The Diki-Diki uses only three ingredients, Calvados, Swedish Punch and grapefruit juice, and some see it as a pre-Tiki drink.
40 ml Chateau de Breuil VSOP Calvados 20 ml Revolte Swedish Punch 20 ml Pink-Grapefruit-Saft
Preparation: Shaken.
Alternatively and currently preferred by us:
40 ml Destillerie Onsen Goldparmäne 20 ml Carlshamns Flaggpunsch 20 ml Pink-Grapefruit juice 2 grapefruit zests
Preparation: shaken with the zest, 3 ice cubes, 8 seconds (24 times)
The Evening Herald, 7. December 1921, Section 2, page 3. Around the world with the camera man. [1]
The Diki-Diki is a mixed drink by Robert Vermeire. He first published the recipe in his book “Cocktails”, published in 1922. He uses two parts Calvados and one part each grapefruit juice and Caloric Punch.
The Swedish East India Company began importing arrack in 1733. This quickly became popular, especially among the rich who could afford imported spirits and teas to make punch with. In 1845, the wine import company J. Cederlunds Söner started selling pre-mixed punch in bottles. Several other producers quickly followed, also in northern Germany. Usually, a Swedish Punch consists of a spirit such as arrack, brandy or rum, mixed with tea, lemon, spices, sugar and water. Historical variants of this punch were also called Military Punch, Arrack Punch and Caloric Punch. [2]
Fortunately, Robert Vermeire also gives an explanation of the Diki-Diki. He writes: “Diki-Diki is the chief monarch of the Island Ubian (Southern Philippines), who is now 37 years old, weighs 23 lb., and his height is 32 in. The author introduced this cocktail at the Embassy Club in London, February, 1922.”[3-27]
Besides this version, there are rarely other variants, for example with gin instead of Calvados, or even a mixture of lemon, Charteuse, Swedish Punch, Calvados and Cointreau. They are called Diki-Diki, but they are not. Sometimes the Diki-Diki appears under a different name and is called Dick Molnar.
Today, the Diki-Diki is probably mainly served in Tiki bars, and there is also a debate about whether it is a Tiki drink, although it pre-dates the Tiki era. [4] But actually it doesn’t matter, because to put it in the words of Dieter Krebs: ‘s muß schmegge (“It must taste”, a quote from a sketch) – and this it does.
The grapefruits available today are fundamentally different from those we remember from our childhood. Back then they were very bitter, but today the sweetness predominates and there is hardly any bitterness left. This naturally has an impact on the preparation of this mixed drink. It becomes somewhat flat and watery with modern grapefruits. To get closer to the original, we follow Jenny and Andreas Berg from the ‘MIRABEAU bar’ in Freiburg, who shake two grapefruit zests into their recipe. This gives the drink more flavour and depth and improves it immensely.
1922 Robert Vermeire: Cocktails. Seite 27. Diki-Diki.
Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add: 1/4 gill of Calvados. 1/8 gill of Caloric Punch. 1/8 gill of Grape Fruit Juice. Shake well and strain into a cocktail-glass. Diki-Diki is the chief monarch of the Island Ubian (Southern Philippines), who is now 37 years old, weighs 23 lb., and his height is 32 in. The author introduced this cocktail at the Embassy Club in London, February, 1922.
1923 Harry McElhone: „Harry“ of Ciro’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 28. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Punch (Swedish Punch), 1/6 Grape Fruit juice. (This is a very popular cocktail in London by “Robert,” the well known bar-tender.)
1924 Carlo Beltramo: Les cocktails et les boissons américaines. Seite 28. Diki Diki cocktail.
Se prépare dans un grand gobelet à moitié rempli de glace en morceaux : 1/4 dl. de cal- vados, 1/8 dl. de calorie punch. 1/8 dl. de jus de Crape Frut. — Bien secouer dans le shaker à moitié rempli de glace et verser dans le verre à cocktail.
1925 Anonymus: About Town Cocktail Book. Seite 12. Diki-Diki.
This cocktail was invented by the bar steward of the Embassy Club, London, and was introduced there in 1922. Diki-Diki, he declares, is the chief monarch of the island Ubian. He weighs 23 pounds and is only 32 inches in height. Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add: 1/4 gill of Calvados 1/8 gill of Caloric Punch 1/8 gill of Grape Fruit Juice Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass.
1925 „Robert“ Buckby & George Stone: The Buckstone Book of Cocktails. Seite 22. Dikki Dikki Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Punch, 1/6 grape fruit juice. Shake and strain.
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 35. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Punch (Cederlund’s Swedish Punch), 1/6 Grape Fruit juice. (This is a very popular cocktail in London by “Robert,” the well known bar-tender.)
1927 Harry McElhone: Barflies and Cocktails. Seite 24. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Punch (Swedish Punch), 1/6 Grape Fruit Juice. (This is a very popular cocktail In London by “Robert,” the well-known bartender.)
1927 Jean Lupoiu: 370 recettes de cocktails. Seite 33. Dinky-Dinky Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Swedish Punch, 1/6 jus de raisin.
1927 Marcel Requien & Lucien Farnoux Reynaud: L’Heure du Cocktail. Seite 54. Diki-Diki.
1/3 Calvados, 1/3 Rhum, 1/3 jus d’orange. Shaker. Zeste d’orange. Communiqué par Robert (Londres).
1927 Piero Grandi: Cocktails. Seite 33. Diki Diki Cocktail.
2/3 de Calvados, 1/6 de Caloric Punch, (Punch Suédois), 1/5 de jus de raisin.
1929 Anonymus: Cocktails de Paris préséntes par RIP. Diki.
1/4 Gordon Gin 1/4 Izarra verte 1/4 Dubonnet 1/8 Grand Marnier, cordon rouge 1/8 Armagnac « Clos des Ducs » RÉMY et GASTON, du « Bœuf sur le Toit »
1929 Judge Jr.: Here’s How Again. Seite 13. Eve’s Apple.
1/3 Applejack 1/3 Grapefruit juice 1/3 Caloric Punch
1930 F. Koki: Cocktails. Diki-Diki-Cocktail.
Gebrauche Schüttelbecher mit Eis. 2/3 Glas Calvados, 1/6 ” Caloric Punch, 1/6 ” Grape-Fruit-Juice. Kräftig schütteln, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 59. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
1/6 Grape Fruit Juice. 1/6 Swedish Punch. 2/3 Calvados. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1930 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 35. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Punch (Cederlund’s Swedish Punch), 1/6 Grape Fruit Juice. (This is a very popular cochtail in London by “Robert” the well-known Bartender.)
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 35. Diki Diki.
1931 Dominique Migliorero: L’Art du Shaker. Seite 21. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
1/6 Swedisch Punch, 1/6 Grape Fruit Juice, 2/3 Calvados. (Recette de « Robert Vermeire », le sympathique proprié- taire du Robert’s-Bar, à Le Zoute, Belgique.)
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails. Seite 59. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Punch, 1/6 Grape Fruit Juice.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 29. Diki Diki.
1933 Harry Cradock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 59. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
1/6 Grape Fruit Juice. 1/6 Swedish Punch. 2/3 Calvados. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 171. Diki-Diki-Cocktail.
Originalrezept von 1/4 Grapefruchtsaft Robert Vermeire 1/4 Schwedenpunsch Bartender, London 1922 1/2 Calvados (Embassy-CIub). Sch-B. [Schüttel-Becher] Diki-Diki ist der Name des Herrschers einer der Philip- pinen-Inseln, der 37jährig nur 23 Pfund wog und dabei 81 Centimeter groß war.
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 42. Diki-Diki.
1/6 Swedish Punch 2/3 Applejack 1/6 Graprefruit juice
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 43. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Punch (Cederlund’s Swedish Punch), 1/6 Grape Fruit Juice. (This is a very popular cocktail in London by “Robert,” the well-known bar-tender.)
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 178. Dick Molnar Cocktail.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice 1/6 Swedish Punch 2/3 Calvados Stir well in ice and strain into glass. Use glass number 1
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 60. Diki Diki.
1935 O. Blunier: The Bakeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 94. Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados 1/6 Swedish Punch 1/6 Grapefruit Juice
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 36. Diki-Diki.
1 part Grapefruit Juice 1 part Swedish Punch 4 parts Calvados.
1936 Elvezio Grassi: 1000 Misture. Seite 38. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
(Serie Craddock). Agitare nel shaker con ghiaccio: 15% Grappa 15% Punch Svedese 70% Calvados. Servite.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 199. Diki-Diki.
4 glasses apple brandy 1 glass Swedish Punch . 1 glass grapefruit juice
1936 Frank Meier: The Artistry of Mixing Drinks. Seite 29. Diki-Diki.
In shaker: one-sixth unsweet- ened Grape Fruit juice, one- sixth Swedish Punch, two- thirds Apple Jack or Calva- dos; shake well and serve.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 214. Diki Diki Cocktail.
Usese la cocktelera. Unos pedacitos de hielo. 8 gotas de jugo de limón. 10 gotas de Chartreuse. 1/6 parte de Swedish Punch. 2/6 parte de Calvados. 3/6 parte de Cointrerau. Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 90 gramos.
1937 Anonymus: Here’s How. Seite 22. Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados 1/6 Caloric Punch 1/6 Grape Fruit Juice
1937 United Kingdom bartenders Guild: Approved Cocktails. Diki-Diki.
16 2/3 % Grape Fruit Juice. 16 2/3 % Swedish Punch. 66 2/3 % Calvados. Shake and strain into cocktail glass.
1937 William J. Tarling: Café Royal Cocktail Book. Diki-Diki.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice. 1/6 Swedish Punch. 2/3 Calvados. Shake and strain into cocktail glass.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 109. Diki-Diki Cocktail – No. 1.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice 1/6 Swedish Punch 2/3 Calvados Brandy Shake well Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 109. Diki-Diki Cocktail – No. 2.
1 pony Calvados 1/4 jigger Caloric Punch 1/4 jigger Grape Fruit Juice Shake well Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 58. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
Dans le shaker: 1/6 de jus de Grape fruit Dr Philips, 1/6 Swedish Punch, 2/3 de Calvados. Agiter et servir.
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 26. Diki-Diki.
Au shaker: 1/2 calvados. 1/4 caloric punch. 1/4 jus de pamplemousse.
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 178. Dick Molnar Cocktail.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice 1/6 Swedish Punch 2/3 Calvados Stir well in ice and strain into glass. Use glass number 1
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien cocktails. Seite 34. Diki Diki-Cocktail.
Póngase en la cocktelera unos pedacitos de hielo y añadir: 2/3 Calvados 1/6 Caloric Punch 1/6 Jugo Grape Fruit Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail. — Fórmula de «Robert», del Embassy Club. Londres. —
1946 Bill Kelly: The Roving Bartender. Seite 31. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
1 oz. Calvados 1/2 oz. Swedish Punch 1/4 oz. Grapefruit juice Stir. Use applejack in place of Calvados if necessary.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 38. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 227. Diki-Diki.
1 part Grapefruit Juice 1 part Gin 4 parts Applejack Shake with crushed ice. This is a very dry cocktail. Another version of the Diki-Diki, not so dry, calls for Swedish Punch in place of the gin. If this is used, the quantity should be re- duced to about 1/2 part. Otherwise, the cocktail will be too sweet.
1948 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 45. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
Dans le shaker: 1/6 de jus de Grape fruit, 1/6 Swedish Punch, 2/3 de Calvados. Agiter et servir.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 72. Diki Diki Cocktail.
1 oz. calvados 1/4 oz. Swedish Punch . 1/4 oz. grapefruit juice Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1949 Emile Bauwens: Livre de cocktails. Seite 39. Diki-Diki cocktail.
1/2 Calvados – 1/4 Calorie Punch – 1/4 Jus Pamplemousse – Frapper au shaker et passer dans un verre à cocktail.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 340. Diki-Diki-Cocktail.
1/6 Grapefruit-Saft, 1/6 Schwedenpunsch, 2/3 Calvados. Kurz schütteln.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 71. Diki-Diki.
Dans le shaker: 1/6 de jus de pamplemousse, 1/6 de Swedish Punch, 2/3 d’Apple Jack ou de calvados, Bien frapper et servir.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 123. Diki-Diki.
1/6 dry gin 1/6 grapefruit juice 2/3 applejack Ice and shake.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G Guide to Drinks. Seite 61. Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados. 1/6 Swedish Punch. 1/6 Grapefruit Juice. Shake and Strain.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 235. Diki-Diki.
1 part Grapefruit Juice 1 part Gin 4 parts Applejack Shake with crushed ice. This is a very dry cocktail. Another version of the Diki-Diki, not so calls dry, calls for Swedish Punch in place of the gin. If this is used, the quantity should be reduced to about 1/2 part. Otherwise, the cocktail will be too sweet.
1954 Eddie Clark: King Cocktail. Seite 32. Diki-Diki.
1/2 Calvados 1/4 Swedish Punch 1/4 Grapefruit Juice Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G Guide to Drinks. Seite 61. Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados. 1/6 Swedish Punch. 1/6 Grapefruit Juice. Shake and Strain.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 53. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
Dans le shaker: 1/6 de jus de Grape fruit, 1/6 Swedish Punch, 2/3 de Calvados. Agiter et servir.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 30. Dick Molnar or Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados or Apple Brandy 1/6 Swedish Punch 1/6 Grapefruit Juice Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 38. Diki-Diki.
Shaker, glace 2/3 Calvados 1/6 Punch suédois 1/6 jus de pamplemousse frais Bien frapper au shaker et passer dans verre à cocktail. Mélangeur électr.: voir note.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G Guide to Drinks. Seite 61. Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados. 1/6 Swedish Punch. 1/6 Grapefruit Juice. Shake and Strain.
1963 Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. Seite 92. Diki Diki.
1 measure Calvados 1/2 measure Swedish punch 1/2 measure grapefruit juice Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.
Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. 1963, page 92. Diki Diki.
1964 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 137. Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados. 1/6 Swedish Punch. 1/6 jugo de toronja. Cocktelera.
1964 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 180. Diki-Diki.
. 2/3 Calvados. Batido. 1/6 Swedisch Punch. Servir en copa de 90 1/6 Jugo de toronja. gramos.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 75. Diki Diki.
2/3 Boulard Calvados 1/6 Schwedenpunsch 1/6 Grapefruitsaft im shaker mit Eis schütteln, ab= seihen
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G Guide to Drinks. Seite 65. Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados. 1/6 Swedish Punch. 1/6 Grapefruit Juice. SHAKER.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 393. Diki Diki Cocktail.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Diki Biki.
(Shake) Cocktail Glass (Chill) Mixing Glass, Fine Ice 1 Jigger Grapefruit Juice 1/2 ” Gin 1 ” Applejack Brandy Shake and strain.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 49. Diki-Diki.
2/3 calvados 1/6 Swedish punch 1/6 grapefruit juice Shaker
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 59. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
1/6 Grape Fruit Juice. 1/6 Swedish Punch. 2/3 Calvados. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete bar Guide. Seite 269. Dick Molnar (or Diki Diki).
Cocktail Glass Stir 2 oz Calvados or apple brandy 1/4 oz Swedish Punch 1/4 oz grapefruit juice
2009 Ted Haigh: Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails. Seite 113. Diki-Diki Cocktail. 4,5 cl Calvados; 1,5 cl Swedish Punsch; 2 cl grapefruit juice.
2016 André Darlington & Tenaya Darlington: The New Cocktail Hour. Seite 98. Diki-Diki. 60 ml Calvados; 30 ml Kronan Swedish Punsch; 30 ml grapefruit juice; garnish: apple sice.
40 ml Chateau de Breuil VSOP Calvados
20 ml Revolte Swedish Punch
20 ml Pink-Grapefruit-Saft
Preparation: Shaken.
Alternatively and currently preferred by us:
40 ml Destillerie Onsen Goldparmäne
20 ml Carlshamns Flaggpunsch
20 ml Pink-Grapefruit juice
2 grapefruit zests
Preparation: shaken with the zest, 3 ice cubes, 8 seconds (24 times)
The Diki-Diki is a mixed drink by Robert Vermeire. He first published the recipe in his book “Cocktails”, published in 1922. He uses two parts Calvados and one part each grapefruit juice and Caloric Punch.
The Swedish East India Company began importing arrack in 1733. This quickly became popular, especially among the rich who could afford imported spirits and teas to make punch with. In 1845, the wine import company J. Cederlunds Söner started selling pre-mixed punch in bottles. Several other producers quickly followed, also in northern Germany. Usually, a Swedish Punch consists of a spirit such as arrack, brandy or rum, mixed with tea, lemon, spices, sugar and water. Historical variants of this punch were also called Military Punch, Arrack Punch and Caloric Punch. [2]
Fortunately, Robert Vermeire also gives an explanation of the Diki-Diki. He writes: “Diki-Diki is the chief monarch of the Island Ubian (Southern Philippines), who is now 37 years old, weighs 23 lb., and his height is 32 in. The author introduced this cocktail at the Embassy Club in London, February, 1922.” [3-27]
Besides this version, there are rarely other variants, for example with gin instead of Calvados, or even a mixture of lemon, Charteuse, Swedish Punch, Calvados and Cointreau. They are called Diki-Diki, but they are not. Sometimes the Diki-Diki appears under a different name and is called Dick Molnar.
Today, the Diki-Diki is probably mainly served in Tiki bars, and there is also a debate about whether it is a Tiki drink, although it pre-dates the Tiki era. [4] But actually it doesn’t matter, because to put it in the words of Dieter Krebs: ‘s muß schmegge (“It must taste”, a quote from a sketch) – and this it does.
The grapefruits available today are fundamentally different from those we remember from our childhood. Back then they were very bitter, but today the sweetness predominates and there is hardly any bitterness left. This naturally has an impact on the preparation of this mixed drink. It becomes somewhat flat and watery with modern grapefruits. To get closer to the original, we follow Jenny and Andreas Berg from the ‘MIRABEAU bar’ in Freiburg, who shake two grapefruit zests into their recipe. This gives the drink more flavour and depth and improves it immensely.
Historical recipes
1922 Robert Vermeire: Cocktails. Seite 27. Diki-Diki.
Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and
1/4 gill of Calvados.
1/8 gill of Caloric Punch.
1/8 gill of Grape Fruit Juice.
Shake well and strain into a cocktail-glass.
Diki-Diki is the chief monarch of the
Island Ubian (Southern Philippines), who is
now 37 years old, weighs 23 lb., and his
height is 32 in.
The author introduced this cocktail at the
Embassy Club in London, February, 1922.
1923 Harry McElhone: „Harry“ of Ciro’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 28. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Punch (Swedish Punch),
1/6 Grape Fruit juice.
(This is a very popular cocktail in London by
“Robert,” the well known bar-tender.)
1924 Carlo Beltramo: Les cocktails et les boissons américaines. Seite 28. Diki Diki cocktail.
Se prépare dans un grand gobelet à moitié
rempli de glace en morceaux : 1/4 dl. de cal-
vados, 1/8 dl. de calorie punch. 1/8 dl. de
jus de Crape Frut. — Bien secouer dans le
shaker à moitié rempli de glace et verser dans
le verre à cocktail.
1925 Anonymus: About Town Cocktail Book. Seite 12. Diki-Diki.
This cocktail was invented by the bar steward of the Embassy
Club, London, and was introduced there in 1922. Diki-Diki, he
declares, is the chief monarch of the island Ubian. He weighs 23
pounds and is only 32 inches in height.
Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add:
1/4 gill of Calvados
1/8 gill of Caloric Punch
1/8 gill of Grape Fruit Juice
Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass.
1925 „Robert“ Buckby & George Stone: The Buckstone Book of Cocktails. Seite 22. Dikki Dikki Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Punch, 1/6 grape fruit
Shake and strain.
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 35. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Punch (Cederlund’s Swedish
Punch), 1/6 Grape Fruit juice.
(This is a very popular cocktail in London by
“Robert,” the well known bar-tender.)
1927 Harry McElhone: Barflies and Cocktails. Seite 24. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Punch (Swedish Punch), 1/6
Grape Fruit Juice.
(This is a very popular cocktail In London by “Robert,”
the well-known bartender.)
1927 Jean Lupoiu: 370 recettes de cocktails. Seite 33. Dinky-Dinky Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Swedish Punch,
1/6 jus de raisin.
1927 Marcel Requien & Lucien Farnoux Reynaud: L’Heure du Cocktail. Seite 54. Diki-Diki.
1/3 Calvados, 1/3 Rhum, 1/3 jus
d’orange. Shaker. Zeste d’orange.
Communiqué par Robert (Londres).
1927 Piero Grandi: Cocktails. Seite 33. Diki Diki Cocktail.
2/3 de Calvados, 1/6 de Caloric Punch, (Punch
Suédois), 1/5 de jus de raisin.
1929 Anonymus: Cocktails de Paris préséntes par RIP. Diki.
1/4 Gordon Gin
1/4 Izarra verte
1/4 Dubonnet
1/8 Grand Marnier, cordon rouge
1/8 Armagnac « Clos des Ducs »
du « Bœuf sur le Toit »
1929 Judge Jr.: Here’s How Again. Seite 13. Eve’s Apple.
1/3 Applejack
1/3 Grapefruit juice
1/3 Caloric Punch
1930 F. Koki: Cocktails. Diki-Diki-Cocktail.
Gebrauche Schüttelbecher mit Eis.
2/3 Glas Calvados,
1/6 ” Caloric Punch,
1/6 ” Grape-Fruit-Juice.
Kräftig schütteln, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas.
1930 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 59. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
1/6 Grape Fruit Juice.
1/6 Swedish Punch.
2/3 Calvados.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1930 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 35. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Punch (Cederlund’s Swedish
Punch), 1/6 Grape Fruit Juice.
(This is a very popular cochtail in London by
“Robert” the well-known Bartender.)
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 35. Diki Diki.
Calvados . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Caloric . . . . . . . . 1/4 jigger
. Grapefruit . . . . . . 1/4 jigger
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1931 Dominique Migliorero: L’Art du Shaker. Seite 21. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
1/6 Swedisch Punch, 1/6 Grape Fruit Juice, 2/3 Calvados.
(Recette de « Robert Vermeire », le sympathique proprié-
taire du Robert’s-Bar, à Le Zoute, Belgique.)
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails. Seite 59. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Punch,
1/6 Grape Fruit Juice.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 29. Diki Diki.
Calvados . . . . . . . 1 pony Caloric . . . . . . . 1/4 jigger
. Grapefruit . . . . . . . 1/4 jigger
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and
1933 Harry Cradock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 59. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
1/6 Grape Fruit Juice.
1/6 Swedish Punch.
2/3 Calvados.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 171. Diki-Diki-Cocktail.
Originalrezept von 1/4 Grapefruchtsaft
Robert Vermeire 1/4 Schwedenpunsch
Bartender, London 1922 1/2 Calvados
(Embassy-CIub). Sch-B. [Schüttel-Becher]
Diki-Diki ist der Name des
Herrschers einer der Philip-
pinen-Inseln, der 37jährig nur
23 Pfund wog und dabei 81
Centimeter groß war.
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 42. Diki-Diki.
1/6 Swedish Punch
2/3 Applejack
1/6 Graprefruit juice
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 43. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
2/3 Calvados, 1/6 Caloric Punch (Cederlund’s Swedish
Punch), 1/6 Grape Fruit Juice.
(This is a very popular cocktail in London by
“Robert,” the well-known bar-tender.)
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 178. Dick Molnar Cocktail.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice
1/6 Swedish Punch
2/3 Calvados
Stir well in ice and strain into glass.
Use glass number 1
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 60. Diki Diki.
Calvados . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Caloric . . . . . . . . 1/4 jigger
. Grapefruit . . . . . . 1/4 jigger
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1935 O. Blunier: The Bakeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 94. Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados
1/6 Swedish Punch
1/6 Grapefruit Juice
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 36. Diki-Diki.
1 part Grapefruit Juice
1 part Swedish Punch
4 parts Calvados.
1936 Elvezio Grassi: 1000 Misture. Seite 38. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
Agitare nel shaker con ghiaccio:
15% Grappa
15% Punch Svedese
70% Calvados.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 199. Diki-Diki.
4 glasses apple brandy 1 glass Swedish Punch
. 1 glass grapefruit juice
1936 Frank Meier: The Artistry of Mixing Drinks. Seite 29. Diki-Diki.
In shaker: one-sixth unsweet-
ened Grape Fruit juice, one-
sixth Swedish Punch, two-
thirds Apple Jack or Calva-
dos; shake well and serve.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 214. Diki Diki Cocktail.
Usese la cocktelera.
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
8 gotas de jugo de limón.
10 gotas de Chartreuse.
1/6 parte de Swedish Punch.
2/6 parte de Calvados.
3/6 parte de Cointrerau.
Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en copa de 90
1937 Anonymus: Here’s How. Seite 22. Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados
1/6 Caloric Punch
1/6 Grape Fruit Juice
1937 United Kingdom bartenders Guild: Approved Cocktails. Diki-Diki.
16 2/3 % Grape Fruit Juice.
16 2/3 % Swedish Punch.
66 2/3 % Calvados.
Shake and strain into cocktail glass.
1937 William J. Tarling: Café Royal Cocktail Book. Diki-Diki.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice.
1/6 Swedish Punch.
2/3 Calvados.
Shake and strain into cocktail glass.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 109. Diki-Diki Cocktail – No. 1.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice
1/6 Swedish Punch
2/3 Calvados Brandy
Shake well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 109. Diki-Diki Cocktail – No. 2.
1 pony Calvados
1/4 jigger Caloric Punch
1/4 jigger Grape Fruit Juice
Shake well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 58. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
Dans le shaker:
1/6 de jus de Grape fruit Dr Philips,
1/6 Swedish Punch, 2/3 de Calvados.
Agiter et servir.
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 26. Diki-Diki.
Au shaker:
1/2 calvados.
1/4 caloric punch.
1/4 jus de pamplemousse.
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 178. Dick Molnar Cocktail.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice
1/6 Swedish Punch
2/3 Calvados
Stir well in ice and strain into glass.
Use glass number 1
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien cocktails. Seite 34. Diki Diki-Cocktail.
Póngase en la cocktelera unos pedacitos
de hielo y añadir:
2/3 Calvados
1/6 Caloric Punch
1/6 Jugo Grape Fruit
Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
— Fórmula de «Robert», del Embassy Club. Londres. —
1946 Bill Kelly: The Roving Bartender. Seite 31. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
1 oz. Calvados
1/2 oz. Swedish Punch
1/4 oz. Grapefruit juice
Stir. Use applejack in place
of Calvados if necessary.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 38. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
1/6 jus de grappe fruit; 1/6 Sweedisch
Punch; 2/3 Calvados.
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 227. Diki-Diki.
1 part Grapefruit Juice
1 part Gin
4 parts Applejack
Shake with crushed ice.
This is a very dry cocktail. Another version of the
Diki-Diki, not so dry, calls for Swedish Punch in place
of the gin. If this is used, the quantity should be re-
duced to about 1/2 part. Otherwise, the cocktail will
be too sweet.
1948 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 45. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
Dans le shaker:
1/6 de jus de Grape fruit, 1/6 Swedish
Punch, 2/3 de Calvados.
Agiter et servir.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 72. Diki Diki Cocktail.
1 oz. calvados 1/4 oz. Swedish Punch
. 1/4 oz. grapefruit juice
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1949 Emile Bauwens: Livre de cocktails. Seite 39. Diki-Diki cocktail.
1/2 Calvados –
1/4 Calorie Punch –
1/4 Jus Pamplemousse –
Frapper au shaker et passer dans un
verre à cocktail.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 340. Diki-Diki-Cocktail.
1/6 Grapefruit-Saft, 1/6 Schwedenpunsch, 2/3 Calvados.
Kurz schütteln.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 71. Diki-Diki.
Dans le shaker:
1/6 de jus de pamplemousse,
1/6 de Swedish Punch,
2/3 d’Apple Jack ou de calvados,
Bien frapper et servir.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 123. Diki-Diki.
1/6 dry gin
1/6 grapefruit juice
2/3 applejack
Ice and shake.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G Guide to Drinks. Seite 61. Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados.
1/6 Swedish Punch.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice.
Shake and Strain.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 235. Diki-Diki.
1 part Grapefruit Juice
1 part Gin
4 parts Applejack
Shake with crushed ice.
This is a very dry cocktail. Another version of the Diki-Diki, not so calls dry, calls for Swedish Punch in place of the gin. If this is used, the quantity should be reduced to about 1/2 part. Otherwise, the cocktail will be too sweet.
1954 Eddie Clark: King Cocktail. Seite 32. Diki-Diki.
1/2 Calvados
1/4 Swedish Punch
1/4 Grapefruit Juice
Shake and strain into a
cocktail glass.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G Guide to Drinks. Seite 61. Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados.
1/6 Swedish Punch.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice.
Shake and Strain.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 53. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
Dans le shaker:
1/6 de jus de Grape fruit, 1/6 Swedish
Punch, 2/3 de Calvados.
Agiter et servir.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 30. Dick Molnar or Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados or Apple Brandy
1/6 Swedish Punch
1/6 Grapefruit Juice
Stir well with ice and strain into
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 38. Diki-Diki.
Shaker, glace
2/3 Calvados
1/6 Punch suédois
1/6 jus de pamplemousse frais
Bien frapper au shaker et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Mélangeur électr.: voir note.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G Guide to Drinks. Seite 61. Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados.
1/6 Swedish Punch.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice.
Shake and Strain.
1963 Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. Seite 92. Diki Diki.
1 measure Calvados
1/2 measure Swedish punch
1/2 measure grapefruit juice
Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.
1964 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 137. Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados.
1/6 Swedish Punch.
1/6 jugo de toronja.
1964 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 180. Diki-Diki.
. 2/3 Calvados.
Batido. 1/6 Swedisch Punch.
Servir en copa de 90 1/6 Jugo de toronja.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 75. Diki Diki.
2/3 Boulard Calvados
1/6 Schwedenpunsch
1/6 Grapefruitsaft
im shaker mit Eis schütteln, ab=
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G Guide to Drinks. Seite 65. Diki-Diki.
2/3 Calvados.
1/6 Swedish Punch.
1/6 Grapefruit Juice.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 393. Diki Diki Cocktail.
1/6 jus de pamplemousse, 1/6 punch suédois, 2/3 calvados. Agiter
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 80. Diki Diki Cocktail.
(Robert Vermeire)
Shaker. 1/6 jus de pamplemousse, 1/6 punch
suédois, 2/3 calvados.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Diki Biki.
Cocktail Glass (Chill)
Mixing Glass, Fine Ice
1 Jigger Grapefruit Juice
1/2 ” Gin
1 ” Applejack Brandy
Shake and strain.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 49. Diki-Diki.
2/3 calvados
1/6 Swedish punch
1/6 grapefruit juice
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 59. Diki-Diki Cocktail.
1/6 Grape Fruit Juice.
1/6 Swedish Punch.
2/3 Calvados.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones’ Complete bar Guide. Seite 269. Dick Molnar (or Diki Diki).
Cocktail Glass Stir
2 oz Calvados or apple brandy
1/4 oz Swedish Punch
1/4 oz grapefruit juice
2009 Ted Haigh: Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails. Seite 113. Diki-Diki Cocktail. 4,5 cl Calvados; 1,5 cl Swedish Punsch; 2 cl grapefruit juice.
2016 André Darlington & Tenaya Darlington: The New Cocktail Hour. Seite 98. Diki-Diki. 60 ml Calvados; 30 ml Kronan Swedish Punsch; 30 ml grapefruit juice; garnish: apple sice.
explicit capitulum