It’s close to Christmas again and “Little Lord Fauntleroy” is being repeated on TV. What should you drink with it? We definitely recommend: “Golden Slipper”, at the moment when the eponymous song “Oh Dem Golden Slippers” is played. This takes us back to the time in which the film is set, with a masterfully composed “liqueur”.
40 ml Chartreuse yellow 1 egg yolk 40 ml Danziger Goldwasser Preparation: Layered. First pour the Chartreuse into the glass. Then position the egg yolk on top. It must not break. Then carefully pour the Goldwasser over a spoon.
Oh, Dem Golden Slippers & Little Lord Fauntleroy
Oh, Dem Golden Slippers is a song composed in 1879 by African American James A. Bland. [1] It is a parody of a spiritual and was a hit in the 1880s. [2]
Even today it is very well known in Germany. Who doesn’t know the scene in the film “Little Lord Fauntleroy” when the little lord stands in front of the orchestra and makes them sing “Oh Dem Golden Slippers”, whereupon the high society starts dancing to it.
This film has been shown by ARD since 1982, [3] and is thus part of the annual Christmas tradition. Everyone will probably have seen it before, so we can dispense with a summary. This year, by the way, it will be shown on 18 December at 8:15 pm.
When you arrive at the orchestral scene, or even before, you should prepare yourself a Golden Slipper, so that not only your ears but also your palate can enjoy it.
The drink
Many may have inhibitions about enjoying this drink nowadays. The raw egg yolk floating in the middle of the glass is too unusual. However, at the time of its creation – first mentioned by Harry Johnson in 1882 – it was extremely popular with the ladies. Harry Johnson first writes of “American ladies”, but in 1888 he writes of ladies from South America. Robert Vermeire is even more precise in 1922 and writes that the drink is very well known in Buenos Aires.
The ingredients listed in the recipes are almost exclusively yellow Chartreuse and Danzig Goldwasser. There are a few exceptions, and these are perhaps partly explained by the fact that other spirits had to be used in the absence of the original ingredients. In 1895, Chris F. Lawlor uses cherry brandy instead of Goldwasser for the first time. In 1907, Frank Newman first suggested Bénédictine instead of Chartreuse. One recipe that really takes some getting used to is the one by Jacques Straub in 1913. He was the first to layer a whole egg in the glass. You shouldn’t do that. In 1920, Ferruccio Mazzon replaces the gold water with a yellow aquavit. In 1920, A. Brehmer thinks that red curaçao can be used instead of Chartreuse. A method of preparation that does not do justice to the drink is the one given by Harry Craddock in 1930. He shakes all the ingredients. From our point of view, this does not suit the drink, because it takes away much of its harmoniousness and makes it more monotonous. Perhaps this method of preparation came about because fewer and fewer people wanted to have a raw egg yolk floating in their glass? In 1935, Leo Cotton thinks you can greatly reduce the chartreuse content and use apricot nectar instead of Goldwasser. 1940 Charles suggests an old brandy as an alternative to Goldwasser.
Harry Craddock’s method of preparation was taken to its logical conclusion by O. Blunier in 1935. He shakes, garnishes with nutmeg and calls the whole thing Golden Slipper Flipp – but the Golden Slipper is not to be understood as a flip.
Since the song that gave it its name was very popular, it is not surprising that Patsy McDonough also published a drink of this name in 1883, with a completely different recipe, but this was not published again in the years that followed. Also in 1951, another recipe for a Golden Slipper was published. It is something quite different and was named in honour of the newly opened Golden Slipper saloon and gambling hall in Las Vegas.
Why do we publish this layered drink?
Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual, plate 13. 1888. [4-Plate 13]
It is an important drink from a historical perspective. On the one hand, it is a representative of the formerly popular layer drinks, the pousse cafés. For another, it was extremely popular at the time it was created. Harry Johnson not only writes this, but he also underlines his statement by the fact that the Golden Slipper is one of the few drinks to which he dedicates an illustration in his book, on plate 13, directly above the Martini Cocktail. [4-Plate 13]
Even though the use of a whole egg yolk may seem strange to many today, and the thought of the Golden Slipper recipe may seem less than palatable, we have to disagree here.
Yes, it is a sweet drink. After all, it consists almost entirely of liqueurs. So you can’t drink it all the time, but only when something sweet seems appropriate, for example as a dessert. Then it fits perfectly. The Goldwasser harmonises wonderfully with the yellow Chartreuse. And then, at the end, when the egg yolk bursts in the mouth and the contents mix with the yellow Chartreuse, you notice again how perfectly the flavours go together. The combination of these three ingredients shows a very great mastery. This is exactly why you must not use alternative ingredients or even shake the drink!
So you see: what at first glance may seem almost disgusting and unbalanced, sometimes turns out to be a little gem, a masterfully composed layered drink. One must not be prejudiced, but must consciously engage with some historical conventions in order to discover something new.
Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual or: How to Mix Drinks of the Present Style And Containing a Valuable List of Instructions and Hints By the Author in Reference to Attending Bar: Also a Large List of Mixed Drinks, Such as American, British, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Etc., Etc., With Illustrations, And a Complete List of Bar Utensils, Wines, Liquors, Ales, Mixtures, Etc., Etc. Ab Seite 103: Neues und Verbessertes Illustriertes Handbuch für Bartender, oder: Wie man Getränke mischt, enthaltend Practische Regeln, Winke und Anweisungen über sämmtliche Bedürfnisse, gründliche Belehrung über alle Einzelheiten des Geschäfts, vollkommene und correcte Rezepte aller gemischten Getränke der Jetztzeit die in Amerika, England, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Russland, Spanien und anderen Ländern beliebt sind, sowie Listen sämmtlicher Bar-Utensilien, Anweisungen zur richtigen Behandlung von Liqueuren, Weine Bier, Ale und Porter in Fässern und Flaschen. New York, Eigenverlag, 1888.
Golden Slipper.
Historical recipes
1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improve Bartender’s Manual. Seite 71. Golden Slipper.
(Use a wine glass.) One-half wine glass of Chartreuse (yellow); 1 yolk of a fresh cold egg; One-half wine glass of Danziger Goldwasser. The above drink is a great favorite of the American ladies, and must be mixed in a very careful manner, so that the yolk of the egg does not run into the liquor.
1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improve Bartender’s Manual. Seite 153. Golden Slipper.
(Gebrauche ein Weinglas.) Einviertel Weinglas Chartreuse (gelb); 1 Eidotter frisch und kalt; Einhalb Weinglas Danziger Goldwasser; und servire dieses. Bei Bereitung dieses Getränkes, welches vorzugsweise bei den amerikanischen Damen beliebt ist, muss insofern Vorsicht gebraucht werden, als die einzelnen Sorten Liqueure unvermischt, schichtenweise im Glase stehen müssen und der Dotter nicht verlaufen darf.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 18. Golden Slipper.
Fill large bar glass one-third fill of cracked ice, one table-spoon of sugar, one egg, one wine-glass of Brandy, one wine-glass of Seltzer water, and the rest of milk; shake and grate nutmeg on top. Sip through a straw.
1884 Joseph W. Gibson: Scientific Bar-Keeping. Seite 21. Golden Slipper.
1/3 wine glass of Chartreuse (yel- low); 1 yolk of a fresh cold egg; 1/3 wine glass of Danziger Goldwasser. The above drink is a great favorite of the Ameri- can ladies, and must be mixed in a very careful manner, so that the yolk of the egg does not run into the liquor. (Use a wine glass.)
1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartender’s Guide. Seite 34. Golden Slipper.
(A wine glass.) 1/2 wine-glass diartreuse (yellow.) 1 yolk of an egg. 1/2 wine-glass Danziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished. Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb the yolk of egg.
1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 45. Golden Slipper.
(Use a Sherry wine glass.) 1/2 wine glass of Chartreuse (yellow); 1 yolk of a fresh cold egg; 1/2 wine glass of Danziger Goldwasser; The above drink is a great favorite of the ladies from Southern America, and must be mixed in a very careful manner, so that the yolk of the egg does not run into the liquor, and keep its form. (See Illustration, Plate No. 13.)
Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual, plate 13. 1888.
1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 151. Golden Slipper.
(Gebrauche ein Sherry Weinglas.) 1/2 Weinglas Curarçoa (roth); 1 frischer Eidotter; 1/2 Weinglas Danziger Goldwasser; Dies ist ein Lieblingsgetrank südamerikanischer Damen, und muss mit grosser Vorsicht zubereitet werden, so dass der Eidotter nicht mit den Liquören zusammenläuft, sondern seine Form behält.-(Siehe Illustration, Tafel No. 13.
1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender. Seite 25. Golden Slipper.
A wine glass. One-half wine-glass Chartreuse (yellow). One yolk of an egg. One-half wine-glass Danziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished. Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb the yolk of the egg.
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 18. Golden Slipper.
1/2 wine glass Chartreuse (yellow) 1 yolk of an egg. 1/2 wine glass Danziger Goldwasser. This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished. Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb the yolk of the egg.
1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 15. Golden Slipper.
[Use wine glass.] 1/2 wine glass of yellow chartreuse, yolk of 1 egg, 1/2 wine glass of Danziger goldwasser. Don’t let the yolk of the egg run into the liquors.
1895 Bartender’s Association of New York City. Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 28. Golden Slipper.
(Use wine glass.) 1/2 wine glass yellow chartreuse. Yolk of one egg. 1/2 wine glass of danziger goldwasser. Don’t let the yolk of the egg run into the liquors.
1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 51. Golden Slipper.
Put in bell-shape claret-glass half jigger yellow Chartreuse, yolk of one egg, fill with Kirsch Wasser.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 67. Golden Slipper.
Fill a wine-glass one-third full of yellow char- treuse, add the yolk of a small egg, then fill the glass with Danziger Goldwasser; be careful not to break the y olk of the egg, and keep the cordials separate.
1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 25. Golden Slipper.
Put in bell shape claret-glass half jigger yel- low Chartreuse, yolk of one egg, fill with Kirsch Wasser.
1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 67. Golden Slipper.
(Use a wine-glass.) 1/2 wine glass chartreuse (yellow), 1 yolk of an egg, wine-glass danziger goldwasser. Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb the yolk of the egg.
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 42. Golden Slipper.
Place the yolk of a fresh cold egg in half a wineglass of chartreuse (yellow) and half a wineglass of Danziger goldwasser in a spiral or fancy wineglass, in such a manner that the egg and liqueurs do not mix. (See L’ Amour Pousse another way, page 45.)
1896 Louis Fouquet: Bariana. Seite 45. Golden Slipper.
VERRE F Prendre un petit verre F, verser quart de chartreuse jaune, mettre délicatement un jaune d’œuf entier bien frais, puis remplir le verre tout doucement avec de l’eau-de-vie de Dantzig et servir. C’est une des boissons les plus favorites de nos Améri- caines.
1899 Aczél Miksa: American Bar. Seite 40. Golden Slipper.
(Pohár VL) Önts a VI. pohárb a kevés sárga chartreuse-t helyezz el egy tojás sárgáját gyengéden a pohárba, töltsd fel dantzigi aranyviz zel, hagya állni pár perczig s így az arany szálacsk ák lassan bevonják a tojást. A dantzigi aranyviz (dantziger Goldwasser) fehér szinü édeskés pálinka tojás fehérjével készítve, a fe- hérje szétfoszlódik nem oldódik fel és mint kisebb nagyobb szalagocskák uszkálnak , mit a szesz lassan- ként aranyszinüvé változtat. Nálunk szintén ismer etes „a Golden Slippes” , de kniekebein név alatt és aranyviz helyett vaniliát hasz- nálnak.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 51. Golden Slipper.
Put in bell-shape claret-glass half jigger yellow Chartreuse, yolk of one egg, fill with Kirsch Wasser.
1899 Edward Spencer: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 160. Golden Slipper.
the egg-yolk reappears. Place the yolk of an egg in a spiral wine-glass, half full of yellow chartreuse. Fill up with Dantzicer goldwasser, and do not let the ingredients mix. This goldwasser is said to be the oldest liqueur known in Europe, having been introduced into France by the Italians in the time of Catharine de Medici. Its origin is undoubtedly Italian, and the colourless liquor made in Dantzic, with the fragments o f gold leaf floating therein, is a fiery imitation o f the real thing.
1900 Frank Newman: American Bar. Seite 53. Golden Slipper.
Verre n° 12 Prendre le verre n° 12: 1/4 de verre chartreuse jaune. Casser délicatement un œuf, y déposer doucement le jaune, remplir le verre avec de l’eau-de-vie de Dantzig, servir. (Agiter la bouteille de Dantzig avant de verser.)
1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 168. Golden Slipper.
(Use a sherry wine glass.) 1/2 wine-glass of chartreuse (yellow); 1 yolk of a fresh cold egg; 1/2 wine-glass of “Danziger Goldwasser.” The above drink is a great favorite of the ladies from Southern America, and must be mixed in a very careful manner, so that the yolk of the egg does not run into the liquor, and keep its form; use a sherry- glass in mixing, instead of a spoon (see illustration, plate No. 13).
Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual, plate 3. 1900.
1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #172. Golden Slipper.
Half fill a sherry glass with yellow Chartreuse, on the top of which, place the yolk of an egg and fill the glass with goldwasser.
1901 J. E. Sheridan: The Complete Buffet Manual. Seite 40. Golden Slipper.
(Use wine glass.) 1/2 wine-glass yellow Chartreuse. 1 yolk of an egg. 1/2 wine-glass Danziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with American ladies, much rel- ished. Be careful when preparing this beverage not to dis- turb the yolk of the egg.
1902 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 38. Golden Slipper.
WINEGLASS.—1/2 wineglass yellow Chartreuse, yolk of one egg, 1/2 wineglass Danziger Goldwasser. Don’t allow yolk of egg to break.
1902 Anonymus: Red Top Rye Guide. Seite 51. Golden Slipper.
(Use ordinary wine-glass.) One-half wine-glassful of Chartreuse (yellow). Yolk of one egg. One-half wine-glassful of Danziger-gold- wasser. This favorite drink is a beverage much relished by American ladies. Be care- ful in preparing not to break the yolk of the egg.
1903 Edward Spencer: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 160. Golden Slipper.
the egg-yolk reappears. Place the yolk of an egg in a spiral wine-glass, half full of yellow chartreuse. Fill up with Dantzicer goldwasser, and do not let the ingredients mix. This goldwasser is said to be the oldest liqueur known in Europe, having been introduced into France by the Italians in the time of Catharine de Medici. Its origin is undoubtedly Italian, and the colourless liquor made in Dantzic, with the fragments of gold leaf floating therein, is a fiery imitation of the real thing.
1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 39. Golden Slipper.
(Use wine-glass.) 1/2 wine-glass yellow Chartreuse. 1 yolk of an egg. 1/2 wine-glass Danziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished. Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb the yolk of the egg.
1904 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 48. Golden Slipper.
Verre n° 12 Mettre dans le verre n° 12: 1/4 de chartreuse jaune. Casser délicatement un œuf, y déposer doucement le jaune, remplir le verre avec de l’eau-de-vie de Dantzig, servir. (Agiter la bouteille de Dantzig avant de verser.)
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks As They Are Mixed. Seite 39. Golden Slipper.
Use wineglass. Yellow Chartreuse, 1/2 wineglass. Egg, 1 yolk. Danziger Goldwasser, 1/2 wineglass. In preparing, do not break the yolk of egg. (Delicious lady’s drink.)
1904 Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks. Seite 34. Golden Slipper.
(A wine glass.) 1/2 wine-glass Chartreuse (yellow.) 1 yolk of an egg. 1/2 wineglass Danziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished. Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb the yolk of the egg.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 67. Golden Slipper.
Fill a wine-glass one-third full of yellow char- treuse, add the yolk of a small egg, then fill the glass with Danziger Goldwasser; be careful not to break the yolk of the egg, and keep the cordials separate.
1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 59. Golden Slipper.
Use a wine glass. 1/2 wine-glass Chartreuse (yellow). 1 yolk of an egg. 1/2 a wine-glass Danziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished. Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb the yolk of the egg.
1907 Frank Newman: American Bar. Seite 48. Golden Slipper.
Verre n° 12 Mettre dans le verre n° 12: 1/4 de bénédictine. Casser délicalement un œuf, y déposer doucement le jaune, remplir le verre avec de l’eau-de-vie de Dantzig, servir. (Agiter la bouteille de Dantzig avant de verser.)
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 60. Golden Slipper.
Into a vermouth-glass place a pony of yellow chartreuse, on the top of which place the yolk of an egg and fill the glass with goldwasser.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 79. Golden Slipper.
(Gebrauche ein Pousse-Café- oder Sherryglas.) 1/3 Glas Chartreuse, grün, 1 frisches Eigelb, 1/3 Glas Danziger Goldwasser. Mit Vorsicht zubereiten.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 67. Golden Slipper.
Fill a wine-glass one-third full of yellow char- treuse, add the yolk of a small egg, then fill the glass with Danziger Goldwasser; be careful not to break the yolk of the egg, and keep the cordials separate.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 81. Golden Slipper.
Use a sherry wine glass. 1/2 glass Chartreuse (yellow). Yolk of one egg. 1/2 glass Danziger Goldwasser. Each separate and serve.
1910 E. Moreno: Manual el cantinero o cocktelero perfecto. Slipper de huevo.
En una copa — uso Jerez — échese cuanto sigue: Chartreuse amarillo . . . . . . . 1/3 de copa Goldwaser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 de copa La yema de un huevo fresco. Ofrézcase la bebida sin agitar el contenidó.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.’ Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 36. Golden Slipper.
(Use a wine-glass.) One-half wine-glass of chartreuse (yellow), Yolk of one egg, One-half wine-glass danziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished. In preparing, do not disturb the yo lk of the egg.
1912 Ignacio Doménech: El arte del cocktelero europeo. Seite 67. Golden Slipper.
(PREPÁRESE EN UNA COPA DE LAS QUE SE BEBE EL VINO MADEIRA) Una tercera parte de copa de Chartreusse ama- rillo. Añadir luego: Una yema de huevo bien fresca. Una tercera parte de copa de las en que se toma el vino de Madera, de Goldwasser de Dantzig. Sírvase sin que se mezcle ninguno de estos tres ingredientes.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #97. Golden Slipper.
Use wine glass; 1/2 glass yellow char- treuse, yelk of 1 egg, 1/2 glass Danziger Goldwasser. Be careful when preparing not to break yelk of egg.
1912 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How To Mix Them. Seite 60. Golden Slipper.
Into a vermouth-glass place a pony of yellow chartreuse, on the top of which place the yolk of an egg and fill the glass with goldwasser.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America. Seite 43. Slipper.
(A wineglass.) 1/2 wineglass of char- treuse (yellow); 1 yolk of an egg; 1/2 wineglass of nziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with Amer- ican ladies, much relished. Be careful when pre- paring this beverage not to disturb the yolk of the egg.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 79. Golden Slipper.
(Gebrauche ein Pousse-Café- oder Sherryglas). 1/2 Glas Chartreuse, grün, 1 frisches Eigelb, 1/2 Glas Danziger Goldwasser. Mit Vorsicht zubereiten.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 89. Golden-Slipper.
Gebrauche ein spitzes Südweinglas, 1/3 Glas Chartreuse gelb, 1 Eigelb, 1/3 Glas Danziger Goldwasser.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks. Seite 90. Golden Slipper.
Use Sherry glass. 1/4 Yellow Chartreuse. 1 Whole Egg. Fill glass with Eau de Vie de Dantzig.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 37. Golden Slipper.
Into a wineglass pour: 1/2 jigger yellow Char- treuse; 1 yolk of an egg, dropped in without breaking the yolk; 1/2 jigger Danziger goldwasser. (Popular lady’s drink.)
1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 28. Golden Slipper.
Use wine-glass. One-half wine-glass Chartreuse (yellow). Yolk of 1 egg dropped in without breaking. One-half wine-glass Danziger Goldwasser.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 71. Golden Slipper.
USE SHERRY GLASS. 1/4 yellow chartreuse. 1 whole egg. Fill glass with eau de vie de Dantzig.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 111. Golden Slipper
(Use sherry glass) 25% Yellow Chartreuse 1 whole egg Fill glass with eau de vie de Dantzig.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 81. Golden Slipper.
Use a sherry wine glass. 1/2 glass Chartreuse (yellow). Yolk of one egg. 1/2 glass Danziger Goldwasser. Each separate and serve.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 79. Golden Slipper.
(Gebrauche ein Pousse-Café- oder Sherryglas.) 1/3 Glas Chartreuse, grün, 1 frisches Eigelb, 1/3 Glas Danziger Goldwasser. Mit Vorsicht zubereiten.
1920 Ferruccio Mazzon: Guida del barman mixer. Seite 73. Golden Slipper.
In un calice a liquori versate: 1/4 bicchiere di Chartreuse gialla 1/4 bicchiere di Acquavite gialla 1 tuorlo d’uovo. Servite senza scuotere.
1920 Niels Larsen: 156 recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 82. Golden Slipper.
[A préparer dana un verre à madère.] 1/3 de verre à madère de chartreuse jaune. Ajou- tez: 1 jaune d’oeuf; 1/3 verre à madère de goldwasser de Dantzig. Servez sans mélanger.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 59. Golden Slipper.
Dans un petit verre à ma- dère, emplir en parties égales Chartreuse jaune, un jaune d’œuf dessus (sans le briser), et emplir avec eau-de-vie de Dantzig.
1922 Anonymus: Quelques recettes pour boissons américaines. Seite 31. Golden Slipper.
Verre no 12. Mettre dans le verre no 12: 1/4 de BOLS JAUNE. Casser délicatement un ŒUF, y déposer doucement le JAUNEi remplir le verre avec de l’EAU-DE-VIE DE DANTZIG; servir. (Agiter la bouteille de Dantzig avant de servir.)
1922 Robert Vermeire: Cocktails. Seite 77. Golden Slipper.
The Golden Slipper is a South American Pousse Café, well known in Buenos Ayres. It contains: The yolk of a fresh egg. 1/6 gill of Yellow Chartreuse. 1/6 gill of Eau de Vie de Dantzig, that is Dantziger Goldwasser.
1922 W. Slagter: Hoe maakt men american plainen fancy drinks. Seite 161. Golden Slipper.
1/3 deel Groene of Geele Chartreuse. Legt hierin voorzichtig een heel eidooier 1/ 3 Dantziger Goldwasser.
1923 Harry McElhone: „Harry“ of Ciro’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 35. Golden Slipper.
1/2 glass of Yellow Chartreuse into small wine glass, then drop one yolk of a Fresh Egg and 1/2 glass Eau de Vie de Dantzig. (Recipe by Harry Johnson, New Orleans.)
1923 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 68. Golden Slipper.
Dans le verre n° 10: 1/4 du verre chartreuse jaune. 1 jaune d’œuf sans le briser. Finir avec Dantzig Goldwasser après avoir agité cette bouteille. Ne pas mélanger. Boire d’un trait.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 139. Golden Hipper.
Man gieße 1/2 kleines Weinglas voll gelbe Chartreuse oder roten Curaçao, 1 Eigelb und 1/2 kleines Weinglas voll Danziger Goldwasser so vor- sichtig in ein Glas, daß sie sich nicht mischen, und richte an.
1925 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 79. Golden Slipper.
(Gebrauche ein Pousse-Café- oder Sherryglas.) 1/3 Glas Chartreuse, grün, 1 frisches Eigelb, 1/3 Glas Danziger Goldwasser. Mit Vorsicht zubereiten.
1926 W. Slagter: Cocktails. Seite 193. Golden Slipper.
1/3 deel Groene of Gele Chartreuse. Legt hierm voorzichtig een heele eidooier 1/3 Dantziger Goldwasser.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 80. Golden Slipper.
Dans un petit verre à madère, remplir en parties égales, sans les mé- langer, de la Chartreuse jaune, un jaune d’œuf sans le briser et de l’ Eau-de-vie de Dantzig.
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 169. Golden Slipper (Zapatilla de Oro).
1/2 Chartreuse amarillo. Un huevo. Llénese el vaso con Eau de Vie de Dantzig.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 42. Golden Slipper.
Place the yolk of a fresh cold egg in half a wineglass of chartreuse (yellow) and half a wineglass of Danziger goldwasser in a spiral or fancy wineglass, in such a manner that the egg and liqueurs do not mix. (See L’Amour Pousse, another way, page 45.)
1927 Harry McElhone: Barflies and Cocktails. Seite 33. Golden Slipper.
1/2 glass of Yellow Chartreuse into small wineglass, then drop one yolk of a Fresh Egg and 1/2 glass Eau de Vie de Dantzig. (Recipe by Harry Johnson, New Orleans.)
1927 Jean Lupoiu: 370 recettes de cocktails. Seite 45. Golden Slipper.
Dans un petit ballon ou coupe, verser sans mélanger: 1 jaune d’œuf, 1/3 Char- treuse Jaune, 1/3 Eau-de-vie de Dantzig. Ne pas mélanger, boire d’un trait.
1927 Marcel Requien & Lucien Farnoux Reynaud: L’heure du cocktail. Seite 74. Golden-Slipper.
1/2 verre à Madère de Chartreuse verte, 1 jaune d’œuf, 1/2 Eau de Dantzig. Même recommandations que précédemment. Communiqué par Harry Jqnhson (Nouvelle Orléans).
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 55. Golden Slipper.
Into a wineglass pour: 1/2 jigger yellow Chartreuse. 1 yolk of an egg, dropped in without breaking the yolk. 1/2 jigger Danziger goldwasser. (Popular lady’s drink.)
1927 Pedro Chicote: El bar americano en España. Seite 127. Golden Slipper.
Prepárese en una copa de las de jerez: 1 yema de huevo fresco. 1/2 copa de chartreuse amarillo. 1/2 – de coldwasser de Dantzig. Precaución que no se mezcle. Sírvanse pajas.
1927 Piero Grandy: Cocktails. Seite 89. Golden Slipper.
Un demi verre de Chartreuse jaune dans un petit verre à vin, ajoutez le jaune d’un oeuf frais, et un demi verre d’Eau de Vie de Dant- zig.
1928 Pero Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 318. Golden-Slipper Pousse-Cafe.
Prepárese en una copa de las de jerez: 1 yema de huevo fresco. 1/2 copa de chartreuse amarillo. 1/2 – de cold Wasser de Dantzig . Precaución que no se mezcle. Sírvanse pajas.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 80. Golden Slipper.
Dans un petit verre à madère, remplir en parties égales, sans les mé- langer, de la Chartreuse jaune, un jaune d’œuf sans le briser et de l’Eau-de-vie de Dantzig.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 59. Golden Slipper.
Another layer drink but served in a wine-glass. First one-half glass yellow Chartreuse, the yolk of a fresh cold egg and the glass filled with Danziger Goldwasser.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 70. Golden Slipper.
Dans le verre n° 10: 1/4 du verre chartreuse jaune. 1 jaune d’œuf sans le briser. Finir avec Dantzig Goldwasser après avoir agité cette bouteille. Ne pas mélanger. Boire d’un trait.
1930 Edgar Baudoin: Les meilleurs cocktails. Seite 10. Golden Slipper.
Dans un petit ballon ou coupe, verser sans mélan- ger: 1 jaune d’œuf, 1/3 Charteuse Jaune, 1/3 eau-de-vie de Dantzig. Ne pas mélanger, boire d’un trait.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de cantineros de la Republica de Cuba. Seite 109. Golden Slipper.
Usese copa de Jerez. 1/4 chartreuse amarillo. Un huevo fresco. Llénese la copa con Eau de Vie de Dantzig.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 76. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1/2 Liqueur Glass Yellow Chartreuse. The Yolk of 1 Fresh Egg. 1/2 Liqueur Class Eau de Vie de Danzig. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1930 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 46. Golden Slipper.
1/2 glass of Yellow Chartreuse in to small wine- glass, then drop one yolk of a Fresh Egg and 1/2 glass Eau de Vie de Dantzig. (Recipe by Harry Johnson, New Orleans.)
1930 Pedro Chicote: La ley mojada. Seite 338. Golden-Slipper Pousse-Cafe.
Prepárese en una copa de las de jerez: 1 yema de huevo fresco. 1/2 copa de chartreuse amarillo. 1/2 — de cold Wasser de Dantzig. Precaución que no se mezcle. Sírvanse pajas.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 141. Golden Slipper.
Chartreuse (Yellow) . . . 1/2 jig. Egg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 yolk . Goldenwasser . . . . . . . . . to fill Place Chartreuse in chilled highball glass, into which float unbroken egg yolk. Add Goldenwasser to fill and serve.
1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: Old Waldorf Bar Days. Seite 193. Golden Slipper.
(sherry) One-fourth Yellow Chartreuse One small Egg Fill with Dantzig
1931 Ignacio Domenech: El arte del cocktelero europeo. Seite 77. Golden-Slipper.
(PREPÁRESE EN UNA COPA DE LAS QUE SE BEBE EL VINO MADERA) Una tercera parte de copa de Chartreusse amarillo. Aña- dir luego: Una yema de huevo bien fresca, una tercera parte de copa de las en que se toma el vino de Madera, de Goldwasser de Dantzig. Sírvase sin que se mezcle ninguno de estos tres ingredientes.
1932 Niels Larsen: 156 recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 82. Golden Slipper.
[A préparer dans un verre à madère.] 1/3 de verre à madère de chartreuse jaune. Ajou- tez: 1 jaune d’œuf; 1/3 verre à madère de goldwasser de Dantzig. Servez sans mélanger.
1933 Anonymus: 300 Drinks and How to Mix ‘Em. Seite 21. Golden Slipper.
(A wine glass) 1/2 wine-glass Chartreuse (yellow). 1 yolk of an egg. 1/2 wine-glass Danziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with American ladies, much rel- ished. Be careful when preparing this beverage not to dis- turb the yolk of the egg.
1933 Anonymus: Here’s How to Mix ‘Em. Seite 21. Golden Slipper.
(A wine glass) 1/2 wine-glass Chartreuse (yellow). 1 yolk of an egg. 1/2 wine-glass Danziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with American ladies, much rel- ished. Be careful when preparing this beverage not to dis- turb the yolk of the egg.
1933 Anonymus: Lest We Forget. Seite 46. Golden Slipper.
One-half glass of Yellow Chartreuse into small wine-glass, then drop one yolk of a Fresh Egg and one-half glass Eau de Vie de Dantzig.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 79. Golden Slipper.
Yellow Chartreuse Into a wine glass put 1 1/2 ponies of Egg Yolk Chartreuse, 1 yolk of egg, and 1 1/2 Dantziger Gold- ponies of Dantziger Goldwasser. The wasser egg yolk must be unbroken and the . liqueurs must be separate in the glass.
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 41. Golden Slipper.
(use wineglass) 1/2 wineglass Chartreuse (yellow) Yolk of egg, unbroken. 1/2 wineglass Danziger Goldwasser. This is a drink much relished by American ladies.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 153. Golden Slipper.
Chartreuse (Yellow) Egg . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 yolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pony Goldenwasser . . . to fill Place Chartreuse in chilled highball glass, into which float unbroken egg yolk. Add Goldenwasser to fill and serve.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 76. Golen Slipper Cocktail.
1/2 Liqueur Glass Yellow Chartreuse. The Yolk of 1 Fresh Egg. 1/2 Liqueur Glass Eau de Vie de Danzig. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 115. Golden Slipper.
Use wine glass. One-half wine glass Chartreuse (yellow). Yolk of 1 egg dropped in without breaking. One-half wine glass Goldwasser.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 165. Golden Slipper.
(Use sherry glass) 25% yellow chartreuse 1 whole egg Fill glass with eau-de-vie de Danzig.
1933 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 70. Golden Slipper.
Dans le verre n° 10: 1/4 du verre chartreuse jaune. 1 jaune d’œuf sans le briser. Finir avec Dantzig Goldwasser après avoir agité cette bouteille. Ne pas mélanger. Boire d’un trait.
1935 R. C. Miller: The American Bar Guide. Seite 59. Golden Slipper.
(Use a wine-glass) 1/2 wine-glass chartreuse (yellow), 1 yolk of an egg, 1/2 wine-glass danziger goldwasser. Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb the yolk of the egg.
1934b Tom and Jerry: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 39. Golden Slipper.
(Use wine-glass.) 1/2 wine-glass yellow Chartreuse. 1 yolk of an egg. 1/2 wine-glass Danziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 306. Golden-Slipper (Der goldene Pantoffel).
(Der goldene Pantoffel) In ein Weinglas gebe: Originalrezept von 1/2 Cocktailglasvoll Harry Johnson † Chartreuse, gelb . 1 Eigelb (im Ganzen) . 1/2 Danziger Goldwasser . (die Liköre müssen . kalt sein)
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 88. Golden Slipper.
. Use Sherry Glass 1/4 Yellow Chartreuse Fill glass with Eau de 1 whole egg Vie de Dantzig
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. Seite 39. Golden Slipper.
(Use wine-glass.) 1/2 wine-glass yellow Chartreuse. 1 yolk of an egg. 1/2 wine-glass Danziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished. Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb the yolk of the egg.
1934 Harry Jerrold Gordon: Gordon’s Cocktail and Food Recipes. Seite 109. Golden Slipper.
1 Yellow Chartreuse Add Yolk of 1 Egg 1 Goldwasser Pour all ingredients into glass slowly so that they do not mix.
1934 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders’ Manual. Seite 168. Golden Slipper.
(Use a sherry wine glass.) 1/2 wine-glass of chartreuse (yellow); 1 yolk of a fresh cold egg; 1/2 wine-glass of “Danziger Goldwasser.” The above drink is a great favorite of the ladies from Southern America, and must be mixed in a very careful manner, so that the yolk of the egg does not run into the liquor, and keep its form; use a sherry- glass in mixing, instead of a spoon (see illustration, plate No. 13).
Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual, plate 13. 1934.
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 53. Golden Slipper.
1/2 glass of Yellow Chartreuse into small wineglass, then drop one yolk of a Fresh Egg and 1/2 glass Eau de Vie de Dantzig. (Recipe by Harry Johnson, New Orleans.)
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 102. Mixing a Golden Slipper.
Golden Slippers somehow always put me in mind of the opera and dazzling beauties stepping into hmousines. At any rate, the drink is worthy such a vision and here’s how to mix one: Into a wine glass with tall slender stem, pour not quite a half portion of yellow Chartreuse Wine and not quite half portion of Eau de Vie de Danzig, known to many as “Golden Water.” Now carefully spoon into this a yolk of one egg, being careful not to break the yolk. Your charming com panion at the opera will relish this while you, possibly, are having a Manhattan as your drink.
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 183. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1/2 Liqueur Glass Yellow Chartreuse Yolk of 1 Fresh Egg 1/2 Liqueur Glass Eau de Vie de Danzig Shake well in ice and strain into glass. Use glass number 4
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 80. Golden Slipper.
Chartreuse . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Eau de Vie . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger . Egg . . . . . . . . . 1/3 of yolk Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 108. Golden Slipper.
One-fourth yellow Chartreuse One small Egg (sherry glass) Fill with Eau de Vie de Dantzig
1935 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 18. Golden Slipper.
1/2 wine-glass Chartreuse (Yellow) 1 Yolk of an Egg 1/2 wine-glass Danziger Goldwasser This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished. Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb the yolk of the egg.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 84. Golden Slipper.
(Use wine glass) 1 Pony of Yellow Chartreuse 1 Yolk of an egg 1 Pony of Goldwasser This is much relished by the ladies. Be careful when preparing this beverage not to break the yolk of the egg.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 59. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1 Dash Yellow Chartreuse Yolk of one Fresh Egg 1 Jigger Old Mr. Boston Apri- cot Nectar Shake well in ice and strain into 4 oz. Cocktail glass.
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 239. Golden Slipper Flip.
1936 Anonymus: Cocktails, Drinks and Snacks. Seite 46. Golden Slipper.
2 oz. Yellow Chartreuse Yolk of one egg 2 oz. Goldwasser Pour all ingredients into cocktail glass slow so they do not mix.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 41. Golden Slipper.
1 part Yellow Chartreuse 1 part Eau de Vie de Danzig The yolk of 1 fresh Egg.
1936 Elvezio Grassi: 1000 misture. Seite 131. Golden slipper (Pantofola di oro).
Si versa in un bicch. a calice piccolo: 1 Tuorlo d’uovo 25% Chartreuse gialla 45% Eau de Dantzig. Servite senza mescolare.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 215. Golden Slipper.
1/2 Sherry glass yellow Char- 1 egg yolk treuse 1/2 Sherry glass Danziger Goldwasser Pour the Chartreuse into the Sherry glass, add the yolk of the egg, being careful not to break it, and pour the Danziger Goldwasser on top, slowly and carefully so that it will not mix with the Chartreuse. Makes 1.
1936 Frank Meier: The Artistry of Mixing Drinks. Seite 32. Golden Slipper.
In cocktail glass: one-third Be- nedictine, the yolk of an Egg, one-third Dantziger Wasser. Ingredients should not mix.
1937 R. de Fleury: And All That. Seite 256. Golden Slipper.
The Golden Slipper is a South American Pousse Cafe, well known in Buenos Ayres. favourite drink in Ger It contains:— The Yolk of a fresh Egg 1/2 Yellow Chartreuse 1/2 Eau de Vie de Dant- zig
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 165. Golden Slipper.
Usese copa de Jerez. Cuarta parte chartreuse amarillo. Un huevo fresco. Llénese la copa con Eau de Vie de Dant- zig
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 116. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1/2 Yellow Chartreuse 1 small Egg Yolk 1/2 Goldwasser Shake well Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 74. Golden Slipper.
Dans un verre à cocktail, sans mélanger: 1 jaune d’œuf, 1/2 Chartreuse Jaune, 1/2 Eau-de-vie de Dantzig. Boire d’un trait.
1938 Krönlein-Beutel: Das Getränkebuch. Seite 136. Golden Slipper.
In ein Stengelglas 1 Mignonglas grünen Chartreuse, 1 Eigelb und 1 Mignonglas Danziger Goldwasser geben.
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 82. Golden Slipper.
1 jaune d’œuf frais. 1/2 verre à liqueur de chartreuse jaune. 1/2 verre à liqueur de dantziger goldwasser (eau-de-vie de Danzig). Fort apprécié à Buenos-Aires.
1940 Anonymus: Recipes. Seite 19. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
Use a sherry glass 1/2 glass Danzig Goldwasser l Egg Yolk Fill glass with Yellow Chartreuse Each separate and serve.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 152. Golden Slipper.
The yolk of an egg, 1/6 gill of yellow Chartreuse, 1/6 gill of eau de vie de Danzig (or old brandy).
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 183. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1/2 Liqueur Glass Yellow Chartreuse Yolk of 1 Fresh Egg 1/2 Liqueur Glass Eau de Vie de Danzig Shake well in ice and strain into glass. Use glass number 4
1940 Pedros Talavera: Los secretos del cocktail. Seite 111. Golden Slipper.
En la cocktelera, unos pedacitos de hielo. 1 yema de huevo. 1/2 copa de Chartreuse Amarillo. 1/2 ídem de Kirsch. Agítese bien y se pasa al vaso núm. 3.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 109. Golden Slipper.
1 Yellow Chartreuse Add Yolk of 1 Egg 1 Goldwasser Pour all ingredients into glass slowly so that they do not mix.
1945 George Garnder: How to be a bartender. Seite 39. Golden Slipper.
Use wineglass. Yellow Chartreuse, 1/2 wineglass. Egg, 1 yolk. Danziger Goldwasser, 1/2 wineglass. In preparing, do not break the yolk of egg. (Delicious lady’s drink.)
1945 R. M. Barrows & Betty Stone: 300 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 12. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1/2 Yellow Chartreuse 1 Yolk of an Egg 1/2 Goldwasser Pour slowly in order named so they do not mix.
1946 Bill Kelly: The Roving bartender. Seite 33. Golden Slipper.
1/2 oz. yellow chartreuse 1 egg yolk 1/2 oz. good brandy Put in cocktail glass in order named.
1946 Lucius Beebe: The Stork Club bar Book. Seite 114. Golden Sipper.
1 pony of yellow chartreuse 1 yolk of egg 1 pony of goldwasser Pour one pony of yellow chartreuse into sherry glass. Then drop yolk of egg without breaking it and then add one pony of goldwasser on top.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 46. Cold Slipper.
Dans un verre à cocktail sans mélanger: 1 jaune d’œuf: 1/2 Chartreuse jaune; 1/2 Eau de Vie de Dantzig.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 309. Golden-Slipper Pousse-Cafe.
Prepárese en una copa de las de jerez: Una yema de huevo fresco. 1/2 copa de chartreuse amarillo. 1/2 copa de cold Wasser de Dantzig. Precaución que no se mezcle. Sírvanse pajas.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 80. Golden Slipper.
Dans un petit verre à madère, remplir en parties égales, sans les mé- langer, de la Chartreuse jaune, un jaune d’œuf sans le briser et de l’Eau-de-vie de Dantzig.
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 234. Golden Slipper.
Fill a sherry glass about 1/3 full with Yellow Chartreuse; carefully float an egg yolk on the Chartreuse; then fill the glass to within 3/8″ of the top with Danziger Goldwasser.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El arte del cantinero. Seite 370. Golden Slipper No. 1.
En copa de Jerez échese: 1 parte de Chartreuse ama- rillo. 1 yema de huevo. 1 parte de Goldwasser. Por ese orden, échense en la copa suavemente, de ma- nera que no se mezclen, esos ingredientes y sírvase.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El arte del cantinero. Seite 370. Golden Slipper No. 2.
En copa de Jerez, póngase: 1/4, de Chartreuse amarillo. Un huevo fresco. Llénese la copa con Eau de Vie de Dantzig.
1948 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 58. Goloden Slipper.
Dans un verre à cocktail, sans mélanger: 1 jaune d’œuf, 1/2 Chartreuse Jaune, 1/2 Eau-de-vie de Dantzig. Boire d’un trait.
1948 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel 10. Seite 72. Golden Slipper.
Dans le verre n° 10: 1/4 du verre chartreuse jaune. 1 jaune d’œuf sans le briser. Finir avec Dantzig Goldwasser après avoir agité cette bouteille. Ne pas mélanger. Boire d’un trait.
1948 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel 11. Seite 72. Golden Slipper.
Dans le verre n° 10: 1/4 du verre chartreuse jaune. 1 jaune d’œuf sans le briser. Finir avec Dantzig Goldwasser après avoir agité cette bouteille. Ne pas mélanger. Boire d’un trait.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 203. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1/2 oz. green chartreuse 1/2 oz. eau de vie . 1 egg yolk Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der bar. Seite 364. Golden-Slipper.
In ein Knickebeinglas gebe man 1/3 gelbe Chartreuse, ein frisches unzerbrochenes Eigelb, und fülle auf mit Danziger Goldwasser. Die verschiedenen Substanzen sollen nicht ineinander laufen. (Näheres siehe unter «Pousse-Cafés»). Mit Saughalmen servieren.
1949 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 72. Golden Slipper.
Dans le verre n° 10: 1/4 du verre chartreuse jaune. 1 jaune d’œuf sans le briser. Finir avec Dantzig Goldwasser après avoir agité cette bouteille. Ne pas mélanger. Boire d’un trait.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 134. Golden Slipper.
1/2 Chartreuse (gelb), 1/2 Danziger Goldwasser, 1/2 Eigelb. Rühre so vorsichtig mit Eis um, daß das Eigelb ganz bleibt. Nach Entfernen des Eises reichst Du im Weinglas.
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 114. Golden Slipper.
Courtesy, Hotel Last Frontier, Las Vegas, Nevada “Named in honor of our new Golden Slipper Saloon and Gambling Hall, located in the Last Frontier Village.” 1/4 oz. cream 1 egg yolk 34 oz. brandy 1/4 oz. cherry liqueur 1 barspoon sugar Ice Shake, serve in cocktail glass.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 77. Golden Slipper.
Dans un verre à cocktail: 1/3 de bénédictine, Le jaune d’un œuf, 1/3 de Dantziger Wasser. (Les ingrédients ne doivent pas se mélanger.)
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 152. Golden Slipper.
The yolk of an egg, 1/6 gill of yellow Chartreuse, 1/6 gill of eau de vie de Danzig (or old brandy).
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 74. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Yellow Chartreuse 2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Apricot Nectar Liqueur Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 4 oz. Cocktail glass. Float Yolk of Egg on top.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 66. Golden Slipper.
Dans un verre à cocktail, sans mélanger: 1 jaune d’œuf, 1/2 Chartreuse Jaune, 1/2 d’Eau-de-vie de Dantzig. Boire d’un trait.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 73. Golden Slipper.
1/2 Jigger Yellow Chartreuse 1/2 Jigger Eau de Vie Danzig 1 Egg Yolk Shake well with ice and strain into glass.
1957 Henry Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 143. Golden Slipper.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 409. Golden Slipper.
Dans un verre à Knickebein mettre 1/3 chartreuse jaune, un jaune d’œuf non brisé et finir de remplir avec eau-de-vie de Dantzig (Dan- ziger Goldwasser). Les diverses substances ne doivent pas se mélan- ger. Servir avec pailles. Pour de plus amples détails voir sous pousse-cafés. (Voir l’illustration en couleur.)
Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar, 1965, page 409. Golden Slipper.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 29. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
3/4 ounce yellow Chartreuse 1 egg yolk 3/4 ounce brandy Shake with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 97. Golden Slipper.
(Harry Johnson) Verre à Knickebein. 1/3 chartreuse jaune, un jaune d’oeuf non brisé. Remplir avec eau-de-vie de Dantzig. Voir l’illustration en couleur.
Harry Schraemli Le roi du bar. 1966, page 97. Golden Slipper.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
(Build) Sherry or Cocktail Glass 1/2 Jigger Yellow Chartreuse Yolk of 1 Egg 1/2 Jigger Gold Wasser Do not break egg yolk.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 110. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
3/4 ounce yellow Chartreuse 2 ounces apricot brandy 1 egg yolk Stir Chartreuse and apricot brandy with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Float egg yolk on top.
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 37. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1 jigger yellow chartreuse 1 yolk of an egg 1/2 jigger Danziger Goldwasser Pour into a sherry glass slowly in order named so as to float egg on top of the char- treuse, then pour in gold- wasser so that ingredients do not mix.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 110. Golden Slipper.
1/3 gin 1/3 advokaat 1/3 orange juice 1 teaspoon sugar 1 dash egg white Shaker Lucien Quesnell. 1st Prize, Canadian National Cocktail Competition, 1969. Avenue Hotel, Espanola, Ontario, Canada.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 295. Golden Slipper.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-3/4 oz apricot brandy 3/4 oz Yellow Chartreuse Float egg yolk on top
Variation Shake 3/4 oz Yellow (or Green) Chartreuse 3/4 oz Eau de Vie Danzig 1 egg yolk
Variation Build 1 oz Bénédictine Drop in 1 egg yolk Float 1 oz goldwasser
1979 Fred Powell: The Bartender’s Standard Manual. Seite 39. Golden Slipper.
1/2 jigger Yellow Chartreuse 1/2 jigger Eau de Vie de Danzig 1 Egg Yolk Shake with ice and strain.
40 ml Chartreuse yellow
1 egg yolk
40 ml Danziger Goldwasser
Preparation: Layered. First pour the Chartreuse into the glass. Then position the egg yolk on top. It must not break. Then carefully pour the Goldwasser over a spoon.
Oh, Dem Golden Slippers & Little Lord Fauntleroy
Oh, Dem Golden Slippers is a song composed in 1879 by African American James A. Bland. [1] It is a parody of a spiritual and was a hit in the 1880s. [2]
Even today it is very well known in Germany. Who doesn’t know the scene in the film “Little Lord Fauntleroy” when the little lord stands in front of the orchestra and makes them sing “Oh Dem Golden Slippers”, whereupon the high society starts dancing to it.
This film has been shown by ARD since 1982, [3] and is thus part of the annual Christmas tradition. Everyone will probably have seen it before, so we can dispense with a summary. This year, by the way, it will be shown on 18 December at 8:15 pm.
When you arrive at the orchestral scene, or even before, you should prepare yourself a Golden Slipper, so that not only your ears but also your palate can enjoy it.
The drink
Many may have inhibitions about enjoying this drink nowadays. The raw egg yolk floating in the middle of the glass is too unusual. However, at the time of its creation – first mentioned by Harry Johnson in 1882 – it was extremely popular with the ladies. Harry Johnson first writes of “American ladies”, but in 1888 he writes of ladies from South America. Robert Vermeire is even more precise in 1922 and writes that the drink is very well known in Buenos Aires.
The ingredients listed in the recipes are almost exclusively yellow Chartreuse and Danzig Goldwasser. There are a few exceptions, and these are perhaps partly explained by the fact that other spirits had to be used in the absence of the original ingredients. In 1895, Chris F. Lawlor uses cherry brandy instead of Goldwasser for the first time. In 1907, Frank Newman first suggested Bénédictine instead of Chartreuse. One recipe that really takes some getting used to is the one by Jacques Straub in 1913. He was the first to layer a whole egg in the glass. You shouldn’t do that. In 1920, Ferruccio Mazzon replaces the gold water with a yellow aquavit. In 1920, A. Brehmer thinks that red curaçao can be used instead of Chartreuse. A method of preparation that does not do justice to the drink is the one given by Harry Craddock in 1930. He shakes all the ingredients. From our point of view, this does not suit the drink, because it takes away much of its harmoniousness and makes it more monotonous. Perhaps this method of preparation came about because fewer and fewer people wanted to have a raw egg yolk floating in their glass? In 1935, Leo Cotton thinks you can greatly reduce the chartreuse content and use apricot nectar instead of Goldwasser. 1940 Charles suggests an old brandy as an alternative to Goldwasser.
Harry Craddock’s method of preparation was taken to its logical conclusion by O. Blunier in 1935. He shakes, garnishes with nutmeg and calls the whole thing Golden Slipper Flipp – but the Golden Slipper is not to be understood as a flip.
Since the song that gave it its name was very popular, it is not surprising that Patsy McDonough also published a drink of this name in 1883, with a completely different recipe, but this was not published again in the years that followed. Also in 1951, another recipe for a Golden Slipper was published. It is something quite different and was named in honour of the newly opened Golden Slipper saloon and gambling hall in Las Vegas.
Why do we publish this layered drink?
It is an important drink from a historical perspective. On the one hand, it is a representative of the formerly popular layer drinks, the pousse cafés. For another, it was extremely popular at the time it was created. Harry Johnson not only writes this, but he also underlines his statement by the fact that the Golden Slipper is one of the few drinks to which he dedicates an illustration in his book, on plate 13, directly above the Martini Cocktail. [4-Plate 13]
Even though the use of a whole egg yolk may seem strange to many today, and the thought of the Golden Slipper recipe may seem less than palatable, we have to disagree here.
Yes, it is a sweet drink. After all, it consists almost entirely of liqueurs. So you can’t drink it all the time, but only when something sweet seems appropriate, for example as a dessert. Then it fits perfectly. The Goldwasser harmonises wonderfully with the yellow Chartreuse. And then, at the end, when the egg yolk bursts in the mouth and the contents mix with the yellow Chartreuse, you notice again how perfectly the flavours go together. The combination of these three ingredients shows a very great mastery. This is exactly why you must not use alternative ingredients or even shake the drink!
So you see: what at first glance may seem almost disgusting and unbalanced, sometimes turns out to be a little gem, a masterfully composed layered drink. One must not be prejudiced, but must consciously engage with some historical conventions in order to discover something new.
Historical recipes
1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improve Bartender’s Manual. Seite 71. Golden Slipper.
(Use a wine glass.)
One-half wine glass of Chartreuse (yellow);
1 yolk of a fresh cold egg;
One-half wine glass of Danziger Goldwasser.
The above drink is a great favorite of the American
ladies, and must be mixed in a very careful manner, so
that the yolk of the egg does not run into the liquor.
1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improve Bartender’s Manual. Seite 153. Golden Slipper.
(Gebrauche ein Weinglas.)
Einviertel Weinglas Chartreuse (gelb);
1 Eidotter frisch und kalt;
Einhalb Weinglas Danziger Goldwasser;
und servire dieses. Bei Bereitung dieses Getränkes, welches
vorzugsweise bei den amerikanischen Damen beliebt
ist, muss insofern Vorsicht gebraucht werden, als
die einzelnen Sorten Liqueure unvermischt, schichtenweise
im Glase stehen müssen und der Dotter nicht
verlaufen darf.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers’ Guide. Seite 18. Golden Slipper.
Fill large bar glass one-third fill of cracked ice, one table-spoon of
sugar, one egg, one wine-glass of Brandy, one wine-glass of Seltzer
water, and the rest of milk; shake and grate nutmeg on top. Sip
through a straw.
1884 Joseph W. Gibson: Scientific Bar-Keeping. Seite 21. Golden Slipper.
1/3 wine glass of Chartreuse (yel-
low); 1 yolk of a fresh cold egg; 1/3 wine glass of Danziger
Goldwasser. The above drink is a great favorite of the Ameri-
can ladies, and must be mixed in a very careful manner, so
that the yolk of the egg does not run into the liquor. (Use a
wine glass.)
1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartender’s Guide. Seite 34. Golden Slipper.
(A wine glass.)
1/2 wine-glass diartreuse (yellow.)
1 yolk of an egg.
1/2 wine-glass Danziger goldwasser.
This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished.
Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb
the yolk of egg.
1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 45. Golden Slipper.
(Use a Sherry wine glass.)
1/2 wine glass of Chartreuse (yellow);
1 yolk of a fresh cold egg;
1/2 wine glass of Danziger Goldwasser;
The above drink is a great favorite of the ladies
from Southern America, and must be mixed in a
very careful manner, so that the yolk of the egg
does not run into the liquor, and keep its form.
(See Illustration, Plate No. 13.)
1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 151. Golden Slipper.
(Gebrauche ein Sherry Weinglas.)
1/2 Weinglas Curarçoa (roth);
1 frischer Eidotter;
1/2 Weinglas Danziger Goldwasser;
Dies ist ein Lieblingsgetrank südamerikanischer
Damen, und muss mit grosser Vorsicht zubereitet
werden, so dass der Eidotter nicht mit den Liquören
zusammenläuft, sondern seine Form behält.-(Siehe
Illustration, Tafel No. 13.
1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender. Seite 25. Golden Slipper.
A wine glass.
One-half wine-glass Chartreuse (yellow).
One yolk of an egg.
One-half wine-glass Danziger goldwasser.
This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished.
Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb
the yolk of the egg.
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 18. Golden Slipper.
1/2 wine glass Chartreuse (yellow)
1 yolk of an egg.
1/2 wine glass Danziger Goldwasser.
This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished.
Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb the
yolk of the egg.
1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 15. Golden Slipper.
[Use wine glass.]
1/2 wine glass of yellow
chartreuse, yolk of 1 egg,
1/2 wine glass of Danziger
goldwasser. Don’t let the
yolk of the egg run into
the liquors.
1895 Bartender’s Association of New York City. Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 28. Golden Slipper.
(Use wine glass.)
1/2 wine glass yellow chartreuse.
Yolk of one egg.
1/2 wine glass of danziger goldwasser.
Don’t let the yolk of the egg run into the
1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 51. Golden Slipper.
Put in bell-shape claret-glass half jigger yellow
Chartreuse, yolk of one egg, fill with Kirsch Wasser.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 67. Golden Slipper.
Fill a wine-glass one-third full of yellow char-
treuse, add the yolk of a small egg, then fill the
glass with Danziger Goldwasser; be careful not to
break the y olk of the egg, and keep the cordials
1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 25. Golden Slipper.
Put in bell shape claret-glass half jigger yel-
low Chartreuse, yolk of one egg, fill with Kirsch
1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 67. Golden Slipper.
(Use a wine-glass.)
1/2 wine glass chartreuse (yellow), 1 yolk of an egg,
wine-glass danziger goldwasser. Be careful when
preparing this beverage not to disturb the yolk of the
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 42. Golden Slipper.
Place the yolk of a fresh cold egg in half a
wineglass of chartreuse (yellow) and half a
wineglass of Danziger goldwasser in a spiral
or fancy wineglass, in such a manner that the
egg and liqueurs do not mix. (See L’ Amour
Pousse another way, page 45.)
1896 Louis Fouquet: Bariana. Seite 45. Golden Slipper.
Prendre un petit verre F, verser quart de chartreuse
jaune, mettre délicatement un jaune d’œuf entier bien frais,
puis remplir le verre tout doucement avec de l’eau-de-vie de
Dantzig et servir.
C’est une des boissons les plus favorites de nos Améri-
1899 Aczél Miksa: American Bar. Seite 40. Golden Slipper.
(Pohár VL)
Önts a VI. pohárb a kevés sárga chartreuse-t
helyezz el egy tojás sárgáját gyengéden a pohárba,
töltsd fel dantzigi aranyviz zel, hagya állni pár perczig
s így az arany szálacsk ák lassan bevonják a tojást.
A dantzigi aranyviz (dantziger Goldwasser) fehér
szinü édeskés pálinka tojás fehérjével készítve, a fe-
hérje szétfoszlódik nem oldódik fel és mint kisebb
nagyobb szalagocskák uszkálnak , mit a szesz lassan-
ként aranyszinüvé változtat.
Nálunk szintén ismer etes „a Golden Slippes” , de
kniekebein név alatt és aranyviz helyett vaniliát hasz-
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 51. Golden Slipper.
Put in bell-shape claret-glass half jigger yellow
Chartreuse, yolk of one egg, fill with Kirsch Wasser.
1899 Edward Spencer: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 160. Golden Slipper.
the egg-yolk reappears.
Place the yolk of an egg in a spiral wine-glass,
half full of yellow chartreuse. Fill up with
Dantzicer goldwasser, and do not let the ingredients
mix. This goldwasser is said to be the oldest
liqueur known in Europe, having been introduced
into France by the Italians in the time of Catharine
de Medici. Its origin is undoubtedly Italian, and
the colourless liquor made in Dantzic, with the
fragments o f gold leaf floating therein, is a fiery
imitation o f the real thing.
1900 Frank Newman: American Bar. Seite 53. Golden Slipper.
Verre n° 12
Prendre le verre n° 12:
1/4 de verre chartreuse jaune.
Casser délicatement un œuf, y déposer doucement le
jaune, remplir le verre avec de l’eau-de-vie de Dantzig,
(Agiter la bouteille de Dantzig avant de verser.)
1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 168. Golden Slipper.
(Use a sherry wine glass.)
1/2 wine-glass of chartreuse (yellow);
1 yolk of a fresh cold egg;
1/2 wine-glass of “Danziger Goldwasser.”
The above drink is a great favorite of the ladies
from Southern America, and must be mixed in a very
careful manner, so that the yolk of the egg does not
run into the liquor, and keep its form; use a sherry-
glass in mixing, instead of a spoon (see illustration,
plate No. 13).
1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #172. Golden Slipper.
Half fill a sherry glass with yellow Chartreuse, on the top of which, place
the yolk of an egg and fill the glass with goldwasser.
1901 J. E. Sheridan: The Complete Buffet Manual. Seite 40. Golden Slipper.
(Use wine glass.)
1/2 wine-glass yellow Chartreuse.
1 yolk of an egg.
1/2 wine-glass Danziger goldwasser.
This is a favorite with American ladies, much rel-
Be careful when preparing this beverage not to dis-
turb the yolk of the egg.
1902 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 38. Golden Slipper.
WINEGLASS.—1/2 wineglass yellow Chartreuse,
yolk of one egg, 1/2 wineglass Danziger Goldwasser.
Don’t allow yolk of egg to break.
1902 Anonymus: Red Top Rye Guide. Seite 51. Golden Slipper.
(Use ordinary wine-glass.)
One-half wine-glassful of Chartreuse
Yolk of one egg.
One-half wine-glassful of Danziger-gold-
This favorite drink is a beverage much
relished by American ladies. Be care-
ful in preparing not to break the yolk
of the egg.
1903 Edward Spencer: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 160. Golden Slipper.
the egg-yolk reappears.
Place the yolk of an egg in a spiral wine-glass,
half full of yellow chartreuse. Fill up with
Dantzicer goldwasser, and do not let the ingredients
mix. This goldwasser is said to be the oldest
liqueur known in Europe, having been introduced
into France by the Italians in the time of Catharine
de Medici. Its origin is undoubtedly Italian, and
the colourless liquor made in Dantzic, with the
fragments of gold leaf floating therein, is a fiery
imitation of the real thing.
1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 39. Golden Slipper.
(Use wine-glass.)
1/2 wine-glass yellow Chartreuse.
1 yolk of an egg.
1/2 wine-glass Danziger goldwasser.
This is a favorite with American ladies, much
Be careful when preparing this beverage not to
disturb the yolk of the egg.
1904 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 48. Golden Slipper.
Verre n° 12
Mettre dans le verre n° 12:
1/4 de chartreuse jaune.
Casser délicatement un œuf, y déposer doucement le
jaune, remplir le verre avec de l’eau-de-vie de Dantzig,
(Agiter la bouteille de Dantzig avant de verser.)
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks As They Are Mixed. Seite 39. Golden Slipper.
Use wineglass.
Yellow Chartreuse, 1/2 wineglass.
Egg, 1 yolk.
Danziger Goldwasser, 1/2 wineglass.
In preparing, do not break the yolk
of egg. (Delicious lady’s drink.)
1904 Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks. Seite 34. Golden Slipper.
(A wine glass.)
1/2 wine-glass Chartreuse (yellow.)
1 yolk of an egg.
1/2 wineglass Danziger goldwasser.
This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished.
Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb
the yolk of the egg.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 67. Golden Slipper.
Fill a wine-glass one-third full of yellow char-
treuse, add the yolk of a small egg, then fill the
glass with Danziger Goldwasser; be careful not to
break the yolk of the egg, and keep the cordials
1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 59. Golden Slipper.
Use a wine glass.
1/2 wine-glass Chartreuse (yellow).
1 yolk of an egg.
1/2 a wine-glass Danziger goldwasser.
This is a favorite with American
ladies, much relished.
Be careful when preparing this
beverage not to disturb the yolk of
the egg.
1907 Frank Newman: American Bar. Seite 48. Golden Slipper.
Verre n° 12
Mettre dans le verre n° 12:
1/4 de bénédictine.
Casser délicalement un œuf, y déposer doucement le
jaune, remplir le verre avec de l’eau-de-vie de Dantzig,
(Agiter la bouteille de Dantzig avant de verser.)
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 60. Golden Slipper.
Into a vermouth-glass place a pony of yellow chartreuse, on the top
of which place the yolk of an egg and fill the glass with goldwasser.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 79. Golden Slipper.
(Gebrauche ein Pousse-Café- oder Sherryglas.)
1/3 Glas Chartreuse, grün,
1 frisches Eigelb,
1/3 Glas Danziger Goldwasser.
Mit Vorsicht zubereiten.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 67. Golden Slipper.
Fill a wine-glass one-third full of yellow char-
treuse, add the yolk of a small egg, then fill the
glass with Danziger Goldwasser; be careful not to
break the yolk of the egg, and keep the cordials
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 81. Golden Slipper.
Use a sherry wine glass.
1/2 glass Chartreuse (yellow).
Yolk of one egg.
1/2 glass Danziger Goldwasser.
Each separate and serve.
1910 E. Moreno: Manual el cantinero o cocktelero perfecto. Slipper de huevo.
En una copa — uso Jerez — échese cuanto sigue:
Chartreuse amarillo . . . . . . . 1/3 de copa
Goldwaser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 de copa
La yema de un huevo fresco.
Ofrézcase la bebida sin agitar el contenidó.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.’ Bartenders’ Guide. Seite 36. Golden Slipper.
(Use a wine-glass.)
One-half wine-glass of chartreuse (yellow),
Yolk of one egg,
One-half wine-glass danziger goldwasser.
This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished. In
preparing, do not disturb the yo lk of the egg.
1912 Ignacio Doménech: El arte del cocktelero europeo. Seite 67. Golden Slipper.
Una tercera parte de copa de Chartreusse ama-
rillo. Añadir luego:
Una yema de huevo bien fresca.
Una tercera parte de copa de las en que se toma
el vino de Madera, de Goldwasser de Dantzig.
Sírvase sin que se mezcle ninguno de estos tres
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #97. Golden Slipper.
Use wine glass; 1/2 glass yellow char-
treuse, yelk of 1 egg, 1/2 glass Danziger
Goldwasser. Be careful when preparing
not to break yelk of egg.
1912 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How To Mix Them. Seite 60. Golden Slipper.
Into a vermouth-glass place a pony of yellow chartreuse, on the top
of which place the yolk of an egg and fill the glass with goldwasser.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America. Seite 43. Slipper.
(A wineglass.) 1/2 wineglass of char-
treuse (yellow); 1 yolk of an egg; 1/2 wineglass of
nziger goldwasser. This is a favorite with Amer-
ican ladies, much relished. Be careful when pre-
paring this beverage not to disturb the yolk of the
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 79. Golden Slipper.
(Gebrauche ein Pousse-Café- oder Sherryglas).
1/2 Glas Chartreuse, grün,
1 frisches Eigelb,
1/2 Glas Danziger Goldwasser.
Mit Vorsicht zubereiten.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 89. Golden-Slipper.
Gebrauche ein spitzes Südweinglas, 1/3 Glas
Chartreuse gelb, 1 Eigelb, 1/3 Glas Danziger Goldwasser.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks. Seite 90. Golden Slipper.
Use Sherry glass.
1/4 Yellow Chartreuse.
1 Whole Egg.
Fill glass with Eau de Vie de Dantzig.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 37. Golden Slipper.
Into a wineglass pour: 1/2 jigger yellow Char-
treuse; 1 yolk of an egg, dropped in without
breaking the yolk; 1/2 jigger Danziger goldwasser.
(Popular lady’s drink.)
1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 28. Golden Slipper.
Use wine-glass.
One-half wine-glass Chartreuse (yellow).
Yolk of 1 egg dropped in without breaking.
One-half wine-glass Danziger Goldwasser.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 71. Golden Slipper.
1/4 yellow chartreuse.
1 whole egg.
Fill glass with eau de vie de Dantzig.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 111. Golden Slipper
(Use sherry glass)
25% Yellow Chartreuse
1 whole egg
Fill glass with eau de vie de Dantzig.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 81. Golden Slipper.
Use a sherry wine glass.
1/2 glass Chartreuse (yellow).
Yolk of one egg.
1/2 glass Danziger Goldwasser.
Each separate and serve.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 79. Golden Slipper.
(Gebrauche ein Pousse-Café- oder Sherryglas.)
1/3 Glas Chartreuse, grün,
1 frisches Eigelb,
1/3 Glas Danziger Goldwasser.
Mit Vorsicht zubereiten.
1920 Ferruccio Mazzon: Guida del barman mixer. Seite 73. Golden Slipper.
In un calice a liquori versate:
1/4 bicchiere di Chartreuse gialla
1/4 bicchiere di Acquavite gialla
1 tuorlo d’uovo.
Servite senza scuotere.
1920 Niels Larsen: 156 recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 82. Golden Slipper.
[A préparer dana un verre à madère.]
1/3 de verre à madère de chartreuse jaune. Ajou-
1 jaune d’oeuf;
1/3 verre à madère de goldwasser de Dantzig.
Servez sans mélanger.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 59. Golden Slipper.
Dans un petit verre à ma-
dère, emplir en parties égales Chartreuse jaune,
un jaune d’œuf dessus (sans le briser), et emplir
avec eau-de-vie de Dantzig.
1922 Anonymus: Quelques recettes pour boissons américaines. Seite 31. Golden Slipper.
Verre no 12.
Mettre dans le verre no 12:
1/4 de BOLS JAUNE.
Casser délicatement un ŒUF, y déposer doucement
le JAUNEi remplir le verre avec de l’EAU-DE-VIE
DE DANTZIG; servir.
(Agiter la bouteille de Dantzig avant de servir.)
1922 Robert Vermeire: Cocktails. Seite 77. Golden Slipper.
The Golden Slipper is a South American
Pousse Café, well known in Buenos Ayres.
It contains:
The yolk of a fresh egg.
1/6 gill of Yellow Chartreuse.
1/6 gill of Eau de Vie de Dantzig, that is
Dantziger Goldwasser.
1922 W. Slagter: Hoe maakt men american plainen fancy drinks. Seite 161. Golden Slipper.
1/3 deel Groene of Geele Chartreuse.
Legt hierin voorzichtig een heel eidooier
1/ 3 Dantziger Goldwasser.
1923 Harry McElhone: „Harry“ of Ciro’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 35. Golden Slipper.
1/2 glass of Yellow Chartreuse into small wine
glass, then drop one yolk of a Fresh Egg and 1/2 glass
Eau de Vie de Dantzig.
(Recipe by Harry Johnson, New Orleans.)
1923 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 68. Golden Slipper.
Dans le verre n° 10:
1/4 du verre chartreuse jaune.
1 jaune d’œuf sans le briser.
Finir avec Dantzig Goldwasser après avoir agité cette
Ne pas mélanger. Boire d’un trait.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 139. Golden Hipper.
Man gieße 1/2 kleines Weinglas voll
gelbe Chartreuse oder roten Curaçao, 1 Eigelb und
1/2 kleines Weinglas voll Danziger Goldwasser so vor-
sichtig in ein Glas, daß sie sich nicht mischen, und
richte an.
1925 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 79. Golden Slipper.
(Gebrauche ein Pousse-Café- oder Sherryglas.)
1/3 Glas Chartreuse, grün,
1 frisches Eigelb,
1/3 Glas Danziger Goldwasser.
Mit Vorsicht zubereiten.
1926 W. Slagter: Cocktails. Seite 193. Golden Slipper.
1/3 deel Groene of Gele Chartreuse.
Legt hierm voorzichtig een heele eidooier
1/3 Dantziger Goldwasser.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 80. Golden Slipper.
Dans un petit verre à
madère, remplir en parties égales, sans les mé-
langer, de la Chartreuse jaune, un jaune d’œuf
sans le briser et de l’ Eau-de-vie de Dantzig.
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 169. Golden Slipper (Zapatilla de Oro).
1/2 Chartreuse amarillo.
Un huevo.
Llénese el vaso con Eau de Vie de Dantzig.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 42. Golden Slipper.
Place the yolk of a fresh cold egg in half a
wineglass of chartreuse (yellow) and half a
wineglass of Danziger goldwasser in a spiral
or fancy wineglass, in such a manner that the
egg and liqueurs do not mix. (See L’Amour
Pousse, another way, page 45.)
1927 Harry McElhone: Barflies and Cocktails. Seite 33. Golden Slipper.
1/2 glass of Yellow Chartreuse into small wineglass, then
drop one yolk of a Fresh Egg and 1/2 glass Eau de Vie de
(Recipe by Harry Johnson, New Orleans.)
1927 Jean Lupoiu: 370 recettes de cocktails. Seite 45. Golden Slipper.
Dans un petit ballon ou coupe, verser
sans mélanger: 1 jaune d’œuf, 1/3 Char-
treuse Jaune, 1/3 Eau-de-vie de Dantzig.
Ne pas mélanger, boire d’un trait.
1927 Marcel Requien & Lucien Farnoux Reynaud: L’heure du cocktail. Seite 74. Golden-Slipper.
1/2 verre à Madère de
Chartreuse verte, 1 jaune d’œuf, 1/2 Eau de Dantzig.
Même recommandations que précédemment.
Communiqué par Harry Jqnhson (Nouvelle Orléans).
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 55. Golden Slipper.
Into a wineglass pour:
1/2 jigger yellow Chartreuse.
1 yolk of an egg, dropped in without
breaking the yolk.
1/2 jigger Danziger goldwasser.
(Popular lady’s drink.)
1927 Pedro Chicote: El bar americano en España. Seite 127. Golden Slipper.
Prepárese en una copa de las de jerez:
1 yema de huevo fresco.
1/2 copa de chartreuse amarillo.
1/2 – de coldwasser de Dantzig.
Precaución que no se mezcle. Sírvanse pajas.
1927 Piero Grandy: Cocktails. Seite 89. Golden Slipper.
Un demi verre de Chartreuse jaune dans un
petit verre à vin, ajoutez le jaune d’un oeuf
frais, et un demi verre d’Eau de Vie de Dant-
1928 Pero Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 318. Golden-Slipper Pousse-Cafe.
Prepárese en una copa de las de jerez:
1 yema de huevo fresco.
1/2 copa de chartreuse amarillo.
1/2 – de cold Wasser de Dantzig .
Precaución que no se mezcle. Sírvanse pajas.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 80. Golden Slipper.
Dans un petit verre à
madère, remplir en parties égales, sans les mé-
langer, de la Chartreuse jaune, un jaune d’œuf
sans le briser et de l’Eau-de-vie de Dantzig.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 59. Golden Slipper.
Another layer drink but served in a wine-glass. First
one-half glass yellow Chartreuse, the yolk of a fresh cold egg and the
glass filled with Danziger Goldwasser.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 70. Golden Slipper.
Dans le verre n° 10:
1/4 du verre chartreuse jaune.
1 jaune d’œuf sans le briser.
Finir avec Dantzig Goldwasser après avoir agité cette
Ne pas mélanger. Boire d’un trait.
1930 Edgar Baudoin: Les meilleurs cocktails. Seite 10. Golden Slipper.
Dans un petit ballon ou coupe, verser sans mélan-
1 jaune d’œuf, 1/3 Charteuse Jaune, 1/3 eau-de-vie
de Dantzig.
Ne pas mélanger, boire d’un trait.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de cantineros de la Republica de Cuba. Seite 109. Golden Slipper.
Usese copa de Jerez.
1/4 chartreuse amarillo.
Un huevo fresco.
Llénese la copa con Eau de Vie de Dantzig.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 76. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1/2 Liqueur Glass Yellow
The Yolk of 1 Fresh Egg.
1/2 Liqueur Class Eau de Vie
de Danzig.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1930 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 46. Golden Slipper.
1/2 glass of Yellow Chartreuse in to small wine-
glass, then drop one yolk of a Fresh Egg and 1/2 glass
Eau de Vie de Dantzig.
(Recipe by Harry Johnson, New Orleans.)
1930 Pedro Chicote: La ley mojada. Seite 338. Golden-Slipper Pousse-Cafe.
Prepárese en una copa de las de jerez:
1 yema de huevo fresco.
1/2 copa de chartreuse amarillo.
1/2 — de cold Wasser de Dantzig.
Precaución que no se mezcle. Sírvanse pajas.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 141. Golden Slipper.
Chartreuse (Yellow) . . . 1/2 jig. Egg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 yolk
. Goldenwasser . . . . . . . . . to fill
Place Chartreuse in chilled highball glass, into which float unbroken egg
yolk. Add Goldenwasser to fill and serve.
1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: Old Waldorf Bar Days. Seite 193. Golden Slipper.
One-fourth Yellow Chartreuse
One small Egg
Fill with Dantzig
1931 Ignacio Domenech: El arte del cocktelero europeo. Seite 77. Golden-Slipper.
Una tercera parte de copa de Chartreusse amarillo. Aña-
dir luego: Una yema de huevo bien fresca, una tercera parte de
copa de las en que se toma el vino de Madera, de Goldwasser
de Dantzig. Sírvase sin que se mezcle ninguno de estos tres
1932 Niels Larsen: 156 recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 82. Golden Slipper.
[A préparer dans un verre à madère.]
1/3 de verre à madère de chartreuse jaune. Ajou-
1 jaune d’œuf;
1/3 verre à madère de goldwasser de Dantzig.
Servez sans mélanger.
1933 Anonymus: 300 Drinks and How to Mix ‘Em. Seite 21. Golden Slipper.
(A wine glass)
1/2 wine-glass Chartreuse (yellow).
1 yolk of an egg.
1/2 wine-glass Danziger goldwasser.
This is a favorite with American ladies, much rel-
Be careful when preparing this beverage not to dis-
turb the yolk of the egg.
1933 Anonymus: Here’s How to Mix ‘Em. Seite 21. Golden Slipper.
(A wine glass)
1/2 wine-glass Chartreuse (yellow).
1 yolk of an egg.
1/2 wine-glass Danziger goldwasser.
This is a favorite with American ladies, much rel-
Be careful when preparing this beverage not to dis-
turb the yolk of the egg.
1933 Anonymus: Lest We Forget. Seite 46. Golden Slipper.
One-half glass of Yellow Chartreuse into
small wine-glass, then drop one yolk of a
Fresh Egg and one-half glass Eau de Vie de
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 79. Golden Slipper.
Yellow Chartreuse Into a wine glass put 1 1/2 ponies of
Egg Yolk Chartreuse, 1 yolk of egg, and 1 1/2
Dantziger Gold- ponies of Dantziger Goldwasser. The
wasser egg yolk must be unbroken and the
. liqueurs must be separate in the glass.
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 41. Golden Slipper.
(use wineglass)
1/2 wineglass Chartreuse (yellow)
Yolk of egg, unbroken.
1/2 wineglass Danziger Goldwasser.
This is a drink much relished by American
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 153. Golden Slipper.
Chartreuse (Yellow) Egg . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 yolk
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 pony Goldenwasser . . . to fill
Place Chartreuse in chilled highball glass, into which float
unbroken egg yolk. Add Goldenwasser to fill and serve.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 76. Golen Slipper Cocktail.
1/2 Liqueur Glass Yellow
The Yolk of 1 Fresh Egg.
1/2 Liqueur Glass Eau de Vie
de Danzig.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 115. Golden Slipper.
Use wine glass.
One-half wine glass Chartreuse (yellow).
Yolk of 1 egg dropped in without breaking.
One-half wine glass Goldwasser.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 165. Golden Slipper.
(Use sherry glass)
25% yellow chartreuse
1 whole egg
Fill glass with eau-de-vie de Danzig.
1933 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 70. Golden Slipper.
Dans le verre n° 10:
1/4 du verre chartreuse jaune.
1 jaune d’œuf sans le briser.
Finir avec Dantzig Goldwasser après avoir agité cette
Ne pas mélanger. Boire d’un trait.
1935 R. C. Miller: The American Bar Guide. Seite 59. Golden Slipper.
(Use a wine-glass)
1/2 wine-glass chartreuse (yellow), 1 yolk of an egg,
1/2 wine-glass danziger goldwasser. Be careful when preparing
this beverage not to disturb the yolk of the egg.
1934b Tom and Jerry: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 39. Golden Slipper.
(Use wine-glass.)
1/2 wine-glass yellow Chartreuse.
1 yolk of an egg.
1/2 wine-glass Danziger goldwasser.
This is a favorite with American ladies, much
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 306. Golden-Slipper (Der goldene Pantoffel).
(Der goldene Pantoffel) In ein Weinglas gebe:
Originalrezept von 1/2 Cocktailglasvoll
Harry Johnson † Chartreuse, gelb
. 1 Eigelb (im Ganzen)
. 1/2 Danziger Goldwasser
. (die Liköre müssen
. kalt sein)
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 88. Golden Slipper.
. Use Sherry Glass
1/4 Yellow Chartreuse Fill glass with Eau de
1 whole egg Vie de Dantzig
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. Seite 39. Golden Slipper.
(Use wine-glass.)
1/2 wine-glass yellow Chartreuse.
1 yolk of an egg.
1/2 wine-glass Danziger goldwasser.
This is a favorite with American ladies, much
Be careful when preparing this beverage not to
disturb the yolk of the egg.
1934 Harry Jerrold Gordon: Gordon’s Cocktail and Food Recipes. Seite 109. Golden Slipper.
1 Yellow Chartreuse
Add Yolk of 1 Egg
1 Goldwasser
Pour all ingredients into glass slowly so
that they do not mix.
1934 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders’ Manual. Seite 168. Golden Slipper.
(Use a sherry wine glass.)
1/2 wine-glass of chartreuse (yellow);
1 yolk of a fresh cold egg;
1/2 wine-glass of “Danziger Goldwasser.”
The above drink is a great favorite of the ladies
from Southern America, and must be mixed in a very
careful manner, so that the yolk of the egg does not
run into the liquor, and keep its form; use a sherry-
glass in mixing, instead of a spoon (see illustration,
plate No. 13).
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 53. Golden Slipper.
1/2 glass of Yellow Chartreuse into small wineglass,
then drop one yolk of a Fresh Egg and 1/2 glass
Eau de Vie de Dantzig.
(Recipe by Harry Johnson, New Orleans.)
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 102. Mixing a Golden Slipper.
Golden Slippers somehow always put me in mind of the
opera and dazzling beauties stepping into hmousines. At any
rate, the drink is worthy such a vision and here’s how to mix
one: Into a wine glass with tall slender stem, pour not quite
a half portion of yellow Chartreuse Wine and not quite half
portion of Eau de Vie de Danzig, known to many as “Golden
Water.” Now carefully spoon into this a yolk of one egg,
being careful not to break the yolk. Your charming com
panion at the opera will relish this while you, possibly, are
having a Manhattan as your drink.
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 183. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1/2 Liqueur Glass Yellow Chartreuse
Yolk of 1 Fresh Egg
1/2 Liqueur Glass Eau de Vie de Danzig
Shake well in ice and strain into glass.
Use glass number 4
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 80. Golden Slipper.
Chartreuse . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Eau de Vie . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger
. Egg . . . . . . . . . 1/3 of yolk
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 108. Golden Slipper.
One-fourth yellow Chartreuse
One small Egg (sherry glass)
Fill with Eau de Vie de Dantzig
1935 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 18. Golden Slipper.
1/2 wine-glass Chartreuse (Yellow)
1 Yolk of an Egg
1/2 wine-glass Danziger Goldwasser
This is a favorite with American ladies, much relished.
Be careful when preparing this beverage not to disturb the
yolk of the egg.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 84. Golden Slipper.
(Use wine glass)
1 Pony of Yellow Chartreuse
1 Yolk of an egg
1 Pony of Goldwasser
This is much relished by the ladies. Be careful
when preparing this beverage not to break
the yolk of the egg.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 59. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1 Dash Yellow Chartreuse
Yolk of one Fresh Egg
1 Jigger Old Mr. Boston Apri-
cot Nectar
Shake well in ice and strain into 4
oz. Cocktail glass.
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 239. Golden Slipper Flip.
1/2 Pony Yellow Chartreuse
1/2 Eau-de-Vie de Danzig
Yolk Egg— Nutmeg
1936 Anonymus: Cocktails, Drinks and Snacks. Seite 46. Golden Slipper.
2 oz. Yellow Chartreuse
Yolk of one egg
2 oz. Goldwasser
Pour all ingredients into cocktail glass slow so they
do not mix.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 41. Golden Slipper.
1 part Yellow Chartreuse
1 part Eau de Vie de Danzig
The yolk of 1 fresh Egg.
1936 Elvezio Grassi: 1000 misture. Seite 131. Golden slipper (Pantofola di oro).
Si versa in un bicch. a calice
1 Tuorlo d’uovo
25% Chartreuse gialla
45% Eau de Dantzig.
Servite senza mescolare.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 215. Golden Slipper.
1/2 Sherry glass yellow Char- 1 egg yolk
1/2 Sherry glass Danziger Goldwasser
Pour the Chartreuse into the Sherry glass, add the yolk
of the egg, being careful not to break it, and pour the
Danziger Goldwasser on top, slowly and carefully so that
it will not mix with the Chartreuse. Makes 1.
1936 Frank Meier: The Artistry of Mixing Drinks. Seite 32. Golden Slipper.
In cocktail glass: one-third Be-
nedictine, the yolk of an Egg,
one-third Dantziger Wasser.
Ingredients should not mix.
1937 R. de Fleury: And All That. Seite 256. Golden Slipper.
The Golden Slipper is
a South American
Pousse Cafe, well
known in Buenos Ayres.
favourite drink in Ger
It contains:—
The Yolk of a fresh
1/2 Yellow Chartreuse
1/2 Eau de Vie de Dant-
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 165. Golden Slipper.
Usese copa de Jerez.
Cuarta parte chartreuse amarillo.
Un huevo fresco.
Llénese la copa con Eau de Vie de Dant-
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 116. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1/2 Yellow Chartreuse
1 small Egg Yolk
1/2 Goldwasser
Shake well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 74. Golden Slipper.
Dans un verre à cocktail, sans mélanger:
1 jaune d’œuf, 1/2 Chartreuse Jaune,
1/2 Eau-de-vie de Dantzig.
Boire d’un trait.
1938 Krönlein-Beutel: Das Getränkebuch. Seite 136. Golden Slipper.
In ein Stengelglas
1 Mignonglas grünen Chartreuse,
1 Eigelb und
1 Mignonglas Danziger Goldwasser
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 82. Golden Slipper.
1 jaune d’œuf frais.
1/2 verre à liqueur de chartreuse jaune.
1/2 verre à liqueur de dantziger goldwasser
(eau-de-vie de Danzig).
Fort apprécié à Buenos-Aires.
1940 Anonymus: Recipes. Seite 19. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
Use a sherry glass
1/2 glass Danzig Goldwasser
l Egg Yolk
Fill glass with Yellow Chartreuse
Each separate and serve.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 152. Golden Slipper.
The yolk of an egg,
1/6 gill of yellow Chartreuse,
1/6 gill of eau de vie de Danzig (or old brandy).
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 183. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1/2 Liqueur Glass Yellow Chartreuse
Yolk of 1 Fresh Egg
1/2 Liqueur Glass Eau de Vie de Danzig
Shake well in ice and strain into glass.
Use glass number 4
1940 Pedros Talavera: Los secretos del cocktail. Seite 111. Golden Slipper.
En la cocktelera, unos pedacitos de hielo.
1 yema de huevo.
1/2 copa de Chartreuse Amarillo.
1/2 ídem de Kirsch.
Agítese bien y se pasa al vaso núm. 3.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 109. Golden Slipper.
1 Yellow Chartreuse
Add Yolk of 1 Egg
1 Goldwasser
Pour all ingredients into glass slowly so
that they do not mix.
1945 George Garnder: How to be a bartender. Seite 39. Golden Slipper.
Use wineglass.
Yellow Chartreuse, 1/2 wineglass.
Egg, 1 yolk.
Danziger Goldwasser, 1/2 wineglass.
In preparing, do not break the yolk
of egg. (Delicious lady’s drink.)
1945 R. M. Barrows & Betty Stone: 300 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 12. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1/2 Yellow Chartreuse
1 Yolk of an Egg
1/2 Goldwasser
Pour slowly in order named so
they do not mix.
1946 Bill Kelly: The Roving bartender. Seite 33. Golden Slipper.
1/2 oz. yellow chartreuse
1 egg yolk
1/2 oz. good brandy
Put in cocktail glass in order
1946 Lucius Beebe: The Stork Club bar Book. Seite 114. Golden Sipper.
1 pony of yellow chartreuse
1 yolk of egg
1 pony of goldwasser
Pour one pony of yellow chartreuse into
sherry glass. Then drop yolk of egg without
breaking it and then add one pony of goldwasser
on top.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 46. Cold Slipper.
Dans un verre à cocktail sans mélanger:
1 jaune d’œuf: 1/2 Chartreuse jaune; 1/2
Eau de Vie de Dantzig.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 309. Golden-Slipper Pousse-Cafe.
Prepárese en una copa de las de jerez:
Una yema de huevo fresco.
1/2 copa de chartreuse amarillo.
1/2 copa de cold Wasser de Dantzig.
Precaución que no se mezcle. Sírvanse pajas.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 80. Golden Slipper.
Dans un petit verre à
madère, remplir en parties égales, sans les mé-
langer, de la Chartreuse jaune, un jaune d’œuf
sans le briser et de l’Eau-de-vie de Dantzig.
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 234. Golden Slipper.
Fill a sherry glass about 1/3 full
with Yellow Chartreuse; carefully float an egg yolk
on the Chartreuse; then fill the glass to within 3/8″ of
the top with Danziger Goldwasser.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El arte del cantinero. Seite 370. Golden Slipper No. 1.
En copa de Jerez échese:
1 parte de Chartreuse ama-
1 yema de huevo.
1 parte de Goldwasser.
Por ese orden, échense en
la copa suavemente, de ma-
nera que no se mezclen, esos
ingredientes y sírvase.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El arte del cantinero. Seite 370. Golden Slipper No. 2.
En copa de Jerez, póngase:
1/4, de Chartreuse amarillo.
Un huevo fresco.
Llénese la copa con Eau
de Vie de Dantzig.
1948 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 58. Goloden Slipper.
Dans un verre à cocktail, sans mélanger:
1 jaune d’œuf, 1/2 Chartreuse Jaune,
1/2 Eau-de-vie de Dantzig.
Boire d’un trait.
1948 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel 10. Seite 72. Golden Slipper.
Dans le verre n° 10:
1/4 du verre chartreuse jaune.
1 jaune d’œuf sans le briser.
Finir avec Dantzig Goldwasser après avoir agité cette
Ne pas mélanger. Boire d’un trait.
1948 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel 11. Seite 72. Golden Slipper.
Dans le verre n° 10:
1/4 du verre chartreuse jaune.
1 jaune d’œuf sans le briser.
Finir avec Dantzig Goldwasser après avoir agité cette
Ne pas mélanger. Boire d’un trait.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 203. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1/2 oz. green chartreuse 1/2 oz. eau de vie
. 1 egg yolk
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der bar. Seite 364. Golden-Slipper.
In ein Knickebeinglas gebe man 1/3 gelbe Chartreuse,
ein frisches unzerbrochenes Eigelb, und fülle auf mit
Danziger Goldwasser. Die verschiedenen Substanzen
sollen nicht ineinander laufen. (Näheres siehe unter
«Pousse-Cafés»). Mit Saughalmen servieren.
1949 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 72. Golden Slipper.
Dans le verre n° 10:
1/4 du verre chartreuse jaune.
1 jaune d’œuf sans le briser.
Finir avec Dantzig Goldwasser après avoir agité cette
Ne pas mélanger. Boire d’un trait.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 134. Golden Slipper.
1/2 Chartreuse (gelb),
1/2 Danziger Goldwasser,
1/2 Eigelb.
Rühre so vorsichtig mit Eis um,
daß das Eigelb ganz bleibt. Nach
Entfernen des Eises reichst Du im
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 114. Golden Slipper.
Courtesy, Hotel Last Frontier, Las Vegas, Nevada
“Named in honor of our new Golden Slipper Saloon and Gambling
Hall, located in the Last Frontier Village.”
1/4 oz. cream
1 egg yolk
34 oz. brandy
1/4 oz. cherry liqueur
1 barspoon sugar
Shake, serve in cocktail glass.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 77. Golden Slipper.
Dans un verre à cocktail:
1/3 de bénédictine,
Le jaune d’un œuf,
1/3 de Dantziger Wasser.
(Les ingrédients ne doivent pas se mélanger.)
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 152. Golden Slipper.
The yolk of an egg,
1/6 gill of yellow Chartreuse,
1/6 gill of eau de vie de Danzig (or old brandy).
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 74. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Yellow Chartreuse
2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Apricot
Nectar Liqueur
Shake well with cracked Ice and strain
into 4 oz. Cocktail glass. Float Yolk
of Egg on top.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 66. Golden Slipper.
Dans un verre à cocktail, sans mélanger:
1 jaune d’œuf, 1/2 Chartreuse Jaune,
1/2 d’Eau-de-vie de Dantzig.
Boire d’un trait.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 73. Golden Slipper.
1/2 Jigger Yellow Chartreuse
1/2 Jigger Eau de Vie Danzig
1 Egg Yolk
Shake well with ice and strain
into glass.
1957 Henry Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 143. Golden Slipper.
1 jaune d’œuf entier
1/3 Chartreuse
1/3 Old Brandy
(vieux cognac)
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 409. Golden Slipper.
Dans un verre à Knickebein mettre 1/3 chartreuse jaune, un jaune
d’œuf non brisé et finir de remplir avec eau-de-vie de Dantzig (Dan-
ziger Goldwasser). Les diverses substances ne doivent pas se mélan-
ger. Servir avec pailles. Pour de plus amples détails voir sous
pousse-cafés. (Voir l’illustration en couleur.)
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 29. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
3/4 ounce yellow Chartreuse 1 egg yolk
3/4 ounce brandy
Shake with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 97. Golden Slipper.
(Harry Johnson)
Verre à Knickebein. 1/3 chartreuse jaune,
un jaune d’oeuf non brisé. Remplir avec
eau-de-vie de Dantzig. Voir l’illustration
en couleur.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
Sherry or Cocktail Glass
1/2 Jigger Yellow Chartreuse
Yolk of 1 Egg
1/2 Jigger Gold Wasser
Do not break egg yolk.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 110. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
3/4 ounce yellow Chartreuse
2 ounces apricot brandy
1 egg yolk
Stir Chartreuse and apricot brandy with ice cubes. Strain
into chilled cocktail glass. Float egg yolk on top.
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 37. Golden Slipper Cocktail.
1 jigger yellow chartreuse
1 yolk of an egg
1/2 jigger Danziger Goldwasser
Pour into a sherry glass
slowly in order named so as
to float egg on top of the char-
treuse, then pour in gold-
wasser so that ingredients do
not mix.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 110. Golden Slipper.
1/3 gin
1/3 advokaat
1/3 orange juice
1 teaspoon sugar
1 dash egg white
Lucien Quesnell.
1st Prize, Canadian National
Cocktail Competition, 1969.
Avenue Hotel, Espanola, Ontario,
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete Barguide. Seite 295. Golden Slipper.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-3/4 oz apricot brandy
3/4 oz Yellow Chartreuse
Float egg yolk on top
Variation Shake
3/4 oz Yellow (or Green)
3/4 oz Eau de Vie Danzig
1 egg yolk
Variation Build
1 oz Bénédictine
Drop in 1 egg yolk
Float 1 oz goldwasser
1979 Fred Powell: The Bartender’s Standard Manual. Seite 39. Golden Slipper.
1/2 jigger Yellow Chartreuse
1/2 jigger Eau de Vie de Danzig
1 Egg Yolk
Shake with ice and strain.
explicit capitulum