacao.
Bátase y sírvase.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 111. Bomboo-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo picado.
1 cucharada de las de café de curaçao.
Unas gotas de mandarina bitters.
1 copita de vermut italiano.
1 — de Jerez.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail, con una
rodaja de limón.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 152. Gamboita-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
2 ó 3 pedacitos de hielo.
8 ó 10 gotas de curaçao rojo.
1/ 2 copita de vermut Carpano.
1/ 2 — de Jerez seco.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail con una
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 164. Jerez-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
2 ó 3 pedacitos de hielo.
1/4 de copita de vermut italiano.
3/ 4 de Jerez seco.
10 gotas de curaçao.
Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail,
añadiendo una guinda.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 197. Palace-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo picado.
Unas gotas de curaçao.
Unas gotas de ron.
1/2 copita de Jerez.
1/2 — de vermut italiano.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 218. Sotavento-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
1/2 copita de Jerez seco.
1/2 — de vermut italiano.
Unas gotas de Orange bitters.
Unas — de curaçao rojo.
Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail,
añadiendo una corteia de limón.
1929 Antonio (Tony) Fernández: Manual del barman. Seite 29. Bamboo Cocktail.
En un vaso grande échese
hielo, un chorro de Bitter Naranja, un id de
Maraschino, media copa de vermouth Torino y me-
dia id de vino Jérez seco; revuélvase y sírvase co-
lado con una fruta en copa tipo Operto.
Si se desea seco empleesé vermouth Francés en
vez de Torino.
1930 F. Koki: Cocktails. Bamboo-Cocktail.
Barglas mit Eis.
3 Dashes Angostura-Bitters,
1 ” Orange- ”
1/2 Cocktailglas red-Port-Sandeman,
1/2 ” Sherry.
Im übrigen wie vorhergehendes Rezept.
[Mische gut mit einem Barlöffel, lege eine Kirsche in ein Cocktailglas,
presse den Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und serviere.]
1930 Miguel R. Reguera: Cocktails. Seite 23. Cocktail del Brasil.
En una cocktelera, con hielo picado:
Unas gotas de Angostura
» de ajenjo
1/2 copa de vermouth italiano
1/2 » Sherry-Wine.
Agítese y sírvase.
1930 Miguel R. Reguera: Cocktails. Seite 29. Cocktail de Jerez.
En una cocktelera, con hielo machacado:
10 gotas de curazao
1/2 de vermouth italiano
1/2 de vino de Jerez seco.
Agítese y sírvase.
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks. Seite 42. Brazil Cocktail.
3 dashes Angostura Bitters,
3 dashes Absinthe, 1/2 Sherry,
1/2 French Vermouth.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 28. Harvard Cocktail.
Use large glass.
Two dashes bitters.
Two dashes Orange Curacao.
One pony Vermouth.
One pony Sherry.
Add ice, strain into cocktail glass and serve with twisted lemon
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Ardsley.
Jigger 2/3 sherry
1/3 Italian Vermouth
Dash yellow chartreuse
Dash orange bitters
Glass No. 2. Shake.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Chauncey Depew.
Jigger 2/3 sherry
1/3 Italian Vermouth
Dash Angostura bitters
Orgeat syrup
Glass No. 1. Shake.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Guggenheim.
Jigger 2/3 sherry
1/3 Italian Vermouth
Dash benedictine
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Meditation.
3/4 jigger sherry
1/4 Vermouth
Dash green chartreuse
Dash fernet branca
Dash grenadine
Glass No. 2. Shake.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. New Idea.
1/2 jigger sherry
1/3 gancia vermouth
2 dashes pineapple juice
Dash picon bitters
Glass No. 2. Shake.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Nora Bayes.
2/3 jigger sherry
1/4 Italian vermouth
Dash yellow chartreuse
Dash Cordial Medoc
Red cherry in glass
Glass No. 2. Stir.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Octogenarian.
3/4 jigger sherry
1/4 Italian vermouth
Dash curacao
Dash absinthe
Dash Angostura bitters
Glass No. 2. Stir.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Philosophy.
2/3 jigger sherry
1/3 Italian vermouth
Dash cointreau
Picon bitters
Glass No. 2. Stir.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Roosevelt.
2/3 jigger sherry
1/4 Italian vermouth
Dash Cordial Medoc
Dash picon bitters
Dash maraschino
Glass No. 2. Shake.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Sherman Square.
2/3 jigger sherry
1/3 Italian vermouth
2 dashes crème de cacao
Dash apricot brandy
Glass No. 2. Shake.
1934 American Traveling Mixologists (Charles C. Mueller, Al Hoppe Sr., A. V. Guzman & James Cunningham): Pioneers of Mixing at Elite Bars 1903-1933. Spaudling.
2/3 jigger sherry
1/3 Italian vermouth
Dash cointreau
Dash lemon juice
Dash Crème de Violette, Picon bit-
Glass No. 2. Shake.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran Manual de Cocktails. Seite 152. Bambu (dulce) Cocktail.
Usese el vaso de composición.
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
4 gotas de Orange Bitters.
6 gotas de Curacao Marie Brizard.
1/2 parte de Jerez Seco Perea.
1/2 parte de Vermouth Torino Cinzano.
Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 130
gramos con una guinda abrillantada.
1945 R. M. Barrows & Betty Stone: 300 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 11. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine
1/2 Italian Vermouth
1 Teaspoon Raspberry
1 Juice of a Lime
Shake well with ice and strain.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 160. Fonseca-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
Tres golpes de ácido fosfato.
Tres golpes de Orange bitters.
1/2 de Jerez seco.
3/4 de vermouth francés.
1/4 de vermouth italiano.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 175. Ideal-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
Unas gotas de marrasquino.
Unas gotas de jugo de naranja.
1/3 copita de vermouth italiano.
1/3 copita de vermouth francés.
1/3 copita de jerez seco.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 178. Jerez-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
2 ó 3 pedacitos de hielb.
1/4 copita de vermouth italiano.
3/4 copita de jerez seco.
10 gotas de curaçao.
Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail,
añadiendo una guinda.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 245. Taurino-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
Unas gotas de Orange bitters.
Unas gotas de curaçao rojo.
1/2 copita de jerez seco.
1/2 copita de vermouth italiano.
Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail,
agregándole una corteza de ‘ limón.
(Dedicado cariñosamente al Club Taurino de Bilbao.)
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 249. Tropical-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
Unas rodajas de plátanos.
Unas rodajas de piña amencana.
1/3 de copita de vermouth italiano.
1/3 de copita de Noilly.
1/3 de copita de jerez seco.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail, con una
1959 Fernando Gaviria: El coctel y sus derivados. Seite 34. Coronation.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
Unas gotas de Marrasquino.
Unas gotas de Orange Bitters.
Una parte de Jerez seco.
Una parle de Vermout francés.
Agítese, sirviéndolo en copa de cocktail,
agregando una guinda.
explicit capitulum