
Buttermilch-Margarita (Buttermilk Margarita)

Buttermilch-Margarita (Buttermilk Margarita).

The Buttermilk Margarita is a modern classic. To have tried it is a must for every educational drinker.

60 ml Calle 23 Reposado tequila
30 ml Berchtesgadener Land buttermilk
20 ml lime juice
10 ml lemon juice
20 ml agaven syrup
1 Barlöffel Zwergenwiese quince jelly

Preparation: Shaken.

The Buttermilk Margarita was created in 2011 and was unknown until 2014, when Jörg Meyer drew attention to it when he presented it as part of a tequila workshop. He was looking for suitable drinks for this workshop. The logical choice was the Margarita, El Diablo and Tequila Sunrise. But there were still a few drinks missing with which to impress. So he turned to Bettina Kupsa and asked her for advice. She was still standing behind the bar counter at Le Lion at that time and suggested Apapita and Buttermilk Margarita. [1] [2]

Bettina Kupsa developed the Buttermilk Margarita when she was still working at the “3 Freunde Bar”. At that time, she and her colleague at the time, Anne Störtenbecker, designed a summer menu on the theme of tequila. Anne Störtenbecker came up with the idea of combining tequila with buttermilk. About the Buttermilk Margarita, Betty says: “I actually think you can recommend this drink to almost anyone who doesn’t have a problem with acidity. It’s a great drink to make tequila more accessible to a guest. We chose Reposado because the subtle vanilla and toffee tones subtly soften the acidity of the drink and give the overall flavour that final kick. But of course, playing around with the tequila is allowed. Only 100 per cent agave should be used in any case. The buttermilk gives the drink freshness and creaminess at the same time. The acidity of the lemon is important to support this freshness. The spoonful of quince jelly gives the drink a background fruitiness, supports the buttermilk, but doesn’t want to take over the main role.[1] [2]

„Ich glaube tatsächlich, dass man diesen Drink nahezu jedem empfehlen kann, der kein Problem mit Säure hat. Ein großartiger Drink, um einem Gast das Thema Tequila zugänglicher zu machen. Wir haben Reposado gewählt, weil die zarten Vanille- und Toffeetöne die Säure des Drinks auf subtile Weise abmildern und dem Geschmack insgesamt den letzten Kick geben. Aber natürlich sind Spielereien mit dem Tequila erlaubt. Einzig 100 Prozent Agave sollte es in jedem Falle sein. Die Buttermilch verleiht dem Drink gleichzeitig Frische und Cremigkeit. Die Säure der Zitrone ist dabei wichtig, um diese Frische zu unterstützen. Der Löffel Quittengelee gibt dem Drink eine hintergründige Fruchtigkeit, unterstützt die Buttermilch, will aber die Hauptrolle nicht übernehmen.“ [2]

We like buttermilk, tequila and quince jelly – making the Buttermilk Margarita a perfect, refreshing drink for us. For us, it’s definitely one of the modern classics. If you don’t know it yet and would like to have it served by Betty and her team, just drop by the Hamburg Chug Club, it’s worth it!

  1. http://www.jrgmyr.com/2014/07/sommer-2014-die-fantastische.html: Sommer 2014 – Die fantastische Buttermilch Margarita und fünf weitere Tequila Drinks. By Jörg Meyer, 2. July 2014.
  2. http://mixology.eu/drinks/buttermilch-margarita-cocktail/: Der wahre Sommerdrink, die Buttermilch Margarita. By Marco Beier, 15. July 2014.
Buttermilch-Margarita (Buttermilk Margarita).
Buttermilch-Margarita (Buttermilk Margarita).


2014 http://www.jrgmyr.com/2014/07/sommer-2014-die-fantastische.html. Buttermilch Margarita.

60 ml Reposado Tequila
30 ml Buttermilch
20 ml frischer Limettensaft
10 ml frischer Zitronensaft
20 ml Agavensirup
1 Barlöffel Quittengelee
Shake, Strain, in der Cocktailschale servieren

2014 http://mixology.eu/drinks/buttermilch-margarita-cocktail. Buttermilch Margarita.

5 cl Tequila Reposado
3 cl Buttermilch
2 cl frischer Limettensaft
1 cl frischer Zitronensaft
2 cl Agavensirup
1 BL Quittengelee
Zubereitung: Alle Zutaten in einen Shaker geben und mit Eiswürfeln 20-30 Sekunden (20-30 mal) kräftig schütteln. Den Cocktail in das vorgekühlte Gästeglas doppelt abseihen.

explicit capitulum


Hi, I'm Armin and in my spare time I want to promote bar culture as a blogger, freelance journalist and Bildungstrinker (you want to know what the latter is? Then check out "About us"). My focus is on researching the history of mixed drinks. If I have ever left out a source you know of, and you think it should be considered, I look forward to hearing about it from you to learn something new. English is not my first language, but I hope that the translated texts are easy to understand. If there is any incomprehensibility, please let me know so that I can improve it.