
The history of cream as a beverage ingredient. Part 3: Eggnog.

Titelbild: Miniature quaich.

We have looked at Posset and Syllabub. There is a relative that is more familiar to us today: the Eggnog. We took a closer look at its origins and history. It was not always what it is today, and there was an Ur-Eggnog that lived up to its name.

1 egg (40 ml)
55 ml Beaulon XO Cognac
15 sugar syrup (2:1)
20 cream
Grated nutmeg as garnish

Preparation: 3 ice cubes, shaken for 12 seconds (36 times).

Note: Our recipe is prepared without milk, although in the old recipes milk, occasionally enriched with cream, is added to an Eggnog. However, the omission of milk is also a practice that goes back a long way; the oldest recipe we could find to prove this comes from ‘McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide’, probably published in 1883. [68-17]

The origin

It is said that Eggnog was probably invented in England and was originally a winter drink for British aristocrats. [1] [8] [13] However, its origins are shrouded in mystery. [8] It appears to be descended from Posset, [1] [4] [13] and we would argue that there are also similarities with Syllabub. It will not be possible to draw up a precise family tree, as the transitions between these drinks are fluid.


There are numerous etymological interpretations of the term ‘eggnog’. The Oxford English Dictionary states that a ‘nog’ is a type of strong beer from East Anglia. The word ‘nog’ was first recorded in 1693. [13] It is also said that the term comes from Scottish and Irish Gaelic, where ‘noggin’ refers to a cup, and in early modern English it meant a small amount of alcohol. [1] However, ‘nog’ could also derive from ‘noggin’, a Middle English term for a small, carved wooden jug used for serving alcohol. [13] Some, however, believe that ‘eggnog’ was an Americanism invented between 1765 and 1775, [13] and that not only the name but also the Eggnog was invented in America. [29-243] There is also the interpretation that an egg and rum mixture was labelled ‘egg-n-grog’ and this term was then shortened to ‘eggnog’. However, there is no evidence for this theory. [13] It is also possible that ‘nog’ comes from the Scottish word ‘nugg’ or ‘nugged ale’, which means ‘beer heated with a hot poker’. [13] Occasionally, Eggnog is also referred to as ‘egg pop’. [29-243]However, the true origin of the term Eggnog lies in the Scottish ‘noggin’, and I will make a strong case for this below.

What is Eggnog?

It is said that Eggnog is usually made from beaten eggs, sugar, cream and/or milk. A spirit is often added, usually rum, brandy or whisky. Eggnog is preferably served between Christmas and New Year. [1] [8] [13] But of course there are different recipes and a certain amount of variation, as with Posset and Syllabub.

Eggnog in the USA

Before we get to the origins of Eggnog, let’s spend a little time in the USA. Some sources claim that it was invented there around 1770.

George Washington on Mount Vernon

In 1775, it is wrongly said, Eggnog appeared in the North American colonies. [13] It is said that George Washington, who later became the first president of the USA, served ‘Eggnog’ to his guests at his country estate Mount Vernon in Virginia. [1] But was it really Eggnog? This is questionable, as another source states that there is evidence that George Washington served his visitors an eggnog-like drink containing rye whiskey, rum and sherry. [13] [14]  The recipe was: “One quart cream, one quart milk, one dozen tablespoons sugar, one pint brandy, 1/2 pint rye whiskey, 1/2 pint Jamaica rum, 1/4 pint sherry—mix liquor first, then separate yolks and whites of eggs, add sugar to beaten yolks, mix well. Add milk and cream, slowly beating. Beat whites of eggs until stiff and fold slowly into mixture. Let set in cool place for several days. Taste frequently.« [14]

Dieses Rezept lässt mich aufhorchen: Zunächst wird das Eiweiß geschlagen, dann untergehoben, und dann soll man die Mischung mehrere Tage an einem kühlen Ort stehen lassen und dabei regelmäßig kontrollieren? Die Zugabe des Sherrys bewirkt zudem eine Gerinnung von Milch und Sahne. Klingt das nicht eher nach einer Art Syllabub? Ein Eggnog ist das jedenfalls nicht.

Jonathon Boucher from Maryland, around 1775

It is also claimed that the first evidence of an Eggnog dates back to 1775, when the clergyman and philologist Jonathan Boucher from Maryland wrote a poem about this drink. [13] He died in 1804 [21] and this poem was not published until 30 years later. It reads: “Fog-drams i’ th’ morn, or (better still) egg-nogg, / At night hot-suppings, and at mid-day, grogg, / My palate can regale.[13]

New-Jersey Journal, 1788

It is also stated that the term ‘eggnog’ was first printed in the New Jersey Journal on 26 March 1788. [13] [29-243] Unfortunately, we do not have this source and can therefore provide no further details.

Israel Acrelius in New Sweden, 1759

The common information about the first mention of the Eggnog is incorrect. There is an older source. In 1759, Israel Acrelius described the drinks there in his ‘History of New Sweden’, which was located in the present-day states of Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. [46] [47]

Israel Acrelius: A history of New Sweden. 1874, page 162.
Israel Acrelius: A history of New Sweden. 1874, page 162. [48-162]

Among them: “19. Raw dram, raw rum, is a drink of rum unmixed with anything. 20. Egg dram, eggnog. The yolk of an egg is beaten up, and during the beating rum and sugar poured in. … 34. Egg punch, of yolks of eggs, rum, sugar, and warm water.[48-162]

This is valuable evidence: it leads us to believe that the etymological derivation of the word eggnog lies in the Gaelic ‘noggin’, denoting a small cup or a small quantity of alcohol, for Israel Acrelius puts the two in context: Eggnog is an egg dram.

And a dram in English is what Israel Acrelius states: DRAM, n.1, v.1 Sc. usages. 1. n. As in Eng. = a small drink of liquor, but in Sc. can be a drink of any size, esp. of whisky.« [49] In this respect, Israel Acrelius is right: Eggnog is a small amount of drink consisting of egg yolk whipped with rum and sugar. If the volume is increased by adding water, the result is a ‘Punch’, which must then be served in larger vessels.

Folgerichtig gibt es ganz im Sinne von Israel Acrelius weitere Quellen, die meine Herleitung bestätigen. Es gibt nicht nur die Bezeichnung ›egg nog‹, sondern auch ›egg dram‹. Am 7. Juli 1798 steht im Rural Magazine in den USA: »als würden sie einen Egg Dram oder einen Quart Grog schlucken[56]

The Rural Magazine, 7. July 1798, page 2.
The Rural Magazine, 7. July 1798, page 2. [56]

In line with Israel Acrelius, there are other sources that confirm our derivation. There is not only the term ‘egg nog’, but also ‘egg dram’. On 7 July 1798, the Rural Magazine in the USA wrote:  – »as they would gulp an egg dram or a quart of grog.« [56]

Johann David Schöpf proves that this egg dram is identical to Israel Acrelius’ Egg Nog. He travelled through the central and southern United States between 1783 and 1784. In connection with his stay in Charleston in South Carolina, he reported: “The variety of drinks to which rum gives opportunity is great, and it would require a long list to enumerate them all. I will mention only the most common. A dram – is a sip of rum or other brandy; … egg-dram, egg-toddy – egg yolk stirred with sugar and rum, and diluted with water to taste, and the like.[67-346]

Johann David Schöpf: Reise durch einige der mittlern und südlichen vereinigten nordamerikanischen Staaten. Zweyter Teil, 1788, page 346.
Johann David Schöpf: Reise durch einige der mittlern und südlichen vereinigten nordamerikanischen Staaten. Zweyter Teil, 1788, page 346. [67-346]

– “Die Mannichfaltigkeit von Getränken, zu welchen der Rum Gelegenheit giebt, ist groß, und es würde ein langes Verzeichnis erfordern, sie alle herzuzählen. Ich erwähne nur der gangbarsten. A Dram – ist ein Schluck Rum oder anderen Brandtewein; … Egg-dram, Egg-Toddy – Eyerdotter mit Zucker und Rum abgerühret, und nach Gefallen mit Wasser verdünnet, und dergl.[67-346]

We also learn from him that the Egg Dram was also called Egg Toddy.

Arthur de Capell Brooke: Travels through Sweden, Norway, and Finmark, to the North Cape. 1823, page 200.
Arthur de Capell Brooke: Travels through Sweden, Norway, and Finmark, to the North Cape. 1823, page 200. [57-200]

As proof of the similarity between Egg Dram and Egg Nog, we would like to quote Arthur de Capell Brooke’s statement. He reported on his journey through Norway in 1820: “His wonder was extreme when my boatmen told him I was an English captain, and was going to the North Cape. He repeated several times, “Engelska capitain till Nord Kap!” An English captain going to the North Cape! with marks of the greatest astonishment. Preparations were instantly made for an entertainment; which, foreseeing it would detain us for a considerable time, I declined with as much earnestness as possible. Brandy, however, was quickly produced, and a bumper handed round to all, after which an egg dram was served up. The reader may perhaps be curious to know the composition of this odd though heart-reviving mixture, which is presented to every stranger on his arrival, when a compliment is intended. It is simply the yolk of an egg beaten up with sugar, with the subsequent addition of a glass of rum.” [57-200]

It is also interesting to note that the Egg Dram was also known in Norway and was served to guests as a standard welcome drink.

Johannes Radcliffe: Pharmacopoeiae Radcliffeanae pars altera. 1716, page 148.
Johannes Radcliffe: Pharmacopoeiae Radcliffeanae pars altera. 1716, page 148. [60-148]

This mixture has a long tradition, and as early as 1716, a pharmacopoeia from London states:  “and I have known a Mixture of the Yolk of an Egg and Brandy, apply’d for the same Purpose.[60-148]

Charles Dickens: Household Words. Volume VI. 1853, page 764.
Charles Dickens: Household Words. Volume VI. 1853, page 764. [58-764]

The egg was not only mixed with brandy, rum was also an option. Charles Dickens wrote ‘Down with the tide’ in 1853, [59] and in this text it says: “who, in the course of his tuition, took hundreds of gallons of rum and egg (at my expense) at the various houses of note above and below the bridge;” [58-764]

The Ur-Eggnog

It seems that there was an Ur-Eggnog, the mixture of egg yolk, sugar and rum (or alternatively brandy) described by Israel Acrelius. The ‘modern’ Eggnog was created by using the whole egg and adding milk and/or cream.

A trip to the Flip

The Oxford English Dictionary. Volume iv. Flip. 1933, page 329.
The Oxford English Dictionary. Volume iv. Flip. 1933, page 329. [66-329]

The ‘modern’ Flip was created from the Ur-Eggnog by using a whole egg: a mixture of spirit, sugar and egg. [29-287] Before it was, and this is how the Oxford English Dictionary defines it: “A mixture of beer and spirit sweetened with sugar and heated with a hot iron. (Cf. egg flip.) 1695 Congreve Love for L. III. iv, Thus we live at sea; eat biscuit, and drink flip.[66-329]

William Congreve: Love for Love. 1695, page 40.
William Congreve: Love for Love. 1695, page 40. [69-40]

However, the original quote is different. The ‘biscuit’ mentioned in the Oxford Dictionary is now understood to mean cookies. However, this is not what the original refers to. It says: “We’re merry Folks, we Sailors, we han’t much to care for. Thus we live at Sea; eat Bisker, and drink Flip.[69-40]

Charles Steuens & John Liebault: Maison Rustique, or the covntrey farme. 1606, page 715.
Charles Steuens & John Liebault: Maison Rustique, or the covntrey farme. 1606, page 715. [41-715]

A book from 1606 explains what we should understand by bisker. As it is a book translated from French into English, it is clear that bisker was not only known in England, but also in France. The book describes the different types of bread, including bisker, and explains: “Bisker bread which is of three sorts, one that is made of rie, another that is made of maslin, or barley or oates, or of all the foresaid mixt together, fit for Saylers to line withall, which vndertake long voyages by Sea, or for such as are besieged within some fort or holde, because it will keepe a long time; This kinde of bread hath not much leauen in it: the second kind of bisket is made of pure wheate without any mixture, fit for the poore that are infected with the poces; to make their diet bread vpon. The third sort is made of the flower of the meale; and it is vsuall to put the paste thereof sugar, cinnamom, pepper or ginger, and sometimes annise seeds, and serueth to eate in the time of abstinences, as Lent and such other.” [41-715]

What can we see from this? Bisket was something like a ship’s biscuit.

B. E.: A new dictionary of the termsancient and modern of the canting crew. Flip. 1699.
B. E.: A new dictionary of the termsancient and modern of the canting crew. Flip. 1699. [25]

The sources suggest that the original Flip seems to have been a drink for sailors. A dictionary from 1699 also suggests this: “Sea Drink, of small Beer (chiefly) and Brandy, sweetened and Spiced upon on occasion.[25]

The Manatham and the Tiff must also be mentioned in connection with the Flip. Israel Acrelius (from New Sweden) wrote in 1759: “25. Manatham is made of small beer with rum and sugar. 26. Tiff, or flipp, is made of small beer, rum, and sugar, with a slice of bread toasted and buttered.” [48-162]

An interesting question arises: Was the toasted bread intended as a side dish at Israel Acrelius or was it added to the Flip – just as bread was added to the Punch, as I described in the post about the Punch? If you consider the sources cited above, it does seem to be the case. The Flip was a drink of the seafarers. They had biscuit on board, a type of rusk that could be kept for a long time due to its dryness. To eat it, you soaked it, either in the Punch, if you had it, or in the Flip. This soaking in liquid would also have been common practice among the rural population in order to make rock-hard bread edible again.

Soaked bread was an ingredient of the original Seafarer’s Flip. That was the recipe. This is why Israel Acrelius also lists bread and, as dry bread is soaked, the fresh bread had to be toasted first to lose its moisture. The butter is an additional luxury.

It was windy, cold and uncomfortable on the high seas. Enough reasons to warm up. What could be better than a hot drink? There was beer on board, at least at the beginning of the journey, and later rum too. So why not mix the beer with rum and heat it up? There were hardly any other alternatives on board. The number of fireplaces was also limited. On land, in the kitchen at home, it was no problem to heat the beer in a pot on the fire. It was a different story on board. We can well imagine that the hearth in the galley, when it was lit, was used to prepare meals. There was no room for a beer pot; to make the best use of the fire and heat the beer, you simply put an iron in the fire to heat the beer with – we can imagine this as a kind of ancient immersion heater.


Johann David Schöpf also mentions the traditional Flip in the 1780s and writes from Charleston in South Carolina: “a Flipp – a warm drink of strong beer, with rum and sugar;[67-346]

a Flipp – ein warmes Getränke aus starkem Bier, mit Rum und Zucker;« [67-346]

Egg Punch, 1722

A brief excursion into Egg Punch is also in order, as it has a long tradition. Jean-Baptiste Labat reports on it in the first volume of his book ‘Nouveau voyage aux îles de l’Amérique’, ‘New Voyage to the Islands of America’, published in 1722 and dating from 1694: “The English also drink much of it, and are not finer than the Spaniards; they have invented two or three kinds of spirits, the use and abuse of which has passed to our French, who are always very eager to imitate the bad things they see in our neighbours. The first is called Sang-gris and consists of Madeira wine, which is poured into a crystal or faience bowl with sugar, lemon juice, a little cinnamon and clove powder, plenty of nutmeg and a toasted or even slightly burnt crust of bread. When you feel that the spirit has taken on the flavour of the things you have put in it, pass it through a fine cloth. Nothing is more agreeable, the flavour of lemon makes it seem refreshing, and those who invented it claim so; but you can easily tell by what is in its composition that it is very heating, and that it gives a slight headache. The second is English-style lemonade. It is made from Canarian wine, to which sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and a little amber essence are added. This drink is as delicious as it is dangerous. … The third drink of the English is the Ponche, their favourite drink, which consists of two parts brandy and one part water. It uses the same ingredients as the Sang-gris, except for the lemon, which is replaced by egg yolk, which makes it as thick as brouet. They claim that it is excellent for the breast and very nutritious. Milk is often used instead of water, and this is most appreciated. As it is not allowed to judge tastes, everyone can make their own judgement on this mishmash as they wish.” [54-136] [54-137]

Jean Baptiste Labat: Nouveau voyage aux isles de l'Amerique. 1724, page 135-136.
Jean Baptiste Labat: Nouveau voyage aux isles de l’Amerique. 1724, page 135-136. [54-136] [54-137]

– “Les Anglois en consomment aussi beaucoup, & ne sont pas plus délicats que les Espagnols; ils ont inventé deux ou trois sortes de liqueurs, dont l’usage & l’abus sont passez chez nos François, toûjours très-ardens imitateurs de ce qu’ils voyent de mauvais chez nos Voisins. La premiere s’appelle Sang-gris; elle est composée de vin de Madere que l’on met dans une jatte de cristal ou de fayance avec du sucre, du jus de citron, un peu de canelle & de gerofle enpoudre, beaucoup de muscade & une croute de pain rotie, & même un peu brûlée. Lorsqu’on juge que a liqueur a pris le goût des choses qu’on y a mises, on la passe par un linge fin. Rien n’est plus agreable, le gout de citron la fait paroître rafraichissante, & ceux qui l’ont inventée le pretendent aussi; mais il est aisé de voir par ce qui entre dans sa composition qu’elle est très-chaude, & qu’elle donne aisément à la tête. La seconde est la Limonade à l’Angloise. Elle se fait avec du vin de Canarie, dans lequel on met du sucre, du jus de citron, de la canelle, de la muscade, du gérofle & un peu d’essence d’ambre. Cette boisson est aussi délicieuse qu’elle est dangereuse. … La troisiéme boisson des Anglois est la Ponche, c’est leur boisson favorite; elle est composée de deux parties d’eau-de-vie sur une d’eau. On y met les mêmes ingrédiens que dans le Sang-gris, excepté le citron, à la place duquel on met des jaunes d’œufs qui la redent épaisse comme du broüet. Ils pretendent que c’est une chose excellente pour la proitrine & sort nourrissante. Souvent au lieu d’eau on y met du lait, & c’est la plus estimée. Comme il n’est pas permis de juger des goûts, chacun pourra porter tel jugement qu’il voudra de ce salmigondis.[54-136] [54-137]

Incidentally, a brouet is a soup-like or porridge-like, semi-liquid dish made from simple ingredients such as pork, blood or salt. It was not only eaten in ancient Greece, but also in the Middle Ages. [51] [53]

What makes this source so significant is the statement: the English love Punch; the ingredients mentioned are brandy, water or milk and egg yolk. Unfortunately, Jean-Baptiste Labat is unclear with “It uses the same ingredients as the Sang-gris, except for the lemon“. A Sangaree is made with wine, not brandy. So does he mean that wine is used instead of brandy? In the first case – with brandy – we have a kind of Eggnog! In the second case – with wine and milk – Syllabub (or Posset, there are smooth transitions)! The latter is perhaps more likely, as the similarity with Brouet is pointed out. In any case, this statement shows how popular egg drinks were with the British and that Eggnog must also have a long British tradition.

Johann David Schöpf proves that the Sanaree, like the Syllabub, was also popular in the United States. I would like to quote again from his travelogues of 1783 and 1784: “The wines again give opportunity for various other mixtures; from wine, sugar, water and a little nutmeg, Sangry is created; from wine and sugar with freshly milked milk, the popular Sillabub &c.“. [67-347] Israel Acrelius also mentions Sillabub as a popular drink in northern Sweden in 1759. [48-162] [48-163]

Johann David Schöpf: Reise durch einige der mittlern und südlichen vereinigten nordamerikanischen Staaten. Zweyter Teil. 1788, page 347.
Johann David Schöpf: Reise durch einige der mittlern und südlichen vereinigten nordamerikanischen Staaten. Zweyter Teil. 1788, page 347. [67-347]

– “Die Weine geben wieder zu verschiedenen andern Mischungen Gelegenheit; aus Wein, Zucker, Wasser und etwas Muskatennuß entstehet Sangry; aus Wein und Zucker mit frischgemolkener Milch, der beliebte Sillabub &c.[67-347]

The true etymology

The Eggnog in New Sweden

But back to the Eggnog in New Sweden: the question naturally arises as to why the people of Swedish origin should have used the Scottish term ‘nog’.

To understand this, you only have to look at the origins of the American settlers. New Sweden was only a Swedish colony until 1655, then became Dutch and finally British from 1674. [47] Under British influence, there were also numerous Scottish immigrants in the North American colonies. In the 1790 census, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina had the highest percentage of Scottish ancestry among their inhabitants. [50] Since the former New Sweden was partly located in what would later become Pennsylvania, there was certainly contact with Scottish settlers, and one can assume that they brought the Eggnog into the country.

Israel Acrelius: A history of New Sweden. 1874, page 162-163.
Israel Acrelius: A history of New Sweden. 1874, page 162-163. [48-162] [48-163]

To round things off, Israel Acrelius also mentions these drinks, among others: “35. Milk punch, of milk, rum, sugar, and grated nutmeg over it; is much used in the summer-time, and is considered good for dysentery and loose bowels. 36. Sillibub is made of milkwarm milk, wine, and sugar, not unlike our Oelost.1 It is used in summer-time as a cooling beverage. 1 [The Swedish Oelost is made by mixing warm milk and beer.]” [48-162] [48-163]

This information is helpful when evaluating more recent claims, as the terms are mixed up: Eggnog, Egg Punch and Milk Punch are sometimes regarded as synonymous.

The Scottish ‘noggin’

A ‘noggin’ was understood to mean different, albeit similar, things, namely in the year

  • 1650 a drinking vessel with two handles (“Vaisseau à boire avec deux anses”) [17]
  • 1691 a beer mug (“een Bier-kruyk”) [2-375]
  • 1699 “Noggin, (of Brandy) a Quarter of a Pint”, [25] i.e. around 142 ml [26]
  • 1739 “a Sort of Mug to hold Drink[7]
  • 1775 “a small wooden cup, a small mug” [20-251]
  • 1780 “one-eighth of a quart”, [18-127] i.e. around 142 ml [26]
  • 1790: “A little pot or piggin, holding about PINT. North.”, [5]
  • i.e. around 568 ml [26]
  • 1793 “a small mug, small measure” [10-373]
  • 1794 “a small mug” [6]
  • 1794 a small drinking jug, a drinking utensil; also a scoop (“ein kleiner Trinkkrug, ein Trinkgeschirr; auch eine Schöpfgelte.”) [12-230]
  • 1826 “a small mug, a gill. I. noiggin, a wooden can“, [9] i.e. around 142 ml [26]
Anonymus: A tour thro‘ the whole island of Great Britain. Vol. III, 1742, page 108-109.
Anonymus: A tour thro‘ the whole island of Great Britain. Vol. III, 1742, page 108-109. [19-108] [19-109]

The ‘noggin’ was not only used for drinks, but also for soups, as it says in 1742: “and therefore the Refreshment given the Clothiers by the Innkeepers (being a Pot of Ale, a Noggin of Pottage, and a Trencher of broil’d or roast Beef, for Two-pence) is called the Brigg-shot to this Day.” [19-108] [19-109]

Mark Elstob: A trip to Kilkenny, from Durham. 1779, page 46.
Mark Elstob: A trip to Kilkenny, from Durham. 1779, page 46. [3-46]

An Irish source from the year 1779 is also interesting: “I was now left alone with my landlady … . She very kindly informed me, that she sold Rum, Brandy, Gin, and Whiskey. I desired her to bring me a pot of her Whiskey: – she looked – and muttered – and stammered – I perceived she did not understand me; – at length, by halfing, and quartering, we demonstrated, that my pot was equal to her noggin.” [3-46]

As we can see, the concept of a noggin is not entirely clear, but it is basically a small quantity or vessel.


Quaich. [30]

The description from 1650, “a drinking vessel with two handles“, [17] immediately made us think of the quaich: “a traditional drinking vessel from Scotland. It is a shallow bowl with two handles, mainly used for whisky. The term is derived from the Gaelic word cuach for cup.” [35]

Im Schottischen, vor 1700 bedeutet: »Quach, Quaich, Quech, Queich, n. Auch: quhaich; queech, queych, queigh; und Quafe. (schottisches Gälisch cuach, Altirisch cúach.) Ein Quaich, die Art von Trinkgefäß.« [27] und »„Nog(g)ine, Nogane, n. [Frühes modernes Englisch noggin (1630), unklarer Herkunft] Ein kleines Trinkgefäß, ein Becher.« [16]

In Scottish, before 1700 means: “Quach, Quaich, Quech, Queich, n. Also: quhaich; queech, queych, queigh; and Quafe. [Gael. cuach, OIr. cúach.] A quaich, the type of drinking vessel.” [27] “Nog(g)ine, Nogane, n. [e.m.E. noggin (1630), of obscure origin.] A small drinking vessel, a mug.” [16]

Miniature quaich.
Miniature quaich, late 17th century. [32]

Wikipedia provides us with interesting insights into the history of the Quaich, allowing us to better understand the historical descriptions of the ‘noggin’: “A quaich /ˈkweɪx/, archaically quaigh or quoich, is a special kind of shallow two-handled drinking cup or bowl of a type traditional in Scotland. It derives from the Scottish Gaelic cuach (Scottish Gaelic pronunciation: [kʰuəx]), meaning a cup. … Traditionally quaichs are made of wood… . Some early quaichs are stave-built like barrels and some have alternating light and dark staves. The staves are held together by bands of willow or silver. They generally have two, and more rarely three or four, short, projecting handles. Other wooden quaiches were lathe-turned out of a single piece of wood and there was another group which were turned then carved outside in basket-weave pattern. In addition to wood, they are made of stone, brass, pewter, horn, and silver. The latter were often engraved with lines and bands in imitation of the staves and hoops of the wooden quaichs. The origin of quaichs in Scotland is traced to the Highlands; it was not until the end of the 17th century that they became popular in such large centres as Edinburgh and Glasgow.” [36]

Other American sources

There are a number of sources from the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century that prove that Eggnog was widespread and popular in the USA and was drunk in abundance. We would like to list a few of them below.

The American Museum. September 1790, page 142.
The American Museum. September 1790, page 142. [23-142]

In a contribution signed ‘New York, June 1790’, ‘the gentleman’ is described – although it is not entirely clear to me whether it is supposed to be a planter from North Carolina – including the statement: “Egg-nog is his favourite liquor in the morning — grog at eleven o’clock — and such wine as he can afford after dinner, which generally consists of salt pork and pease, with sea biscuit instead of bread.” [23-142]

John Pope: A tour through the southern and western territories of the United States of North-America. 1792 (1888), page 25.
John Pope: A tour through the southern and western territories of the United States of North-America. 1792 (1888), page 25. [24-25]

In 1791, John Pope writes on his tour through the southern and western territories of the United States of America as he travels down the Mississippi: “March 17th. 1791. The Irishman in Honour of St. Patrick, purloined all our Brandy, Sugar and Eggs to make a Tub of Egg-Nog, of which he drank so copiously, that whilst at the Helm, he insensibly run the Vessel into a strong Eddy, to get her out of which, employed all Hands in hard Labour the Balance of the Day.” [24-25]

Isaac Weld, Junior: Travels through the states of North America. Vol. 1. 1799, page 98.
Isaac Weld, Junior: Travels through the states of North America. Vol. 1. 1799, page 98. [22-98]

In a travelogue from February 1796, Isaac Weld describes his journey from Baltimore to Philadelphia in the middle of winter: “The American travelers, before they pursued their journey, took a hearty draught each, according to custom, of egg-nog, a mixture composed of new milk, eggs, rum, and sugar, beat up together.” [22-98]

On 11 January 1847, the Louisville Courier Journal wrote in a letter to the editor dated 25 December 1846: “Eggs are very plenty and very cheap, and lots of eggnog are to be drunk. The ‘boys’ are bound to do it.” [8]

In 1857 ‘Trois ans aux États-Unis’ was published by Oscar Comettant. He writes about the various mixed drinks. The ‘Tom and Jerry’ is mentioned by name, but without further explanation. This is followed by a description of the: “EGG-NOG. This drink, which is particularly common in the southern United States and is drunk on Christmas Day, is a kind of Roman-style punch. The Egg-Nog consists of raw eggs mixed with brandy and is prepared as follows. It is usually the Creole women themselves who make the egg nog with their white, indolent hands and offer it to the Christmas guests. After they have broken a certain number of eggs, they separate the egg whites from the yolks, which they keep separate, and beat the whites as if they were making egg whites until they form a kind of light white foam. The egg yolks are then mixed with sugar and brandy and combined with the egg whites. This drink is rarely to the taste of foreigners, but they soon get used to it and eventually find it excellent.[38-261] [38-262]

Oscar Comettant: Trois ans aux États-Unis. 1857, page 261-262.
Oscar Comettant: Trois ans aux États-Unis. 1857, page 261-262. [38-261] [38-262]

– “THE EGG-NOG. Cette dernière boisson, plus particulièrement en usage dans le sud des Etats-Unis, et qu’on boit de rigueur à l’époque du Christmas, c’est-à-dire le jour de Noël, est une sorte de punch à la romaine, The egg-nog se compose d’oeufs crus mélangés à de l’eau-de-vie et qu’on prépare de la manière suivante. Ce sont ordinairement les créoles elles-mêmes qui, de leurs blanches et indolentes mains, font le egg-nog, qu’elles offrent aux invités de Noël. Après avoir cassé un-certain nombre d’oeufs, elles séparent les blancs des jaunes, qu’elles mettent à part; puis elles battent lés blancs comme pour faire des œufs à la neige et jusqu’à ce qu’ils aient produit, en se gonflant, une sorte d’écume blanche et légère. Les jaunes d’oeufs sont ensuite mêlés avec du sucre et de l’eau-de-vie, puis réunis avec les blancs. Cette boisson est rarement du goût des étrangers; mais ils s’y habituent bientôt et finissent par la trouver excellente.[38-261] [38-262]

On 31 December 1859, an editorial in ‘The Chicago Press and Tribune’ complained that even the politicians in the US House of Representatives were very much in favour of Eggnog. It is written: “Eggnog has ruled the country today. It is a famous drink in public and private houses in Washington on Christmas, and some of the members, in spite of it, reached the house today at noon, and some, in consequence of it, did not get there at all.” [8]

Jerry Thomas’ reference from 1862 may also be an indication of the popularity of Eggnog in the USA: “Every well ordered bar has a tin egg-nogg ‘shaker,’ which is a great aid in mixing this beverage.” [31-40]

Eggnog – an Egg Punch?

The Boston Weekly Magazine and Ladies Miscellany, 1. May 1824, page 1.
The Boston Weekly Magazine and Ladies Miscellany, 1. May 1824, page 1. [28-1]

Eggnog was also known as Egg Punch. This was reported in the Boston Weekly Magazine on 1 May 1824, when a letter dated 20 January 1817 from the ‘Memoirs of Tomothy Try-all’ was published there: – “In my last letter I believe I related a story about the performance at the Wilmington Theatre. Since that time I have had an opportunity of walking about the town, and observing the difference between this place and that part of New England in which I claim the honour of being born. You who have never trodden the sands of the South can have but a faint idea of the difference between the manners here and at home. I believe I omitted in my last letter giving you an account of the manner in which the good people of this town celebrate Christmas.— This day, which with us is almost unobserved, is here counted one of the greatest holidays throughout the year. The boarding house in which I took up my quarters, was all ‘up in arms’ by five o’clock in the morning. Old and young were all alive, and every one was engaged in making egg punch, as some called it, while others called it eggnog. The young ladies and the young gentlemen joined in partaking of this exhiliarating beverage until about 8 o’clock in the morning, when we were all called to take breakfast.[28-1]

An American or British invention?

Regardless of whether the Eggnog is a British or American ‘invention’, it must first be noted that it was very popular and widespread in the USA, as the passages we have cited may exemplify.

Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. April 1866, page 456.
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. April 1866, page 456. [15-456]

The American edition of Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine states in 1866: “Egg-nogg is an American drink which chiefly comes into notice at Christmas time, and in the good old days scarcely a house in Virginia was without a large bowl of this beverage standing in the hall on Christmas-day from morning till night for all to help themselves at. It consists of eggs beaten up with sugar, milk, and the indispensable ingredient of whisky or brandy. It is very agreeable to the taste, and has the dangerous property of concealing its strength under the guise of an innocent softness of savour, thus exerting its intoxicating influence on the inexperienced before the least suspicion is aroused.” [15-456]

Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. #80. 1862, page 40.
Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. #80. 1862, page 40. [31-40]

Jerry Thomas had also written earlier, in 1862: “Egg Nogg is a beverage of American origin, but it has a popularity that is cosmopolitan. At the South it is almost indispensable at Christmas time, and at the North it is a favorite at all seasons. In Scotland they call Egg Nogg, ‘auld man’s milk.’ “ [31-40]

This makes us sit up and take notice, because Jerry Thomas contradicts himself here: How can it be that, on the one hand, Eggnog is supposed to be of American origin and, on the other hand, the Scots also know Eggnog and call it ‘old man’s milk’? Quite simply: the origin lies in the British Isles, especially since in 1878 Leo Engel writes in connection with the Hot Eggnog: “This drink is very popular in England.” [42-32]

›Auld Man’s Milk‹

The Epicure’s Almanac for 1842, page 139.
The Epicure’s Almanac for 1842, page 139. [33-139]

It’s time to trace the ‘Auld Man’s Milk’. The ‘Epicure’s Almanac’, published in London in 1842, writes: “MILKED FLIP. In a quart of new milk, beat up the yolks of half a dozen eggs, sweeten with powdered sugar, to your taste. Pour this into a bowl, and add half a pint of brandy, rum, or whiskey, whichever you prefer; grate nutmeg over the surface, and throw in a spoonful of finely shreaded lemon peel. Whisk up the whites of the eggs to a froth, and add these to the other ingredients. Observation. — On a cold winter’s night, a moderate quantity of the above, may be taken with advantage. It is in constant request, in America, morning, noon and night, denominated by the Yankees ›Egg nog.‹ It is also a favorite morning refreshment in Scotland, under the somewhat strange title of ›Auld man’s milk.‹[33-139]

According to this source, one must assume that what was generally (in London?) called a ‘ Milked Flip’ was called ‘Egg Nog’ by the Americans and ‘Auld Man’s Milk’ by the Scots. The similarity to Posset and Syllabub, quite apart from the etymology already mentioned, allows only one conclusion to be drawn: the ‘ Eggnog’, or whatever you call it now, is something deeply rooted in British tradition and also originated there. It seems unlikely that the drink was an American invention, which then managed to become a ‘favourite morning refreshment’ for the Scots within a few decades. Rather, we can imagine that it was a traditional Scottish drink that arrived in the USA with the emigrants and was labelled ‘’Eggnog‘’ there – which could also explain why it has a Gaelic etymological origin.

Mrs. Margaret Dods: The cook and housewife’s manual. 1827, page 453-454.
Mrs. Margaret Dods: The cook and housewife’s manual. 1827, page 453-454. [34-453] [34-454]

Not surprisingly, a Scottish cookery book from 1827 contains this recipe:  “Auld Man’s Milk. — Beat the yolks and whites of six eggs separately. Put to the beat yolks, sugar and a quart of new milk, or thin sweet cream. Add to this rum, whisky, or brandy, to taste (about a half-pint). Slip in the whipped whites, and give the whole a gentle stir up in the china punch-bowl, in which it should be mixed. It may be flavoured with nutmeg or lemon-zest.[34-453] [34-454]

Anonymus: The New family receipt-book. 1811, page 200.
Anonymus: The New family receipt-book. 1811, page 200. [61-200]

A recipe book published in London in 1815 gives this recipe: “To make old Man’s Milk: a nutritious and pleasant Beverage. Beat up the yolk of an egg in a bowl or bason, and then mix with it some cream or milk, and a little sugar, according to the quantity wanted, and let them be thoroughly incorporated. A glass of spirits, or more, is to be then poured gradually into the mixture, so as to prevent the milk or cream from curdling. This mixture will be found useful to travellers who are obliged to commence their journey early, particularly if the weather be cold and damp.” [61-200]

William Creech: Edinburgh fugitive pieces. 1791, page 57-58.
William Creech: Edinburgh fugitive pieces. 1791, page 57-58. [65-57] [65-58]

Old Man’s Milk was already being drunk in Edinburgh. On 15 January 1783, a citizens’ assembly met with the aim of formulating proposals for improvements. The fourth of these was: “THAT all private persons and clubs, who drink more than is necessary, should be watched with a sharp eye, and assessed in particular sums, according to their opulence or love of liquor; and therefore that a strict attention should be paid to several clubs in this city, such as, the Capillaire, the Borachio, the Apician, the Humdrum, the Poker, the Cape, the Blast and Quaff, Doctors of the Faculty, the Jeroboam, the Ocean, the Pipe, and, though last not least, the virtuous, the venerable, and dignisied WIG, who, so much to their honour and kind attention, always inform the public of their meetings. Also that an officer should be appointed to take notice of all dram drinkers, lovers of a frosty nail in the morning, of cauld cocks, Athole brose, old mans milk, half and half, bitters, chearers, doctors, torrie rorries, &c. &c. &c.[65-57] [65-58]

Robert Willoughby: A letter composed of French proverbs. 1660, page 13.
Robert Willoughby: A letter composed of French proverbs. 1660, page 13. [62-13]

Unfortunately, we do not know whether in Edinburgh in 1783, the Old Man’s Milk was also understood to mean the egg mixture described above, as it was also understood to mean something else, as other sources prove. In 1660, a dictionary published in London stated: “Wine is the old mans milk.” [62-13]

This was confirmed as early as 1654 by the physician to the royal household, Tobias Whitaker, in his book ‘The Blood of Grape’, who said “I find the Antients, nominate it, the old mans milk”. [63-38]

Apparently with this in mind, Thomas Jefferson wrote to Benjamin Rush on 17 August 1811: “I find friendship to be like wine, raw when new, ripened with age, the true old man’s milk, & restorative cordial.” [64]

This is an excellent example to show that the mere mention of a term does not always mean that it is the same. We must always bear this in mind before drawing our conclusions! Things are not always what they seem to be.

Eggnog riots

Eggnog is a traditional Christmas drink in Canada, the United States and some European countries, and not just back then. [11] In this context, a reference to the eggnog riots should not be omitted. These took place on 24 and 25 December 1826 at West Point in New York at the US Military Academy. The cadets rebelled against regulations that prohibited them from consuming alcohol on the grounds and rioted. [1] [8] [55]

Modern recipes

Countless Eggnog recipes can be found in the bar books of the past. We have only included those published up to and including 1900 in the appendix, as Eggnog is a traditional, old-fashioned drink, and so it is the old recipes in particular that should receive our attention.

A glance at the books reveals that there are various standard recipes and that the variance of Eggnog is comparable to that of Posset and Sillabub. This is why we find many different recipes under the name ‘Eggnog’, and it makes sense to group them a little, because at least in earlier times there was no further differentiation between the various Eggnogs by name – just as there were numerous variations for Posset and Syllabub.

Eggnog without wine

Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Egg Nogg. 1862, page 40.
Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Egg Nogg. 1862, page 40. [31-40]

Jerry Thomas knows several different Eggnogs in 1862. Among them: “Egg Nogg. (Use large bar glass.) 1 table-spoonful of fine sugar, dissolved with 1 do. cold water, 1 egg. 1 wine-glass of Cognac brandy. 1/2 do. Santa Cruz rum. 1/3 tumblerful of milk. Fill the tumbler 1/4 full with shaved ice, shake the in­gredients until they are thoroughly mixed together, and grate a little nutmeg on top. Every well ordered bar has a tin egg-nogg “shaker,” which is a great aid in mixing this beverage.” [31-40]

Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Hot Egg Nogg. 1862, page 40.
Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Hot Egg Nogg. 1862, page 40. [31-40]

Jerry Thomas also knows: “Hot Egg Nogg. (Use large bar glass.) This drink is very popular in California, and is made in precisely the same manner as the cold egg nogg above, except that you must use boiling water instead of ice.” [31-40]

Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Egg Nogg for a party of 40. 1862, page 41.
Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Egg Nogg for a party of 40. 1862, page 41. [31-41]

A larger quantity was prepared as follows: – “Egg Nogg. (For a party of forty.) 1 dozen eggs. 2 quarts of brandy. 1 pint of Santa Cruz rum. 2 gallons of milk. 1/2 lbs. white sugar. Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat them separately with an egg-beater until the yolks are well cut up, and the whites assume a light fleecy appearance. Mix all the ingredients (except the whites of the eggs) in a large punch bowl, then let the whites float on top, and ornament with colored sugars. Cool in a tub of ice, and serve.” [31-41]

This shows that, for larger quantities, Jerry Thomas definitely falls back on the British tradition of whipping up egg whites and letting them float as a layer over the drink. The Syllabub sends its regards.

E. Ricket & C. Thomas: The Gentleman’s Table Guide. Egg Nogg.1871, page 44.
E. Ricket & C. Thomas: The Gentleman’s Table Guide. Egg Nogg.1871, page 44. [40-44]

Surprisingly, William Terrington does not mention an Eggnog made without wine or ale in his book published in London in 1869. However, such a recipe can be found two years later, in 1871, in the ‘Gentleman’s Table Guide’, also published in London: “Egg Nogg oder Auld Man’s Milk. USE a soda-water glass or small silver cup. One tablespoonful of powdered sugar dissolved in a tablespoonful of cold water, 1 new laid egg, well whisked; wineglass of brandy, half do. of rum, fill the tumbler quarter full of milk; small quantity of shaved ice; shake all well together; grated nutmeg on top.” [40-44]

Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Egg Nogg. 1882, page 25.
Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Egg Nogg. 1882, page 25. [43-25]

In 1882, Harry Johnson also knew the “Egg Nogg. (Use a large bar glass.) 1 fresh egg; Three-quarters table-spoon sugar; One-third glass full of fine ice; 1 pony glass St. Croix rum; 1 wine glass of brandy; fill the glass up with rich milk, shake the ingredients well together and strain it into a large bar glass; grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.” [43-25]

Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Bowl of Egg Nogg. 1882, page 59-60.
Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Bowl of Egg Nogg. 1882, page 59-60. [43-59]

His second variant is this: “Bowl of Egg Nogg for a New Years Party. In regard to the above drink the bartender must use his own judgment as to what quantity he must prepare. Mix as follows: (Use a large punch bowl for mixing two gallons of the above mixture, 2 1/2 pounds fine pulverized sugar; 20 fresh eggs; have the yolks separated and thin as water by being well beaten, and add the yolks of the eggs into the sugar, and dissolve this well with a spoon; 2 quarts good old brandy; 1 1/2 pint St. Croix rum or Jamaica rum; 1 1/2 gallons good rich milk; mix the ingredients well with a ladle, and while pouring the milk into the above ingredients, you must continually stir, to prevent the milk from curling, then beat the whites of the eggs, until they present a stiff froth, then the white froth should be carefully placed upon the above mixture; and in serving, take out the mixture with a ladle, put it into a bar glass, place a piece of the egg froth on top of the mixture in a tasty manner, and grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve; and you will have a splendid New Years Egg Nogg.” [43-59]

Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Imperial Egg Nogg. 1883, page 92.
Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Imperial Egg Nogg. 1883, page 92. [70-92]

In his 1883 edition, Jerry Thomas adds this recipe to his collection in the appendix: “Imperial Egg Nogg. Take 1 tablespoonful powdered sugar. 1 do. cold water. 1 wineglassful brandy. 1 egg. 1/2 tumbler of milk. A little St. Croix rum. Shake it well with a small quantity of ice, then grate a little nutmeg over it.” [70-92]

Eggnog with ale

William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Hot Egg-nogg. 1869, page 194.
William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Hot Egg-nogg. 1869, page 194. [39-194]

In 1869, William Terrington knew an Eggnog prepared with ale – if you look at his Posset recipes, it becomes clear that the differences are not great. He writes: “Hot Egg-nogg, or “Auld Man’s Milk”. Heat a pint of Scotch ale; add while warming 1/4 oz. bruised cinnamon, 1/4 oz. grated nutmeg, 1/4 oz. pow­dered ginger; beat up the yolks of 2 eggs with a little brown sugar; pour in the ale gradually; when well amalgamated, add glass of whisky.” [39-194]

Interestingly, he states that this recipe is also called ‘Auld Man’s Milk’. This drink also seems to have been prepared in numerous variations, because – let’s remember – the Scottish cookery book from 1827 lists the following ingredients for ‘Auld Man’s Milk’: egg yolk, egg white, sugar, fresh milk, cream, spirit and optionally nutmeg or lemon peel. [34-453] [34-454]

Eggnog with wine

Below we describe the ‘Baltimore Eggnog’. This combines eggs, sugar and nutmeg, brandy or rum, Marsala or sherry, cream and milk. What characterises Baltimore Eggnog is the use of a wine. There are Eggnog recipes that also use wine but are not labelled as Baltimore Eggnog; however, they are usually different from a Baltimore Eggnog and will be described here.

Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Sherry Egg Nogg. 1862, page 42.
Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Sherry Egg Nogg. 1862, page 42. [31-42]

1862 Jerry Thomas describes the “Sherry Egg Nog. 1 table-spoonful of white sugar. 1 egg. 2 wine-glasses of sherry. Dissolve the sugar with a little water; break the yolk of the egg in a large glass; put in one-quarter tumblerful of broken ice; fill with milk, and shake up until the egg is thoroughly mixed with the other ingredients, then grate a little nutmeg on top, and quaff the nectar cup.” [31-42]

It goes without saying that this recipe is different from a Baltimore Eggnog, as Jerry Thomas gives his own recipe for this.

William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Iced Egg-nogg. 1869, page 194.
William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Iced Egg-nogg. 1869, page 194. [39-194]

William Terrington published this recipe in 1869: “Iced Egg-nogg. Beat up the yolk of 1 egg with a tablespoonful of cold water and same of pounded white sugar; add 1 gill of sherry or 1/2 gill brandy, ditto of rum, 1/4 pint good milk ; mix together; add 1/4 pint shaven (or pulverized) ice.” [39-194]

It differs from Baltimore Eggnog in that the whipped egg whites and cream are omitted. You also don’t have to use sherry, but can replace it with brandy. Rum, on the other hand, is always added. Nutmeg is missing. And one big difference is that this Eggnog should be served with the finest possible shaved ice. It is therefore fair to say that the two recipes are sufficiently different.

Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Egg Nog. 1869, page 23.
Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Egg Nog. 1869, page 23. [52-23]

‘Haney’s Steward & Bartender’s Manual’, also published in New York in 1869, features two eggnogs with wine: “Egg Nog. Here is another method, for a party of twenty or thereabout: 18 or 20 eggs, the yellow of; 15 tablespoonfuls of pulverized sugar; beat these well together, and grate into this one nutmeg. Add 1 pint of brandy or Jamaica rum; 3 or 4 glasses of sherry. Have on hand, and beat into a froth, the whites of the eggs; then beat all together, and add two and a half quarts of rich milk. This is a pleasant, mild and nutritious drink.” [52-23]

This recipe is almost the same as a Baltimore Eggnog, even though only ‘fat milk’ is used instead of milk and cream.

The book also says: “Egg Nog. Sherry wine is not unfrequently used as a substitute for the stronger liquors. Put into a large tumbler, quarter full of broken ice, a tablespoonful of white sugar break an egg on the rim of the glass and turn in the yolk; fill it up with milk; shake well; grate on top a little nutmeg, and drink to the health of your family.” [52-23]

This information is a little confusing. Is it a recipe for a non-alcoholic Eggnog? Or is the recipe incorrect as it doesn’t mention sherry when it should have been added?

Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Sherry Wine Egg Nogg. 1882, page 56.
Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Sherry Wine Egg Nogg. 1882, page 56. [43-56]

Also of interest might be Harry Johnson’s instruction from 1882 for a “Sherry Wine Egg Nogg. (Use a large bar glass.) 1 fresh egg; One-half table-spoon of sugar; Fill up the glass with fine ice; 1 pony glass brandy; 1 wine glass of Sherry wine; shake the above ingredients well, until they are thoroughly mixed together; strain it into a fancy bar glass, large enough to hold all the mixture; grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.” [43-56]

Baltimore Eggnog

Baltimore is the capital of the US state of Maryland. [44]

Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Baltimore Egg Nogg. 1862, page 41.
Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Baltimore Egg Nogg. 1862, page 41. [31-41]

In 1862, Jerry Thomas knew the “Baltimore Egg Nogg. (For a party of fifteen.) Take the yellow of sixteen eggs and twelve table-spoonfuls of pulverized loaf-sugar, and beat them to the consistence of cream; to this add two-thirds of a nutmeg grated, and beat well together; then mix in half a pint of good brandy or Jamaica rum, and two wine-glasses of Madeira wine. Have ready the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff froth, and beat them into the above-described mixture. When this is all done, stir in six pints of good rich milk. There is no heat used. Egg Nogg made in this manner is digestible, and will not cause headache. It makes an excellent drink for debilitated persons, and a nourishing diet for consumptives.” [31-41]

William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Baltimore Egg-nogg. 1869, page 194.
William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Baltimore Egg-nogg. 1869, page 194. [39-194]

William Terrington also knew it in 1869, combining eggs, sugar and nutmeg, brandy or rum, Marsala or sherry, cream and milk: “Baltimore Egg-nogg. Beat up the yolks of 3 eggs, and 1/4 of a nutmeg grated, with 2 oz. of pounded sugar, to the consistence of cream; add, pouring in quietly the while, 1/2 gill of brandy or rum, and glass of Marsala or brown sherry; add the whites of the eggs (well beaten to a good froth), and, when well incorporated, gill of cream and pint of milk. This is not a warm drink, and is easily digestible; it forms a nourishing dietetic beverage for debilitated persons.” [39-194]

This recipe is very much in the British tradition. Isn’t it very reminiscent of Syllabub? The main difference is that the mixture is not left to stand so that a layer can form on top of the liquid. Isn’t it also memorable that the recipe was first published in London? One would like to think that Baltimore Eggnog originated in Baltimore; perhaps this mixture was popular there, but it seems to have received its name in distant England and was then adopted in American books?

E. Ricket & C. Thomas: The Gentleman’s Table Guide. Baltimore Egg Nogg.1871, page 44.
E. Ricket & C. Thomas: The Gentleman’s Table Guide. Baltimore Egg Nogg.1871, page 44. [40-46]

The next most recent recipe also appeared in a London book in 1871 and is basically the same as the previous recipe, although Irish whisky can be used as an alternative to brandy or rum: “Baltimore Egg Nogg. USE a punch bowl. Beat up the yolks of 12 new laid eggs, 10 tablespoonsful of powdered loaf sugar, whisk well together to the consistency of cream; add nutmeg, grated very fine, half pint brandy, Irish whiskey, or rum, 2 glasses of Madeira or fine brown sherry; have ready the whites of the eggs, whisk up to a stiff froth, and beat them up with the above. When this is all done, stir in 6 pints of rich new milk; add a gill of cream, grated nutmeg on the top. Place your bowl on the ice to cool, and add the whites of eggs just before serving. Ornament with strawberries or raspberries.” [40-46]

The Baltimore Eggnog from Leo Engel’s book published in London in 1878 [42-33] corresponds to that of Jerry Thomas.

Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Baltimore Egg Nogg. 1882, page 38.
Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Baltimore Egg Nogg. 1882, page 38. [43-38]

Harry Johnson, in his first edition from 1882, uses cinnamon as well as nutmeg, and uses a mixture of brandy and rum, Madeira, and only milk. The previous recipes mentioned above used whipped egg whites, whereas Harry Johnson does not: “Baltimore Egg Nogg. (Use a large bar glass.) 1 yolk of an egg; Three-quarters table-spoon of sugar; Add a little nutmeg and cinnamon to it, and beat it to a cream; One-half pony glass of brandy; 3 or 4 lumps of ice; One-quarter pony glass of Jamaica rum; 1 pony glass Madeira wine; fill the glass with milk, shake well, strain it into a large bar glass, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.” [43-38]

General Harrison’s Eggnog

General Harrison’s Eggnog is said to be named after General William Henry Harrison, who was elected President of the USA in 1841 and died a month later. Cider was one of his favourite drinks, and it is said that the Eggnog named after him was his favourite drink. [45]

Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. General Harrison's Egg Nogg. 1862, page 42.
Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. General Harrison’s Egg Nogg. 1862, page 42.  [31-42]

What should we understand by General Harrison’s Eggnog? Jerry Thomas gave his recipe as follows in 1862: “General Harrison’s Egg Nogg. (Use large bar glass.) 1 egg. 1 1/2 teaspoonful of sugar. 2 or 3 small lumps of ice. Fill the tumbler with cider, and shake well. This is a splendid drink, and is very popular on the Mississippi river. It was General Harrison’s favorite beverage.” [31-42]

William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. General Harrison's Egg-nogg. 1869, page 194-195.
William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. General Harrison’s Egg-nogg. 1869, page 194-195. [39-194] [39-195]

In 1869, with William Terrington, it is similar: “General Harrison’s Egg-nogg. 1 egg, 1 teaspoonful of sugar, 3. lumps of ice in a tumbler; fill the tumbler with cider; well shake up.” [39-194] [39-195]

The use of cider is reminiscent of Syllabub, which could also be prepared with cider. So was ‘General Harrison’s Egg-nogg’ also an English invention? This question cannot be answered, at least as things stand today.

Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. General Harrison's Egg Nogg. 1882, page 27.
Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. General Harrison’s Egg Nogg. 1882, page 27. [43-27]

Harry Johnson was also familiar with General Harrison’s Eggnog in 1882, but in the German translation he simply refers to it as ‘Egg Nogg’: “General Harrison Egg Nogg. (Use a large bar glass.) 1 fresh egg; 1 table-spoonful of sugar; 3 or 4 small lumps of ice; Fill the glass with cider; shake well; strain it into a large bar glass; grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. The above drink is a very pleasant one, and is popular throughout the southern part of the country.” [43-27]

›Texian‹ Eggnog

Welcome to the eggnog cabinet of curiosities! In the ‘Journal of the Texian expedition’, published in 1845, it is written: “We purchased seven gallons of vino mascal, and as many of ass’s milk, thirty dozen eggs, a large loaf of sugar, and appropriated all our cooking utensils and water jars to the compounding of egg-nog; and such egg-nog as never before was seen or drank under the nineteenth degree of north latitude.” [37-259]

Who would have thought that Eggnog was prepared with mezcal and donkey’s milk as early as 1845?

There is a close relative of Eggnog. It’s called Tom and Jerry, and will be our guest in the next post in this series.

  1. https://www.britannica.com/topic/eggnog Gregory Lewis McNamee: Eggnog.
  2. https://archive.org/details/bim_early-english-books-1641-1700_a-new-dictionary-englis_sewell-willem_1691/page/n387/mode/2up?q=noggin Wm. Sewel: A new dictionary English and Dutch. Wherein the Words are rightly interpreted, and their various significations exactly noted. Nieuw Woordenboek Der Engelsche en Nederduytsche Taale, Warr in de Woorden eygentlyk vertaald, en de verscheydenerleye bretékenissen der zelve naauwkeuriglyk aangeweezen zyn. Amsterdam, 1691.
  3. https://archive.org/details/triptokilkennyfr00elstiala/page/46/mode/2up?q=noggin Mark Elstob: A trip to Kilkenny, from Durham. By the wy of Whitehaven and Dublin, in the year MDCCLXXVI. Dublin, 1779.
  4. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/pass-the-posset-the-medieval-eggnog-25860188/ Lisa Bramen: Pass the Posset: The Medieval Eggnog. 8. December 2010.
  5. https://archive.org/details/provincialglossa00gros/page/n115/mode/2up?q=noggin Francis Grose: A provincial glossary; with a collection of local proverbs, and popular superstitions. The second edition. London, 1790.
  6. https://archive.org/details/bim_eighteenth-century_a-dictionary-of-the-engl_1794_0/page/n267/mode/2up?q=noggin Sheridan, Walker, Johnson, et al.: A dictionary of the English language, both with regard to sound and meaning. One main object of which is to establish a plain and permanent standard of pronunciation. To which is prefixed a prosodial grammar. London, 1794.
  7. https://archive.org/details/bim_eighteenth-century_a-new-english-dictionary_kersey-john_1739/page/n175/mode/2up?q=noggin J. K.: A new English dictionary: or, a compleat collection of the most proper and significant words, and terms of art, commonly used in the language. The fourth edition, carefully revised: with many important additions and improvements. London, 1739.
  8. https://www.forbes.com/sites/geoffwilliams/2016/11/29/a-brief-history-of-eggnog-its-past-is-stranger-than-you-think/ Geoff Williams: A Brief History Of Eggnog: Its Past, Including The Infamous Eggnog Riot, Is Stranger Than You Think. 29. November 2016.
  9. https://archive.org/details/etymonsenglishw00thomgoog/page/n166/mode/2up?q=noiggin John Thomson: Etymons of English words. Edinburgh, 1826.
  10. https://archive.org/details/bim_eighteenth-century_the-royal-standard-engli_perry-william-lecturer_1793/page/372/mode/2up?q=noggin Anonymus: The royal standard English dictionary; in which the words are not only rationally divided into syllables, accurately accented, their part of speech properly distinguished, and their various significations arranged in one line. The eigth edition. Edinburgh, 1793
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posset Posset.
  12. https://archive.org/details/vollstndigesw02eberuoft/page/230/mode/2up?q=noggin Johannes Ebers: Vollständiges Wörterbuch der Englischen Sprache für die Deutschen. Zweyter Band. Leipzig, 1794.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eggnog Eggnog.
  14. https://time.com/3957265/history-of-eggnog/ Elizabeth Dias: A Brief History of Eggnog. 21. December 2011.
  15. https://archive.org/details/blackwoodsedinb219unkngoog/page/456/mode/2up?q=%22egg+nogg%22 Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. Vol. XCIX. January-June 1866. American Edition, volume LXI. April 1866.
  16. https://dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/noggine A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700): noggine.
  17. https://archive.org/details/bim_early-english-books-1641-1700_dictionaire-anglois-fr_sherwood-robert_1650_0/page/n147/mode/2up?q=noggin Robert Sherwood: Dictionaire Anglois & François, pour l’vtilité de tous ceux, qui sont desireux de deux Lamngues. A Dictionary English and french; Compiled for the commodity of all such as are desirous of both the Languages. London, 1650.
  18. https://archive.org/details/tourinireland01youn/page/126/mode/2up?q=noggin Arthur Young: A tour in Ireland: with general observations on the present state of thet kingdom, made in the years 1776, 1777, and 1778. And brought down to the end of 1779. Dublin, 1780
  19. https://archive.org/details/gri_33125010870554/page/108/mode/2up?q=noggin Anonymus: A tour thro’ the whole island of Great Britain. Divided into circuits or journeys. Giving a particular and entertaining account of whatever is curious, and worth observation. Vol. III. London, 1742.
  20. https://archive.org/details/bim_eighteenth-century_the-royal-standard-engli_perry-william-lecturer_1775/page/252/mode/2up W. Perry: The royal standard English dictionary; in which the words are not only rationally divided into syllables, accurately accented, their part of speech properly distinguished, and their various significations arranged in one line. The eigth edition. Edinburgh, 1775.
  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Boucher Jonathan Boucher.
  22. https://archive.org/details/bim_eighteenth-century_travels-through-the-stat_weld-isaac_1799_1/page/97/mode/2up?q=egg-nog Isaac Weld, Junior: Travels through the states of North America, and the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the years 1795, 1796, 1797. Second edition. Vol. 1. London, 1799.
  23. https://archive.org/details/americanmuseumor08care/page/142/mode/2up?q=%22egg-nog%22 The American Museum, or Universal Magazine. Philadelphia, September 1790.
  24. https://archive.org/details/tourthroughsouth00pope/page/24/mode/2up?q=%22egg-nog%22 John Pope: A tour through the southern and western territories of the United States of North-America; the Spanish dominions on the river Mississippi, and the Floridas; the countries of the Creek nations; and many uninhabited parts. Richmond, 1792. Reprint for Charles L. Woodward, New York, 1888.
  25. https://archive.org/details/bim_early-english-books-1641-1700_a-new-dictionary-of-the-_e-b_1699_0/page/n117/mode/2up?q=noggin B. E.: A new dictionary of the termsancient and modern of the canting crew. London, 1699
  26. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quart_(Einheit) Quart (Einheit).
  27. https://dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/quach A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700): quach.
  28. https://archive.org/details/sim_boston-weekly-magazine_1824-05-01_1_7/mode/2up?q=eggnog The Boston Weekly Magazine and Ladies Miscellany, Saturday evening, 1. May 1824.
  29. David Wondrich & Noah Rothbaum (Hrsg.): The Oxford Companion to Spirits & Cocktails. ISBN 9780199311132. 2022.
  30. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaich#/media/Datei:Quaich.jpg Quaich aus Edelstahl.
  31. Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks, Or, The Bon-vivant’s Companion, Containing Clear and Reliable Directions for Mixing All the Beverages Used in the United States, Together with the Most Popular British, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish Recipes, Embracing Punches, Juleps, Cobblers, Etc., Etc., Etc., in Endless Variety. To Which is Appended a Manual For The Manufacture of Cordials, Liquors, Fancy Syrups, Etc., Etc., After the Most Approved Methods Now Used in the Destillation of Liquors and Beverages, Designed For the Special Use of Manufacturers and Dealers in Wines and Spirits, Grocers, Tavern-Keepers, and Private Families, the Same Being Adapted to the Tteade of The United States and Canadas. The Whole Containing Over 600 Valuable Recipes by Christian Schultz. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald, 1862.
  32. https://archive.org/details/mma_miniature_quaich_202732 Scottish silver quaich, late 17th century.
  33. https://archive.org/details/b22019194_0002/page/138/mode/2up?q=%22Auld+man%27s+milk%22 The Epicure’s Almanac for 1842. London, 1842.
  34. https://archive.org/details/b22021504/page/n5/mode/2up?q=%22Auld+man%27s+milk%22 Mrs. Margaret Dods: The cook and housewife’s manual; containing the most approved modern receipts for making soups, gravies, sauces, ragouts, and all made-dishes; and for pies, puddings, pickles, and preserves: also for baking, brewing, making home-made wines, cordials, &c. The second edition. Edinburgh, 1827.
  35. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaich Quaich.
  36. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaich Quaich.
  37. https://archive.org/details/journaloftexiane00gree/page/258/mode/2up?q=egg-nog Thomas J. Green: Journal of the Texian expedition against Mier; subsequent imprisonment of the author; his sufferings, and the final escape from castle of Perote; reflections upon the present political and probable future relations of Texas, Mexico, and the United States. New York, 1845.
  38. https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k116224w/f264.image.r=jerry Oscar Comettant: Trois ans aux États-Unis. Étude des moeurs et coutumes américaines. Paris, 1857.
  39. William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Collection of Recipes for „Cups“ and Other Compounded Drinks, and of General Information on Beverages of All Kinds. London & New York, George Routledge & Sons, 1869.
  40. E. Ricket & C. Thomas: The Gentleman’s Table Guide. Being Practical Recipes for Wine Cups, American Drinks, Punches, Cordials, Summer & Winter Beverages. Recherché Bills of Fare With Service of Wines, etc., etc. London, H. Born, 1871.
  41. https://archive.org/details/bim_early-english-books-1475-1640_maison-rustique-or-the-_estienne-charles-and-l_1606/page/n751/mode/2up?q=Bisker Charles Steuens & John Liebault: Maison Rustique, or the covntrey farme: compiled in the French tongue by Charles Steuens and John Liebault Doctors of Physicke: and translated into English by Richard Svrflet. London, 1606.
  42. Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Upwards of Two Hundred of The Most Approved Recipes, for Making The Principal Beverages Used in The United States and Elsewhere. London, Tinsley Brothers, London, 1878.
  43. Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual or: How to Mix Drinks of the Present Style And Containing a Valuable List of Instructions and Hints of the Author in Reference to Attending Bar, and also a Large List of Mix-Drinks Together With a Complete List of Bar Utensils, Wines, Liquors, Ales, Mixtures, Etc. Ab Seite 77: Practisches, Neues und Verbessertes Handbuch für Barkeeper, Salon- und Hotelbesitzer, Küfer, Weinbauer, Hausfrauen etc. enthaltend practische Winke und Anweisungen für Barkeeper, vollkommen correcte Rezepte aller gemischten Getränke der gegenwärtigen Zeit, Listen sämmtlicher Bar-Artikeln und Utensilien, Regeln zur Behandlung von Liquors, Bier, Ale, Porter, Wein und Cider in Fässern sowohl als auch Flaschen, etc., etc., mit einem Anhang der Anleitung zur Erzeugung von Wein und Cider. New York, Samisch & Goldmann, 1882.
  44. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltimore Baltimore.
  45. https://www.diffordsguide.com/cocktails/recipe/3280/general-harrisons-nogg General Harrison’s Nogg.
  46. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Acrelius Israel Acrelius.
  47. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuschweden Neuschweden.
  48. https://archive.org/details/historyofnewswed00acre/page/162/mode/2up/search/punch Israel Acrelius: A history of New Sweden; or, the settlements on the river Delaware. Philadelphia, 1874.
  49. https://dsl.ac.uk/entry/snd/dram_n1_v1 Scottish National Dictionary (1700–), Dram.
  50. https://www.genealogymagazine.com/scottish-migration/ Myra Vanderpool Gormley: Migration Patterns of Our Scottish Ancestors. 2000.
  51. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brouet Brouet.
  52. Anonymus: Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual: A complete and practical guide for preparing all kinds of plain and fancy mixed drinks and popular beverages. Being the Most Approved Formulas Known in the Profession, Designed for Hotels, Steamers, Club Houses, Etc., Etc. to Which is Appended Recipes for Liqueurs, Cordials, Bitters, Syrups, etc., etc. New York, Jesse Haney & Co., 1869.
  53. https://dict.leo.org/franz%C3%B6sisch-deutsch/brouet Brouet.
  54. https://archive.org/details/nouveauvoyageaux00laba/page/n177/mode/2up?q=gris Anonymus (Jean Baptiste Labat): Nouveau voyage aux isles de l’Amerique. Contenant l’histoire naturelle de ces pays, l’origine, les mœurs, la religion & le gouvernement des habitans anciens & modernes: les guerres & les evenemens singuliers qui y sont arrivez pendant le long séjour que l’auteur y a fait: le commerce et les manufactures qui y sont établies, & les moyens de les augmenter. Ouvrage enrichi d’un grand nombre de cartes, plans, & figures en taille-douce. Tome premier. Paris 1724.
  55. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/egg-nog-its-all-fun-and-games-until-someone-starts-a-holiday-riot-180949281/ Natasha Geiling, 19. Dezember 2023: Eggnog: It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Starts a Holiday Riot.
  56. https://archive.org/details/sim_rural-magazine_1798-07-07_1_21/page/n1/mode/2up?q=%22Egg+dram%22 The Rural Magazine, 7. July 1798, Seite 2.
  57. https://archive.org/details/travelsthroughs00brok/page/200/mode/2up?q=%22Egg+dram%22 Arthur de Capell Brooke: Travels through Sweden, Norway, and Finmark, to the North Cape, in the Summer of 1820. London, 1823.
  58. https://archive.org/details/householdwords06dicklond/page/484/mode/2up?q=%22rum+and+egg%22 Charles Dickens: Household Words. Volume VI. Darin: Down with the Tide. London, 1853.
  59. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Dickens_bibliography Charles Dickens biography.
  60. https://archive.org/details/b3300979x/page/148/mode/2up?q=%22egg+and+brandy%22 Johannes Radcliffe: Pharmacopoeiae Radcliffeanae pars altera: or, the second and last part of Dr. Radcliff’s prescriptions, with useful observations, &c. London, 1716.
  61. https://archive.org/details/newfamilyreceipt1811lond/page/200/mode/2up?q=%22old+man%27s%22 Anonymus: The New family receipt-book, containing eight hundred truly valuable receipts in various branches of domestic economy selected from the works of British and foreign writers of unquestionable experience & authority, and from the attested communications of scientific friends. A new edition. London, 1811.
  62. https://archive.org/details/bim_early-english-books-1641-1700_lexicon-tetraglotton-_howell-james_1660_0/page/n685/mode/2up?q=%22old+mans+milk%22 James Howell: Lexicon Tetraglotton. an English-French-Italian-Spanish dictionary. London, 1660. Darin – Robert Willoughby: A letter composed of French proverbs.
  63. https://archive.org/details/bim_early-english-books-1641-1700_the-blood-of-the-grape-_whitaker-tobias_1654/page/38/mode/2up?q=%22old+mans+milk%22 Tobias Whitaker, Physician in Ordinarie to his Majesties House-hold: The Blood of the Grape. Republished and enlarged. Ohne Ort, 1654.
  64. https://founders.archives.gov/?q=%22be%20like%20wine%22&s=1111311111&sa=&r=1&sr=
    Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Rush, 17 August 1811.
  65. https://archive.org/details/edinburghfugitiv00creeiala/page/58/mode/2up?view=theater William Creech: Edinburgh fugitive pieces. Edinburgh, 1791.
  66. https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.271841/page/n331/mode/2up The Oxford English Dictionary. Volume iv, F-G. Oxford, 1933.
  67. https://archive.org/details/reisedurcheinige_02sch/page/346/mode/2up?q=grogg Johann David Schöpf: Reise durch einige der mittlern und südlichen vereinigten nordamerikanischen Staaten nach Ost-Florida und den Bahama-Inseln unernommen in den Jahren 1783 und 1784. Zweyter teil. Erlangen, 1788.
  68. Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers‘ Guide and Gentlemen’s Sideboard Companion. A Comprehensive and Practical Guide for Preparing All Kinds of Plain and Fancy Mixed Drinks and Popular Beverages of the Day, According to the Approved and Accepted Methods of the Profession. This Book is Designed More Particularly for Club-Houses and Rooms, for Steamboats, Sample Rooms, and the Gentleman’s Sideboard. To the Recipes for Beverages There Has Been Appended a Number of Other Vauable Suggestions and Recipes. Rochester, Eigenverlag, ohne Jahr. [1883]
  69. https://archive.org/details/bim_early-english-books-1641-1700_love-for-love_congreve-william_1695/page/n45/mode/2up?q=flip William Congreve: Love for Love: A Comedy. As it is acted at the theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields. London, 1695.
  70. Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide; or, how to mix all kinds of plain and fancy drinks, containing clear and reliable directions for mixing all the beverages used in the United States, together with the most popular British, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish recipes; embracing Punches, Juleps, Cobblers, etc., etc., etc., in endless Variety. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald, 1876 laut vorderer Inschrift; tatsächlich 1883.

Historical recipes up to 1900

1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 40. Egg Nogg.

Egg Nogg is a beverage of American origin, but it has
a popularity that is cosmopolitan. At the South it is
almost indispensable at Christmas time, and at the North
it is a favorite at all seasons.
In Scotland they call Egg Nogg, “auldd man’s milk.”

1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 40. Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 table-spoonful of fine sugar, dissolved with
1              do.           cold water, 1 egg.
1 wine-glass of Cognac brandy.
1/2         do.       Santa Cruz rum.
1/3 tumblerful of milk.
Fill the tumbler 1/4 full with shaved ice, shake the in­-
gredients until they are thoroughly mixed together, and
grate a little nutmeg on top. Every well ordered bar has
a tin egg-nogg “shaker,” which is a great aid in mixing
this beverage.

1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 40. Hot Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
This drink is very popular in California, and is made in
precisely the same manner as the cold egg nogg above, ex-
cept that you must use boiling water instead of ice.

1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 41. Egg Nogg.

(For a party of forty.)
1 dozen eggs.
2 quarts of brandy.
1 pint of Santa Cruz rum.
2 gallons of milk,
1/2 lbs. white sugar.
Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat
them separately with an egg-beater until the yolks are well
cut up, and the whites assume a light fleecy appearance.
Mix all the ingredients (except the whites of the eggs) in
a large punch bowl, then let the whites float on top, and
ornament with colored sugars. Cool in a tub of ice, and

1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 41. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(For a party of fifteen.)
Take the yellow of sixteen eggs and twelve table-spoon-
fuls of pulverized loaf-sugar, and beat them to the consis-
tence of cream; to this add two-thirds of a nutmeg grated,
and beat well together; then mix in half a pint of good
brandy or Jamaica rum, and two wine-glasses of Madeira
wine. Have ready the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff
froth, and beat them into the above-described mixture.
When this is all done, stir in six pints of good rich milk.
There is no heat used.
Egg Hogg made in this manner is digestible, and will
not cause headache. It makes an excellent drink for de-
bilitated persons, and a nourishing diet for consumptives.

1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 42. General Harrison’s Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 egg.
1 1/2 teaspoonful of sugar.
2 or 3 small lumps of ice.
Fill the tumbler with cider, and shake well.
This is a splendid drink, and is very popular on the
Mississippi river. It was General Harrison’s favorite

1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 42. Sherry Egg Nogg.

1 table-spoonful of white sugar.
1 egg.
2 wine-glasses of sherry.
Dissolve the sugar with a little water; break the yolk
of the egg in a large glass; put in one-quarter tumblerful
of broken ice; fill with milk, and shake up until the egg
is thoroughly mixed with the other ingredients, then grate
a little nutmeg on top, and quaff the nectar cup.

1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 40. Egg Nogg.

Egg Nogg is a beverage of American origin, but it has
a popularity that is cosmopolitan. At the South it is
almost indispensable at Christmas time, and at the North
it is a favorite at all seasons.
In Scotland they call Egg Nogg, “auldd man’s milk.”

1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 40. Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 table-spoonful of fine sugar, dissolved with
1              do.           cold water, 1 egg.
1 wine-glass of Cognac brandy.
1/2         do.       Santa Cruz rum.
1/3 tumblerful of milk.
Fill the tumbler 1/4 full with shaved ice, shake the in­-
gredients until they are thoroughly mixed together, and
grate a little nutmeg on top. Every well ordered bar has
a tin egg-nogg “shaker,” which is a great aid in mixing
this beverage.

1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 40. Hot Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
This drink is very popular in California, and is made in
precisely the same manner as the cold egg nogg above, ex-
cept that you must use boiling water instead of ice.

1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 41. Egg Nogg.

(For a party of forty.)
1 dozen eggs.
2 quarts of brandy.
1 pint of Santa Cruz rum.
2 gallons of milk.
1/2 lbs. white sugar.
Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat
them separately with an egg-beater until the yolks are well
cut up, and the whites assume a light fleecy appearance.
Mix all the ingredients (except the whites of the eggs) in
a large punch bowl, then let the whites float on top, and
ornament with colored sugars. Cool in a tub of ice, and

1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 41. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(For a party of fifteen.)
Take the yellow of sixteen eggs and twelve table-spoon-
fuls of pulverized loaf-sugar, and beat them to the consis-
tence of cream; to this add two-thirds of a nutmeg grated,
and beat well together; then mix in half a pint of good
brandy or Jamaica rum, and two wine-glasses of Madeira
wine. Have ready the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff
froth, and beat them into the above-described mixture.
When this is all done, stir in six pints of good rich milk.
There is no heat used.
Egg Hogg made in this manner is digestible, and will
not cause headache. It makes an excellent drink for de-
bilitated persons, and a nourishing diet for consumptives.

1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 42. General Harrison’s Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 egg.
1 1/2 teaspoonful of sugar.
2 or 3 small lumps of ice.
Fill the tumbler with cider, and shake well.
This is a splendid drink, and is very popular on the
Mississippi river. It was General Harrison’s favorite

1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 42. Sherry Egg Nogg.

1 table-spoonful of white sugar.
1 egg.
2 wine-glasses of sherry.
Dissolve the sugar with a little water; break the yolk
of the egg in a large glass; put in one-quarter tumblerful
of broken ice; fill with milk, and shake up until the egg
is thoroughly mixed with the other ingredients, then grate
a little nutmeg on top, and quaff the nectar cup.

1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 40. Egg Nogg.

Egg Nogg is a beverage of American origin, but it has
a popularity that is cosmopolitan. At the South it is
almost indispensable at Christmas time, and at the North
it is a favorite at all seasons.
In Scotland they call Egg Nogg, “auldd man’s milk.”

1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 40. Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 table-spoonful of fine sugar, dissolved with
1              do.           cold water, 1 egg.
1 wine-glass of Cognac brandy.
1/2         do.       Santa Cruz rum.
1/3 tumblerful of milk.
Fill the tumbler 1/4 full with shaved ice, shake the in­-
gredients until they are thoroughly mixed together, and
grate a little nutmeg on top. Every well ordered bar has
a tin egg-nogg “shaker,” which is a great aid in mixing
this beverage.

1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 40. Hot Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
This drink is very popular in California, and is made in
precisely the same manner as the cold egg nogg above, ex-
cept that you must use boiling water instead of ice.

1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 41. Egg Nogg.

(For a party of forty.)
1 dozen eggs.
2 quarts of brandy.
1 pint of Santa Cruz rum.
2 gallons of milk,
1/2 lbs. white sugar.
Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat
them separately with an egg-beater until the yolks are well
cut up, and the whites assume a light fleecy appearance.
Mix all the ingredients (except the whites of the eggs) in
a large punch bowl, then let the whites float on top, and
ornament with colored sugars. Cool in a tub of ice, and

1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 41. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(For a party of fifteen.)
Take the yellow of sixteen eggs and twelve table-spoon-
fuls of pulverized loaf-sugar, and beat them to the consis-
tence of cream; to this add two-thirds of a nutmeg grated,
and beat well together; then mix in half a pint of good
brandy or Jamaica rum, and two wine-glasses of Madeira
wine. Have ready the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff
froth, and beat them into the above-described mixture.
When this is all done, stir in six pints of good rich milk.
There is no heat used.
Egg Hogg made in this manner is digestible, and will
not cause headache. It makes an excellent drink for de-
bilitated persons, and a nourishing diet for consumptives.

1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 42. General Harrison’s Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 egg.
1 1/2 teaspoonful of sugar.
2 or 3 small lumps of ice.
Fill the tumbler with cider, and shake well.
This is a splendid drink, and is very popular on the
Mississippi river. It was General Harrison’s favorite

1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 42. Sherry Egg Nogg.

1 table-spoonful of white sugar.
1 egg.
2 wine-glasses of sherry.
Dissolve the sugar with a little water; break the yolk
of the egg in a large glass; put in one-quarter tumblerful
of broken ice; fill with milk, and shake up until the egg
is thoroughly mixed with the other ingredients, then grate
a little nutmeg on top, and quaff the nectar cup.

1866 L. Monzert: The Independent Liquorist. Seite 151. Egg Nogg.

1 table-spoon fine sugar.
1        do.         cold water.
1 wine-glass brandy.
A little St. Croix rum.
1 egg.
1/2 a tumbler of milk.
A small quantity of ice.
Shake it up until well mixed; then grate
little nutmeg over it.

1869 Anonymus: Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 22. Egg Nog and Flip.

Having exhausted the subject of punches, we will now
consider in order the other drinks which are more commonly
in demand at bars than many of those we have given re-
ceipts for. Egg Nogs and Flips are now to be treated.
Egg Nog, we believe, is originally an American institution,
popular both at the North and at the South, but more
particularly in the southern states during the holiday sea-
son. It is, with milk punch, popular among the faculty
for the encouragement and aid of convalescents.

1869 Anonymus: Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 22. Egg Nog.

One tablespoonful of fine white sugar; one tablespoonful
of cold water and one egg; one and half wine glasses of
brandy. Let the glass be filled one quarter or half with
broken or shaved ice. After the sugar, egg, water and
spirits are placed in the tumbler, fill up with milk and
shake well. Santa Cruz or Jamaica rum may be used in-
stead of brandy, or brandy and rum combined, allowing one
or the other slightly to predominate. This drink may be
made hot by using boiling milk without the ice.

1869 Anonymus: Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 22. Egg Nog.

(For a party of twenty.)
Half dozen eggs; 1 quart brandy; 1/2 pint Santa Cruz
rum; 1 gallon of milk; 3/4 pounds white sugar. Beat separ-
ately the whites and the yolks of the eggs. Mix all the
ingredients except the whites, which should be beaten until
they have a light frothy appearance, in a punch bowl, then
let the whites float on top.

1869 Anonymus: Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 23. Egg Nog.

Here is another method, for a party of twenty or there-
about: 18 or 20 eggs, the yellow of; 15 tablespoonfuls of
pulverized sugar; beat these well together, and grate into
this one nutmeg. Add 1 pint of brandy or Jamaica rum;
3 or 4 glasses of sherry. Have on hand, and beat into a
froth, the whites of the eggs; then beat all together, and
add two and a half quarts of rich milk. This is a pleasant,
mild and nutritious drink.

1869 Anonymus: Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 23. Egg Nog.

Sherry wine is not unfrequently used as a substitute for
the stronger liquors. Put into a large tumbler, quarter
full of broken ice, a tablespoonful of white sugar break an
egg on the rim of the glass and turn in the yolk; fill it up
with milk; shake well; grate on top a little nutmeg, and
drink to the health of your family.

1869 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seit 194. Hot Egg-nogg, or “Auld Man’s Milk”.

a pint of Scotch ale; add while warming 1/4 oz.
bruised cinnamon, 1/4 oz. grated nutmeg, 1/4 oz. pow­-
dered ginger; beat up the yolks of 2 eggs with
a little brown sugar; pour in the ale gradually;
when well amalgamated, add glass of whisky.

1869 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seit 194. Baltimore Egg-nogg.

Beat up the yolks of 3
eggs, and 1/4 of a nutmeg grated, with 2 oz. of
pounded sugar, to the consistence of cream; add,
pouring in quietly the while, 1/2 gill of brandy or
rum, and glass of Marsala or brown sherry; add
the whites of the eggs (well beaten to a good froth),
and, when well incorporated, gill of cream and
pint of milk. This is not a warm drink, and
is easily digestible; it forms a nourishing dietetic
beverage for debilitated persons.

1869 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seit 194. Iced Egg-nogg.

Beat up the yolk of 1 egg
with a tablespoonful of cold water and same of
pounded white sugar; add 1 gill of sherry or 1/2 gill
brandy, ditto of rum, 1/4 pint good milk ; mix
together; add 1/4 pint shaven (or pulverized) ice.

1869 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seit 194. General Harrison’s Egg-nogg.

1 egg, 1 tea-
spoonful of sugar, 3. lumps of ice in a tumbler;
fill the tumbler with cider; well shake up.

1871 Anonymus: Barkeepers’ Ready Reference. Seite 28. Egg Nogg.

1 table spoonful of sugar.
1    ”           ”             water, (cold.)
1 egg.
1 wine glass of brandy.
1/4 rum.
1/3 of a tumbler of milk.
Fill up with water and ice. Shake
well and grate nutmeg on top.

1871 Anonymus: Barkeepers’ Ready Reference. Seite 29. Hot Egg Nogg.

Same as ordinary Egg Nogg, except
to use hot milk and water.

1871 Anonymus: Barkeepers’ Ready Reference. Seite 31. General Harrison’s Egg Nogg.

1 egg.
1 1/2 spoonful of white sugar.
Fill the tumbler with cider and ice,
and shake well.

1871 Anonymus: Barkeepers’ Ready Reference. Seite 32. Sherry Egg Nogg.

1 tabiespoonful of sugar.
1 egg.
3 glasses of sherry wine.
Fill up with milk and ice, or, if you
wish, hot water and milk. Shake well
and grate nutmeg on top.

1871 E. Ricket & C. Thomas: The Gentleman’s Table Guide. Seite 44. Egg Nogg or Auld Man’s Milk.

USE a soda-water glass or small silver
cup. One tablespoonful of powdered
sugar dissolved in a tablespoonful of cold
water, 1 new laid egg, well whisked; wineglass
of brandy, half do. of rum, fill the tumbler quarter
full of milk; small quantity of shaved ice; shake
all well together; grated nutmeg on top.

1871 E. Ricket & C. Thomas: The Gentleman’s Table Guide. Seite 46. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

USE a punch bowl. Beat up the yolks
of 12 new laid eggs, 10 tablespoonsful of
powdered loaf sugar, whisk well together
to the consistency of cream; add nutmeg, grated
very fine, half pint brandy, Irish whiskey, or rum,
2 glasses of Madeira or fine brown sherry; have
ready the whites of the eggs, whisk up to a stiff
froth, and beat them up with the above. When
this is all done, stir in 6 pints of rich new milk;
add a gill of cream, grated nutmeg on the top.
Place your bowl on the ice to cool, and add the
whites of eggs just before serving. Ornament
with strawberries or raspberries.

1872 E. Ricket & C. Thomas: The Gentleman’s Table Guide. Seite 44. Egg Nogg or Auld Man’s Milk.

USE a soda-water glass or small silver
cup. One tablespoonful of powdered
sugar dissolved in a tablespoonful of cold
water, 1 new laid egg, well whisked; wineglass
of brandy, half do. of rum, fill the tumbler quarter
full of milk; small quantity of shaved ice; shake
all well together; grated nutmeg on top.

1872 E. Ricket & C. Thomas: The Gentleman’s Table Guide. Seite 46. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

USE a punch bowl. Beat up the yolks
of 12 new laid eggs, 10 tablespoonsful of
powdered loaf sugar, whisk well together
to the consistency of cream; add nutmeg, grated
very fine, half pint brandy, Irish whiskey, or rum,
2 glasses of Madeira or fine brown sherry; have
ready the whites of the eggs, whisk up to a stiff
froth, and beat them up with the above. When
this is all done, stir in 6 pints of rich new milk;
add a gill of cream, grated nutmeg on the top.
Place your bowl on the ice to cool, and add the
whites of eggs just before serving. Ornament
with strawberries or raspberries.

1872 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seit 194. Hot Egg-nogg, or “Auld Man’s Milk”.

a pint of Scotch ale; add while warming 1/4 oz.
bruised cinnamon, 1/4 oz. grated nutmeg, 1/4 oz. pow­-
dered ginger; beat up the yolks of 2 eggs with
a little brown sugar; pour in the ale gradually;
when well amalgamated, add glass of whisky.

1872 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seit 194. Baltimore Egg-nogg.

Beat up the yolks of 3
eggs, and 1/4 of a nutmeg grated, with 2 oz. of
pounded sugar, to the consistence of cream; add,
pouring in quietly the while, 1/2 gill of brandy or
rum, and glass of Marsala or brown sherry; add
the whites of the eggs (well beaten to a good froth),
and, when well incorporated, gill of cream and
pint of milk. This is not a warm drink, and
is easily digestible; it forms a nourishing dietetic
beverage for debilitated persons.

1872 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seit 194. Iced Egg-nogg.

Beat up the yolk of 1 egg
with a tablespoonful of cold water and same of
pounded white sugar; add 1 gill of sherry or 1/2 gill
brandy, ditto of rum, 1/4 pint good milk ; mix
together; add 1/4 pint shaven (or pulverized) ice.

1872 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seit 194. General Harrison’s Egg-nogg.

1 egg, 1 tea-
spoonful of sugar, 3. lumps of ice in a tumbler;
fill the tumbler with cider; well shake up.

1873 American Fancy Drinks. New York, The Sun, 22. August 1873.


Egg nogg is about the same as a milk
punch, with an egg in it. The egg goes in first
and the sugar after it. Jamaica rum and brandy
are generally used in egg noggs; but here too
the difference in appetites comes in. Some cul-
tivate a taste for one kind of liquor, and some
for another; and when they once get set on any
one kind they want it in everything. It’s a won-
der they don’t have it in their coffee. Them
sometimes they suddenly sicken on it, and
change to something else for a few months.

1875 Anonymus: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 12. Egg Nogg.

LAEGE GLASS. — 1 table spoonful of sugar, 1 glass of cognac
brandy, one-third of a tumbler of milk, one-half of a wine glass
of Santa Cruz rum. Fill the tumbler one-fourth full with ice.
Shake well, and grate a little nutmeg on top.

1875 Anonymus: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 12. Hot Egg Nogg.

This drink is made the same as tho Cold Egg Nogg above,
except that you must use boiling milk and no ice.

1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 40. Egg Nogg.

Egg Nogg is a beverage of American origin, but it has
a popularity that is cosmopolitan. At the South it is
almost indispensable at Christmas time, and at the North
it is a favorite at all seasons.
In Scotland they call Egg Nogg, “auldd man’s milk.”

1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 40. Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 table-spoonful of fine sugar, dissolved with
1              do.           cold water, 1 egg.
1 wine-glass of Cognac brandy.
1/2         do.       Santa Cruz rum.
1/3 tumblerful of milk.
Fill the tumbler 1/4 full with shaved ice, shake the in­-
gredients until they are thoroughly mixed together, and
grate a little nutmeg on top. Every well ordered bar has
a tin egg-nogg “shaker,” which is a great aid in mixing
this beverage.

1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 40. Hot Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
This drink is very popular in California, and is made in
precisely the same manner as the cold egg nogg above, ex-
cept that you must use boiling water instead of ice.

1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 41. Egg Nogg.

(For a party of forty.)
1 dozen eggs.
2 quarts of brandy.
1 pint of Santa Cruz rum.
2 gallons of milk,
1/2 lbs. white sugar.
Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat
them separately with an egg-beater until the yolks are well
cut up, and the whites assume a light fleecy appearance.
Mix all the ingredients (except the whites of the eggs) in
a large punch bowl, then let the whites float on top, and
ornament with colored sugars. Cool in a tub of ice, and

1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 41. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(For a party of fifteen.)
Take the yellow of sixteen eggs and twelve table-spoon-
fuls of pulverized loaf-sugar, and beat them to the consis-
tence of cream; to this add two-thirds of a nutmeg grated,
and beat well together; then mix in half a pint of good
brandy or Jamaica rum, and two wine-glasses of Madeira
wine. Have ready the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff
froth, and beat them into the above-described mixture.
When this is all done, stir in six pints of good rich milk.
There is no heat used.
Egg Hogg made in this manner is digestible, and will
not cause headache. It makes an excellent drink for de-
bilitated persons, and a nourishing diet for consumptives.

1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 42. General Harrison’s Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 egg.
1 1/2 teaspoonful of sugar.
2 or 3 small lumps of ice.
Fill the tumbler with cider, and shake well.
This is a splendid drink, and is very popular on the
Mississippi river. It was General Harrison’s favorite

1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 42. Sherry Egg Nogg.

1 table-spoonful of white sugar.
1 egg.
2 wine-glasses of sherry.
Dissolve the sugar with a little water; break the yolk
of the egg in a large glass; put in one-quarter tumblerful
of broken ice; fill with milk, and shake up until the egg
is thoroughly mixed with the other ingredients, then grate
a little nutmeg on top, and quaff the nectar cup.

1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 40. Egg Nogg.

Egg Nogg is a beverage of American origin, but it has
a popularity that is cosmopolitan. At the South it is
almost indispensable at Christmas time, and at the North
it is a favorite at all seasons.
In Scotland they call Egg Nogg, “auldd man’s milk.”

1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 40. Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 table-spoonful of fine sugar, dissolved with
1              do.           cold water, 1 egg.
1 wine-glass of Cognac brandy.
1/2         do.       Santa Cruz rum.
1/3 tumblerful of milk.
Fill the tumbler 1/4 full with shaved ice, shake the in­-
gredients until they are thoroughly mixed together, and
grate a little nutmeg on top. Every well ordered bar has
a tin egg-nogg “shaker,” which is a great aid in mixing
this beverage.

1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 40. Hot Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
This drink is very popular in California, and is made in
precisely the same manner as the cold egg nogg above, ex-
cept that you must use boiling water instead of ice.

1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 41. Egg Nogg.

(For a party of forty.)
1 dozen eggs.
2 quarts of brandy.
1 pint of Santa Cruz rum.
2 gallons of milk,
1/2 lbs. white sugar.
Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat
them separately with an egg-beater until the yolks are well
cut up, and the whites assume a light fleecy appearance.
Mix all the ingredients (except the whites of the eggs) in
a large punch bowl, then let the whites float on top, and
ornament with colored sugars. Cool in a tub of ice, and

1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 41. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(For a party of fifteen.)
Take the yellow of sixteen eggs and twelve table-spoon-
fuls of pulverized loaf-sugar, and beat them to the consis-
tence of cream; to this add two-thirds of a nutmeg grated,
and beat well together; then mix in half a pint of good
brandy or Jamaica rum, and two wine-glasses of Madeira
wine. Have ready the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff
froth, and beat them into the above-described mixture.
When this is all done, stir in six pints of good rich milk.
There is no heat used.
Egg Hogg made in this manner is digestible, and will
not cause headache. It makes an excellent drink for de-
bilitated persons, and a nourishing diet for consumptives.

1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 42. General Harrison’s Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 egg.
1 1/2 teaspoonful of sugar.
2 or 3 small lumps of ice.
Fill the tumbler with cider, and shake well.
This is a splendid drink, and is very popular on the
Mississippi river. It was General Harrison’s favorite

1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 42. Sherry Egg Nogg.

1 table-spoonful of white sugar.
1 egg.
2 wine-glasses of sherry.
Dissolve the sugar with a little water; break the yolk
of the egg in a large glass; put in one-quarter tumblerful
of broken ice; fill with milk, and shake up until the egg
is thoroughly mixed with the other ingredients, then grate
a little nutmeg on top, and quaff the nectar cup.

1878 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 32. Egg Nogg.

EGG NOGG is a beverage of American origin, and has gained a
popularity all over the world. In the South it is almost indispens-
able at Christmas time, in the East the wise men imbibe it, in the
West the egotist believes in it, and in the North it is a favourite
at all seasons. In Scotland, Egg Nogg is known by the name of
“Auld Man’s milk.”

1878 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 32. Egg Nogg.

Use large tumbler.
One table-spoonful of fine sugar, dissolved with one table-spoonful
of cold water; one egg; one wine glass of Cognac; half a wine
glass of Santa Cruz rum or Jamaica rum; a quarter of a tumbler
of shaved ice, fill up with milk, shake the ingredients until they are
thoroughly mixed together, and grate a little nutmeg on the top.

1878 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 32. Hot Egg Nogg.

This drink is very popular in England, and is made in precisely
the same manner as the cold Egg Nogg above, except that you must
use boiling water instead of ice.

1878 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 32. Egg Nogg.

For a Party of Ten.
Three eggs; one pint of brandy; two and a half wine glasses of
Santa Cruz rum; two quarts of milk ; six ounces of white sugar.
Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat them separately
with an egg-beater until the yolks are well cut up, and the whites
assume a light fleecy appearance. Mix all the ingredients (except
the whites of the eggs) in a large punch-bowl, then let the whites
float on the top, and ornmnent with coloured sugars. Cool in a
tub of ice, and serve.

1878 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 33. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

For a Party of Fifteen.
Take the yolks of sixteen eggs, and twelve table-spoonfuls of
powdered loaf sugar, and beat them to the consistency of cream;
to this add two-thirds of a nutmeg grated, and beat them
together; then mix in half a pint of brandy or Jamaica rum, and
two wine glasses of Madeira. Have ready the whites of the eggs
whipped to a stiff froth, which then beat into the mixture. When
this is done, stir in six pints of rich milk. There is no heat
used. Egg Nogg made in this manner is digestible, and will not
cause headache. It makes an excellent drink for debilitated
persons and a nourishing diet for consumptives.

1878 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 33. General Harrison’s Egg Nogg.

Use large tumbler.
One egg; one and a half tea-spoonful of sugar; two or three
small lumps of ice. Fill the tumbler with cider and shake well.
This is a splendid drink, and is very popular on the Mississippi river.
It was General Harrison’s favourite drink.

1878 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 33. Sherry Egg Nogg.

One table-spoonful of white sugar; one egg; two wine glasses of
sherry. Dissolve the sugar with a little water; break the yolk of
an egg in a large glass; put in one quarter of a tumbler of broken
ice; fill with milk, and shake up until the egg is thoroughly mixed
with the other ingredients; then grate a little nutmeg on top, and
“Quaff the nectar cup, which gives delight.”

1881 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 32. Egg Nogg.

EGG NOGG is a beverage of American origin, and has gained a
popularity all over the world. In the South it is almost indispens-
able at Christmas time, in the East the wise men imbibe it, in the
West the egotist believes in it, and in the North it is a favourite
at all seasons. In Scotland, Egg Nogg is known by the name of
“Auld Man’s milk.”

1881 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 32. Egg Nogg.

Use large tumbler.
One table-spoonful of fine sugar, dissolved with one table-spoonful
of cold water; one egg; one wine glass of Cognac; half a wine
glass of Santa Cruz rum or Jamaica rum; a quarter of a tumbler
of shaved ice, fill up with milk, shake the ingredients until they are
thoroughly mixed together, and grate a little nutmeg on the top.

1881 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 32. Hot Egg Nogg.

This drink is very popular in England, and is made in precisely
the same manner as the cold Egg Nogg above, except that you must
use boiling water instead of ice.

1881 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 32. Egg Nogg.

For a Party of Ten.
Three eggs; one pint of brandy; two and a half wine glasses of
Santa Cruz rum; two quarts of milk ; six ounces of white sugar.
Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat them separately
with an egg-beater until the yolks are well cut up, and the whites
assume a light fleecy appearance. Mix all the ingredients (except
the whites of the eggs) in a large punch-bowl, then let the whites
float on the top, and ornmnent with coloured sugars. Cool in a
tub of ice, and serve.

1881 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 33. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

For a Party of Fifteen.
Take the yolks of sixteen eggs, and twelve table-spoonfuls of
powdered loaf sugar, and beat them to the consistency of cream;
to this add two-thirds of a nutmeg grated, and beat them
together; then mix in half a pint of brandy or Jamaica rum, and
two wine glasses of Madeira. Have ready the whites of the eggs
whipped to a stiff froth, which then beat into the mixture. When
this is done, stir in six pints of rich milk. There is no heat
used. Egg Nogg made in this manner is digestible, and will not
cause headache. It makes an excellent drink for debilitated
persons and a nourishing diet for consumptives.

1881 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 33. General Harrison’s Egg Nogg.

Use large tumbler.
One egg; one and a half tea-spoonful of sugar; two or three
small lumps of ice. Fill the tumbler with cider and shake well.
This is a splendid drink, and is very popular on the Mississippi river.
It was General Harrison’s favourite drink.

1881 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 33. Sherry Egg Nogg.

One table-spoonful of white sugar; one egg; two wine glasses of
sherry. Dissolve the sugar with a little water; break the yolk of
an egg in a large glass; put in one quarter of a tumbler of broken
ice; fill with milk, and shake up until the egg is thoroughly mixed
with the other ingredients; then grate a little nutmeg on top, and
“Quaff the nectar cup, which gives delight.”

1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 25. Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 fresh egg;
Three-quarters table-spoon sugar;
One-third glass full of fine ice;
1 pony glass St. Croix rum;
1 wine glass of brandy;
fill the glass up with rich milk, shake the ingredients
well together and strain it into a large bar glass; grate
a little nutmeg on top, and serve.

1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 27. General Harrison Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 fresh egg;
1 table-spoonful of sugar;
3 or 4 small lumps of ice;
Fill the glass with cider;
shake well; strain it into a large bar glass; grate a little
nutmeg on top, and serve. The above drink is a very
pleasant one, and is popular throughout the southern
part of the country.

1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 38. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 yolk of an egg;
Three-quarters table-spoon of sugar;
Add a little nutmeg and cinnamon to it, and beat it
to a cream;
One-half pony glass of brandy;
3 or 4 lumps of ice;
One-quarter pony glass of Jamaica rum;
1 pony glass Madeira wine;
fill the glass with milk, shake well, strain it into a large
bar glass, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.

1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 56. Sherry Wine Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 fresh egg;
One-half table-spoon of sugar;
Fill up the glass with fine ice;
1 pony glass brandy;
1 wine glass of Sherry wine;
shake the above ingredients well, until they are thor-
oughly mixed together; strain it into a fancy bar glass,
large enough to hold all the mixture; grate a little nut-
meg on top, and serve.

1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 59. Bowl of Egg Nogg for a New Years Party.

In regard to the above drink the bartender must use
his own judgment as to what quantity he must prepare.
Mix as follows:
(Use a large punch bowl for mixing two gallons of the
above mixture,
2 1/2 pounds fine pulverized sugar;
20 fresh eggs; have the yolks separated and thin as
water by being well beaten, and add the yolks
of the eggs into the sugar, and dissolve this well
with a spoon;
2 quarts good old brandy;
1 1/2 pint St. Croix rum or Jamaica rum;
1 1/2 gallons good rich milk;
mix the ingredients well with a ladle, and while pour-
ing the milk into the above ingredients, you must con-
tinually stir, to prevent the milk from curling, then
beat the whites of the eggs, until they present a stiff
froth, then the white froth should be carefully placed
upon the above mixture; and in serving, take out the
mixture with a ladle, put it into a bar glass, place a piece
of the egg froth on top of the mixture in a tasty man-
ner, and grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve; and
you will have a splendid New Years Egg Nogg.

1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 102. Egg Nogg.

(Gebrauche ein grosses Glas.)
1 frisches Ei;
Dreiviertel Esslöffel voll feinen Zucker;
Eindrittel Glas voll fein zerschlagenes Eis;
1 Pony glas St. Croix Ruin;
1 Weinglas voll Cognac;
fülle das Glas auf mit frischer Milch, schüttle diese
Ingredienzen vermittelst des Schüttelbechers gut auf
und siebe dieses in ein grosses Glas, streue ein wenig
Muscatnuss auf dasselbe und servire es.

1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 104. Egg Nogg.

(Gebrauche ein grosses Glas.)
1 frisches Ei;
1 Esslöffel voll feinen Zucker;
3 oder 4 Stücke klein zerschlagenes Eis;
fülle das Glas auf mit Apfelwein (Cider), schüttle die-
ses vermittelst des Schüttelbechers gut auf, siebe es in
ein grosses Glas, streue ein wenig Muscatnuss darauf
und servire es. Dieses Getränk ist sehr wohlschmek-
kend und hauptsächlich im südlichen Amerika sehr
beliebt und getrunken.

1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 116. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(Gebrauche ein grosses Glas.)
1 frischer Eidotter;
Dreiviertel Esslöffel feinen Zucker;
nehme ein wenig Muscatnuss und pulverisirten
Zimmt, mische dieses gut mit einem Barlöffel;
3 oder 4 kleine Stücke zerschlagenes Eis;
Einhalb Pony-Glas Cognac;
Einviertel Pony-Glas Jamaica Rum;
1 Pony-Glas Madeira Wein;
fülle das Glas mit frischer Milch und schüttle es tüch-
tig auf mit einem Schüttelbecher, siebe es in ein
grosses Barglas, streue noch ein wenig Muscatnuss
darüber und servire es.

1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 137. Sherry Wine Egg Nogg.

(Gebrauche ein grosses Barglas.)
1 frisches Ei;
Einhalb Esslöffel voll feinen Zucker;
Dreiviertel Glas fein zerschlagenes Eis,
1 Weinglas Sherrywein;
1 Pony-Glas Cognac;
schüttle es gut mit einem Schüttelbecher, siebe es in
ein Fancy-Barglas, streue ein wenig Muscatnuss dar-
über und servire es.

1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 141. Bowl of Egg Nogg for a New Years Party.

(Gebrauche eine Punchbowle.)
Bei der zu bereitenden Quantitat dieses Getränkes
richtet man sich je nach des Zahl der Gäste. Folgendes
Recept gibt die Maasse fur ungefähr 2 Gallonen Egg
2 bis 2 1/2 Pfund pulverisirten Zucker;
20 frische Eier;
und separire das Eiweiss sorgfaltig von dem Dotter,
und schlage den letzteren so dünnflüssig wie Wasser.
Mische dieses mit dem Zucker gut zusammen.
2 Quart guten französischen Cognac;
1 1/2 Pint St. Croix Rum;
1 1/2 Gallone gute Milch;
mische dieses gut zusammen, und während des Ein-
giessens der Milch, welche langsam den anderen lncre-
dienzen zugegossen werden muss, beachte man ein re-
gelmässiges Umrühren der ganzen Masse mittelst eines
langen Löffels. Dann nehme man das Eiweis und
schlage es mit dem Schneeschlager so lange, bis es steif
wie Schnee ist, und placire es stückchen- und schichten-
weise auf den gemischten Egg Nogg.
Beim Serviren dieses Getränkes bediene man sich
eines schönen Glases und lege auf dasselbe je ein
Stückchen geschlagenen Eiweisses, bestreue dasselbe
mit etwas Muscatnuss und servire es. Auf diese Weise
hat man einen ausgezeichneten Egg Nogg und sehr zu
empfehlen für Neujahrsgäste.

1883 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 40. Egg Nogg.

Egg Nogg is a beverage of American origin, but it has
a popularity that is cosmopolitan. At the South it is
almost indispensable at Christmas time, and at the North
it is a favorite at all seasons.
In Scotland they call Egg Nogg, “auldd man’s milk.”

1883 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 40. Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 table-spoonful of fine sugar, dissolved with
1              do.           cold water, 1 egg.
1 wine-glass of Cognac brandy.
1/2         do.       Santa Cruz rum.
1/3 tumblerful of milk.
Fill the tumbler 1/4 full with shaved ice, shake the in­-
gredients until they are thoroughly mixed together, and
grate a little nutmeg on top. Every well ordered bar has
a tin egg-nogg “shaker,” which is a great aid in mixing
this beverage.

1883 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 40. Hot Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
This drink is very popular in California, and is made in
precisely the same manner as the cold egg nogg above, ex-
cept that you must use boiling water instead of ice.

1883 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 41. Egg Nogg.

(For a party of forty.)
1 dozen eggs.
2 quarts of brandy.
1 pint of Santa Cruz rum.
2 gallons of milk,
1/2 lbs. white sugar.
Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat
them separately with an egg-beater until the yolks are well
cut up, and the whites assume a light fleecy appearance.
Mix all the ingredients (except the whites of the eggs) in
a large punch bowl, then let the whites float on top, and
ornament with colored sugars. Cool in a tub of ice, and

1883 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 41. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(For a party of fifteen.)
Take the yellow of sixteen eggs and twelve table-spoon-
fuls of pulverized loaf-sugar, and beat them to the consis-
tence of cream; to this add two-thirds of a nutmeg grated,
and beat well together; then mix in half a pint of good
brandy or Jamaica rum, and two wine-glasses of Madeira
wine. Have ready the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff
froth, and beat them into the above-described mixture.
When this is all done, stir in six pints of good rich milk.
There is no heat used.
Egg Hogg made in this manner is digestible, and will
not cause headache. It makes an excellent drink for de-
bilitated persons, and a nourishing diet for consumptives.

1883 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 42. General Harrison’s Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 egg.
1 1/2 teaspoonful of sugar.
2 or 3 small lumps of ice.
Fill the tumbler with cider, and shake well.
This is a splendid drink, and is very popular on the
Mississippi river. It was General Harrison’s favorite

1883 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 42. Sherry Egg Nogg.

1 table-spoonful of white sugar.
1 egg.
2 wine-glasses of sherry.
Dissolve the sugar with a little water; break the yolk
of the egg in a large glass; put in one-quarter tumblerful
of broken ice; fill with milk, and shake up until the egg
is thoroughly mixed with the other ingredients, then grate
a little nutmeg on top, and quaff the nectar cup.

1883 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 92. Imperial Egg Nogg.

Take 1 tablespoonful powdered sugar.
1                do.             cold water.
1 wineglassful brandy.
1 egg.
1/2 tumbler of milk.
A little St. Croix rum.
Shake it well with a small quantity of ice, then grate
a little nutmeg over it.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 16. Egg Nogs and Flips.

Egg Nog we believe is originally an American drink, popular
both at the North and the South, but more particularly in the South-
ern States during the holiday season. It is, with Milk Punch popu-
lar among the Faculty for the encouragement and aid of convales-

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 17. Cold Brandy Egg Nog.

Fill a large bar glass one-third full of cracked ice, one table-spoon
of bar sugar, one egg, one pony-wine-glass of Brandy, one-half pony-
wine-glass of Jamaica Rum, fill up with cream or milk and shake
well, grate on top a little nutmeg. Sip through a straw.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 17. Cold Whiskey Egg Nog.

Follow the same directions as in No. 54, substituting Whiskey for

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 17. Cold Gin Egg Nog.

Follow the same method as in No. 54, substituting Gin for Brandy
and Rum.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 17. Cold Rum Egg Nog.

The same as No. 54, substituting Jamaica Rum for Brandy.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 17. Cold Sherry Egg Nog.

Follow the same method as in No. 54, omitting the Rum and sub-
stituting Sherry for Brandy.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 17. Cold Egg Nog for a party of 20.

Half dozen of eggs, one quart of best Brandy, one-half pint of
Jamaica or Santa Cruz Rum, one gallon milk, one pound of bar
sugar. Beat separately the whites and the yolks of the eggs. Mix
all the ingredients except the whites, which should be beaten until
they have a light frothy appearance, in a punch bowl, then let the
whites float on top.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 34. Hot Brandy Egg Nog.

Use large bar glass, beat an egg in with a spoon until it is quite
thin, add a table-spoon of powdered sugar, one wine-glass of Brandy,
one-half wine-glass of Jamaica Rum, fill up with boiling milk; pour
from one glass to another; grate nutmeg on top.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 34. Hot Rum Egg Nog.

The same as No. 187, using the ingredients in the same proportion,
substituting Santa Cruz or Jamaica Rum for Brandy.

Seite 34. No. 187. Hot Brandy Egg Nog.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 34. Hot Whiskey Egg Nog.

The same as No. 187, substituting Whiskey for Brandy.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 34. Hot Gin Egg Nog.

Follow the same directions as in No. 187, substituting Gin for

Seite 34. No. 187. Hot Brandy Egg Nog.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 34. Hot Sherry Egg Nog.

Follow the same directions as in No. 187, substituting Sherry for

Seite 34. No. 187. Hot Brandy Egg Nog.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 34. Hot Irish Egg Nog.

The same as No. 187, substituting Sir John Powers’ Irish Whiskey
for Brandy.

Seite 34. No. 187. Hot Brandy Egg Nog.

1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 34. Hot Scotch Egg Nog.

The same as No. 187, substituting Ramsey’s Scotch Whiskey for

Seite 34. No. 187. Hot Brandy Egg Nog.

1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 12. Egg Nogg.

Use large bar glass, 1 egg, 1 table spoonful of white sugar,
1 wine glass Brandy, 1/2 wine glass of Rum, (St. Croix or
Santa Cruz,) fill the tumbler 1/2 full of cracked ice and the
balance with milk, shake well together, and grate nutmeg on
top and serve.

1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 12. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

Use large bar glass. Take the yellow of 1 egg, 1 table
spoonful of sugar, beat to a cream then add some grated
nutmeg, and beat all together, pour in 1/2 wine glass of
Brandy, 1/2 pony glass St. Croix. Rum, 1 wine glass of
Madeira Wine, put two or three lumps of ice into the glass and
fill with milk, shake well and grate nutmeg on top.

1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 13. Sherry Egg Nogg.

Use large bar glass, 1 egg 1 table spoonful of sugar, 1
pony glass of Brandy, 1 wine glass of Sherry Wine, 3 or 4
lumps of ice, fill with milk, shake well, grate nutmeg on top.

1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 13. Cider Egg Nogg.

Use large bar glass. 1 egg 1 table spoonful of sugar, small
quantity of cracked ice, 1 pony glass of Brandy, fill the tumbler
with Cider, shake well and serve.

1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 13. A Bowl of Egg Nogg.

Use a very large bowl. 2 dozen eggs and 3 pounda of sugar
beaten together until they form the consistency of a thick
cream, then pour in 4 quarts of Brandy, 1 quart of St.
Croix Rum, 3 gallons of milk, mix well together and grate
nutmeg on top.

1884 George Winter: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 15. Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
One fresh egg;
Half tablespoon sugar;
Fill glass with shaved ice;
One pony glass St. Croix rum;
One wine glass of brandy ;
Fill glass up with milk; shake well together; strain in
large bar glass; grate nutmeg on top and serve.

1884 George Winter: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 21. General Harrison Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
One egg;
Three-quarters tablespoon sugar;
Fill glass with shaved ice; fill with cider; stir well with
a spoon; strain in large bar glass; grate nutmeg on top and

1884 Joseph W. Gibson: Scientific Bar-Keeping. Seite 24. Egg Nogg.

1 egg; 1 1/2 teaspoonfuls of sugar; 2 or 3
small lumps of ice. Fill the tumbler with cider and shake well.
(Use large bar glass.)

1884 Joseph W. Gibson: Scientific Bar-Keeping. Seite 24. Sherry Egg Nogg.

1 tablespoonful of white sugar;
1 egg; 2 wine glasses of sherry. Dissolve the sugar with a
little water; break the yolk of the egg in a large glass; put in
one-quarter tumblerful of broken ice; fill with milk, and shake
up until the egg is thoroughly mixed with the other ingredi-
ents, then grate a little nutmeg on top.

1884 Joseph W. Gibson: Scientific Bar-Keeping. Seite 25. General Harrison Egg Nogg.

1 fresh egg; 1
tablespoonful of sugar; 3 or 4 small lumps of ice; fill the
glass with cider; shake well, strain it into a large bar glass,
grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. The above drink is a
very pleasant one, and is popular throughout the southern part
of the country. (Use large bar glass.)

1884 Joseph W. Gibson: Scientific Bar-Keeping. Seite 25. Egg Nogg (For Twenty).

The yellow of 16 eggs and
12 tablespoonfuls of pulverized loaf-sugar, and beat them to
the consistency of cream; to this add 2/3 of a nutmeg
grated, and beat together; then mix in half a pint of good
brandy or Jamaica rum, and 2 wine glasses of Maderia wine.
Have ready the whites of the eggs, beat to a stiff froth, and
beat them into the above mixture. When this is done, stir in
six pints of good rich milk.

1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 25. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(Large bar glass.)
1 yolk of an egg, 4 table spoon of sugar, add a little
nutmeg and ground cinnamon to it and beat it to a
1 half pony brandy.
3 or four lumps of ice.
1/4 pony Jamaica lum.
1       ”     Madeira wine.
Fill glass with milk, shake thoroughly, strain, grate a
little nutmeg on top and serve.

1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 25. General Harrison Egg Nogg.

(Large bar glass.)
3 or 4 small pieces of ice.
1 fresh egg.
1 table-spoon sugar.
Fill with cider, shake well, and strain; serve with a
little nutmeg on top.

1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 26. Imperial Egg Nogg.

(Large bar glass.)
1 table-spoon sugar.
1 fresh egg.
One-third glass of fine ice.
1 wine glass brandy.
1         ”         Jamaica rum.
Fill up with rich milk. Shake thoroughly, in an  egg
nogg” shaker, and strain. Grate a little nutmeg on top if
desired. Hot Egg Nogg  use hot milk and omit the ice.

1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 26. Egg Nogg (Plain).

1 table-spoon sugar.
1 fresh egg.
1/3 glass fine ice.
1 wine-glass whisky.
Fill up with milk. Shake thoroughly in an “egg
nogg” shaker, and strain. Grate a little nutmeg on top
and serve.

1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 26. Sherry Egg Nogg, No. 1.

1/2 table-spoon sugar.
1 egg.
1 pony-glass brandy.
1 wine-glass sherry.
Fill up with fine ice. Shake well. Strain in to a fancy
bar glass. Serve with nutmeg on top.

1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 26. Sherry Egg Nogg, No. 2.

(Large bar glass.)
1 table spoon sugar.
1 egg.
2 wine-glasses sherry.
1/4 glass fine ice, fill with milk, shake thoroughly, nu-
meg on top.

1887 Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks. Seite 33. Egg Nogg.

Fill a tumbler with chipped ice; put in a new
laid egg, a liqueur-glassful of brandy, one ditto of
“Liquid Sunshine” rum, and fill up with new milk;
shake well, and strain off into pony tumblers,
sprinkling a little grated nutmeg on top.

1887 Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks. Seite 39. Hot Egg Nogg.

Same as 55, using boiling water in place of ice.

Seite 33. Egg Nogg.

1887 Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks. Seite 64. Sherry Egg Nogg.

Take a pint tumbler with some ice; add one-
and-a-half teaspoonfuls of fine white sugar, a fresh
egg, two wine glasses sherry, fill up with new milk
and shake until well mixed; strain into a large
goblet and grate a little nutmeg on top.

1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 43. Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar-glass.)
Take 1 large tea-spoonful of powdered white sugar.
1 fresh egg.
1/2 wine-glass of brandy.
1/2  wine-glass of Santa Cruz rum.
A little shaved ice.
Fill the glass with rich milk and shake up the ingre-
dients until they are thoroughly mixed. Pour the mix-
ture into a goblet excluding the ice, and grate little
nutmeg on top. This may be made by using a wine-
glass of either of the above liquors, instead of both
Every well ordered bar should have a tin egg-nogg
“shaker,” which is a great aid in mixing this beverage.

1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 44. Hot Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar-glass.)
This drink is very popular in California, and is made
in precisely the same manner as the cold egg nogg
above, except that you must use boiling water instead
of ice.

1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 44. Egg Nogg for a Party.

(Three-and-a-half gallons.)
Take 20 fresh eggs.
2 1/2 quarts fine old brandy.
1 pint of Santa Cruz rum.
2 1/2 gallons of rich milk.
2 pounds of white sugar.
Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat
each separately with an egg-beater until the yolks are
well cut up, and the whites assume a light fleecy ap-
pearance. Mix all the ingredients (except the milk
and the whites of the eggs) in a large punch bowl.
Then pour in the milk gradually, continually stirring,
in order to prevent the milk from curdling with the
eggs. Grate sufficient nutmeg on the mixture, and
lastly, let the whites float on top, and ornament with
colored sugars. Cool in a tub of ice, and serve.

1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 45. Sherry Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar-glass.)
Take 1 1/2 tea-spoonful of fine white sugar.
1 fresh egg.
2 or 3 small lumps of ice.
2 wine-glasses of Sherry wine.
Fill the glass with rich milk, shake up until the egg
is thoroughly mixed with the other ingredients. Strain
the mixture into a large goblet, excluding the ice, and
grate a little nutmeg on top.

1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 45. General Harrison’s Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar-glass.)
Take 1 1/2 tea-spoonful of sugar.
1 fresh egg.
2 or 3 small lumps of ice.
Fill the tumbler with cider, and shake well.
This is a delicious drink, and was very popular on
the Mississippi river in old times. It is said to have
been General Harrison’s favorite beverage.

1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 45. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(For a party of ten.)
Take 1/2 pint of brandy (or Jamaica Rum).
2 wine-glasses of Madeira wine.
6 pints rich milk.
10 eggs.
10 tea-spoonfuls powdered sugar.
2/3 nutmeg, grated.
Beat the yolks of the eggs and the sugar together to
a cream; add the nutmeg, well mixed in; then add
the brandy (or rum) and the wine. Have the whites
of the eggs ready beaten to a stiff froth, and beat
them into the mixture then stir in the milk gradually
beating up the mixture all the while. Place the bowl
in a vessel containing ice, as directed on page 15.

1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 49. Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 fresh Egg;
3/4 table-spoonful of sugar;
1/3 glass full of ice;
1 pony glass St. Croix or Jamaica rum;
1 wine glass full of Brandy;
Fill the glass with rich milk, shake the ingredients
well together and strain into a large bar glass; grate
a little nutmeg on top and. serve. It is proper for
the bartender to ask the customer what flavor he
prefers, whether St. Croix or Jamaica rum.

1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 50. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 yolk of an egg;
3/4 table-spoonful of sugar;
Add a little nutmeg and cinnamon, and beat to a
1/2 pony glass of Brandy;
3 or 4 lumps of ice;
1/4 pony glass of Jamaica rum;
1 wine glass full of Madeira wine;
Fill the glass with milk, shake well, strain into a
large bar glass, grate a little nutmeg on top and

1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 58. General Harrison Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 fresh egg;
1/4 table-spoonful of sugar;
3 or 4 small lumps of ice;
Fill the glass with Cider;
shake well; strain it into a large bar glass; grate a
little nutmeg on top and serve.
The above drink is a very pleasant one, and is
popular throughout the southern part of the coun-
try and it is not intoxicating. It is proper to use
the very best quality of Cider, as by using pool-
Cider it is impossible to make this drink palatable.

1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 61. Bowl of Egg Nogg for a New-Year’s Party.

In regard to this drink the bartender must use
his own judgment and use the proportions in accord-
ance to the quantity to be made. For a three gallon
bowl mix as follows:
2 1/2 lbs. of fine pulverized sugar;
20 fresh eggs ; have the yolks separated; beat as
thin as water, and add the yolks of the eggs
into the sugar, and dissolve by stirring;
2 quarts of good old Brandy;
1 1/2 pints of Jamaica rum;
2 gallons of good rich milk;
mix the ingredients well with a ladle, and stir con-
tinually while pouring in the milk to prevent it from
curdling; then beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff
froth and put this on top of the mixture; then
fill a bar glass with a ladle, put some of the egg
froth on top, grate a little nutmeg over it and serve.
This will give you a splendid Egg Nogg for all New
Years callers.

1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 82. Sherry Wine Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 fresh egg;
1/2 table-spoonful of sugar;
Fill up the glass with fine ice;
1 pony glass of Brandy;
1 wine glass of Sherry wine;
shake the above ingredients well, until they are
thoroughly mixed together; strain it into a fancy
bar glass, large enough to hold the mixture; grate
a little nutmeg on top, and serve.

1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 156. Egg Nogg.

(Gebrauche ein grosses Barglas.)
1 frisches Ei;
3/4 Esslöffel von feiner Zucker;
1/2 Glas feines Eis;
1 Ponyglas St. Croix oder Jamaica Rum;
1 Weinglas Brandy;
Fülle das Glas mit guter Milch;
schüttele dieses gründlich zusammen, und seihe es
in ein grosses feines Barglas, streue ein wenig Mus-
catnuss darauf, und servire.
Es ist die Pflicht eines Bartender’s den Gast zu
fragen, ob er zu diesem Getränk St. Croix oder
Jamaica Rum gebrauchen soll, da dieses von dem
Geschmack des Gastes abhängt.

1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 157. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(Gebrauche ein grosses Barglas.)
1 frisches Eidotter;
3/4 Esslöffel feiner Zucker;
füge ein wenig pulversirten Zimmt hinzu und
mische dieses gut mit einem Barlöffel;
1/2 Ponyglas Brandy;
3 oder 4 kleine Eisstücke;
1/4 Ponyglas Jamaica Rum;
1 Weinglas Madeira Wein;
Fülle das Glas mit Milch;
schüttele und seihe es in ein grosses Barglas, streue
ein wenig Muscatnuss darüber, und servire.

1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 164. General Harrison Egg Nogg.

(Gebrauche ein grosses Barglas.)
1 frisches Ei;
1/4 Esslöffel Zucker;
3 oder 4 Eisstücke;
fülle das Glas mit Apfelwein (Cider);
schüttle dieses vermittelst eines Schüttelbechers gut
auf, seihe es in ein grosses Gas, streue ein wenig
Muscatnuss darauf und servire. Dieses Getränk ist
sehr wohlschmeckend und hauptsachlich im süd-
lichen America sehr beliebt.

1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 167. Bowl of Egg Nogg for a New-Year’s Party.

(Gebranche eine Punchbowle.)
Betreffs der zu bereitenden Quantität dieses Ge-
tränkes richtet man sich je nach der Zahl der Gäste.
Folgendes Recept giebt die Maasse für ungefähr
3 Gallonen Egg Nogg:
2 1/2 Pfund pulverisirter Zucker;
20 frische Eier;
separire das Eiweiss sorgfältig vom Dotter, und
schlage letzteren so dünnflüssig wie Wasser;
Mische dieses mit den Zucker gut zusammen;
2 Quart guten alten Cognac;
1 1/2 Pint Jamaica Rum;
2 Gallonen gute Milch;
mische dieses gut zusammen, und während dem
Eingiessen der Mich, welche langsam den anderen
Ingredientien zugegossen werden muss, rühre man
die ganze Masse mittelst eines langen Löffels oder
Ladles fortwährend um. Dann schlage man das Ei-
weiss mit dem Schneeschläger, bis es steif wie Schnee
ist, und placire es stückchen- und schichtenweise auf
den gemischten Egg Nogg. Beim Serviren dieses
Getränkes bediene man sich eines schönen Glases
und lege auf jedes gefüllte Glas ein Stückchen ge-
schlagenes Eiweiss, bestreue dasselbe mit etwas
Muscatnnss und servire. Auf diese Weise hat man
einen ausgezeichneten Egg Nogg der sehr zu em-
pfehlen ist für Neujahrsgäste.

1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 188. Sherry Wine Egg Nogg.

(Gebrauche in grosses Barglas.)
1 frisches Ei;
1/2 Esslöffel Zucker;
fülle das Glas mit feingeschlagenem Eis;
1 Ponyglas Cognac;
1 Weinglas Sherrywein;
schüttele es gut in einem Schüttelbecher, seihe es in
ein fancy Barglas, streue ein wenig Muscatnuss da-
rüber und servire.

1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender (The Police Gazette Bartender’s Guide). Seite 19. Egg Nogg.

Use larye bar glass.
Take one large teaspoonful of powdered white sugar.
One fresh egg.
One-half wine-glass of brandy.
One-half wine-glass or Santa Cruz rum.
A little shaved ice.
Fill the glass with rich milk and shake up the ingre-
dients until they are thoroughly mixed. Pour the mixture
into a goblet excluding the ice, and grate a little nutmeg on
top. This may be made by using a wine-glass of either of
the above liquors, instead of both combined.
Every well-ordered bar should have a tin egg-nogg
“shaker,” which is a great aid in mixing this beverage.

1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender (The Police Gazette Bartender’s Guide). Seite 20. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

Large bar glass.
One yolk of an egg, three-quarter tablespoon of sugar;
add a little nutmeg and ground cinnamon to it, and beat it
to a cream.
One-half pony brandy.
Three or four lumps of ice.
One-quarter pony Jamaica rum.
One pony Madeira wine.
Fill glass with milk, shake thoroughly, strain, grate a
little nutmeg on top and serve.

1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender (The Police Gazette Bartender’s Guide). Seite 20. General Harrison Egg Nogg.

Large bar glass.
Three or four small pieces of ice.
One fresh egg.
One tablespoon sugar.
Fill with cider, shake, and strain; serve with a
little nutmeg on top.

1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender (The Police Gazette Bartender’s Guide). Seite 20. Imperial Egg Nogg.

Large bar glass.
One tablespoon sugar.
One fresh egg.
One-third glass of fine ice.
One wine-glass brandy.
One-half wlne-glass Jamaica rum.
Fill up with rich milk. Shake thoroughly, in an “egg
nogg” shaker, and strain. Grate a little nutmeg on top, if
desired. Hot Egg Nogg – use hot milk and omit the ice.

1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender (The Police Gazette Bartender’s Guide). Seite 20. Sherry Egg Nogg, No. 1.

Half tablespoon sugar.
One egg.
One Pony glass brandy.
One wine-glass sherry.
Fill up with fine ice. Shake well. Strain into a fancy
bar glass. Serve with nutmeg on top.

1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender (The Police Gazette Bartender’s Guide). Seite 21. Sherry Egg Nogg, No. 2.

Large bar glass.
One tablespoon sugar.
One egg.
Two wine glasses sherry.
Half-glass fine ice, fill with milk, shake thoroughly, nut-
meg on top.

1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 36. Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar-glass.)
Take 1 large tea-spoonful of powdered white sugar.
1 fresh egg.
1/2 wine glass of brandy.
1/2 wine-glass of Santa Cruz rum.
A little shaved ice.
Fill the glass with rich milk and shake up the ingre-
dients until they are thoroughly mixed. Pour the mix-
ture into a goblet excluding the ice, and grate a little
nutmeg on top. This may be made by using a wine-
glass of either of the above liquors, instead of both
Every well ordered bar should have a tin egg-nogg
“shaker,” which is a great aid in mixing this beverage.

1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 37. Hot Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar-glass.)
This drink is very popular in California, and is made
in precisely the same manner as the cold egg nogg
above, except that you must use boiling water instead
of ice.

1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 37. Egg Nogg for Party.

(Three-and-a-half gallons.)
Take 20 fresh eggs.
2 1/2 quarts fine old brandy.
1 pint of Santa Cruz rum.
2 1/2 gallon of rich milk.
2 pounds of white sugar.
Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat
each separately with an egg-beater until the yolks are
well cut up, and the whites assume a light fleecy ap-
pearance. Mix all the ingredients (except the milk
and the whites of the eggs) in a large punch bowl.
Then pour in the milk gradually, continually stirring,
in order to prevent the milk from curdling with the
eggs. Grate suffcient nutmeg on the mixture, and
lastly, let the whites float on top, and ornament with
colored sugars. Cool in a tub of ice, and serve.

1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 38. Sherry Egg Nogg.

Take 1 1/2 tea-spoonful of fine white sugar.
1 fresh egg.
2 or 8 small lumps of ice.
2 wine-glasses of Sherry wine.
Fill the glass with rich milk, shake up until the egg
is thoroughly mixed with the other ingredients Strain
the mixture into a large goblet, excluding the ice, and
grate a little nutmeg on top.

1889 Émile Lefeuvre: Méthode pour composer soi-même les boissons. Seite 28. Egg Noggs.

Cette boisson si réconfortante, n’est
connue en France que sous le nom de
Lait de Poule; elle tend cependant à se
vulgariser depuis que le lait a acquis une
si grande faveur. Le lait au rhum, très
goûté des Français, est loin cependant
de remplir les conditions du Egg Nogg,
lequel, par ses mélanges et sa préparation,
est le breuvage préféré des chanteurs
avant d’entrer en scène.

1889 Émile Lefeuvre: Méthode pour composer soi-même les boissons. Seite 29. Egg Nogg.

1 œuf entier.
1 cuillerée à bouche de sucre en poudre.
1 verre à madère de cognac.
1/2 verre à madère de rhum.
10 centilitres de lait.
Prenez un vase d’assez grande dimen-
sion, cassez l’œuf dedans, ajoutez le sucre
en poudre, battez fortement avec un bat-
toir à œuf, mêlez bien le tout ensemble et
finissez de remplir votre gobelet avec de
la glace pilée. Grattez un peu de muscade
dessus et servez avec pailles.

1889 Émile Lefeuvre: Méthode pour composer soi-même les boissons. Seite 29. Egg Nogg Chaud.

1 œuf entier.
1 cuillerée à bouche de sucre en poudre.
1 verre à madère de cognac.
1/2 verre à madère de rhum.
Le reste comme Ie Egg Nogg, en rem-
plaçant la glace par du lait bouillant.

1889 Émile Lefeuvre: Méthode pour composer soi-même les boissons. Seite 30. Sherry Egg Nogg.

1 œuf entier.
1 cuillerée à bouche de sucre en poudre.
2 verresà madère de sherry.
10 centilitres de lait.
Le reste comme Ie Egg Nogg.

1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 57. Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 Egg.
1 table-spoonful of white Sugar.
1 wine glass Brandy.
1/2 wine glass of Rum (St. Croix or Santa Cruz).
Fill the tumbler 1/2 full of cracked ice and the balance with
milk, shake well together, and grate nutmeg on top, and serve.

1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 57. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
Take the yellow of one Egg, 1 table-spoonful of Sugar, beat
to a Cream, then add some grated Nutmeg, and beat all
together, pour in 1/2 wine glass of Brandy, 1/2 pony glass
St. Croix Rum, 1 wine glass of Madeira Wine, put 2 or 3 lumps
of ice into the glass and fill with milk, shake well and grate
Nutmeg on top.

1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 57. Sherry Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 Egg.
1 table-spoonful of Sugar.
1 pony glass of Brandy.
1 wine glass of Sherry Wine.
3 or 4 lumps of ice.
Fill with milk, shake well, and grate nutmeg on top.

1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 58. Cider Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 Egg.
1 table-spoonful of Sugar.
Small quantity of cracked ice.
1 pony glass of Brandy.
Fill the tumbler with Cider, shake well, and serve.

1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 58. General Harrison Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
3 or 4 small pieces of ice.
1 fresh Egg.
1 table-spoon Sugar.
Fill with cider, shake well, and strain; serve with a little nut-
meg on top.

1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 58. Imperial Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 table-spoon Sugar.
1 fresh Egg.
1/3 glass of fine ice.
1 wine glass Brandy.
1/2        ”       Jamaica Rum.
Fill up with rich milk. Shake thoroughly in an “egg nogg”
shaker, and strain. Grate a little nutmeg on top, if desired.
Hot Egg Nogg — use hot milk and omit the ice.

1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 58. Egg Nogg for the Bar or a Party.

(3 1/2 gallons.)
20 fresh Eggs.
2 1/2 quarts fine old Brandy.
1 pint of Santa Cruz Rum.
2 1/2 gallons of rich Milk.
2 pounds of white Sugar.
Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat each sep-
arately with an egg-beater until the yolks are well cut up, and
the whites assume a light, fleecy appearance. Mix all the ingre-
dients (except the milk and the whites of the eggs) in a large
punch bowl. Then pour in the milk gradually, continually
stirring, in order to prevent the milk from curdling with the
eggs. Grate sufficient nutmeg on the mixture, and lastly, let
the whites float on top, and ornament with colored sugars.
Cool in a tub of ice, and serve.

1891 Harriet Anne De Salis: Drinks à la Mode. Seite 28. Egg Nog.

Put two yolks of egg into a tumbler with a
sprinkle of nutmeg, a dessertspoonful of crystallised
brown sugar, and a teaspoonful of grated ginger.
Make a pint of ale hot, and add a small piece of
stick of cinnamon and a glass of sunshine rum;
pour gradually to the yolks of eggs and whisk till
it froths. Serve hot.

1892 James Mew & John Ashton: Drinks of The World. Seite 185. Egg-nogg.

Egg-nogg, of which other noggs seem to be the lineal
descendants, though a beverage of American origin,
has “a popularity that is cosmopolitan. In the South
of the United States it is almost indispensable at
Christmas time, and at the North it is a favourite at
all seasons.” In Scotland the beverage is called
“auld man’s milk.” the presence of the egg con-
stitutes the differentia in this drink. Every well-
ordered bar has a tin egg-nogg “shaker,” which is a
great aid in mixing. The historian will be glad to
learn that it was General Harrison’s favourite bever-
age, and the consumptive and debilitated person that
it is full of nourishment.

1892 William Schmidt: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 156. General Harrison’s Egg-Nogg.

It is made as any egg-nogg, only use cider instead of liquor,
and no milk.

1892 William Schmidt: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 157. Egg-Nogg.

A large mixing-glass,
a fresh egg in its bottom,
a tablespoonful of sugar,
a little fine ice,
1/3 of Santa Cruz rum,
2/3 of brandy,
1 dash of maraschino or crême de vanille.
Fill your glass with milk; shake this exceedingly well, strain
into a large, thin glass, add the oil of a little lemon-peel on the
top, and serve.
(This drink may be made of almost any kind of liquor that is

1892 William Schmidt: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 218. Egg-Nogg Punch.

Beat well the yolks of four eggs in a tureen with six ounces
of powdered sugar; add gradually one pint of fine brandy,
one-fifth of a pint of Santa Cruz rum, one pony of maraschino,
and two quarts of milk; beat the whites of the eggs till they as­
sume a light, snowy appearance, and sweeten with a little vanilla
or lemon sugar; let the whites float on top of the mixture; put
it on ice, and serve cold.

1893 Anonymus (Mrs. Alexander Orr Bradley): Beverages and Sandwiches For Your Husband’s Friends. Seite 22. Egg-Nogg.

Beat the yolks of eight eggs with eight table-
spoonfuls of sugar. Then pour in one pint of
Jamaica rum, two liqueur glasses of brandy, three
pints of fresh milk and one pint of cream. Mix
thoroughly, and finally add the whites of the eggs
whipped to a stiff froth. Place the bowl on the ice
until thoroughly chilled, as no ice must be added.

1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 13. Egg Nogg. General Grant Style.

[Use large bar glass.]
2 teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar,1 egg , 4 small pieces of ice.
Fill the glass with cider, mix well.

1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 13. Egg Nogg for Party.

[Use large punch bowl.]
Same as the “Imperial” egg nogg, multiplying the quantity of
each by the number of persons to be served.

1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 13. Plain Egg Nogg.

[Use a large bar glass.]
1 tablespoonful of sugar, 1 egg, 1 wine glass of whiskey, 1/2 glass
of shaved ice. Fill the glass with milk, shake well, strain, grate
nutmeg on top.

1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 13. Fancy or Imperial Egg Nogg.

[Use large bar glass.]
1 tablespoonful of sugar, 1 tablespoonful of cold water, 1 egg,
1/3 glass of fine ice, 1 wine glass of fine brandy, 1 pony of rum,
shake well, strain into a large bar glass, grate nutmeg on top.

1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 23. Sherry Egg-Nogg, La Mode.

2 teaspoonfuls of sugar, 1 egg, fill the glass with fine ice, 1 pony
of brandy, 1 wine glass of sherry wine. Mix well, strain into a
bar glass, grate nutmeg on top.

1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 24. Sherry Egg-Nogg.

[Use large bar glass.]
1 tablespoonful of powdered sugar dissolved in water, 1 egg,
1/4 glass of fine ice, 2 wine glasses of sherry wine.  Fill the glass
with milk, mix well, grate nutmeg on top.

1895 Bartenders’ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 19. Plain Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 tablespoonful of sugar.
1 egg.
1 wine glass of whiskey.
1/2 glass of shaved ice.
Fill the glass with milk.
Shake well, strain, grate nutmeg on top.

1895 Bartenders’ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 19. Fancy or Imperial Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 tablespoonful of sugar.
1 tablespoonful of cold water.
1 egg.
1/2 glass of fine ice.
1 wine glass of brandy.
1 pony of rum.
Shake well, strain into a large bar glass,
grate nutmeg on top.

1895 Bartenders’ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 19. Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
2 teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar.
4 small pieces of ice.
Fill the glass with cider, mix well.

1895 Bartenders’ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 19. Egg Nogg for Party.

Same as the “Imperial” egg nogg, multi­-
plying the quantity of each by the number
of persons to be served.

1895 Bartenders’ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 43. Sherry Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 tablespoonful of powdered sugar dis­-
solved in water, 1 egg, 1/4 glass of fine ice.
2 wine glasses of sherry wine.
Fill the glass with milk. Mix well, grate
nutmeg on top.

1895 Bartenders’ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 43. Sherry Egg Nogg, La Mode.

2 teaspoonfuls of sugar, 1 egg. Fill glass
with fine ice, 1 pony of brandy, 1 wine glass
of sherry wine. Mix well, strain into a bar
glass, grate nutmeg on top.

1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 33. Eggnog.

(Use large barglass.)
Take 1 large teaspoonful of powdered sugar.
1 fresh egg.
1/2 wineglass of brandy.
1/2 wineglass of Santa Cruz rum.
A little shaved ice.
Fill the glass with rich milk, and shake up the
ingredients until they are thoroughly mixed. Pour
the mixture into a goblet, excluding the ice, and
grate a little nutmeg on top. This may be made
by using a wineglass of either of the above liquors,
instead of both combined.

1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 33. Hot Eggnog.

(Use large barglass.)
This drink is very popular in California, and is
made in precisely tlie same manner as the cold egg-
nog above, except that you must use boiling water
instead of ice.

1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 52. Eggnon in Quantity.

Two and a half gallons. Separate the whites
from the yolks of one dozen eggs, whip them sep-
arately – the whites until very stiff, the yolks until
very thin; put the yolks in large bowl, add three
pounds powdered sugar, stirring constantly to pre-
vent sugar from lumping, three pints brandy, one
pint Jamaica aum, two gallons rich milk. While
stirring put in an ounce of nutmeg. If not strong
enough to suit, add more brandy, then put the
whites on top. When serving, cut off a small quan-
tity of white and put on top of glass with a dash of

1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 54. Baltimore Egg-Nogg.

The yolk of a fresh egg in a large mixing-glass,
half a tablespoonful powdered sugar, a little grated
nutmeg and cinnamon; beat until thoroughly
mixed, add a few lumps of ice, one pony Madeira
wine, half a pony old brandy, half a pony Jamaica
rum, fill the glass with milk, shake well, strain
into long thin punch-glass, a little grated nutmeg
on top.

1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 54. Boston Egg-Nogg.

A mixing-glass one-fourth full fine ice, one
tablespoonful fine sugar, one egg, one-third jigger
brandy, one-third jigger Jamaica rum, one-third
Madeira wine; fill the glass with milk, shake well,
strain into long thin punch-glass, a little grated
nutmeg on top.

1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 54. Cider Egg-Nogg.

One tablespoonful fine sugar, one egg in mix-
ing-glass half-full fine ice; fill with cider; mix well,
strain into long punch-glass, a little grated nutmeg
on top. This drink is also known as General Har-
rison Egg-Nogg.

1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 55. Plain Egg-Nogg.

One fresh egg, one tablespoonful fine sugar, half
a jigger brandy, half a jigger St. Croix rum, in a
mixing-glass one-fourth full of fine ice; fill with
milk, shake well, strain into long thin glass, grate
nutmeg on top.

1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 55. Sherry Egg-Nogg.

A mixing-glass one-fourth full fine ice, one fresh
egg, one jigger sherry, half a tablespoonful fine
sugar; fill up with milk, shake thoroughly, strain
into a long thin glass, grate nutmeg on top.

1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 55. Sherry Egg-Nogg (Fancy).

Prepare in the same manner as Sherry Egg-
Nogg, but add a pony of brandy before shaking.

1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 114. Egg-Nogg Frappé.

Beat two eggs until light and creamy, add two
tablespoonfuls fine sugar, beat again, then add half
a jigger St. Croix rum and half a jigger brandy,
one pint cream or rich milk; mix well and freeze.

1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 21. Bowl of Egg Nogg.

Separate the whites from the yolks of two
dozen eggs; beat the whites until they make a
stiff foam, and the yolks until thoroughly cut;
put the yolks into the punch bowl and stir in fine
sugar until it is about half as thick as Tom and
Jerry batter; pour in two gallons of milk; mix
well, and add, stirring all the time, one quart of
brandy and one quart of N. E. rum. Float the
whites on the top and ornament with colored sugars.

1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 25. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

Fill large lemonade-glass one-third full of fine
ice, tablespoonful bar sugar, one egg, one-third
jigger Jamaica rum, one-tbird jigger sherry, one-
half jigger whisky, fill glass with milk. Shake
thoroughly; strain in large, thin glass; nutmeg
on top if desired.

1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 29. General Harrison Egg Nogg.

Fill large lemonade-glass half full of fine ice,
one large spoonful sugar, one egg, fill with cider.
Shake thoroughly; strain in thin glass, nutmeg
on top.

1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 40. Hot Egg Nogg.

Put in mixing-glass one large spoonful sugar,
one jigger brandy, three or four dashes rum, one
egg; shake thoroughly, strain in thin lemonade-
glass, fill with hot milk, stir well together, nutmeg
on top.

1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 54. Egg Nogg.

Two and a half gallons. Separate the whites
from the yolks of one dozen eggs, whip them sep-
arately — the whites until very stiff, the yolks until
very thin; put yolks in large bowl, add three
pounds powdered sugar, stirring constantly to pre-
vent sugar from lumping, three pints brandy, one
pint Jamaica rum, two gallons rich milk. While
stirring put in an ounce of nutmeg. If not strong
enough to suit, add more brandy, then put the
whites on top. When serving, cut off a small
quantity of white and put on top of glass with a
dash of nutmeg.

1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 55. Egg Nogg.

One glass. Fill mixing-glass half full of ice,
one and a half tablespoonfuls sugar, one jigger
brandy, three dashes Jamaica rum, one egg; fill with
pure, rich milk, shake well, strain, nutmeg on top.

1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 36. Egg Nogg.

Egg Nogg is a beverage of American origin, but it
has a popularity that is cosmopolitan. At the South it
is almost indispensable at Christmas time, and at the
North it is a favorite at all seasons.

1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 36. Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 table-spoonful of fine sugar, dissolved with
1            do                cold water, 1 egg.
1 wine-glass Cognac brandy.
1/2       do     Santa Cruz rum.
1/3 tumblerful of milk.
Fill the tumbler 1/2 full with shaved ice, shake the in-
gredients until they are thoroughly mixed together, and
grate a little nutmeg on top. Every well ordered bar
has a tin egg-nogg “shaker,” which is a great aid in
mixing this beverage.

1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 36. Hot Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
This drink is very popular in California, and is made
in precisely the same manner as the cold egg nogg
above, except that you must use boiling water Instead
of ice.

1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 36. Hot Egg Nogg.

(For a party of forty.)
1 dozen eggs.
2 quarts of brandy.
1 pint of Santa Cruz rum.
2 gallons of milk.
1 1/2 lbs. white sugar.
Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks, beat
them separately with an egg-beater until the yolks
are well cut up, and the whites assume a light
fleecy appearance. Mix all the ingredients (except the
whites of the eggs) in a large punch bowl, then let the
whites float on top, and ornament with colored sugars.
Cool in a tub of ice and serve.

1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 37. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(For a party of fifteen.)
Take the yellow of sixteen eggs and twelve table-
spoonfuls of pulverized loaf-sugar, and beat them to
the consistence of cream; to this add two-thirds of a
nutmeg grated, and beat well together; then mix in half
a pint of good brandy or Jamaica rum, and two wine
glasses of Madeira wine. Have ready the whites of the
eggs, beaten to a stiff froth, and beat them into the
above-described mixture. When this is all done, stir
in six pints of good rich milk. There is no heat used.
Egg Nogg made this manner is digestable, and will
not cause headache. It makes an excellent drink for
debilitated persons, and a nourishing diet for con-

1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 37. General Harrison’s Egg Nogg.

(Use large bar glass.)
1 Egg.
1 1/2 teaspoonful of sugar.
2 or 3 small lumps of ice.
Fill the tumbler with cider, and shake well.
This is a splendid drink, and is very popular on the
Mississippi river. It was General Harrison’s favorite

1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 37. Sherry Egg Nogg.

1 tablespoonful of white sugar.
1 egg.
2 wine-glasses of sherry.
Dissolve the sugar with a little water; break the yolk
of the egg in a large glass; put in one-quarter tumbler-
ful of broken ice; fill with milk, and shake up until the
egg is thorougly mixed with the other ingredients, then
grate a little nutmeg on top, and quaff the nectar cup.

1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 37. Auld Man’s Milk, or Egg Nogg.

To a small tumbler of milk add a wineglass
of rum or other spirit.

1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 37. Auld Man’s Milk. Another Way.

Put into a small tumbler two teaspoonfuls of
icing sugar, one egg well beaten and strained,
a quarter of a pint of milk, and a wineglass of
Scotch whisky fill up with shaved ice, shake
well, dust with nutmeg, and insert two straws.

1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 61. Cider Nogg.

Put into a large tumbler one egg, one and a
half tablespoonfuls of icing sugar, and fill up
to three parts with shaved ice; fill up with
cider, shake well, strain, and dust with nutmeg.

1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 62. Egg Nogg, or, Auld Man’s Milk.

Put into a large tumbler one egg, one table-
spoonful of icing sugar, half fill with shaved ice,
add a wineglass of brandy, and half a wineglass
of Jamaica rum; fill up with milk, shake, strain,
and dust with nutmeg.

1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 62. Sherry Egg Nogg.

Break into a large tumbler one egg, add one
tablespoonful of icing sugar, one wineglass and
a half of sherry, and a quarter of a pint of milk;
fill with shaved ice, shake well, strain, and dust
with cinnamon and nutmeg.

1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 62. Soda Nogg.

Break one egg into a small tumbler, and add a
tablespoonful of icing sugar and one wineglass
of water; fill up to three parts with shaved ice,
shake well, strain, add a split bottle of soda-
water whilst stirring with a spoon, and dust with

1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 89. Egg Nogg.

Put into a large tumbler a tablespoonful of
icing sugar and one egg when well beaten to-
gether, add one tablespoonful of boiling water,
one wineglass of brandy, and the like of Santa
Cruz or white rum; fill up the tumbler with
boiling milk, and mix well; dust with nutmeg.

1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 89. General Harrison Egg Nogg.

Beat in a large tumbler one egg with one and
a half teaspoonfuls of icing sugar; then fill the
tumbler with nearly hot cider, and mix well till
quite smooth; dust with cinnamon.

1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 89. Sherry Egg Nogg.

Put into a large tumbler one tablespoonful
of icing sugar and one egg; beat both well
together, and then add two wineglasses of
sherry nearly fill the tumbler with boiling milk,
mix well, and dust with nutmeg.

1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 101. Auld Man’s Milk.

Put into a large tumbler a tablespoonful of
icing sugar and one egg, and beat well together;
then add a wineglass of brandy and a wineglass
of Santa Cruz or white rum. Nearly fill with
boiling water, and dust with nutmeg.

1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 125. Egg Nogg, Hot.

Beat up one egg in a small tumbler, with a
tablespoonful of icing sugar, then fill the tumbler
with hot milk, mix well, and flavour with a few
drops of essence of vanilla; dash with cinna-

1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 125. Egg Nogg, Cold.

Proceed the same as for Egg Nogg, Hot,
using cold milk and a little crushed ice; shake
well, strain, and dust with nutmeg.

1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 136. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

Beat the yolks of sixteen eggs and twelve
tablespoonfuls of pulverized loaf sugar to the
consistency of cream; beat into this two-thirds
of a grated nutmeg, then pour in half a pint of
good brandy or Jamaica rum and two wine-
glasses of Madeira wine. Have ready the
whites of the sixteen eggs whipped to a stiff
froth, and beat them well into the above
mixture, and then stir in six pints of good rich
milk. Made in the above manner, this forms
an excellent drink for debilitated people and a
nourishing diet for consumptives.

1896 Louis Fouquet: Bariana. Seite 74. Egg Nog.

Remplir à moitié de glace pilée verre B, 2 traits de
noyaux, 2 traits de curaçao, 2 cuillerées de sucre poudre,
1 jaune d’œuf bien frais, finir avec lait et sherry Sandeman en
quantité égale, ajuster sur votre verre un gobelet en argent
et bien frapper, chalumeaux et servir.

1896 William Schmidt: Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages. Seite 54. General Harrison’s Egg-Nogg.

It is made as any egg-nogg, only use cider instead of liquor,
and no milk.

1896 William Schmidt: Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages. Seite 55. Egg-Nogg.

A large mixing-glass,
a fresh egg in its bottom,
a tablespoonful of sugar,
a little fine ice,
1/3 of Santa Cruz rum,
2/3 of brandy,
1 dash of maraschino or creme de vanille.
Fill your glass with milk; shake this exceedingly well, strain
into a large, thin glass, add the oil of a little lemon-peel on the
top, and serve.
(This drink may be made of almost any kind of liquor that is

1896 William Schmidt: Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverages. Seite 111. Egg-Nogg Punch.

Beat well the yolks of four eggs in a tureen with six ounces
of powdered sugar; add gradually one pint of fine brandy,
one-fifth of a pint of Santa Cruz rum, one pony of maraschino,
and two quarts of milk; beat the whites of the eggs till they as-
sume a light, snowy appearance, and sweeten with a little vanilla
or lemon sugar; let the whites float on top of the mixture; put
it on ice, and serve cold.

1898 Anonymus: Anleitung zur Bereitung Amerikanischer Eis-Getränke. Seite 6. Sherry-Wine-Egg-Nogg.

1 frisches Ei, 1/ 2 Esslöffel Zucker, fülle das Glas
mit feingeschlagenem Eis; 1 Glaschen Cognac (siehe
Seite 39), 1 Weinglas Sherrywein (siehe Seite 37); schüttele
es gut in einem Schüttelbecher, seihe es in ein Glas,
streue ein wenig Muskatnuss darüber und serviere.

1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 21. Egg Nogg. – Ordinary.

Use large bar glass. One egg, one tablespoon of sugar, one
wine glass of brandy, one-half wine glass St. Croix rum, one-
half tumbler of milk; fill tumbler quarter full of cracked ice,
shake well, and grate a little nutmeg on top.

1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 21. Hot Egg Nogg.

Make like Ordinary Egg Nogg, using boiling water instead
of ice.

1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 21. A Bowl Egg Nogg for the Bar.

Use large punch bowl. One dozen eggs, one and one-half
pounds of fine sugar, beaten together well, two quarts of
brandy, one-half quart of St. Croix rum, one and one-half
gallons milk; mix well, grate nutmeg, and ornament top with
colored sugars, cool in tub of ice and serve.

1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 21. Sherry Egg Nogg.

Use large bar glass. One egg, one tablespoon of sugar,
one-half wine glass of brandy, one wine glass sherry, cracked
ice, fill with milk, shake, grate nutmeg on top and serve.

1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 21. Cider Egg Nogg.

Use large bar glass. One egg, one tablespoon of sugar,
cracked ice, one-half wine glass of brandy; fill with cider,
shake well and serve.

1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 21. Common Sense Egg Nogg.

Large bar glass. Yolk of one egg, one barspoonful sugar,
beat up well, add a little nutmeg, one-half drink brandy, one
dash of rum, one-half drink Maderia, some cracked ice; fill
up with milk, shake well, strain, serve.

1899 Aczél Miksa: American Bar. Seite 68. Egg Nog.

(Pohár II.)
Használd a facryasztó kelyhet, tégy bele pár darab
jeget, fecskendezz rá pár csepp curacao-t, pár csepp
sherry brandy-t, adj hozzá 2 kávéskanál czukorport, 1
tojás sárgáját, 1 pohárka rumot, töltsd fel friss tejjel,
illeszd össze a fagyasztó kelyheket, frappirozd jól, önts
át a II. sz. pohárba, hints tetejébe fahéjport, szalma-
szállal szolgáld fel.

1899 Anonymus: Hegenbarth’s Getränkebuch. Seite 38. Egg nogg, amerikanisch.

1 frisches Ei wird mit einem Sherryglas Rum, Cognac
oder Madeira sowie 1 Esslöffel Zucker gut verquirlt,
sodann in einem grossen Glas mit zerkleinertem Eis
und frischer Milchg ut verschüttelt, durchgeseiht und auf
Wunsch mit etwas Muskatnuss bestreut aufgetragen.

1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 33. Eggnog.

(Use large barglass.)
Take 1 large teaspooiiful of powdered sugar.
1 fresh egg.
1/2 wineglass of brandy.
1/2 wineglass of Santa Cruz rum.
A little shaved ice.
Fill the glass with rich milk, and shake up the
iregredients until they are thoroughly mixed. Pour
the mixture into a goblet, excluding the ice, and
grate a little nutmeg on top. This may be made
by using a wineglass of either of the above liquors,
instead of both combined.

1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 33. Hot Eggnog.

(Use large barglass.)
This drink is very popular in California, and is
made in precisely the same manner as the cold egg
nog above, except that you must use boiling water
instead of ice.

1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 52. Eggnog in Quantity.

Two and a half gallons. Separate the whites
from the yolks of one dozen eggs, whip them sep-
arately — the whites until very stiff, the yolks until
very thin; put the yolks in large bowl, add three
pounds powdered sugar, stirring constantly’ to pre-
vent sugar from lumping, three pints brandy, one
pint Jamaica aum, two gallons rich milk. While
stirring put in an ounce of nutmeg. If not strong
enough to suit, add more brandy, then put the
whites on top. When serving, cut off a small quan-
tity of white and put on top of glass with a dash of

1899 Edward Spencer: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 168. Egg Nogg.

is a bile-raiser, which is made in a large tumbler,
and therefore comes under the heading of “Long
Beat up an egg with a tablespoonful of sifted
sugar; add one tablespoonful of boiling water, one
wine-glassful of brandy, and one wine-glassful of
rum. Fill up the tumbler with boiling milk, mix
well, and dust with nutmeg.

1899 Edward Spencer: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 168. Sherry Egg Nogg.

One egg beaten up with a tablespoonful of sugar
in a large tumbler, two glasses of sherry; fill up
with boiling milk, mix, and dust with nutmeg.

1899 Edward Spencer: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 169. A Doctor.

“In another place,” I gave the recipe for
A Doctor,
which is a cold edition of the above, and may
also be made with brandy or whisky.

The above: Sherry Egg Nogg.

1899 Edward Spencer: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 169. A Surgeon-Mojor.

A Surgeon-Major,
which is a still more valuable — and more expensive
— restorative, two eggs are used, and the tumbler
is filled up with the choicest brand of champagne
kept on the premises.

1899 Edward Spencer: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 205. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

Baltimore Egg Nogg
reads like a ” large order.” It is said by its
author to be “an excellent drink for debilitated
people, and a nourishing diet for consumptives.”
And he would be a Good Samaritan, who would
wait outside the big gates of Holloway Castle,
on a Monday morning, in order to administer
the nogg, in full doses, to the starved captives
on their release. It would also, I should imagine,
make an excellent hospital drink, for a score or
so of patients.

Beat the yolks of sixteen eggs and twelve table-
spoonfuls of pulverized loaf-sugar to the consistency
of cream; stir into this two-thirds of a grated nut­-
meg, and then pour in half a pint of good old brandy,
or Jamaica rum — or both n.q. — and three wine­-
glasses of Madeira. Have ready the whites of the
sixteen eggs, whipped to a stiff froth, and beat them
well into the above mixture, and then stir in six
pints of new milk, as fresh as possible from the cow.

1899 Niels Larsen: Les Boissons Américaines. Seite 19. Egg Nogg.

[à préparer dans un grand gobelet]
Emplissez d’un tiers de glace pilée. Ajoutez:
1 œuf frais;
1 cuiller à bouche de sucre en poudre;
1 petit verre à bordeaux de whisky.
Remplissez avec du bon lait et versez le tout
dans une double timbale. Agitez fortement, passez
dans un grand verre à bordeaux et ajoutez un
peu de muscade râpée.
Servez avec de grandes pailles.

1899 Niels Larsen: Les Boissons Américaines. Seite 19. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

[à préparer dans un grand gobelet]
Mettez dans votre grande timbale:
1 jaune d’œuf;
3/4 de cuiller à bouche de sucre en poudre;
Un peu de muscade râpée et un peu de cannelle
en poudre.
Battez-le comme une crème fouettée. Ajoutez:
4 morceaux de glace;
1 verre à liqueur de cognac;
1/2 verre à liqueur de rhum;
Un verre et demi à liqueur de madère.
Remplissez la timbale avec du bon lait et agi-
tez fortement. Passez dans un grand gobelet et
râpez dessus un peu de muscade. Servez avec de
grandes pailles.

1899 Niels Larsen: Les Boissons Américaines. Seite 20. Imperial Egg Nogg.

[à préparer dans un grand gobelet]
Mettez dans votre grande timbale:
Un tiers de glace pilée;
1 cuiller à bouche de sucre en poudre;
1 œuf frais;
1 verre à madère de cognac;
1/2         —           —   rhum Saint-James.
Remplissez avec du lait non écrêmé
Agitez fortement, passez dans un grand gobelet
et ajoutez un peu de muscade râpée.
Servez avec de grandes pailles.

1899 Niels Larsen: Les Boissons Américaines. Seite 20. Sherry Egg Nogg.

[à préparer dans un grand gobelet]
Mettez dans votre grande timbale:
Un tiers de glace pilée;
1 œuf frais;
1 cuiller à bouche de sucre en poudre;
2 verres à madère de xérès.
Remplissez avec du bon lait.
Agitez fortement, passez dans un grand gobelet
et ajoutez un peu de muscade râpée.
Servez avec des grandes pailles.

1900 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 70. Egg Nog.

Verre n° 10.
Prendre le verre n° 10, remplir á moitié de glace pilée:
1 cuillerée à café de sucre en poudre,
1 verre à liqueur de rhum,
1 verre à liqueur de cognac,
1 jaune d’œuf frais.
Remplir avec lait, adapter gobelot en argent, frapper for-
tement, attendre quelques minutes et saupoudrer la mousse
de muscade, chalumeaux, servir.

1900 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 95. Sherry Egg Nog.

Verre n° 10.
Prendre le verre n° 10, glace en morceaux:
2 cuillerées à café de sucre en poudre,
1 jaune d’œuf,
1 verre à madère de sherry secco.
Remplir le verre avec du lait, adapter un gobelet en ar-
gent, bien battre, attendre quelques minutes, servir aved
chalumeaux, saupoudrer de muscade.

1900 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 115. Egg Nog.

Verre n° 10.
Chauffer le verre:
1 cuillerée à café de sucre en poudre,
1 verre à liqueur d’eau chaude pour fondre le
1 verre à liqueur de cognac,
1/2 verre à liqueur de rhum.
Délayer un jaune d’œuf dans du lait chaud en quantité
suffisane pour rempir le verre n° 10, mélanger le tout,
transvaser d’un récipient dans l’autre pour faire mousser,
saupoudrer de muscade, servir.

1900 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 131. Hot Egg Nog.

Lait de poule chaud, pour 10 personnes.
Dans un bol à punch en porcelaine:
250 grammes de sucre en poudre,
1/2 litre d’eau chaude pour fondre le sucre.
Faire chauffer ensemble:
1/2 litre do cognac,
1/2 litre de rhum.
A part, casser 10 œufs frais, séparer les jaunes des blancs,
bien les battre en versant un demi-litre de lait chaud, mé-
langer le tout en ajoutant 1 litre de lait chaud, servir dans
le verre n° 10.

1900 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 132. Hot Manhattan Egg Nog.

pour 10 personnes.
Dans un bol à punch en porcelaine:
250 grammes de sucre en poudre,
1/2 litre d’eau chaude pour fendre Io sucre.
Faire chauffer ensemble:
1/2 litre de rye whisky,
1/2 litre de madère.
A part, casser 10 œufs frais, séparer les jaunes des blancs,
bien les battre en ajoutant un demi-litre de lail chaud, mé-
langer le tout, ajouter 1 litre de lait chaud, remuer, servir
dans le verre n° 10.

1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 54. Baltimore Egg-Nogg.

The yolk of a fresh egg in a large mixing-glass,
half a tablespoonful powdered sugar, a little grated
nutmeg and cinnamon; beat until thoroughly
mixed, add a few lumps of ice, one pony Madeira
wine, half a pony old brandy, half a pony Jamaica
rum, fill the glass with milk, shake well, strain
into long thin punch-glass, a little grated nutmeg
on top.

1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 54. Boston Egg-Nogg.

A mixing-glass one-fourth full fine ice, one
tablespoonful fine sugar, one egg, one-third jigger
brandy, one-third jigger Jamaica rum, one-third
Madeira wine; fill the glass with milk, shake well,
strain into long thin punch-glass, a little grated
nutmeg on top.

1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 54. Cider Egg-Nogg.

One tablespoonful fine sugar, one egg in mix-
ing-glass half-full fine ice; fill with cider; mix well,
strain into long punch-glass, a little grated nutmeg
on top. This drink is also known as General Har-
rison Egg-Nogg.

1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 55. Plain Egg-Nogg.

One fresh egg, one tablespoonful fine sugar, half
a jigger brandy, half a jigger St. Croix rum, in a
mixing-glass one-fourth full of fine ice; fiil with
milk, shake well, strain into long thin glass, grate
nutmeg on top.

1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 55. Sherry Egg-Nogg.

A mixing-glass one-fourth full fine ice, one fresh
egg, one jigger sherry , half a tablespoonful fine
sugar; fill up with milk, shake thoroughly, strain
into a long thin glass, grate nutmeg on top.

1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 55. Sherry Egg-Nogg (Fancy).

Prepare in the same manner as Sherry Egg-
Nogg, but add a pony of brandy before shaking.

1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 114. Egg-Nogg Frappé.

Beat two eggs until light and creamy, add two
tablespoonfuls fine sugar, beat again, then add half
a jigger St. Croix rum and half a jigger brandy,
one pint cream or rich milk; mix well and freeze.

1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 169. Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 fresh egg;
3/4 table-spoonful of sugar;
1/3 glass full of ice;
1 pony-glass St. Croix or Jamaica rum;
1 wine-glassful of brandy (Martell).
Fill the glass with rich milk; shake or stir with a
spoon the ingredients well together, and strain into
a large bar glass; grate a little nutmeg on top, and
serve. It is proper for the bartender to ask the cus-
tomer what flavor he prefers, whether St. Croix or
Jamaica rum. It is wise to be careful, not to put too
much ice into your mixing goblet, as by straining you
might not be able to fill the glass properly, as it ought
to be.

1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 175. Baltimore Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 yolk of a fresh egg;
3/4 table-spoonful of sugar;
Add a little nutmeg and cinnamon, and beat to a
1/2 pony-glass of brandy (Martell);
3 or 4 lumps of ice;
1/4 pony-glass of Jamaica rum;
1 wine-glassful of Madeira wine.
Fill the glass with milk, shake well, strain into a
large bar glass, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.

1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 186. Bowl of Egg Nogg for a New Year’s Party.

In regard to this drink the bartender must use his
own judgment and use the proportions in accordance
to the quantity to be made. For a three-gallon bowl,
mix as follows:
2 1/2 lbs. of fine pulverized sugar;
20 fresh eggs; have the yolks separated; beat as thin
as water, and add the yolks of the eggs into the sugar
and dissolve by stirring;
2 quarts of good old brandy (Martell);
1 1/2 pints of Jamaica rum;
2 gallons of good rich milk.
Mix the ingredients well with a ladle, and stir con-
tinually while pouring in the milk, to prevent it from
curdling; then beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff
froth and put this on top of the mixture; then fill a
bar glass with a ladle, put some small pieces of the egg
froth on top, grate a little nutmeg over it, and serve.
This will give you a splendid Egg Nog for all New
Year’s callers.

1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 200. General Harrison Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 fresh egg;
1/4 tablespoonful of sugar;
3 or 4 lumps of ice;
Fill the glass with cider;
Shake well; strain it into a large bar glass; grate a
little nutmeg on top and serve.
The above drink is a very pleasant one, and is popu-
lar throughout the Southern part of the country, and it
is not intoxicating.
It is proper to use the very best quality of cider, as
by using poor cider it is impossible to make this drink

1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 219. Sherry Wine Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
1 fresh egg;
1/2 tablespoonful of sugar;
Fill up the glass with fine ice;
1 pony glass of brandy (Martell);
1 wine glass of sherry wine;
Shake the above ingredients well, until they are
thoroughly mixed together; strain it into a fancy wine
glass, large enough to hold the mixture; grate a little
nutmeg on top and serve.

1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 249. Hot Egg Nogg.

(Use a large bar glass.)
Mix as follows:
1 fresh egg;
1/2 tablespoonful of powdered sugar;
1/2 wineglassful of cognac (Martell);
1/2 wineglassful of Jamaica rum;
Fill up a goblet with boiling hot milk, grate a little
nutmeg on top, and serve. It is to be understood that
this drink must be stirred and not shaken up.

1900 James C. Maloney: The 20th Century Guide For Mixing Fancy Drinks. Seite 13. Bowl of Egg Nogg for a Party.

For a three-gallon bowl mix as follows:
3 pounds of fine powdered white sugar.
24 fresh eggs (have the yolks separated); beat as
thin as water and add the yolks of the eggs into
the sugar and dissolve by stirring well together.
Then pour in
3 quarts of good brandy.
1 quart Jamaica rum.
2 gallons of milk.
Mix the ingredients thoroughly and stir continually
while pouring in the milk to prevent it from curd-
ling, then beat the whites of the eggs to a stift froth
(also a quart of whipped cream) and float it on top.
Then fill a small punch glass (use a ladle), put some
of the egg froth on top, grate a little nutmeg over
it and serve.

1900 James C. Maloney: The 20th Century Guide For Mixing Fancy Drinks. Seite 22. Cider Egg Nogg.

Fill mixing glass one-half full cracked ice.
1 teaspoon sugar.
1 fresh egg.
Fill glass with cider.
Shake well and strain into a lemonade glass, grate
a little nutmeg on top and serve.

1900 James C. Maloney: The 20th Century Guide For Mixing Fancy Drinks. Seite 27. Egg Nogg.

Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice.
1/2 tablespoonful powdered sugar.
1 fresh egg.
3/4 wine glass of brandy.
1/4 wine glass of Jamaica rum.
Fill up the glass with milk and shake the ingre-
dients thoroughly, then strain into a large punch
glass and grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.

1900 James C. Maloney: The 20th Century Guide For Mixing Fancy Drinks. Seite 44. Sherry Egg Nogg.

Is made the same as a Sherry Flip, only you add
wine glass of milk.

Seite 44. Sherry Flip.

Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice.
1/2 tablespoonful sugar.
1 egg.
2 wine glasses Sherry.
Shake well, strain into a fancy glass, dash with
seltzer and a little nutmeg on top and serve.

1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #87. Egg Nog, Hot.

Make the same as Cold Egg Nog, with hot Tnilk substituted for ice and
milt. (See jRecipee Nos. 163 and 164.)

1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #163. Egg Nog.

Place a dessertspoonful of bar sugar in a large mixing-glass; add some fine
ice, a raw egg, a jigger of cognac and a dash of St. Croix rum. Fill the glass
with good milk, shake thoroughly, grate nutmeg over the top and serve with

1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #164. Egg Nog.

Dissolve eight tablespoonfuls of sugar in three quarts of milk in a punch
bowl, to which add three-quarters of a bottle of cognac and one-quarter of a
bottle of St. Croix rum; now beat the yolks of ten eggs until thin, and the
whites until frothy; stir the yolks into the above mixture and lay the beaten
whites carefully over the top. Sprinkle with nutmeg and serve as cold as
possible without ice.
N. B. — By filling a syphon soda bottle with some of the above mixture and
addding a cake of compressed yeast to it, an effervescent draught fit for the
gods can be produced. After filling the bottle and adding the yeast, put it in a
warm place for five or six hours and then remove it to a cool place for a few days
before using, when enough gas will have generated in the bottle to cause it to flow
like soda. This is a splendid thing for invalids.

1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #165. Egg Nog, Sherry.

Substitute sherry for cognac and St. Croix rum, and follow the directions
in the two preceding recipes.

explicit capitulum


Hi, I'm Armin and in my spare time I want to promote bar culture as a blogger, freelance journalist and Bildungstrinker (you want to know what the latter is? Then check out "About us"). My focus is on researching the history of mixed drinks. If I have ever left out a source you know of, and you think it should be considered, I look forward to hearing about it from you to learn something new. English is not my first language, but I hope that the translated texts are easy to understand. If there is any incomprehensibility, please let me know so that I can improve it.